Rules for the provision of paid medical services with medical organizations. Legal basis for the provision of paid medical services in health facilities rules for the provision of paid medical services

Public discussions are important for the medical community. The draft rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations. According to officials of the Ministry of Health, at the moment some of the honeycomb is imposed by patients with paid services, replacing them with the necessary help. At the same time, the current regulatory legal framework does not allow clearly distinguish between which services need to be provided for free, and which on a reimbursable basis. In the question and the amount of the cost of medical services that government agencies have on a paid basis.

The main provisions of the draft law

Changes to the rules that are offered to make officials of the Ministry of Health will allow:

  • clearly delimit the conditions for the provision of medical care in the framework of territorial programs of state guarantees of free provision of medical care (hereinafter referred to as territorial programs) and paid medical services
  • prevent the replacement of free medical services paid
  • limit the unreasonable increase in citizens' expenditures to paid medical services.
  • When determining tariffs for paid medical services to provide for cost profitability of no more than 20 percent.
  • The list of paid medical services include medical support for the patient by a doctor or nurse during transportation to the place of treatment, surveys, rehabilitation and back. But this does not concern those cases when the service turns out to be within the framework of the territorial program of the OMS.
  • Allow placing patients in municipal chambers in the absence of testimony established by the Ministry of Health of Russia.
  • To prohibit any paid medical services when providing ambulance in emergency and urgent forms.

How to distinguish paid and free services

Currently, paid medical services are provided in medical organizations of state and municipal health systems, using usually infrastructure and logistical base acquired for budgetary funds. At the same time, it is designed to provide medical assistance within the framework of territorial programs, including territorial compulsory health insurance programs.

The provision of paid medical services on equipment, in rooms, using consumables intended for the provision of free medical services can lead to a replacement of free medical services paid and increasing the time of waiting for patients to provide free medical care.

Often, medical workers are simultaneously involved in the provision of paid and free techniques, as a result of which patients wait for free medical care longer.

The purpose of the amendments in new rules - delimit the conditions for the provision of medical care within the framework of territorial programs and paid medical services and prevent the replacement of free medical services paid.

Separate accounting for the use of drugs and consumables

The problem of paid and free services is relevant especially for level III institutions in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as for federal specialized medical institutions, subordinate to various ministries and departments of the Russian Federation. Almost all examinations and part of interventions are carried out on a paid basis, referring to the absence of volumes by territorial program or due to quotas. At the same time, most of the equipment was acquired and acquired at the expense of budget allocations of the federal budget or budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Also, the main salary is paid at the expense of OMS.

reference. Medical organizations of the third level are organizations in which there are units that provide high-tech medical care.

To solve these problems, it is necessary to conduct medical organizations separate accounting and control of use medicinal preparations and consumables When providing medical care in the framework of territorial programs and paid medical services.

Free medical care above established volumes and paid services

In the process of discussion of amendments, the medical community indicates the need to develop clear criteria for the provision of paid medical care, especially above the established volumes within the framework of the territorial programs for providing free medical care.

An annual reduction in medical care in the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation leads to various kinds of abuse by therapeutic institutions.

Nevertheless, the draft regulatory legal act does not provide for the establishment of criteria for paid medical care in part of the provision of medical care in excess of established volumes within the framework of territorial programs. This is due to the fact that during the year the volume of medical care for honeycombs can be adjusted, taking into account the needs of the population and actually made of medical care.

View of the medical community

In the Accounts Chamber Bulletin No. 2 of 2019, a report on the results of the expert and analytical event "Analysis of the formation in 2017 and 2018 and execution in 2017 territorial programs of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens, including their financial security" were published.

The document states that there is an increase accounts payable Medical organizations in the following regions:

  • Moscow,
  • Ulyanovsk region,
  • Leningrad region,
  • Kirov region,
  • Udmurtia,
  • Kostroma region,
  • Mari El Republic.

The main reasons for payables:

  • underfunding territorial programs at the expense of budget allocations of the budgets of the subjects of the Russian Federation;
  • low OMC rates that do not cover real health care costs;
  • non-fulfillment of medical care;
  • applying penalties by insurance medical organizations on the results of the examination of the quality of medical care;
  • increase the share of spending on wages In order to implement the Decree Decree Russian Federation dated May 7, 2012 No. 597 "On events for the implementation of state social policy";
  • non-compliance with the structure of spending of medical organizations operating in the OMS system, including in terms of exceeding wages;
  • rising prices for medicines and consumables, food, fuel and lubricants, an increase in energy tariffs.

If you eliminate the above reasons, then make changes in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04.10.2012 No. 1006 "On approval of the rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations".

During the discussion of the amendments, specialists expressed different opinions about whether there is no need to adopt amendments and changes to the provisions of the above ruling.

Were suggested other ways to solve the problem:

  • remove paid services from state and municipal medical institutions, as they do not solve financial problems of medical institutions, and simply support in some plan the material situation of health workers;
  • increase budgetary health financing;
  • revise new system wage;
  • to deal with finance in health care, namely how much money came, how much went and where it left.

At the stage of development of amendments, 19 proposals were presented, of which only 4 took into account, and 7 partially accepted for consideration.

Heads of medical institutions and doctors invite the seminar on the NMO system "".

This Regulation "On the procedure and conditions for the provision of paid medical services" (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) in the State Autonomous Healthcare Institution "Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, Restorative and Sports Medicine Health Department of the City of Moscow" (hereinafter - the Center) was developed in accordance with the Constitution Of the Russian Federation, the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of 11/21/2011 No. 323-ФЗ "On the basis of the health of citizens' health in the Russian Federation", the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of November 29, 2010 No. 326-FZ "On Compulsory Medical Insurance In the Russian Federation, "Law of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1" On the Protection of Consumer Rights ", Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2012 N 1006" On approval of the rules for the provision of paid medical services by medical organizations ", by order of the City Health Department Moscow from October 2 2 013g. № 944 "On approval of the rules for the provision of paid services to citizens and legal entities of the Moscow Health System of the City of Moscow", Resolution of the Moscow Government of December 24, 2013 No. 892-PP "On the territorial program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens in Moscow for 2014 and the planning period of 2015 and 2016 ", the Budget Code of the Russian Federation, the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the Charter of the Center, the license to carry out medical activities.

The situation determines the procedure and conditions for the provision of paid medical services to the population in the center, as well as the procedure for spending the funds received, including the remuneration of workers who participate in the provision of paid medical services.

The provision of paid medical services to the center contributes to more complete satisfaction of the population needs in medical and medical and social assistance, as well as attracting additional financial resources on the material and technical development of the center and the material promotion of its employees.

1. Basic concepts

Paid Medical Services - Medical Services provided on a reimbursable basis at the expense of personal funds of citizens, funds of legal entities and other means on the basis of contracts, including voluntary health insurance agreements.

The consumer is an individual with an intention to receive either receiving paid medical services personally in accordance with the contract. The consumer receiving paid medical services is a patient who applies to the federal law "On the basics of the health of citizens' health in the Russian Federation".

Legal representative - A person who speaks in the interests of the patient - a person who has not yet reached the age-defined civil law of the occurrence of legal capacity, and citizens recognized in accordance with the procedure established by law, limitedly capable, etc.

Customer - Physical (legal) person who has intent to order (acquire) or orders (acquiring) paid medical services in accordance with the consumer agreement.

Medical service - medical intervention or a complex of medical interventions aimed at prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases with independent completed value and a certain value.

Medical assistance - a set of events (including medical services, organizational and technical activities, sanitary and anti-epidemic activities, medicinal support, etc.) aimed at maintaining and restoring health.

Medical service services (paid non-medical services) - domestic, service, transport and other services to patients provided additionally in branches of the Center in the process of providing medical care, but not elements of medical care.

The program of state guarantees of public guarantee of the Russian Federation free medical care (hereinafter referred to as the program) is a medical care program to the population provided by a medical institution for the public basis and funded from the state budget funded.

The territorial program of state guarantees for the population of the city of Moscow of free medical care - the program of state guarantees to the public of the city of Moscow of free medical care (hereinafter referred to as a territorial program), which includes a territorial program of compulsory medical insurance, established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on compulsory medical insurance.

State Target Medical Aid Programs - Programs of Target Medical Aid to certain contingents of the population (usually socially significant diseases or those under which expensive treatment methods are used) in terms of prevention and treatment of diseases that are allocated to targeted financing from funds from budgets of different levels.

