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Today, more than 95% of entrances are equipped with a security system such as an intercom, and approximately the same percentage of residents have found themselves in front of a locked door without a key.

How to enter the entrance without a key

You can try the following options:

  • dial neighbors, or any apartment number. In the second case, introduce yourself as a municipal representative, a postman or a doctor;
  • wait until one of the residents opens;
  • To find out the code, you can go to the company servicing your home and show them your registration. They will be required to provide you with an access code for the intercom at your entrance;
  • it is necessary to press the entrance door as hard as possible, and then sharply pull it towards you;
  • remove the piezoelectric element from the lighter and click it towards the key recess. There is a 5% chance that this method will work;
  • bring a stun gun and discharge it, there is a chance that the “brains” of the intercom will perceive this as the activation of a standard key. The big disadvantage of this method is the presence of a stun gun at hand;
  • go online, find a special master code for your intercom and enter it into your phone, after looking at the comments.

Important! Each intercom has a special code set by the manufacturer, knowing which you can open the door without a key. Unless, of course, the installation company changed the master password during installation. If the code has been changed, opening the door will be more problematic without entering system settings, this will not be possible.

How to open an intercom without a key using a special code

First, you need to know that there is no universal “digital master key”; each manufacturer has their own. Let's look at popular brands of security locks for general entrances.

Vizit (Visit)

Vizit intercoms are presented in a wide variety of models, both for apartment buildings, and for private properties. Due to the wide variety of intercoms of this brand and code combinations, they are considered the most difficult to open. When typing the combinations below, you must take into account that there are models where instead of “*” and “#”, “C” and “K” are used.

Easy way to open:

  • earlier models "*-#-4-2-3-0" or "1-2-#-3-4-5".
  • later models "*-#-4-3-2", or "6-7-#-8-9-0".

We open it through the service menu:

  • dial "# - 999".
  • “1-2-3-4” and wait for a short high-pitched beep.
  • if you hear a two-tone signal, then try entering one of the given sequences of numbers: “1-2-3-4-5”, “3-5-3-5”, “6-7-6-7”, “9- 9-9-9”, “1-1-6-3-9”, or enter them one by one.
  • complete the opening “2-pause-#-pause-3-5-3-5”.

Metacom (Metacom)

Method No1:

  • press “call” and the number of the apartment from which the numbering begins in the entrance (you can find out this information above the entrance door);
  • “call” button again and wait until “COD” appears on the screen;
  • enter the combination “5-7-0-2”.

Method No2:

  • first “6-5-5-3-5”, then the call button;
  • then “1-2-3-4”, call and “8”.

Method No3:

  • dial the combination “1-2-3-4-call”;
  • then “6-call button-4-5-6-8”.

If the door is equipped with the MK-20 M/T model and you are going to open the lock without a key, then try one of the combinations:

  • "call-2-7-call-5-7-0-2";
  • “call button-1-call key-4-5-2-6”.

Cyfral CCD

Intercom Cyfral CCD-2094:

Method No.1 (works if there are apartments with numbers 100, 200 – 900 in the entrance):

  • "call-100-call-7272", "call-100-call-7273", "call-200-call-7272", "call-200-call-7273";
  • if it doesn’t work, enter the combination “call -from 100 to 900-call-2323”.

Method No2:

  • “0000”, after which “code” will be displayed;
  • enter one of the combinations: “1-2-3-4-0-0”, “1-2-3-4-5-6”, “4-5-6-9-9-9” and “call” , the inscription “F0” should be displayed;
  • then “6-0-1”.

Model Cyfral CCD-2094.1M:

Method No1:

  • "0-7-0-5-4".

Method No2:

  • “call-4-1” or “call-1-4-1-0”.

Method No3:

  • “call-0000”, “ON” will appear on the screen;
  • press button “2”. If “OFF” is displayed, the quick access mode is locked and you will not be able to get inside.

Eltis (Eltis)

The most affordable brand in terms of emergency opening. You can open an entrance with an Eltis intercom without a key using a certain combination:

Option No1:

  • “call button-100-call-7-2-7-2”;
  • “call button-100-call-7-2-7-3”;
  • "call button-100-call-2-3-2-3".

If combinations with the number 100 do not work, insert numbers from 200 to 900.

Option No2:

  • hold “call” for 20 seconds, if 5 numbers flash on the screen, remember them and enter.

Option No3:

  • press any number until “CODE” appears;
  • enter “1-2-3-4”, “FUNC” should appear on the screen
  • press “1”, enter your version of the code and press “2”;
  • reset settings “6”, exit menu “0”;
  • enter a new code.

Option No4:

  • "call-1234-2-1-3-3-123".


