Tenderness and saturation of pistachio wallpaper: absolute harmony in the interior. Wallpaper pistachio color. A combination of shades. Bedroom and kitchen interior Living room interior in pistachio color

A universal design choice today is pistachio-colored wallpaper. The simultaneous brightness and restraint of the hue will harmonize perfectly when creating home comfort. At the same time, the pistachio color is easily combined with other tones, while remaining the same warm, joyful and peaceful, harmoniously fits into any style, opening up many design possibilities.

Where to buy pistachio-colored wallpaper in Moscow?

When choosing pistachio color, you rely on versatility, which is why Artique presents a wide range of shades of this color. Combining many colors, such coatings perform several roles at once and do not create confusion in the design of your decoration.

Pistachio wallpaper for walls is perfect for interior decoration in styles:

  • provence;
  • modern;
  • minimalism;
  • classic.

One of the advantages of the pistachio hue is the ability to create extraordinary, but successful combinations with green, which also has a calming effect. Absolutely for any room, pistachio wallpaper on the wall will be a reasonable, pretty good choice. This color develops creative thinking, creates a calming atmosphere, promotes concentration and has a number of positive effects on the psychological component of a person.

Fulfilling Finishing work in their apartment, often many owners are faced with the problem of choosing colors for wallpaper. Today, the pistachio shade is relevant, which practically does not conflict with any other colors. It is (olive) pistachio wallpaper for walls that can be found in hardware stores and among the entire range presented, choose the shade that is right for your room.

Green colors can be of any tone and each of them is good in its own way. Dark ones are suitable for bright rooms, and light ones for dark ones. In the interior, the pistachio color remains a favorite and is appropriate in any style - hi-tech, minimalism, Provence or classic. The main thing is to correctly choose the rest of the textiles and decorations for the wallpaper, and with what you can combine and how to distribute the accent most correctly, this will be discussed in detail below.

We distribute the right colors

When choosing wallpaper for the walls of any room, you should first of all know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and the lighting. It is these indicators that are one of the main ones, since you can overload the room with a dark shade and give the atmosphere a depressing, heavy look and general mood. Such a mistake is unacceptable, and in order to avoid it, all the nuances must be taken into account.

Shade combination

The olive hue is in harmony with many even daring and bold decisions:

  • lilac and purple;
  • yellow and orange;
  • pink and red;
  • white, black and cream.

By itself, this tone can be represented not only in plain colors on the wallpaper, but also with drawings and ornaments, flowers and other elements.

For the right combination, remember:

  • if the wallpaper is pistachio, then the rest of the decor of the room, including upholstery and curtains, should be different color scheme;
  • in bright rooms with large windows, you can experiment and not be afraid to stick wallpaper in dark green, as the light will dilute their severity and soften the interior;
  • for dark and small rooms, the use of an olive tint is not always appropriate, as you can ruin everything. You can stick wallpaper on only one wall or choose the most light shade, covering the common part of the wall with light curtains or beating the color with light textiles and a lot of fireflies.

Tip: if you doubt that pistachio wallpapers are suitable for your interior, then it is better not to experiment, but to ask experienced stylists for advice.
The color green, although pleasant, but in the pistachio version can harm the atmosphere or, on the contrary, diversify it.
It is necessary to be able to choose the right colors in accordance with the general decor of the room.

Interior of rooms in pistachio design

The photo shows several options for rooms with pistachio walls in different colors. And every time the wallpaper looks somehow special and harmonious with the general atmosphere.


If you like to get up with a cheerful mood and meet the day with a smile, then pistachio wallpaper in the interior will definitely suit you. There is no instruction that says which color is suitable for your mood, because it all depends on the character of the person and his preferences.

But the swamp-green bedroom will be beautiful if it is slightly diversified:

  • add cream or pink curtains to the interior;
  • hang a wall panel with white accents or a light marine pale blue landscape;
  • choose textiles in bright colors;
  • and to complement all this decoration with a lot of light.

The ratio of pistachio and pink with white will look good not only in the bedroom, but also in the children's room. And small bright accents will give the interior its own style and some veil and individuality.

Tip: so that the room does not look gloomy and boring, you can and even need to dilute color palette a dash of bright colors.
It can be a wall panel or a floor lamp shade, graffiti on the wall or blinds in an unusual bright color.