Policy Medical Insurance - a document issued by the insured, certifying the fact of insurance in this insurance organization and determining the amount of medical care in accordance with the Agreement of Mandatory or Voluntary Health Insurance.

The price (rate) for a medical service is the amount of funds that the consumer (Customer) must pay, and the medical organization for this amount will provide a certain medical service.

2. The procedure for the provision of paid medical services

2.1. The basis for the provision of paid medical services is:

2.1.1. lack of relevant medical services in the program, territorial program and (or) targeted medical care programs; lack of obligations to pay for this type of medical care (medical services) from budget and state extrabudgetary funds;

2.1.2. The provision of medical services on other conditions than is provided for by the program, territorial programs and (or) targeted programs at the request of the consumer (customer), including:

- establishment of an individual post of medical observation in the treatment under hospital;

- the use of drugs that are not included in the list of vital and most important drugs, if their purpose and application are not due to life testimony or replacement due to individual intolerance of drugs included in the specified list, as well as the use of medical products, medical nutrition, including specialized healthcare food products not provided for in medical care standards;

2.1.3. Provision of paid medical services to citizens of foreign states, stateless persons, with the exception of persons insured for compulsory health insurance, and citizens of the Russian Federation, which is constantly constantly on its territory and are not insured for compulsory health insurance, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation ;

2.1.4. Independent appeal to receive paid medical services, with the exception of cases and procedures provided for in Article 21 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation", and cases of emergence, including emergency specialized, Medical care and medical care provided in emergency or emergency form.

2.1.5. Providing medical services: individual medical post as well additional servicesprovided in the process of providing medical care, including household and service: individual preparation or order of dishes at the request of the patient, accommodation in the ward of high comfort and other services provided additionally when providing medical care.

2.2. Paid medical services cannot be provided in the branches of the Center:

2.2.1. Instead of services performed within the framework of the state (municipal) task, except in cases of fulfilling it in full and on the conditions prescribed in P.P. 2.1.1. - 2.1.5.;

2.2.2. Not allowed without the consent of citizens to provide additional services for the fee, as well as determine the provision of some services to the mandatory execution of others;

2.2.3. When receiving medical care in the branches of the Center, within the framework of the territorial program for free medical care, the following services are not subject to payment:

- the appointment and application of medicinal drugs (in cases of their replacement due to intolerance, rejection), which are not included in the list of vital and most important drugs;

- accommodation in mother's chambers (boxes) of patients in medical and (or) epidemiological indications;

- Medical and transport services in the provision of medical care in the framework of medical care standards (examination and treatment of the patient in the hospital of a round-the-clock stay) in the absence of the possibility of their medical or other organization providing medical care to the patient.

2.2.4. Medical services cannot be provided with emergency medical care facilities, which is provided immediately under states requiring medical intervention in emergency testimony (in accidents, injuries, poisoning and other states and diseases).

2.3. The procedure for the provision of paid medical services in the Center is regulated by the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the provision of paid services in the Center, developed on the basis of "Rules for the provision of paid services to citizens and legal entities of the Moscow State Organizations of the City of Moscow" and the approved director of the Center internland regulatory documents (orders, the rules of the internal labor regulation, collective agreements, work schedules, etc.), as well as other requirements of current legislation.

2.4. The date of the beginning of the provision of paid medical services, a list of tax medical services provided by branches, prices (tariffs) for paid medical services, as well as changes in the list of paid medical services and price changes (tariffs) are approved by order of the Director of the Center.

2.4.1. The list of paid medical services is drawn up with the specifying codes of paid services provided in accordance with the approved nomenclature of medical services and is approved by the order of the Director.

2.4.2. In case of termination of the provision of paid services, the Center within a 3-day period sends relevant information to the Department of Health, with the aim of making changes to the Register of State Organizations, providing paid services, on the official website of the Moscow City Health Department.

2.5. The provision of paid medical services can be carried out in all structural divisions (branches, chambers, offices) of the Center branches, including in specially organized structural units (departments, chambers, cabinets).

2.5.1. A specially organized structural unit (separation, chamber, office), providing exclusively paid services, is guided by the Regulations "On the Office (Chamber, Cabinet) for the provision of paid medical services to the population."

2.6. The provision of paid medical services in the branches of the Center is carried out by specialists approved by the order of the head of the branch.

2.6.1. The employees participating in the provision of paid medical services in the branches of the Center may include experts from the scientific departments of the Center, if there are appropriate medical education under the terms of the partification.

2.6.2. To carry out the provision of paid medical services in the center can be introduced additional posts medical and other personnel, the payment of wages of which is carried out at the expense of funds received from the implementation of paid medical services.

2.7. The provision of paid medical services by employees of the branches of the Center in Ambulatory Conditions can be carried out in the main working time And at the main workplace by increasing the intensity of the work of a specialist with a minor increase (up to 3 patients in shift) - load standards, or non-fulfillment of the planned load. In the case of a large amount of paid services - on a separate schedule for receiving specialists. In stationary conditions and paraklinic units allowed paid medical services at the underlying work time and at the main workplace.

2.7.1. In specially organized structural units (departments, chambers, cabinets), paid medical services are on schedule of work in these divisions.

2.7.2. When providing paid medical services, the work of the branches can be installed on a separate schedule, subject to its coordination with the Department of Health of the city of Moscow.

2.7.3. It should not deteriorate the availability, quality and amount of medical services provided in the Center under the Program, the territorial program of state-ordering of free medical care to the population of the city of Moscow, targeted comprehensive programs.

2.8. Paid medical services, their types, volumes and terms of rendering must comply with licensing requirements, the terms of the contract, standards and procedures for providing medical care, regulatory documents (requirements) established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and other established requirements.

2.9. Paid medical services may be provided in the full standard of medical care, or as one-time consultations, procedures, diagnostic research and other services, including over the standards performed.

2.10. Requirements for the provision of paid medical services, including the content of standards, orders and conditions for the provision of medical care, service, and other services are determined by the Agreement of the Parties and may be higher than provided for by standards, orders and other regulatory documents (requirements) approved by Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, as well as standards, orders, conditions and requirements established on their basis by other federal and regional bodies executive power.

2.11. The paid medical services provided to the population must comply with the requirements for the methods of diagnosis, prevention, treatment, medical technologies, drugs, immunobiological drugs and disinfectants permitted in the territory of the Russian Federation.

2.12. Sources of financing in the provision of paid medical services are:

- means of insurance organizations working in the voluntary health insurance system;

- funds of organizations, enterprises, institutions;

- personal funds of citizens;

- Fund tools social insurance;

- Other means permitted by law.

2.13. Paid medical services to the population are carried out by the Center under contracts. Contracts are in writing in accordance with the requirements for their content established by federal legislation on the procedure for the provision of paid services by government organizations.

2.14. Conclusion The center of contracts for intermediary services to attract patients with third-party organizations is not allowed.

3. Terms of provision of paid medical services

3.1. The presence of a concluded agreement for the provision of paid medical services. When concluding a contract to the consumer (Customer), information is provided in an accessible form about the possibility of obtaining relevant types and amounts of medical care without charging the fee in the framework of the program guarantees of free provision of medical care and the territorial program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens.

3.2. A prerequisite for the provision of paid medical services in the Center is to provide affordable and reliable information through the placement on the website of the center in the Internet information and telecommunications network, as well as on information stands (racks) in the branches of the Center.

3.2.1. The information posted on information stands (racks) should be available to an unlimited circle of persons during the entire working time of the branches of the center and contain the following information: the name and address of the location of the branch; the existing license for medical activities; price list of paid medical services; information about medical professionals involved in the provision of paid medical services; the work of the branch; the work schedule of medical professionals involved in the provision of paid medical services; Addresses and phone numbers of the executive authority in the field of the health of the health of citizens and the service for supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and the well-being of the city of Moscow.

3.2.2. Information stands (racks) are located in the place available to visitors and are issued in such a way that you can freely familiarize yourself with the information posted on them.

3.3. At the request of the consumer and (or) of the Customer, employees of the Center branches provide for familiarization:

3.3.1 A copy of the constituent document of the State Organization (Charter of the Center), the Provision on the branch participating in the provision of paid services;

3.3.2. A copy of the license to implement medical and other activities to be licensed with an application list of work (services) in accordance with the license.

