A short story about the Russian people. Summary of the lesson “Customs and traditions of the Russian people” (preparatory group). Traditions and customs of the Russian people

RUSSIANS,East Slavic people, majority of the population of the Russian Federation .

According to the 2002 Population Census, 116 million Russians live in Russia. According to the 2010 Census - 111 million. Russians also make up a significant proportion of the population of Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, Lithuania and Uzbekistan.


The term "Russian language" is used in four meanings:

The totality of all languages ​​of the East Slavic branch before the addition of the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian languages

A written language that developed on the basis of Old Russian dialects under the strong influence of the common Slavic literary language (the so-called Old Church Slavonic) and performed literary functions in Kievan and Moscow Rus'

The totality of all dialects and dialects that the Russian people used and use

All-Russian (all-Russian) language, language of the press, schools; official language.

The writing is a variant of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Religion and spiritual culture

The basis of the traditional spiritual culture of Russians is Orthodoxy. From the time of Kievan Rus, the adoption of Christianity, Russian self-awareness takes on a predominantly confessional character, which received its expression in the ideal of Holy Rus'. The Orthodox cult of saints gradually replaced the worship of pagan deities. Prominent figures of Russian history - political and church figures, zealots of piety - also became objects of popular veneration.

In traditional popular consciousness, a special place was allocated to royal service. In accordance with Byzantine canons, it was given a theocratic meaning. The king was perceived as God's chosen one. At the same time, the attitude towards the tsar as the highest state official - a guardian of the people's interests - is connected with the hopes for a fair structure of society that are constantly reproduced by the peasant consciousness.

Public and private life was also connected with Orthodox ideas about the world order. she fit into the system church calendar, there was a great place for religious holidays, church sacraments, rites and customs associated with faith.

Currently, the majority of Russian believers are Orthodox. Protestantism, Catholicism, neo-Hindu religious movements, Buddhism, neo-paganism, etc. are less common.

Traditional activities

From time immemorial, the basis of the Russian economy was agriculture, which developed as different territories and regions were populated and acquired its own characteristics depending on natural conditions. Success in agriculture was accompanied by the employment of crafts, trades, mining and the creation of large-scale industry. In the industrial era high level Scientific research is being published, a system of general and vocational education is being formed.

Folk arts and crafts

Russian folk art is based on the artistic tradition that was formed in Ancient Rus'. The structure of the Russian artistic tradition arose as a result of complex mutual influences of ancient Russian art over the centuries and the art of Byzantium, the West and the East, and then developed in mutual influence with the artistic cultures of many peoples of Europe and Asia. In pre-Petrine Russia, the ancient artistic tradition was common to all social strata; from the beginning of the 18th century it became the property of mainly peasant art.

Artistic weaving, embroidery, including gold and face embroidery, lace weaving, and, to a much lesser extent, carpet weaving were widespread. The art of artistic metal processing was expressed in the casting of bells, cannons, decorated with ornaments, engraving of bladed weapons and firearms, forging grilles, doors, crosses, etc. Jewelry production was also developed, including the use of blackening silver (Veliky Ustyug), enamel ( Rostov-Yaroslavsky), work on silver (Krasnoye Selo, Kostroma province), etc. Since the times of Kievan Rus, the production of artistic ceramic products (Gzhel, Skopin) has been known - both utensils, dishes, and all kinds of toys, whistles. Carved bone products in Western Europe were called "Russian carvings". This art was especially developed until the beginning of the 19th century in the Russian North (Kholmogory bone carvers). Since the 18th century, stone carving has developed, used to decorate interiors and cladding buildings.

In Russia, rich in forests, it was common to make carved and painted dishes, toys, furniture by turning, as well as decorating homes, tools and means of transportation. Since the 17th century, centers of tableware craft and the manufacture of household items arose in Khokhloma, Gorodets, Sergshiev Posad... In the Vologda and Arkhangelsk provinces, in the Urals, carving and painting on birch bark, weaving from it into tues, boxes, stands, etc., developed. Decorating a home with carvings is still preserved - these are window frames, end boards, balusters and other elements of a rural dwelling. The art of woodworking is especially clearly manifested in wooden church architecture.

