Hit without causing damage to the tank. World of Tanks and cheating on the part of the system What does it mean to get into wot

On Friday, the “Big Stream with WoT 2019 Developers and Bloggers” took place. IMHO, but last year was better. Everyone has probably already watched the stream, memes on it and clips from the broadcast, but here is the textual summary part, who wants to read what the 3 main people in charge of the tanks said. We tried to keep it short, basic and without an ocean of water.

  • We decided to combine April 1 with a server like 0.7.0 for a reason, looking into the future, we are very much looking forward to your feedback, what you liked, what you didn’t, and what we should do in the future with this initiative. A possible continuation of WoT Classic is possible. (A. Pankov)
  • Everything that we announced in terms of art will be released soon. We have a three-step plan for what to do next with all this, and the first stage is the already shown changes in the camp. If step 1 goes well, then we move on to step 2, which is currently under development. And then the 3rd step, which we consider as the most formidable - now this is an internal prototype, where the self-propelled guns will have BBs, but slightly different ones. Perhaps we’ll even roll out the artillery from the BB to the Sandbox (test server - approx. WOT Express), thereby giving the artilleryman a choice: low area damage and stun 2-3 tanks, or slightly higher damage, but not a guaranteed hit on a single target. Regarding the second stage for art, perhaps in 4 months we will give information. But on this moment there is nothing to say here (about stage 2). However, if the players are satisfied with the first stage, we will postpone stage 2.
    But in general, the art must be toxic to some extent, or it will not be needed in the game, and it will not work for the task that is set before it.
    From our point of view, the stun is less toxic than you just dying immediately from one artillery shot. Yes, the opportunity that has appeared to keep it stunned is also toxic and this is what we didn’t think of and this is exactly what we will try to fix.
  • If we completely remove the stun as it is now, the art in the game will simply die.
  • We have already tested disabling team damage in the Front Line and we are going to actively continue this experiment, and this will also affect the art of her camp. Very soon there will be an experiment that we consider as the final one, and if everything goes OK with it, then in the second half of 2019 we will turn off team damage altogether, everywhere.
    The only one who is against this is Slava Makarov.
  • If changes to the art do come out, we will fix the LBZ for the art in at least 5 weeks. 4 weeks statistics collection, 1 week data processing. Formally speaking, within 1 patch we will fix it, if everything goes wrong - 2 patches
  • There are no plans to reduce combat artefacts. Now we have statistically 10% of battles where there is no art, approximately 30% where there is 1 art, 30% where there are 2 art and 30% where there are 3 art. Look at the ranked ones, where there are absolutely always 2 arts and think about what it is like (there is a limit of 2 arts).
  • We do not plan to renew WoT Classic.
  • When WoT Classic ends, in the Sandbox, which, by the way, has not existed for a long time, we will release an iteration of the processing of gold shells. It will be quite long and will cover ALL levels or at least lvl 4. We liked the results of the super test earlier, let's see what happens in the more widespread phase of the experiment. But this does not mean that this is a good result, everything is going smoothly and everything is already OK. As practice shows, it is sometimes dangerous to believe a supertest.
    All this will happen within a few minutes. 2 months, i.e. around May. There will be a reworking of their characteristics and only then will we recalculate the price of such shells (economics).
    Yes, the problem of gold exists and is recognized.
  • Blacklist map will be coming very soon. Very, very close.
  • Front Line requires maps and all work on maps is directed precisely in this direction and in one unannounced mode, which is similar to LF.
  • There are no old maps in use now. Only Kharkov is one of the old ones. The Pearl River and Dragon's Ridge maps are not in use.
  • In order for the Blacklist map to be released, a new matchmaker must first be released in all regions. For the old man does not know how to do this, and will never be able to do this. We liked the test of the new matchmaker on EU, as do you.
  • A new matchmaker in the RU region will be released on April 3, if the random gods are with us. And later there will be a Blacklist map.
  • Now we are rebuilding the algorithm that the Havok model calculates, in fact, which tanks drive in order to fix once and for all the map bugs associated with shooting through the landscape, when in open space the projectile goes to God knows where and vice versa. They are being reported now and shown in replays.
    Because now there are holes inside the colliding cards from the point of view of projectiles.
  • Blacklist map is an opportunity for a player to say in some interface where all the cards are listed: “They won’t play on this!” It will be possible to re-select (cross out) a card with a certain CD. You will be able to select 1 card at a time. There will be no connection to classes. We plan to expand the list to 2-3 cards, but not right away. Later this will be a special option (most likely we are talking about premium account 2.0/regular premium - note WOT Express). Let's introduce a block on 1 map and see what happens to our matchmaker + we also need to take into account other regions where the online world is not so large, for example, NA. If such a card is selected, it will not appear to you at all.