This system is produced by a Russian company. To open coded Forward access control devices without a tablet, you need to enter the code:

  • "K-5-5-7-7-9-8-K";
  • "2-4-2-7-1-0-1";
  • "1-2-3-*-2-4-2-7-1-0-1";
  • "K-1-2-3-4."

K is a key, maybe in the form of an image of a key.


There are locking mechanisms from Raikmann with similar names, which, unlike Rainmann, cannot be opened even if you go to the service menu. The Rainmann CD-2000 and AO-3000 models belong to the class of modern and secure devices, but they can be opened by pressing:

  • “key-9-8-7-6-5-4”;
  • after two short beeps “1-2-3-4-5-6”;
  • “P” will be displayed, press “8”.

There is another one original method get inside, based on the sensitivity of the touch keyboard to cooling (valid in winter time). Apply snow for 10-20 minutes.


Almost any model of this company can be opened:

  • "C-669900 -CALL";
  • then dial the number 1 unit above the last apartment, then press “Call-7-4”;
  • “F” will appear on the screen, press “0-8-0”.


Factorial settings are almost identical to those of the Digital brand, however distinctive feature It is mandatory to change the factory code, but you can try to break through the engineering menu. How to get into the entrance with the Factorial system:

  • "0-0-0-0-0-0" or "1-2-3-4-5-6";
  • “5 (with hold) -180180- call - 4 - call”;
  • then the door should open.


A common intercom model in Russia, designed for apartment buildings, if you don’t have a key, try entering the following combinations:

  • last apartment number plus one;
  • then "K-5-5-5-5" or "K-1-9-5-8".

Lascomex (Lascomex)

How to open the door in the entrance with a Lascomex code intercom:

First option:

  • “B- Apartment No. - numbers for the entrance.”

Second option:

  • "0-K-0-K-0-K-0-K";
  • "6-6-6-6";
  • "P" will appear, enter "8". In a minute the door should open, come in.

Barrier II, 2M

“Barrier” intercoms are time-tested; you won’t find such a rarity in new houses, but in old five- and nine-story buildings this lock is a common occurrence. To open a door with an intercom “Barrier II” and “Barrier 2M” in most cases, it is enough to hold a magnet in the area where the key is applied, or dial the code combination: “1-3” or “1-0”.

Remember: If you have just moved, try to get to know as many neighbors as possible, someone will help you get in, and you won’t have to stagnate, wondering how to open the door at the entrance and choosing the code. It is better to use a universal master key for the intercom if you have a passport with registration in one of the apartments of this entrance. Well, that’s all, all you have to do is determine the most convenient way for you to open the door.

It doesn’t matter for what reason: you forgot the keys, lost them - in general, you need to go into the entrance, there are no keys, and there is an intercom on the way. So you’re wondering how to open the intercom without a key, is it even possible to do this operation. Our answer is yes, you just have to read our article. You will learn how to open a Metacom intercom without a key, as well as a vizit and cyfral intercom. Reading.

Cyfral intercom: open without a key

The method of opening intercom doors of this type (digital) is suitable if the house has hundredth apartments, that is, with numbers 100, 200, 300, and so on.

Try entering the following combinations:

  • call (button B) 100 call 7272
  • call 200 call 7272
  • call 300 call 7272
  • call 400 call 7272
  • and so on until 900.

Or the same combination, but instead of 7272 we enter 7273

That is: call 100 call 7273; call 200 call 7273 and so on until apartment 900.

Metakom intercom: open without a key

The intercom door of this model will open when you enter the following combination of numbers: 65535_1234_8. It's simple.

You can also download the operating instructions for the metacom model digital intercom on the Internet.

Intercom Vizit (Visit)

It is also possible to open the vizit intercom without a key.

One of the combinations of numbers and icons can open the door of the Visit intercom if its standard settings have not been changed. Dial *# 4230 or *# 432 and the door will open in front of you.

Self-installation of the code

You can also set your own code or change the individual apartment code without breaking into the service settings mode. To carry out this operation, you need at least two people: one at the intercom door, the other in the apartment whose individual code you want to change.

  1. The person at the intercom dials the number of the desired apartment and waits for the connection, that is, when the intercom is picked up at the other end.
  2. The person who is in the apartment presses the door open button six times within five seconds. Each press of the button will be accompanied by a sound signal and flashing indicators on the display: “wait for response” and “enter”.
  3. After the last (sixth) press of the door opening button (by a person in the apartment), the “dial apartment number” indicator will appear on the intercom display. Next, you will hear a sound signal indicating that the system is ready to record the individual apartment code. The duplex communication mode is maintained (duplex, that is, two-way communication, between the person in the apartment and the person at the intercom).
  4. Using the call block, dial the new value of the individual apartment code. After recording, the person at the intercom informs the recipient about the end of the recording, so that he can enter the code into memory.
  5. To do this, a person in the apartment presses the “open door” button on the device. Next, you will hear a sound signal notifying you that a new individual code has been recorded. The person in the apartment must install the intercom handset on the base.

