Rare runes. Diablo II LoD. Runes Turning useless things into necessary ones

The last article in the Diablo II LoD series.

The Horadric Cube is required to complete some of the main quests in Acts 2 and 3. However, its functions are not limited to the passage of the game and it can be very useful due to its properties.


  • MP Character level
  • HC the level of the thing
  • I Intelligence

Secret Cow Level

  • Wirt's Leg + Tome of City Portal Scrolls = Red Portal to Secret Cow Level

The recipe must be completed while in the Rogue Camp (Act One). The character must first defeat either Diablo (in D2C) or Baal (in D2X). The character who killed the Cow King can no longer open a portal to the level, but someone else (who has not yet killed the Cow King) can do so and allow the hero to pass through it.


The following recipes must be completed in Harrogate(Fifth Act) on difficulty Hell,only in ladder. In single player only possible with PlugY.

  • Key of Hatred + Key of Terror + Key of Destruction = Red Portal to Matron's Den, Furnace of Pain, or Forgotten Sands (each time the portal is chosen randomly).
  • Eye of Baal + Horn of Diablo + Brain of Mephisto = Red Portal to Uber Tristram.

Mod Recipes

One of the most useful properties Cuba can be considered his ability to transform things into more powerful ones. Gems, runes, potions and other small items can be combined and upgraded in the Cube.


Gems can go from shards to perfect. Three identical stones allow you to get a gem of the same type, but more High Quality. The rule applies to all 7 types of stones and skulls. For example:

  • 3 topaz shards -> 1 chipped topaz
  • 3 chipped topaz -> 1 topaz
  • 3 Topaz -> 1 Flawless Topaz
  • 3 Flawless Topaz -> 1 Perfect Topaz


In addition to precious stones, runes can also be transformed in Cuba. Use three runes to create one more high level:

  1. 3 El Runes --> 1 Eld Runes
  2. 3 Eld Runes --> 1 Tir Rune
  3. 3 Tir Runes --> 1 Nef Rune
  4. 3 Nef Runes --> 1 Eth Runes
  5. 3 Eth Runes --> 1 Ith Runes
  6. 3 Ith Runes --> 1 Tal Rune
  7. 3 Tal Runes --> 1 Ral Rune
  8. 3 Ral Runes --> 1 Ort Rune
  9. 3 Ort Runes --> 1 Thul Rune

List valid since version 1.10:

  1. 3 Thul Runes + 1 Topaz Shard --> 1 Amn Rune
  2. 3 Amn Runes + 1 Amethyst Shard --> 1 Sol Rune
  3. 3 Sol Runes + 1 Sapphire Shard --> 1 Shael Rune
  4. 3 Shael Runes + 1 Ruby Shard --> 1 Dol Rune

Higher level runes can also be converted, starting with 1.10 and beyond:

  • 3 Dol Runes + 1 Emerald Shard --> 1 Hel Rune
  • 3 Hel Runes + 1 Diamond Shard --> 1 Io Rune
  • 3 Io Runes + 1 Cracked Topaz --> 1 Lum Rune
  • 3 Lum Runes + 1 Cracked Amethyst --> 1 Ko Rune
  • 3 Ko Runes + 1 Cracked Sapphire --> 1 Fal Rune
  • 3 Fal Runes + 1 Cracked Ruby --> 1 Lem Rune
  • 3 Lem Runes + 1 Cracked Emerald --> 1 Pul Rune
  • 2 Pul Runes + 1 Cracked Diamond --> 1 Um Rune
  • 2 Um Runes + 1 Topaz --> Mal Rune
  • 2 Mal Runes + 1 Amethyst --> Ist Rune
  • 2 Ist Runes + 1 Sapphire --> Gul Rune
  • 2 Gul Runes + 1 Ruby --> Vex Rune
  • 2 Vex Runes + 1 Emerald --> Ohm Rune
  • 2 Ohm Runes + 1 Diamond --> Lo Rune
  • 2 Lo Runes + 1 Flawless Topaz --> Sur Rune
  • 2 Sur Runes + 1 Flawless Amethyst --> Ber Rune
  • 2 Ber Runes + 1 Flawless Sapphire --> Jah Rune
  • 2 Jah Runes + 1 Flawless Ruby --> Cham Rune
  • 2 Cham Runes + 1 Flawless Emerald --> Zod Rune


Any healing or mana potion can be used in the recipes below, as can gems and skulls.

  • 3 Healing Potions + 3 Mana Potions + 1 Stone Shard --> 1 Weak Recovery Potion
  • 3 healing potions + 3 mana potions + 1 normal quality stone -->
  • 3 Minor Restoration Potion --> 1 Full Restoration Potion


  • 1 Hel Rune + City Portal Scroll + any socketed item --> Remove items from item sockets

Removes a jewel, gem, or rune from a socket in an item.

Elements in sockets are destroyed and all bonuses provided by them will be removed.

  • 1 Eld Rune + 1 Stone Shard + Low quality weapon --> Upgrade weapon quality to normal
  • 1 El Rune + 1 Stone Shard + Low Quality Armor --> Upgrade Armor Quality to Normal

This recipe is useful for improving the quality of weapons. It can also be used to increase the number of sockets in order to prepare an item for the creation of a runeword. Any items in these sockets and the sockets themselves will be removed after using the recipe.

