What a wet facade system is better. Finishing at home using the technology "Wet facade. Types of wet facades

Warming at home according to the method of the wet facade today is best technologywhich can be used for almost any building. This technology is economical, environmentally friendly and durable. At the same time, there are a number of circumstances, when it is better to apply other methods of insulation. Today we will talk about the merits and disadvantages of the wet facade.


- relatively low cost building materials. The simplest option is the polystyrene insulation and mineral plaster - has no analogues in price.

- Effective thermal insulation. Warmed house is a thermos. On average, from 30 to 40% of all the heat, the building loses through poorly insulated walls. The cost of heating insulated room with a wet facade is decreasing significantly.

- sound and visibility of the room. This is especially important to residents of large cities.

- Various walls. The wet facade systems provide a removal of steam from walls through the insulation and plaster.

- output point of dew beyond carrier wall. Walls will not freeze. The room will be dry and comfortable.

- The facade has a small weight and can be mounted almost on any surface.

Huge selection Options for registration - colors, structures and textures. Additionally, the facade can be applied decorative elements - Bas-reliefs, eaves, moldings, rusts or window sills.

- Durability. Properly mounted facade will serve you from 20 to 50 years without additional repair.

- Install wet facade It just sufficiently requires the builder of minimal preparation, but strictly compliance with technology.

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- High requirements for technology compliance. Any violation of the installation of a wet facade - the consistency of the mixture, temperature or humidity can turn into deformations, cracks or separating the surface.

- Deceptibility of the surface. The insulation is soft. The reinforcement layer and plaster though it has a certain elasticity, but breaks with strong mechanical effects.

- Local repair difficulties. The damaged surface can be restored and repainted, but almost certainly a repaired fragment will differ in color and structure.

- The walls of the building should be smooth. Uneven walls Require additional processing and increase the consumption of glue.

- Installation work on the wet facade is carried out only in the warm season. Any bad weather suspends the work. Works in the cold season should be carried out using heat guns and a protective film, which significantly details the entire project.

To date, the thermal insulation of residential buildings is a very important aspect, given almost a daily rise in price for heaven resources. And one of the common methods of outer insulation is the wet facade.

What is a wet facade

A number of insulation work and outdoor finish Using liquid or semi-liquid mixtures containing adhesives in the complex is called a wet facade. This type of finishing can be used with various insulation. This name received this name at the expense of the fact that in the finishing process you have to deal with a variety of solutions.

Such a finish from a certain amount of layers, which, are combined with thermal insulation and aesthetic type of building:

Layers.Are composite elements This type of finishing. The facade device consists of three layers:

  1. Heat insulation. The insulation is used foam or polystyrene foam, which is attached to the wall of the building with glue in the form of a polymer-cement solution. Dry adhesive mixes Have a good adhesion with most construction surfaces.
  2. Base. Stacked after a layer of thermal insulation. It consists of fiberglass mesh and reinforcing glue. This layer is the protection of the insulation from mechanical damage and atmospheric influences on it.
  3. The final layer in the form decorative finish or fur coats. The task of this layer is to give the building of aesthetic species. For the final finish, dry mixtures of plaster are used.

Pros and cons

This type of building facing has the following advantages:

  1. Relatively low cost of necessary materials.
  2. Large selection of colors and shades of finishing mixes.
  3. Easy finish process.
  4. Long service life.
  5. High degree of heat and sound insulation.
  6. Reduces the level of water freezing and the formation of various fungi on them.

In addition to the benefits of such a finish, there are also disadvantages:

  1. You can only finish in warm and dry weather.
  2. The vulnerability of the insulation in front of rodents.

The service life of such a cladding is approximately thirty years. The duration of the operation of the finish is due to temperature drops in the region. What they are more respectively, the less his service life.

Wet Facade Mounting Technology

Decoration of the building is easy to know the layer laying technology.

Installation of the wet facade consists of the following steps:

  1. Printing walls.
  2. Laying insulation.
  3. Reinforcement wall.
  4. Applying the finish layer of plaster.

Also, work on the decoration should be carried out in warm dry weather. In order to labeled the material did not swear and not lagged behind the wall, the laying technology is steadily adhered.