    Also, the card will not appear to you in the platoon if the platoon commander has it turned off.
    In a platoon, it turns out that you won’t have to play on 3 maps - in fact, this is how the feature is designed.
    The map will turn off only in random mode, and will drop out in all others. This is due to the fact that we have very few maps with additional modes, and if the conditional Karelia is banned entirely in all modes, Assault on it may disappear completely.
  • Slippery surfaces on maps in some places/Sliding on rocks with tanks is not a super priority right now in terms of edits.
  • The jumping sight is actually a nasty problem, we are working on it and will fix it.
  • This year, statistics will be hidden (anonymizer) according to our announcements at WG Fest 2018. Thank God, not everyone suffers from this and few need it. BUT we won’t get our hopes up, perhaps this feature will be moved/rolled back, but it is included in the plans for 2019.
    XVM won't see you either. In general, we never came to the decision to completely close XVM. But over time, the guys from XVM will begin to learn how to calculate post-battle statistics.
  • There are plans to add a mod to the game that allows you to see where you were hit/where you got/view the tank’s armor, but definitely not this year.
  • Voice communication in the game is provided to us by the provider Vivax, we know that this is not the most comfortable way of communication, BUT there are so many third parties around interesting offers. We did not deal with this issue in purely physics, because the market is full of solutions for communication, there is no time for that. It's not a big priority.
    At one time we even discussed integrating Discord into the game.
  • By the way, we were offered a solution to bans, which, for example, is now being used by the new Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, where your computer is scanned. Just scans it. But in Europe this is prohibited, for example, according to the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation - note WOT Express).
  • Everyone who was banned for Prohibited Mods received their ban for no reason! (laughs). For example, we detect Vanga sights very clearly. There may be an error, of course, but it is 2-3% for a maximum of 10,000 people. But everyone is innocent, of course :)
  • After the client is closed, yes, an amnesty can be held. And we already have a very loyal ban system. We will hold amnesties, and our support itself is very kind, write there if you need anything. Even those who are permanently banned (applies to amnesties and CPP).
  • No esports - no information. Cybersport (in tanks) why is it needed at all? It so happened that tanks are a type of gameplay where there was no place for eSports. We experimented with different modes, but it all didn’t take off. Unit What's going on are small regional tournaments in the 3x3 format and Clan Brawls. No professional leagues are planned. Perhaps, if regional championships begin to grow, a lot of people will come to us, asking us to launch all this, and if it grows at the base in order to create a PRO league around it, then we will return to this issue. Now there are no such reasons.
    And also about tank eSports: our mistake in those days was that we chose a model where we do everything ourselves: we pay, organize, contracts, sponsors; we did not know how to work with large organizations like ESL then. Costs were growing, there was no external support, and we made a strong-willed decision to close eSports in World of Tanks. Because if you continue to feed him from yourself, then this is a path to nowhere. And we decided to stop all this.
    Now we are developing the product itself, we don’t need an e-sports environment, we weren’t able to do everything right at the time, we realized that we had made a mistake, we admitted it and closed it.
    But at the moment we are still considering options for some kind of solo eSports within the framework of the players’ personal achievements. There were attempts with the Rostelecom/Tank Aces tournaments. We are not giving up on this idea. Or maybe some format close to the Battle of Bloggers.
    But we won’t have mass e-sports with a professional league, when everything is beautiful and cool! Alas, this is a fait accompli.
  • The front line will change in a number of ways, we are already working on it right now. The problem is not only with wheeled vehicles there, but also with light vehicles in general. We will adapt the regime.
    We'll release the first iteration on a separate cluster, see how it goes, and then for everyone. We will try to do all this as quickly as possible. Now the problems in the LF are not only in the wheel and LT.
  • We are not afraid that by the fall there will be a dominance of wheeled tanks in the random area and a certain speed collapse. At the moment we are watching the battles, from the point of view of duration, the acceleration really takes place and now amounts to 0.5% on the server, which is completely unnoticeable. But we sit and watch.
  • We are preparing the 2nd iteration of physics, and it is alive at the development level, we can already feel it. It solves a number of our problems, as soon as we are convinced that we have the situation under control and there is nothing to do with the machines themselves, we will bring it to perfection and roll it out into production (release - approx. WOT Express).