  • 1 Tal Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Topaz + Normal Quality Body Armor --> Normal Socketed Body Armor

This recipe adds one to four sockets, which will be useful for crafting Runic Words. The game also allows you to get up to six sockets. After that, the number is adjusted to the maximum possible number of sockets for this thing. Armor that can hold a maximum of two sockets and less has a very meager (1/6) chance of getting one socket, and a high (5/6) two.

  • 1 Ral Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Amethyst + Normal Weapons --> Normal Socketed Weapons

This recipe adds one to six weapon sockets, making it useful for writing Runewords. The game allows you to get up to six sockets. After that, the number is adjusted to the maximum possible number of sockets for this thing. Weapons with max 3 sockets have a small (1/6) chance for 1 socket, a similar (1/6) chance for 2, and medium (4/6) chances of getting 3.

  • 1 Ral Rune + 1 Thul Rune + 1 Perfect Sapphire + Normal Helmet --> Normal Helmet socketed helmet

This recipe adds one to three sockets to the helmet, making it useful for crafting Runewords. The game allows you to get up to six sockets. After that, the number is adjusted to the maximum possible number of sockets for this thing. Those helmets that can only hold a maximum of two sockets will have a low (1/6) chance of getting 1, and a 5/6 chance of getting 2 sockets.

  • 1 Tal Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Ruby + Normal Shield --> Normal Socketed Shield

This recipe adds one to four shield sockets, making it useful for writing Runewords. The game allows you to get up to six sockets. After that, the number is adjusted to the maximum possible number of sockets for this thing. Shields with a maximum of three sockets have a small (1/6) chance of getting 1 socket, a similar (1/6) chance of getting 2, and a medium (4/6) chance of getting 3.


Various recipes to increase the quality level of unique and rare items. They do not work with items created with the help of other modifications and those items that contain the Rune Word. These recipes only change the item's base type, from Normal to Exceptional, Exceptional to Elite, allowing for increased damage or defense.

  • 3 Perfect Skulls + 1 Rare + Stone of Jordan --> Add 1 Rare Socket

Only one slot can be added.
Adding is not possible if the item already has at least one socket.

The recipe doesn't work with things like projectiles, shoes, gloves, belts and the like.

  • 1 Ral Rune + 1 Sol Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + Normal Unique Weapon --> Exceptional Weapon Version

Works only in version 1.10 and later.

The level requirement and the requirements for durability and dexterity will increase as needed for the deluxe version of the item.

  • 1 Tal Rune + 1 Shael Rune + 1 Perfect Diamond + Normal Unique Armor --> Exceptional Armor Version

Ethereal and socketed items can be upgraded without changing their appearance.

The level requirement and durability requirements will increase as needed for the deluxe version of the item.

Works on absolutely all types of armor.

  • 1 Lum Rune + 1 Pul Rune + 1 Perfect Emerald + Exceptional Unique Weapon --> Elite Weapon Version

Works only in version 1.10 and later.

Ethereal and socketed items can be upgraded without changing their appearance.

The required level and requirements for durability and dexterity will increase accordingly to those required for the elite version of the item.

  • 1 Ko Rune + 1 Lem Rune + 1 Perfect Diamond + Exceptional Unique Armor --> Elite Armor Version

Works only in version 1.10 and later.

This recipe upgrades the type of armor without changing the main indicators, but increasing the degree of protection.

Ethereal and socketed items can be upgraded without changing their appearance.

  • 1 Ort Rune + 1 Amn Rune + 1 Perfect Sapphire + Normal Rare Weapon --> Exceptional Rare Weapon

Works only in version 1.10 and later.

This recipe upgrades the type of weapon without changing the main parameters, but increasing the damage dealt.

Ethereal and socketed items can be upgraded without changing their appearance.

The level requirement and requirements for durability and dexterity will increase accordingly to those required for the exceptional version of the item.

  • 1 Ral Rune + 1 Thul Rune + Perfect Amethyst + Normal Rare Armor --> Exceptional Rare Armor

Works only in version 1.10 and later.

This recipe upgrades the type of armor without changing the main indicators, but increasing the degree of protection.

Ethereal and socketed items can be upgraded without changing their appearance.

The level requirement and durability requirements will increase as needed for the deluxe version of the item.

  • 1 Fal Rune + 1 Um Rune + 1 Perfect Sapphire + Exceptional Rare Weapon --> Elite Rare Weapon

This recipe upgrades the weapon type without changing the main stats, but increasing the damage.

Ethereal and socketed items can be upgraded without changing their appearance.

The required level and requirements for durability and dexterity will increase accordingly to those required for the elite version of the item.

  • 1 Ko Rune + 1 Pul Rune + 1 Perfect Amethyst + Exceptional Rare Armor --> Elite Rare Armor

Works only in version 1.10 and later.

This recipe upgrades the type of armor without changing the main indicators, but increasing the degree of protection.

Ethereal and socketed items can be upgraded without changing their appearance.

The required level and durability requirements will increase accordingly to those required for the Elite version of the item.


  • 1 Ort Rune + Weapon --> Fully restored weapon

Works only in version 1.10 and later.

  • 1 Ral Rune + Armor --> Fully restored armor

Works only in version 1.10 and later.

This recipe is useful for repairing an item without visiting a blacksmith. Convenient in that you can do without returning to the City or to repair several things at once, for the restoration of which a fabulous amount has been requested in connection with the assessment of its value by the game.

Does not work on ethereal items.

Does not reload thrown weapons.

  • 1 Ort Rune + 1 Stone Shard (any) + Weapon --> Fully restored and reloaded weapon

Works only in version 1.10 and later.