If you are doing do-it-yourself repairs in the kitchen, you can safely use green in the interior. Here you will definitely not be mistaken, since the color of greenery and unripe fruits of the pistachio tree is combined with absolutely all shades of the facades of the headset, doors, windows and the color of the ceiling and floor.

Designers advise:

  • do not use swamp color throughout the room, including the ceiling and floor. This can be visually annoying and ruin all the decoration even after a new repair.
  • Do not be afraid to stick or light pistachio wallpaper in a narrow and long kitchen, small or large. IN this case the decor will not deteriorate, as the green color in the dining area is always appropriate.
  • Dark or light facades - it doesn’t matter, even a burgundy set will look great with pistachio walls and black or beige floors.

Tip: when choosing colors for the headset, ceiling and other appliances in the kitchen, be careful with blue and dark purple.
These tones in combination with pistachio can play a cruel joke and it is better to bypass them.
And if you really want blue in the room, then add it to the little things - accessories or a picture, a lamp or knife handles on the countertop.

Mistakes that are best avoided

Although the pistachio color is calm, there are moments when it becomes ugly and there is dissonance in the interior.

These are the cases when:

  • Dark tones are used in the decor of the room. It is permissible to use dark shades in a room with pistachio wallpaper no higher than the floor level. For example: the floor is dark or the banquet near the sofa is dark chocolate in color, which is in harmony with green interior in unison. But a black lampshade on a lamp or floor lamp, brown curtains or a dark blue picture are undesirable in this case.
  • A large number of bright accents will also spoil the whole atmosphere and simply give the room a defiant look.. This should not be allowed, and bright puffs or design elements should be used in the right proportions.

Tip: always know the measure and do not try to give the room an interesting style with bright or dark colors.
This may not improve, but spoil the whole beauty of the decoration, and the high price of the exclusive materials used does not play a role here.


Speaking about the interior of any room and the pistachio color of the wallpaper, you can argue different positions and points of view for hours. Stylists have their own opinion, while ordinary people, artists and extraordinary personalities have a completely different view on this issue. The video in this article has answers to a number of questions regarding pistachio color in room decor.

Well, if you do not agree with any of the options presented, then you can safely experiment at your discretion. Each of us is the master of his own life, and has the right to create as he wants. Successful repair and fresh ideas!

pistachio color in modern interior is one of the trendiest shades of green. Not yet gray, but no longer green, it softens the space and practically suits any type of room and purpose. Visually, he "does not steal" the space, does not bother psychologically, you can add bright colors to it. Pistachio-colored wallpapers are combined with furniture made of wood, MDF, plastic, glass, as well as gold, silver or bronze fittings.

The catalog of the Espartos online store presents beautiful wall wallpapers of pistachio shades in various designs: plain, with a geometric pattern, with elegant monograms and floral ornaments. You can choose and buy wallpaper for any interior according to your tastes and preferences.

In what rooms do pistachio wallpapers look profitable?

The combination of pistachio wallpaper with other colors in the interior

Knowing the most successful interior color combinations, you can create interesting design. Tenderness and aristocracy, extravagance and minimalism, sunshine and frostiness - everything is possible with pistachio color. And the main secret of pistachio shades is the ability to combine with pastel, dark and bright tones of a different color palette.

  • Pistachio and white. The tandem of these two colors will give the room space, the room will be bright even without abundant artificial lighting. For this combination, white furniture is preferable.
  • Pistachio with blue or light blue. The success of such an interior in unusual combination thermal pistachio and cold blue. In the interior, this combination can be used in a 50:50 ratio. Furniture choose light cream shades or bleached wood. Suitable for decorating a nursery for boys of preschool and school age.
  • Pistachio with yellow or orange. Would you like a sunny interior for every day? Experiment! Add bright fragments to the interior: paintings, upholstery, curtains.
  • Pistachio brown. Emphasize unity with nature. You can combine dark furniture and light colors on the walls. Or vice versa - rich colors on the walls, light furniture and bright spots of accessories throughout the room. Furniture upholstery is suitable for a wide variety of textures: from plain to small flowers and complex geometry.
  • Pistachio with pink and white-cream. This is the perfect solution for a girl's bedroom. Pistachio will dilute the Barbie colors, and pink will add youth, carelessness and freshness to the interior.