  • We won’t bring back the jerk, we won’t nerf the wheel for now either, inversion when going backwards - a new version physics. The speed of wheel repair will also remain unchanged for now.
  • Periodically (in the game) you need to “suffer” (A. Pankov)
  • The crew and perks are at work. Rebalance of most perks, complete replacement weak skills to other perks, soldering a light bulb to the commander as a default property, the essence of storing crew experience (solving the problem of amnesia for the crew when changing tanks), reworking the entire interface associated with the crew, most likely a complete abandonment of the barracks, if it can be pulled off (as we have now made it free to change documents from the crew). Maybe some perks against self-propelled guns.
    In general, we are slowly leaning towards making one commander and tying everything to him. How it's done in WoWS. But this honestly may not happen. There is also a main problem: catvectors. So as not to deceive or cheat players when changing the crew. We had this problem when replacing tanks if they had different numbers of crew. Everything is not obvious at first glance.
  • A huge number of modules for tanks / inconsistency, for example, in the Chinese tree, this is the legacy with which we live. In general, we have a whole project called clearing trees, removing unnecessary tanks, especially the Germans have a lot at low level (there’s a zoo there), cleaning modules, standardizing everything. This is a medium-term perspective.
  • In the horizon of 2 years approximately, 2 years from the current moment on the topic of high lvl content, 11-12 levels of tanks, everything will be fine. We cannot answer more specifically.
  • We also started working back on clan history, we made alliances and caravans there, we will continue. We have this Game of Thrones in our heads that we want to start and into which we want to involve the maximum number of people.
  • Ranked battles are coming very soon, with a reworked experience formula. We previously canceled it, and it was supposed to come out in November 2018.
    Ranked battles in Season 3 are a different ranking system, experience is calculated differently (if it is successful, we will introduce it into random), rewards are different, there are more ranks, divisions between them have appeared, rewards for players who play extremely effectively, and many others changes.
  • We will expand the coupon store over time and it will be available soon. Tanks will cost less than 20k.
  • Very soon another test will roll out on a very strong hysterical theme, there will be something around the Second World War, later than May 9, but this year. During the closed testing, the players got it.
  • Current coupon earnings are not enough, especially in anticipation of the launch of the coupon store. Yes, we will add new types of earnings from coupons. Perhaps it will be in the LF, perhaps something else.
  • Incentives for grades are my dream (c) A. Pankov
  • Contentment is not the first step to loot boxes in the game! At the same time, we did not want to create a system that rewards only skilled players.
  • In the foreseeable future, there will be a visual counter of masters on the tank, which you can carry on your tank, at least I really hope so (most likely, we are talking about the quality of StatTrak™ weapons as implemented in CS:GO - approx. WOT Express ). There are plans, but not for this year.
  • We do not plan to make a Training room for 1 person.
  • We will not test a premium tank before purchasing!
  • Server replays are now very stuck. We are not giving up on the idea, but progress there is very weak. Don't expect it anytime soon for sure. The main problem within us is upgrading the server version. The problem is both on the server side and on the client side. Very difficult technically.
  • Minimap from Front Line in the works for random.
  • We will not make winches or magic sticks to push out stuck tanks.
  • Voice communication within a radius of 100 meters in a random environment - no, we will never, never have that. Simply no!
  • We don’t answer (streamer) Korben’s questions, he’s not here. We'll call him next time instead... then we'll choose him.
  • The racing this year will 100% be cooler than it was then on the M24 Chaffee Sport. Let's improve at least and the technologies are different now. Back then there wasn’t even physics and other cool things.
  • World of Tanks Battle Royale is in the works, when it comes out, we’ll see how players like it, maybe we’ll even add it permanently to the client.
  • Complex changes in the performance characteristics of researched tanks of many levels only after rebalancing the shells. Let's go from bottom to top.
  • STB-1 suspension after the release of such tanks from the Swedes.
  • The battle of bloggers has started, I liked it and will continue to do so. It’s not a fact that it’s in the same format, but the concept is the same.
  • There are no plans to change hangars with one button, as is implemented in ships.
  • The new chat/emergency expansion/friends list and all this architecture should have received an update, but it was cut out of the 2019 Roadmap. Therefore, alas, you should not expect any chat updates this year.
  • The tanks will live for a very long time, you can’t wait! Although I know that you are not expecting :)
  • ± 25 will still remain in the game. It's much more useful than you think.
  • There are ideas to try Front Line at levels 10, but for now this is only for the General Battle mode. But not for the General Battle big plans, we invest all resources in LF.

