Mannik on kefir without eggs step by step recipe. Mannik without eggs - the best ways to prepare easy homemade baked goods. Mannik without eggs on water - recipe

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The other day I tried to bake it, and it turned out to be a sweet, tender, fluffy pie - naturally a sponge cake without a single egg. Sound tempting? Still would…

For manna without eggs we will need:

  • 1.5 cups kefir;
  • 1.5 cups semolina;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 100g butter;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • vanillin, cinnamon, nutmeg - optional.

First, melt the butter and mix it with semolina, sugar, salt and kefir.

We forget about this dough preparation for about 40 minutes so that the semolina has enough time to swell well.

After the allotted minutes have passed, add flour, soda and spices to the manna dough. Mix everything again.

Place the resulting dough into the mold.

I baked in silicone form, but it’s better not to do that. This eggless manna not only tastes like a sponge cake, it is also as capricious as it is - in its soft silicone form it can easily fall apart.

So ideal option the Teflon or glass pan will be wider than deep (if it’s too deep, the middle may not bake).

All that remains is to put the future manna in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180 °C and wait for it to brown.

We take the fragrant, delicious pie out of the oven, let it cool slightly, if you have the patience, and cut it into pieces. Time to gather the family around the table and pour tea into cups. Bon appetit!

A delicious homemade dessert does not have to be very sweet and high in calories. You can prepare your own baked goods so that they are suitable for those who are on a diet. For example, manna. It can be baked without kefir and even without eggs. The end result will be lean, but delicious dessert.

Lenten manna on water without eggs

What you will need:

  • Flour - one glass.
  • Semolina - two glasses.
  • Water - two glasses.
  • Oil - half a glass.
  • Sugar - one glass.

How to cook manna

A recipe for manna with water without eggs is perfect for preparing something sweet during Lent. Also, this manna can be consumed by all those who do not want to overload their body with extra calories. The products for manna on water without eggs will need very simple ones, which are usually kept in the kitchen by almost every housewife. Semolina takes quite a long time to swell. Therefore, about forty to fifty minutes before starting to prepare the manna, the cereal must be filled with water in advance.

After the cereal has absorbed all the water and swells well, you can add oil to it, and also add wheat flour, baking powder and sugar. Mix all ingredients. In the final form, the dough should have the consistency of thick sour cream. Coat a heat-resistant form generously with oil and transfer the prepared dough into it. Now the only thing left to do is bake the manna. In the oven, manna in water without eggs will be baked for thirty-five minutes at a temperature of one hundred and ninety degrees.

Remove the prepared manna from the hot oven, but do not remove it from the mold until it has cooled completely. Carefully remove the almost cold manna in water without eggs from the mold and transfer it to a flat dish. Then use a sharp knife to cut the manna into pieces of the desired size. Give Lenten manna more festive look Decorations made from any whole berry jam or just powdered sugar will help. It is especially useful to give such baked goods to children, since it is quite difficult to feed them simple semolina porridge.

Mannik without eggs in a slow cooker

What ingredients will be needed:

  • Semolina - one and a half glasses.
  • Water - one and a half glasses.
  • Baking powder - a teaspoon.
  • Orange - one thing.
  • Vanilla sugar - one sachet.
  • Oil - eighty milliliters.
  • Banana - one thing.
  • Sugar - half a glass.


If you decide to pamper your loved ones with a homemade dessert and want it to be not only tasty, but also healthy, then manna in water without eggs and flour is just what you need. With rare exceptions, in almost all recipes where semolina is one of the ingredients, it is pre-soaked. Pour semolina into any bowl and pour slightly warm water on top. Allow the cereal to swell well for forty-five minutes.

While the semolina is soaking, you need to thoroughly wash the orange and dry it. Then grate its skin on a fine grater. Collect the resulting zest in a small plate. You also need to peel the banana and puree it in a blender. Select a bowl of the right size and place in it banana puree, sugar, baking powder, orange zest, and swollen semolina.