Actually, this is one of the ways to answer how to open an intercom without a key.

Open Eltis intercom without a key

The standard code for opening an intercom of this brand is the following combination of numbers:

If the door does not open (in this case and in cases with intercoms of other brands), this means that the standard settings have been changed by the installers.

Code for intercom Tehkom

Press 1_6_0 sequentially, so that you do not release the previous numbers, i.e. As a result, you press all 3 digits. Then release them one by one, but in reverse order: 0_6_1. Hear a signal, see a green indicator and dial the password: 4321, then the “B” (call) button, then the number 3 and “B” again, present the key.

And finally, one more way to open the intercom door without a key. Just call any apartment and ask them to open it for you, citing, for example, that you forgot or lost your keys. Of course, we should not abuse this method, otherwise you risk being branded as a careless neighbor. In addition to the fact that they will eventually stop opening the door for you, there is a risk of ruining relations with your neighbors.

- a convenient and functional device that can protect private property, an entrance or public premises from the actions of intruders, hooligans and vandals.

Built on simple and reliable circuits, technical means- it works without failures, get into the entrance or open the door without special means almost impossible.

An electronic key is required to unlock the magnetic clamping unit of the intercom. The tablet is small and convenient, but can easily get lost; it is easy to drop it in a car, public transport, or forget it at work.

Therefore, knowing how to open the Visit intercom without a code is useful for many residents of houses where such a device is installed.

It’s worth noting right away: if the equipment was installed by a responsible company, there is no guarantee that the door can be unlocked using standard combinations provided at the factory.

Description of the intercom Visit

Vizit is available in a whole line of devices.

They have common features:

  1. the front panel is quite compact;
  2. intercom models are equipped with anti-vandal steel buttons;
  3. on the front panel there is a display protected by durable glass (or a plastic plate);
  4. Vizit intercom is equipped with a magnetic clamping block that develops significant force.

Models of various designs, generations - may differ in screen, programming capabilities (for a small number of subscribers or up to 200 addressable communication points), the presence of a compact camera with night video functions.

To open the door, you will need either a tablet key or enter the apartment’s digital code to communicate with the person inside, who will unlock the lock by pressing a button on the handset internal device communications.

Hack the intercom Visit hand tools- almost impossible. The front panel is durable; hacking is complicated by the fact that all access to the device is organized only after dismantling it from the inside or from the end of the door. If you spend a lot of time, hacking can turn into destruction of the device, but it is not a fact that such a measure will unlock the magnetic clamping block.

Methods for opening an intercom Visit without a key

In forums and communication groups, ways to quickly unlock a door equipped with a Visit intercom are discussed. Most of them can potentially damage your device.

Others will only work with a certain door design. Potentially vandal methods should not be described.

One of the safest and most reliable methods, working with a door whose leaf has some flexibility: you can try to press firmly on the door in the area where the magnet is located (about 15 cm below the front panel of the intercom) and then, without a pause, sharply and firmly pull the door opener to myself.

For this to work, significant efforts must be made. However, it is easier to use the knowledge of how to open the Visit intercom without a key.

Using code combinations to unlock

All manufacturers include so-called factory combinations for emergency access and service functions in their intercom products.

You can use one of the standard sets of numbers to enter an entrance or a protected area.

However, it is always worth remembering: an installation technician who does not ignore his responsibilities will almost always change the service code, so it is useful to know them full list to try to access certain intercom functions.

Important note!

Some intercom models do not have hash and star buttons. Instead, the keys are C and K, respectively. When entering standard codes and operating in service mode, appropriate adjustments should be made.

The standard emergency opening code differs for different products and depends on the device model and its firmware version. The most common are 4230, 432.

They are dialed like this: first you need to press pound, then enter the code. If it works, the intercom emits a beep and the door unlocks.

There is a separate group of codes that may be suitable for Visit models with video surveillance functions or designed for big number subscribers. They are more difficult to type: 12-lattice-345, 67-lattice-890.

Configuration via the service menu

If the standard list of digital groups is not suitable and the magnet does not unlock, you can try to get the intercom to open using the service functions of the maintenance menu.

This is done as follows:

  • the keypad dials the hash mark - three nines, then 1234;
  • The intercom should make a single, short sound. This means that access to the service is allowed. If the sound is two-tone, you will need to know how to open the Vizit intercom without a key; access codes to the service menu from other firmware options;
  • the standard code from the intercom is visit, the most commonly used is 1234. Other sets of numbers are 6767, four nines, 11639, four zeros, 12345, 3535. When the installer, finishing the installation, decided to change the digital access dial from the standard to a unique password, you can try to select numbers. However, you can do this for a long time and to no avail; you won’t be able to unlock the door.