This recipe is useful for repairing an item without visiting a blacksmith. Convenient in that you can do without returning to the City or to repair several things at once, for the restoration of which a fabulous amount has been requested in connection with the assessment of its value by the game.

Cannot repair or reload ethereal weapons.

  • 1 Ral Rune + 1 Cracked Stone (any) + Armor --> Fully Repaired and Recharged Armor

Works only in version 1.10 and later.

This recipe is useful for repairing an item without visiting a blacksmith. Convenient in that you can do without returning to the City or to repair several things at once, for the restoration of which a fabulous amount has been requested in connection with the assessment of its value by the game.

Cannot repair or recharge ethereal armor.

Valid for all types of armor: boots, gloves, belts, etc.


Useful tricks for converting any "garbage" drop into the items you really need, without having to return to the City. Any quality and type is suitable.

  • 2 quivers of bolts --> 1 quiver of arrows (size random)
  • 2 quivers of arrows --> 1 quiver of bolts (size random)
  • 1 spear + 1 quiver of arrows --> 1 set of darts (non-magic, random size)
  • 1 ax + 1 dagger --> 1 set of throwing axes (non-magic, random size)
  • 1 Asphyxiant Potion + 1 Healing Potion --> 1 Antidote


These recipes allow players to turn their collected "junk" into really useful things. If you're lucky.

  • 3 magic amulets --> 1 magic ring

SW \u003d I (0.75 * UP).

The ring is assigned a level equal to 3/4 of the character's level. For example, a level 80 hero can get a level 60 ring.

  • 3 magic rings --> 1 magic amulet

SW \u003d I (.75 ​​* UP).

The amulet is assigned a level equal to 3/4 of the character's level. For example, a level 80 hero can get a level 60 amulet.

  1. +2 Character Skills when you reach level 90, but be aware that maximum level for the amulet 74th.
  2. +3 to the skills granted by the amulet after level 60.
  • 6 Perfect Skulls + a rare item --> A randomly selected low quality rare item of the same type

This recipe allows you to get a rare item with reset of all changes made to it. Item level down

  • 6 perfect skulls + 1 rare item --> 1 randomly selected low quality rare item of the same type

SW = I (.4 * SW) + I (.4 * SW)

This recipe allows you to get a rare item with all stats reset. The level of the item is reduced, but can remain quite high with the same high level of the item itself and the character. Example: 80th level of your hero and item will give 32 + 32 = HC 64.

Please note that the volume of the Cube is only 12 cells, which means that when 6 skulls are placed in it, there is no room for such large (2x4) things as bows, halberds, spears and others.

1 Perfect Skull + 1 Rare + Stone of Jordan --> New high quality rare item of the same type

SW = I (.66 * SW) + I (.66 * SW)

This recipe allows you to get a rare item with all stats reset. The level of an item can stay high and even increase, giving new abilities. Example: a character and item of level 80 gives an expression like 52.8 + 52.8 = 105.6. This will allow you to purchase the corresponding bonuses.

  • 3 Perfect Gems (any kind, including skulls) + 1 magic item --> 1 random new magic item of the same type

When using this recipe, the item will reset all characteristics and restore its original level, as if it fell from the monster again.

All kinds of magical items can be used, including charms, jewels, and jewelry.


It gives you the opportunity to make a useful magical thing that will be convenient to use. The following recipes are good at low levels due to their not very high power:

  • 4 healing potions (any type) + ruby ​​(any type) + magic sword --> Magic Lich Sword

UV = 30 (quite low)

The sword used must be magical only then it will become the Sword of the Lich, allowing you to steal 3-5% of the opponent's life. The original characteristics will be reset.

There is a possibility of getting an additional prefix in the title.

  • 6 Perfect Stones (1 of each type) + 1 Amulet (Magic) --> Arcane Prismatic Amulet

Prismatic Amulet will always grant +16-20 Resistance.

There is a chance of getting an additional prefix in the title.

1 Magic Ring + 1 Perfect Emerald + 1 Antidote Potion --> 1 Jade Ring

Jade Ring gives 21-30 Poison Resistance.

  • 1 Magic Ring + 1 Perfect Ruby + 1 Exploding Potion --> Garnet Ring

Garnet Ring gives 21-30% fire resistance.

  • 1 Magic Ring + 1 Perfect Topaz + 1 Recovery Potion --> Coral Ring

The coral ring gives 21-30% lightning resistance.

There may be an additional prefix in the title.

  • 1 Magic Ring + 1 Perfect Sapphire + 1 Thaw Potion --> 1 Cobalt Ring

Cobalt Ring increases cold resistance by 21-30%.

Can get a random prefix in the title.

  • 1 magic shield (any type) + 1 spiked pauldron (any quality) + 2 skulls (any type) --> Magic Spiked Shield

Adds spikes and extra damage to the shield (4-6).

Absolutely any magic shield can be used, including Paladin and Necromancer shields.

  • 1 diamond + 1 staff + 1 dagger + 1 belt --> 1 savage spear

Savage Spear grants an additional 66-80% increased damage.

May receive an additional prefix in the title.

The spear type is chosen randomly.


  • 3 Stone Shards + 1 Magic Weapon -->

Allows you to get random new properties and 1-2 sockets.

  • 3 gems (standard type a la "Topaz" or "Ruby" without dividing into chipped and shards) + socketed weapon --> 1 socketed magic weapon

These recipes can be used multiple times on the same item to improve it and/or add sockets.