For several years now, natural shades have occupied a stable position in design, evoking associations with fruits, plants or landscapes. This is due to the ease of perception of natural varieties, which allow you to create the most comfortable atmosphere in the room. Among the entire palette, the pistachio color in the interior is the most common - mainly due to its ability to combine with other colors and the ability to fit into any room.

Features and effects on the psyche

The shell of the beloved nut was the source of the pistachio color. This is a mixture of blue-green and yellow tones, which can be bright or pastel if diluted with white.

Surrounded by this shade, the inhabitants feel comfortable, cosy, and safe. More muted varieties create a calming environment, while saturated ones energize.

Designers appreciate pistachio because of its versatile properties. The thing is, it doesn't change. different types lighting - whether it be the rays of the sun or lamps, the coating will retain its original tone. Color can be used for any elements in the interior: decoration, furniture, decor or textiles. Walls will enhance the perception, and compact details will become a noticeable accent that attracts attention.

Pistachio color will fit perfectly into many styles, but with a few reservations. For example, for Provence, you need to limit yourself only to pastel variations in the form of individual objects. In the classics, dark shades look harmonious, and bright ones usually appear in combination with the same tone of other colors.

As part of modern style it is better to use it as a compositional center, and in minimalism - small inclusions. Rarely pistachio color is found in Scandinavian interior, gravitating towards white, as in high-tech hi-tech. If desired, you can add it to the palette of the room, balancing it with neutral views.

Color combinations

As already mentioned, pistachio can peacefully coexist with many shades, and with some of them it forms a very stylish pair. Consider a few successful combinations.

Pistachio with white

An interior dominated by these two colors has a calm, natural feel, as versatile white can softly tint even a rich variation of pistachio, bringing even more light into the room.

Often you can find two options for using this combination. In the first case, one or more walls reflect the shade of walnut, and the furniture is painted white. In the second - on the contrary, and this solution is more preferable for small spaces, as it allows you to visually expand the space, while creating a variety of colors.

Pistachio with blue

This pair usually does not act as the main color range due to the saturation of the final design, but is harmonized with neutral blotches. In the interior, it is often embodied in elements adjacent to each other, creating a lively, natural atmosphere.

It could be marine or pastel shade- with any of them, pistachio will form a successful combination. The success of the “union” lies in the belonging of one color to cold tones, and the other to warm ones.

Pistachio with yellow

Yellow will only emphasize the presence of this shade in the composition of pistachio. As a result, even a few details with such colors will make the room sunny and very warm - perfect solution for houses with windows facing north, letting in little natural light during the day. Bright wall cladding will help enhance the effect, but this is a very bold design option.

Pistachio brown

Brown can be presented as an independent color or finishing material - wood. The second option demonstrates a wide palette of not only textures, but also tones, among which warm ones should be preferred. They are better combined with pistachio, emphasizing its natural origin.

In the interior, it can be used for wall decoration - then the wooden set will stand out well against its background. The color can act as a textile, for example for furniture upholstery. This great combination matching classic style.

Pistachio with pink

A memorable pair is formed by a natural pistachio color with a less natural pink. You can achieve an interesting effect by playing with their saturation. For example, pastel varieties can coexist in any incarnation: partitions, furniture, decor. And saturated ones must be added carefully, balancing with white.

Pistachio color in interior design - photo

The areas of application of the pistachio shade depend not only on the preferences of the owners, but also on the room and its conditions. Somewhere you need to create a calming atmosphere, and somewhere you need to add certain materials.

Pistachio color in the interior of the kitchen

In such an environment, the process of cooking will turn into an exciting experience, as pistachio helps to increase the activity and mood of visitors.

In this space, it is often found in the form of wall tiles - the most versatile material for a work area that is constantly exposed to high temperatures, humidity and various types of pollution.

In a dining area away from work, you can pick up pistachio-colored paint or wallpaper, as conditions are more stable here. Washable wallpapers and other moisture-resistant varieties will do their job perfectly.

The shade is also used for a furniture set, with white, black or wooden countertops. This solution is well suited for Provence, classics, as well as modern style.

Pistachio color in the interior of the living room

In a place intended for relaxing in the company of loved ones or a good movie, the color plays not last role to create the right atmosphere. Pistachio is a very friendly summer shade, so its presence in the living room is not only permissible, but also highly desirable.

In spacious rooms, you can paint all the walls without worrying that the solution will overload the composition. Especially suitable for such purposes pastel shades. In small spaces, you can arrange only one part of the living room, for example, the central one, on which the TV screen is located.