Step-by-step instruction

In order to unmistakably and qualitatively, laying the layer of the finishes must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Preparation of walls at home. Before proceeding with the priming of the walls, it is necessary to clean it from dust and dirt. It is also necessary to eliminate the defects of walls, such as chips and cracks by saving them with a putty. After the walls of the building are prepared, it is possible to produce its priming. The wall is ground, the usual painting brush is abundantly missing the entire surface.
  2. Powy insulation. The dry adhesive mixture is mixed with water according to the instructions on the package. The finished glue solution is applied with lines along the edges of the insulation leaf and points in the middle. After applying glue, the sheet is applied to the wall and slightly pressed. For reliable fixation of the insulation on the wall, it is additionally fixed by fungal dowels, installing them along the edges of the sheet and one in the middle.
  3. Reinforcing layer. After as the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe walls, the insulation will be placed, the reinforcing layer is styled. A mixture is applied to the surface of the heat insulating sheet as an adhesive solution and with a wide spatula, a smooth layer is aligned with the wall. Freshly applied glue solution laid a fiberglass grid and smooth it with a spatula. Reinforcement allows you to protect the insulation from mechanical damage and atmospheric influences. It should also be remembered that the mesh laying must be made of at least 5 centimeters. After applying the reinforcing layer of the wall, it is necessary to process to once again.
  4. Decorative plaster. The finishing stage of the decoration of the building was wet facade. Plaster is applied to the prepared and smooth wall. The color and type of plaster can be absolutely any at the request of the owner of the building.

To date, the following three are considered to be the following three of all types of plaster:

Coroede. Refers to decorative plaster after applying can be painted. Visually looks like a flat surface with numerous slots, which resembles a bark of a tree. It is applied on the wall with a spatula with longitudinal movements from the bottom up and on the contrary.

Fur coat. Pretty old finish type, but no less popular than many new ones. With the help of a plaster mixture, they make a liquid solution, which is subsequently applied to the wall of small drops. Applied to the surface of the wall using a special typewriter (scarmer) or broom. Also to give color tint Optionally, you can add colored pigments into the solution. Then the fur coat will not have a gray color, but a shade of added pigment.

Stuccoing under painting. The walls of the building are aligned with the finish coating, after which the emulsion paint is painted in the desired color. The only difficulty of such a finish is to derive the perfectly smooth wall so when the paint is applied, all irregularities will be visible.

For a high-quality wet facade, it is not enough to perform by the items of all the above-described actions, since the quality of the materials of which it is manufactured is plays an important role in such a finish.

Necessary materials

For the manufacture of a wet facade, you will need to purchase the following materials:

  1. Heat insulation material. As a rule, the P-30 foam foam or polystyrene foam of the same density is used. The insulation is supplied in sheets of 1x0.5 meters. Also for thermal insulation can be used stone Vata.which also comes in sheets.
  2. Fungal dowels. Required for mechanical fixation of heat insulation sheets. Buying a dowel needed from the calculation of 5-8 pieces per sheet of insulation.
  3. Fiberglass grid.
  4. Social profile for angles. We are necessary for leveling both inner corners of the building and outdoor. Also, this profile prevents the angles from the cream of cracks and so on.
  5. Priming deep penetration. It is used to prevent the development of mold and fungus under the insulation.
  6. Adhesive mixture. The required amount must be calculated on the basis of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe building wall, taking into account reinforcement.
  7. Plaster. The required amount is calculated, from the calculation of 6 kg by 2 meters square.
  8. Emulsion paint. Need if the building will be placed under painting.

Also, in addition to the material for a comfortable work, you will need a set of spatulas, trowel and level (level).

Wet facade insulation

As heat insulating material The following materials can be used for outdoor building insulation:

Has a relatively low cost and has high warmth and sound insulation properties. It is produced in the form of sheets of 1x0.5 meters. Also has different density than it is higher, the lower the degree of freezing of the insulation. Of the disadvantages of this heat-insulating material, this is a high sensitivity to rodents and low vapor permeability.

Polystyrene foam. It has the same characteristics as foam, but it is much more expensive.

Stone wool. It has good vapor permeability and rodents do not come in it. It is made in sheets and mounted on the wall fungal dowels. By cons of such a insulation, its price can be attributed, which is quite high.

As the practice shows most people as an outer insulation, the foam is chosen, since its technical properties do not particularly differ from other thermal insulation materials, and the price is significantly lower.

Approximate cost and reviews

The cost of decoration of the building depends on the price range of the material than it is higher, the greater the estimate of the building. If you use materials in the average price category, the decoration of the wet facade will approximately reach 1,200 rubles per square meter of the wall, provided that all work will be carried out personally. If you hire workers for finishing workThe cost of the estimate will grow approximately 800 rubles per square meter.

