Magic in everyday life. Everyday magic of everyday life. Household magic of a comb and comb: divination on hair

In November, the public was stirred up by a Blagoveshchensk schoolgirl: she was found at night in a cemetery with photographs of her peers, on whom she had committed certain acts. magical rituals.

“I spent 4 hours there to get what I wanted and those people didn’t want,” this is how the teenage girl herself explained her strange actions.

However, she is not alone: ​​as it turned out, the tendency to solve one’s problems in relationships with other people in a “grave” way does not depend on age or status. And the fact that many people believe in these means is not so bad, but the real problem is cruelty and cynicism. Both consumers of magical advice and those who give it out.

The MK correspondent found out where such know-how comes from and who distributes it.

I smell it, it smells like the human spirit!

When photos of a grave from a churchyard in the city limits of Blagoveshchensk with pictures of the young obscurantist’s classmates scattered throughout it appeared on the Internet, the school teachers’ council began to deal with the girl.

The police also took note of her, but immediately made a reservation that it was unlikely that any specific charges could be brought against her.

It turned out that the girl went to the cemetery after a quarrel with her peers - in order to take revenge on them. But I received instructions for revenge, presumably, on the Internet.

Why the photos of the rituals ended up in the same place is still a mystery. Either the girl reported in this way to an unknown “magical instructor”, or she was trying to intimidate her opponents... Or the “instructor” himself taught the gullible avenger a lesson.

“Alas, this is a trend,” says psychologist Alina Kolesova. “Before the crisis, people brought money to sorcerers for face-to-face consultations, and no revelations impressed them. Now many people don’t have the money for this, and even more so for teenagers. But all kinds of magicians have adapted to the economic situation: now they send advice on the Internet for a small (compared to the previous) bribe.

And also bookstores are full of all sorts of “witch reference books” and the like, replete with similar advice on amateur magic. Such literature can be equated to entertainment, it is impossible to ban it, and the horror is that not only teenagers, but also some adults do not know how and do not want to build relationships and resolve conflicts in a normal way, relying on otherworldly methods.

And if narrow-minded adults can be told that these are their own problems, then with schoolchildren there should be a psychologist working with this particular age group. It is his task not only to resolve conflicts, but also to prevent them and anticipate their occurrence...

Indeed, schoolchildren in many Russian regions are fascinated by burials: this summer, three Sakhalin teenagers posed on a grave, demonstrating obscene gestures on camera - and this, too, was a ritual with meaning.

And in the Saratov region, police officers detained two women at the moment when they were burying dolls made of bread crumbs with needles stuck into them, a pentagram sculpted from wax, and a photograph into a fresh grave. young man, burnt along the edges and also pierced with needles.

At the site of the ceremony, law enforcement officers also found a glass with blood remains, two empty bottles from under cognac... and two severed heads! True, lamb.

Severed heads stood on top of the grave, and nearby were bags with symbols of the local market, where, apparently, they were purchased...

It is curious that the ladies drove to the cemetery with their magical belongings in an expensive SUV - that is, they cannot be called dark tramps. Law enforcement officers had a conversation with the ladies on the spot, during which they stated that they were cleansing the body and bewitching one man to themselves. After which the would-be witches had to go home.

“Ladies can be punished for vandalism only if the relatives of the deceased on whose graves the action took place make a statement,” explains lawyer Anna Romanova.

But who will help the ladies themselves? If they believe that the severed head of a ram can attract love and family happiness, then next time they will choose a more secluded cemetery - that’s all.

You have to cheat wisely!

“The period from the Catholic All Saints Day (November 1, on the night of which the “horror holiday” Halloween is celebrated) until the Orthodox Epiphany on January 19 is considered best time for all kinds of rituals,” the guru of the thematic “magic” forum on the Internet assures users.

She cannot explain why there is such a mixture of religious holidays: “Well, Christmas, both ours and the Catholic one. Christmas time - everyone is guessing, this is historically the case. And November and January are more suitable for reprisals. Only in November you have to do one thing, and in January something else.”

Such specifics excite my curiosity, and I decide to spend time asking questions on various near-magic forums: how to eliminate my rival? And how to bewitch a man who doesn’t love me yet and doesn’t even want to know me?

Active communication in chats of “like-minded women” eventually leads me to meet three ladies, each of whom has their own story. Moreover, two of them are a 40-year-old mother and a 20-year-old daughter. And the third... if you take her word for it, a psychiatrist of pre-retirement age! They are all interested in afterlife rituals - and they are all absolutely sure that they are not attacking, but defending.

