Check the MTPL agreement. Check the MTPL policy for authenticity in the RSA database online. So, how is the RSA service useful?

We have collected all the ways to check the OSAGO policy for the authenticity of the PCA. Check your policy against all PCA tables online on our website. Why check on three points? Exists the new kind policy fraud - the number of a real policy is taken and inserted into other, fake policies. The result is a real policy, but issued for a different car and a different person. To check whether the policy belongs to your car, you need to check not only the number, but also make sure that the policy is issued for your car. And the third point of verification - we check by the state number of the car, what policy number is assigned and which insurance company issued the policy.

Check the authenticity of OSAGO by policy number

Insured the car, check the authenticity of the policy by number. The same should be done with electronic policy, so that something doesn’t suddenly turn up. Anything can happen, including electronic failures and human factors. When insuring online, the pole number appears in the RCA database instantly. When purchasing at company offices or from policyholders, up to 5 days are given to add the number to the database.

The verification procedure is simple and takes only a minute. To check, you need the series and number of the policy. The series consists of letters. Typically, the letters XXX belong to policies purchased online.

Fill out the form below online checks policy:

  1. Select a policy series from the list.
  2. Enter your policy number. (this policy contains 10 digits)
  3. Check the box that you are not a robot. A verification window will pop up, mark what is requested.
  4. Click - search.

There are three possible outcomes of the check, see the status:

Checking using the RSA database to determine which car the policy was issued for

This method allows you to check a duplicate policy. This is when the same real policy number is printed on several forms and sold to gullible car owners. Let’s say you check the policy by series and number and it turns out to be real, but it may not be issued for your car.

The check is similar to the previous one, the only difference is in indicating the date on which the policy is checked.
Enter the series, number, date, click I’m not a robot and search:

Based on the results of the search, you will find out the VIN and state number of the car for which the insurance policy was issued. Also the status of the insurance policy as of the date being checked and the company of the insured. Compare with your car. Does it fit? This means the policy is real and issued for your car.

All that remains is to check who is included in the insurance.

Checking the MTPL policy by car number and who is included in the policy

The check can be done on any of the points or all at once. That is, you can enter just one state number and start checking the search for an MTPL policy. The vehicle registration number is entered in full with letters and region without rus (х111хх11 - letter, numbers, letters, region).

After checking, compare the series, number and company of the policyholder with the policy being checked. The second check point immediately appears - by the series and number of the driver’s license, you can find out whether the driver being checked is registered or not.


These three forms are quite enough to check a compulsory motor liability insurance policy purchased in the office or online. You can easily find out the authenticity of the policy by the policy number, by the car number and find out whether a certain driver is included in the policy. These inspection forms are often used by traffic police officers, conveniently, quickly and online. The main condition is the presence of the Internet, which is available in almost any smartphone.

You can also check not only your policy for authenticity, but also the availability of a policy in case of an accident with the culprit. Enter the license plate number of the vehicle involved in the accident and receive information.

If the forms for checking your OSAGO policy online are not displayed (not loading), then follow the following links:

Education: Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Experience in tax authorities for more than 9 years. Date: November 16, 2016. Reading time 4 min.

The main way to check MTPL insurance policies is the electronic services provided by the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. On the website of this organization, you can establish the authenticity of the insurance form, find out which car is insured by the document number, and also obtain information about the OSAGO number by entering data about the car. Let's look briefly at each of the methods.

There are 5 main ways to check for authenticity:

  1. RSA Electronic Services;
  2. Visual inspection of the OSAGO form;
  3. Verification of the license to issue insurance policies;
  4. Studying the power of attorney insurance agent the right to conclude insurance contracts;
  5. Studying the reputation and reviews of the intermediary through which insurance is purchased.

RSA electronic services

The website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers provides 3 services for obtaining information about the validity of insurance.

Service No. 1

Study of the intermediary's power of attorney for the right to conclude insurance contracts

When concluding an insurance contract through an intermediary, you must carefully check the power of attorney from the insurance company. First of all, you need to pay attention to the name of the company that issued the license, its validity period, the person authorized to perform actions on its behalf and the types of contracts that it can conclude.

