Windows 10 boot disk does not start. Method: Using the file backup function

Restoring the Windows 10 system from a restore point (TV) is convenient when the user installs many programs downloaded from the Internet. Often you come across low-quality software, outdated or with a virus. Also, the procedure may be necessary if there was an attempt to connect additional device and there was a conflict with the system.

TV is a service that saves backup versions of system files and the registry in the state at the time such a milestone was created. It is recommended to create them before each change that is made to the operating system.

A failure can also occur in an emergency situation:

  • power outage;
  • sudden drop in voltage in the network;
  • infection with viruses, etc.

In this case, you need to have a mechanism that will help you return to a working operating system without reinstalling it. How to enable is described here.

The basis of this method is the shadow copying mechanism built into the “top ten”. It allows you to restore the initial state of any files important to the OS.

How to run a rollback

We'll tell you in detail how to roll back Windows 10 to a restore point. This can be done in different ways:

  1. Press the WIN+R buttons and type the line "systempropertiesprotection".

The properties window will open. Clicking on the "Restore" button will start the process.

Through the search, find the control panel and launch it.

In small icons view, click the appropriate link.

You can also get to this window through the search.

Click "Run" to start the process.

Here you can configure the settings.

To roll back to a restore point in Windows 10, click the “Restore” button.

If you want to know what it is and how to enable it, follow the link provided.

How to rollback

In the first step, you will be asked to confirm the start of the operation. This is done so as not to start the procedure by accidental pressing. Although you can undo changes in the future, it will no longer be possible to interrupt the process itself.

To see which actions will be undone, tap “Search for affected programs.”

The OS will be scanned to find all affected activities.

You'll see which programs were restored or removed before the milestone was created. After the rollback they will return to their original state. Please note that programs that were installed from the Tens store are not shown here.

If everything is satisfactory, close this window and click “Next”. You will need to confirm the start twice, since the system does not allow you to launch a Windows 10 restore point by accident.

Agree with the action.

Confirm again.

The preparation process will begin.

Then the computer will reboot and all you have to do is wait. With minimal changes, the process took half an hour.

The Windows 10 restore point has been restored.

Restart your computer. As a result, we will get a new name.

After that, roll back your Windows 10 system to a restore point again.

Check if the WindowsApps folder has been created and delete WindowsApps.old. As a rule, if the Windows 10 restore point does not work, this method helps.

You can run a Windows 10 system restore from a startup restore point. In this case, you should be taken to the special boot options menu. If the operating system does not boot at all, then this is done from the boot disk. If you don’t have one, you need to create one on another computer with “ten”. If the OS has loaded, but the TV does not work, go to “Settings”.

Then select Update & Security.

And reboot.

A menu will appear in which select “Diagnostics” and then the first item (using TV).

This will help you roll back and. We remind you once again about important information:

  • TVs disappear when protection is removed from the system.
  • You should create a milestone BEFORE installing questionable software or when the OS is in a working state that suits you.

This article contains the most common errors when starting Windows 10, as well as how to fix them. We hope this information will make life a little easier for those who have switched to new version system and suddenly found himself between a rock and a hard place.

1. Windows 10: “The computer is not starting correctly”

The first common problem when starting Windows 10 is that the system reports a certain critical error (CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED, INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE), and then displays a blue "Automatic Repair" screen with the text .

Automatic recovery: the computer did not start correctly

The cause of this error, in most cases, is damage and deletion of system files or registry entries. This may be caused by installing and uninstalling programs, or by antivirus programs or Windows registry cleaning utilities.

The solution to the problem is to repair files and registry entries that are damaged:

  1. Click on the button Extra options on the blue screen, select Troubleshooting> Extra options > Boot Options.
  2. Click Reboot.
  3. In the window Boot Options Press the F6 key or number 6 on the numeric keypad to launch Safe Mode with command line support.
  4. The computer will restart in Safe Mode and Command Prompt will automatically open. In it enter:
sfc /scannow dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth shutdown -r

The computer will restart and after that Windows will start in normal mode.

2. Windows 10 does not load beyond the logo

Another known problem is that the system boots all the way to the Windows logo, after which the computer randomly shuts down. The reason for this error is also damage to system files, however, unlike the first case, the damage is so serious that the system cannot start the recovery itself.

