Tax accounting for the assignment of debt under a leasing agreement. Capitalization of property from the new lessee in the event of transfer of leasing rights to him. Carrying out financial settlements when replacing the lessee

In practice, situations sometimes arise when organizations purchase expensive and necessary equipment for their production under a leasing agreement, but subsequently production plans change, and the equipment is doomed to idle time.
So, an organization can solve this problem by ceding its rights and obligations under a rehire agreement to another organization - to a new lessee.

We will try to consider in this article how to reflect these transactions in the accounting of both the previous and the new lessee.

A leasing agreement (financial lease), by its legal nature, is a type of lease agreement.

In accordance with Article 625 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation for certain types of lease agreements and lease agreements individual species property (hire, rent Vehicle, lease of buildings and structures, lease of enterprises, financial lease) general provisions on lease agreements apply, unless otherwise established by the rules of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation on these agreements.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 615 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the tenant has the right, with the consent of the lessor, to transfer his rights and obligations to another person (release).

The provisions of § 6 “Financial lease (leasing)” of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation do not limit the right of the parties to a leasing agreement to enter into an agreement on the re-leasing of the leased asset.

As a result of re-tenancy, the tenant is replaced in the obligation arising from the lease agreement, therefore re-tenancy must be carried out in compliance with the norms of civil law on the assignment of claims and transfer of debt. In accordance with Art. 391 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, such a transaction is carried out at the will of the former and new debtors and the creditor in compliance with the requirements for the form required for the main transaction.

When concluding an agreement for the re-lease of the leased asset, the new lessee receives the right to use the leased asset received from the previous lessee and the obligation to pay the lessor the remaining amount of lease payments, in addition, an obligation arises to pay the former lessee a fee for the re-lease of the leased property.

For depreciable fixed assets that are the subject of a financial lease agreement (leasing agreement), the taxpayer, whose fixed asset must be taken into account in accordance with the terms of the financial lease agreement (leasing agreement), has the right to apply a special coefficient to the basic depreciation rate, but not higher than 3 (Clause 7 of Article 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The amount of accrued depreciation is recognized monthly as part of other expenses associated with production and sales (clause 3, clause 2, article 253, clause 3, article 272 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

After the re-leasing of the leased asset, the leasing agreement continues to be in force, due to which the parties to the leasing agreement can apply the provisions of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation on depreciation of fixed assets that are the subject of the leasing agreement.

In this case, the lessee is also a legal successor in relation to the calculation of depreciation on the leased asset transferred to him.

Thus, when replacing the lessee in the leasing agreement (re-leasing the leased asset), the taxpayer, whose leased asset is accounted for on the balance sheet in accordance with the terms of the leasing agreement, has the right to apply a special coefficient for depreciation of this fixed asset, provided for in paragraph 7 of Art. 259 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

The lessee accepts the leased asset for tax accounting at its residual value, determined according to the tax accounting data of the previous lessee. At the same time, since the lessor remains the owner of the leased asset, when transferring the leased asset in the order of its re-lease, there is no change in the initial value of the leased asset.

This position is also confirmed by financial authorities (see, for example, Letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 12, 2006 No. 03-03-04/1/782, dated March 10, 2006 No. 03-03-04/1/202, dated October 15. 2005 No. 03-03-02/114, dated July 19, 2005 No. 03-03-04/1/91).

It should be noted that it is advisable to make the cost of assignment of claims equal to or slightly more than the amount of lease payments paid.

The organization has the right to accept for deduction the amount of VAT presented by the lessor for leasing payments if there is an invoice from the lessor (clause 1, clause 2, article 171, clause 1, article 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The transfer of property rights under a leasing agreement on the territory of the Russian Federation is recognized as an object of VAT taxation (clause 1, clause 1, article 146 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

The specifics of determining the tax base for VAT upon transfer of property rights are established by Art. 155 Tax Code of the Russian Federation. IN in this case the tax base is determined in accordance with paragraph 5 of Art. 155 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, namely as the value of transferred property rights, calculated on the basis of the price determined in accordance with Art. 40 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, without including VAT.

The moment of determining the tax base is the day of transfer of property rights (clause 8 of Article 167 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). VAT is assessed according to tax rate 18% (clause 3 of article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

Thus, if the price for the assignment of claims is equal to or slightly greater than the amount of lease payments, the amount of VAT for the previous lessee will either be absent or minimal.