The technology of the wet facade is relatively new and has not yet managed to establish themselves with negative side. Of course, if you do not take into account cases where, in non-compliance with the technology of laying or using cheap and low-quality materials, there was a detachment of layers and a swollen from the wall.

In our country, two facades mounting systems were most common: hinged ventilated and so-called "wet". The latter are characterized by a simpler design, but preserve the excellent thermal insulation characteristics. The very name "wet" considered type of facade received from builders due to the fact that various solutions and water-based compositions are applied during its construction. The outer decoration in wet facades, as a rule, use fine-layer plaster. The resulting design is perfectly coping with a volatile Russian climate and helps to significantly save on heating in the autumn-winter period.

Remember that you can start any outdoor finish only after the building shrinkage (in the case of a new building). In addition, to build "wet" facade Specialists are recommended solely after completing the installation of the roof, room decoration, installation of doors with windows, as well as all electrical mounting work.

Structural scheme of "wet" facade

Let's start, perhaps, with flaws. The insulation of facades of buildings according to the technology under consideration requires a serious approach in terms of compliance with the requirements of temperature ambient and its moisture in the installation period. In mandatory, all work should be carried out at a temperature of + 5 ° C and higher, with a low humidity level. Failure to comply with this rule can subsequently lead to fairly sad results, such as the disposal of plaster.

It should be noted that the construction of the wet-type facade is possible at minus temperatures. For this, the facade itself is first covered with a special polyethylene film, and then begin to pump the air layer under it with heat guns. The use of the film also helps protect the walls from dust with mud capable of leaving forever the trace on the dried facade. Thus, thanks to this simple reception, favorable conditions are achieved.

Technology "Wet" facade

But, despite all the existing restrictions, the facade systems of the "wet" type have many advantages:

  • Guarantees a high level of noise and thermal insulation at home.
  • Allows you to ensure energy savings in the winter period by about 2 times. In addition, significantly increases the efficiency of air conditioning systems in the summer season.
  • Allows you to shift the "dew point" to the outside of the building, which helps to achieve the most optimal heat exchange and avoid the accumulation of moisture inside the heat insulating layer.
  • Promotes the formation of a balanced microclimate indoors due to ventilated external facade trim. This has a positive effect on the health of people living in the house, prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms and the emergence of fungal formations on the walls.
  • Reliably protects the facade and carrying elements of the building of the building from the negative effect of weather conditions.
  • Mounting the "wet facade" can be installed on structures with any type of main building material.
  • With this technology, you can make sealing seams in panel houses.
  • Installation of the facade of the "wet" type requires smaller financial costs and allows you to significantly save on the construction work.
  • Thanks to a wide range of colors and textural solutions, the use of this technique allows you to implement a wide variety of design projects. And use modern technologies Applying finishing decorative plasters It makes it possible to get really unique and aesthetically exclusive results.
  • "Wet" finish is easily amenable to both full and partial upgrade, repair and restoration. After many years, you can easily patch the facade in those places where it will be necessary.
  • This type of installation significantly reduces the load on the foundation.

Comparison of the technologies "wet" finishing and mounted installation

Naturally, any technology in construction is not perfect and has its own characteristics. Since at the beginning of the article we indicated that two systems use the greatest popularity. facade mounting, I will not extend their brief comparative analysis.

Hinged ventilated facade Facade system "wet" type
Durability Depending on the materials used, it may be stopped to half a century without the need for repair work.Adverse atmospheric effects are able to lead to phased destruction of the external layer of finishing.

After 3-5 years, partial repairs may be required.

However, when using appropriate material standards and compliance with the technological norms, the "wet" facade will be calmly function and 25 years.

FEATURES OF MONTAGE Installation of the mounted facade can be done all year round.Requires special temperature mode (\u003e + 5 ° C) and low humidity. During cold weather, installation work will be associated with excessive expenditures of time and means.
Service and facade service The mounted facade can be easily and relatively quickly cleansed from pollution and dust.Often, dirt with dust is entrusted inside the external layer of plaster, complicating the cleaning process.
Exposure to greenhouse effect Thanks to the air ventilation layer inside the facade, the pressure drop occurs, which contributes to the removal of excessive moisture. This avoids the appearance of the greenhouse effect.Errors in the process of selection of finishing materials are able to lead to the occurrence of the greenhouse effect. As a result, the plaster layer can begin to collapse.
Price Installation of the ventilated facade costs quite expensive, but it is less soared in operation compared to "wet".The facade of the "wet" type is cheap, but requires competent care, periodic cleaning and updates.
Scope of application Used to finish structures with medium and large area of \u200b\u200bfacades. As a rule, these are urban structures: business centers, supermarkets, offices of firms, administrative buildings.Perfectly established himself when finishing cottages, cottages and other buildings, which are erected outside the city feature.