In this case, you will have to create a Windows emergency recovery disk on another Windows 10 PC:

  1. In the Windows 10 Control Panel, find and select Recovery > Creating a recovery disc.
  2. In the window that appears, set the parameter Back up system files to a recovery drive and press Dalley.
  3. Connect an empty USB drive to your computer. Select it in the recovery disk creation window and click Next > Create.Wait until the files are copied and press Ready.
  4. Remove the USB drive from your computer, connect it to the one that won't run Windows 10, and enable booting from it in the BIOS.
  5. The Windows Recovery Environment will launch. You need to select Restoring a system image, or point Command line, and then enter the commands from the instructions for solving the first problem.

Windows Recovery Environment

You can also run the system recovery environment from the disk you installed Windows from. To do this, you need to boot from the installation disk, in the bootloader instead Install press System Restore. In the menu that appears, select Troubleshooting> Extra options. The same options window above will open.

After recovery, the computer will restart. Reset the BIOS to boot from the hard drive and the system should start correctly.

3. Errors “Boot Failure” and “An operating system wasn’t found”

In some cases, when Windows 10 starts, instead of loading operating system A black screen appears with one of two errors:

  1. Boot failure. Reboot and Select Proper Boot device or insert boot media in selected boot device.
  2. An operating system wasn’t found. Try disconnecting any drives that don’t contain an operating system. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart.

There can also be two reasons for this error:

  1. Incorrect boot device order in BIOS or UEFI. Make sure you are booting from the exact drive where Windows 10 is installed.
  2. Damage to the system bootloader. In this case, you will also need an installation disk or a Windows 10 emergency recovery disk. After booting from it, in the recovery environment you need to select Startup Recovery and let the bootloader files be overwritten.

The problem may also be hardware damage to the hard drive from which the boot is made.

Boot Failure Error

4. Windows 10 won't start: black screen

A common error when starting Windows 10 is a black screen with no signs of loading the desktop, with or without the cursor frozen on the screen. This often happens as a result of incorrect installation of any drivers: after rebooting, the computer works, but the OS does not load.

In most cases, the solution to the problem lies in a system rollback. To do this, you will also need an installation disk or a Windows 10 emergency recovery disk. After booting from it, in the recovery environment you can try selecting System Restore.

This will roll back the system to the state before the problem occurred. The system will prompt you to select a restore point to which to rollback, and after confirmation it will perform it. As a rule, after a reboot the black screen disappears.

5. Windows 10 takes a long time to load when turned on

There is a situation when Windows 10 does not load, the waiting icon is spinning, and that’s it. In fact, most likely, nothing bad is happening - the system is simply installing the updates that it downloaded the last time you used the computer.

In this situation, the best thing to do is just wait. This condition may last for several hours depending on the number and volume of downloaded updates. It is recommended not to turn off the computer, but to leave it in the boot state for 1-2 hours.

To prevent this error from happening again when starting Windows 10, you can set your computer to update on a schedule, and the system will not download updates without your knowledge. Read about how to edit update policies in our.

Dear readers! I know that many of you follow the latest hardware and software. The release of the new Windows 10 OS was a breathtaking fresh air for PC and laptop users after the controversial Windows 8. However, the transition to a new operating system is not so simple and easy. Many users face various problems and difficulties.

Why Windows 10 won't start

If you encounter the problem that after installation or Windows updates 10 you see a black screen, then the most likely reasons are:

  1. nVidia or AMD graphics driver conflict
  2. Problem with the computer waking up from sleep or hibernation mode
  3. Connected second monitor

You can turn off the second monitor, and connect the first to an integrated video card instead of a discrete one. You can also boot into Safe Mode. If Windows 10 starts, you should remove the video adapter driver that caused problems with Win 10.

Black screen Windows 10 after logging in

If you see the login screen when the system boots, and later a black screen appears, then try pressing the on-off button at the bottom right on the login screen, and then, while holding Shift, click “Restart”. In the menu that appears, select “Diagnostics - Advanced options - System recovery”.

If black Windows screen 10 appeared after removing viruses, then you should try the following method to solve the problem: press Ctrl + Alt + Del to launch the task manager. Next, go to the menu “File-New Task-Run”, type the command “regedit”. The Registry Editor will open. In the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon branch, look at the value of the Shell parameter. It should say explorer.exe, and the parameter userinit, its value should be c:\windows\system32\userinit.exe.

