Goat cheese is a hard name. Goat cheese. Real goat cheese

Goat cheese is considered to be a French product. Indeed, in Europe today, France is considered the leader in the production of this type of cheese, having established supplies to all corners of the world. Certain varieties of French goat cheese are considered gourmet delicacies and cost a lot of money.

Meanwhile, the historical homeland of goat cheese is not Europe, but the Arab countries, including Asia, and Transcaucasia. From there goat cheese spread north to Europe. By the way, one of the French varieties of goat cheese is called chabishu. The name of the popular variety comes from the Arabic word "shabi" - a goat.

Modern cheese makers in France, and even an ordinary French housewife, will be able to cook dozens of types of goat cheese - in brine, butter, with Provence herbs, garlic, pepper. Consumers know hard varieties of goat cheese, soft and curd cheese, with the most delicate texture, as well as numerous types with mold.

A classic goat cheese is a fermented milk product with a pronounced "goat" flavor, spicy spiciness and a delicate texture that literally melts in your mouth. Real goat cheese is pure white - goat's milk does not contain carotene, unlike cow's. If goat cheese has a different shade (not to be confused with splashes of spices), then dyes or other ingredients, in addition to goat's milk, were probably added to it.

Classic goat cheese does not require any additives other than goat's milk itself. Milk is fermented in a natural way, the whey is drained, the curd mass is squeezed out and left under oppression. In this position, the cheese matures for several weeks in a cool place.

Composition of goat cheese

Goat cheese is significantly less caloric than its counterparts made from cow's milk. On average, the calorie content of goat cheese does not exceed 290 kilocalories, while regular hard cheeses can have a calorie content of 500 kilocalories. Almost all the nutritional value goat cheese accounts for fats (195 kcal) and proteins (85 kcal). The carbohydrate content is minimal - no more than 5 kcal per 100 g.

Goat cheese has a high content of calcium, potassium and sodium, iron, zinc and phosphorus. Of the vitamins, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, as well as vitamins D and K should be noted.

The benefits of goat cheese

Known as a French delicacy, goat cheese has many health benefits. One of its key advantages, in addition to piquant taste, is low calorie content for cheese. Cheese lovers who monitor their weight experience certain difficulties. On the one hand, cheeses are a high-calorie product, the amount of which in the diet should be kept to a minimum. On the other hand, it is a healthy and tasty product, which you should not completely refuse even for the sake of a figure. Goat cheese can be the middle ground between the need to stick to a low-calorie diet and the pleasure of eating cheese.

Goat cheese, like other types of cheese, has a significant calcium content. A 120-gram piece of goat cheese provides an adult's daily requirement for calcium. And calcium is healthy bones and teeth, prevention of osteoporosis in the future, and in the present - caries, strong nails. Calcium is also involved in processes that prevent the development of rectal cancer.

Goat cheese made according to traditional (without heating) technology contains a unique complex of live microorganisms, pro- and prebiotics. Goat cheese fungi carry a huge functional load, improve digestion, and bowel function. Goat cheese can be a real find in various intestinal disorders caused by dysbacteriosis.

Various studies of goat cheese led to the conclusion: on average, goat cheese of any variety contains from 102 to 110 various kinds lactic acid bacteria. Their importance to health cannot be overestimated. First, a healthy gut is the basis for an efficient immune system. Secondly, lactic acid bacteria slightly shift the pH factor towards an acidic environment, thereby preventing the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Goat cheese can be an assistant in the treatment of various problems caused by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms, such as thrush, candidiasis. Usually, therapy involves the external use of drugs aimed at changing the microflora in favor of healthy microorganisms, and the internal effect on the intestinal microflora. For general strengthening of the body, normalization of processes in the intestines, goat cheese can become indispensable due to the unique composition of beneficial microorganisms.

The composition of lactic acid microorganisms in goat cheese has a beneficial effect on the rate of metabolic processes, accelerates the absorption of food and its passage through the digestive tract. Goat cheese is one of the few cheeses that any nutritionist recommends eating, even for obese people, to speed up metabolism.