3.4. When concluding an agreement on the requirement of the consumer (Customer), information on paid services is provided in accessible form containing the following information:

3.4.1. the procedures for providing medical care and medical care standards used in the provision of paid medical services;

3.4.2. Information on a specific medical person who provides the appropriate paid medical service (its professional education and qualifications);

3.4.3. information on the methods of providing medical assistance related to the risks, possible types of medical intervention, their consequences and the expected results of medical care;

3.4.4. The list of categories of consumers eligible for benefits, as well as a list of benefits provided in the provision of paid medical services in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts and other information related to the contract.

3.5. The provision of paid services to citizens is carried out in the presence of informed voluntary consent of the patient until the medical service is provided. If it is impossible to obtain such consent of the patient himself, it must be obtained from its legal representatives (guardians). The fact of informed voluntary consent to the provision of paid medical services is recorded in the patient's medical record.

3.6. At the end of providing a patient a paid medical service, it is issued a medical conclusion of the established form, in the presence of temporary disability - a leaflet of temporary disability.

  1. Prices (tariffs) for paid medical services and payment procedure

4.1. Prices (tariffs) for medical services provided by the population for a fee are determined in accordance with Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

4.2. The price list (prices) on medical services in the center is approved by the director of the Center.

4.3 Center staff pay 70% of the cost of paid medical services in the Price List.

4.4. Payment of medical services is carried out by non-cash payments through credit organizations or by making cash directly at the cashier's cash register with the issuance of the Customer (Customer) of a document confirming payment (cash receipt, receipt or other form of strict reporting (document of the established sample).

4.5. Challenges the money directly by the employees of the Center, carrying out the provision of paid medical services, is strictly prohibited.

4.6 .. At the request of the person who paid the service, the Center is obliged to issue a certificate of payment for medical services for the provision of the Tax authorities of the Russian Federation in the form established by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for taxes and fees of July 25, 2001 N 289 / BG-3-04 / 256 "On the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 N 201" On approval of medical services and expensive treatment in medical organizations of the Russian Federation, medicines, the amount of payment of which at the expense of own funds of the taxpayer is taken into account when determining the sum of social tax deduction”.

4.7. Requirements for paid medical services, including their volume and terms of rendering, are determined by agreement of the Parties to the Treaty, if other requirements are not provided for federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

4.8. In the event that for any reason that does not depend on the center, it is impossible to have a patient with medical care (in whole or in part), then the cash is subject to return in non-cash form to the account of a legal entity on the act of reconciliation, or to the patient (Customer) in cash upon his application signed by the head of the branch.

4.9. The funds received for the paid medical services are credited to the center's personal account in the Department of Finance of the city of Moscow to take into account funds received from the income-generating activity.

  1. Responsibility and control over the provision of paid medical services in the center

6.1. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Center is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper performance of the conditions for the provision of paid medical services, non-compliance with the requirements for the methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment, training, as well as damage to the health and life of the patient.

6.2. Control over the organization of work on the provision of paid medical services, the quality of their implementation in the branches of the Center, prices and procedure for charging funds from the population is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Welfare, the Department of Health of the City of Moscow, as well as other state bodies, For which, in accordance with the laws and other legal acts of the federal and regional level, the activities of state organizations are insteited.

6.3. In case of detection of violations in the work of the Center for the Provision of Paid Medical Services, officials are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.4. The harm caused to the patient's life and health as a result of the provision of poor-quality paid medical services is subject to a refund of the Contractor in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.5. This provision is approved by the director of the Center, the changes and additions of this provision are the orders of the Director of the Center.

The government of Moscow
Moscow Department of Health


On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid services to citizens and legal entities by state organizations of the health system of the city of Moscow

Document with changes made by:
by the order of the Moscow Health Department of September 9, 2015 N 764;
by order of the Moscow Department of Health from March 2, 2017 N 148;
by order of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow dated June 14, 2017 N 427.

In pursuance of the decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2012 N 1006 "On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid medical services with medical organizations" and on August 15, 2013 N 706 "On approval of the rules for the provision of paid educational services", as well as the decisions of the Moscow Government of December 21, 2010 N 1076-PP "On the procedure for implementing the executive authorities of the city of Moscow of the functions and powers of the founder of state institutions of the city of Moscow"
(Preamble in the editors enacted by the order of the Moscow Department of Health of the city of Moscow dated April 14, 2017 N 283.


1. To approve the rules for the provision of paid services to citizens and legal entities with state organizations of the health system of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as Rules) (annex to this order).

2. Heads of organizations of the State Health System of the city of Moscow in the provision of paid services are guided by the rules approved by the Government Resolutions of the Russian Federation of 04.10.2012 N 1006, from 15.08.2013 N 706.
By order of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow of April 14, 2017 N 283.

3. Head of the Office of Cases and Coordination of Activities E.L. Nikonov to ensure the placement of this order on the official website of the Moscow Department of Health.
(The point in the editorial office enacted by the Order of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow dated April 14, 2017 N 283.

4. To consider the orders of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow:

- dated December 9, 2011 N 1608 "On approval of the rules for the provision of paid services to citizens and legal entities by government agencies of all types of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow";

- from 04.07.2013 N 677 "On Amendments to the Order of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow of 09.12.2011 N 1608"

5. Control of the execution of this order is to be entrusted to the first deputy head of the Moscow Department of Health by V.V. Pavlov.
(The point in the editorial office enacted by the Order of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow dated April 14, 2017 N 283.

Minister of Government of Moscow
head of department
health of the city of Moscow

Application. Rules for the provision of paid services to citizens and legal entities with state organizations of the health care system of the city of Moscow

to the order of the Department
health of the city of Moscow
from October 2, 2013 N 944

These rules establish the procedure for the provision of paid services to citizens and legal entities with medical, educational and other state organizations of the health system of the city of Moscow.

The rules are developed in accordance with the current legislative and regulatory acts of the federal and regional level.

1. Paid services are provided by medical, educational and other state organizations of the health care system of the city of Moscow (hereinafter referred to as government organizations) to citizens and legal entities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the types of income-generating activities allowed by the statutes of state organizations. The provision of paid medical, educational and other services subject to licensing is carried out on the basis of a list of works, services that make up medical, educational and other activities and listed in licenses to carry out activities issued in the prescribed manner.

The Department of Health of the city of Moscow leads the register of subordinate state organizations providing paid services (official website "

2. The start date for the provision of paid services, the list of paid services provided by the State Organization, prices (tariffs) for paid services, as well as changes in the list of paid services and price changes (tariffs) on paid services are approved by the order of the State Organization. Lists of paid services and price lists (tariffs) for paid services are drawn up with the specifying the codes of paid services provided in accordance with the approved nomenclature of medical and educational services.

Prior to the publication of the order of the State Organization on the approval of the list of paid services or on amending this order, a list of paid services that the state organization is going to provide is to be coordinated by the Department of Health of the city of Moscow.

In case of termination of paid services, state organizations in a 3-day period are sent to the Moscow City Health Department relevant information in order to introduce changes to the register of state organizations providing paid services on the official website of the Moscow City Health Department.

3. The provision of paid services to citizens is carried out in the presence of a voluntary informed consent of the patient. The fact of voluntary informed consent to the provision of paid medical services is recorded in the patient's medical record.

4. State Medical Organizations of the Department of Health of the city of Moscow (hereinafter - medical organizations) providing relevant types and amounts of medical care without charging the fee in the framework of the State Guaranteed Program of Free Provision of Medical Citizens and the Territorial Program of State Guarantees of Free Provision of Medical Citizens (hereinafter referred to The program, territorial program), have the right to provide paid medical services:

a) on other conditions than is provided for by the program, territorial programs and (or) targeted programs, at the request of the consumer (customer), including:

- establishment of an individual post of medical observation in the treatment under hospital;

- the use of drugs that are not included in the list of vital and most important drugs, if their purpose and application is not due to life testimony or replacement due to the individual intolerance to the drugs included in the specified list, as well as the use of medical products, therapeutic nutrition, in including specialized healthcare food products not provided for in medical care standards;

b) in the provision of medical services anonymously, with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

c) citizens of foreign states, stateless persons, with the exception of persons insured for compulsory health insurance, and citizens of the Russian Federation, which is constantly constantly on its territory and are not insured for compulsory health insurance, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation;

d) with an independent appeal to receive medical services, with the exception of cases and procedures provided for in Article 21 of the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 N 323-FZ "On the Fundamentals of the Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation", and cases of emergency, including emergency specialized, medical care and medical care provided in emergency or emergency form. "

5. Medical services can be provided with medical organizations: an individual medical post, the provision of medical services at home (except when medical care at home is on medical testimony), medical and social assistance and other services, as well as additional services provided in the process of providing medical care, including domestic and service: Delivery of drugs, medical products for medical purposes, individual preparation or order of dishes at the request of the patient, accommodation in the ward of high comfort and other services provided additionally when providing medical care.