Marina Katakova
Summary of the lesson “Customs and traditions of the Russian people” ( preparatory group)

Target. Arouse children's interest in Russian traditions. To consolidate children's knowledge about the name of the country in which they live, about its way of life, some historical events, and culture. Cultivate interest in the native land, its past, teach to see beauty folk rituals , wisdom traditions, cultivate a sense of pride in your people and their past. Cultivate interest in national culture, customs and traditions of the Russian people

Progress of the lesson

1. Greeting. Hello my guys. Today I want to talk to you about our country. What is the name of the country we live in? (Russia)

Go beyond the seas - oceans,

You have to fly across the whole earth:

There are different countries in the world,

But you won’t find one like ours.

Our bright waters are deep.

The land is wide and free.

And the factories thunder without ceasing,

And the fields rustle as they bloom.

Every day is like an unexpected gift,

Every day is both good and comely.

Go beyond the seas and oceans,

But you won’t find a richer country.

Russia is a very big and beautiful country. There are a lot of forests in Russia, in which there are many different animals, many berries and mushrooms grow. Many rivers flow through the entire country. One of the largest rivers is the Volga. And there are a lot of different fish in the rivers. There are many mountains in Russia. Various minerals are mined in the mountains - coal, diamonds, iron ore. Yes, our country is very beautiful and rich. It arose a long time ago, it has an ancient and interesting story. Our country - Russia - is very rich in wise traditions and beautiful customs. Today we will take a trip to the old days.

2. Listen. Get ready to listen to the tale

About Russia and about us.

Wooden Rus' is an expensive land,

Been here for a long time Russian people live,

They glorify their native homes,

Razdolnye Russian songs are sung.

Previously, there were many principalities in Russia. The princes fought with each other and captured each other's lands. Moscow Prince Yuri was nicknamed Dolgoruky because he annexed other lands to his principality. But when foreign enemies attacked Rus', all the princes united to fight them. And then they decided to unite forever, chose their main prince, and he began to be called the king. And Russia became a large and strong state.

A long time ago in Rus', people built their homes from logs. Such houses are called huts. And everything in the hut was made from tree: floor, ceiling, furniture, and even dishes (Slide show). Guys, do you know proverbs and sayings about the hut, the house?

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

The hut is not red in its corners, but the hut is red in its pies.

Without an owner, a house is an orphan.

Living at home means grieving about everything.

In your own home the porridge is thicker.

In the old days, the stove was very important in the house. They cooked food in the oven and baked bread. She heated the hut. She also treated small children. Having run through the deep snow, they warmed their feet on the stove. These days, stoves are a very rare sight. (Slide show).

Everyone has it people have their own traditions. Tradition is not a Russian word, it is translated from Latin as transmission, i.e. tradition is that that is passed on from one generation to another. Traditions are family. Which Do you have traditions in your family?? For example, in almost all families there is tradition celebrate the birthday of family members and give gifts on this day. (Children's answers.) Every person, when he is born, is given a name. Often a child is named after a grandparent. How were name days celebrated in Rus' in the old days? Previously, if a child was born on the birthday of a saint, then he was given his name. It was believed that if the child's name was chosen well, the child would be happy.

In the old days it was like this custom among Russian people, they whiled away the winter evenings together and held get-togethers. Women and young girls sewed, embroidered, and spun in the evenings, and sang songs while they worked. Some sit at the spinning wheel, some make dishes out of clay, others carve spoons and bowls, sometimes they start singing, sometimes they exchange jokes. This is how their work went smoothly. (Slide show).

After all, they say in people: “Out of boredom, take matters into your own hands”, and what proverbs and sayings about work do you know?