“My daughter was bullied by her mother-in-law,” says a 40-year-old mother named Natalya. - How did you find out? How can you not find out? As soon as I gave my daughter away in marriage, she began to gain weight, and this is a sign! And her weakness is constant. But I'm like clever man, did not contact. I smile in her face, and slowly began to study the question.

I bought books, went to see one of the village grannies... You have to do it wisely! And they advised me what to do. At dawn after Epiphany, on Monday, you need to collect water from the river, take it to the cemetery, whisper certain words over it, and then pour it under the door of the spiteful critic. She will fall behind. Well, that's what I did.

- So what, you’re behind?

- Well, yes, God forgive me, she died in the spring...

I'm taken aback. And from the fact that I clearly see that Natalya herself has imagined all the atrocities of her daughter-in-law, because she does not have a single argument other than her own fantasies. And because the ritual took effect...

However, if, as an enlightened person, you do not believe that river water under the door can lead to someone’s death, in general, there is nothing to blame! If only that thought is material.

—What is your profession? — I carefully inquire from my interlocutor.

— Teacher primary classes, - the woman answers.

Well then, what should we take from her charges?! And the worldview of her daughter, the same daughter-in-law who was allegedly poisoned by her evil mother-in-law, is no longer surprising.

“Of course, my husband’s mother didn’t want Yegor to marry me!” - Verochka says confidently. “But I was afraid to say a word against him; I knew that he did everything his own way.” And it’s not for nothing that he was our first guy in college, all the girls ran after him! Do you know how much it cost me to bewitch him?! Avoided churches and graveyards!

- What for? - I’m dumb.

- What do you mean why? - Verochka is amazed. - In order to kill your rivals, you need to get their photos, stick needles in their eyes, ears and all female organs, take them to the cemetery and bury them. Preferably in a fresh grave. Although this is possible, but fresh is more accurate.

So I was on guard when the fresh dead arrived, I joined the procession, our city is small. Then you need to go around seven churches in order to remove the sin of causing damage to your rivals...

“And you believe that you will cause damage like this, and then you will go around the churches and everything will be removed?!”

- Why not? - Verochka is surprised again.

And really, why? I don't have an answer to this question. Because its production itself is beyond my understanding.

But the psychiatrist has other methods. I enter into a correspondence with her, having already gained experience from Verochka and her mother, and confidently declare that I am determined to go to the end in relation to my hated homewrecker friend.

“The black blouse from the enemy’s body helped me in such a situation,” the psychiatrist answers. - But this is only if you can get a black jacket that she wore a couple of times and did not have time to wash.

- What to do with this jacket? - I ask.

“One initiate advised me, a granny in the village where my family is from, in the Altai Territory,” explains the doctor of human souls. “I asked a friend, whose husband and I were in love, for a black blouse - under the pretext that I had nothing to wear to the funeral of a deceased relative. Well, she did, only apologizing that the blouse wasn’t very fresh—she’d worn it a couple of times. Well, that's all I need...

And I went to the cemetery, where someone was being buried, and quietly buried the blouse in a fresh mound. That's what grandma ordered.

— What did they say to the owner of the blouse?

- Well, after 9 days I had to dig up the jacket, after another 9 days I could wash it, and then return it. For three weeks I hid from her, trying not to show myself so that she wouldn’t ask where the blouse was. And when the deadline expired, I returned it to her in its pure form.

- And what in the end? Everything worked out?

- Yes of course! She soon began to hurt, became swollen all over, swollen, just as the old woman had predicted. I started drinking like a cobbler, although I had no addiction before...

- And then? — I clarify in horror.

“And then her husband and I quarreled, I no longer needed him, I returned to mine. And I don’t know what they had next. In general, I am not interested in other people's affairs if they do not concern me.

Baba Yaga is not very strict towards the Russian spirit...

When communicating online about a given topic, I feel myself getting involved. After a couple of days, I’m already completely in the know and know for sure that the most reliable methods of love spells, damage and other influences on others are spread not through advertisements, but through word of mouth.

Although advertisements from the “I’ll kill my rival” series on the Internet are also a dime a dozen, and more advanced witches put the same thing into a scientific form and conduct paid seminars online, referring to some complex esoteric disciplines and other occult literature (which, as later it turns out, everyone has their own). And you won’t find the truth, just as you won’t prove it.