In addition, the new lessee will be able to deduct the amount of VAT claimed by the previous lessee.

The lessee always credits the leased property to the balance sheet for the total amount of payments under the leasing agreement for the entire term of the leasing agreement, excluding VAT. For the new lessee, the total amount under the leasing agreement is the amount that he (the new lessee) is obliged to pay to the lessor.

Generated wiring:

Dt 20.01 (or other cost accounting account) Kt 76. settlements with the old lessee - reflects the debt of the new lessee to the old one for obtaining rights under the leasing agreement (if such a debt arose by agreement of the parties). Dt 19 Kt 76. settlements with the old lessee - the amount of VAT presented by the old lessee (if any) is reflected. Dt 08.04 Kt 76. lease obligations - reflects the cost of fixed assets received under a leasing agreement. Dt 19.01 Kt 76. lease obligations - VAT allocated in accordance with the primary documents. Dt 01.01 Kt 08.04 - the asset of fixed assets received under the leasing agreement is accepted for accounting. Dt 76. lease obligations Kt 76. debt on leasing payments - current payment under the leasing agreement is accrued. Dt 20.01 (another cost account) Kt 02.01 - depreciation was accrued on fixed assets received under lease. Dt68.02 Kt 19.01 - the part of the VAT corresponding to the accrued payment was presented for deduction. Dt 76. debt on leasing payments Kt 51 - payment under the leasing agreement is transferred.

Tax accounting

The new lessee accepts the leased asset for tax accounting at its residual value, determined according to the tax accounting data of the original lessee (or the lessor, if before the change of lessee the property was recorded on the lessor’s balance sheet).

The residual book value formed by the old lessee is not taken into account in any way in the accounting of the new lessee.

You can get recommendations on concluding a leasing agreement, as well as learn more about what tax consequences arise for the lessor and the lessee in the "Agreements" Directory in the "Legal Support" section on ITS

You can get acquainted with numerical examples on accounting for leasing payments and on accounting for transactions when the lessee changes in the directory “Leasing” in the “Accounting and Tax Accounting” section on ITS

Accounting entries for leasing a car from the lessee have certain specifics inherent in all property leasing operations. In this material, we will consider in detail the main blocks of transactions for the lessee under various conditions of the leasing agreement.

Leasing: accounting features for legal entities

Currently, both individuals and legal entities. But the obligation to record transactions with such a car in accounting and tax accounting arises only for legal entities.

At the same time, legal entities can take advantage of certain preferences that individuals do not have, in particular, reduce the tax base for profits on leasing payments and deduct VAT paid to the lessor. It is important to remember that these preferences apply when common system taxation. The use of special modes by legal entities is characterized by its own nuances, for example:

  • at application of the simplified tax system“income” leasing expenses cannot be written off as a reduction in the tax base in the same way as other operating expenses;
  • when applying UTII, the calculation of tax payable is also carried out according to certain principles, which do not include the deduction from the tax base of the costs of payments under the leasing agreement.

Further in the material we will talk about accounting for car leasing from legal entities located on OSNO. We will not touch upon tax accounting issues, since there are some discrepancies in the professional literature and publications due to the fact that the legal issues of leasing accounting in the Russian Federation are not fully regulated.

The issues of distinguishing between accounting and tax entries are presented in detail in the articles:

  • “Depreciation of leased property from the lessee” ;
  • “Redemption value of leased property - postings”;
  • “[INCOME TAX]: Leasing payments are not always another expense.”

Postings from the lessee, if the car is accounted for on its own balance sheet

The concluded leasing agreement can specify 2 options for accounting for the car: on the balance sheet of the lessor (hereinafter, for brevity, we will call it LD) and on the balance sheet of the lessee (hereinafter referred to as LP). The same accounting rules apply to a leased car as for other leased property.

Any leasing agreement contains nuances related to the possibility of purchasing the subject of the agreement and the procedure for forming and paying its redemption value:

  • at the end of the contract, as a rule, the car becomes the property of the LP, but in some cases it may not be transferred and returned to the LP;
  • the purchase price can be paid separately at the time specified in the contract (usually at the end of the leasing agreement), or can be included in periodic payments (monthly or quarterly).