The ability of lactic acid bacteria in goat cheese to produce bacteriocins, protein compounds that inhibit the development of various pathogens, is another advantage of goat cheese. Goat cheese bacteriocins are added to various industrial yoghurts to give them the desired effect. And goat cheese contains the whole set of lactic acid bacteria in its pure form!

Goat cheese is well tolerated by people who are lactose intolerant. It can be eaten even by people with high cholesterol due to the minimum content of saturated fats.

Goat cheese has a high phosphorus content. This trace element is also necessary for building bone tissue, like calcium, and is indispensable for dental health. Thanks to high content phosphorus goat cheese is useful in adulthood and old age, especially for women who, after the onset of menopause, automatically fall into the risk group for developing osteoporosis. Goat cheese will help maintain the flexibility and mobility of the joints, especially if, in addition to diet, high physical activity is maintained.

Many residents of Russia, especially the northern part, suffer from a lack of vitamin D, experience a deterioration in well-being, drowsiness, loss of strength, a decrease in the quality of life, while they do not associate their well-being with vitamin D deficiency. Goat cheese, as well as other varieties of cheese, contains a significant amount of vitamin D. 100 g of goat cheese provides 60% daily requirement in vitamin D of an adult.

Another important health mineral that goat cheese is rich in is selenium. In terms of selenium content, goat cheese is almost twice as high as cheese varieties made from cow's milk. Selenium is involved in redox processes occurring in the body at the cellular level, thereby preventing the development of many severe pathological processes, such as malignant oncology, pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

The unique composition of goat cheese helps to neutralize the action of carcinogens, prevents the development cancer cells, their appearance and division. In oncology, doctors recommend introducing goat cheese into the diet, it reduces the rate of development of pathological processes and improves well-being during chemotherapy, reduces nausea, dizziness.

What is goat cheese

It is not uncommon for a manufacturer to reduce the cost of the final product by mixing cow's milk (an expensive product) with goat's milk. Such impurities can reach over 50 percent, thereby leveling the unique qualities of goat cheese. Real goat cheese must contain the inscription "pur chevres" on the package, which indicates the presence of only goat's milk and is translated from French as "pure goat".

Cheese "Saint Maur" is considered in France the most popular variety of goat cheese, it is produced in Turin. Due to the fact that during the manufacturing process, cheese pieces are rolled into wood ash, outside the cheese has a specific color, gray-blue as a result of the work of mold fungi on wood ash, and inside the cheese remains white. The taste of this cheese has a pronounced lemon tint, which intensifies over time.

Cheese "Crotten de Chavignoles" (in French "crotten" means horse dung), despite its unsympathetic name, has a very delicate, slightly nutty taste. Taste may vary depending on the age of the cheese. In the first two weeks after aging, the cheese remains tender, and after three to four months it dries out, turns gray and appearance begins to live up to its name. The taste becomes more spicy.

Cheese "Shabishu du Poito" (from the Arabic "shabshu" - a goat, Poito - a place in France, which is called the birthplace of this variety) is considered one of the most ancient varieties of cheese in France. Outside, small heads of cheese are covered with a whitish-blue moldy crust, and inside the cheese has a pasty, very delicate texture. This cheese has a pronounced nutty taste with goat notes.

Harm of goat cheese

Cheese cooked without heat treatment (which is how real goat cheese is prepared) can carry the risk of harmful microorganisms. But this risk is rather theoretical, not supported by scientific or practical data.

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For thousands of years, goat cheeses were made only in Asia Minor, Arab countries and in the Transcaucasus. Inhabitants Western Europe met them in the 8th century, when the Moors, who had already conquered Spain, moved north. They were stopped only at Poitiers (near Bordeaux). As a reward for courage, the French received not only freedom, they got a recipe for a new cheese. By the way, a large number of French goat cheeses are still produced in Poitou-Charentes - in their historical homeland, and the name of one of the most popular French goat cheeses - chabichou - comes from the Arabic "chabi", which means "goat".

The Romans also learned how to make goat cheese during the reign of Caesar. Thanks to the cult of food that prevailed in Ancient Rome, the technology of making and storing cheese was improved, a special cheese cooking was created. In cheese making, the Romans used the milk of various animals, primarily goat.

