Rating of insurance companies by insurance payments. Which insurance company is better for comprehensive insurance? Analysis of company services

Every day the number of car owners resorting to insuring their vehicles under the CASCO program is increasing. Some do this out of necessity (when buying a car on credit, this procedure is mandatory), others - wanting to protect their car as much as possible from all sorts of risks. But, regardless of the reason for purchasing a policy, everyone is only interested in where it is better to get CASCO insurance in 2020.

First of all, it should be noted that you should not be inclined to choose “penny” products from insurers unknown to anyone. Most likely they will just collect insurance premiums from several dozen clients and will “close their shop” by declaring bankruptcy. Then, in the event of an insured event, the car owner will simply have nowhere to turn for compensation for damage.

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To prevent the above situations from arising and to make it easier for potential clients of insurance companies to decide where it is better to insure under CASCO insurance in 2020, the following table should be presented. It lists the top 20 insurers that have proven themselves to be the best.

Here you can study information about the number of refusals to compensate for damages:

Name of insurance company Collections, billion rubles Average cost, rub. Average payout, rub. Failure rate, %
29,869 65939 53887 2,84
28,121 63668 48244 3,84
25,069 49009 64912 3,48
14,835 57943 63039 7,84
13,122 58312 67405 3,36
12,615 73659 68537 3,90
9,171 58046 75269 3,04
6,751 64489 72847 5,18
3,982 57045 60888 9,36
ERGO 3,962 71119 80438 6,45
3,457 45059 64814 4,96
Energy guarantor 2,798 72672 65894 9,55
Yugoria 2,210 37439 66916 2,90
Zetta Insurance 2,138 32838 65454 4,19
2,051 48267 54183 3,19
Liberty 1,483 58869 70151 0,76
United 1,381 53680 52501 8,91
1,339 40385 73130 2,69
Transneft 1,320 214110 48280 7,48
Independence 1,266 71643 94130 2,51

But you shouldn’t rely only on this rating; it’s better to make your own list of the best insurers, relying on the opinions of friends and family, reading reviews on the World Wide Web, etc. By doing this, everyone potential client will be able to find exactly the offer that will satisfy him to a greater extent.

Possible flaws in programs

Unfortunately, even the most reliable company can use various tricks in order to save their funds as much as possible. The most common of them is . It can be conditional, unconditional and conditionally unconditional. Its goal is to reduce the cost of the policy. Yes, insurance with a deductible will be much cheaper, but then even if insured events occur, you should not hope to receive large sums.

The second trick of insurance companies is the so-called aggregate sum insured. Choosing such an offer will turn out to be completely unprofitable if a repeat occurrence occurs. insured event.

Example: the car was insured for 700 thousand rubles An insured event occurred, as a result of which the car owner received a compensation payment in the amount of 100 000 rubles If a second insured event occurs, the insured amount will already be equal to 600 thousand rubles

The third point that you should pay attention to when concluding an agreement with an insurance company is whether the wear and tear of the car is taken into account when paying insurance compensation. In other words, the amount of compensation after the damage received will not be enough to purchase new parts, since their cost was paid to the insurers taking into account their wear and tear.

The fourth trick of insurers is restrictions on car storage. Thus, the contracts of some insurance companies indicate that they do not pay compensation for damage and theft of vehicles that were not parked in a guarded parking lot.

And almost always this type of damage occurs outside such places... Then the question arises: is it worth purchasing such a policy at all or is it better to lean toward choosing a more expensive but reliable product?!

Since insurers have many other tricks and tricks in their arsenal, even before signing an agreement with them, you should carefully study all the clauses of the insurance contract. Perhaps there are a bunch of other subtleties hidden there that the insurance agent didn’t bother to talk about. By doing this only in this way, we can hope that if an insured event occurs, the car owner will receive all the deserved insurance payments.

The most correct option would be to choose an organization with class A++, because then the risk of bankruptcy is reduced to zero

Ratings of where it is better to get CASCO insurance in 2020

The rating of the best insurers has already been indicated above. Russian Federation. But they were compiled only on the basis of financial indicators, and in the first lines there were not companies that had proven themselves to be the best, but those that had large amounts of collected insurance premiums.