Standard accounting entries if the LP accepts the car on its balance sheet will look like this:

Contract provisions


The redemption cost is included in payments

76/ Lease obligations

The car is accepted on the balance sheet and the total amount of debt to the LD is reflected

The posting is made for the total payments under the agreement, for the entire period of its validity, minus VAT

76/ Lease obligations

Input VAT is reflected (on the entire amount taken into account by the previous posting)

01/ Property under lease

76/ Lease obligations

76/ Leasing payments

Reflects periodic payment under the agreement

76/ Leasing payments

Periodic payment paid

Accepted for VAT deduction

IMPORTANT! The advance payment for the purchase price listed as part of the payment is not taken into deduction until the actual purchase of the car. Therefore, in this case, it is recommended to make 2 invoices: for the deduction for the contractual payment and for the advance payment for the purchase

The car becomes the property of the LP.

The purchase price is not included in the lease payments and is paid separately at the end of the contract

76/ Lease obligations

The car was accepted onto the balance sheet and the debt under the contract to LD was reflected

The posting is made for the total amount of payments under the contract, including the cost of redemption, excluding VAT

76/ Lease obligations

Input VAT reflected

01/ Property under lease

The vehicle was put into operation as part of the OS

76/ Lease obligations

76/ Leasing payments

Periodic payment reflected

The posting is made for each period for which payment is provided in the contract. For example, monthly. Transaction amount - the entire amount of the next payment, including VAT

76/ Leasing payments

Payment of LD periodic payment

Accepted for deduction of VAT on periodic payments

Vehicle depreciation accrued

From the month following the month of commissioning.

Postings to the lessee, if the car is included in the lessor’s balance sheet

In this case, accounting for drugs is a little simpler. The car itself is accounted for in an off-balance sheet account; depreciation on it is not accrued and is not taken into account.

Agreement conditions


The car becomes the property of the LP.

The purchase price is included in the lease payments

001 “Property on lease”

Car taken for balance

The posting is made for the amount (cost) of the car for which the LD purchased it. For example, LD purchased a car for 1.5 million rubles. - this means that the LP receives a car for balance at a cost of 1.5 million rubles.

76/ Leasing payments

Another payment accrued

76/ Leasing payments

Input VAT reflected

76/ Advances issued

76/ Leasing payments

An advance payment for the purchase price is reflected as part of the lease payment

This posting forms on Kt 76 the final amount payable for the LD period

76/ Leasing payments

Payment for LD

Accepted for VAT deduction

In terms of the “closed” lease payment for the expired period under the agreement.

The advance payment for repurchase listed as part of the payment is not deducted until the actual repurchase of the object

The car becomes the property of the LP.

The purchase price is not included in the lease payments and is paid separately

001 “Property on lease”

Car taken for balance

76/ Leasing payments

Another payment accrued

76/Leasing payments

Input VAT reflected

76/ Leasing payments

Payment for LD

Accepted for VAT deduction

Postings when buying or returning a car

As noted above, all accounting for leasing transactions, including repurchase/return of the car, depends on what conditions are specified in the contract. The drug we are considering will be characterized by the following common nuances:

  • If the car is included in the balance sheet of the LP, then upon completion of the redemption payments from the LP, it must be transferred from the category of leased objects to the category of own objects:


The purchased car is transferred to own fixed assets

01/ Fixed assets

01/ Property under lease

In the amount in which it was capitalized upon receipt

We do the same with depreciation that we managed to accrue during the term of the contract.

02/ Depreciation of leased property

02/ Depreciation

In the amount that has accumulated on 02 for leasing at the time of redemption

NOTE! After transferring the purchased car to your own fixed assets, you can deduct VAT on advances towards the redemption.

  • If the car was taken into account on the LD balance sheet before the redemption, then the LP performs the following operations upon redemption:
  • Sometimes a situation arises when the car must be returned to the LD at the end of the contract. For the LP accounting department, this simplifies the accounting task, since usually if a car is subject to return, it does not go onto the LP balance sheet. Accounting for the disposal of such a car in this case will be similar to accounting for a regular lease. Upon completion of leasing payments and upon return of the car, it must be removed from off-balance sheet account 001. Payment of the redemption price will not be reflected in the LP, and the posting of the car to the balance sheet will not be reflected either.