From my new friends I receive the treasured phone number of “the most powerful black witch who solves any issues.” The algorithm for receiving help is as follows: you deposit 3 thousand rubles on the designated number, then wait a week. If after a week the witch does not call back herself, it means that your case is too complicated - and you need to put in another 3 thousand rubles. As my new friends told me, the sorceress calls back some lucky ones after 6 thousand rubles, but does not call back some unlucky ones even after 30.

- Why do they continue to pay? - I’m perplexed.

- Well, they have to do something! - they answer me in bewilderment.

I allocate 3 thousand hard-earned rubles for a good cause to recognize the enemy in person, promising myself, if the witch does not call back herself, not to go into a frenzy and not to increase the stakes. I’m lucky, and she calls back at around 3 thousand. Either she senses that my case is not worth a damn, since it’s fictitious, or she simply has urgent expenses.

In response to my questions (about casting a love spell on someone who doesn’t even look in my direction, and about spoiling a rival), I get quite specific answers from the witch recommendations. They are complex in execution - that is, they require concentration on the goal. But generally doable:

- To eliminate a rival from the road, the first thing you do is get a photo of her, in which her face is clearly visible, but it is desirable that all female parts - breasts and area female organs- were also visible. You need to prepare the needles - put them in a saucer and fill them with rainwater or melted snow so that they rust.

This may take about a month. Then at midnight, I’ll tell you the date separately, when you know in what month everything will be ready, you pierce her eyes in the picture so that she doesn’t see, her ears so that she doesn’t hear, her mouth so that she doesn’t speak, if you want, you can also pierce her face and hair so that the beauty goes away.

Then you pierce both her breasts, so you will take away her attractiveness to men. And the genital area - then she will not be able to give birth, and give pleasure to a man, and receive it herself. A worthless woman, in general, will be an empty woman. And if you want more than just to deprive her of her attractiveness, you need to try to place a larger rusty needle somewhere above the level of her head - in the lintel of the door, where she passes every day.

Well, in general, she should have this needle over her head every day. If I go into her house, everything is simple. At night you need to unnoticed door handle, which she touches with her hand every day. Take it to the cemetery, bury it in the graveyard and whisper it - I’ll tell you the spell separately. And then screw the handle into place. And to get the man back, you buy 40 larger nails. And for 40 nights in a row you will fry them for 40 minutes in a cast iron frying pan...

Once you have everything ready, give me 3 thousand and call me. I would help you anyway, but without payment, my advice could turn against you. And when you do everything, I will teach you how to atone for your sins. Otherwise, higher powers will punish you for harming your neighbor!

Against the backdrop of all the above, concern about the sinlessness of my soul sounds very touching! And if you consider how much time and organizational moments it takes not only the rituals themselves, but also the preparation for them, you can imagine to what extent the unfortunate love spellcaster concentrates on her otherworldly task!

Probably he doesn’t go to work or school, concentrating on the proximity of his cherished goal! And even without any magic, it is known that if you want something very badly, achieve it by any means, think about it all the time and suffer for a long time, sooner or later something will work out...

Unless, of course, you go crazy before that. And if adults and educated people fall for it, what can we take from unreasonable teenagers?

“An attempt to involve some conditioned forces from the outside in solving one’s own problems,” explains psychologist Alina Kolesova, “is akin to the desire to drown the problem with alcohol or other mind-altering substances. These are weakness, dissatisfaction, low self-esteem, suppressed aggression and inability to communicate in a team.

Of course, for example, a quiet, downtrodden girl, an outsider and an outcast, will behave timidly at school, suppressing her true emotions, and then, alone with the instructions of an online charlatan, she will feel like an all-powerful witch.

This is a kind of self-therapy for her, a way to believe in her strength, in the fact that she is capable of winning her place in the sun... But the very “infernal” presentation of solutions to pressing issues for any teenager cripples the consciousness and psyche. Today, all sorts of occult hobbies are also classified as Internet addiction, since children get their basic information from there.

It is much more effective and correct to communicate more with a teenager, delve into his problems and not let them take their course. This is a matter for both school psychologists and parents. First love, friendship, betrayal, boycott and other teenage squabbles at this age are more important than world cataclysms and sometimes lead not to childish, but to the most serious consequences, even mental disorders and suicides.