Installation instructions

The process of finishing the facade of the "wet" type occurs in six main stages. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

Preparatory work

At this stage of work, it is necessary to estimate the foundation, on top of which all technological layers will be applied. The wall without finishing should first be cleaned of any contaminants present. In the event that the "wet" facade will be erected above the existing outer finish, before starting the installation work, check its carriers and agsell characteristics. If the facade is covered outside the material, which is inclined to absorb moisture, it is predefined to be well primed. It should also be carefully inspecting exterior decoration For damaged areas or surface curvatures. When such flaws are detected, it is necessary to fix everything, chopping them with a solution of plaster. In addition, before the start of construction work, the old plaster with the slopes of the door, as well as the window openings, is preferably removed in general.

Prices for facade primer

Primer facade

Arrangement of the base profile

At this stage, we will need to install a profile plank. Its function is to ensure a more uniform distribution of the mechanical pressure generated by thermal insulating plates. In addition, the profile allows you to protect the lower row of insulation from moisture exposure.

Fastening the profile framework must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Metal profile must be located at an altitude of about 40 centimeters above the ground. At the same time, up to the plane of the floor of the insulated room should remain at least 20-30 cm.
  • Before installing the profile using a thread, stretched between the buildings of the building by self-drawing, markup is performed.
  • The profile must be attached strictly parallel to the ground, so the correctness of the thread tension and the correctness of its subsequent installation must be checked using a level.
  • Between individual profile plars, you need to leave small gaps (about 3 mm) in which special connecting plugs insert. They are intended to compensate for the possible temperature expansion of materials.
  • Fix the profile of dowels and self-drawing in a step of 20 to 50 centimeters. The choice of interval depends on the weight of the heat insulating material, which the facade will be covered. For light foam plastic, one fastener is enough for every half meter. But for hard mineral wool It is necessary to place the attachment points much more dense.
  • The decoration of the corners of the building is performed using a special angular profile or oblique cut. For the stroke of stupid and sharp corners, the profile plank is suitably cut.

Laying plates of thermal insulation

The insulation of the facade structures of the "wet" type is usually carried out using foam (expanded polystyrene) or mineral wool plates. Fixing and fastening of the insulation is performed using glue, following the next sequence of actions:

  1. We apply a wide strip along the perimeter of the heat insulating plate of the adhesive solution, after having completed the edge from the edges of about three centimeters. Inside the formed perimeter also applied glue, a point method. Upon completion of this step, the mortar should be covered at least half the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe insulation plate.

Note: If you use lamella mats for insulation, it is necessary to wear all the entire fastener with glue.

  1. We perform fixing the plates. Starting should be started, starting from the base profile. Tightly press the heater to the wall treated with a solution, not forgetting during the installation process immediately remove any excess adhesive solution. We are placing the heat-insulating layer with a spreading method (by analogy with brick masonry) with rows, that is, the joint of any two plates of the upper row we have on the center line of the bottom plate.

  1. We are waiting for about three days while the glue dries and proceed to the next step. Now we need to additionally fix the plates with spacel dowels. Their length should be calculated, based on the three main parameters:
  • plate thickness.
  • the thickness of the layer formed by the adhesive solution.
  • the required depth of the entry of a dowel into the wall. This parameter depends on the type of the outer decoration of the wall. In a solid wall, it is enough to fix a dowel on 5 centimeters, but the porous surface requires that the fasteners entered it centimeters by 9-10.

Accordingly, the required length of the dowel will be equal to the sum of the above parameters.

Fixing insulation with plate dowels

The density of the location of the fasteners on square meter It may also vary. Depending on the mass of thermal insulation plates, the diameter of the dowels themselves and the height of the range of the series, this number will be from 5 to 15 pieces.

  1. Immediately before installing the dowel, the nest is drilled for it. The clamping bushings fix the flush relative to the plane of the heat insulating plate.