Transactions for leasing a car will depend on what conditions are specified in the contract. Both LD and LP may have different blocks of transactions depending on whose balance sheet the car is accounted for, how the redemption price is paid, and also on what happens to the car at the end of the contract: it becomes the property of LP or is returned to LP .

An assignment under a leasing agreement allows the lessee to transfer his existing rights and obligations in relation to the leased object to a third party who was not previously involved in the transaction as one of its participants. In our article you will find information about the procedure for assignment under a leasing agreement, the documents that must be drawn up during its implementation, as well as the features of recording the transactions carried out in the accounting records of the lessor and both lessees.

General provisions on the leasing agreement: concept, subject, ownership of the transferred property

The concept of a leasing agreement is defined by the provisions of Art. 665 Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to this article, it is understood as an agreement in which one party undertakes to acquire an object of real estate or movable property specified by the second party and transfer it to the first for temporary use and possession for conducting business activities. At the same time, a financial lease agreement (also known as a leasing agreement), in accordance with the provisions of Art. 625 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is recognized as a type of lease agreement, which allows the norms of § 1 Ch. 34 Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

The subject of leasing, in accordance with clause 1 of Art. 3 of the Federal Law “On Financial Leases...” dated October 29, 1998 No. 164, there can be any things that are not subject to consumption (structures, equipment, transport, other real estate and movable objects). According to paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of the same normative act, property transferred to the user on the basis of a leasing agreement (i.e., for temporary possession) remains the property of the organization that provides it. The lessee, in turn, receives 2 powers: ownership and use. At the same time, according to general rule he has no right to sell the thing received under the contract or otherwise dispose of it.

However, by virtue of paragraph 1 of Art. 19 Federal Law No. 164, the agreement may also provide for the possibility of transferring ownership rights in favor of the lessee, which can be carried out both after the expiration of the agreement and before its expiration.

Assignment under a leasing agreement

Assignment under a leasing agreement means the transfer by the lessee of the right to use the leased property to a third party under the conditions established by the provisions of the concluded leasing agreement. The need to assign rights arises if the lessee is unable to independently fulfill its financial obligations or no longer needs the property leased. Termination of a previously concluded agreement is fraught with various sanctions for the party that put forward such an initiative (including the emergence of an obligation to pay fines and penalties). That is why most lessees seek to find a company that can assume the rights and obligations that arise when concluding a leasing agreement.

According to paragraph 2 of Art. 615 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the replacement of the lessee can be qualified as a re-lease. In this case, the new participant in the legal relationship that arose during the transfer of property assumes all the rights and obligations of its previous recipient.

The assignment procedure should be distinguished from the transfer of property for subleasing, which, according to clause 1 of Art. 8 Federal Law No. 164, is a type of sublease of property received under lease, in which the recipient under a leasing agreement transfers it for possession and use to third parties on the basis of a concluded agreement establishing the amount of payment for the use of such property, as well as the terms for which it is transferred to the recipient under the subleasing agreement. In this case, the sublessee does not acquire any rights and obligations to the main lessor - he has legal relations only with the lessee.

Change of lessee under a leasing agreement

A prerequisite for the transfer of debt to a third party, in accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 391 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, is the presence of the written consent of the creditor. If it is missing, the concluded transaction will be considered void. The legislator does not establish the exact form and content of such a document, so the lessor can draw it up independently.

The sequence of actions aimed at completing the documentation accompanying the change of lessee is as follows:

Don't know your rights?

  1. The recipient of property under a leasing agreement applies to the lessor with a written request to obtain permission to transfer the object of the agreement, as well as related rights and obligations to a third party under the terms of a financial lease.
  2. The lessor reviews the proposal received and gives a written response, which can be either positive or negative. If the answer is negative, the lessee is deprived of the opportunity to make the assignment.
  3. Based on the permission received, the old and new lessors, as well as the lessee, enter into a tripartite agreement, the provisions of which regulate the procedure for transferring property to the new recipient and making payments to the accounts of counterparties, as well as other issues that the parties to the transaction consider significant.

In the event that the property transferred for leasing was registered in the name of the original lessee under the agreement, it, in accordance with Art. 20 Federal Law No. 164, it is necessary to re-register with a new lessee.