Parents and teenage psychologists must explain that winning the love, friendship and trust of another person is possible only with the help of one’s own merits and actions, and not with the help of the power of thought and afterlife surroundings. Likewise, it is not only impossible to artificially turn one person away from another, but it is also wrong to want this from a moral point of view.

I would recommend that parents and psychologists introduce special extracurricular reading lessons (I know that some schools have them as part of the study of the history of religions) for teenagers, in which they study thematic literature - from mystical medieval and historical novels to Gogol and Edgar Poe - and explain using the example of history and classics, where humanity’s mystical prejudices came from and how they were overcome in more enlightened eras.

And how shameful it is in our age to remain dark and superstitious, like an illiterate nomad in the desert.

Zhanna Golubitskaya, "Moskovsky Komsomolets"

If you have the opportunity, use a wooden spoon and cook food in ceramic dishes. With what emotions food is prepared, that energy will pass through those who eat the meal. Sometimes, when everything in the family is falling apart, it is good to trust a man to do the cooking. At least for a while. Why? Probably everyone knows that men are considered the best chefs. There's a reason for this.

The fact is that when preparing food, a man invests mainly the energy that he has, that is, yang energy. This is a big deficit in our daily diet. Not only are the products themselves divided into predominantly yang and yin, but the majority are yin.

If we take into account what women cook, the Yin principle increases sharply. Such a bias towards yin vibrations is caused by the dominant female type of relationship: omissions, resentments, whims in the name of protecting the “rear” - that is, ensuring a calm, measured life. But such orderliness is like a swamp.

Day after day, repeating situations and the “circular” cyclical nature of relationships do not provide impetus for the development of the family and, ultimately, the transformation of the family egregor. Energy “ferments”, stagnating, it remains unclaimed. And since the field strength continues to grow, accumulating potential, there is a threat of its explosion.

Rest assured: This explosion will hit the living - the most important links in family ties. That is why they say that the test of well-being is the most difficult test of all. Few emerge victorious. Most likely no one. Except for those who secretly dreamed of the collapse of their family relationships.

Household magic considers the wife’s reluctance to wash her husband’s things as a lapel effect, the opposite of a love spell. That is the one who washes bewitches one to himself. And if the mother instilled in her son the habit of washing his own things, she did, from an energetic point of view, absolutely correctly: she had no need to “bewitch” her son; on the contrary, the habit she brought up helped to “cut him off” from herself in time, making him free. But the wife, out of ignorance, did not strengthen the marital bond.

The most curious thing is that the husband who complained about the infidelity had a suspicion that the “cheater” not only dined, but also washed his clothes in his rival’s house.

You should not give your guests the bed linen you use most often.. It is better to have separate 1-2 sets of “guest” ones. But if this is not possible, do not wash clothes after guests in a common pile. The foreign energy with which such linen is saturated will not overlap with the energy inherent in your family, and you may, by this simple measure, avoid any conflict situations.
Do not wash all your underwear after you are sick, even if the disease is not contagious. And be sure to dry it outside, not in the room. This neutralizes the energetic “negative” of the disease.

If you want even more intimate understanding, allocate a large towel for drying your face - after washing, one for two, for husband and wife. It is not forbidden for spouses to wear the same slippers, terry robes after baths, and windbreakers while hiking. In general, the more common items you have in common, the stronger the family.

All fluorescent lamps They carry negative light output and are not suitable for illuminating your desktop.

Store your bread in a wooden bread bin, rather than plastic, it will retain its energy potential longer.

Don't throw away your old clothes, shoes, personal hygiene items in the garbage chute, and burn them. This will protect you from many troubles in the future. If you still decide to give some good clothes or shoes to someone, fumigate them with incense with a prayer from the prayer book.

Metal bracelets for your watch, having a closed structure, negatively affects the flow of energy through the energy channels of the hand.

Wear a beautiful, shiny object on your clothes- a brooch, jewelry pin, badge - this will protect you to some extent from the evil eye.

Don’t even think about letting anyone wear your wedding ring.

Every house has mirrors try never to hang them in such a position that it “cuts off” the head of someone in the household. This negatively affects your energy field - cutting its structure, impairing the circulation of bioenergy and thereby causing diseases that manifest themselves over a certain time on human health.

Select them very carefully, they carry a huge flow of various information. Wash the surface at least once a month with blessed water. Do not place a permanent workplace in front of a mirror, and do not illuminate the room with fluorescent lamps - it has a bad effect on vision

A girl should not allow her friend to stand in front of the mirror in front of her- will take your loved one away. The same applies to the guy.