6. Paid services, their types, volumes and terms of rendering must comply with the license requirements, the terms of the contract, the standards and the procedures for the provision of medical care, educational and other services, regulatory documents (requirements) established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and other, established legislation, requirements.

7. Paid medical and educational services may be provided in the full amount of the standard of medical care, state educational standards or as one-time consultations, procedures, diagnostic research and other services, including over the standards performed.

8. Requirements for the provision of paid services, including the content of standards, orders and conditions for the provision of medical care, service, educational and other services are determined by agreement of the parties and may be higher than those provided by standards, orders and other regulatory documents (requirements) , approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, as well as standards, orders, conditions and requirements established on their basis by other federal and regional executive authorities.

9. When providing paid services, the mode of operation of the state organization can be established on a separate schedule, subject to its coordination with the founder.

This should not deteriorate the availability, quality and amount of medical services provided under the Program, the territorial program of state guarantees of the provision of free medical care to the population of the city of Moscow, Target complex programs and, in a part of educational services, free of charge in accordance with federal state educational standards.

10. The procedure for the provision of paid services in state organizations is governed by the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for the provision of paid services in the State Organization, developed on the basis of these Rules and approved by the head of the State Organization, internal regulatory documents (orders, the rules of the internal employment regulations, collective agreements, work schedules and Dr.), as well as other requirements of current legislation.

11. To provide paid services, taking into account the population's demand for relevant types of services and the availability of necessary funds, it is possible to organize special structural units (departments, chambers, charges for the provision of paid services), which are created by order, head of the state organization. Additional posts of medical and other personnel can be administered to the provision of paid services, which are made at the expense of the implementation of paid services, as well as attract consultants from other medical institutions, research institutes, higher educational institutionswith which they conclude labor contracts or civil law agreements.

12. When providing paid medical services, methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, medical technologies, drugs, immunobiological preparations and disinfectants allowed for use in the manner prescribed by law should be applied.

13. Paid services (work) are provided under contracts at the expense of personal funds of citizens, insurance premiums for voluntary medical insurance, enterprises, institutions and organizations and other means permitted by law.

14. Conclusion of contracts by government organizations for intermediary services to attract patients with third-party organizations is not allowed.

15. Medical services cannot be provided with emergency medical care facilities, which is provided immediately under states requiring medical intervention in emergency testimony (in accidents, injuries, poisoning and other states and diseases); as well as when conducting forensic examination and forensic psychiatric examination (with the exception of experts produced by civil and arbitration cases, administrative offenses); pathological and anatomical opening of corpses and military medical examination.

16. When receiving medical care within the territorial program of free medical care, the following services are not subject to payment:

- the appointment and application of medicinal drugs (in cases of their replacement due to intolerance, rejection), which are not included in the list of vital and most important drugs;

- accommodation in mother's chambers (boxes) of patients in medical and (or) epidemiological indications;

- a joint stay of one of the parents (other legal representative) or another family member in a medical institution in the provision of medical care in stationary conditions with a child under the age of four years inclusive throughout the entire period of treatment, and with a child over four years old - in the presence of testimony;

- medical and transport services in the provision of medical care in the framework of medical care standards (examination and treatment of the patient in the hospital of a round-the-clock stay) in the absence of the possibility of their medical or other organization providing medical care to the patient;

- Transportation, storage in the morgue received for the study of biological material, corpses of patients who died in medical and other organizations, utilization of biological material.

17. The performer of paid services is obliged to provide through placement on the website of its organization in the information and telecommunications network "Internet", as well as on information stands (racks) of the state organization information on the executor of paid services and the services provided to them in accordance with the list approved by federal legislation on The procedure for the provision of paid medical and educational services.

The information posted on information stands (racks) should be available to an unlimited circle of persons throughout the work time of the state organization providing paid services. Information stands (racks) are located in the place available to visitors and are issued in such a way that you can freely familiarize yourself with the information posted on them.

In addition, at the request of the consumer and (or) the Customer, the Contractor of the Services provides for familiarization:

a) a copy of the constituent document of the state organization, the Regulation on its branch participating in the provision of paid services;

b) a copy of the license to implement medical, educational and other licensing activities with an application list (services) in accordance with the license.

When concluding an agreement on the consumer and (or) of the Customer, it should be provided with accessible information on paid services containing the following information:

a) the procedures for providing medical care and medical care standards used in the provision of paid medical services;

b) information on a specific medical person who provides the appropriate paid medical service (its vocational education and qualifications);

c) information on methods for the provision of medical assistance related risks, possible types of medical intervention, their consequences and expected results of medical care;

d) a list of categories of consumers eligible for benefits, as well as a list of benefits provided in the provision of paid medical, educational, including paid additional educational, services in accordance with federal laws and other regulatory legal acts.

e) the main and additional educational programs, the cost of educational services for which is included in the main fee under the contract;

(e) Additional educational programs, special courses, discipline cycles and other additional educational services provided for the fee only with the consent of the consumer.

The performer is obliged to inform the consumer at his request, other information relating to the contract.

18. Paid services cannot be provided by the Contractor instead of services performed within the state (municipal) task.

19. State organizations are not entitled without the consent of citizens to provide additional services for the fee, as well as determine the provision of some services to the mandatory performance of others.

20. The procedure for concluding contracts for the provision of paid services and the requirements for their content are established by federal legislation on the procedure for the provision of paid services by government organizations.

21. When concluding a contract to the consumer (Customer), information on the possibility of obtaining relevant types and amounts of medical care, educational services without charges of fees within the framework of state guarantees established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The refusal of the consumer from the conclusion of a contract for the provision of paid services cannot be caused by a decrease in the types and amount of medical care provided to such a consumer without charging.

22. Prices for which government organizations (except autonomous) provide paid services, with the exception of these Rules specified in paragraph 23, are established in accordance with the procedure approved by a separate order of the Moscow City Health Department.

23. Prices for orthopedic dental services provided in dental clinics and dental branches of medical organizations of the preferential category of citizens at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow are subject to state regulation in the manner prescribed by the Government of Moscow.

24. The payment of services is carried out through non-cash payments through credit organizations or by making cash directly at the cash register of the state organization with the issuance of the patient, the client of a document confirming payment (cash check, receipt or another form of strict reporting (the document of the established sample).

25. At the request of the person who has paid for the service, the medical organization is obliged to issue a certificate of payment for medical services to provide the tax authorities of the Russian Federation in the form established by the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of the Russian Federation for taxes and fees of July 25, 2001 N 289 / BG-3-04 / 256 "On the implementation of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 N 201" On approval of the list of medical services and expensive types of treatment in medical organizations of the Russian Federation, drugs, the amount of payment of which at the expense of the taxpayer's own funds determining the amount of social tax deduction. "

26. Accounting of funds received by state organizations from the provision of paid services is carried out in the manner prescribed by the budget legislation of the Russian Federation, the Government of Moscow, the provisions of the Budget Code of the Russian Federation.

27. Government organizations providing paid services are required to conduct accounting discharge on the main activity and for the provision of paid services.

28. State organizations have the right to carry out revenues of income, which corresponds to these goals, only inspired, since this serves as the goals for which they are created, provided that such activities is indicated in their constituent documents.

The revenues received by the state institution from the indicated activity enter the budget of the city of Moscow.

Revenues received by state budget and autonomous organizations from this activity and the property acquired at the expense of these income are coming to an independent order of the Organization.

29. The item is excluded - the order of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow dated June 14, 2017 N 427 ..

Paragraphs 29, 30 and 31 of the previous edition are considered, respectively, paragraphs 30, 31 and 32 of this edition - the order of the Moscow City Health Department of September 9, 2015 N 764.


30. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, state health organizations are responsible for non-fulfillment or improper performance of the conditions for the provision of paid services, non-compliance with the requirements for the methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment, training, as well as damage to the health and life of the patient.