List of documents required for registration of assignment

The package of documents required to transfer all rights and obligations related to the leased property includes:

  1. A lease agreement for leased property is concluded as an additional agreement to a previously signed agreement between the lessor and the old lessee.
  2. The act of acceptance and transfer of property.
  3. Documents attached to the leased object being transferred (for example, a passport technical means when handing over the car).
  4. Documents of the enterprise acting as a new lessee:
    • copies of the charter, certificates of state registration and tax registration;
    • minutes of a meeting of participants of a legal entity, containing a decision on the need to conclude a leasing transaction, etc.
  5. Financial documents of the enterprise acting as a new lessee:
    • financial statements,
    • information about current accounts,
    • information about existing loans and leasing obligations, etc.

Carrying out financial settlements when replacing the lessee

One of the main issues that arise when replacing a lessee is the implementation of monetary settlements between the parties to a tripartite agreement. As a rule, in practice, funds are transferred as follows:

  1. If at the time of conclusion of the agreement the old lessee had an outstanding debt, the advance payment made by him, but not offset at the time of execution of the documents, is used to close the existing debt.
  2. If the amount of the advance payment that has not been offset at the time of conclusion of the agreement exceeds the amount of debts the lessee has, the overpaid funds are returned to the payer by the lessor or transferred to account for future payments of the new lessee (the latter compensates the old lessee for the expenses incurred by him).

According to the general rule defined in paragraph 1 of Art. 249 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the original lessee is obliged to pay income tax on all funds received by him when re-issuing a leasing agreement from a new lessee (with the exception of VAT included in this amount). In the event that the amount of the advance payment paid by the taxpayer does not completely cover the funds received from the new user of the leased asset, the resulting negative difference is recognized as a loss and must be taken into account when calculating the size of the tax base for the tax on profits received (letter of the Federal Tax Service “On Loss ..." dated 11.11.2011 No. ED-4-3/18881@).

When calculating the amount of depreciation, taxpayers who are lessees, in accordance with clause 2 of Art. 259.3 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, they can apply a special coefficient, the size of which cannot exceed 3. According to the position of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, set out in letter dated 03/09/2006 No. 03-03-04/1/202, when rehiring property received under lease, the new lessee also may apply the specified coefficient when determining the depreciation value (provided that the property will be taken into account on the balance sheet of its recipient).

Reflection of the operation to replace the lessee in accounting when the property is taken into account on the lessor's balance sheet

In the event that the debt generated by the lessee as a result of concluding an agreement with the lessor is transferred to a third party, the associated financial transactions must be reflected in the relevant entries accounting.

At the same time, the cost of the leased property, in accordance with clause 8 of Appendix 1 to the order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation “On reflection ...” dated February 17, 1997 No. 15, is taken into account by the lessee in off-balance sheet account 001. If the leased asset owned by the lessor is taken into account on its balance sheet, no There is no need to make entries aimed at recording a change in the lessee.

If a new lessee transfers the amount of unpaid lease payments to the lessor, and pays a certain remuneration to the previous one, the following entries must be recorded in the accounting records of the first recipient of the property:

  • Dt 76.5 - Kt 91 - reflection of income arising from the transfer of rights and obligations to a new lessee;
  • Dt 91 - Kt 68 - VAT accrual on the cost of rights transferred to the new lessee;
  • Dt 51 - Kt 76.5 - receipt of funds from a new lessee;
  • Kt 001 - write-off of leased property from an off-balance sheet account.

The new lessee fixes the re-registered property by performing the following operations:

  • Dt 001 - acceptance of leased property for accounting at a cost equal to the amount of remaining lease payments payable;
  • Dt 20 (26, 44, 91) - Kt 76.5 - accrual of leasing payments for property previously owned by the first lessee;
  • Dt 19 - Kt 76 - accounting for submitted VAT;
  • Dt 68 - Kt 19 - acceptance of VAT for deduction;
  • Dt 76 - Kt 51 - making payments.