Windows 10 won't boot after changing disk partitions

If you have performed operations to change the structure or size of partitions on the disk on which the system is installed, then the appearance of a black screen after the boot logo may indicate the inaccessibility of the disk volume with the system.

If you have a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 10 or a recovery disk, you can boot from the installation disk and try to restore the system startup parameters.

Depending on whether you made a system recovery image and whether the system restore service is enabled, you can try to use various options restoring the OS boot.

Windows 10 won't install

There can be many reasons why Windows 10 does not install. Each problem can have its own cause. In this case, you need an appropriate solution to successfully install Windows 10 on your computer. Among possible problems- error on the system disk - damaged DVD media, incorrect BIOS settings and drive controller operating modes.

If after installation Windows 10 does not work

  • 1 What is the reason
  • 2 How to start Windows in safe mode

You installed Windows 10 and are looking forward to trying it out new system clicked on reboot. It’s interesting to know how much space the new OS takes up, what programs it offers by default, and what advanced system configuration is capable of.

The start screens have changed each other, but Windows does not start or work. Instead of the desktop, you see a black screen with a cursor or something similar. Thus, after installing Windows 10, you received some kind of global error that prevents the system from starting correctly.

What is the reason

If the latest operating system is not working, there could be many reasons. Among them:

  • incorrect operation of hardware drivers (often video cards, less often other components);
  • damage to system files (in case of updating Windows from an old version);
  • program conflict (also during updating).

By the way: this can happen due to a connected second monitor (in this case the image simply does not work). So if this is your case, turn off the second display and reboot. May I help.

If there is only one monitor and the system is not working, the first thing to take care of is to try to start the freshly installed OS in safe mode. From there, customization will be possible Windows settings.

But first, some experts recommend checking whether the problem is a consequence of incorrect operation of the video card driver. In this case, the system starts, but simply does not display the image on the display. And since it is fully functional, you can load the desktop and do some manipulations blindly.

It's worth trying to reboot. This can be done “barbarically” - by button, but it’s better to do the following, carefully monitoring which keys you press:

  • Press Backspace several times.
  • Enter your password to log in (you may need to switch the layout - the key combination Win (with the Windows logo) + Space should work).
  • Wait a minute or two (so that the OS is 100% loaded, if it even starts at all).
  • Press Win+R to launch Command Prompt.
  • Without touching the mouse, enter the command shutdown /r from the keyboard and press Enter.
  • Wait 10 seconds and press “Enter” again.

See also: PPPoE settings on Windows 10

If the problem was indeed with the video driver, the computer will restart and you will see the working screen (possibly). In such cases, the cause is a conflict with the so-called fast startup of Windows 10 and the only way to avoid repeating the error is to disable it, replacing it with a normal startup and a complete shutdown of the PC.

If nothing happens when you perform the above described manipulations, you can take a chance and turn off the PC by holding down the power button. If the image appears upon restart, do not delay until later, launch the control panel: there you will find settings for the actions of the power buttons (in the “Power Options” section).

How to start Windows in safe mode

Safe mode is so called because in it the system loads only Microsoft programs and nothing from outsiders. By starting the system in safe mode, you can remove the “wrong” video driver or other program that you think may be causing the operating system startup conflict.

It's good if Windows 10 greets you with a visual error message rather than just a black screen. In the first case, you can enable safe mode visually, but in the second, you will again have to act blindly. You need to know the exact locations of all the buttons and inscriptions in order to navigate with the arrows and how many times to press the “Enter” key.

Or maybe you have a bootable flash drive or DVD with “top ten”? Then the task becomes simpler and setting up the system launch becomes closer. Boot from the media and on the installation start screen, press the Shift+F10 key combination.

The command line will launch. Use the command bcdedit /set (globalsettings) advancedoptions true.

Reboot. Entering safe mode will be available by pressing the “4” or “F4” key. Command: bcdedit /deletevalue (globalsettings) advancedoptions - cancels previously entered changes (additional boot options will not appear at system startup).

See also: Ways to reboot Windows 10

This setup is not so simple if you do not have bootable media, and the picture on the screen does not work for some unknown reason. Do it step by step (the places of settings and lines, in theory, are always the same - only the last steps differ):

  • After booting the system with a black screen, press Backspace several times.
  • Now press Tab 5 times and Enter 1 time.
  • Click the up arrow.
  • Hold Shift and click
  • Wait at least a minute.
  • Click the down arrow 3 times and press Enter 1 time.
  • Press the down arrow 2 times and Enter 1 time.
  • Click the left arrow 2 times.
  • 1 time down (if you have BIOS) or 2 times down if you have UEFI and Enter.