Increasing cases of counterfeiting of MTPL forms, as well as the use of those listed as lost or issued to an insurance company whose license was subsequently revoked, led to the development of RSA a service for checking their validity. The opportunity to check the authenticity of an OSAGO policy online is provided to everyone without restrictions. This allows you not only to check your insurance, but also the policy of the third party who caused harm in the accident. This article will analyze all the ways to check the authenticity of the form, and also give advice on what to do if it turns out to be fake and is not in the database.

How to check the authenticity of an MTPL policy?

Thanks to modern technologies It’s not difficult to check whether your MTPL policy is valid—you can do it yourself. You can check it directly at the conclusion, both by visual signs and by the correspondence of the information specified in the contract to reality. Among the visual signs you should pay attention to the following:

  • The size of the form is larger than A4 format (the difference is about 1 cm);
  • the presence of protection watermarks with the logo of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers, as well as the presence of multi-colored fibers throughout the entire area of ​​the form;
  • the presence of a soldered metal strip along the left edge, which penetrates the entire length of the form;
  • The policy number must contain exactly 10 digits, while the series for printed ones should currently be EEE (until 05/01/2015 the CCC series was in effect) or XXX for electronic ones.

In addition, it is necessary to ensure that all information is filled out, and in cases where specific items do not need to be filled out, they should be crossed out. The amount of the insurance premium indicated directly on the form must match the amount actually paid and correspond to that written out on the receipt, which must be issued without fail.

An important role in the validity of the policy is the insurer's authority to enter into MTPL contracts. This authority is confirmed by a special license, which at the time of registration must be valid, that is, it must not be revoked or suspended.

Checking the form by number

The simplest and most accurate way is to check the MTPL insurance policy online in a specially designed form on the RSA website: To check, it is enough to indicate the series that must be selected from the proposed options, and the contract number, and also pass a check to confirm the security code - for this you need to specify the code from the picture (each time the system issues a new confirmation code).

If everything is done correctly, a new window will open, which will contain information regarding the specified policy contained in a single database. The correct status is considered to be “Located by the policyholder”, and the term of insurance and the name of the insurer must match the one issued at the conclusion.

When making a request immediately after concluding a compulsory motor liability insurance contract, the system may indicate that it is “Hosted by the insurer” - in such a case, you should not panic. This is due to the fact that the insurance company employees did not confirm the conclusion of the policy in the system. If such a status is listed on a form issued quite a long time ago, then you should contact the insurer and clarify the current situation.

Statuses “Lost” or “No longer valid” should cause concern, since they indicate that the contract is invalid as of the date of verification. In this case, you must contact the insurer and the police. In any case, you will have to purchase a valid policy again.

The method described above for checking an MTPL insurance policy online has a high percentage of reliability, but will not protect against duplicates, since the database will also display the status “Losed by the policyholder.” It is quite difficult to identify a duplicate - fraudsters issue them with identical insurance periods. If you suspect a duplicate, you can also check on the official RSA website which car is insured under a specific policy using the following link:
After entering all the necessary information, including indicating the date of the request, the following information will be generated below the request form:

  • registration plate of the insured vehicle;
  • VIN number or body number;
  • contract status;
  • name of the insurer.

You just need to check the data from a single database with the printed form and documents for the car. The policy is a duplicate if the information regarding the vehicle does not match. In this case, you must act in the same way as with the statuses “Lost” or “Expired”.

How to check your MTPL insurance policy online using your car number?

Situations arise in which it is necessary to find out not only information about whether the car is insured or not, but also the number of the form itself. For example, when it is lost, and in order to restore it you need to contact the insurer and provide the policy number, or if you are involved in an accident, if the culprit has not provided compulsory motor liability insurance, then you can check whether his car is insured or not.

Finding out about the availability of an MTPL insurance contract is quite simple. On a special service on the RSA website at you must fill in the following data:

  • identification number (VIN);
  • registration plate - you must enter the number in Russian letters indicating the region code;
  • body number;
  • chassis number.