-“Skillful hands know no boredom”

- “Without labor there is no good”,

- "The master's work is afraid",

- “You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without effort.”,

- “Like the spinner, so is the shirt she wears.”

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.

Russians People in the old days loved to welcome guests.

Welcome dear guests! Have fun and joy! Come in, make yourself at home! We have a place and a word for everyone. Are you comfortable, dear guests? Can everyone see, can everyone hear, is there enough space for everyone? In crowded but not mad. Let's sit next to each other and talk well.

Russian people has always been famous for his songs. And also Russian people He composed very interesting fairy tales. Do you know why these fairy tales are called folk? Invented them Russian people. They were passed down from grandmothers to grandchildren, from parents to children. Yes, guys, there were no books in the family, and therefore fairy tales were told to small children in the evenings. (Children approach the book exhibition Russians folk tales , call them heroes).

There have always been many craftsmen in Rus'. Enjoyed good fame in people are good craftsmen. About a master who was not afraid of any work, talked: "Handyman", "Master - golden hands". And admiring a job well done, they said So: “It’s not as expensive as red gold, but as expensive as good craftsmanship.”. How talented Russian people! From an ordinary log, craftsmen could cut out a box in which small items were stored. Or they’ll even make a chest of drawers where the clothes were put away. And what kind Russian a hut without creaking floorboards, without multi-colored rugs that were woven on a wooden loom or knitted with your own hands. (Slide show).

Our ancestors always revered holidays, but they did not celebrate them exactly as they do now. Usually all holidays began with a solemn service in the church, and continued on the street, in the field, on the lawns. To the music, or even without it, they danced in circles, sang, danced, started funny Games. People dressed up in their best, festive clothes. Cooked delicious treats. They gave gifts to poor people and gave them free food. The festive ringing of bells could be heard everywhere.

The children celebrated an amazingly beautiful holiday in Rus' in the fall, the holiday of the rowan tree, and they celebrated it on September 23, the day of Saints Peter and Paul. Rowan was considered a talisman tree. She was planted at gates and gates. In the fall, rowan bushes were picked and hung under the roof of the house. Rowan beads protected children from the evil eye and damage. (Slide show).

The greatest and most beloved holiday was Easter. This holiday was always celebrated solemnly and cheerfully. And they celebrated it for a whole week.

Christ is risen!

Everywhere the gospel is buzzing,

Of all the churches people are pouring out,

The dawn is already looking from the sky...

Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Blagovest - good news! On Easter night everyone went to church, only old people and small children remained at home. During the Easter service they always read the following: words: “Let the rich and the poor rejoice with each other. Let the diligent and the lazy have fun. Let no one cry, because God has given people forgiveness.” (Slide show).

All seasons were loved in Rus'. But we were especially looking forward to autumn. We loved this time of year because the main work in the fields, orchards, and vegetable gardens was completed. A rich harvest has been collected and stored away. And if the harvest is rich, the peasant’s soul is calm, he is not afraid of the long, harsh winter, he can relax a little and have fun. The first autumn holiday celebrated in Rus' is the Assumption. (Slide show).

It was dedicated to the meeting of autumn, the end of the harvest and the beginning of Indian summer! The Assumption was celebrated on August 28. People congratulated each other on the end of the harvest and thanked God for the fact that they managed to reap a rich harvest on time and without losses. In the fields, they deliberately left several ears of grain unharvested, tied them with a beautiful ribbon and sentenced them.

God grant that there will be a good harvest next summer.

Bread, grow!

Time to fly!

Until the new spring,

Until the new summer,

Until new bread!

With this ritual they hoped to return the land to its productive power; the last sheaf removed was given special honor. They placed him in the front corner, under the icon, next to bread and salt, they bowed low to him!

The harvest was obtained at a difficult price; a lot of human power was invested in it! The peasants worked from dawn to dusk, sparing neither themselves nor their time, because knew: The earth will give you water, the earth will feed you, just don’t feel sorry for yourself for it.