Break the mirror- for worse, such a sign has existed since ancient times and really has a real basis.

You break the energy-informational structure of those people who looked in this mirror.
Do not throw mirrors in the trash, this can result in many illnesses for you!

Place a glass of water on your left palm, and use your right fingertips to move along the edge in a clockwise direction. Each circle is about a minute, seven circles seven times. At the same time, you think intensely about what you want to get rid of yourself or to save someone else.

You determine what code to enter into it yourself, depending on what disease or ailment you intend to heal.

Ordinary raw water has the ability to remember information entered into it. Left hand, on which the glass stands, is a receiver, or a biofield screen, while the right one is a source. Thus, when you run your fingers along the edge of the glass, the water absorbs exactly the bioenergetic information that you need.

To make this method more effective, say the following prayer during the sacrament:

“Nicholas, saint of God, helper of God. You are in the field, you are in the house, on the road and on the road, in heaven and on earth; intercede and save from all evil; take away the fierce illness from the servant of God (such and such a name).”

Thus, you have charged the water with your thoughts and biocurrents. Place this water on the windowsill in the evening, and in the morning drink it or give it to the patient to drink, 2-3 sips on an empty stomach.

The magic of the elements - the influence of the four elements of nature on life

The magic of the elements and its study shows that it is customary to distinguish four main elements - earth, fire, water and air (wind). Some magicians distinguish two additional elements - life and death.

Since human life is inextricably linked with the four main elements, elemental magic is used quite often. You can resort to it yourself, having received what you want from the elements.

Fire magic

The fire element is the most aggressive and...

Magic. Perhaps there is nothing more mysterious and ambiguous in the world. People have been breaking spears for centuries in the hope of getting to the bottom of this phenomenon. But so far no one has been able to find exactly the words that would help us figure out what it is.

Is it possible that all the miracles recorded in world history turned out to be the fruit of a sick imagination, hallucinations, or a consequence of mental disorders? Or modern science, ashamed of his “magical” origin, simply denies himself...

The magic of light - healing, creating, guiding

The magic of light is white, pure magic, which is used only to help people, to save them from adversity. And this is not surprising, because light destroys darkness.

Even a small ray in the dark can illuminate the road, show the way, save you from nightmares when, it would seem, there is no way out. So the magic of light helps, heals, shows the right paths, returns happiness, love and hope. The magic of light is many...

The magic of candles as a companion to communication with Higher powers

The magic of candles is used in the practices of esotericists, for performing rites and rituals, spells and fortune telling on Tarot cards. Very often, in terms of terms, our beloved wards are interested in the following questions: Which candle is better to take?

Which candle can you use to get the maximum effect? How to choose the right candle for a specific ritual? In this article, you, our dear students, will find the answer for yourself and learn all the secrets and riddles...

Magic is too overrated! Yes exactly. It may be strange to read this in the publication of a person who has been seriously engaged in magic for several years and has been practicing various magical practices.

What's the point? Now the field of magic is too discredited. There are too many lies, stereotypes, distorted information.

What is the actual situation? There are sorcerers, magicians, psychics, and witches at every step. All of them are ready to remove damage, evil eyes, curses and any other from every client who comes to them...


Voodoo is a special worldview in which man is inseparable from nature, permeated with divine energies, where communication with spirits is as common as communication with one’s own kind...

Origin of Voodoo

Voodoo comes from the Fon word "Vodun" and means "Spirit, Divinity." This religion was formed on the basis of African beliefs and magic (brought to Haiti by slaves from the Yoruba, Congo, Fon, Ewe, etc. tribes, now the territories of Congo, Nigeria, Togo and Benin) and Catholicism of the times...

The magic of money - attracting monetary luck

The magic of money is unique knowledge and techniques, magic and magical rituals that help you achieve the desired level of well-being and financial success.

A conspiracy for good luck and money has always preceded a business transaction of any scale, from the purchase of an animal to the purchase of bills.

Our ancestors knew that with its help, risks are reduced and planned financial affairs go “like clockwork.”

The magic of money in various esoteric...

The magic of clothes sounds unusual, but this is only at first glance.

Clothes are of great importance in our lives. It’s not without reason that the proverb says that people are met by their clothes.