31. Control over the organization of work on the provision of paid services and the quality of feasibility of paid services to the public, prices and procedures for charging funds from the population are carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Welfare, the Department of Health of the city of Moscow, as well as other state Authorities for which, in accordance with the laws and other legal acts of the federal and regional level, is entrusted with the verification of the activities of state organizations.

32. Harm caused to the patient's life and health as a result of the provision of poor-quality paid medical services is subject to a refund of the Contractor in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Editorial Document Taking into account
changes and additions prepared
JSC "Codex"

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2012 N 1006
"On approval of rules for the provision of paid medical services with medical organizations"

In accordance with Part 7 of Article 84 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the Protection of Citizens in the Russian Federation" and Article 39.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

2. To recognize the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 13, 1996 N 27 "On approval of the rules for the provision of paid medical services to the population medical institutions"(Meeting of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1996, N 3, Art. 194).

providing compliant medical services with medical organizations
(appliance. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2012 N 1006)

I. General provisions

1. These Rules determine the procedure and conditions for providing medical institutions to citizens of paid medical services.

2. The following basic concepts are used for the purposes of this Regulation:

"Paid Medical Services" - medical services provided on a reimbursable basis at the expense of personal funds of citizens, funds of legal entities and other means on the basis of contracts, including contracts of voluntary health insurance (hereinafter - the Treaty);

"Consumer" - an individual with an intention to obtain either receiving paid medical services personally in accordance with the contract. The consumer receiving paid medical services is a patient who applies to the federal law "On the basics of the health of citizens' health in the Russian Federation";

"Customer" - a physical (legal) person who has intent to order (acquire) or orders (acquiring) paid medical services in accordance with the consumer agreement;

"Contractor" is a medical organization that provides paid medical services to consumers.

Concept "Medical Organization" Used in these Rules in the meaning determined in the Federal Law

3. Paid medical services are provided by medical organizations on the basis of a list of work (services) that make up medical activities and listed in licenses for medical activities issued in the prescribed manner.

4. Requirements for paid medical services, including their volume and terms of rendering, are determined by agreement of the Parties to the Treaty, if other requirements are not provided for by federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

5. These rules in a visual and accessible form are brought by the Contractor to the consumer (Customer).

II. Terms of provision of paid medical services

6. At the conclusion of the contract, the consumer (Customer) is provided in an accessible form information on the possibility of obtaining relevant types and amounts of medical care without charging the fee of the State Guarantees of Free Provision of Medical Citizens and the Territorial Program of State Guarantees of Free Rendering Citizens of Medical Aid (hereinafter - respectively Program, territorial program).

The refusal of the consumer from the conclusion of the contract cannot be the reason for reducing the species and amounts of medical care provided to such a consumer without charging the fees within the program and territorial program.

7. Medical organizations involved in the implementation of the Program and Territorial Program have the right to provide paid medical services:

a) on other conditions than is provided for by the program, territorial programs and (or) targeted programs, at the request of the consumer (customer), including:

establishment of an individual post of medical observation in the treatment under hospital;

the use of drugs that are not included in the list of vital and most important drugs, if their purpose and application is not due to life testimony or replacement due to the individual intolerance to the drugs included in the specified list, as well as the use of medical devices, therapeutic nutrition, including the number of specialized products of therapeutic food, not provided for by the standards of medical care;

b) in the provision of medical services anonymously, with the exception of cases provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

c) citizens of foreign states, stateless persons, with the exception of persons insured for compulsory health insurance, and citizens of the Russian Federation, which is constantly constantly on its territory and are not insured for compulsory health insurance, unless otherwise provided by international treaties of the Russian Federation;

d) with an independent appeal for receiving medical services, with the exception of cases and procedures provided for in Article 21 of the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation", and cases of emergency, including emergency specialized, medical care and medical assistance provided In emergency or emergency form.

8. The procedure for determining prices (tariffs) for medical services provided by medical organizations that are budget and state-owned state (municipal) institutions is established by the authorities that perform the functions and powers of the founders.

Medical organizations of other organizational and legal forms determine the prices (tariffs) on the paid medical services provided independently.

9. In the provision of paid medical services, the procedures for medical care approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation must be followed.

10. Paid medical services may be provided in the full amount of medical care approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, or at the request of the consumer in the form of individual consultations or medical interventions, including in the amount that exceeds the amount of medical care.

III. Information about the artist and the medical services provided to them

11. The Contractor is obliged to provide through the placement on the website of the Medical Organization in the Information and Telecommunications Network "Internet", as well as on information stands (racks) of a medical organization information containing the following information:

a) for a legal entity - name and proprietary name (if any);

for an individual entrepreneur - surname, name and patronymic (if any);

b) the address of the location of the legal entity, the data of the document confirming the fact of making information about the legal entity into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, indicating the authority that made state registration;

address of the place of residence and the address of the place of medical activities of an individual entrepreneur, data confirming the fact of making information about the individual entrepreneur into the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, indicating the authority that made state registration;

c) information on license for medical activities (number and date of registration, a list of works (services) that make up medical activities of a medical organization in accordance with the license, name, address of the location and telephone of the licensing authority);

d) a list of paid medical services, indicating prices in rubles, information about conditions, procedure, form of providing medical services and the procedure for their payment;

e) the procedure and conditions for the provision of medical care in accordance with the program and territorial program;

(e) Information about medical professionals involved in the provision of paid medical services, about the level of their vocational education and qualifications;

g) the work of the medical organization, the schedule of medical workers participating in the provision of paid medical services;

h) addresses and phone numbers of the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of health care, the territorial body of the Federal Service for Supervision of Health and the Territorial Authority of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare.

12. Information posted on information stands (racks) should be available to an unlimited circle of persons throughout the work time of a medical organization that provides paid medical services. Information stands (racks) are located in the place available to visitors and are issued in such a way that you can freely familiarize yourself with the information posted on them.

13. The Contractor provides for familiarization at the request of the consumer and (or) of the Customer:

a) a copy of the constituent document of the medical organization - a legal entity, the provision on its branch (separation, another territorially separate structural unit) participating in the provision of paid medical services or a copy of the certificate of state registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur;

b) a copy of a license for medical activities with an application list of works (services) that make up medical activities of a medical organization in accordance with the license.

14. When concluding a contract at the request of the consumer and (or) of the Customer, it should be provided with information about paid medical services, containing the following information:

a) the procedures for providing medical care and medical care standards used in the provision of paid medical services;

b) information on a specific medical person who provides the appropriate paid medical service (its vocational education and qualifications);

c) information on methods for the provision of medical assistance related risks, possible types of medical intervention, their consequences and expected results of medical care;

d) other information relating to the subject of the contract.

15. Before the conclusion of the contract, the Contractor notifies the consumer (Customer) that non-compliance with the instructions (recommendations) of the Contractor (medical worker providing a paid medical service), including the appointed treatment regime, can reduce the quality of the paid medical service provided, entail Bes the impossibility of its completion on time or adversely affect the health status of the consumer.

IV. The procedure for entering into an agreement and payment of medical services

16. The contract lies with the consumer (customer) and the Contractor in writing.

17. The contract must contain:

a) information about the artist:

the name and proprietary name (if any) of the medical organization - a legal entity, the address of the location, data of the document confirming the fact of making information about the legal entity into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, indicating the authority that made state registration;

surname, name and patronymic (if any) of an individual entrepreneur, the address of the place of residence and the address of the place of medical activities, the document confirming the fact of making information about the individual entrepreneur to the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, with an indication of the authority that made state registration;

license number of medical activities, date of its registration indicating the list of works (services) that make up medical activities of a medical organization in accordance with the license, name, address of the location and telephone of the licensing authority;

b) the last name, name and patronymic (if any), address of the place of residence and the phone of the consumer (legal consumer legal representative);

familia, name and middle name (if any), address of the place of residence and telephone of the customer - an individual;

the name and address of the location of the customer - a legal entity;

c) a list of paid medical services provided in accordance with the Treaty;

d) the cost of paid medical services, deadlines and procedure for their payment;

e) conditions and deadlines for the provision of paid medical services;

(e) Position, surname, name, patronymic (if any) Person who concludes an agreement on behalf of the Contractor, and its signature, last name, first name, patronymic (if any) consumer (customer) and its signature. If the Customer is a legal entity, it is indicated by the position of the person who concludes a contract on behalf of the Customer;

g) responsibility of the parties for failure to comply with the terms of the contract;

h) the order of change and termination of the contract;

and) other conditions determined by the Agreement of the Parties.

