I bought e-osago on the third try: reso - ingosstrakh - tinkoff. Online electronic insurance is a scam! and they treat us like idiots Reso freezes when applying for compulsory insurance

I renewed my MTPL policy twice on the RESO-Garantiya website. Of course, I didn’t like that I had to enter the code from SMS 2 times, but these are all minor things compared to how RESO has now begun to prevent people from receiving policies online. Surely they want to sell at least a diagnostic card or some additional services.

An additional barrier is placed for new clients. Then they will ask you to send a scan of your passport, which can be checked for several days. It is recommended to issue a policy on the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers. But the bestial attitude towards old clients is simply infuriating.

After filling out all the data on the MTPL policy, you need to click on the “Calculate” button, after which you are asked to save the policy. But before saving, you need to enter the code from the SMS, as well as the characters from the picture. It would seem that there is nothing wrong. But characters from SMS cannot be copied and pasted. And here the first catch awaits us. Okay, in addition to numbers, we also added letters. Okay, we also added special characters. After all, it happens that it is difficult to understand whether it is the letter O or the number 0, or whether it is the letter l or the number 1. But the developer from the Gestapo also decided to mix the Latin alphabet with the Cyrillic alphabet. Can you distinguish A in Cyrillic from A in Latin? Or B in Cyrillic from B in Latin? Here are a couple of real codes from SMS:

But this is the least of the troubles in in this case. You can use one of the services that finds the Cyrillic or Latin alphabet in the text. Here's one that highlighted o, A and B in Cyrillic for my passwords:

Moreover, the frame around the input field was previously gray when the code from SMS was entered correctly and red when it was entered incorrectly. But today I didn’t have such a clue. Well, God bless him.

I still couldn’t enter the characters from the picture correctly, although I fiddled with it for more than an hour. Out of 20 pictures, a couple still have something more or less readable, but even increasing the size of the text and pictures on the web page did not help me.

Of course I'm not the only one who has encountered this. The Internet is full of comments about the registration of e-OSAGO on the RESO-Garantiya website, but company employees continue to claim that there are no technical problems, and tens of thousands of clients successfully issue policies.

A typical and useless response from RESO-Garantiya that I received:

Good afternoon.

The requirement to enter a password and captcha is a protection; we must ensure that the policy is not issued by a robot.

In order to prevent unauthorized access to the policyholder’s personal account data and their use for the purpose of unauthorized conclusion of a contract using automatic information systems, at the stage of saving the application, you must confirm that the policy is being issued not by a robot. There were no signs of the site being inoperable; everything was working correctly.

Technical Support Service of SPAO "RESO-Garantia"

I would be grateful for reposts and distribution on social networks, because I don’t see any other ways to draw attention to the problem.

p.s. Which insurance company can use e-MTPL without any problems? Moreover, you don’t want to insure yourself with the first one you come across, since it is more convenient to receive payments from your own in any case, and even in a fair amount.

It's time to extend the compulsory motor liability insurance policy. I contacted the insurance company where the previous policy (RESO) was issued, the manager told me over the phone that I can now make an electronic policy for myself without leaving my home on the insurance website and it’s called EOSAGO.

My situation is such that the car is registered in Moscow, but the owner of the car is in another region.

It so happened that I had to try out issuing a policy on the websites of three insurers: RESO, Ingosstrakh, Tinkoff. The following is a self-explanatory brief overview and comparison of the registration procedures of the listed insurers.

Attempt to obtain E-OSAGO from RESO

To register, you need to indicate a mobile number to which a confirmation code will be sent via SMS, as well as an e-mail - another confirmation code will be sent to it (arrives with a delay).

Once in Personal Area, located at: https://client.reso.ru, saw data on the current policy and a link to renewal. After clicking the renewal link, most of the previously entered data is already in place, all that remains is to indicate the EAISTO number for the diagnostic card and the date of its registration/expiration.