We all wear clothes. With the help of clothes we try to impress, seduce a partner, show our wealth and much more.

But not only the clothes that we wear on our bodies surround us; in addition to clothes, we also have towels, curtains in the rooms and tablecloths with which we cover festive table, and upholstery, yes...

Magic using candles is the simplest and most effective. The main thing is to merge with the candle energetically. Candle magic is a simple magical art that belongs to natural magic. This art is built on small rituals and a few ritual artifacts.

Each of us has at one time or another performed the simplest candle rituals, such as blowing out the candles on our birthday cake. Yes, this is also magic! After all, at the same time we made a wish, sending it into Space, asking for help and support...

In order to become a real Magician, first of all, you need to discover the magic within yourself. In this article you will not find texts of love spells, spells and magical rituals. The first rule that a Magician must learn is that it is impossible to “tackle magic” without knowing yourself.

Only when you feel the strength within yourself and understand how to control it, you can get down to business. Well, if you take up magic without learning to control yourself, you will “pay” dearly for it. And this is not a threat, this is a rule. It is too...

Our ancestors knew how to bring prosperity into their home and avoid trouble. Every housewife, keeper of the hearth, resorted to simple, proven means that attracted good luck to the family nest.

You can attract good luck to your home with your own mood, so exclude any manifestations of negativity. Use amulets and good luck talismans that will complement your interior. Hang bells in front of the entrance. With their ringing, they will show the way to luck at your doors and will become an excellent protection from evil and evil spirits.

When cooking, transfer your energy to the food so that it is filled with your love and care. Salt food clockwise, saying:

“I lure luck into a hearty, salted lunch. I treat you to food that is not foreign, not delicacies. I serve homemade food, prepared with my own efforts, created with love, imbued with care.”

Fill any action you perform in the house with positive energy. Do not undertake your duties in a bad mood, so as not to frighten off capricious luck. Do not forget that she will only be in a house that is filled with smiles and laughter, in which there is no place for disorder and dirt. We wish you good luck in all your endeavors, and don’t forget to press the buttons and

16.08.2017 02:03

So that the house is full, good luck and good mood did not leave its walls, not enough...

From generation to generation, customs, signs, and traditions are passed on, using which a person can help himself improve his health, financial condition, and strengthen harmony in the family. And the most important thing is that these remedies work!

When the word “magic” is uttered, our consciousness often gives us a stereotypical image: people in black robes with candles in their hands, casting spells.

Naturally, such actions are available only to initiates - magicians, healers, witches.

However, there is another magic - the everyday magic of everyday life, which is present in our lives every day, but we are not used to calling it that. This includes folk signs, beliefs, conspiracies. Before the revolution, when the connection between generations in the family was preserved and experience was passed on along with beliefs, traditions and rituals, people lived according to these rules. After the revolution, many traditions and beliefs, as well as religion, were declared a relic of illiteracy, savagery and uneducated people. Fortunately, these days we are little by little returning to the experience that our ancestors have preserved for centuries.


In our modern consciousness, this experience of everyday magic surprisingly combines ancient culture, Christian customs, Western psychological recommendations, elements of the Eastern worldview, which in general are one and the same. It's like a house with a lot of keys and a bunch of keys to the door locks: there is only one house, but there are many doors. And we also manage to mix these doors with each other, and successfully.

There are many “home” customs and signs, and they are true, because they combine the wisdom of more than one generation. In addition, most signs and beliefs can be explained from the point of view of psychology, parapsychology and bioenergy.

Let's look at simple examples. The man on the steps remembers that he forgot something at home, comes back for it, and then things don’t go well for him all day. “Wow,” he laments, “how I knew I couldn’t go back! And so it happened - there was no luck!” Or a friend chooses a set of the most beautiful as a gift kitchen knives, gives it to the birthday girl, and a few days later he quarrels strongly with her. “But I knew,” he thinks, “that it was impossible to give spicy food - there is such a sign among the people”...

Now let’s try to explain these signs from the point of view of psychology and bioenergy. The person who had to return for a forgotten item initially went out with the intention of doing something (for example, going shopping). His intention is confirmed by the energy (desire) to do something. When he remembered the forgotten thing and returned, he put the energy of intention into returning. Thus, he left the energy of intention at home, so regarding the originally planned matter desired result not reached.

This also includes cases when a person begins to speak, but is interrupted, and then he cannot continue the thought: there is the energy of intention, but if it is weak, it can easily be “drowned out” by another person, and as a result, “the thought does not come.”