Now goat cheeses have become a delicacy, some of them have acquired the status of AOC - a name controlled by origin. This is something like a quality mark, which is assigned to exclusive products, in the production of which France has priority.
Goat cheese is most often made from unpasteurized goat milk, which by definition makes it very useful product. In terms of its usefulness, it surpasses traditional cow cheese. The thing is that in food the goat is more picky. She chooses only the most nutrient-dense vegetation, while the cow eats whatever she finds. As a result, goat's milk is more saturated with vitamins and microelements. There is even a certain legend, when the hostess fed her goat only pears, and from that the milk, and then the cheese, had a delicate and delicate pear flavor.

Goat cheeses are varied - from fresh cottage cheese, soft with a white crust to pressed. Also cheeses of this type are known under the name: cheeses with natural edges. To obtain cheese mass, milk is heated to 30`C. The cheese mass is then cut into large pieces and placed in dry cellars - to eliminate excess whey. As a result, the edges of the cheese are slightly wrinkled. Over time, wrinkles become more noticeable, and then a bluish-gray mold appears.

At first, the fresh fruity taste of the young cheese intensifies and eventually reaches a very sharp, nutty flavor.
The best time for the production of all goat cheeses is considered to be late spring and summer. In winter, goats give almost no milk. Summer cheese is the best, because at this time the herbs on which the goats graze are most fragrant, which affects the quality of the final product. In autumn, you can also find good goat cheese, but much less often.

It is important to know that manufacturers can mix cow or sheep's milk into goat cheese. If you want to purchase 100% goat cheese, please note that the label must say "pur chevres" (pure goat).

Types of goat cheese

Saint Maur

This goat cheese is made in Turin, France. It is one of the most popular goat cheeses and is protected by a special quality mark.
Saint Maur cheese is black on the outside and white on the inside. It acquires such a color due to the fact that during the aging process it is periodically rolled in wood ash. It ripens within five to six weeks, when the crust becomes covered with mold, and the color of the mass gradually changes to gray-blue. St. Maur has a strong goat's milk odor, a salty taste and a lemony flavor that escalates over time. Best time for the manufacture of this cheese - from spring to autumn. Saint Maur is most delicious in spring.

Crotten de Chavignoles

This French goat cheese is shaped like small heads and is protected by a special quality mark. Crotten is French for horse dung. The cheese justifies such an unappetizing name only externally, and then only after aging for four months - then it dries up to small gray heads.

As a rule, Crottin de Chavignoles matures in about 14 days and its flavor ranges from fruity to nutty. The cheese has a slight specific smell of goat's milk.


It is a French cheese made from goat's milk. Its cheese mass is soft and white, however, as the cheese matures and ages, it becomes harder. The taste of young Chevre is soft and tender, with time it acquires a sharper tart taste. Like other goat's milk cheeses, Chevre cheese has the distinctive aroma and flavor of goat's milk.

Chabishou du Poito

This French cheese made from goat's milk has been known in the Poitou region since ancient times. The cheese has the shape of a small head and is covered with a bluish-white moldy crust, which turns gray over time.
This cheese matures for two to three weeks in a damp cellar. The consistency of Chabischu du Poito is pasty, this cheese has a sharp taste, with a nutty aroma and a specific smell of goat's milk.

It is interesting!

Goat cheese contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria, which have serious functional properties. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Granada from Spain.

They conducted an analysis of DNA isolated from various varieties of goat cheese, and found that most of them belong to the group of lactic acid bacteria, which have serious functional properties and are very beneficial to health.

The study was conducted on the basis of a combination of modern and classical molecular techniques. In order to do this job, experts considered four varieties of goat cheese. As it turns out, all types of goat cheese contain between 107 and 109 bacteria per gram of product and 65 to 99 percent lactic acid bacteria.

These types of bacteria are especially beneficial to human health, as they cause fermentation in lactose - milk sugar, and also acidify the PH factor and thereby prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms, the doctors explain. Some microorganisms are produced in in large numbers antimicrobial protein compounds known as bacteriocins are very active substances against harmful pathogens. According to the results of the study, goat cheese found the most type of antibacterial compounds called Lactobacillus paracasei, Lb. plantarum and Lactococcus lactis. The latter species is also often found in yogurt.