Prices for thermal insulation materials

Heat insulation materials

Installation of the reinforcing mesh of fiberglass

Between the completion of laying thermal insulation and the installation of the reinforcing layer must pass from one to three days. On top of the insulation, we apply a special adhesive solution, in which we will draw the reinforcing network of fiberglass. Start off this species The work should be performed from the corners of the building and the angular beeps of door and window openings. The recessed mesh after installation on top is coated with another layer of adhesive composition. The thickness of the resulting layer in general should be within six millimeters. The optimal depth of the mesh arrangement under the upper layer of glue, in turn, will be about one and a half years.

Conducting outdoor finishing works

Waiting for the complete drying of the reinforcing layer, the period of which can range from three to seven days, we can proceed to the next stage of work. Remember that the application of the final plastering layer requires the relevant conditions, namely:

  • Ambient temperature from +5 to +30 0 s
  • Low air humidity
  • The lack of influence of direct sunlight (work is better to carry out in a natural or artificially created shadow)
  • Favorable weather conditions, lack of strong wind and atmospheric precipitation

Naturally, it is possible to achieve their implementation and artificially with the help of heat guns, the cover of the facade with a special film, but professionals are still recommended to carry out final work in the warm season.

Stucco for outdoor work should be chosen very carefully. From its quality will largely depend on the durability of the resulting finish.

Plaster must have a number of important characteristics:

  • Excellent stealing.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Strength, resistance to mechanical damage and atmospheric conditions.

Arrangement of waterproofing and decoration of the base part of the walls

Prior to the start of work on the arrangement of the base, it is necessary to perform waterproofing the adjacent area and the lower part of the walls of the building using the cabinet. The sequence of actions is similar to the total finishing technology with small additions:

  • Additional fixation of the plates of the insulation dowels is allowed at an altitude of 30 centimeters above the ground.
  • The reinforcing layer of the base part of the wall is made double.
  • The outer decoration of the base is performed using ceramic or stone (including artificial stone) plates, as well as mosaic plaster.

Prices for coating waterproofing

Foolish waterproofing

We hope that the technological card presented in the article will help you understand in detail in all nuances of the construction of the facade of the "wet" type and will allow many of the operations considered independently.

Video - Installation Instructions Wet Plaster Facade Part 1

Video - Installation instructions Wet plaster facade Part 2

The appearance of the facade of the building is his business card. Options for finishing outdoor walls set: traditional methods, modern systems, different materials. The main objects include:

  • Ventilated systems;
  • Wet facades;
  • Brick facing.

Ventilated suspension systems are the greatest interest. The next will be discussed.

What is a ventilated facade?

Comparatively new cladding technology, based on the suspension design of metal guide and decorative material.

The system is a multi-layered design, which includes:

  1. The base is metal guide profiles on which the entire system is holding.
  2. Minvat insulation or are intended for additional protection of walls from heat loss. The mats are attached to the wall between vertical guides with a dowel. It will not be superfluous to steam and waterproofing the insulation with membranes and films from the wall and the ventilated layer to prevent moisture accumulation.
  3. Facing elements. As decorative products, panels come from different materials: ceramics, metal Siding, facade panels, artificial stone, fibrocement, PVC - panels.

When selecting materials, the ratio "Weight panel / thickness of the carrier profile should be considered.

Ventilated or wet facade?

It is time to compare the attachment system with traditional finishing methods. What is better: wet facade or ventilated?

The wet form of finishes implies the application of wet materials on the outer walls. Technology includes several stages:

  1. Preparation of walls: cleaning from the old finish, dust. It is important to carefully remove outdated layers so that they do not give the slack after the end of the facing works.
  2. Application of adhesive composition for fixing the insulation. This can be a special solution of glue and cement.
  3. Installation of insulation. It is recommended to use mats that are not exposed to wet - polystyrene, foam. They are fixed to the wall on the glue. The insulation can also perform mineral wool, but not fiberglass - it is not able to resist the rupture and is afraid of alkaline compositions.
  4. Skinning and reinforcement on the insulation creates a solid foundation for applying facing plaster.
  5. Watching the facade of cement-sandy solution.

Technologies of ventilated and wet facades differ in installation technology. And what with quality:

And what is cheaper: wet or ventilated facade? There is no unambiguous answer in this matter. If we are talking about vinyl panels for suspension, then the ventilated system definitely wins. When choosing more expensive materials for finishing, the cost of the system can grow significantly. The average price of 1M2 wet facade is about 2500 rubles.