When checking an OSAGO insurance policy online by number, you can indicate all the information in total or, for example, just the registration plate. If only one item is indicated and the MTPL agreement is not found in the database, then other information must be entered to complete the correct request. It should be noted that all data is entered manually and human error is not excluded. If there are errors when entering this information, as a rule, they will be made in the policy form itself.

The request field also indicates the date on which it is made - this will help to find out whether the insurance was valid on a certain date. This information will help victims of road accidents. Any date can be specified; if it is necessary to verify the authenticity of OSAGO, then the current date should be set.

The response to the request not only contains information about the series and number of the concluded MTPL agreement, but also information regarding the list of drivers, in particular, whether insurance has been concluded with or without restrictions. This allows you to find out whether a particular driver was allowed to drive a vehicle.

To clarify information about the driver’s permit, you must additionally enter information from his driver’s license (series and number). The series of a Russian driver's license contains both numbers and Russian letters or only numbers (consists of the first 4 characters), and the number always contains only 6 digits. If the driver is cleared to drive on a specific date, the system will issue a green response with information about admission. It should be noted that it is impossible to determine the insurance policy number simply by the driver's license number.

Checking the clearance of a specific driver will help not only during an inspection as part of an accident, but will also allow you to monitor the work of the insurer when making changes to the list of persons allowed to drive. Quite often, insurer specialists make mistakes when entering information into a single database, and subsequently, when checked by traffic police officers, the data on drivers or cars does not correspond to reality. In such cases, it is necessary to contact the insurer with a request to enter correct data into the unified RCA database.

In conclusion, it should be noted that you can check the authenticity of your MTPL policy online yourself, and if the form is not available in the system, you must first contact the insurer and provide the completed form for an internal investigation. Large insurers monitor their reputation, so all issues with invalid forms, including those issued by fraudulent agents, are resolved by the insurance company's security service. In such situations, if the insurance company does not solve the problem or refuses to solve it, you should definitely contact the police. Quite often, using forms of compulsory motor liability insurance policies, which, although invalid, the client learns about this only after the accident, responsible insurers make payments in order to preserve their reputation in the insurance market. There are also high chances for clients with an invalid policy to receive compensation in court if it is proven that the borrower properly issued a policy with an agent or employee of the insurer and paid for it in full in cash.

Still have questions?

All contracts compulsory insurance motor vehicle liability contracts concluded after September 1, 2014 are recorded in a single automated information system Russian Union of Auto Insurers. Insurers are required to upload data to the portal within one working day from the date of concluding a new contract. So check

The MTPL policy for the authenticity of the PCA allows any policyholder who has this document in hand. Authentication makes it possible to avoid damage from fraudsters.
To check the MTPL policy in the AIS RSA on the association’s website, you need to go to this section of the RSA website -

1. Checking the insurance form by number. To check, you must select a document series from the drop-down list, indicate its number and the date for which you need to provide data. After confirming the security code, the status of the requested form will be displayed on the screen. It is worth noting that from July 1, 2018, when concluding a car insurance contract, only OSAGO forms of the KKK or MMM series are issued.

Verification is available for both paper and electronic forms. The policy can have several statuses:

  • “is in the possession of the policyholder” – the document is genuine and handed over to the policyholder.
  • “is with the insurer” – the document is still with the insurer or the insurer has not yet submitted information to the AIS RSA. For this reason, it is better to check the MTPL insurance form for authenticity a few days after the conclusion of the contract.
  • “lost force” – the policy is no longer valid. The reason why the document has lost its validity can be found out by checking which vehicle is insured under this document.
  • “lost” – the policyholder has provided the insurer with information about the loss of the document.
  • “printed by the manufacturer” – the form to be filled out has not yet been submitted to the insurer for use.

Unfortunately, scammers can forge a valid MTPL policy, so to ensure the authenticity of the document, you should additionally check which car is indicated on the insurance form.

2. Checking information about the vehicle insured by the MTPL contract. To do this, you need to fill out information about the series of the form, enter its number and indicate the date on which you need to provide the data. After confirming the code, information about the insured car will be safely displayed on the screen: license plate number and VIN code.