If you need to focus on a more concise design, then the pistachio color can be embodied in one or more objects: a sofa, carpet, curtains or wall paintings. This is an option for modern styles.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bedroom

Since the bedroom should promote relaxation and prepare for the upcoming sleep, it is recommended to limit yourself to pistachio-colored textiles. Bedding does a great job of making the bed stand out as the main center of the room.

On the other hand, the pistachio design can be a real salvation for those who find it hard to wake up in the morning. Walls in such a range will quickly set you in an active mood and cheer you up. To balance the impact, you can weave in white, blue or beige details.

Pistachio color in the interior of the bathroom

In the bathroom, this shade is used for decoration or furniture, as plumbing - the main element of the space - is often presented in a white, glossy version.

Specialty washable paints can survive in humid environments, but traditional tile is the best choice, as it will not only withstand any stress, but also help to diversify a monochromatic finish.

These can be large fragments or small mosaics that alternate with other colors, glossy or matte surfaces. The interior will look harmonious, making a reference to natural landscapes.

The palette of colors is quite wide, but among them there are popular shades, but there are not very. People, of course, are individual, but very often their preferences converge.

For example, the pistachio color, which is a shade of green mixed with yellow and made in a light tone, is quite a popular and sought-after color. Its main highlight can be considered constancy, because in any light it looks the same.

Classic minimalist bedroom design

Pistachio-colored wallpapers can become great solution for your interior.

pistachio properties

Pistachio color looks great in the interior of a variety of rooms, it can be used both in the living room and in the bedroom, both in the kitchen and in the hallway. In addition, it goes well with basic colors such as red, yellow, white, black.

It is believed that being in a room where pistachio-colored wallpaper is pasted, you replenish your vital energy. This is largely facilitated by the harmony of the interior and peace of mind.

Refreshing living room interior

You can build a harmonious, balanced interior with a pistachio color, both in bright and in light, calm colors. It will balance bright shades with its property of reducing visual load, and it will complement light shades with color.

If you use a more saturated color, then the state of calm and peace can be enhanced. In such an interior it will be extremely comfortable, constantly feeling an aura of happiness. Non-woven vinyl wallpapers will help in this, which will perfectly complement the color with their relief. In particular, there are many paintings of this color in the collections of the German brand Marburg.

The name of the color, as you probably already guessed, came from the fruits of the corresponding tree, which is called “pistachio”.

It turns out that this color is natural, and not obtained artificially. Although this option is also possible, it will require yellow and green colors.

Nice rich color

Pistachio color is easy to use, even ordinary people can work with it, and not venerable designers. The trick is that the color is quite sociable and fits perfectly with most known shades. It looks good in the background pastel colors, can be a background for bright colors, or harmoniously complement classic white.

Combinations with other colors

Let's list the most famous combinations with pistachio, which are often used by designers.

Pastel shades

Pastel colors go well with pistachio tone. This combination is used in the bedroom and living room. In the bedroom, this pair of colors allows you to create an aura of comfort, and in the living room, a calm atmosphere for meeting guests. Almost all pastel colors are in demand, but most often they are used: a shade of white - milky, varieties of beige - cream, ivory.

Practice shows that it is permissible to use light gray tones, but in this case, pistachio must be brought to the fore. Here lies another feature of this color, it shows itself perfectly in the role of the main and secondary colors.

Well-designed bedroom interior

Vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven base in colors associated with pastel colors and pistachio, in a large assortment are presented in hardware stores. This is a very popular color, so it is present on the most modern and high-quality wallpapers, which are non-woven vinyl canvases. Here are some well-known brands that produce this kind of wallpaper: Rasch, Erismann, Marburg, Limonta, Zambaiti, Sirpi.


With basic colors such as black and white, pistachio also harmonizes perfectly. A combination with white is often used to visually correct the space of a room, or rather increase its dimensions.

Using wallpaper for painting in the bedroom

Black helps to draw clear boundaries and zones in the room. Drawings in black on pistachio-colored canvases are also popular. Vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base in this color is produced by a large number of wallpaper factories. Among the Russian ones, one can single out Palitra and ART, among the German Marburg and Erismann, among the Italian Zambaiti.