This will be followed by ratings compiled by special agencies and based on consumer opinions. It is better to lean towards the lists of the first ones, since they constitute the “top ten” for many different indicators. This means that the reliability of their information is the highest. Thanks to such agency activities, potential policyholders will be able to quickly select an insurance company that is reliable in all respects.

  1. Rosgosstrakh.
  2. SOGAZ.
  3. Ingosstrakh.
  4. RESO-Garantiya.
  5. AlfaInsurance.
  6. Agreement.
  7. Renaissance Insurance.
  8. VSK Insurance House.
  9. Alliance.
  10. VTB Insurance.

Popular ratings will mostly tell you how the insurance company will behave in the event of an insured event. Therefore, in this case, insurers with friendly employees and polite attitude towards their clients will be on the first lines.

So, the list of companies in this case is in the following order:

  1. Tinkoff insurance.
  2. Zetta Insurance.
  3. Vnesheconomstrakh.
  4. Liberty Insurance.
  5. UralSib.
  6. AlfaInsurance.
  7. RESO-Garantiya.
  8. Agreement.
  9. Antal-Insurance.
  10. MAX.

How can I choose

If you want to buy a CASCO policy, you should first of all find a reliable insurer who will accurately make compensation payments in the event of an insured event. The search for such an insurance company should be done as carefully as possible. After all, there are often cases when a car owner, as a result of an insured event, turns to the place where he purchased the policy and discovers that there is no trace of this company.

To prevent the purchased CASCO policy from instantly turning into a penny piece of paper, you should pay attention to the reliability rating of insurance companies. It is compiled by experts after studying the financial condition of the institution. As a result of their work, each insurance company is assigned its own reliability class.

Their designations are as follows:

A High reliability.
IN Average reliability.
WITH Low reliability.

Sometimes you can find other markings: E and A++. The first implies the process of liquidation of the insurance company, the second – the highest class of reliability of the insurer.

The list of the most reliable companies is as follows:

  1. AlfaInsurance.
  2. Alliance.
  3. VSK Insurance House.
  4. VTB Insurance.
  5. ZHASO.
  6. Ingosstrakh.
  7. Capital.
  8. MAX.
  9. RESO-Garantiya.
  10. Renaissance.
  11. Rosgosstrakh.
  12. RSHB-Insurance.
  13. SOGAZ.
  14. Agreement.
  15. Transneft.

What you need to know

According to statistics in the insurance market, the number of CASCO policies sold by insurance companies has decreased significantly. And this is not surprising: not every consumer can afford to buy them today. Therefore, many car owners are forced to refuse this type of additional protection against vehicle risks.

People started talking about a significant increase in the price of CASCO policies this year back in 2020. Then the reason for such judgments was the sharp price increases in the field of car insurance. Many motorists, having calculated the cost of such insurance policies, stated that the CASCO price has increased by approximately 10-20% from the previous cost.

But there is an objective explanation for this price increase:

  • Some modern service stations allow payment of the cost of car repairs only in foreign currency, which is very unprofitable for insurers due to the sharp fall of the ruble. But services cannot do otherwise, since they themselves are heavily dependent on imports.
  • Insurers have narrowed the list of their offers. It is predicted that the majority of insurers will leave the auto insurance market altogether, since both OSAGO and CASCO are unprofitable areas.
  • The number of fraudulent payments has increased. The ongoing crisis in the country is also to blame for this increase.
  • The number of vehicle thefts has increased, which promises significant losses for insurance companies. After all, in this case they have to pay the full cost of the insured car.
  • The number of sales of new vehicles has decreased.

Operation of a motor vehicle on the territory of the Russian Federation is permitted only if you have an MTPL policy, which is mandatory. In addition to the auto insurance policy, each car owner can additionally insure their property against damage.

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This insurance policy is called CASCO. The main difference between the insurances is the recipient of the insurance payment.