Mix everything well until smooth. The dough for manna is prepared in water without eggs and flour. It must be placed in the multicooker bowl and be sure to smooth the surface with a spatula. Lower and close the lid. You need to bake manna in water without eggs in a multicooker using the “Baking” mode. Set the timer for forty minutes. After the allotted cooking time has passed and the signal sounds, the multicooker must be turned off.

Do not open the lid for another twenty minutes. Then check the pressure level indicator. If it is raised, it is necessary to move the regulator to the steam pressure release position. Then you need to wait for all the steam to come out. Next, carefully open the lid of the multicooker and take out the finished manna. Transfer it to a flat plate and, after cooling completely, cut into portions. Decorate the manna in water without eggs and flour to your liking and serve the juicy pastry with a cup of your favorite hot drink.

Chocolate Lenten manna

Product composition:

  • Cocoa powder - six tablespoons.
  • Semolina - two glasses.
  • Baking powder - dessert spoon.
  • Water - two glasses.
  • Refined oil - one glass.
  • Sugar - one glass.
  • Vanilla sugar - to taste.
  • Raisins - one glass.

Cooking method

Lenten manna is perhaps one of the easiest pies to prepare. Typically, such baked goods are prepared on fasting days. But despite the absence of eggs, dairy products and flour, lean manna turns out very tender. And thanks to the butter in the middle, it is juicy and soft. Baking powder helps to rise and become fluffy. To prevent Lenten manna from turning out completely bland, you can add, for example, honey, candied fruits, pieces of apples, and berries from jam to the dough. It all depends on your taste preferences.

Following the recipe for manna on water without eggs, you need to pour semolina, vanillin and sugar into a deep bowl. Pour warm water over them, stir and cover with a lid. Place in a warm place for one and a half hours.

All that's left to prepare is the raisins. Rinse it well and pour boiling water over it for three to four minutes. Then drain the water by placing it in a colander. After waiting the required hour and a half, you can begin preparing the dough for lean manna in water without eggs and flour. Pour refined oil into a bowl with swollen semolina and mix it well with the cereal. Then add cocoa powder, steamed raisins and baking powder. Knead a not very thick dough that should flow from the spatula.

Fireproof dishes of any shape must be greased with the same oil and the prepared dough must be transferred into it. Place the filled form on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. Lenten chocolate manna will be baked until ready for forty-five minutes at an oven temperature of one hundred and ninety degrees. But it’s better to play it safe and check the readiness with a wooden skewer.

After making sure that the manna is well baked, you can remove it from the oven. It is better to remove the baked goods from the mold after they have cooled. The chocolate Lenten manna turns out fluffy, tender and, despite the absence of the usual ingredients, very tasty.

In this recipe, you can use any carbonated water instead of plain water. mineral water. This will make the manna even more loose and fluffy. Cooled lean chocolate manna can be decorated with powdered sugar. Serve homemade dessert for tea on a platter or plate, cutting it into small pieces.

Fasting is not a reason to deny yourself sweets. Mannik without eggs is a simple sponge cake with a unique texture and taste. It is suitable for vegetarians and even vegans, because it does not contain animal products. The cooking process is so simple that you will want to try it immediately!

Lenten baking

Biscuit ingredients

  • 1 tbsp. decoys
  • 0.5 tbsp. flour
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 6 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 0.5–1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tsp. soda or baking powder


  • In a bowl, mix sugar with semolina and add water, let stand for 30 minutes.
  • Add vegetable oil, soda, flour.
  • Stir until the dough has the consistency of thick sour cream.

This dough will make a delicious spongy sponge cake without eggs. But you can go further and add a lemon filling that will delight everyone.

Ingredients for lemon filling

  • zest of half a lemon
  • 2/3 tbsp. water
  • 2 tsp. starch
  • 3–5 tbsp. l. Sahara


  • Mix all ingredients for the filling and simmer for 10 minutes until thickened. You should get lemon jam.
  • Grease a baking dish with oil and pour in half of the dough.
  • Gently spread the lemon jam and pour the other half of the dough on top.
  • Bake for 20–30 minutes depending on the oven.