When performing the calculation, the entire algorithm for calculating the insurance premium (TB) is displayed in a separate window base rate— 4118 rubles, KBM bonus-malus, FAC and other components). My amount for the year is out 4982,78 rub.

After clicking “Save,” the hourglass spins for a long time and eventually a message appears about a technical problem with a proposal to go to another insurance company. I decided to check in later - a few hours later the problem repeated itself, and the next day too. I wrote to their technical support:


For the second day I can’t apply for an MTPL policy in my personal account.
See screenshot of technical problem message.
Message text:
“Attention, technical problems arose when applying for the policy that could not be resolved promptly. Information about the error has been sent to the developers. To save entered data and quickly complete electronic policy OSAGO You are invited to go to the website of the Insurance Company LLC NSG-ROSENERGO: http://epolis-nsg.ru/osago/policy/

I received the following response quite quickly:

Good afternoon.
The Russian Union of Insurers (RUA) has developed a system for replacing an insurance company if technical difficulties arise when you issue an electronic policy. In this regard, you were invited to use the registration of an electronic policy on the website of another insurer. Below is a link to the official website of the RSA, where you can read this explanation.
You can also draw up an MTPL agreement on printed form when visiting any of our branches.
Best regards, Svetlana.
Technical Support Service of SPAO "RESO-Garantiya"
[email protected]

I made several attempts - each time, reporting a technical problem, they offered a new IC as an alternative.

Attempt to buy E-OSAGO in Ingosstrakh

A couple of years ago I was insured with Ingosstrakh, so the next step was to visit them at https://www.ingos.ru. When registering, you were asked to indicate the number of any previous agreement. The system found the number, but since the information about the owner of the car changed, it did not want to continue our relationship and had to register from scratch.

During the registration process, three or even four times they had to enter the same data: policyholder, owner, driver (was it difficult for them to check the “matches” box?).

After filling out the data and performing the calculation, I received the same 4982,78 rub. I clicked the next step and a window appeared informing me that data had been received from the RSA (Russian Union of Insurers) - I waited a long time, but I still didn’t get the result. At the same time, on the main page of their website I found a message:

ATTENTION! In the period from 03/21/2017 from 22:00 to 03/22/2017 00:00 Moscow time, due to routine technical work on the RSA side, the functions of registering and purchasing electronic compulsory motor liability insurance will not be available on the official website of Ingosstrakh.

Despite the fact that it was still far from 10 p.m., the creation of my policy with them never progressed beyond the step of obtaining data from the RSA.

With the thought that today I would not be able to get insurance again, I decided to try my luck in one more place.

Trying to buy an E-OSAGO policy at Tinkoff Insurance

In fact, the first thing I looked at was Tinkov https://www.tinkoffinsurance.ru, to calculate on a calculator whether it would be cheaper there than at RESO, but having received, according to a preliminary calculation, an amount exceeding 8 thousand rubles, I immediately left from them.

After the failure with RESO, I returned to Tinkoff again, filled out the data in my personal account, which, like in other campaigns, is accessed via an SMS code, but at the end of the second step I was stuck due to some error indicating the region , which I had no idea how to fix (as I wrote at the beginning, registration of the car and owner in different regions). He spat, closed the site, going, as I already wrote, to Ingosstrakh, but after the failure with Ingosstrakh, he returned to Tinkov again.

I called through the button on their main website (for some reason, calling from the website is not available on the insurance division website), I was connected to an insurance employee. We explained to each other for a long time (I that the site was working crookedly, he that I had indicated something wrong), but in the end it dawned on me where I needed to make a correction (the very first step) and a miracle happened - I finally made my way through the barriers interfaces, I was able to pay by card and received my first electronic E-OSAGO policy, having spent more than one hour on all attempts (by the way, I paid not with a Tinkov card, but with a Sberbank card, because in Tinkov they told me that there was cashback for this payment it won’t, but Sber in any case gives 0.5% in “Thank you” bonuses).

The final price in Tinkov was the same as in the previous two companies: 4982,78 rub.