In case of payment, the payment is due to the injured party, and under CASCO – to the insured car. Based on statistical data, we can make a rating of the most popular insurers in Moscow for issuing a voluntary insurance policy.

What is CASCO

So, CASCO is a voluntary car insurance policy. Insured events under the contract may be:

  • theft and theft of an insured car;
  • Road accidents of varying severity and in different situations, for example, a collision that occurred in a parking lot near a house or shopping center. To receive payment in the event of a road accident, it does not matter who is at fault for the collision. Car repairs will be covered by insurance in any case;
  • collision with wild animals;
  • impact of third parties and foreign objects on the vehicle, for example, a fallen tree;
  • impact natural Disasters and so on.

A complete list of insured events is specified in the contract. If the cases in which it is carried out insurance payment a lot, then CASCO is considered full. If the insurance is limited to accidents and theft, then it is called partial.

In most cases, full CASCO is required when obtaining a car loan and acts as an additional guarantee for the bank to repay the borrowed funds in any situation.

The cost of the policy is influenced by factors such as:

  • region in which the car is registered vehicle;
  • Insurance Company. Unlike MTPL, CASCO tariffs are not regulated by government agencies, but are set by insurers independently. Therefore, the selection of an insurance organization is one of the most important factors in purchasing a policy;
  • characteristics of the insured vehicle. The greater the power and cost of the car, the higher the cost of the policy itself will be;
  • additionally installed equipment. To reduce the cost of insurance, you can install a modern anti-theft system. If the car has a standard anti-theft system, then the cost of CASCO will be higher;
  • length and experience of drivers. A system of benefits and discounts has been developed for people who have extensive experience in accident-free vehicle operation;
  • list of insured events. The more situations the policy covers, the higher its cost;
  • set additional services. Many insurance companies, in order to attract customers, include additional services in the cost of the insurance policy that are provided free of charge. The most common service is an emergency commissioner or a tow truck;
  • statistical data on the theft rate of a specific make and model of a vehicle. Such statistics are maintained constantly and are based on traffic police data.

The greater the probability of an insured event occurring, the correspondingly higher the cost of the policy itself. This aspect is not taken into account by all insurance organizations, but it does exist.

The only significant disadvantage of the CASCO insurance policy is its high cost.

To save money when purchasing insurance, you can:

  • purchase . However, it should be remembered that in the event of an insured event, the amount of the deductible will reduce the amount of the insurance payment. For example, a franchise of 10,000 rubles will reduce each payment by 10,000 rubles;
  • reduce the number of insurance cases, that is, apply for CASCO insurance only for the most likely events. For example, if a car is stored in a guarded garage at night, and in a guarded parking lot during the day, then the risk of theft is reduced to 5–7%. Consequently, theft can be excluded from insured events;
  • Some companies offer their clients to pay for the policy in several equal payments. This condition can be both a positive and a negative factor. For example, when an insured event occurs, the insurance is paid by 50%, therefore, the payment will be only 50% of the damage received.

In addition, the provision of installments affects the cost of CASCO towards its increase. It is more expedient to pay for insurance in one payment.

When concluding an insurance contract, the policy amount is established by agreement of the parties. The owner of a car, at his own discretion, can take out a policy for the full or partial cost of the car.

This factor is especially relevant for people who purchase a vehicle partially with borrowed funds. The bank requires that the insurance cover only the loan amount.

Insurance that is not issued for the full value of the car will cost the owner less. It should be noted that during the insurance period the insurance amount cannot be changed.

With the right choice of insurance company and package of services, CASCO can be a reliable assistant in the event of an emergency.

Rating of insurance companies in Moscow

To simplify the choice of an insurance company, various statistical agencies annually conduct surveys of citizens and compile ratings. In addition, analytical agencies check the activities of insurers and assign a certain reliability rating every year.

By cost

To find out the rating of insurers by the cost of a CASCO insurance policy, we will make an online calculation for the most popular car in the first half of 2020, the Hyundai Solaris, released in 2020 and having an engine power of 123 hp.