Sockets will not appear on weapons without sockets (for example, throwing ones), but new characteristics are possible.

  • 3 Flawless Stones + 1 Magic Weapon --> Socketed Magic Weapon

These recipes can be used multiple times on the same item to improve it and/or add sockets.

Sockets will not appear on magic weapons without sockets (for example, throwing ones), but new characteristics are possible.


  • 1 Twisted Essence of Suffering + 1 Charged Essence of Hatred + 1 Burning Essence of Terror + 1 Festering Essence of Destruction = Token of Absolution.

Token of Absolution allows you to reset stat and skill points. Essences can be found here:

Twisted Essence of Suffering (Dropped on Hell difficulty by Andariel and Duriel)

Charged Essence of Hatred (Dropped on Hell difficulty with Mephisto)

Burning Essence of Terror (Dropped on Hell difficulty with Diablo)

Festering Essence of Destruction (Dropped on Hell difficulty from Baal).

In version 1.13, another way to reset stats was added: Akara's stat reset option appears after completing the quest "Lair of Evil". In total, Akara's stats can be reset three times (one for each difficulty level). After you've used up those three attempts, you can still collect Token of Absolution if you're unhappy with the build.

Runes in Diablo 2- special processed small stones that have magical powers. Runes can be inserted into items with sockets. Unlike gems and gems, runes inserted in the correct order into a socketed item form a runeword. A rune word (runword) is an item with fixed and powerful properties that has the power of runes, and additional ones.

Runestones can be used to create .

Runes appeared in the Lord of Destruction expansion, they are not in regular Diablo 2. You can get runes by knocking them out of monsters, buying them from other players in a multiplayer game, or by using weak runes to get powerful ones.

In total, there are about 33 runes in the game, of various quality, rarity, with very diverse properties.

Rune words

With the help of runes inserted in series into objects with nests, you can compose rune words. These items acquire a golden color, carry the properties of the inserted runes + even additional properties. The item will have a unique name.

regular runes

In order of frequency of occurrence: El, Held, Tyr, Neph, Et, It, Tal, Ral, Ort, Amn, Shael, and Tul. Runes Tal, Orth and Ral you can get as a reward for completing the quest in Act V from Kual-Kek. You can easily find these ordinary runes yourself, so if you don’t have room in the chest, feel free to throw them away. The table below highlighted in green .

Rare runes

In order of frequency of occurrence: Sol, Dol, Hal, Io, Lum, Ko, Fal, Lem, Pool, Um. These runes are rarer than regular runes. Their rarity is due to their more powerful properties, as well as their suitability for Cube recipes or runewords. The table below highlighted in blue .

Very rare runes

In order of frequency of occurrence: Mal, East, Gul, Vex, Ohm, Lo, Sur, Ber, Jah, Cham, Zod. These runes are much rarer than all other runes, it is very difficult to knock them out. These runes have the highest power, suitable for items with sockets, or compiling strong runewords. Exchange these runes only for good items. The table below highlighted in red .

Rune table

Property in weapon
Ability in Armor, Helmet, or Shield
El +50 Attack Rating, +1 Lighting Radius +15 Defense, +1 Light Radius
Eld (Eld) +75% damage against undead, +50 attack level against undead 15% Stamina Fall Slow / 7% Increase Block Chance (Shield)
Tyr +2 mana after each kill
Nave (Nef) garbage +30 Ranged Defense
Eth (Eth) -25% target defense Mana regen 15%
It (Ith) +9 Max Damage 15% of damage taken goes into mana
Tal +75 Poison Damage over 5 seconds Poison Resistance +30% / +35% (Shield)
Ral (Ral) Adds 5-30 Fire Damage Fire resistance +30% / +35% (shield)
Ort (Ort) Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage Lightning Resistance +30% / +35% (shield)
Thul Adds 3-14 Cold Damage Cold Resistance +30% / +35% (Shield)
Amn (Amn) 7% Life Stealed on Hit Attacker takes 14 damage
Sol (Sol) +9 Minimum Damage Damage reduced by 7
Shael (Shael) +20% increased attack speed +20% fast recovery after hit / +20% quick block (shield)
Dol Monster flees on hit 25% Health recovery +7
Hal (Hel) Requirements -20% Requirements -15%
Io (Io) +10 Vitality +10 Vitality
Lum +10 Energy +10 Energy
Ko (Ko) +10 Agility +10 Agility
Fal (Fal) +10 Strength +10 Strength
Lem 75% more gold from monsters 50% more gold from monsters
Pool +75% damage against demons, +100 attack level against demons +30% defense increase
Um (Um) 25% chance of open wounds All Resistances +15 / +22 (Shield)
Mal (Mal) Monsters cannot heal Magic damage reduced by 7
East 30% better chance of getting a magic item 25% better chance of getting a magic item
Gul 20% bonus to attack rating 5% to maximum resistance to Poison
Vex (Vex) 7% Mana stolen on hit 5% to maximum Fire Resistance
Ohm (Ohm) +50% increased damage 5% to maximum Cold Resistance
Lo (Lo) 20% fatal blow 5% to maximum Lightning Resistance
Sur Blinds target on hit Increase Maximum Mana 5% / +50 Mana (Shield)
Ber (Ber) 20% chance to deal a crushing blow Damage reduced by 8%
Jah (Jah) Ignore Target Defense Increase Max Health 5% / +50 Life (Shield)
Cham Target Freeze +3 Can't Freeze
Zod indestructible indestructible