5 years and 7 months ago Comments: 10

As I said, let's start with terminology. So, as you know, any tank has 8 functional modules, these are: a turret (most tank destroyers do not have one), a gun, a walkie-talkie, a caterpillar, an ammunition rack, an engine, fuel tanks, and surveillance devices. Damage to each greatly affects the tank's combat effectiveness, which can be critical in the heat of battle. In addition, each module has its own armor level, as well as its own amount of HP. Therefore, in the design bureau, our famous T1 can either shoot down the IS-3 track, or beat the Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager.

How to set a tank on fire

There are two ways to set fire to a tank:
  • Critical damage to tanks;
  • hitting the engine.

We shoot at the tanks

If the tanks are completely damaged, the tank catches fire. Everything here is extremely simple. They hit the tanks, took all their HP off them and the tank caught fire. It is in the tanks (they are located along the entire length of the sides, and therefore it is very difficult to miss them when you shoot at the side), and not in the engine, as some players think, that the secret of fire lies. Therefore, the Driver Skill “Cleanliness and Order” is Soviet tanks considered absolutely useless.

Let's shoot at the engine

Getting into the engine is a more complicated matter. When you installed the engine, did you see the percentage of its fire? What does it mean? If the fire percentage is 15%, then approximately 15 out of 100 hits on the engine will result in a fire(this value may be greater, or it may be less, depending on your luck, but over time the value of these will approach the number 15 out of 100).

The game also has one feature: The transmission is also part of the engine, therefore, if it gets into the transmission, the game will consider it as hitting the engine, and this can result not only in critical damage (crit) of the engine, but also in a fire. So the transmission German tanks located in front, in the NLD, which makes them (together with weak armor) very uncomfortable for beginners. But experienced players first learn the mechanics - the driver is “Cleanliness and Order”, in order to reduce the number of arson attacks by half, and at the same time preserve their nerves and the health of their tank.

Ammunition rack detonation

Well, okay, it’s arson, it takes a while to put it out, there’s also a fire extinguisher, but what about the detonation of the ammunition rack? Boom and that's it, there is no tower or tank. What to do now? You need to learn some rules. And the first is the simplest: do not substitute the places where you have a bookmaker!

If you see that detonation and damage are too frequent, learn the “Non-contact ammo rack” skill from the loader; if this does not help, then we install the “Wet ammo rack” equipment, or we revise the tactics.

How to blow up an enemy's ammunition rack

How can you not only avoid being left without a tower yourself, but also snatch it from the enemy? The enemy's ammunition will be undermined in the following conditions:
  • Penetrating the enemy (if the module is internal, and the BC is just like that);
  • Modulus hit;
  • Breaking through a module (as mentioned, each module has its own armor);
  • Destruction (crit) of a module (each module has its own HP).

How to find ammo rack

“Then how will I find out where the enemy’s ammunition rack is?” - you ask. There are two options:
  • Download skins with penetration zones;
  • Remember.
Let everyone choose to their own taste; it’s easier to download skins and more reliable to remember (what will you do if the enemy is behind the bushes?). If all the conditions are met, then you will see a beautiful fireworks display... “Watch out from above!!! Hu... I almost hit Mouse's tower..."

What is more profitable to shoot?

As you know, the most destructive projectiles are .

But there is one caveat: they rarely reach the modules, since they do not penetrate armor. They can be used to shout something at the LT, or the French. It is worth noting the British landmine with increased armor penetration, since they are able to crit well not only weakly armored targets, but also stronger targets... In the rest there is almost no difference, except that the armor of the tank in relation to the module can act as a screen, and the module may not be penetrated. In relation to the modules, there is no difference.

I think that's all. Good luck tankers, and remember: “The main part of any weapon is the head of its owner.”

Scatter circle

As already mentioned, shells in the game do not fly exactly into the crosshairs of the sight, but within a scatter circle, the size of which depends on the specific weapon. Moreover, the chance that a projectile will hit any point of this circle is not equal, but is subordinated to the Gauss distribution. This means that the probability of hitting closer to the center of the sight is much higher than in the center of the aiming circle. Moreover, this distribution depends on the initial size of the aiming circle and does not depend on the weapon used, not on the class of equipment, not on the payment for a premium account, not on the time of day or phase of the moon.

By the way, the displayed scatter circle may differ from the one currently calculated on the game server. Usually, this is due to poor Internet quality; enabling the server crosshair checkbox in the game settings can help you here. However, it should not be used in other cases. The client sight, as a rule, is quite consistent with the server one, but slows down significantly less.