Real goat cheese is made from pure goat milk, and the initial recipe is very simple. People knew him hundreds of years ago. Milk naturally turns sour and coagulates, the liquid is drained, the remaining curd mixture is squeezed out and put under pressure. Compared to homemade cow's milk cheeses, it has a stronger flavor and a soft, melt-in-your-mouth texture.

The French just love goat cheese. In fact, every housewife in Provence knows how to cook it. Marinated in brine, in oil, with garlic and Mediterranean herbs - this is not a complete list of types of goat cheese.

One inch cube contains about 90 calories, which is only 4.5% of the average intake, 11% fat, 12% protein and only 1% carbohydrates, as well as 2% iron, 11% calcium and no more than 4% sodium ( this amount practically does not affect the pressure). Such cheese is distinguished by a low content of saturated fats compared, for example, with classic cheddar cheese (2 times). It has no cholesterol.

Other Nutrients: Thiamin, Niacin, Riboflavin, Phosphorus, Vitamins D and K. Natural goat milk and goat cheese do not contain beta-carotene. This explains the ideal white color of these products, in contrast to the creamy hue characteristic of cow's milk.

Beneficial features

  1. Healthy source of calcium. One of the key benefits is the high percentage of calcium. This microelement strengthens our skeleton, plays an important role in the prevention of colon and breast cancer, prevents migraines, normalizes blood pressure, regulates nerve conduction and cell membrane functions.
  2. The power of probiotics. Goat cheese is full of probiotics - beneficial bacteria essential for health gastrointestinal tract. They strengthen immune system, help in the digestion of food and the breakdown of calcium molecules, fight cancer cells.
  3. For the benefit of digestion. It is a very light and pleasant cheese, even for a disordered digestive system, which is also noted by those who suffer from lactose intolerance.

The easiest way to replenish your body with the nutrients that goat cheese offers is to spread it on a bagel, toast or cracker and eat it with gusto. This product, among other things, can be added to pasta and fresh salads.

Harm and contraindications

Of course, the healthiest goat cheese is raw, unpasteurized. However, doctors warn that such a product can retain dangerous salmonella and tuberculosis bacteria.

Proponents of raw dairy claim that these pathogens neutralize the friendly bacteria found in dairy products, hinting at the safe consumption of dairy products before Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization in 1822.

Goat cheese- a fermented milk product that is prepared from natural goat's milk. There are hard, soft and curd varieties, as well as varieties with mold (see photo). Goat cheese is most often found in a soft, creamy form. White color indicates the absence of carotene. If you come across goat cheese with a different shade, then you should refuse to buy it because of the presence of dyes and other not-so-useful ingredients.

The taste of this product depends on many factors: the percentage of fat content, the nutrition of the animal, the breed of goats, etc. A properly prepared product is very tasty with a spicy note.

For the first time, they learned about this product in Asia, and only over time it spread to European countries.

Selection and storage

To buy high-quality goat cheese, it is important to know some rules for choosing it:

  • Basically, this product is produced in late spring, summer and early autumn. Therefore, look at the production time to buy the freshest product possible.
  • The inscription on the packaging with goat cheese “pur chevres” indicates 100% quality of the product.

To save everything useful material in goat cheese, choose a hermetically sealed container for storage, which will need to be placed in the refrigerator on a shelf near freezer. If there is no such packaging, then be sure to wrap the cheese in a film to protect it from the penetration of foreign odors.

The soft version of goat cheese has a shelf life of 2 weeks, while the hard version will keep its freshness for 3 months.

To extend the shelf life even further, you can put the goat cheese in the freezer.

Beneficial features

Useful properties of goat cheese are due to the rich composition of vitamins and minerals. So, there is a large amount of calcium in this product. This mineral strengthens bone tissue, and it is also an excellent prevention of colon and breast cancer. In addition, due to this element, the risk of migraine is reduced, pressure and the activity of the nervous system are normalized.