The results of calculating the cost of insurance are shown in the table:

Name of the insurance company Cost of CASCO policy, rub.
Renaissance Insurance (exclusively includes protection against theft and total loss) 23 530
Renaissance Insurance 36 428
26 676
Invest-Alliance 30 350
40 468
Reso-Garantiya 41 288
Ingosstrakh 44 679
Agreement 58 300
MSK 65 350
Liberty 66 750
Jaso 91 800

Most companies determine the amount of insurance payment independently or based on an independent examination.

To obtain insurance, you must provide certificates from the State Traffic Inspectorate, however, damage such as broken glass or chipped paint coating can be paid without any additional documents.

In terms of reliability

In terms of reliability, insurance companies can be assigned the following types of rating (from least high to low):

  1. Ingosstrakh;
  2. Reso-Garantiya;
  3. Agreement;
  4. AlfaStrakhovanie;
  5. Renaissance Insurance;
  6. Sogaz;
  7. Alliance;
  8. Jaso.
  • Uralsib;
  • Ergo Rus;
  • Zetta;
  • Liberty.
  • Tinkoff insurance (A);
  • Swiss-Garant (B+);
  • Gayde (A);
  • Bin insurance (A).

However, it should be taken into account that choosing the least reliable insurance organization and the lower cost of the policy does not always lead to fast receipt insurance payment and correct calculation of the amount of damage.

People's rating

Anything can happen on the road. Even an experienced driver cannot be sure that he will not get into an accident in the next few weeks. Or it won't even be his culprit. Therefore, it is necessary to have a compulsory motor liability insurance policy - this will allow you to cover the damage caused at the expense of the insurance company.

The cost of an MTPL policy is regulated by law and cannot be cheaper or more expensive than a certain amount. For each category of transport base rate its own, and the final price of the policy is calculated using a single formula. The cost of insurance companies, in turn, depends on the additional services that it offers the client. However, the list of additional packages is also small, and it is not necessary to sign up for them.

To make your choice easier, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of the best MTPL insurance companies. The material was compiled taking into account user reviews and top reviews from professional analysts. Descriptions of additional services and features are also included. All companies also provide electronic MTPL, so you don't have to go to the office. But you can, if it’s more convenient.

TOP 10 best MTPL insurance companies

10 Liberty Insurance

24/7 support and onsite visits
Rating (2019): 4.1

The rating is opened by not the most famous insurance company, but one that is capable of providing an excellent level of service. Liberty Insurance's financial reliability rating was fixed at ruAA+ according to the national scale of the rating agency RAEX, which confirms the stability of the company. The company has high level payments – 49%. In reviews, many clients praise her for her loyalty to OSAGO owners and, oddly enough, generosity. Sometimes Liberty pays out more than what experts estimate.

The refusal rate is slightly higher than that of other insurers – 7.27%. So you should be more careful in the matter of paperwork and care when claiming damage. Liberty promises maximum comfort when taking out a policy with her. The company is ready to provide not only MTPL services, but also additional opportunities. For example, a 24-hour call to the emergency commissioner or a feasible legal assistance if necessary.


Minimum Failure Level
Rating (2019): 4.2

The company has best rating according to the national scale - ruAAA, can be compared with the leaders of our top. Its level of development is assessed as stable – no negative changes in the situation are planned in the near future. Reviews from real clients are quite contradictory - not everyone likes the speed and level of service. But there are also many positive aspects - the company solves problems quickly and efficiently.

Undoubtedly, we are pleased with the very high level of insurance claims – 68%. Therefore, there is no doubt that the money will be paid in the required amount, especially taking into account the minimum percentage of refusals. 0.44% of all transactions for the last reporting period were sent to the court. Only 0.92% of customer applications were completely denied payments, which is very small. These damage recovery statistics are encouraging - you can be almost 100% sure that the costs of repairing and restoring your car will be reimbursed.

8 VSK Insurance House

Short payment start period
Rating (2019): 4.3

The former Military Insurance Company did not betray the iron discipline and responsibility due to its rank. VSK has very few refusals - only 1.65%, practically the lowest level in our rating. The payout level is average – 41%. With a reliability rating of ruAA (slightly worse than the most stable, but without a threat of decline), this gives hope that the stability of the company will not be shaken over the coming years. Moreover, there are serious prospects for growth. So you can safely choose VSK as a long-term insurance company.