Firing accuracy

The size of the scatter circle, and therefore the shooting accuracy of World Of Tanks, depends on:
1. Basic accuracy of the gun.
2. Skill in mastering the main specialty - tank gunner (it is additionally influenced by the commander skill, which is given to crew members, one percent of the skill, for every 10 percent of their command skill).
3. Combat brotherhood and ventilation.
4. Extra rations, box of cola and similar disposable, approximate consumables.
5. Temporary increase in gun spread caused by tank movement.

Try to hit the center of the target offhand at the shooting range; it’s not an easy task. Is not it? In order to accurately hit the target, you need to freeze, exhale, hold your breath and smoothly pull the trigger. Although shooting from a tank gun is much more difficult, in the game we only need to point the cursor at the target and wait a little while the virtual tank driver does virtual aiming. At this time, the visible scatter circle gradually decreases, when the convergence is completed and the circle has reached the minimum value for your tank, you can shoot, the chance of hitting will be the highest.

A useful fact, as we have already said, in addition to the basic aiming coefficient of the gun, only the basic skill of the gunner affects the shooting accuracy with full aiming, and this influence is very noticeable. A good gunner will shoot better from a bad gun than an untrained gunner from an accurate one. To demonstrate this, we will conduct several tests. In the upper left corner are shown the results of firing from the Z-6-7 gun with the crew seated behind the tank for free. Thus, the gunner should have 55 percent proficiency in the profession. Next is the same gun, but the crew is 100 percent trained. In the next window, the crew of the same tank received maximum level mastery of a profession, ventilation, military brotherhood and more. ration. And finally, for comparison, in the fourth window, the results of firing from a tank with one of the precision guns in the game STUK 72 M-70 with a gunner with 75 percent proficiency in the specialty.

Yes, it’s hard in training, easy in battle. A skilled crew can easily compensate for the lack of accuracy of any gun.

Mixing time

Modern tanks are able to stabilize the gun and automatically track the target chosen by the gunner, but the tanks of the beginning and middle of the last century presented in the game did not yet have such capabilities and shooting on the move for most of them was not accurate or completely impossible. To simulate the movement of a real tank, in our game, when moving, when turning the turret, even when firing, the scatter circle increases sharply and you have to wait until it narrows to a minimum value. Moreover, the higher the speed and rotation of the tower, the more the circle increases. The increase also depends on the chassis installed on the tank, which has its own undocumented dispersion coefficients when moving and turning. Detailed data on these coefficients can be found on the website of our information partner wot-news in the section extended information about tanks. Please note that the characteristic of convergence time is mistakenly called convergence speed, which causes some confusion.

Let's take for example the American tank T-34. At the same aiming speed, the time indicated in the gun characteristics of three and four seconds will be required for aiming if a tank with a 100% gunner accelerated at a certain reference speed and, stopping abruptly, began to aim. And if you drive very slowly in first gear, the spread circle will increase much less. Mixing after stopping will naturally end much earlier.

So, the mixing time does not depend on the following characteristics:
1. The corresponding characteristics of the weapon.
2. On proficiency in the gunner's specialty, which, as we remember, depends on proficiency in the commander's skill, combat fraternity, ventilation and approximate consumables.
3. Additional: gunner and driver skills (main entrance and turret rotation), from reinforced aiming drives and vertical aiming stabilizer.

Let's take a closer look at the last point. In the theory of amplified drive, pickups and stabilizers differ quite significantly. The first increases the speed of mixing and useful properties shooting from a place, and the second reduces the circle of dispersion and is suitable for shooting while moving. However, in practice their functions partially overlap.

The stabilizer, as follows from the description, is perfect for those tanks on which you shoot straight away. It significantly reduces the range of spread when driving. And for tanks from which you are accustomed to shooting from short dashes, but with full aiming, there is practically no difference between the drive and the stabilizer. Under equal conditions, from a smaller circle, the gun can be brought down in the same time as from a larger circle with a reinforced drive. Moreover, when shooting from a standstill, the stabilizer reduces the circle of dispersion after a shot, which is also a type of movement. And in this case, alignment with the stabilizer takes less time than with drives.

So if your tank is equipped with a vertical aiming stabilizer, then its use is more profitable than reinforced aiming drives. According to one of the game developers, better known as Vader, this rule is generally correct, excluding weapons with very slow aiming.