The composition of goat cheese includes many probiotics, which have a beneficial effect on the activity of the digestive tract. They also strengthen the immune system and promote the digestion of food and actively fight cancer cells.

Since goat cheese is low in cholesterol and sodium, this product can be safely eaten by people with diabetes and with heart disease. In addition, this kind of cheese is quite easily and quickly absorbed in the body. In addition, it contains saturated fats that are beneficial to the body. Also, the substances that are in goat cheese help increase the metabolic rate, which most contributes to fat burning. Given this, you can, without fear for your figure, eat this product. In addition, it also has a low calorie content. The efficiency of using this is incredible delicious product during diets, is confirmed by many positive feedback about him.

When consumed regularly, goat cheese helps in the treatment of urinary tract problems. This product saturates the body with good bacteria that help strengthen the immune system. In addition, this cheese helps to reduce pain during the period of menstruation.

Goat cheese is hypoallergenic. These properties are provided by the lactoglobulins present in the product. That's why people who suffer from cow cheese intolerance can include goat cheese in their diet.

Use in cooking

Goat cheese can be used in cooking like other versions of this product. For example, it can be put in pizza, salads and snacks. In addition, goat cheese is used to make pasta, and various sauces are also prepared on its basis. This product goes well with beer and wine. Goat cheese is also used in recipes for various desserts.

How to cook at home?

There are many different recipes for how to make goat cheese at home. The classic version of this product can be varied. So, you can add greens, garlic and other additives to it.

The easiest and simplest recipe for making homemade goat cheese is as follows: take sour goat milk and heat it over minimal heat. Then mix it with fresh milk. When a thick mass is formed, it must be put in a colander and left for a while so that all the whey is glass. Melt in a separate container butter, add salt, soda, yolks to it. The resulting mass is mixed with cooked cottage cheese. After that, you need to put everything on a slow fire and boil for 15 minutes. As a result, you will get a goat cheese of a soft consistency. It will have a delicate creamy taste.

Harm of goat cheese and contraindications

Goat cheese can harm people with individual intolerance to goat milk. Due to the high acidity, the consumption of this product is contraindicated for gout, ulcers and gastritis.

“If a country does not have at least fifty varieties of cheese, then the country has reached the end,” gourmet Salvador Dali liked to say. Did Dali love goat cheese? History is silent on this. Meanwhile, goat cheese is considered the most beneficial for health, being a source of calcium, proteins and lactic acid bacteria that have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.

Goat cheese is not a type of cheese, but a type of cheese made from goat's milk. Goat cheese is most often made from unpasteurized goat milk, which by definition makes it a very healthy product. In terms of its usefulness, it even surpasses traditional cow cheese in some ways.

Let's start with the fact that the goat is more picky in food. She chooses only the most nutrient-dense vegetation, while the cow eats whatever she finds. As a result, goat's milk is more saturated with vitamins and microelements. So, it contains twice as much vitamin A, one and a half times - ascorbic acid and three - vitamin PP. Due to the high content of iron, cobalt and vitamin B12, goat's milk favors hematopoiesis and has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body.

For thousands of years, goat cheeses were made only in Asia Minor, Arab countries and in the Transcaucasus. Residents of Western Europe met them in the 8th century, when the Moors, who had already conquered Spain, moved north. They were stopped only at Poitiers (near Bordeaux). As a reward for courage, the French received not only freedom, they got a recipe for a new cheese. By the way, a large number of French goat cheeses are still produced in Poitou-Charentes - in their historical homeland, and the name of one of the most popular French goat cheeses - chabichou - comes from the Arabic "chabi", which means "goat".

The Romans also learned how to make goat cheese during the reign of Caesar. Thanks to the cult of food that reigned in ancient Rome, the technology for making and storing cheese was improved, and a special cheese cooking was created. In cheese making, the Romans used the milk of various animals, primarily goat.