On October 14 we celebrated the Feast of the Intercession Holy Mother of God. This is a very revered holiday in Russia. After all, the Mother of God is considered the patroness of the earth Russian, our intercessor and assistant. Snow often fell on Pokrov, so talked: For Pokrov they tried to insulate the hut. Weddings took place in the village on this day. The village people pour out to admire the newlyweds, the bride and groom. The carriages of the wedding train are festively decorated, the bells are ringing merrily under the arc, the horses are dashing, just touch them and they will gallop away! The wedding ceremony in Rus' is very interesting. In the center of it was the bride. For the first half of the wedding, she had to cry, be sad, saying goodbye to her friends, to her parents, to her free girl life. Gradually, sad, farewell songs were replaced by cheerful, majestic songs. On Pokrov, the harmonica played in the villages until the morning, and boys and girls walked along the streets in a crowd and sang cheerful, daring ditties.

On October 14, the autumn fairs of Pokrovsk began, cheerful, plentiful, bright. Here you could see everything with which the earth thanked people for their hard, painstaking work. There was a brisk trade in vegetables, fruits, bread, honey and other goods. Showed off their skills craftsmen

Barkers: Hey? honest gentlemen!

Come join us here!

How do we have containers - bars,

All sorts of different goods...

Come, come...

Look, look. (Children take from the product popularly-applied arts, prepared in advance by the teacher.) Tell us about what you bought at the fair. (Children's stories about Dymkovo toys, Khokhloma products, Gorodets painting, etc.) And what fun reigned at the fair! Here they rode on carousels, danced in circles, tried to show their strength, prowess, ingenuity, and played funny games. Everyone, young and old, was looking forward to the fair. Everyone wanted to receive a gift or treat from the fair. (Slide show).

Buffoon: Everyone, hurry up to the fair, hurry up. Come without hesitation. No tickets needed, just show them good mood. I brought a lot of different goods, come and buy them. Who needs a whistle, who needs a spoon, who needs a comb, and who needs a pie?

Attention! Attention! Folk festival!

Hurry up, honest people, Maslenitsa is calling everyone!

Let everyone here sing a ditty

And for that he will receive a dry pie or a sweet pie,

Come quickly, my friend!

Come, don't be shy.

Help yourself to some sweets

Eat traditions, which arose a long time ago and have survived to this day. Maslenitsa is one of the most favorite holidays Russian people. Since ancient times, in Rus' there has been custom– see off winter and welcome spring. Pancakes are baked at Maslenitsa - this is the main holiday dish. Pancakes are generously poured with oil. Butter pancake is a symbol of the sun, good harvest, healthy people. For Maslenitsa Russian people were having fun: they played games, sang songs and danced in circles, staged fist fights; at holidays, men loved to measure their heroic strength. Not a single holiday in Rus' was complete without a round dance. Round dance means movement in a circle, chain, figures of eight or other figures with songs, and sometimes with stage action. (Slide show).

Maslenitsa is one of the most favorite holidays Russian people. This is the oldest holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming the sun and spring. It lasts for a whole week. Every day of this week is special.

Monday – Maslenitsa meeting. They bake pancakes that look like the sun.

Tuesday - "Flirting". They built slides, fortresses, hung swings, and made a scarecrow of Maslenitsa.

Wednesday – "Gourmand". We definitely enjoyed pancakes.

Thursday - "Wide Maslenitsa". All food is pancake. Baking colorful pancakes (with carrots, beets and nettles, with buckwheat flour).

Friday - "Mother-in-law's evening". The family went to their grandmothers for pancakes.

Saturday - "Sister-in-Law's Gatherings"- went to visit aunts and uncles.

Sunday - "Forgiveness Sunday". On this day people ask each other

In our country there is tradition on the holiday of March 8, give flowers and gifts to women, in all countries there is tradition note New Year at 12 o'clock at night.