How to shoot correctly

Now let's give some tips on how to shoot better. Let’s say right away that in this series, we are not considering any artillery techniques. This is an independent and very large topic that will have to be devoted to a separate program, or even more than one.

So, first of all, get down. Of course, shooting without aiming is sometimes necessary, but there are very few reasons for such shooting. This is useful on some light and medium, literally several heavy tanks with a good rate of fire and gun stabilization. Shells that, even at maximum speed, in most cases fall into the crosshairs of the sight, but if you are not confident in the gun of your tank, especially if you know that they are not intended for firing on the move, it is better to stop in a more or less safe place and wait for complete alignment and cause damage.

Except for cases of shooting on the move or shooting at enemies who have gotten used to your tank from the side and are moving back and forth, making it difficult to aim, it is better to use a sniper scope. With a sniper scope you can calculate weak areas opponents and will have a high chance of causing damage, but you pay for it with a very narrow field of view. An enemy who literally appears a couple of meters from your target can go unnoticed and, as a result, be confident in the safety of shooting at you. Therefore, immediately after the shot, go to normal arcade mode with the left shift button. This will allow you to assess the situation on the battlefield and change your position, etc. Make such a switch a habit and the benefits from it will not take long to arrive.

By the way, in order to increase the rate of fire, aim shortly before reloading ends, so that by the time the tank is ready for the next shot, you have time and completed aiming at the target.

I repeat once again, on some light, medium and even heavy tanks, on the move, especially in close combat, on the contrary, it is not worth using a sniper scope. Instead of targeting a weak point, you may miss where your opponent is aiming or where you are going. At the same time, you should have some experience of shooting while moving, and it is better to shoot at the side or karma of the enemy. Because even tanks with poorly armored fronts can ricochet many hits. You must understand that on the move the best guns can give way, in such a situation you should not expect to fire a shot that will destroy the enemy. Hope for the best and expect the worst. By the way, when you are designed in motion, you can shoot with an auto sight. This will prevent the enemy coming after you from getting bored, will not allow you to concentrate on shooting at you, and you will get an extra chance to cause damage.

Remember the penetration zones of all tanks. Consider the angles of the armor and the performance of the ammunition used. This point in World of Tanks is perhaps the most difficult. There are hundreds of tanks in the game and for most of them, at least at the levels you play at, first of all, you need to know the maximum number of characteristics. Roughly speaking, knowing even just where to break through any opponents you may encounter will increase the number of your victories by 5-10 percent. Moreover, the more you know about the enemy, the easier it is to fight him. For example, knowing the reload time of your enemy will allow you to make an extra shot at him, the speed of turn - to spin him, the viewing range - to choose a safe distance for shooting, and so on. Useful mods will help you with this - a reservation panel with enemy reload time and penetration zones for World of tanks tanks.

If you have to shoot through opaque vegetation at the silhouette of an enemy, before making a shot, feel for its accessible part. As you move your sight over the enemy tank, you will see that the border on it appears and disappears. It disappears when the cursor moves from the target to the obstacle covering it. This way, you can assess which part of the enemy is available to shoot, and not waste a projectile by hitting the ground, or even an ally standing next to him.

There are exceptions to this rule. When you shoot through the gaps of another tank, including a destroyed one, the enemy’s outline does not appear, but the projectile can still hit the target. And although shooting like this is a little unusual, it is often very useful.

When shooting at moving targets, take into account the speed of the projectile and take the appropriate lead. The speed is individual for each weapon and for each type of ammunition. And the necessary calculations will be made by your hands automatically as your experience grows, but this experience must be gained. To get it, you just need to remember that you need to shoot at moving targets with a slight advance. Not into the tank itself, but to where it will be in a second.

When shooting at long distances, if the tank disappears from sight or when shooting at lead positions, a well-measured shot may miss. Why is this happening? At the beginning, we said that projectiles in the game fly like in reality in a parabola. If you are aiming at an enemy tank, then the arc is calculated in such a way that the end is exactly at the point of the enemy at whom you are aiming. But when you try to hit an enemy that is moving or has disappeared due to the light, your line may rest on a surface located far behind him. The trajectory in this case will be calculated based on the target of this distant point, which is shown by the sight. And the projectile will go higher than the enemy. Give a simple and universal advice how to shoot in this case very difficult. Therefore, if you see that the aiming point is far behind your target, and you cannot change it, wait until the enemy lights up again so as not to waste your shot and time.