3. “Reverse” check: clarification of the policy number based on the vehicle data. For such a check, you will need to indicate the VIN number, license plate number, body number and chassis number of the car. When specifying a license plate number, the region code is indicated at the end, all data is entered without spaces or additional symbols. After specifying all the data, the page will display information about the name of the insurance company, insurance form number and type of insurance contract.

If an insurance contract has been concluded with permission for a limited number of people to drive a vehicle, at the second stage of verification the system will ask you to check whether a specific driver is included in the policy. To do this, you will need to indicate the series and number of his driver's license. It is worth noting that if changes to the policy data were made recently (1-2 days ago), they may not have had time to be displayed in the electronic system, so it is worth returning to checking the information a little later.

In addition to the opportunity to check the MTPL policy for authenticity, the RSA website contains a reminder for motorists warning against scammers. To avoid becoming the owner of a fake car insurance form, you should:

  • check whether the insurance company has a valid license for the right to implement compulsory motor liability insurance on the website of the Bank of Russia;
  • complete documents only at insurance company sales offices;
  • check documents of brokers and agents confirming their right to sell policies on the official websites of insurance companies;
  • You should not purchase insurance documents through couriers who deliver completed forms to your home;
  • You should not pay for services in cash.

Information from a fake document is not transmitted to the IAS RSA, therefore the owner of such a form will not be able to use the KBM accumulative system. Naturally, in the event of an accident, such a document does not provide insurance payment and all possible financial costs are transferred to the driver. In accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, using a fake policy and presenting it to a State Traffic Inspectorate employee constitutes a crime.

If, after checking the MTPL policy for authenticity on the RSA website, it turns out that the policyholder is the owner of a fake document, you must immediately contact the internal affairs authorities with a statement about fraud committed against him.

The authenticity of the MTPL policy is the key to a motorist’s hassle-free receipt of insurance protection from the company he has chosen. However, in Lately Cases of counterfeiting or issuing policies on behalf of insurers whose license to provide this type of service were previously revoked have become more frequent. In order to provide insurance guarantees and increase the confidence of policyholders, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers has created a special database that allows you to check the policy and verify the authenticity of this document.

This can be done online at any convenient time. Moreover, a motorist can check not only his own MTPL, but also the policy of another participant in an accident or any other person in order to verify the authenticity and validity of the insurance document. It is also very useful to check the authenticity of the policy after purchase.

RSA has made every effort to provide motorists with quick and convenient access to such a database, so now anyone can check the authenticity of an MTPL policy and completely free of charge.

Visual inspection

You can carry out an initial check of the paper version of the policy visually. To do this, you need to carefully examine the document and pay special attention to the following:

  • size of the form – it should be 1 cm larger than the A4 sheet format;
  • watermarks – the RSA logo should be visible on the form, colored fluff is visible throughout the entire field;
  • metal strip – located on the left along the entire length;
  • the number is always ten digits, the series is EEE (paper forms) or XXX (for electronic versions).
  • from 2018 all issued. Having recognized it with a smartphone camera, you can get all the information from the official RSA database (the corresponding web browser page will open).

In the policy you must find all the necessary information about the policyholder, the insured item, the validity period, the sum insured and the premium. Empty fields are crossed out. The amount of the insurance premium must be the same on the form and on the receipt that is issued upon payment.

At the time of concluding the contract, the insurance company must have a valid license giving the right to enter into MTPL contracts, otherwise the policy issued by it is considered invalid.

Check by number

You can more accurately check the policy online on the RSA website. Here you will have to fill out the form provided, where you need to enter the series and form number.

After entering a one-time verification code on the site, which will appear in the picture, a search result will be received from the RSA database. The authenticity of the policy is confirmed if its number shows the status “Hosted by the policyholder.” However, it is better for you to compare the name of the insurer and the duration of the contract with the data indicated in the form being checked. If something doesn't match, it's probably a fake.

Checking MTPL for authenticity by series and policy number

The status may be designated as “Hosted by the insurer.” This does not mean that your policy is fraudulent or invalid. Perhaps a company employee simply did not confirm the issuance of this policy in the unified database. However, if this status has persisted for a long time, the situation should be clarified with the insurer so that the policy status can be changed.