Let's look at the second example:

It is not advisable to give sharp or cutting things. From the point of view of bioenergy, negative energy accumulates at the pointed ends, which also explains the ban unmarried girls sit at the edge (corner) of the table, where all the negative energy accumulated when eating also flows. Therefore, knives presented as a gift will not bring anything good to the giver or the recipient. And from the point of view of psychology, stabbing and cutting means can be considered as symbols of murder, and in the subconscious of both parties in this case there remains a very bad program aimed at “cuts” and “injections”, which can immediately manifest itself in communication.

Let's look at a few more examples of folk magic. People consider the Christmas season to be a special period. At Christmas, ugly and poor people should not be allowed into the house: they believe that such people bring misfortune for the whole year.

Let's try to find an explanation for this belief. The Christmas holiday period in our country, where the egregor of Christianity is highly developed, is special. (An egregor is a certain higher force that determines the relationship between people united by common goals. The number of people included in one egregor is one of the determining factors of the strength of the egregor as a structure influencing processes in the surrounding world. In turn, the egregor gives a person support and strength, self-confidence). So, the strong energy flows of this (Christmas) period, as well as a certain vulnerability of family members associated with excessive passion for food and drinks during the New Year celebration, lead to the fact that the family’s biofield is really easy to disturb: you can “join” it, as it were joining it, and there is a possibility that all the positive energy accumulated these days can be taken away.

You can't lend anything New Year. Both bioenergetically and psychologically, a person entering the New Year with debts programs himself to be in a state of “debt” for the whole year. By the way, lending is also not recommended: everything accumulated over the year, all the energy, is “distributed”. There is another side of the coin here: a person who has serious troubles in life can lend money to another and thereby “clean up”.


In addition to a huge number of signs and beliefs, home magic consists of a number of rules from the “help yourself” series. Let’s try to systematize this wisdom” and derive a unified ambulance algorithm for ourselves.

These rules can be used daily, “conjuring” yourself a good mood, good luck and a boost of energy for the whole day.


You can say to yourself: “What a good day today! Today everything will be fine, everything will succeed and work out!”


The sun is a source of light and vital energy. In many religions, the Sun acts as a god; it is not for nothing that our ancestors worshiped the Sun and even called Prince Vladimir “the clear sun.” Therefore, it is very advisable to start your day by standing in the sun’s rays, feeling their warmth and recharging your energy for the whole day.


In different systems this technique is called differently, the general name is “Smile with organs”. You immerse yourself in meditation and imagine how your organs (liver, kidneys, spleen, heart, lungs, spine) smile at you, and in return you give them your smile. Some authors recommend adding the skin and the female system to the list of smiling organs - this is a personal choice of the performer. Such a positive attitude gives strength and joy, and the energy clinging to the organ ensures its improved functioning throughout the day.


In addition to the smile produced by all organs, it is very useful to smile with your soul in the morning. A person can do this in different ways; someone visualizes their soul in meditation as a peer, someone sees fantastic images, Here more of a question whether the practitioner knows how to see his soul and how he imagines it.


In general, this recommendation is a continuation of the previous ones: see joy in everything around you in the morning. It can be the external beauty of flowers, trees, a beautiful landscape, a beloved baby, the joy of home comfort, the aromatic smell of food, beautiful music, the sound of thunder or the morning birdsong, and, ultimately, from the very fact of life. You can find joy in both a cloudy, dull morning and a stormy day. This is how children know how to rejoice: they don’t care what’s around them, and every new situation gives them the opportunity to learn something new: let it rain like buckets, but what beautiful bubbles run through the puddles!


You shouldn’t evaluate situations according to the “good or bad” criterion. Both “bad” and “good” are relative criteria. What now seems to us the greatest evil, tomorrow we can remember as the greatest good. Life puts us in different situations not at all for us to evaluate them. Often, any situation can be corrected, and if something cannot be corrected, then it does not need to be corrected.


There is no thing in life that a person can do that cannot be forgiven. The best thing a person can do for himself is to love and accept himself as he is, and if some part of himself is not satisfactory, it must be corrected. Only someone who loves and accepts himself can love and accept another: a partner, a child, a parent.

These are not all the rules that could be discussed, but at least those that are very good to use every day, “conjuring” yourself a good mood, good luck and a boost of energy for the whole day.

Lesya Lymar