It will reboot and this time you should see alternative boot options. Since normal booting does not work for you, use Safe Mode with Networking. In it you will have access to the Internet and you can try various variations fixes problems with loading fresh Windows.

Here you will find out how much space the system takes up, and you will be able to remove all unnecessary things that may interfere with startup. The first thing you should try is 2 things: remove the video card driver (if the screen was black) or run System Restore from the Control Panel. It is worth removing the antivirus remaining after the “seven” or “eight” (if the “ten” was installed as an update), as well as all sorts of tweakers and system optimizers.

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Fixing Windows 10 startup error after updating

Often, a user encounters problems starting Windows 10 after installing new updates. This problem is completely solvable and has several reasons.

Remember that if you do something wrong, it may lead to other errors.

Blue Screen Fix

If you see the error code CRITICAL_PROCESS_DIED, then in most cases a regular reboot will help fix the situation.

The INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE error can also be resolved by rebooting, but if this does not help, the system itself will begin an automatic recovery.

Black Screen Fixes

There are several reasons why a black screen may appear after installing updates.

Method 1: Correcting the virus activity

The system may be infected with a virus.

Method 2: Fixing video system problems

If you have an additional monitor connected, then this may be the cause of the startup problem.

  1. Sign in and then press Backspace to remove the lock screen. If you have a password, enter it.
  2. Wait about 10 seconds for the system to start and run Win+R.
  3. Click the Right key and then Enter.

In some cases, it is quite difficult to fix the startup error after an update, so be careful when fixing the problem yourself.

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

The procedure for restoring a Windows 10 system is quite simple. There are several alternative methods, which will be discussed in the article. You can perform recovery in the following ways:

  • System rollback to a checkpoint;
  • Restoring the OS using an image or distribution on external media.

Rollback points

The option to roll back the system using restore points is designed to solve problems associated with failures when installing programs, updating drivers, making changes to registry settings, etc.

Rollback mode allows the user to return the registry, system files and other settings to one of the checkpoints created automatically by Windows or manually by the owner.

Comment. When the system is rolled back to a checkpoint, the user's documents and other files will not be affected.


You can roll back the system to a checkpoint even when Windows does not boot at all. In this case, when the user tries to start the OS, a warning window appears:

Click on additional recovery options. We launch the diagnostic program by clicking on the appropriate menu:

Enable system recovery mode:

After selecting this item, a familiar window appears. In it you need to select a checkpoint for rollback. That's the whole answer to the question of how to restore Windows 10 using a checkpoint.

Restore Windows to its original state

If the system recovery mode failed to get rid of the problems that arose, then it is replaced by the rollback to basic settings function.

The initial state of the restored OS may look like this:

  1. Fully saved user files and some utilities. However, all device drivers, some programs and personal settings are reset;
  2. Complete removal of all personal data of the owner. The option can be compared with the full reinstalling Windows via BIOS.

Comment. If Windows 10 is the factory system of the computer, then a third option appears. It represents a rollback of parameters to factory settings. In this case, absolutely everything is deleted, including files from non-system drives.

The method indicated in the note is radical and is used extremely rarely.

System rollback algorithm:

As soon as you make a choice, the OS rollback will begin, which will last from 40 to 90 minutes. The duration depends on the number of files being saved/deleted.

System rollback via BIOS

If the system does not start at all, then the only option is to restore Windows through the BIOS. To do this, we need a disk with an image or distribution (installation file) of the operating system.

Before inserting OS media, you need to configure the BIOS to read from a disk/flash drive. To enable the BIOS, use the following keys: Delete, F8, F10, F12, depending on the motherboard.

Comment. There is one problem with Windows 10: the window between the system actually starting up and the ability to load the BIOS is a few seconds. If you do not know the purpose of the keys, you will have to restart the PC several times.

Often, restoring the operating system or rolling it back allows you to quickly and effectively get rid of many serious problems that, for example, appeared after installing updates. Unlike previous variations of Windows OS, version 10 offers five ways to help restore the functionality of the graphical shell.

In what cases is system recovery necessary?