Maintains the discount for accident-free driving for a year. It guarantees that the reimbursement process will begin five days after the application, which is quite fast. Other companies may not address the issue for a week or more. Promotions are periodically held to coincide with significant events in the country. And with these promotions you can get a good discount. Customer reviews are contradictory - depending on the region and branch, the level of service varies from average to very good. For residents of Moscow and the Moscow region there is a 10% discount on registration of compulsory motor liability insurance.

7 Zetta Insurance

European quality of service
Rating (2019): 4.4

The former insurance company Zurich provides a European level of customer interaction and ease of use. Not included in the TOP 10 market leaders according to the Central Bank of Russia, but compensates for this with quality of service. It has a national scale rating of ruA+ (moderately high creditworthiness) with bright development prospects. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about its stability – the company is quite reliable.

The company promises payments within a short time after an accident, and not within 20 days, like other insurers. And you don’t need a lot of documents for registration - a passport, PTS and a driver’s license. The level of payments is not the highest, but tolerable – 39%. The good news is that Zetta practically does not refuse payments to its clients: the company’s refusal rate is only 1.4%. Every year the company becomes better and more convenient. And in the reviews, clients note that progress is noticeable. Zetta is truly a pleasure to work with.

6 Consent

An actively developing insurance company with excellent prospects. So far it has a rating of ruBBB+, which means a high, but not ideal level of creditworthiness, as well as some dependence on the country’s economy. But he actively strives to get the highest score from professional analysts. The insurance company is pleased with the good level of insurance payments - 56%. "Consent" compensates for damages in all insured events. It doesn’t matter how many times the car has been involved in an accident over the past year, this will not affect payments. It’s just that in this case the policy will be more expensive in the future. Those who drive without accidents can expect excellent discounts on policy renewals from the company. The company has very few refusals to pay, which is encouraging: their share of the total amounted to only 1.45%.

The company has an excellent mobile application that allows you to manage your insurance and receive all the necessary information via your smartphone. Now you won’t be able to forget when your MTPL policy expires. In addition, almost all issues related to insurance, damage, and so on can be resolved online. Excellent technical support will respond to your request within an hour, you won’t have to wait long.

5 Renaissance Insurance

Convenient receipt of an MTPL policy
Rating (2019): 4.6

A company with good customer reviews, a stable position and famous name. Part of the Renaissance Group, which has everything from banks to life insurance. An excellent level of reliability ruAA- (slightly lower than that of the leaders, but excellent on average) predicts a stable position of the insurance company in the market. In addition, the company has something to strive for, so every year it becomes better and more profitable. Support service managers work around the clock and are ready to advise the client at any time.

Renaissance strives to fulfill all its obligations and does not refuse them again. The rate of refusals to pay is low - only 2.86% of all applications to the insurance company with a downward trend. The company provides a fairly high volume of insurance payments for its level - 52%. So you can trust the company to insure the damage. In case of an error when filling out an electronic policy, it is not necessary to terminate the contract and do it all over again. Service "My electronic policy OSAGO" allows you to make changes directly on the site and not worry about anything. I’m glad that you can order a policy online, but you will receive a regular document - Renaissance will send a courier, and he will transfer the MTPL to the owner within the next 24 hours to any place. You can also pay upon receipt.

4 Rosgosstrakh

Largest insurance company
Rating (2019): 4.7

Rosgosstrakh is considered the largest and most successful insurance company in Russia. One of the oldest companies in the country pleased us with a pleasant share of insurance payments - as much as 64%. The company's rating in 2019 was raised to ruAA-, which signals: the company is actively developing and will definitely provide reliable insurance. On Russian market the company has 15 years of experience. Rosgosstrakh is the most affordable insurance company. It has hundreds of offices in most cities of the country, so anyone can apply for services. And those who are too lazy to go to the company’s branch can easily submit an application for E-OSAGO directly on the website.