Reflection of the operation to replace the lessee in accounting when the property is taken into account on the balance sheet of the lessee

If, under the terms of the concluded agreement, the property is accounted for on the balance sheet of the lessee, then the accounting entries, in accordance with clause 8 of Appendix 1 to Order No. 15 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, will look as follows:

  • Dt 08.9 - Kt 76.5 - display of the value of leased property received by the recipient;
  • Dt 01.9 - Kt 08.9 - display of costs incurred by the lessee as a result of obtaining the right to own and use property, putting equipment into operation.

In this case, the lessee, who has accepted the property used by him for accounting, is obliged to fulfill the obligations of calculating depreciation on it, which is reflected in the entry Dt 20 (23, 25, 26) - Kt 02. Depreciation should be calculated from the month in which the fixed assets were accepted to accounting.

Change of lessor upon assignment

Not only the lessee, but also the lessor can assign the rights that arose when concluding a leasing agreement - this is indicated by the provisions of Art. 18 Federal Law No. 164. According to this rule, the lessor can transfer its rights under the agreement to a third party by notifying the lessee about this. The absence of such notification is grounds for termination of the agreement at the initiative of the lessee (Clause 2 of Article 450 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The assignment of claims by the lessor involves the transfer to a third party of the right to receive lease payments from the lessor or to collect the debt generated at the time of conclusion of the relevant agreement. After the agreement on the assignment of claims is concluded, the lessee will have the obligation to make mandatory payments to the new lessor. Failure to fulfill such obligations entails the imposition of sanctions provided for by the concluded additional agreement or other document regulating the procedure for resolving this issue.

So, the assignment of a leasing agreement allows the lessee to transfer the leased property, as well as the rights and obligations arising upon its receipt, to a party that was not a party to the previously concluded agreement. A change of lessee entails the need for the participants in the new agreement to perform a number of actions, including the preparation of related documents and the reflection of completed financial transactions in the accounting and tax records of the enterprise.

Question to the auditor

How to reflect the transfer of rights and obligations under a leasing agreement to another person (change of lessee)?

In accordance with the provisions of Art. 625 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, leasing (financial lease) is one of the types of rental relations.

The formalization and regulation of relations between the parties to the leasing agreement are established by paragraph 6 of Chapter 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Federal Law of October 29, 1998 No. 164-FZ “On financial lease (leasing)”.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Art. 615 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and since nothing else is provided either by paragraph 6 of Chapter 34 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation or by Law 164-FZ, the lessee has the right, with the consent of the lessor, to transfer his rights and obligations under the leasing agreement to another person.

So the first required document– consent of the lessor to change the lessee under the leasing agreement. Such consent can be formalized, for example, by an additional agreement or an addendum (addendum) to the original leasing agreement.

Having received the lessor's consent to change the lessee, the original lessee can document the transfer of the leased property to the new lessee. In our opinion, the fact of transfer of leased property from the original lessee to the new lessee should be documented with the same documents as the documents in the case of the sale of a fixed asset that was in operation. That is:

  • act (invoice) of acceptance and transfer of fixed assets in the OS-1 form;
  • invoice;
  • a copy of the inventory card in the OS-6 form to confirm the actual service life and the amount of accrued depreciation for accounting purposes;
  • copies of tax registers recording information about the leased property.

Copies of documents must be certified by the signature of the manager and the seal of the organization - the original lessee.

Tax accounting

When transferring leased property to a new lessee:

  • the original lessee closes the register of leased property;
  • the new lessee receives the leased property at the residual tax value of the original lessee.

Accounting for the original lessee

The transactions for the original lessee (transferor) are shown below:

  1. The amount of liabilities written off (the balance of debt to the lessor) is recognized as part of other income
    • Dt 76. lease obligations – Kt 91.01
  2. Residual determined book value leased property
    • Dt 01.09 – Tt 01.01
    • Dt 02.01 – Tt 01.09
  3. The residual value of the transferred property is included in other expenses
    • Dt 91.02 – Kt 01.09
  4. The amount of VAT under the leasing agreement that was not accepted by the original lessee for deduction at the time of transfer of the leased property is recognized as part of other expenses.
    • Dt 91.02 – Kt 19.01
  5. Other income from the transfer of rights under a leasing agreement is recognized
    • Dt 76. new lessee – Kt 91.01
  6. VAT is charged on the amount of income from the transfer of rights
    • Dt 91.02 – Kt 68.02
  7. Received funds from a new lessee
    • Dt 51 – Kt 76. new lessee