And there is also traditions related to cooking different dishes, - traditional national cuisine. Various peoples Be sure to have some of your own national dish. National cuisine depends on what is grown in that area or: another country. For example, in China and Japan, rice is grown and therefore many dishes are prepared from rice. What do Russia grow? (Wheat, rye, different vegetables) . In Russia, a lot of dishes are prepared from flour. For example, only in Russia are they baked the famous kalachi. (Bread products on screen). What dishes can you tell me made from flour that your mothers often make? (Pancakes, pancakes, pies).

And in Russia they really love cabbage soup. What is cabbage soup made from? (Potatoes, cabbage, onions, carrots). In order to cook cabbage soup, you definitely need cabbage and other vegetables. U Russian people there is a saying “Shchi and porridge are our food”.

So, what else do they like to cook in Russia? (Porridge). What can you cook porridge from? (From various grains - millet, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal).

In Russia it is often very cold in winter and hot in summer. Which Russian Does the drink quench your thirst well? (Kvass). And they also make it from bread. But in winter, at fairs they sold hot sbiten - this is a drink made from honey, it warmed very well during the frost.

3. Let's talk.

We talked a lot about talent Russian people. How did it manifest itself?

What the Russian people knew how to do things well? (Make toys from clay, compose interesting songs, very interesting fairy tales, etc.)

Guys, why is Rus' called wooden? (A long time ago in Rus', people built their homes from logs).

What holidays were celebrated in Rus'?

What is blagovest?

- Guys, what do you know about this feast of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos? (Snow often fell on Pokrov, so talked: “Before lunch it’s autumn, and after lunch it’s winter!”, played weddings)

What holiday is celebrated Russians people at the end of winter and beginning of spring? What is this tradition? (Maslenitsa holiday. This is the oldest holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming the sun and spring).

How did holidays begin in Rus'?

What did people do on holidays?

How did people try to dress?

What kind of treat were you preparing?

What good deeds did you try to do?

What's happened tradition?

Folk games have survived and survived to this day, incorporating the best national traditions. For all folk games characterized by love Russian a person for fun and daring. Games are our childhood, they have been passed down from generation to generation. We know games such as "Traps", “Ring, ring, go out onto the porch!” Guys, let me check if you know Russians folk games . I'll make a wish now puzzles:

I do not see anything,

Even your nose.

There's a bandage on my face

There is such a game

It's called (Zhmurki)

I've been sitting in the grass for a long time,

I'm not going out for anything.

Let them look, if you're not too lazy,

At least for a minute, at least all day (Hide and Seek)

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out.

Stay at your hem

Look at the field

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing (Burners)

4. Let's generalize. Guys, today we talked about our country, about talent Russian people, some remembered traditions. And for our country to remain great, we need to protect our culture, respect customs and traditions, which we inherited from our ancestors.

They don’t choose their homelands.

Starting to see and breathe

They get a homeland in the world

Immutable, like father and mother.

Motherland, Motherland, dear lands,

Cornflower field, nightingale song.

She glows with tenderness and joy,

Motherland, there is only one Motherland on earth.

I love you, my Russia, for the clear light of your eyes,

5. Let's play. And also in people said: “When you’ve finished the job, go for a walk”, “It’s time for business, it’s time for fun!” Let's take a little rest and play some games. Russian folk game"Golden Gate". Children stand in pairs in a circle, facing each other, joining and raising their hands like gates. Two people run in a circle between a pair of children. Children standing in pairs pronounce words.

Golden Gate

Let me through

I'll go by myself

And I’ll see my friends off

Says goodbye for the first time

Second time is prohibited

And the third time we won’t let you through.”

Couples throw their hands down and whoever gets caught in the gate does something, pays off (song, riddle verse, dance).