Rosgosstrakh's share of influence on the market has decreased - during the last reporting period, only 12.6% of all insurance cases in the country were settled, whereas previously this figure reached 26%. Unfortunately, the company previously had problems with payment of damages and other services. Therefore, the company’s reputation is tarnished, as evidenced by customer reviews. Now Rosgosstrakh has corrected itself, but it is still viewed with distrust. The percentage of payment refusals is quite low, but not ideal - 3.98%.

3 AlfaStrakhovanie

Best customer reviews
Rating (2019): 4.7

This company opens the TOP 3 most profitable and convenient MTPL insurance companies. It has been fighting for leadership in the insurance market for more than 20 years with varying success and has not left the TOP 10 for the last few years. Received a ruAA+ rating from professional analytical agencies, which is only slightly different from the highest score. AlfaStrakhovanie boasts excellent reviews - clients consider the company one of the best on the Russian market.

AlfaStrakhovanie's level of payments is acceptable - the company provides compensation in the amount of 41%. The share of refusals to pay is minimal - only 1.1% of all claims for damages. Has a convenient DSAGO policy for additional protection. It’s easy to customize it for yourself when you design it directly. The advantage of AlfaStrakhovanie can be safely called excellent Personal Area– it is very convenient to manage insurance through it. If something is not clear, technical support quickly and professionally processes requests and literally “chews” the information.

2 RESO-Garantiya

An insurance company with a convenient range of service packages. In reviews the company is noted as reliable and responsible. The same is confirmed by its rating from professionals - ruAA+, which is almost the best rating. This means that the company definitely has enough money for more than one year in advance, and it does not stand still. Therefore, RESO-Garantiya corresponds to the name and pays damages without problems. Reliability is confirmed by a rather low failure rate - only 2.32% with a downward trend. RESO-Garantiya maintains a decent level of payments, not dropping it below 49%.

Among the advantages of RESO-Garantiya, we can highlight an additional opportunity for car owners with compulsory motor liability insurance from this insurance company - a DGO policy. This is voluntary insurance, which allows you to compensate up to 100% of losses in the event of an accident, without taking into account wear and tear of parts. This also includes the opportunity to purchase the services “Ambulance”, “Road Assistance” and “Emergency Commissioner”. A technical support service with advice on road accidents is available 24/7. It’s nice that the loss settlement service does not have weekends or holidays - you can apply for your money at any convenient time.

1 Ingosstrakh

One of the best insurance companies in Russia, dealing with almost everything. Including MTPL. The company's reliability rating is ruAAA, the highest possible. I am glad that Ingosstrakh is trying to pay for damages without delays or problems - the level of payments remains at 48% and is growing. However, in Lately The percentage of refusals increased slightly – to 7.66%. However, this is not much and says little about the negative experience with the company. Almost always, you don’t even need to go to court to receive full compensation for losses incurred as a result of an accident - only 1.11% of applicants filed a claim for compensation through the court.

The advantage of Ingosstrakh is that it openly offers additional services and does not hide them in the contract. All possible “extras” are spelled out, and the client decides whether he needs them. Among the additional packages there are very useful ones. For example, DSAGO is a voluntary insurance that can cover the difference between accrued payments and actual damage. But it is issued together with CASCO insurance and not in all regions of Russia. For cars up to 5 years old, it is possible to purchase an additional “Auto Protection” service package, which will allow you to not take into account the service life of parts when repairing according to insurance policy, compensating for reduced payments for wear and tear. In addition, together with OSAGO, Ingosstrakh often offers the “Maintenance Guarantee” service, which allows you to reimburse the price of breakdowns discovered during the inspection process. But it is only available for passenger cars aged from one to 10 years.

Almost every driver wants to buy compulsory insurance at a low price. There are many offers - here for 7,000 rubles, Tamza for 8,000, and here for 1,500. What is the reason for this difference, and is it worth paying more? Which company is better to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance?