Often, personal computer users resort to system recovery after receiving new updates for the OS. Unfortunately, despite the quality of the operating system itself, Microsoft often releases “crooked” updates. After installing them, there may be two development options:

  • the first is OS recovery and rollback;
  • the second is waiting for patches. They appear quite quickly, so you should not immediately resort to such drastic measures as rolling back the system (except in rare cases when the security of your PC may be affected).

A more common reason why you need to perform an OS restore is that the software is not working correctly. For example, if the user installed any drivers, after which the programs stopped functioning properly, then the best solution to the problem would be recovery.

More advanced PC users often try to make some changes to the system registry. This is a common practice, but in inexperienced hands it can be pointless and cause a lot of harm. Since the system registry contains information about all applications, their data, including data from the system itself, there is no need to make any adjustments here.

If after the changes the PC stops working as before, it is necessary to use OS recovery.

It should be noted that if the PC begins to work somehow differently, errors of an unknown kind appear, you can always use the recovery function. It will not harm the operation of the device, but will delete all changes that were made after the date the restore point was created.

Methods to restore Windows 10 OS (if the system boots) Microsoft Corporation in latest version

  • The OS has provided users with a variety of OS recovery options. The choice of one method or another directly depends on the capabilities of the user, as well as the state of the device itself. Let's consider three options:
  • using a restore point;
  • reset to factory settings;

changing file history.

Restore point

One of the most useful features of the Windows 10 operating system is the restore point. It was present in previous versions, but did not involve storing many variations of the OS state. Typically, a restore point was created either automatically after making changes to system files or drivers, or manually by the user. Now, if errors occur in the operation of the device, you can always use the optimal rollback point. Restore points still contain only information about the changes made. As such, there is no operating system image in this case. This means that if you did not create restore points yourself, then the list will display only those dates when changes were made to critical and system files


  1. First, the user needs to enter the recovery settings section of the Windows 10 operating system. This can be done as follows:
  2. Use the combination Win + R button on your keyboard.

    Enter the "Restore" command in the field.

  3. In the panel, click the “Create a restore point” button In the window that appears, open the “System Protection” tab. In the “Protection Settings” section you can see all available sections. hard drive For each of them there are created individual points Pay attention to the "Protection" field. Select the required section and change its state using the “Customize” button.

    Change the recovery point settings for the selected hard drive partition

  4. Change the option status to “Enable system protection”. Also, do not forget to specify the optimal amount of disk space. It will be used to create operating system restore points in the future. Save your changes.

    Activate the function of creating a restore point and specify the amount of memory that will be used for these purposes

Once the specified amount of memory is reached, old restore points will be deleted and overwritten by new ones.

To use existing restore points, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on the Start icon and select Settings.
  2. Find the "Update and Security" button in the list.
  3. In the menu on the left, go to the “Recovery” section. Click the "Run System Restore" button and a window with options will appear. There are two options here:
    • Recommended recovery options. Used in cases where probable cause problems with the system are caused by incorrect drivers, updates and other software;

      Select the appropriate restore points: recommended or custom

    • Using user-created restore points. If you did not create them, then not a single option will appear in the list.

      All user-created points are displayed in a list from which you can select suitable option

  4. After selecting the appropriate restore point, click the “Next” button and wait for the procedure to complete. It will take at least 5–20 minutes, depending on the selected date and PC configuration. This will automatically restart your computer. When you log back into the graphical shell, the system will report that the recovery was successful.

To create an OS restore point yourself:

Video: how to create a restore point in Windows 10

Factory reset

This feature is a kind of novelty, since in previous versions of the Windows 10 operating system the only thing the user could do was to reinstall the OS themselves. In this case, the presence of a corresponding CD or image was mandatory.

This is not required when working with Windows 10. The system will use executable files stored on the hard drive for installation. In this case, the reset procedure itself will take 20 minutes or more (directly depends on the device configuration).

The same can be done without entering the graphical shell on the user selection screen. Hold down the Shift button and at the same time press the Restart button in the lower right part of the window. A special window will appear in which you will need to use the “Diagnostics” tool, and then select “Reset to original state”.

As an analogue, you can use new feature, which appeared in Windows 10, called Start Again. This process is practically no different from the option described above, except that a clean installation of the operating system will be performed. It starts in a few clicks and can take about 20 minutes, depending on the computer. A distinctive advantage of this function is that, compared to a standard reset, it will not restore additional software that was installed after purchasing the device (antiviruses, programs from the manufacturer, and much more).