6. We create, we draw, we rejoice. Schedule silhouettes folk toys.

7. Farewell. Today, guys, we talked about our country, about talent Russian people, about different Russian traditions. The Russian people have a lot of traditions. Talk to your parents, find out from them what other they remember Russian traditions. Ask your parents what games they played as children and what the attributes were for those games. If you liked it and found it interesting, then place the silhouettes folk toys there, where is the sun, if you don’t like it, then where is the cloud.

Russian people - East Slavic ethnicity , is the largest ethnic group in Europe. According to various sources, the world is inhabited by from 129 to 160 million people. Russian diaspora is huge and concentrated in countries former USSR: in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Moldova and other countries. 86% of Russians live in their historical homeland – Russia. Two thirds of the Russian population are adherents of Orthodox Christianity. The national language is Russian.

Origins of the Russian people

Peoples related by origin: and. Assumptions about the origin of the Russian people some. Here are the most famous:

1. Danube theory.

The chronicler Nestor worked hard on the Tale of Bygone Years. The author determined the territory of settlement of Slavic tribes along the Danube. Subsequently, the chronicler's version was developed by historians Klyuchevsky and Soloviev. Many linguists and researchers still adhere to this theory.

2. Scythian theory.

The outstanding Russian genius Mikhail Lomonosov adhered to the Scythian-Sarmatian version of the origin of the Russian people. In his work “Ancient Russian History,” Lomonosov pointed out that the Russian people were formed as a result of the mixing of Slavic tribes and the Finno-Ugric tribe. According to the historian, the pagan beliefs of our ancestors have much in common with ancient culture.

3. Baltic theory

The hypothesis about the origin of Russians is based on DNA research of various peoples. According to the scientist Gellenthal, the roots of the Russian population are certainly connected with the trans-Baltic peoples and the migration of the Altai peoples. Alexey Shakhmatov also calls the territory of the Neman and Western Dvina the ancestral home of the Russians.

Nuances of Russian culture

Russian culture- this is an immense layer consisting of centuries-old traditions and vibrant rituals, unshakable spiritual values, a specific way of life, and everyday habits. That same Pushkin “Russian spirit” is acquired by a person born in the vastness of our Motherland. Russian man is a strong-willed personality. Breadth of soul, simplicity, kindness characterize the Russian ethnos. Throughout history, the Russian people have experienced enormous trials: wars, famine, devastation, natural disasters, enslavement by the Tatar-Mongol yoke. A stern disposition, a simplified attitude to everyday difficulties, hard work and lack of fear of the enemy characterized the Russian people in the Middle Ages. The mysterious Russian soul of modern man does not immediately reveal itself to foreigners.

The pride of Russian culture is the legacy of famous artists and writers, composers and architects. Surnames such as Pushkin, Tolstoy, Shishkin and Levitan, Tchaikovsky and Glinka pop up at lightning speed when it comes to Russian geniuses. But not only in creativity, but also in other fundamental fields, be it medicine, military affairs or rocket science, Russians will proudly join the list of famous world personalities.

Traditions of ancestors

In the modern way of life of Russian people, of course, a lot has changed. Fast cars, everyday comfort, glossy clothes, trendy gadgets have penetrated into every home. However, and fortunately, at the most significant moments for a Russian person, he returns to the imperishable Slavic traditions and rituals.

Russian wedding certainly begins with matchmaking, and the festivities still contain elements ancient traditions: bride price, family loaf, gifting to the newlyweds. Baptismal and funeral rites have remained almost unchanged. In many families, farewell to the deceased still follows ancient traditions (hanging mirrors, funeral rites, funeral food). The unity of Russians was manifested not only during sad events, but also in holding public festivities.

It is still celebrated on a grand scale Maslenitsa. The tradition of burning effigy, the ritual of forgiving offenses and eating delicious pancakes gives this holiday a special appeal. Among church holidays the most revered among Russians are Christmas And Easter. IN winter time The kids are having fun, walking from house to house and singing carols. For glorifying Christ, children receive sweets and money from their owners. For Easter, every home will have a fragrant Easter cake prepared and eggs painted. The tradition of visiting cemeteries these days, remembering departed relatives and friends, has not been eradicated.