Rune drop chance and where to find them best

Rune Level
Drop chance
1 El 11 50.0570% Countess Norm
2 Eld 11 35.7067% Countess Norm
3 Tir 13 25.2019% Countess Nightmare
4 Nef 13 17.3264% Countess Nightmare
5 ETH 15 18.1371% Countess Nightmare
6 Ith 15 12.3528% Countess Nightmare
7 Tal 17 15.2770% Countess Nightmare
8 Ral 19 10.3674% Countess Nightmare
9 Ort 21 10.8664% Countess Nightmare
10 Thul 23 7.3346% Countess Nightmare
11 Amn 25 6.7373% Countess Nightmare
12 Sol 27 4.5255% Countess Nightmare
13 Shael 29 3.5940% Countess Nightmare
14 Dol 31 2.4055% Countess Nightmare
15 Hel - 1.8576% Countess Nightmare
16 io 35 1.2409% Countess Nightmare
17 Lum 37 0.9323% Countess Hell
18 Ko 39 0.6222% Countess Hell
19 Fall 41 0.4701% Countess Hell
20 Lem 43 0.3136% Countess Hell
21 Pul 45 0.2361% Countess Hell
22 um 47 0.1574% Countess Hell
23 Mal 49 0.1352% Countess Hell
24 East 51 0.0901% Countess Hell
25 Gul 53 0.0011% Andariel Hell
26 Vex 55 0.0008% Andariel Hell
27 Ohm 57 0.0011% Andariel Hell
28 Lo 59 0.0004% Andariel Hell
29 Sur 61 0.0004% Duriel Hell
30 Ber 63 0.0002% Duriel Hell
31 Jah 65 0.0002% Mephisto Hell
32 Cham 67 0.0001% Mephisto Hell
33 Zod 69 0.00003% Baal Hell

In Diablo 2, runes are small stones that have power. They can be inserted into holes on weapons and armor. More about them will be discussed in the article.

About the game

Diablo 2 is the brainchild of Blizzard, a third-person Action/RPG with elements of Hack'n'Slash. The last term characterizes the combat system, when crowds of enemies literally fall on the hero, who need to be swept out of their way in order to pave the way to the goal. It is worth giving up the slack and trying to escape from the battlefield, as this deadly wave covers your head.

In the original version of Diablo 2, there were no gems that buff items. Runes appeared in "Diablo 2 Lord Of Destruction" - the official add-on. They can be knocked out of enemies, bought from other players in multiplayer mode, or by crafting yourself, combine weak ones to get stronger ones.

Words of Power

The runes in Diablo 2, inserted in a certain order, form the Rune Word. After the performed manipulations, the item turns golden, acquires all the available properties of the integrated runes, and also receives an additional effect and an exclusive name.

For example, if you take a mace with three holes and encrust it with Thul, Io, and Nef runes in sequence (in that order), you can get a golden weapon called Black and a number of additional properties:

  • increased damage by 120%;
  • reduces magic damage by 2;
  • Adds level 4 Corpse Explosion skill (12 charges);
  • 40% chance to deal a crushing blow to the enemy;
  • increased attack rating by 200 units;
  • a chance to throw the enemy a certain distance;
  • cold damage is added in the range of values ​​3-14;
  • increase in survivability (+10);
  • Increases attack speed by 15%.

Sample list

There are a lot of runes in Diablo 2. They are divided conditionally into ordinary, rare and very rare. Ordinary ones are quite common, have unremarkable indicators, therefore they come across almost at every step, are often thrown out, sold by players, or not picked up at all.

Accordingly, very rare runes come across less often, they are almost impossible to find, and they are also ideal for composing rune words, because they claim to be the most valuable find in the game.

An item that has been enhanced with a word from the top runes becomes the strongest and highest quality artifact.

The following are lists of the most interesting runes in Diablo 2:

Rune/Description Rarity Property in weapon Property in armor Note
TalPlainIncreases Poison Damage by 75 for 5 secondsPoison resistance increased by 30% (if inserted into a shield, then + 35%)There is a chance to get as a reward in the fifth act for the quest from Qual-Kenk
Ort (Ort)PlainAdded Lightning Damage 1- 50Electricity resistance + 30% (if in the shield, then +35)Similar to the above: can be obtained from the Quel-Kenk quest
Shael (Shael)rareAttack speed increased by 30%Recovery from damage taken is 20% faster (if in a shield, the chance to block a hit is increased by 20%)-
ZodVery rareAn item that this rune is inserted into becomes indestructible.It makes no sense to compose a rune word, since the effect does not sum up in any way, there are simply no runewords with such a rune

Full lists of runes available in the game can be found on any thematic forum.

crazy hands

The crafting of these magic stones is done through the manipulation of the Horadric Cube. It should be said that in Diablo 2 the rune recipes, spreading only to Nave, El, Tyre, Et , It , Held , Tal, Ral and Ort, allow you to get an item of a higher order: just put three identical runes in the Cube. The rest do not follow - there will be no sense.

If a gamer wants to find a certain rune, but one still doesn’t come across, you can throw three identical ones into the cube and add a gem. Get the desired artifact.

Some recipes for the Horadric Cube are presented in the table.

More detailed lists of recipes for crossing Diablo 2 runes are available on the thematic forums.