18. The contract is drawn up in 3 copies, one of which is located at the Contractor, the second - the customer, the third - from the consumer. In the event that the contract lies with the consumer and performer, it is drawn up in 2 copies.

19. The provision of paid medical services can be designed yet. Its preparation at the request of the consumer (customer) or the performer is mandatory, while it is an integral part of the contract.

20. In the event that the provision of additional medical services not provided for by the Agreement on a compensated basis for paid medical services, the Contractor must prevent the consumer (Customer).

Without the consent of the consumer (customer), the Contractor is not entitled to provide additional medical services on a reimbursable basis.

21. If, in the provision of paid medical services, additional medical services will need to eliminate the consumer's life threat with sudden acute diseases, states, exacerbations of chronic diseases, such medical services are provided without charging fees in accordance with the Federal Law "On the Foundations of Protection Health of citizens in the Russian Federation. "

22. In case of refusal of the consumer after the conclusion of the contract from obtaining medical services, the contract is terminated. The Contractor informs the consumer (Customer) to terminate the Contract for the Consumer Initiative, while the consumer (Customer) pays the Contractor who has actually incurred by the Contractor associated with the fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement.

23. The consumer (Customer) is obliged to pay the medical service provided by the Contractor on time and in the manner that is defined by the Treaty.

24. The consumer (Customer) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation is issued a document confirming the payment made by the provided medical services (a cash receipt, a receipt or a different form of strict reporting (document of the established sample)).

25. The Contractor after the execution of the contract is issued to the consumer (legal consumer representative) medical documents (copies of medical documents, extracts from medical documents), reflecting its health after receiving paid medical services.

26. Conclusion of a voluntary health insurance contract and payment for medical services provided in accordance with the said contract, are carried out in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Law of the Russian Federation "On the organization of the Insurance in the Russian Federation".

V. Procedure for providing paid medical services

27. The Contractor provides paid medical services whose quality must comply with the terms of the contract, and in the absence of conditions in the contract on their quality - the requirements for the services of the relevant type.

If the federal law, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation provides for mandatory requirements for the quality of medical services, the quality of the paid medical services provided must comply with these requirements.

28. Paid medical services are provided in the presence of an informed voluntary consent of the consumer (legal representative of the consumer) given in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of citizens' health.

29. The Contractor provides the consumer (legal consumer legal representative) on its requirement and information available for it:

on the state of his health, including information on the results of the survey, the diagnosis, methods of treatment associated with them, possible options and the consequences of medical intervention, expected treatment results;

about used in the provision of paid medical services drugs and medical products, including about the timing of their shelf life (warranty periods), indications (contraindications) to use.

30. The Contractor must, when providing paid medical services to comply with the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the requirements for the design and management of medical records and accounting and reporting statistical forms, the order and timing of their submission.

Vi. Responsibility of the Contractor and Control over the provision of paid medical services

31. For non-performance or improper fulfillment of obligations under the Agreement, the Contractor is responsible provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

32. The harm caused to life or the health of the patient as a result of the provision of poor-quality paid medical services is subject to compensation by the Contractor in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

33. Control over compliance with these Rules is carried out by the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and the well-being of a person within the prescribed authority.



________________________ V.V. Kosheleva


Provision of paid medical services

Limited Liability Company

Multidisciplinary Medical Center "Eurocalik 24 - Zhulebino"

I. General provisions

1. These Rules for the provision of paid medical services (hereinafter referred to as the rules) determine the procedure and conditions for the conclusion, execution and termination of contracts for the provision of paid medical services between a limited liability company. Multidisciplinary Medical Center "Eurocalik 24 - Zhulebino" (Eurocalik 24 - Zhulebino LLC) , and unlimited circle of consumers.

These Rules are developed in accordance with the Federal Law of 21.11.2011 N 323-F "On the Fundamentals of the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation"; "Rules for the provision of paid medical services with medical organizations", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 4, 2012 N 1006; Law of the Russian Federation of 07.02.1992 N 2300-1 "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The following basic concepts are used for the purposes of this Regulation:

"Paid Medical Services" - medical services provided on a reimbursable basis at the expense of personal funds of citizens, funds of legal entities and other means on the basis of contracts, including voluntary health insurance agreements;

"Consumer" is an individual with an intention to obtain either receiving paid medical services personally in accordance with the Treaty. The consumer receiving paid medical services is a patient who applies to the federal law "On the basics of the health of citizens' health in the Russian Federation";

"Customer" - a physical (legal) person who has intent to order (acquire) or orders (purchasing) paid medical services in accordance with the consumer agreement;

"Artist" - Limited Liability Company Multidropil Medical Center "Eurocalika 24 - Zhulebino" (Euroklinika 24 - Zhulebino LLC), providing paid medical services to consumers.

"Treaty" - a written agreement of the contractor and consumer (customer) on the establishment, change or termination of civil rights and responsibilities in connection with the provision of paid medical services.

3. Paid medical services are provided by the Contractor on the basis of these Rules, Treaty and List of Works (Services), which make up the medical activities of the Contractor specified in Appendix 1 to the license No. LE-50-01-010130 from 02.10.2018. For medical activities issued by the Ministry of Health of the Moscow Region (address: 127006, Krasnogorsk, Bul. Builders, d. 1, telephone +7 498 602-03-01).

The Contractor provides paid medical services to the consumer from the date of the conclusion of the contract and in accordance with the work schedule of the Contractor at the address: 140008, Moscow region, Lyubertsy, Street 3rd Post Office, d. 102, room number 220, and when calling a consumer (Customer ) A specialist of the artist to the house, at the place specified in the call.

4. Requirements for paid medical services of the Contractor are determined on the basis of these Rules, and a specific list of paid medical services and the timing of their provision to the consumer are determined in the directions - estimates, which are an integral part of the contract concluded between the Contractor and the Customer (Customer).

5. These Rules are an integral part of the contract and contain:

Information about the artist;

Conditions for the provision of paid medical services;

The procedure for the provision of paid medical services;

The procedure for concluding, changes and termination of the contract;

Rights and obligations of the artist, consumer and customer;

List, cost, deadlines and procedure for payment of the contract;

Responsibility of the contractor and consumer (customer);

Consumer agreement (customer) for personal data processing;

The procedure for consideration of disputes;

Contract time.

Before signing the contract, the Terms of this Regulation in a visual and accessible form are brought by the Contractor to the attention of the consumer (Customer).

II. Terms of provision of paid medical services

6. When concluding a contract to the consumer (Customer), information on the possibility of obtaining the desired species and the amount of medical care is provided.

The full list and the cost of paid medical services are contained in the price list of paid medical services of the Contractor.

7. The Contractor determines and establishes prices for paid medical services independently.

8. When providing paid medical services, the Contractor complies with the procedures for providing medical care approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

9. Paid medical services can be provided by the Contractor in full, the standard of medical care, approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, or in the form of individual consultations or medical interventions, including in the amount of the amount of medical care, as appropriate to the consumer.

III. The procedure for the provision of paid medical services

10. In the primary handling of the consumer, the executive registry officers will first learn from the consumer (Customer) about the medical service or a complex of medical services that the consumer (Customer) wants to acquire;

11. Meet the consumer (Customer) with these Rules and Pristaudy Contractor.

12. In the case of the consent of the consumer (Customer) with the terms and conditions for the provision of paid medical services set out in these Rules, the Contractor and the Preview of the Contractor, expressed verbally, the executive registry staff is at the medical card.

Filled with the words of the consumer (customer) and provided by him necessary documents The medical map is a confirmation of the consent and voluntary consumer adoption (customer) of the conditions and terms of the provision of medical services of the Contractor, including these Rules.

13. For the convenience of consumers and accounting for their visits in the reception, the consumer can first be issued a coupon for a reception to the doctor's doctor with an indication of the name of the doctor and the time of appearance, and it can also be recorded on the reception to the doctor at a convenient time for the consumer by telephone performer.

14. In difficult situations for the implementation of differential diagnosis, the specialist doctor appoints repeated or additional methods of laboratory or instrumental research, as well as consultations of other specialists.

15. In cases where the necessary medical assistance to the consumer cannot be provided by the Contractor, due to the lack of necessary specialists, special equipment and other reasons, as well as in cases of the need for an emergency hospitalization of the consumer, the artist specialist gives a medical conclusion in which it indicates what recommends Contact the appropriate medical and preventive institutions by profile.