“The Russian people created a huge oral literature: the wise

proverbs and cunning riddles, funny and sad ritual songs, solemn epics - spoken in a chant, to the sound of strings - about the glorious exploits of heroes, defenders of the people's land - heroic, magical, everyday and funny tales.

It is vain to think that this literature was only the fruit of popular leisure. She was the dignity and intelligence of the people. She formed and strengthened his moral character, was his historical memory, the festive clothes of his soul and filled with deep content his entire measured life, flowing according to the customs and rituals associated with his work, nature and the veneration of his fathers and grandfathers.”

Words by A.N. Tolstoy very vividly and accurately reflect the essence of folklore. Folklore is folk art, very necessary and important for the study of folk psychology in our days. Folklore includes works that convey the basic, most important ideas of the people about the main values ​​in life: work, family, love, social duty, homeland. We are brought up on these works even now. Knowledge of folklore can give a person knowledge about the Russian people, and ultimately about himself

The word folklore literally translated from English means folk wisdom. Folklore is poetry created by the people and existing among the masses, in which they reflect their labor activity, social and everyday life, knowledge of life, nature, cults and beliefs. Folklore embodies the views, ideals and aspirations of the people, their poetic fantasy, the richest world of thoughts, feelings, experiences, protest against exploitation and oppression, dreams of justice and happiness. This is oral, artistic verbal creativity, which arose in the process of formation of human speech.

Russian heroic epic (epics) - a wonderful heritage of the past, evidence ancient culture and the arts of the people. It has been preserved in living oral history, perhaps in its original form of plot content and the main principles of form. The epic got its name from the word “byl”, which is similar in meaning. This means that the epic tells about what once really happened, although not everything in the epic is true. The epics were written down from storytellers (often illiterate), who adopted them according to tradition from previous generations.

The epic is an old song, and not everything in it is clear; it is told in a leisurely, solemn tone. Many Russian epics talk about the heroic deeds of the people's heroes. For example, epics about Volga Buslaevich, the conqueror of Tsar Saltan Beketovich; about the hero Sukhman, who defeated his enemies - nomads; about Dobrynya Nikitich. Russian heroes never lie. Ready to die, but not to leave native land, they consider service to the fatherland their first and holy duty, although they are often offended by princes who do not trust them. The epics told to children teach them to respect human work and love their homeland. They united the genius of the people.

Throughout his life, folklore helps a person live, work, relax, helps make decisions, and also fight enemies, as shown above in the examples.

By its specificity, folklore is the most democratic form of art, and under any circumstances - whether there is peace on earth or war, happiness or sorrow, folklore remains stable and also active.

Folk crafts have reached us from ancient times - painting, carving, lace, but there are also new folk crafts. Most often they began with peasant household art.

Art painting in Russia

Wooden and metal products, children's toys and furniture have been painted in Rus' from time immemorial. Technology in different regions of the country differed significantly from each other. Further details about the most known species paintings.

Gorodets painting

Gorodets painting originated in the Volga region, in the villages of the Nizhny Novgorod province. They were located near a large village called Gorodets. There were fairs where crafts made by craftsmen were sold. This is where the name came from - Gorodets painting.

Polkhov-Maidan painting

Birthplace of Polkhov-Maidan painting - south Nizhny Novgorod region. There, in the village of Polkhovsky Maidan, the village of Voznesenskoye and the village of Krutets, the center of this painting is located. It arose just a hundred years ago on the basis of the turning industry developed in those places. Masters painted nesting dolls, children's toys, mushrooms, Easter eggs, and used only four colors - green, blue, yellow and red.