Ventilated facade or brick?

Another common method of facing outdoor walls - Opening ceramic brick. This is a solid and durable way to protect the main supporting structures from external factors and give the house presentable view. Ventilated facade or brick: What is better?

Undoubtedly, ceramics looks good and more thoroughly than mounted panels. But! Among the range of venerees of Ventfasades there are many imitation of different materials, including bricks. It is impossible to distinguish the real ceramics from the "fake" when choosing high-quality panels at first glance.

In structure, these compared finish types are similar to each other: in both there are insulation and air interlayer for ventilation. The difference in the thickness of the decor when it comes to brick and wall panel.

Now the main thing: cheaper facing brick or ventilated facade? The cost of 1 m2 ceramics cladding is about 2000-3000 rubles. This includes the cost of bricks, mortar and operation.

For 1 m2 of the ventilated facade will have to give about 500 rubles. For mounting a frame, finishing starts from 300 rubles / m2.


The ventilated facade is a modern solution for the finishing of the outer walls. The system is available at a price, the variety of performances will satisfy the most surfacing taste, the reliability of the complex, provided that the proper installation is high.

At the design stage of the building of various purposes, a number of questions should be solved. Therefore, during the outer finish, it is necessary to determine the choice: wet facade or ventilated. To do this, you need to deal with the peculiarities of each option.

Pros and cons of the wet facade

The finish of the facade of the "wet" technology consists of the following steps:

  1. Installation of the insulation, which is attached to the outside of the building using a special adhesive composition. Additionally, the material is fixed also with dowels. The variants of the heat-insulating material may be several: expanded polystyrene, mineral wool (extruded), foam.
  2. Reinforcement for which a fine grid and glue composition is used.
  3. Finishing with the use of plastering mixtures. For example, cement, decorative, textured.

The listed levels of finishing are styled on the facade, forming a solid construction as a result. In addition, the wet facade has a number of other benefits:

  • fire safety, due to the fact that the plaster and glue uses are not amenable to fire and become the protection of the lower thermal insulation layer;
  • small mass;
  • easy finishing work.

The disadvantage of the finish of the facade, made on the "wet" technology - the high cost of the materials used. In addition, the perfectly smooth surface will be required for work. If it is not possible, the cost of finishing increases, since the walls will have to be aligned during the process.

Pros and Cons Ventfasada

The ventilated facade is a design that is installed on the surface through the use of specially intended guide profiles and brackets. Due to use large number Building elements (anchors, profiles) will need a person with skills in this area. Not used for fastening adhesive compositions, everything is fixed by the mechanical method.

In general, the technology of mounting the ventilated facade looks like this:

  1. Fixed on the front surface brackets.
  2. Installation of thermal insulation material is performed, for attaching a plate dowel used. As thermal insulation, as a rule, a mineral wool slab is used, which includes good vapor permeability.
  3. On top of the heat insulation layer, the film is stacked.
  4. Next, the guide profiles of horizontal and vertical type are mounted, which serve as the basis for laying the final decorative layer. There may be panels from fireproof plastic, galvanized metal or porcelain stoneware.

The positive qualities of the ventilated facade include:

  • the ability to mask all the irregularities of walls and other defects;
  • good level of thermal insulation and sound insulation;
  • long service life.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the ventilated facade will be fireproof only if only mineral materials will be used as insulation. The use of foam or expanded polystyrene is not recommended due to high flammability.

The minuses of the ventilated facade include the fact that when using quality materials, the cost of finishing in general will be very high. Yes, and work is better to trust only qualified specialists. It will also require additional costs.

So it's better to choose

Selection of ventupsad or wet facade depends on many factors. It is believed that the first option has an advantage due to the presence of space between the finishes itself and the insulation, which allows the free circulation of air flow and the injection of moisture, condensate. Hence the name "ventilated facades".

But this system does not come to each building by every building. This is due to a significant mass of cladding, especially if the question concerns plates from porcelain stoneware. Here it is necessary to take into account the bearing ability of the walls of the construction. The most applied finish for walls made of concrete.


And ventilated, and wet facade has its advantages and minuses. Before making a choice, you need to study them and stop at that option that will satisfy the requirements and expectations. It is important that the finish is durable, durable and aesthetic, and everything else depends on the preferences of the owner.