If, during an online check of the database, the result is “No longer valid”, “Lost”, it means that the authenticity or validity of the policy has not been confirmed and this document is not valid at the time of verification. IN in this case it would be advisable to contact representatives of the insurance company and police officers, as well as buy new policy OSAGO, if you intend to continue using your vehicle without waiting for the disassembly to be completed.

It is important to remember that, despite the high reliability of such an online check, PCA cannot guarantee protection against a duplicate of a valid policy. Fraudsters can issue exactly the same document with the same number and the same insurance periods, but with a different vehicle. Then, when searching in the database, the status of the policy will be the same - “Hosted by the policyholder,” that is, the duplicate will be recognized by the program as valid as the original.

You can check which car is insured by the OSAGO policy series number on the RSA page

If you have the slightest suspicion that you have a duplicate, go back to the RSA database and check which car was insured under this contract. After filling in the requested data, you will receive the following results:

  • registration number vehicle,
  • VIN/body number,
  • policy status,
  • the name of the insurance company that issued it.

If the information received does not match what you see in the paper OSAGO policy, be sure to contact your insurer to clarify the circumstances and write a statement to the police.

Check by vehicle number

In some cases, you may need to know the policy number. This happens when the policy is lost and needs to be restored, or when the policyholder involved in an accident does not have it with him, but the number is needed to be included in the notification of the accident. You can find out about the availability of a “motor citizen” and check the OSAGO policy number based on the data of the vehicle itself. To search in the RSA database you will have to enter the numbers:

  • registration (written in Cyrillic plus region code),
  • body,
  • chassis.

In most cases, just one is enough to get an answer. registration number cars. But if, after entering it, the information about the insurance policy number is not found, then you will have to fill out the entire form. At the same time, it is important to remember that we cannot exclude the possibility of accidental errors both when filling out the request form and when issuing a policy and transferring its data to the RCA database. This can also cause the lack of results after searching in the database, although it is a rather rare occurrence.

You can check the availability of an MTPL policy by car number on the RSA page

When filling out the request form, be sure to indicate the current date. Thus, you will find out not only the policy number, but also confirm the fact that it is valid for this moment time.

By this request you can obtain the number and series of the MTPL policy, but also information about the drivers allowed to drive the insured vehicle. This can be important when there are several of them and it is necessary to know exactly whether a particular person had the right to drive a car. To obtain such information, you must provide information from your driver's license in your request. Enter the series and number of the license - and you will be given an answer whether this person is allowed to use the insured vehicle. Be extremely careful when entering signs. A series can consist not only of numbers, but also of letters. Entering Russian letters in Latin characters can lead to data distortion and negative search results. The number always consists of 6 digits, but they must also be entered correctly.

It should be remembered that just one driver’s license number is not enough to check the MTPL policy and find out its number. If you are interested in this particular data, you will have to supplement the information with the above information.

Checking by license number will be useful in the event of an accident, and will also allow you to check the correctness of the data entered when drawing up an insurance contract and subsequent changes that may be made to the list of persons who are allowed to drive a car. Mistakes accidentally made by insurers distort the data in the RSA database and cause a lot of inconvenience to motorists when they are checked by patrol officers. If such discrepancies are identified, contact your insurers with a request to check the policy and the accuracy of the data in the database and, if necessary, make adjustments.

Every car owner should remember that he can easily check the authenticity of the auto insurance policy himself by sending an online request to the RSA. If he receives a negative answer, he must contact his insurance company with this form and request an internal investigation. His security service will deal with the issue of the legitimacy of the issuance of this policy and the search for fraudulent agents who issued it or forged it. If the company cannot decide on its own this question, then it’s worth getting the police involved. But, as a rule, any self-respecting company independently copes with resolving such a situation.

Often policyholders learn that the MTPL policy is invalid only after the insured event. However, large Insurance companies strive to maintain their reputation in the market and not lose the trust of clients, therefore they often meet their client halfway and can pay out insurance compensation even under such a policy. There is also the possibility and very high chances of obtaining compensation for damages through the court. But when filing a lawsuit, the car owner must confirm that he received the form from an employee of the insurance company itself or from its agent and paid the insurance premium for it by presenting the policy form and a receipt for payment of the insurance service to the court.