Palekh painting

Palekh painting appeared quite recently - already in Soviet time However, the roots of this painting go back to antiquity. Thanks to this unique craft, the village of Palekh, Ivanovo region, became known throughout Russia. It is known about Palekh painting, Palekh miniatures, Palekh icon painting. The peculiarity of painting is that artists create not just ornaments, but draw entire scenes and compositions with the smallest details.

Zhostovo painting

Zhostovo painting is lacquer painting on trays, which appeared in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five. Such trays are made at a factory in the village of Zhostovo and in the city of Nizhny Tagil. The main difference of this craft is the abundance of colors, incomparable tones, and the realism of all elements.


Gzhel painting, as the name implies, originated in the city of Gzhel. Her patterns are predominantly floral patterns and simple geometric patterns, done in cobalt bright blue paint on a snow-white background. The city of Gzhel is a center for the production of ceramics. In many ways, this was the reason for the appearance of its unique painting in this city. Gzhel artistic craft is not young; its roots go back to the fourteenth century. It was then that the Kudinovskoye clay deposit was discovered.

Russian crafts that became trades

Sometimes Russian crafts became trades. They arose when folk craft products were put on stream. We know about making toys from clay, about special wood carvings, about lace craftsmanship, and so on.

Dymkovo toy

Near the city of Vyatka there was a settlement called Dymkovo, now it is one of the districts of the city. In the settlement of Dymkovo in the nineteenth century, painted ceramic toys for children appeared. Deposits of clay and sand in those places became the reason for the production of clay jugs and jars by craftsmen. Bright, cheerful toys were made for the children's amusement. Only women or children were involved in modeling and painting toys. The pattern on the Dymkovo toy is always geometric, consisting of circles, stripes, and cells. In addition to its unique painting, the toy stands out because it is trimmed with gold.

Filimonovskaya toy

The production of Filimonovo toys arose on the basis of the production of clay dishes located near the village of Filimonovo. These toys are a variety of whistles. Distinctive feature– elongated shape of the products, which is due to the characteristics of the local clay. To this day, whistles are painted only with a quill pen.

Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya carving

Carving, which became a trade, appeared in the Abramtsevo estate, near Moscow in the nineteenth century. Its name is Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya carving. The carvers studied and worked in the carpentry workshop, where they were also taught painting and drawing. Thus, a small workshop became the basis for a future craft, distinguished by its unique carving style.

Vyatka lace

Vyatka lace has been known since the eighteenth century. In the second half of the nineteenth century, a zemstvo school of lacemakers was organized in the Vyatka province. For many years there was a lace factory in those places, but it was closed in the early nineties. Lacemakers have preserved their unique skills, traditions and craft technology. They delight with new products, uniting in artels or small enterprises.

New folk crafts

Not all folk crafts have a rich history. Some have appeared quite recently. We will find out further what kind of crafts these are.

Painting Christmas tree decorations

Christmas tree painting as a craft originated in the nineteenth century in the village of Danilovo. The toys were also made there. Peasants did this at home, using simple burners for blowing. The demand for such toys grew, and the number of single craftsmen also increased. Soon, some home owners organized small productions with hired workers.

Factory "Ariel"

The oldest factory in Russia producing New Year's toys is the Ariel factory. It is located in Nizhny Novgorod. Despite fashion changing over the years, the factory does not change the traditions of making toys. self made. Next to the factory there is a museum of Christmas tree decorations and a store.

The most recognizable folk craft in Russia

Perhaps the most recognizable Russian folk craft is Khokhloma gold painting. It originated at the end of the seventeenth century in the Nizhny Novgorod region, when at fairs in the village of Khokhloma they sold wooden products painted by locals from the surrounding villages.

All items are elegant and colorful. A distinctive feature of the painting is the presence of a gold background or gold ornament. While painting, the masters come up with their drawings on the fly; this is always an improvisation when following the rules of Khokhloma painting. The master turns a simple wooden object into a work of folk art. Housewives still use such utensils. It is also exhibited in museums. There is a website about the largest museums in the world.
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