Game difficulty

Many people think that the higher the difficulty, the more likely it is to knock out the rarest rune or golden item. Maybe in other game projects this is true, but not in Diablo 2. Here you can run away from the most evil boss on the highest difficulty for an hour, and in the end get a lot of loot for him and some kind of rune of medium or ordinary rarity. Or not knock it out at all. However, there are places where rune drops really depend on the difficulty of the game. For example, the Infernal Forge, which will be discussed below.

The fact is that the game already has a certain probability of falling out on each rune, depending on the rarity. Therefore, it is better to study the rune recipes in Diablo 2, collect the most common ones and, by manipulating the Horadric Cube, get top artifacts.


There are a number of places where fans of playing online most often visit:

  • Countesses in numerous cellars. An easy mini-boss that is hard to find. Usually guarded by crowds of monsters in the lower rooms of some tunnels or watchtowers, the location of which often changes.
  • Lower Kurast. You should often look into the huts and open everything that is there. Rare runes can be found in special chests.
  • Secret level with cows. Any rune that exists in the game can drop here, and the probability of dropping out is higher than that of many monsters in the project.
  • Chests on the way to Andariel. There are a lot of boxes, even more opponents, runestones and objects with already inserted artifacts and gems often spill out.

Hell Forge

It is the second quest in the fourth act. Upon completion, the hero receives a rune depending on the difficulty of the game:

  • with normal difficulty: from El to Amn;
  • on a nightmare: Sol - Mind;
  • on the highest difficulty: from Hel to Gul.

Between each of the above runes, there are 11 stones. That is, the probability of each 1 out of 11 falling out. And which probabilistic series is involved in the quest depends on the chosen difficulty. To make it easier to navigate, you need to study the list of runes "Diablo 2".


AT Eventually, it should be said that in such games, gathering plays a very important role, and this activity is given almost more time than the main task - murder enemies.

And it's justified. You can successfully run through the entire act, push all the monsters to quickly fight the boss, but eventually die from one blow from the leader himself. So, many reconsider their opinion after the first meeting with the demoness Andariel. It's not some unique monster with a golden or purple name, it's a boss - and she's strong.

Therefore, in order to pass the level further, thorough preparation is required, which provides for the presence of certain armor and weapons. After all, it should be understood that after the leader there will be the next act, where the enemies will be faster, more bloodthirsty and it will be more difficult to kill them. It will be hard for an unprepared player, especially if the character has not yet reached the required level to withstand the danger in such conditions.

Gradual item upgrades, rune crafting, and gem upgrades allow us to develop a formula for success: dress the hero in shining gold armor. Only then will the character be able to compete with the endless stream of evil that falls on the player in every act, and fight the boss.

But it should be understood that in the next act, the set of armor will no longer be very relevant. After all, monsters are stronger, faster and more dangerous. Therefore, you should be smart about crafting runes in Diablo 2. Although they come across at every turn, the rarest ones should be held back for the final act - the battle with Baal and his minions. You should not encrust these artifacts with any armor or weapons that come across. The choice of such should be taken wisely so that you do not have to get rid of an object into which runes are already inserted (especially if they are already laid out in a word).

The best formula for success is to be patient, take your time, or trade items with other players online. Good game!

Runes are small stones with magical powers. They can be inserted into socket items. Runes differ from other items of this kind in that they have not only single magical parameters, but when inserted into an item in a certain sequence, they form the so-called Rune Word, which gives the item additional bonuses that are more powerful than those , which the runes possess one by one.

Runes can also be used to create Crafted Items.

Common runes
In order from most frequent to least frequent: El, Eld, Tir, Nef, Eth, Ith, Tal, Ral, Ort, Amn, Shael, and Thul. Runes Ral, Ort and Tal you can get as a reward for the second quest in the fifth act. You shouldn't trade them, as you can easily find them yourself. If you need to free up space in your backpack or chest, discard these runes first.

Rare runes
In order from least frequent to moderately rare: Sol, Dol, Hel, Io, Lum, Ko, Fal, Lem, Pul, Um. Some of these runes are more valuable than others, depending on their effects, and how they are used in Horadric Cube runewords and formulas.

Extremely rare runes
In order from rare to extremely rare: Mal, Ist, Gul, Vex, Ohm, Lo, Sur, Ber, Jah, Cham, Zod. Exchange these runes only for very good items!

Rune words
If you place a certain combination of runes in the correct order in a certain socketed item that has exactly the same number of sockets as the runes in the formula, then the color of its name will change to gold and the item will receive a unique name, and additional bonuses will be given, determined by the formula used .

Rune Rarity
This list gives an approximate number of runes that fall per Zod. This makes it possible to understand the chances of dropping the coolest runes. As you can see, there are 144 238 El (1#) for one Zod (33#)!

El = 144 238
Eld = 96 159
Tir = 69 209
Nef = 46 139
Ith = 29020
Tal = 32998
Ral = 21 999
ort = 21 133
Thul = 14088
Amn = 11822
Sol = 7881
Shael = 6028
Dol = 4019
Hel = 2899
Io = 1933
Lum = 1343
Ko = 895
Lem = 404
Pull = 267
Um = 178
Mal = 115
Ist = 77
Gul = 48
Vex = 32
Ohm = 19
Lo = 13
Sur = 7.2
Ber = 4.8
Jah = 2.4
Cham = 1.6
Zod = 1

rune list

The list of runes is compiled by their rarity, from the smallest to the largest.