  • they promise to deliver a paper policy in Moscow for free
  • they say that in case of an insured event you won’t need to travel anywhere, everything is solved online

Of the minuses:

  • website https://www.tinkoffinsurance.ru - very slow
  • I had to upload scans of my passport, STS (or PTS is possible), driver’s license (although, who knows, maybe other insurance companies will also need to if you reach the finish line?)

Immediately after receiving the policy, two SMS messages arrived, one from Tinkov, the second from RSA with my policy number and its validity period.

Those. if you have a situation where you urgently need a policy (you need to present it right now), then theoretically you can make it for yourself in 15-20 minutes, using any device with the Internet and immediately present it electronically.


So, the unsuccessful operation of competitors’ interfaces and my loyalty to the banking product helped Tinkov get another client in the field of insurance services. I hope I won’t have to learn from my own experience how Tinkoff makes payments under compulsory motor liability insurance.

On a note:
I contacted all three insurance companies by phone in the process of trying to obtain a policy. I have long been accustomed to the quality of service at Tinkoff, because... I use their debit card, but of the other two, I liked the consultation at Ingosstrakh more.

Here is the policy that I received in .PDF format immediately after payment:

If you are an insurance representative or you simply have something to say on the topic this review, I invite you to comment below.

I apologize that I cannot help you. However, you can read this article; perhaps the proposed algorithm of actions will give you some original idea.

An acquaintance asked me to help him get compulsory motor liability insurance for a friend via the Internet - E-MTPL. “Okay,” I say, “let’s try...” Then he adds: “... on the RESO website!” I'm in Lately When I hear about RESO, I give up...

It was good a year ago - such a malicious captcha had never existed. There was, however, another problem - if the data entered by users in the personal account did not match with the data that the insurance company’s website stores or receives from RSA, it was impossible to obtain insurance. However, from January 1, 2017, insurance companies were prohibited from refusing to issue compulsory motor third party liability insurance for reasons of discrepancy between the data in the documents: during registration or at the time of obtaining insurance, the site may request copies of certain documents for reconciliation. Reconciliation takes a relatively short time - on the websites of various insurance companies - from half an hour to several hours. And this is much better than simply refusing to register, isn’t it!

The first half of 2017 was quite good for obtaining insurance on the RESO website. However, at some point, I don’t remember exactly when, RESO-Garantiya programmers introduced an “impenetrable” captcha, which almost completely blocked the ability to get insurance online. There are already a lot of angry reviews on the Internet today about this company and its “cunning trick.” But first things first. For confidentiality purposes, the personal data of the policyholder is hidden in the pictures.

I won’t talk about how to create a personal account now. It is possible that there will be a separate post about this, although in general I think the process of creating an office is quite simple. Let's imagine that the account has already been created, the user has already entered all the necessary data to create a new policy. After this, the following actions are expected:

First stage - calculate , then - save and after that - pay . "Issuance" - occurs automatically when saving the policy. And “upload documents” may be required when confirming data for which there are discrepancies - that is, in fact, in the best case scenario, only three buttons will be used. So, after entering all the data, click “Calculate”. If all the data coincides with the data available to the insurance company, we see the calculated amount of the premium (cost) of the MTPL, in the message window we see information that the calculation was successful, as well as details - the coefficients from which, according to the appropriate formula, this was created insurance cost:

And now the most interesting part begins - the reason for which this article was written. Click the "Save" button:

As we see, the policy is being preserved. But this is a complete deception! We wait further and, instead of the normal saving of the unpaid policy, we receive an almost impassable quest from RESO - “Enter the code from SMS and guess the super captcha!” That is, to save data, you need not just press a button, but also enter it correctly secret code and captcha - check from robots.

In this situation, it is not clear - why use captcha? - A person has registered a personal account using a mobile phone, which is simple electronic signature, since the phone’s SIM card was issued according to the passport, registration of the account and entry into it is carried out using SMS, which is sent by the insurance company’s website to the policyholder’s number. The lifetime of a personal account session is also limited, so it can be argued that it is the policyholder who is sitting at the keyboard who wants to insure his vehicle.