Now goat cheeses have become a delicacy, some of them have acquired the status of AOC - a name controlled by origin. This is something like a quality mark, which is assigned to exclusive products, in the production of which France has priority.
Goat cheese is most often made from unpasteurized goat milk, which by definition makes it a very healthy product. In terms of its usefulness, it surpasses traditional cow cheese. The thing is that in food the goat is more picky. She chooses only the most nutrient-dense vegetation, while the cow eats whatever she finds. As a result, goat's milk is more saturated with vitamins and microelements. There is even a certain legend, when the hostess fed her goat only pears, and from that the milk, and then the cheese, had a delicate and delicate pear flavor.

Goat cheeses are varied - from fresh cottage cheese, soft with a white crust to pressed. Also cheeses of this type are known under the name: cheeses with natural edges. To obtain cheese mass, milk is heated to 30`C. The cheese mass is then cut into large pieces and placed in dry cellars - to eliminate excess whey. As a result, the edges of the cheese are slightly wrinkled. Over time, wrinkles become more noticeable, and then a bluish-gray mold appears.

At first, the fresh fruity taste of the young cheese intensifies and eventually reaches a very sharp, nutty flavor.
The best time for the production of all goat cheeses is considered to be late spring and summer. In winter, goats give almost no milk. Summer cheese is the best, because at this time the herbs on which the goats graze are most fragrant, which affects the quality of the final product. In autumn, you can also find good goat cheese, but much less often.

It is important to know that manufacturers can mix cow or sheep's milk into goat cheese. If you want to purchase 100% goat cheese, please note that the label must say "pur chevres" (pure goat).

France is the most world famous goat cheese producer.

It is delicious!

If you've never tried goat cheeses, start with milder cheeses and work your way up to spicier ones.

In France, where cheese is considered the food of the gods, there are more than 2 thousand varieties of cheese made from cow, sheep and goat milk. Charles de Gaulle, as you know, liked to complain about his difficult fate on a difficult day: “How can you manage a country that has as many varieties of cheese as there are days in a year!”The common name for all French goat cheeses is Fromage de chevre. The best brands proudly carry the AOC (Appellation d'Origine Controlee) label, which guarantees the quality of the cheese and the inviolability of the regional recipe.

Most Popular French goat cheeses:


This cheese is notable for being packaged in chestnut leaves. and tied with ribbons of dried raffia palm leaves. "Wrapper" gives the cheese its tannins and essential oils which retain its moisture and develop a unique taste and aroma. There is a legend that the Roman emperor Antoninus Pius allegedly loved this cheese so much that he died from overeating. Make a banana in the summer when goat milk absorbs all the unique spicy aromas of the Provencal steppe. In its manufacture, the so-called “soft curdling” technique is used, in contrast to “milk curdling”, which greatly lengthens and complicates the process, but the cheese remains soft even at the crust. Banon is recommended to serve Blanc de Cassis - blackcurrant liqueur.


This soft cheese is sold in the original form of a truncated pyramid weighing 220 g. According to one legend, Napoleon once cut the pyramid of this cheese, according to another, it is an unsuccessful attempt to repeat the shape of the bell tower located in the village of Valence in the cheese. This soft, creamy cheese with a nutty flavor blended with woody flavor is visiting card of the ancient French province of Berry . This cheese is also interesting in that it is sprinkled with wood ash. The provinces believe that this The best way preserve the taste of goat cheese. While cooking, he gradually covered with a thin skin with blue mold and under which lurks slightly sweetish tender pulp, reminiscent of hazelnut.
So far, this is the last of the French cheeses to be awarded the AOC label. It is believed that local white wine is best combined with Valençay. sancerre(sancerre).


Selles Sur Cher is a small round shape weighing 150 g, with jagged edges. Its white flesh gives off the characteristic aroma of goat's milk and contrasts sharply with the dark crust. , which is formed due to sprinkling with coal dust. It ripens much faster than other cheeses - from ten days to three weeks. And thanks to this, its taste is very gentle. As usual, his served thinly sliced ​​with an aperitif and dark grain bread, or at the end of dinner with other cheeses. Initially, this is a peasant cheese, which each family made for their own consumption.