Let's summarize.
1. Get together!
2. Use a sniper scope.
3. But know how to shoot from arcade mode.
4. Remember the penetration locations and characteristics of all tanks.
5. Use the silhouette of the enemy tank to find its accessible parts.
6. Shoot at moving targets with anticipation.
7. For enemies who have disappeared from the light, sometimes it’s better to wait...

So, in this program we figured out how shooting happens in World Of Tanks, we learned how to increase accuracy and reduce aiming time, and how best to shoot at the enemy. In the next episodes we will see what happens when a hit occurs in armor-piercing, sub-caliber, high-explosive and commutative shells.

Download hit viewing mod for WoT, previously such a possibility would have seemed simply impossible. And now absolutely every user can get it without any problems and carefully view the history of damage, which will have not only a detailed report, but also visualization. Yes, you heard right, now you can view hits in WoT, and to do this you just need to download and install a mod called "Battle Wounds" It doesn’t weigh that much, but it can be extremely useful for use in post-combat study of results.

How to use the modification?

Maud "Battle Wounds" in WoT is a separate plugin that can be actively used at any convenient time. To do this, just do the following:

  1. Install the mod.
  2. Launch the game.
  3. Fight one battle.
  4. Return to the hangar.
  5. Click on the special mods icon at the bottom right.
  6. Select the item “View Breakouts”.
  7. Choose the battle you want to study.
  8. Watch the visualization and get all the necessary information.

The application is not so complicated and quite effective. You don't need any additional knowledge to use the mod. You will only receive all the necessary information and enjoy your opportunities. Have a good game!

I've never played tanks before. Several years ago, in the wake of hype, I played a dozen battles in World of Tanks Blitz on iOS, but after a week I deleted the application.

Full World of Tanks I decided to install it because of the special football mode that was released during the 2018 World Cup. I did football challenges for several weeks, and at the end of June I wanted to completely remove the game from my computer.

We stopped several million earned coins and tens of thousands of free experience points. Not bad luggage for a novice tanker, I decided to try regular battles.

I started looking at player statistics and was a little surprised. There are often accounts with 60-70 thousand completed battles. Just think about it: 70 thousand fights in 8 years the existence of tanks is about 25 battles per day! Every day, seven days a week, for eight years!

I wasn’t so drawn in; in just a month I felt all the problems of playing current form. Here are the four main complaints players have about WOT today:

1. The famous random

So-called FBG (great Belarusian random) only new, inexperienced players do not notice. Everyone understands that there must be an element of surprise in the game, and at first you take a lot of what happens as pure chance.

With experience, you understand that the role of randomness can be too large in some battles, and, after several thousand battles, you begin to suspect him of bias.

Almost all game indicators when calculated on the server are calculated using random variables, but the pattern of occurrence of certain values ​​can hardly be called random. Such games have long used simple “levelling” of players so that even the most inept can win.

He gave out several good fights - got ricochets and no penetration, quickly lost in several rounds in a row - you get hits with any shot.

Random manifests itself in everything: accuracy, probability of penetration or ricochet, and damage dealt. Indications may deviate by 25% from the normal value both up and down. Thus, two games in a row can differ dramatically in terms of gaming interest and player luck. This is so noticeable that something needs to be done about it.

In one game you target the enemy, look for vulnerable points, wait for complete aiming and hear the annoying “didn’t penetrate”, and in the other you shoot almost at random, when the aiming circle is several times larger than the enemy tank, regularly earning frags.

Idea for Wargaming: That’s not what happens in life. Turn up the spread of parameters for FBG even more. Make defective shells that don’t explode, spontaneous breakdowns of equipment out of the blue, and crew sabotaging the commander’s orders.

I don't mind randomness in the game, but there are too many of them in WOT. Look how often one tank can survive a battle against three or four opponents, how regularly the enemy has 5-10 HP left after a shot for sure, how many hits happen at the last second before the tank hides in cover or comes out of sight.

The general statistics of the players clearly illustrates the situation. Most tankers have between 40 and 60% win rates. The most inexperienced ones manage to win four out of ten battles, and those who have been playing for several years cannot make less than four defeats in ten battles.

Conclusion: those who play for pleasure sooner or later give up the game due to great influence random.

2. Changes too often

Eight years for similar project- a very long time. The developers are great for not letting the project die out and regularly stir up user interest in tanks.

Unfortunately, sometimes the methods of influence are too radical.

Innovations in the game are great, but why touch something that has already been working for a long time.

Concepts "up" And "nerfed" They have become so firmly entrenched in the vocabulary of WOT players that not a single conversation among tank leaders is complete without them. Almost every month the game is updated, introducing new and new changes.