16. The Ambulance Consumer is provided by the medical and preventive institutions of the State and Municipal Health System, as well as medical workers or persons who are obliged to provide first aid on the law or special rule, in the event of states representing the direct threat of their lives or requiring urgent medical intervention.

IV. The procedure for concluding, changes and termination of the contract

17. Before signing the contract, the Contractor introduces consumer (Customer) with these Rules, the price list of paid medical services containing the cost and a complete list of services, the provision of which is possible within the framework of the contract, as well as notify the consumer (Customer) that non-compliance with the instructions (recommendations) of the Contractor , including the prescribed treatment regime, can reduce the quality of paid medical services provided, entail the impossibility of completing them on time or adversely affect the health status of the consumer.

18. The contract between the contractor and the consumer (the customer) is in writing.

19. To conclude a contract, the consumer (Customer) provides the following information to the Contractor:

Surname, name and patronymic (if any), address of the place of residence and the phone of the consumer (legal representative of the consumer);

Familia, name and middle name (if any), address of the place of residence and telephone of the customer - an individual;

The name and address of the location of the customer - a legal entity;

A list of paid medical services that the consumer wishes to receive;

20. After receiving the information specified in paragraph 19 from the consumer (Customer), the Contractor printes a contract containing a list, cost and deadlines for the provision of paid medical services.

21. The printed contract is transmitted to the consumer (customer) to pre-acquaint, check and signing.

22. The consumer (Customer) in case of complete agreement with all terms of the contract conveys a contract signed by the Contractor.

23. In the case of signing the contract by the consumer (Customer), the Contractor signs an agreement for its part and conveys a signed (e) copy (s) of the contract to the consumer (Customer).

24. In the case of not the consent of the consumer (customer) with the conditions or part of the terms of the contract and the agreement of the Contractor with the proposed consumer (by the Customer), the Contractor makes appropriate changes to the Agreement.

25. After making changes to the Agreement, in accordance with paragraph 24 of these Rules, the Contractor and the consumer (Customer) are valid according to the rules established in paragraphs 21, 22 and 23 of these Rules.

26. All subsequent changes and additions to the contract, including directions - estimates, should be decorated in writing, signed by the consumer (customer) or their authorized representatives and are an integral part of the contract.

27. Before and after the conclusion of the contract, the Contractor and the consumer (Customer) can agree on changing or the exclusion of certain provisions of these Rules by making appropriate conditions into the text of the contract.

28. In the primary handling of the consumer, the Contractor issues a medical card on it, in accordance with the requirements for the design and maintenance of medical records established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

V.. Performer's rights and obligations, consumer and customer

29. The Contractor undertakes:

29.1. When concluding an agreement on the requirement of the consumer (customer), provide information about paid medical services in an accessible form containing the following information:

The procedures for providing medical care and medical care standards used in the provision of paid medical services;

Information about a specific medical person who provides the appropriate paid medical service (its vocational education and qualifications);

Information on the methods of providing medical assistance related to the risks, possible types of medical intervention, their consequences and the expected results of medical care;

Information on existing discounts and benefits for certain categories of citizens;

Other information related to the subject of the contract.

29.2. To provide consumers with high-quality medical services provided for by the Agreement, in full the standards of medical care, approved in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, or in the form of individual consultations or medical interventions, including in the extent of the amount of medical standards, in accordance with the terms of the contract .

29.3. Without the written consent of the consumer, prevent the disclosure of information constituting the medical mystery.

29.4. Cooperate when providing services to a consumer with other medical institutions and specialists.

29.5. Provide to the consumer (legal representative of the consumer) at its request and in the information available for it:

On the state of his health, including information on the results of the survey, the diagnosis, methods of treatment associated with them, the possible versions and the consequences of medical intervention, the expected treatment results;

About used in the provision of paid medical services drugs and medical products, including about the timing of their shelf life (warranty periods), indications (contraindications) to use.

29.6. To issue a consumer (Customer) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a document confirming the payment made by the provided medical services (a cash check, receipt or other form of strict reporting).

29.7. After executing the contract to the consumer (legitimate consumer representative) medical documents (copies of medical documents, discharge from medical documents), reflecting the consumer health status after receiving paid medical services.

29.8. Consumer explanation to the consumer (legitimate consumer representative) on the progress or medical services rendered.

29.9. Provide according to the written request officials of state, law enforcement and judicial authorities, information on the provision or medical services rendered to the consumer, in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

29.10. Issue a sheet of disability to the consumer in case of temporary disability in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. Other categories of citizens issue properly decorated certificates of the established form.

29.11. Issue at the request of the consumer (Customer), which has paid for the service, "certificate of payment for medical services to provide the tax authorities" of the established form.

29.12. Apply the methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment, medical technologies, drugs, immunobiological drugs and disinfectants, allowed to use in the procedure established by the laws of the Russian Federation.

30. The consumer undertakes:

30.1. Fulfill the requirements and recommendations of doctors and other specialists of the Contractor, providing timely and qualitative provision of medical services, including the laboratory and diagnostic examinations, Observe the dates and time of visits (receptions).

30.2. To report all information about your health status, which are known and necessary to provide the performer of high-quality medical services, including family history, transferred and existing diseases, including a chronic nature, availability sugar diabetes, hypertensive disease, tuberculosis, mental, oncological diseases, presence in the family of children with congenital and hereditary diseases.

30.3. Observe the inner routine of the artist, silence, cleanliness and order.

30.4. In order to comply with the medical and security regime, do not conduct unauthorized photos, video and filming in the artist.

30.5. Execute requirements fire safety (When the sources of fire, other sources, threatening public security, the consumer must immediately inform the personnel of the Contractor and leave the danger zone, not allowing the risk of causing the harm of his life and its health).

30.6. Collaborate with the attending physician at all stages of medical care.

30.7. Regarding in the prescribed manner, their refusal to receive information against its will on health status, the results of the survey, the availability of the disease, its diagnosis and the forecast, including in cases of an unfavorable forecast of the development of the disease, the refusal of medical intervention or its termination;

30.8. Respect to K. medical Personnel, show friendly and polite attitude towards other patients.

30.9. Carefully refer to the property of the artist and other patients.

30.10. Paying the Contractor's services in the manner, deadlines and on the conditions that are established by these Rules and (or) the contract.

30.11. Sign after the provision of paid medical services by the Contractor of the acts of work performed.

30.12. Recognize facsimile reproduction of signatures of the Director General of the Contractor analogue of its own signature.

31. The customer undertakes:

31.1. Provide the fulfillment by the consumer of the requirements and recommendations of doctors and other specialists of the Contractor, providing timely and qualitative provision of medical services, including to contribute to the consumer in passing a complex of laboratory and diagnostic surveys and compliance with the consumer dates and the time of visits (receptions).

31.2. To report all the information about the health status of the consumer, which are known and is necessary for the provision of high-quality medical services to the consumer, including family history, transferred and existing diseases, including a chronic nature, the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertensive disease, tuberculosis, mental, oncological diseases, availability In the family of children with congenital and hereditary diseases.

31.3. Comply with the inner routine of the artist, silence, cleanliness and order;

31.4. In order to comply with the medical and security regime, do not conduct unauthorized photos, video and filming in the artist.

31.5. Perform fire safety requirements (when the sources of fire, other sources that threaten public security, the consumer must immediately inform the personnel of the Contractor and leave the danger zone, not allowing the risk of harming his life and its health).

31.6. Paying the Contractor's services in the manner, deadlines and on the conditions that are established by these Rules and (or) the contract.

31.7. Sign after the provision of paid medical services by the Contractor of the acts of work performed.

31.8. Recognize facsimile reproduction of signatures of the Director General of the Contractor analogue of its own signature.

32. The performer has the right:

32.1. Require from the consumer (customer) compliance with all conditions of this Regulation and Treaty.

32.2. In order to ensure the safety of patients and personnel of the Contractor, as well as the safety of inventories to carry out control and transmission regime, as well as video monitoring in the interior and territory's territory, as well as on its perimeter.

32.3. Receive from the consumer (customer) any information needed to fulfill its obligations under the contract.

32.4. Suspend the provision of medical services:

In case of failure to submit or incomplete or incorrectly granting the consumer (customer) of information before presenting the necessary information;

In case of not paying the consumer (customer) of the medical services rendered to their full payment;

In other cases, the consumer violations (customer) of the Terms of this Regulation and the Contract, with the exception of emergency testimony to eliminate the threat of the consumer's life.