To take advantage of this feature, do the following:

  1. Find “Windows Defender” in the tray and activate it.
  2. Go to the “Device Performance” tab.
  3. Find the "Start Over" or "New Start" option.

    Under New Start, click More Details

  4. Click "More Information" and then use the "Get Started" button.

    To activate the function, click the “Get Started” button

  5. A window will appear warning the user about all possible changes. If you agree, then click the “Next” button.

    Activate the Start Again feature to start a clean version of Windows 10 and confirm its execution

  6. A list of all applications and programs that will be uninstalled will be displayed. The last thing left to do is to confirm the procedure and wait for it to complete. Upon completion, a file will appear on your desktop containing all the changes in detail. There will also be a special catalog with old version operating system.

Video: How to perform a factory reset on Windows 10

File history

The File History feature first appeared in the Windows 8 operating system. It can be very useful, especially for non-professional users. This feature is useful if you accidentally deleted an important file or directory, incorrect changes were made, or the data of a program was infected with malicious software. software. In all these cases, the user can use the “File History” function, which allows you to restore the previous, working state.

It is worth saying that this feature has its own settings. If the user has not made any changes, the system will automatically back up folders such as Desktop, Documents, Pictures, Music and Videos. Storage periods are also configurable, but by default the data in these files will be stored for an unlimited amount of time.

To launch settings and view this function, use the standard Windows search 10, indicating in the “File History” field.

In the “History Storage” section, the user will see the hard drive partitions and drives used, as well as the status of the function itself. To activate it, just select the appropriate section and click on the “Enable” button.

Enable file history recording on your computer

If you want to change your saving options, use the "Advanced Options" button. Here you can configure the period of time after which files will be saved, as well as their storage period.

Change the settings to suit your needs by selecting the saving interval and file storage time

To use the recovery function through File History, open the directory where the necessary information was stored. In the “Home” tab you will see the “File History” icon, which is what you will need in this case.

Go to the directory to restore the file and activate the entry to the “File History” section

To restore files and data, just enter “File History”, select the appropriate document and click on the restore button, after which it will appear in the directory again. The procedure itself is completed in a matter of minutes.

Select the file you want to restore and confirm the procedure

Video: how to use file history in Windows 10

Windows 10 Advanced Recovery (if the system won't boot)

Some problems that any user of a personal computer may encounter are very serious and lead to the fact that the graphical shell does not load at all. In such cases, you may not be able to use the methods described above.

Fortunately, Microsoft has provided for this scenario and added several functions that will allow you to return the computer to a working state in cases where you cannot log into the OS.

Windows 10 Recovery Disk

A recovery disk is a standard tool that allows you to return the system to a working state. Don’t pay attention to the name itself: not only a CD or DVD drive, but also a regular flash drive can act as a disk.

The only drawback of this method is that the user needs to write information about the operating system onto removable media in advance and thereby create this recovery disk. In any case, you can use another computer or the help of friends.

A recovery disk involves saving the most important information about the operating system (files and directories) to removable media. This will allow them to be used in the future to replace damaged components.

To create a disk, do the following:

  1. Specify the “Recovery disk” command in the built-in search in Windows 10 and run the program.
  2. Install a removable drive on which all important information will be recorded.

    Check the option and confirm the procedure

  3. Check the box next to “Perform a backup…”.
  4. After clicking on the “Next” button, you will see the interaction menu. Here, select the Diagnostics option.

    From the list of all options, select "Diagnostics"

  5. To troubleshoot the problem, use one of the following options:
  6. Choose the most appropriate recovery option and follow the instructions. The time it takes to solve the problem directly depends on the method you choose (20 minutes or more).

Video: How to create a Windows 10 recovery disk

Installation disk

An installation disk or other storage device that contains an image of the Windows 10 operating system is very useful. For example, in the case when the OS does not want to boot, using such a drive you can easily and quickly solve the problem.

If you do not have such a disk, use the built-in operating system tools to create one. This can be done as follows:

  1. Search the Start menu for “Control Panel” and open it.
  2. Change the display options to Large Icons and select the Recovery option.