Variation in prices among insurance companies

Cost difference compulsory insurance for different insurers it is approximately 20% and it is associated with the use of a price corridor. That is, they are allowed to make calculations in the range from the minimum basic tariff to the maximum. For passenger cars it is 3,432 rubles. and 4118 rub. respectively.

Also, the cost of the policy depends on the driver’s age, length of service, type of vehicle and engine power, region of residence, etc. For example, insurance will cost more for a young driver than for an experienced one. And it’s cheaper for a resident of Moscow than for a citizen registered in St. Petersburg.

But if in the same locality under the same conditions (age, length of service, car, etc.), prices from insurers are different, choose a cheaper option. The high cost is associated with the calculation at the maximum tariff, rarely with the inclusion of additional services. You can refuse them; this is a purely voluntary matter. The insurer must fulfill the obligations in both cases to the required extent.

Basic tariffs are set at the state level, and insurance agents has no right to overestimate or underestimate them. Therefore, the price is 1500 rubles. for car insurance - a clear sign of counterfeit. By purchasing it, the car owner risks having to pay damages to the injured party himself if an accident occurs through his fault. It is almost impossible to obtain an insurance payment under such insurance.

So which company is better to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance? A reliable one that can fulfill its obligations to the required extent and on time.

The most reliable insurers in Russia, or where is the best place to buy OSAGO?

There are many honest and decent insurers in our country, but the top five include:


Image 1: AlfaInsurance logo.

Image 1: AlfaInsurance logo.

One of the largest Russian insurers, offering more than 100 insurance products for private and legal entities. It has over 270 regional offices. It is among the top ten insurers. It is popular due to favorable prices for compulsory motor insurance.


Image 2: Reso-Garantia logo.

The company offers more than 100 types of insurance services. It has over 850 branches throughout the country. It is famous for its very fast payment processing.


Image 3: Ingosstrakh logo.

The company was founded in the Soviet Union. Has more than 80 branches. It is possible to issue a policy through a mobile application.


Image 4: VSK logo.

It has more than 600 branches throughout the country. Reimburses losses within 5 days.


Image 5: Rosgosstrakh logo.

The group's clients include more than 26 million Russians. Has more than 3000 branches.

There are bad and bad things about every company on the Internet. good feedback. Some people complain about the imposition of additional services, others are not satisfied with the terms of compensation for damage, etc. But others, on the contrary, liked the speed of service, the cost of the policy, the ability to obtain insurance online, etc.

They help you decide where it is best to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance. Use our service, compare the results and choose the best option.

A brief comparison of the top five insurers

Which company is better for compulsory motor liability insurance? Reliability research is carried out by rating agencies. The most popular in Russia is “Expert RT”.

To assess the insurer's activities, the following is taken into account:

  1. Reliability.
  2. Amount of authorized capital.

The main indicator by which the rating of insurance companies for CASCO is compiled is the reliability of the company, the ease of obtaining compensation, as well as the cost of the services offered. Depending on who compiles this list, certain additional factors may be taken into account.

The general rating of insurance companies for CASCO is compiled on the basis of statistical data obtained from both companies and users. An important role is played by the assessment of expert bureaus and the number of trials.

Insurer rating agencies represented in Russia

Unlike compulsory insurance, CASCO insurance is purchased at will. It is because of this that special attention is paid to the choice of company. In order to choose a company, you can consider several ratings. First of all, this is an expert opinion compiled by the well-known rating agency RAEX (or Expert RA). When compiling this list, the financial condition of the company is taken into account, as well as the effectiveness of investment risk management and the overall rating of the company.

Also known are judicial and popular ratings. In the first case, the top shows which companies are most likely to meet in court in order to obtain the due compensation. The people's rating is determined directly by the clients of certain CASCO agencies themselves.

Reliability parameters by which insurers are assessed

What factors do citizens and professional rating agencies pay attention to? First of all, on the financial reliability of the company (based on data from the Central Bank and the Federal Tax Service). Secondly, this is the quantity and speed of payments under insurance contracts.

The number of branches, the speed of an expert’s departure in the event of an accident, the possibility of remote assessment and the number of trials also play an important role. Rating agencies take into account all these parameters, while ordinary car owners, as a rule, give ratings solely depending on their own experience and impressions.