Bright colors

The pistachio color favorably represents such popular colors as red, yellow, orange and their shades against its background. These bright and juicy tones perform leading role, as an accent wall or a large number accessories, while the main tone sets the pistachio color.

There is a breath of summer in the room

Note that bright colors are most often used in the interior of the kitchen, since this room should energize a person and give him vigor. Therefore, the wallpaper used here must be of high quality. Modern non-woven vinyl wallpapers from domestic (Palette, Mayakprint. Elysium) and foreign (Marburg, Erismann, A.S. Creation, BN) manufacturers do an excellent job with this task.

As you can see, the pistachio color is quite versatile, and therefore can be used in the interior of various rooms.

Nice contrast

An excellent contrasting combination used everywhere is pistachio and brown. These two colors perfectly complement each other and can be used in the interior of the bedroom, living room, hallway. Most often, the design is built around pistachio walls and wooden brown furniture, but there are options with the corresponding coloring of the floor and even the ceiling.

Great color combination for the living room

Even ready-made contrasting wallpapers are produced in such colors, at least wallpaper variants from the collections of the brands Erismann, Marburg, Palette were noticed.


Consider the most popular options for using pistachio color, using the example of bedroom, living room and kitchen interiors.


As we said earlier, pistachio canvases, non-woven vinyl wallpapers, extra high quality, can be easily used in the interior of the kitchen. This coloring will help to gain energy and vitality, which will be very useful to the owners of the apartment.

The dimensions of the kitchen, by and large, are not important; pistachio can be successfully applied both in a small Khrushchev kitchen and in a large area in the kitchen of a private house. Bright accessories will serve as accent elements in such an interior. An apron will look great, with a bright colorful image in red-yellow-orange tones.

Balanced interior of a simple kitchen

We note once again that the kitchen is a very specific, heavily polluted room, so be sure to choose high-quality washable wallpaper. Non-woven vinyl wallpapers from German companies (Erismann, Rasch, Marburg, A.S. Creation) are just famous for such qualities.

Living room

But for the living room, in terms of wallpaper, there are no such serious restrictions. This room is quieter, and wallpaper in pistachio color will also fit in here perfectly. It is noteworthy that this shade is in perfect harmony with wooden furniture. The atmosphere turns out to be calm, not straining, in which it is great to conduct small talk.

To dilute the pistachio in the living room, white will help us, which will add some space. There are always a lot of accessories in the interior of the living room, they can be selected in the appropriate colors.

Quality wallpaper with vinyl quality monograms

Special collections of wallpaper for the living room in pistachio colors have been released German companies Rasch and Marburg.


In the interior of the bedroom, it is permissible to use a diluted pistachio color, since in its normal state it is too bright. Support its shades pastel colors, traditionally used in this room.

It is permissible to use any wallpaper: paper, vinyl on a paper or non-woven basis, liquid, paintable. The bedroom is a simple room, without additional criteria. However, it is best to use high-quality wallpapers, once again we will indicate German manufacturers: Erismann Rasch, Marburg, A.S. Creation.

Using soft colors in the bedroom

It is permissible to use pistachio in the interior of the bedroom in any form: main or secondary, as the main color of the walls or as an additional color on accessories and household items.


For children in a variety of age groups, pistachio color is great for decorating a room. It is noteworthy that it can be used in both the girl's bedroom and the boy's room.

The positive features of the pistachio color for the nursery are as follows:

  • since the color is soothing in nature, it predisposes to a good sleep;
  • the same property helps to concentrate during the period of vivacity, to show mental activity;
  • as a result of concentration, allows you to develop creative abilities;
  • emphasizes the romantic atmosphere of the girl's room, enhances the energy component of the boy's room.

The use of black color will allow you to divide the room into zones. In the recreation area, it is necessary to minimize bright colors, while in the play area, on the contrary, saturate them.

Classic interior of a small children's room

The development of the creative abilities of the child will certainly affect appearance your wallpaper. Therefore, it is worth choosing high-quality, strong, washable, able to withstand the mechanical effects of the canvas. Thick vinyl canvases on a non-woven basis from well-known world factories, including Russian (Palette, ART), German (Rasch, Marburg), Italian (Limonta, Zambaiti, Sirpi) come to mind.

Pistachio color is quite sociable, but with dark colors it does not look the best, so such combinations should be avoided. Otherwise, based on the combinations described above, it is permissible to use this color in the interior of any room.