    In Control Panel, select the Recovery option

  3. A window will appear where the user can create a recovery disk using the appropriate button.

    In the list of options, select "Create a recovery disk"

  4. Install the drive and select it in the working window. Confirm the creation procedure and wait for it to complete.

    Select the appropriate one from the list of installed drives and use it to create a disk

The last step is to change the boot order of the personal computer components through the BIOS.

Activate the built-in environment when booting the device using the Del button (button combinations depend on the motherboard manufacturer). Go to the Boot Configuration Features tab. Here, change the boot order of the components so that either the optical drive or USB is installed first.

This depends on what drive was used to create the boot disk.

It is very important to remember the order in which the elements load, especially if you are a novice user. Otherwise, after making changes, the system will boot incorrectly.

  • Exit the BIOS and wait for the OS installation window to appear. Here you can do it in any convenient way:
  • perform a system rollback using a restore point;
  • perform a system restore at boot;

reinstall it and much more.

Windows 10 System Restore Error 0x80070091

A common problem that PC users may encounter when restoring is error 0x80070091. If it appears, you will not be able to use the device again, and the recovery process will not be completed.

It is necessary to warn in advance that it is extremely difficult to get rid of this problem and the user must be aware that all measures he resorts to are carried out at his own peril and risk. It is likely that some manipulations can lead to other problems.

The reason for this error lies in the contents of the Program Files folder, namely WindowsApps. Usually the problem appears after the next OS update.

  1. The solution to the problem is very simple. To do this, simply delete the directory itself and subsequently use a restore point. How to create and use it was described above. Activate " Command line
  2. "with administrator rights by right-clicking on it and selecting "Run as administrator" from the context menu

    In the field, enter the command TAKEOWN /F “C:\Program Files\WidowsApps” /R /D Y.

  3. Enter the command in the field to rename the folder

    After the process is completed, activate the display of hidden files and folders by checking the corresponding item in the “View” tab in “Explorer Options”.

  4. Enable the display of hidden files and folders through “Explorer Options”
  5. Launch the program and select the WindowsApps directory, then change its name and click the Unlock All button. After these changes the error will be fixed.

    Open the option to change the WindowsApps directory and change its name

How to recover your Windows 10 activation key yourself

When you first install and activate the operating system, a user-specified key is automatically assigned to the device. It can also be saved to personal account, which can be useful when, for example, you are going to install the same OS on another computer.

However, no one is immune from the fact that after the next update the license key will simply disappear, and your Windows version 10 will no longer work properly.

Restoring it is quite simple. This is where the function in which the key is literally assigned to the account will help us. To recover the key, follow these steps:

The entire further process of working with this option is described above.

Please note that upon completion of the procedure, the license key will be returned to its place, but some information will still be deleted. This will depend on the recovery method that was chosen.

How to restore screen resolution

After reinstalling the operating system or restoring it, the screen resolution often becomes non-standard. For example, if you previously used 1920x1080, then it will probably change to something else after the above procedures.

The problem can be solved in two ways:

Video: how to change screen resolution in Windows 10

Windows 10 password recovery and reset

If you set a password to log into your computer account, but for some reason forgot it, use recovery tools. The procedure directly depends on the type of account used (local or Microsoft).

Resetting your Microsoft account password is done online. It can even be done using a mobile phone.

If everything was specified correctly, follow the instructions on the screen. This way you can easily and quickly regain access to your computer.

Second possible way The solution to the pressing problem is to use the built-in administrator account. This option is most appropriate if you have forgotten your local account password.

An important feature of this option is the need to use a recovery disk. How to make and use it was described above.

Change the settings for loading computer components through the BIOS, as described above. When the window for selecting the language to install appears, use the key combination Shift + F10. Here, enter the commands one by one:

Remember the name of the hard disk partition on which the directory with the operating system is stored; this will be required later. Enter the exit command to exit the diskpart utility.

Also in the “Command Line” enter the following commands:

If the operations are completed without errors, exit and change the boot options in the BIOS.

All that remains is to return to the account selection screen and select “Command Line” in the accessibility section. Enter the following information: net user username new password. This way you can change the password and use it to enter the graphical shell.

Video: how to recover or reset your account password in Windows 10

There are many recovery tools for the Windows 10 operating system, most of them can be used even if the user is not able to log into the computer's graphical shell. You can also resort to additional tools in the form of special programs created by third-party developers, but it is better to use a standard set of tools in the system itself.