Let's look at the top 5 companies offering CASCO insurance, according to the Expert RA rating for 2019.

Renaissance InsuranceruAA+
Reso GarantruAA+

The ruAAA rating indicates that the company is a leader with the highest degree of reliability and the most preferential insurance rules. The ruAA+ rating also guarantees receipt of the due compensation in the amount and within the time frame specified in the contract.

It should be noted that the percentage of appeals to the court is also influenced by the number of citizens directly insured by a given company. The greater the number of cars insured under CASCO, the higher the likelihood that a conflict will occur and one of the parties will sue.

These indicators can help newbies decide on companies, as well as initially exclude offers from the most problematic insurers.

Key players in the auto insurance market in Russia

All companies presented in the above ratings are large organizations with offers not only regarding CASCO insurance, but also other services.

Among all the others, there are several main “players” in the market:

  • Alpha insurance;
  • Renaissance Insurance;
  • Tinkoff Insurance;
  • VTB Insurance.

Why do we separately note the role of these insurance organizations? The fact is that these companies are primarily banking institutions that also provide MTPL and CASCO insurance, both for their clients and for everyone.

It is necessary to take into account the volume of cars that are issued on credit or lease in these banks. Obviously, any such vehicle is subject to full insurance against accidents, theft, etc., that is, CASCO registration. Considering that each bank offers and insists on drawing up an agreement with its own insurance company, it should be noted how profitable and safe it is.
The ratings and assessments of experts regarding the above insurance companies prove that regardless of whether you have a loan and whether you are obliged to take out CASCO from these companies, CASCO is carried out on the most favorable terms.

Also one of the main leaders among all insurance companies is Ingosstrakh. One of the first organizations on the market over many years has proven that it works exactly as agreed and there are almost never any difficulties with receiving compensation.

Rating of insurance companies for CASCO payments

First of all, any car owner who has taken such a step and insured his car against all ills is interested in payment under CASCO if the need arises. No matter how strange it may seem, the indicators of rating agencies often differ from the ratings of motorists.

This happens due to the fact that a person considers exclusively how the insurance company communicated with him and what compensation was in his case, and also due to the fact that even the most good company can sometimes reduce the amount of payment. It should be understood that the task of rating agencies is to take into account all aspects of companies, while motorists are interested separately in their insured event.

  1. Rosgosstrakh.
  2. RESO Guarantee.
  3. Agreement.
  4. SOGAZ.
  5. INGOSstrakh.
  6. Alpha Fear.
  7. Renaissance-Fear.
  8. Alliance Insurance.
  9. VTB Insurance.

Top 10 companies according to motorists

The public rating is based mainly on the opinions of motorists, as well as on the overall impression of working with an insurance company. This rating of CASCO insurance companies was compiled in 2019, taking into account all the ratings and reviews of real clients.

  1. INGOSstrakh.
  2. Zetta.
  3. RESO insurance.
  4. Liberty.
  5. Agreement.
  6. Alpha insurance.
  7. SOGAZ.
  8. URALsib.
  9. Tinkoff insurance.
  10. Max.

As can be noted, by this list, one of the undisputed and most firmly established leaders in the market is the Ingosstrakh company, which is in the TOP, both among the people's choice and from the professional side.

Having studied all the rating data, as well as real reviews from car owners, even a beginner can easily decide which company will best suit his requirements and wishes. There are several factors that should also be considered before insuring your car:

  1. Ratings do not always provide guarantees. Unfortunately, even companies with an ideal reputation and excellent ratings can from time to time behave differently from what was written about them in reviews. This largely depends on the manager and employee of a particular office. In any case, it is recommended to take additional insurance and carefully study the insurance contract before signing it. Don't trust only positive reviews.
  2. Having an office in your region is an extremely important factor that many people forget about. In the event of an accident or any problem, you will have to visit the office yourself to receive compensation, clarify details, etc. In addition, how quickly an expert will arrive depends on the distance of the organization. Therefore, be sure to consider this aspect before registration.