A simple water manna without eggs will decorate any table during Lent and will be an excellent replacement for regular cakes.

The following recipe includes dairy. The dough also contains natural yogurt, so try not to use the store-bought version with flavorings and additives. If you don’t have yogurt or milk at home, then regular kefir will do.

To prevent the pie from seeming boring, it is best to add candied fruits, dried fruits and nuts to the dough. Such a maniac can be eaten by lacto-vegetarians.


  • 1 tbsp. decoys
  • 1/2 tbsp. flour
  • 1/2 tsp. soda or baking powder
  • 1/2 tbsp. natural yogurt
  • 1/2 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. powdered sugar or sugar
  • 1/4 tbsp. milk or kefir
  • candied or dried fruits as desired


Bake the biscuit immediately after adding soda and dried fruits. After that, take it out of the oven and let it cool. Then run a knife around the edge of the cake to release it from the pan and invert onto a plate.

You see how without special effort You can quickly prepare delicious manna. Tell us in the comments if your baking succeeds without using animal products? What tricks do you use to make eggless dough?

Try these recipes and compare them with classic baked goods. Did you find our culinary ideas useful?

Greetings, lovers of my “lazy” recipes!

Fidan Amirbekova is with you again.

I wanted something sweet, and the guests just happened to be unexpected, so I decided to bake this lemon manna with kefir without eggs.

I once accidentally found a recipe for this semolina on the Internet when I was thinking about what to do with an open pack of semolina. This pack was bought for my son, Jamil, who suddenly gave up cereal, and it sat in the cabinet for about a year until I accidentally came across it. A good housewife makes everything work, and for a moment, I’m laying claim to this title.


By the way, about Jamila. We tried to protect him as long as possible from various “childhood joys” in the form of chocolate, candy, chips and other things. But grandmothers have their own views on education, so now not a day goes by without sweets. The other day we had the following dialogue:

Me (kissing him): - Jamil, why are you so sweet, huh?
Jamil: - Because I eat sweet candies!

I have a lot of funny stories about Jamil, I even periodically publish them on my page with the tag #projamil.

For example, here's another

The other day we went to shopping mall and decided to sit in a cafe. Jamil asked for ice cream. I ask, which one do you want, strawberry or orange? He thought, his eyes lit up and said: Orange! Well, ok, we are going to the cafe, and Jamil suddenly started singing.

I must say, he loves to sing and does it all the time. We even have a repertoire of about 20 songs that he sings in random order. For example, there Chunga-Changa is perfectly adjacent to Summertime.

IN Lately The song Happy birthday to you is the leader in terms of frequency of performances. He sings it in any situation, to attract attention or from an excess of feelings. So this time it sounded like this:

Oranges tu yu! Oranges tu yu! Oranges, oranges, oranges!

Today I hoped to tempt him with a wonderful lemon semolina pie and I was quite successful.

And what is important: this manna does not require eggs at all. So, if you don’t have eggs at home, or you are an avid vegetarian, then this recipe is for you.

And I prepared it like this:

Required Ingredients

For the test:

  • zest of one lemon (if the lemon is small, take two)
  • 1 cup of sugar (200 gr.)
  • 1 packet vanilla sugar (10 gr.)
  • 400 ml kefir (you can use yogurt or matsoni, like mine)
  • 150 gr. butter
  • 2.5 cups semolina (500 gr.)
  • 1 teaspoon soda

For the syrup:

  • ½ cup sugar
  • 100 ml. water
  • juice of one lemon (can be replaced with orange)

Step by step recipe:

You can cook the syrup in advance and pour the cooled syrup over the hot pie. Or bake a pie, let it cool and then pour hot syrup over it. The syrup adds extra flavor and aroma to the cake and makes it moist and melt in your mouth.

Yes, I almost forgot, you don’t have to tell your guests about semolina, they will still believe it, that this magical pie is made from porridge.