Name Weapon Armor/Helmet/Shield Level
El +50 To Attack Rating, +1 Light Radius +15 Defense, +1 To Light Radius 11
Eld +75% Damage To Undead, +50 Attack Rating Against Undead 15% Slower Stamina Drain/7% Increased Chance of Blocking(Shields) 11
Tir +2 To Mana After Each Kill +2 To Mana After Each Kill 13
Nef Knockback +30 Defense Vs. missile 13
ETH -25% Target Defense Regenerate Mana 15% 15
Ith +9 To Maximum Damage 15% Damage Taken Goes to Mana 15
Tal +75 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds Poison Resist 30%/Poison Resist 35%(Shields) 17
Ral Adds 5-30 Fire Damage Fire Resist 30%/Fire Resist 35%(Shields) 19
Ort Adds 1-50 Lightning Damage Lightning Resist 30%/Lightning Resist 35%(Shields) 21
Thul Adds 3-14 Cold Damage - 3 Second Duration Cold Resist 30%/Cold Resist 35%(Shields) 23
Amn 7% Life Stolen Per Hit Attacker Takes Damage of 14 25
Sol +9 To Minimum Damage Damage Reduced By 7 27
Shael 20% Increased Attack Speed 20% Faster Hit Recovery/20% Faster Block Rate(Shields) 29
Dol Hit Causes Monster To Flee 25% Replenish Life +7 31
Hel Requirements -20% Requirements -15% -
io +10 To Vitality +10 To Vitality 35
Lum +10 To Energy +10 To Energy 37
Ko +10 To Dexterity +10 To Dexterity 39
Fall +10 To Strength +10 To Strength 41
Lem 75% Extra Gold From Monsters 50% Extra Gold From Monsters 43
Pul +75% Damage To Demons, +100 Attack Rating Against Demons +30% Enhanced Defense 45
um 25% Chance of Open Wounds All Resistances +15(Armor/Helms) +22(Shields) 47
Mal Prevent Monster Heal Magic Damage Reduced By 7 49

Lyrical introduction.

The purpose of writing this review is to give in a concise form basic information about the runes and the rules for compiling runwords. I did not post information about the characteristics of runes and runewords, because I consider it useless stuffing the volume of the article and in RuNet you will find hundreds of sites with posted sheets of runes and runewords and no longer have any useful information. I will only provide links to reliable sources with runes and runewords at the end of the article.

So let's go.
Runes are gray stones with symbols inscribed on them that have certain magical properties. Moreover, when folding runes in a certain order into a rune word, the player receives not only the bonuses of the runes themselves, but also adds powerful characteristics to them. Runes do not belong to the class of gems (Gems), precious stones (jewel), rings (ring) and amulets (amulet). Rather, they refer to items (item), such as weapons (weapon), armor (armor), etc. The use of runewords provides players with a huge number of character development paths and awakens an exploratory interest in matters of equipment for their hero. Being a fairly rare item, runes quickly won the position of the game currency and are often sold even for real money.
I would like to quote from the statement Bashiok- official representative Blizzard, regarding the use of runes in Diablo 3 due to their high popularity in D2. I will translate only that part of the quote that concerns D2:

High-level runes in Diablo II became a currency for several reasons. The first (most important) is that they were needed to create some of the most powerful items in patch 1.10, the second is that they were duplicated (duplicated, because called duping (dupe) - a bug that allows you to clone items, approx. trans.), becoming common enough to become a currency, and the third reason is that the actual currency (gold) was extremely depreciated. Prior to high-level runes, SoJ was the currency, and again, dupe - main reason the fact that high-level runes could become a single currency.
If runes were collected only through legal means, then they would not be common enough to become a single currency.

Source: http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=11693920688&postId=175555989164&sid=3000#47
The dupe bug was fixed in patch 1.13 and the rune drop rate was also significantly increased.
How significant - you can see the studies WOLK

Now let's move on to the main part.

To begin with, I would like to give some postulates for runes, gleaned from reliable sources, a list of which will be given below:

  • The chance of a rune drop is not affected by your chance of being found. magic items (“+X% Better Chance of Getting Magic Item), colloquially called Magic Find or simply MF .
  • The number of players increases the drop of monsters, and, accordingly, the chance of runes falling out. If you are playing single use the command /players X, which emulates the number of players.
  • To get high-level runes, it is better to hunt high-level monsters that can be quickly and safely destroyed.
  • Popular rune hunting spots are Secret Cow Level, Flayer Jungle, and Act 1 maps due to the high density of fairly weak monsters.
The only monster with an increased rune drop rate is countess(Countess). Rune drop chance depending on difficulty:

Norma (Normal): El - Ral.
Nightmare: El-Io/Ko, the Io rune drops quite rarely.
Hell (Hell): El - East/Lo, the Ist rune drops quite rarely.

The Countess has the best chance to drop a high level rune on the first kill on Nightmare and Hell difficulty when you complete the quest. She can cast a maximum of six runes, but most often she casts two or three. It is very unlikely that they will be higher than Tir or Eth, but two Hel drops are also very likely.
If you want to look deeper and draw useful information for all the things that fall out, you can read Item Generation Tutorial for patch 1.1 on DiabloWiki or the original of the same article on diablo.incgamers.com. (Links are at the end of the article).
I will give only an example of the drop of runes of our Countess:
In the game file TreasureClassEx.txt all drop-down items are combined into a system Treasure Class (TC) based on monster level (Mlvl). (What is the level of the monster will explain below).
Countess on Hell difficulty "Countess (H)" ALWAYS drops one drop from the "Countess Item (H)" vehicle and another from the "Countess Rune (H)" vehicle.
TC "Countess Item (H)" can have 5 samples from TC "Act 2 (H) Good" with 3/67 chance per player as in /players1 mode.
TC "Act 2 (H) Good" can have one sample from TC "Runes 14" with a 14/130 chance.
TC "Countess Rune (H)" can have 3 samples from TC "Runes 12" with 15/20 chance per player as in /players1 mode.
TS "Runes 14" includes all runes up to and including LO.
TS "Runes 12" includes all runes up to and including IST.