Why complicate things? Well, let’s say SK RESO wants to check again who is sitting at the keyboard, so it asks to send "The code that is aimed at your the telephone number specified during registration."(In passing, I’ll note that the word “your” is written in small letters, therefore this is not a polite address to one person, but simply an address to a crowd of policyholders.) Let's limit ourselves to this code! By the way, who remembers the code received during registration? NOBODY, so you have to click the "Get Code" button. After this, something unimaginable comes to the phone. Here's an example of actual messages received:

App confirmation code: p^7cLxTAO(d6A

App confirmation code: _CS%М#42аТ~|u


App confirmation code: AppLВ"eС2А0T"^

Here are 4 different messages. The level of sophistication in coming up with verification codes is simply genius! It would be possible to limit ourselves to only numbers - let's say 8-10 numbers. Quite simple? Okay, let's add some more letters. In my opinion, a mixture of numbers and Latin letters, maybe even uppercase and lowercase, would easily pass for a very secret code that must be entered only in order to save the entered data in your personal account.

But no, special characters are also added here, which some people don’t even know where they are because they never use them. And that's not the worst thing... The main secret mechanism is that the code uses both the Latin alphabet, so is the Cyrillic alphabet ! Bold, daring, unexpected! Who does this code protect against? From the policyholder, no less. Try entering the code if it contains characters that are found in both Latin and Cyrillic: A, B, C, K, E, N, X, P, O, M, T, a, e, x, p, oh, s.

A separate topic is “zero” and the letter “O”. Although, if you look closely, you can find a difference - the letter “O” is more round, and the “zero” is elongated: O0Oo00oO0. Although when there is no zero, the letter "O" can be mistaken for a number - and this will be "wrong code!" (see picture below)

In addition, the following message is received via SMS: App confirmation code: (scNMam[%Wх^< What should I enter? Do I need to enter App? No no need. You must enter the characters after the colon. In this case - (scNMam[%Wх^<

And one last thing. Since both the password and the captcha are entered, how can you find out where the error is? This also causes difficulties. At least until yesterday, I didn’t know whether it was possible to differentiate the input of this data in order to know where the error was.


- I won this captcha. It says here 1fx81g7

- but I couldn’t do this and many others.

  1. When you do everything correctly, you will finally see the treasured “Pay” button:

That's all, guys!