New maps appear – that’s good, new tanks are being delivered – that’s also great. But when begin to revise the parameters of technology, which has been in the game for several years, is very frustrating.

The player went through a certain branch for several months, endured all the difficulties of inconvenient tanks, and accumulated precious experience and coins. As a result, I bought the cherished car, and it was “nerfed” (reduced performance) in the next patch.

What to do? A few months of playing down the drain? Selling a tank for half the price, not caring about time, experience and money?

The game developers suggest just waiting. Perhaps in a few months (or years) the tank will be recognized as too weak and it will be “uprated” (the parameters will be increased).

In other words, the player must have in his hangar not one, but 5, 7 or 10 top tanks in order to play not on the one he wants, but on the one that is currently “bending.”

Idea for Wargaming: It's high time to make a tank horoscope. Jupiter is in the constellation Orion - penetration of German tanks worsened by 8% until the next full Moon.

There are test servers in WOT, where new equipment is tested and actively invite players to try out different modifications of tanks before releasing them to the public. Why can’t new models be successfully integrated into the existing system without balancing old tanks?

The same thing happens regularly with new tanks. At first they turn out to be very good, so that players want to buy a new product, but after a few months, when every second person gets a car, its characteristics deteriorate.

It still happens sometimes "hidden nerf" tanks. The developers leave all the displayed indicators in place, but change several parameters “under the hood” that affect the balance.

For example, they can change the coefficient of soil resistance for a tank. The power parameters remain the same, but it will begin to accelerate or turn differently.

Even premium tanks (which are purchased with real money) degrade over time to motivate players to buy new ones. If someone pays a couple of thousand rubles for suitable equipment, then six months later his tank turns out to be a banal average machine.

Conclusion: Most players have no desire to follow every change in the game and revise their hangar after the next patch.

3. Greedy economy in the game

Experienced players began to often complain about the lack of silver. This is the easiest currency to earn, but it is always in short supply.

In a month of playing, I almost upgraded one of the simplest and most popular branches of Soviet heavy tanks. The hardest thing was to accumulate silver. Even experience that no amount of money could buy was somehow dripping into the piggy bank, but the coins just didn’t want to accumulate.

At the initial levels, the player is generously rewarded with silver, equipment repairs are cheap, shells are inexpensive, and there is always enough for equipment. With each subsequent level of technology, prices for tanks and components increase significantly, repairs become more expensive, and ammunition even becomes gold.

In theory, the damage caused by the player increases, which should result in more coins earned, but that was not the case. This is where the famous random comes into play.

Even good players with good vehicles often encounter a series of annoying misses, ricochets and non-penetrations, but every fired projectile costs at least 1000 coins. Five shots “in the milk” and even in case of victory the player can go into minus.

If at the same time the equipment also needs to be repaired, then three unsuccessful battles in a row will hit the budget hard.

Idea for Wargaming: Why haven’t they introduced fuel and food for the crew into the game yet? This is a guaranteed pumping of coins after each battle!

Experienced marketers wisely divided the targeted pumping of funds into small micro-transactions. Proudly flaunting 50K silver on the screen after the battle they turn into 3-5 thousand after repairing equipment, replenishing ammunition and purchasing equipment.

As a result, if you play without investment, it will be very difficult at the last levels. You won’t have enough money every now and then; you can gain experience relatively quickly to buy the next tank, but saving coins will take two to three times longer.

You may even have to sell your previous favorite tank that you are used to. In return, you will receive a stock blank, which will have to be pumped again, and the “consumables” for it cost twice as much.

Conclusion: Regular gifts, rewards for simple tasks and all kinds of promotions do not solve the problem. The developers need to reconsider the game's economy, it has become too greedy for the players. No investment for high levels very difficult to play.

4. “Nerdishness” at the last levels

From my own experience, I will say that I experienced maximum interest and pleasure when playing tanks of levels 6-7. Tanks drive smartly and quickly, shoot moderately accurately and often, and bring in a lot of money regularly.

The cost of mistakes increases significantly; the risk is almost never justified. It is easier to take a pre-known position and try to shoot opponents than to lead the attack of your own team.

As a result, shootouts on tanks of the last levels turn into dull “nerdiness”. Ten people crowd into a narrow passage in the middle of the map, hide around the corners and try to quickly lean out to make a shot.

At the same time, you also have to target miniature hatches, towers and other vulnerable spots of enemies. This is how eight out of ten battles take place using such equipment.