Goat Camembert

One of the most famous French cheeses, it is a true classic from the Pitou Carentes region of France. It has a mild taste of goat's milk with a bright and very strong mushroom flavor in the crust. The world's best Camembert comes from Normandy . You can distinguish it by the special stamp "Camembert de Normandie Appellation d" Origin Controlee au Lait Cru "(made from the best milk, which comes only from a strictly defined area). P ik camembert ripening 4-5 weeks and best eaten during the last 5 days of the fifth week
Saint Maur

This goat cheese is made in Turin, France. It is one of the most popular goat cheeses and is protected by a special quality mark. Goat cheese Sainte-Maure- this is a "polenze" of a cylindrical shape. A straw for ventilation passes through the entire cheese, on which information about the manufacturer is applied.
Saint Maur cheese is black on the outside and white on the inside. It acquires such a color due to the fact that during the aging process it is periodically rolled in wood ash. It ripens within five to six weeks, when the crust becomes covered with mold, and the color of the mass gradually changes to gray-blue. St. Maur has a strong goat's milk odor, a salty taste and a lemony flavor that escalates over time. The best time to make this cheese is from spring to autumn. Saint Maur is most delicious in spring.

Crotten de Chavignoles

Crotten is French for horse dung. The cheese justifies such an unappetizing name only externally, and then only after aging for four months - then it dries up to small gray heads.

This small cheese, only 4-5 cm in diameter, is one of the most famous French goat cheeses. They do it in March, when the first spring grass breaks through, and the goats are taken out to pastures. The cheese is very tender and has a light unobtrusive taste. Some prefer to age the cheese all summer, then it hardens both outside and inside, and acquires a sharp taste. The same crotten de chavignon is made in autumn. Then he gets a sharper taste with a characteristic aroma of goat's milk. The cheese originates from the village of Sancerre and was originally a peasant product. It was convenient to wrap small goat cheese rounds in a bundle for husbands who went to the field for the whole day.


It is a French cheese made from goat's milk. Chevre (French Chevre) - this is how all goat cheeses are called in France, which have a rather sharp "teasing" smell Its cheese mass is soft and white, however, as the cheese matures and ages, it becomes harder. The taste of young Chevre is soft and tender, with time it acquires a sharper tart taste. Like other goat's milk cheeses, Chevre cheese has the distinctive aroma and flavor of goat's milk.

Chabishou du Poito

This French cheese made from goat's milk has been known in the Poitou region since ancient times. The cheese has the shape of a small head and is covered with a bluish-white moldy crust, which turns gray over time.
This cheese matures for two to three weeks in a damp cellar. The consistency of Chabischu du Poito is pasty, this cheese has a sharp taste, with a nutty aroma and a specific smell of goat's milk.

This is useful!

Goat cheese contains a large number of lactic acid bacteria, which have serious functional properties. This conclusion was made by scientists from the University of Granada from Spain.
They conducted an analysis of DNA isolated from various varieties of goat cheese, and found that most of them belong to the group of lactic acid bacteria, which have serious functional properties and are very beneficial to health.

The study was conducted on the basis of a combination of modern and classical molecular techniques. In order to do this job, experts considered four varieties of goat cheese. As it turns out, all types of goat cheese contain between 107 and 109 bacteria per gram of product and 65 to 99 percent lactic acid bacteria.
These types of bacteria are especially beneficial to human health, as they cause fermentation in lactose - milk sugar, and also acidify the PH factor and thereby prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms, the doctors explain. Some microorganisms produce large quantities of antimicrobial protein compounds known as bacteriocins, highly active substances that act against harmful pathogens. According to the results of the study, goat cheese found the most type of antibacterial compounds called Lactobacillus paracasei, Lb. plantarum and Lactococcus lactis. The latter species is also often found in yogurt.

This is a must try!

Fresh and semi-soft goat cheeses are great for grilling or melting. Strongly flavored cheeses should be used sparingly, best reserved for a side dish with cheeses, but can also be grated for sprinkling. It is also worth noting that almost any goat cheese is extremely tasty baked, combined with various types of salad and vegetables. However, the duet goat cheese - fresh baguette, as a rule, surpasses all other combinations. As an accompaniment, light red, rosé or white wines are perfect - depending on the season and time of day...