Comments: 123

1 Ivan

2 Alexey OSAGO

3 Nikolay

4 Alexey OSAGO

5 Irina

6 Alexey OSAGO

7 Dmitry

8 Alexey OSAGO

9 Alexander

10 Andrey

11 Alexey OSAGO

12 Elena

13 Alexander

14 Alexander

15 Alexey OSAGO


17 ttt

18 BES

19 Alexey OSAGO

20 Dmitry

21 1taR

22 Alexey OSAGO

23 Alexander

24 Ivan

25 Olesya

26 Olesya

27 Dmitry

28 Galina

29 Mikhail

30 Julia

31 Alexey

32 Dmitry

33 Alexey OSAGO

34 client RESO

35 Anton

36 Marina

37 YeleBow

38 Anna

39 Alexey

40 Evgenia

41 Alexey OSAGO

42 Alexander

43 Igor

44 Igor

45 Igor

46 Alexey OSAGO

47 Alexander

48 Sergey


50 Ivan

51 Ivan

52 Fedor

53 Ilya

54th further

55 Vladimir

56 Yuri

57 Alexey OSAGO

58 Julia

59 Victoria

60 Dmitry

61 Vlada

62 Alexey

63 Evgeniy

64 Mikhail

65 Max

66 Marie

67 Vadim

68 Marina

69 Mikhail

70 Dmitry

71 Anastasia

72 Pavel

73 Pavel

74 Alexey OSAGO

75 Igor

76 Ivan

77 Konstantin

78 Yaroslav

79 Artem

80 Ibrahim

81 Alexey

82 Mikhail

83 Anastasia

84 Anton


86 Nikolay

87 Alexey

88 Vladimir

  • What is electronic MTPL? On January 1, 2017, amendments to the Law on compulsory insurance motor vehicle liability, which give drivers the opportunity to apply for an MTPL policy online on the websites of all insurance companies.
  • Can I buy electronic MTPL if I am not a RESO-Garantiya client? Anyone can apply for an electronic MTPL policy.
  • How much does an electronic OSAGO policy cost? The insurance premium is calculated in accordance with established tariffs. The cost of an electronic policy does not differ from the cost of a “paper” MTPL policy.
  • Is it possible to make changes to the MTPL typographical policy through the website? No. The procedure for making changes to the MTPL agreement is established by the MTPL Rules, which are approved by the Directive of the Bank of Russia. Thus, changes can be made to the MTPL policy, which is drawn up in the form of an electronic document, after receiving an application from the policyholder in electronic form(Clause 1.11 of the OSAGO Rules). Changes are made to the typographical MTPL policy by making an appropriate entry in the “Special Notes” section indicating the date and time of the changes and certifying the changes with the signature of the insurer’s representative and the insurer’s seal or by issuing a reissued (new) MTPL policy within two working days from the date of return the policyholder of a previously issued MTPL policy (Clause 1.10 of the MTPL Rules). To make changes, you must contact the insurance company office.
  • How to check the authenticity of an electronic OSAGO policy? You can check the validity of the electronic policy on the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers - http://dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/bsostate.htm
  • Is it possible to replace an electronic policy with a paper one in the office? Is this necessary? No, the MTPL Law does not provide for this. The electronic contract is equivalent to a printed OSAGO form and should be replaced only if changes are made to the policy parameters. Initially, you can purchase a contract on GOZNAK letterhead by contacting any RESO-Garantiya office.
  • How can I confirm to the traffic police officer that I have an electronic policy? You must print out the received electronic policy and have it in your car when you are driving. The electronic policy is checked by traffic police officers using a special resource in the IMTS network of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. If a special resource is unavailable in the IMTS network of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the traffic police inspector can check the validity of the electronic OSAGO policy on the website of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers - http://dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/bsostate.htm
  • If there are problems with checking my data in RSA, how can I apply for a policy? If the data is not confirmed, then you need to provide copies of the documents by placing them in the appropriate section of your Personal Account. After checking copies of documents on email Recommendations for further action will be sent.
  • Which MTPL policy is cheaper, electronic or issued by an agent? The cost of an MTPL policy does not depend on the method of its registration. The price will be the same.
  • Why, when paying for the policy, am I “thrown out” to a third-party site, how safe is it? Transfer of funds for the policy occurs through the payment system of the partner company, which uses secure channels for transmitting personal data.
  • Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat reports that the signature status is UNKNOWN. How can I verify the signature? The reason for this message is that verifying a qualified signature in Adobe Reader or Acrobat requires additional software(Cryptopro website) and installation of root certificates
  • Where to go if you have problems with registration? If you have any questions, please contact
  • Why can't I log in to my Personal Account? Most likely, the browser “remembered” pieces of data sent by the web server. You need to delete cookies in your internet browser and log in again.
  • What happens if I indicate false information about myself or my car in the e-MTPL policy? If the data specified in the electronic policy is not reliable and led to a decrease in the cost of the policy, then according to the Law on Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance, regardless of the occurrence insured event the insurer has every right to recover from the unscrupulous policyholder the amount “saved” by him. In addition, the insurance company has the right to make a recourse claim against him in the amount of the insurance payment made if the accident occurred due to the fault of the client.
  • When registering a contract in your personal account, freezes or errors occur. If problems arise when applying for an electronic MTPL policy in your personal account, we recommend resetting your browser cache.

INSURANCE HOLDERS from the REGIONS! Insurers have filters on you! Changing the ip won't help...