A short digression about semolina

Did you know that semolina is a cereal made from ordinary ground wheat, whose properties, in principle, are no different from flour. It’s just that semolina has larger grains, and due to this, pies from it are obtained with a more grainy, loose structure.

Bon appetit!

Have you ever tried adding semolina to the dough - instead of flour or together with flour? Try it! And the result of the culinary experience will delight you. Because the result is not an ordinary pie or cupcake, but a tender, melt-in-your-mouth semolina!

Mannik on kefir with apples

Mannikas can be prepared with kefir and milk; with a variety of additives: fresh berries and dried fruits; chocolate chips and cocoa; raisins and nuts... Today I suggest you prepare a chic manna with apples on kefir - one of the most aromatic and delicious varieties of this recipe. The pie turns out surprisingly tender, and the fabulous aroma of apple baking will lure everyone in the household into the kitchen... and perhaps even the neighbors!

This recipe will also be appreciated by those who are interested in baking without eggs.


  • 1 cup semolina;
  • 1 cup flour;
  • 1 glass of kefir;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 125 g butter or margarine;
  • 1 tsp. without top baking soda;
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice or 9% vinegar;
  • 6-8 medium apples.

Products for Manna on kefir with apples

How to cook manna on kefir with apples:

We measure the products into identical glasses, 200g in volume.

Pour kefir over the semolina, mix and leave for half an hour.

In the meantime, let's prepare the apples: wash them, peel them from the cores with partitions and seeds, but you don't have to remove the skin. Then cut the apples into small slices or pieces.

We measure products

Fill semolina with kefir

Let's prepare the apples

I took 7 medium sized apples. In purified form - 500-600 g, but you can put more in the dough, up to 1 kg. You can’t spoil manna with apples like you can spoil porridge with butter! It is better to choose apples of hard, sweet and sour varieties, moderately juicy - Antonovka, Simerenko.

The semolina has absorbed the kefir - it's time to knead the dough! Pour sugar into a bowl with semolina.

Melt the butter and pour into a bowl, stir.

Then add flour to the dough. It’s better to sift it - then the baked goods will turn out fluffier and more tender.

Make a hole in the flour and pour baking soda into it, quench it with lemon juice or vinegar, and immediately mix the dough thoroughly until smooth.

Pour sugar into a bowl with semolina

Add melted butter

Add flour and slaked soda

Pour the apples into the dough and mix again so that they are distributed evenly. If you think there are a lot of apples, don’t worry, this is the secret of the taste of apple manna.

Let's prepare a baking dish: grease the bottom and walls with a piece of softened butter, and then sprinkle with semolina. It is important to grease and sprinkle the pan thoroughly so that there are no “islands” left for the cake to stick to.

Mix the apples and the resulting dough and put it into the mold.

As for the shape - you can use a shape with a hole, as in the photo, or a silicone, or even just a cast-iron frying pan. You can bake one large semolina or small semolina muffins in silicone molds.
Delicious in any case, the baking time will vary: small cupcakes will bake in 50-55 minutes; Manna in a wide pan with low sides is baked for about 1 hour, in a tall pan with a hole - about an hour and a half.

Place the pan with the semolina in the oven, preheated to 180C, and bake until a wooden stick is dry (when testing the dough in the highest place) and the top is golden brown.

Mannik on kefir with apples

We take the finished manna out of the oven and let it stand in the pan for 10-15 minutes. It smells amazing and you can't wait to try it, but if you rush to shake the hot cake out of the pan, it may break and crumble.

To make it easier to get the pie out, you can carefully pry it around the edges with a knife - although if the mold is well greased, it’s easy to shake out the semolina. Cover the pan with a dish, turn it over, lightly pat the bottom with your palm - and the pie is on the dish!

Mannik on kefir with apples

A fresh pie is very tiny and crumbles in your hands, so you need a very sharp knife to cut it. Better yet, just break off portioned pieces and enjoy homemade apple pastries!

Manna with apples is delicious both warm and cooled. And if you like the recipe and want to experiment, add pears or cherries, apricot or peach pieces instead of apples. And you will have a new pie for tea every time!