So, the Countess on Hell difficulty has a 1-(1-(3/67) * (14/130)) ^5 = 2.39% chance to drop at least one rune from the El-Lo range, and (1-(5/20) ^ 3) = 98% to drop at least one rune from El-Ist range.
Let me remind you that this data is for patch 1.11. I don't think the overall drop chance of the Countess has changed in patch 1.13. Didn't find specific information. I assume that the drop of each rune from the ranges has changed in proportion to the chances of dropping runes.
With the Countess, like, figured it out.

There are two more quests that reward you with runes.

The Hellforge
When your character destroys Mephisto's Soul Stone in Act 4, he will receive four stones and one rune as a reward. Runes received depend on the level of difficulty and are selected randomly from the following range:

Norma (Normal): El - Amn.
Nightmare: Sol - Um.
Hell (Hell): Hel-Gul.

Unlike the Countess, the chances of dropping runes of both the lower and upper limits of the range are the same.
For example, the probability of dropping a Hel rune or a Gul rune is exactly the same on Hell difficulty and equals 1/11 for each.
Cross your fingers.

And the last quest Rescue on Mount Arreats
This is an easy second quest in Act 5 and you get three runes as a reward: Tal, Ral and Ort.

Finding runes in chests (Chests)

Chests (also include barrels, crates, hidden stashes, etc.) also serve as a source of items, including runes.
The principle here is: "More players - more runes."
A large number of players increases the number of items from chests, reducing the chance that the game will select the "NoDrop" option.
Number of players in the game (not in the party) - Chance that nothing will fall out of an open chest:
1 or 2 - 43.4%
3 or 4 - 29.5%
5 or 6 - 26.0%
7 or 8 - 25.2%
Naturally, this is a far from winning strategy and hardly anyone will use it. Shown just for curiosity.

Increase the quality of runes depending on the level of the location.
The quality of the runes directly depends on the level of the location if you are trying to find runes in chests and caches.
Act 1 Normal: No runes in chests (Chests)
Act 2 Normal: El/Eld/Tir/Nef
Act 3 Normal: Eth/Ith/Tal/Ral
Act 4 Normal: Ort/Thul/Amn/Sol
Act 5 Normal: Shael/Dol
Act 1 Nightmare: Hel/Io
Act 2 Nightmare: Lum/Ko
Act 3 Nightmare: Fal/Lem
Act 4 Nightmare: Pul/Um
Act 5 Nightmare: Mal/Ist
Act 1 Hell: Gul/Vex
Act 2 Hell: Ohm/Lo
Act 3 Hell: Sur/Ber
Act 4 Hell: Jah/Cham
Act 5 Hell: Zod

Also, the quality of the rune depends on the level of the monster you kill when clearing the territory. The level of ordinary monsters is equal to the level of the location in which they live. The level of champion monsters (blue inscription text) is equal to location level +2, and the level of unique monsters and their minions (gold inscription text) is equal to location level +3.
You can see the location levels here.
For backfill, I will give the levels of the bosses, some of which have individual levels.
Name Level Level(N) Level(H)
Andariel 12 49 75
Duriel 22 55 88
Radament 16 49 83
Mephisto 26 59 87
Diablo 40 62 94
Summoner 18 55 80
Izual 29 60 86
Bloodraven 10 43 88
Griswold 5 39 84
NIhlathak 65 70 92
Baal 60 75 99

I will emphasize again.
Runes do not belong to the class of gems (Gems), precious stones (jewel), rings (ring) and amulets (amulet). Rather, they refer to items (item), such as weapons (weapon), armor (armor), etc.
And all of the above applies to both runes and items.

Basic rules for compiling runic words.

In the process of assembling rune words, various kinds of errors inevitably occur, nullifying all the player's efforts and leading to the loss of expensive runes. Knowledge and observance of some rules, as well as, first of all, attentiveness, will save the player's nerves.
These rules are simple and unpretentious. Invented, of course, not by me, but taken from trustworthy sources, such as Arreat Summit and DiabloWiki..

1. The original item (blank) must have the required number of sockets. Those. if the rune word consists of three runes, then you need to take a blank with only three sockets, and not with 4.​

2. The type of blank must correspond to the type of object indicated in the word formula. If a sword is specified in the formula, then the word will not work when using an ax or a spear.​

Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.
Staves ( Staves) - staves that do not belong to class weapons, such as necromancer's wands (Wands).

3. Runewords will only work on socketed nonmagical items. The name of the item should be grey. These things can be normal (normal), exceptional (exceptional) or elite (Elite) versions of things. Can use Low Quality, Superior, and Ethereal items.
DO NOT use magic, rare, set, crafted, or unique items.

4. Runes must only be inserted in the order shown.

List of all runes with their characteristics.

I'm rounding up on this. Of course, I did not cover the whole issue, but I tried to state the essence. I will be glad to any comments and suggestions to supplement the review. Applications are also welcome to explore any other aspect of this great game.

Used materials.