I can’t apply for an electronic MTPL policy; I can spend days poking at buttons trying to get a policy. Enter information over and over again, in the morning, at lunch and in the evening, you can get up even at night, but electronic compulsory motor liability insurance you will NOT issue! And don't even hope.

Since January 1, 2017, the issuance of an electronic OSAGO policy has been made mandatory for insurance companies. Until that time, they took all possible actions to squeeze as much money as possible from the policyholder.

You may not believe it, but it's 2019, and virtually nothing has changed. Problems with OSAGO online continue.

RSA found a list of insurance organizations that conclude contracts in the form electronic documents, but I can’t buy an MTPL policy online from them either.

Updated list of insurers— 51 companies.

None of these companies sell electronic MTPL. Renew, yes, it’s possible, buy, no!


VSK website

It’s not possible to issue an MTPL policy online at VSK; if you’re lucky, you’ll pass a check using the RSA database, but this is for the “selected few,” most will see

And THIS will spin for an hour, and two, and a day.


They even have a problem setting up a personal account; I managed to do it a day later.

But even if you go further, fill out all the fields by entering the data, calculate the cost, you will be given a calculation number, you will need to save the calculation, when saving you will receive an error in the form of an expired session, you will need to refresh the page and here you will get the real reason.

This error indicates the form is not configured to work with the database. It's all FICTION. And you can trust me as a technical specialist.

Rosgosstrakh website

Electronic compulsory insurance Rosgosstrakh does not work. Here you will receive an unexpected error and that’s all!

You can go through all the insurance companies from the list, but the result will be 0.

For me it all ended with a happy ending, as they say. I bought a policy, but not online, but at the insurer's office. And as they say, it was just luck.

I tried many ways to apply for compulsory motor third party liability insurance online!

I tried to apply through friends, but even through them it was necessary to apply for additional services + a certain amount on top “for trouble.” But I tried to simply renew the policy in the same company that I bought. NONSENSE.

If you just take out a policy without friends and connections (I can’t believe I’m writing this), you can spend days and weeks with daily roll calls. A working person DOESN'T HAVE SO MUCH TIME. And this explains in full essence why it is impossible to apply for compulsory motor liability insurance online.

This is complete chaos, the regulatory authorities don’t do anything. The prosecutor's office generally gave up on everything. Previously they wrote that “The Prosecutor’s Office is conducting a large-scale audit of insurers,” so what? Never mind! Empty! Donut hole!

Their only check is to fax it to insurance company the request “They say you sell MTPL with additional services,” to which they also receive a response by fax. How could you think that! It’s the policyholders begging us for additional services.” Funny! To tears! But this is actually what happens.

If everything had been different, then they would have made a test purchase, and every policyholder would have helped them in this and fined the insurers hundreds of thousands, or even millions of rubles each.

I would like to say in conclusion.

PEOPLE DON'T TRUST ANYONE! Free It is IMPOSSIBLE to issue an MTPL policy online in 2019! The only place where you can apply for compulsory motor liability insurance online is Moscow and St. Petersburg, since policies there are the most expensive and insurers from the regions send them there.

INSURANCE HOLDERS from the REGIONS! Insurers have filters on you! Neither changing the IP nor using a proxy will help; the filters are configured according to the place of registration.

Insurers don't just mock us, they do it with sadistic pleasure. To do this, they disabled the ability to save entered data in the form. If you refresh the page you will lose all entered data. That is, you sit for half an hour entering license numbers, PTS, etc., at the end you get an error, refresh the page and here in front of you is a clean form. Your data has disappeared.

Only on the INGOSSTRAKH website, after the calculation, it was written that “you can issue an MTPL policy at the nearest office.” Take this advice and don’t waste your time, energy and nerves trying to apply for a policy online. IN this moment You can buy an MTPL policy only at the insurer’s office.

P.S. Don’t forget to check the purchased MTPL policy against the RSA database, regardless of where you bought it, in the office or online. To our address There have been numerous complaints about insurance brokers selling fake policies..