32.6. Send a consumer (customer) copies of medical records to the email addresses specified in the contract. Responsibility for disclosing medical mystery in the case of authorized or unauthorized access of third parties to e-mail specified by the consumer (Customer) in the contract, the Contractor does not bear.

32.7. Receive remuneration for services provided under this Agreement.

32.8. Provide information to the Customer who is a medical secret, as well as transfer the specified information to other medical organizations for the purpose of medical examinations and the treatment of the consumer, conduct research, their publication in scientific publications, use in the educational process and for other purposes.

32.9. For facsimile reproduction of signatures of the CEO of the Contractor at the contract and applications to it, as an analogue of his own signature of the General Director of the Contractor.

32.10. Refuse to the consumer in the provision of paid medical services in the case of:

The disagreement of the consumer (customer) with the terms of this Regulation and the Treaty, expressed in oral or written forms;

Consumer refusal (Customer) to pay medical services provided by the Contractor, expressed by them before the beginning of their provision in oral or written forms;

Receiving a written statement from the consumer (customer) to revoke the consent to the processing of personal data;

Inability to provide paid medical services by the Contractor due to the lack of required specialists, equipment and licenses for this species Services.

32.11. Refuse or suspend the provision of paid medical services in the case of:

Coarse or disrespectful relationship of the consumer (customer) to personnel and other patients of the Contractor;

Non-appearance or untimely consumer reservation on the reception to the doctor or the procedure;

Non-compliance with the consumer of the requirements and recommendations of the doctor;

Admission by the consumer of drugs at its own discretion (without the appointment of a doctor);

Unauthorized leaving the consumer of the artist's territory to completing the course of treatment (medical services);

Simultaneous treatment of the consumer in another medical organization without notification and permission of the doctor's attending physician,

Consumer finds (customer) in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication at the time of medical services.

Failure to the performer from the provision of paid medical services, in accordance with clause 32.10. and paragraph 3.11. This rules are impossible only in the event of a consumer of states representing the immediate threat of his life and requiring urgent medical intervention.

33. The consumer (Customer) has the right:

33.1. Receive medical services from the contractor in accordance with these Rules and Agreement.

33.2. Define required species Paid medical services based on the full list of paid medical services of the Contractor contained in the foreman, and the recommendations of doctors and other specialists of the Contractor.

33.3. The consumer at any time can write in writing to the Contractor about his unwillingness to provide information constituting a medical secret, limiting or completely eliminating any amount of information and a circle of persons, including the Customer, and also refuse to receive information and advertising messages (SMS) performeter or written application.

33.4. Receive information provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

33.5. Require from the Contractor to fulfill the terms of this Regulation, Agreement and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

34. The Contractor and the consumer (Customer) undertake to keep in secret therapeutic, financial and other confidential information obtained from the other side in fulfilling the terms of the contract and these Rules.

V.I.. List, cost, deadlines and procedure for payment of the contract

35. The list, the cost and deadlines for the provision of paid medical services are determined in the directions - estimates of the Contractor who are an integral part of the Treaty, according to the contractors of the Contractor in force at the date of the provision of medical services.

36. The cost of all paid medical services rendered to the consumer is indicated in the act of work performed.

37. Payment of medical services is made by the consumer (customer) on the terms of prepayment or on the same day after the provision of services, by making cash in the cash register, payment using payment plastic cards or transfer to the account of the Contractor.

38. The date of payment for medical services by the consumer (customer) is the day of crediting funds to the account of the contractor or the day of making funds in the executive office.

VII. Responsibility of the performer and consumer (customer)

39. For non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the obligations provided for by the Contract and these Rules, the Contractor and the consumer (Customer) are responsible in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

40. For non-fulfillment or improper performance of the terms of payment for medical services provided for in paragraph 37 of these Rules, the consumer (Customer) pays the Contractor a penalty (penalty) in the amount of 0.5% of the unpaid amount for each day of delay. Payment of penalties (penalties) does not exempt the consumer (customer) from the execution of the rest of the obligations provided for by these Rules and the Treaty. The repayment of debt in front of the performer is paid by the consumer (by the customer) in the following sequence: first the amount of accrued penalty (penalties), then the amount of the principal debt.

41. In case of refusal of the consumer after the conclusion of the contract from obtaining medical services, the contract is terminated. The Contractor informs the consumer (Customer) on termination of the Contract for the Consumer Initiative, while the consumer (Customer) is obliged to pay the Executors actually incurred by the Contractor associated with the fulfillment of obligations under the contract.

42. The artist or consumer (Customer) will not be responsible for the full or partial non-fulfillment of its duties, if the failure to fulfill the circumstances of force majeure, such as fire, flood, earthquake, strike and others natural disasters, War and military actions or other circumstances that are out of control of the parties impede the implementation of this Agreement, which arose after the conclusion of the contract, as well as for other grounds provided for by law.

43. The contract for which it was impossible to fulfill the fulfillment of obligations under the contract, is obliged in writing to notify the other side of the occurrence, the estimated period of validity and the termination of the above circumstances.

44. In case of non-compliance or improper compliance with the consumer of the recommendations and requirements of the executor's doctors, as well as with other violations by the consumer (Customer), the conditions of this Regulation and Agreement, the Contractor is not responsible for the emergence of negative consequences.

45. The damage caused to life or the health of the consumer as a result of the provision of the performer of poor-quality paid medical services, is subject to compensation by the Contractor in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

46. \u200b\u200bDespite the obligations adopted by the Contractor, it is not possible to fulfill all its ability to provide quality medical services, the possibility of various kinds of complications that are not related to the quality of medical and other services provided to the consumer. The emergence of this kind of complications does not entail the responsibility of the Contractor, if the direct fault of the Contractor will not be established in the occurrence of such consequences.

VIII.. Consumer Consent (Customer) for Personal Data Processing

47. The consumer (Customer) accepting the terms of the contract and these Rules agrees to the Contractor for the processing of its personal data freely, its will and in its interest.

48. The consumer (Customer) commends the processing of personal data, photos and video images, which are necessary to fulfill obligations to the Parties under the Agreement and these Rules, including (without restriction). Collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, refinement (update, change ), extraction, use, transmission (distribution, provision, access), deletion, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions of the Contractor provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The consumer (Customer) expresses its voluntary consent to receive notifications from the artist on the upcoming receptions by medical professionals, appointed medical procedures and manipulations, as well as promotional materials related to the promotion of medical services by the Contractor, by implementing direct contacts specified in the Treaty using all Communication, including, but not limited to: Postal sending, SMS mailing, voice mailing, mailing emails.

49. The consumer (Customer) is informed that the Contractor will handle personal data as a non-automatic and automated processing method in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

50. The consumer (Customer), putting his signature on the contract, provides its consent to the processing of personal data by an indefinite period, and also gives his consent to inform the consumer (customer) about promotions, discounts, new services and other information of the Contractor, including number: the coming time of the appearance of the reception, readiness of the studies, analyzes and other services provided for and not provided for by the contract.

51. The consumer (Customer) at any time can withdraw its consent to the processing of personal data in whole or in part by sending a written statement by the Contractor to the way to reliably establish the date of receipt of this application.

52. In the event of a consumer (customer) of the Customer for the processing of personal data, the actions of the contract with respect to the consumer (customer) stops completely from the date of receipt by the Contractor of the said revocation.

53. After the contract ceases due to the consumer's response (Customer), the contractor for the processing of personal data, the Contractor undertakes to destroy such personal data within a period not exceeding 100 (hundred) years from the date of termination of the Agreement or from the date of receipt by the Contractor of the relevant consequence of consent Processing personal data.

IX. Procedure for consideration of disputes

54. All disputes, claims and disagreements between the performer and the consumer (customer) are permitted through negotiations, and in case of the impossibility of settlement, such disputes are subject to consideration in court in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

X.. Contract time

55. The contract between the Contractor and the consumer (Customer) is 1 (one) year from the date of its signing by the Parties, if the contract is not provided otherwise.

56. The contract between the performer and the consumer (by the customer) is extended automatically to 1 (one) year, if 30 days before the expiration of the contract, none of the parties declares its refusal to prolong the treaty.

57. The contract between the Contractor and the Customer (Customer) can be terminated by the mutual agreement of the parties or on other grounds provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.