Let's assume that the standard set of numbers is correct, the intercom emits a single-tone signal and the service mode is activated. Then just press code 2, wait a couple of seconds, then #3535.

This will unlock the magnet. In intercoms where an additional combination of numbers is specified for access to the entrance, you should dial not the standard combination #3535, but the master password for entry. It would be a good idea to completely exit the service mode by pressing the star or button C on the intercom panel once or twice.

Some devices that are not equipped with a display have virtually no functionality for controlling digital combinations installed at the factory. However, they allow you to enter the maintenance menu.

In it, after accepting the digital group for access, you just need to press 1. But there is no guarantee that the persistent Russian reliable intercom will unlock the magnet.

If the doors are equipped with just such a display-free device, it is recommended to use a universal key to open it.

Replacing the individual intercom password

It is impossible to change the factory intercom code of the device itself using only the front panel buttons. To do this, you need internal access, installing a certain combination of jumpers on the board.

This can only be done by a service engineer or installer. However, users are given the opportunity to change the individual apartment password without calling the wizard. To do this, you will need two people: near the intercom panel and in the apartment, at the handset of the device.

To do this, the following operations are carried out:

  1. the apartment number is dialed on the intercom panel;
  2. In the apartment, pick up the phone and quickly press the door unlock button 6 times. You need to do it in 5 seconds;
  3. on the intercom panel, with each press, the corresponding indication will flash, and after the last one, a state of readiness to enter the subscriber ID (apartment number) will appear;
  4. from the panel you should enter a group of digits of the number in full format (with leading zeros, complementing the intercom’s digit capacity, for example, 01 for devices designed for 99 subscribers);
  5. After a short single-tone sound, you should dial the desired digital access combination.

It is convenient to program the key through the Visit service menu. To do this, you need to enter the mode (as described above), then press 3.

Next, the tablet is applied to the reader, the hash mark is pressed, and upon completion of programming, the intercom will emit a short single-tone signal. Upon completion of the actions, you should exit the service mode by pressing the * or C button.

Can I use a universal key?

Universal keys are used by emergency services (police, ambulance, fire), as well as postmen, gas workers and other responsible personnel.

They change centrally as changes model range. Such convenient universal tablets are programmed for a large series of products from one manufacturer.

You can order your own universal key today a large number of services offer such a service.

However, it is worth especially clarifying whether such a tablet will fit exactly the installed intercom model, by bringing at least a photo of its front panel to the technician. There is no need to program or otherwise change the settings of the Visit intercom to use the universal key.


An intercom, correctly installed, configured with a change of factory codes, by an attentive technician is almost impossible to open.

However, the Russian user, including service personnel, always leaves loopholes for their own convenience.

And knowing the codes and methods for accessing the service menu, you can try to open the door.

But using dubious methods in the form of using stun guns and other vandal-type influences is highly discouraged.

This may lead to irreversible damage to the intercom or other unpleasant consequences.

Video: How to open the Vizit intercom. Vizit intercom code

Almost all apartment buildings are equipped with an intercom system. Getting into such a house is extremely problematic if you do not have a key reader or do not know the PIN code. What to do if you can’t get into your house late at night? In such cases, it is possible to open any device of well-known brands by entering a certain combination.

Methods for opening an intercom without a key

The lock is opened with a key

There are many manufacturers of intercom systems. But almost everyone has weak spots in system. How can you use the following techniques?

  • Stun gun. Many people ask the question: is it possible to open any intercom with a stun gun? The door should be opened using the following steps. Apply a stun gun to the reader on the external panel and discharge it. There is a possibility that the system will think that this is a key and will open the lock, and there is also a possibility that the system will completely shut down, and then no one will be able to use this panel.

Non-standard way
  • Another way is to influence the device reader. This is a piezo element from a lighter. Bring it to the reader and click. The chances are small, but they still exist.
  • Under the intercom panel there is magnetic lock. If you hit this area hard, the magnet's grip should loosen.
  • How to open an intercom using force? First you need to press hard on the door, and then sharply pull it towards you.
  • A simpler and more cunning way. It will work best during the daytime. Wait until someone leaves or comes in.
  • Dial the number of any apartment and politely ask to open it. It is possible that some resident will believe that you are his neighbor, will enter into your situation and open the door for you.
  • Enter a special combination, a kind of key to all doors.

The last option seems to be the most effective. It is necessary to consider in more detail the combinations for the most common intercom systems.

How to open an intercom from Metakom without using a key

Metacom system

For products from Metacom, the procedure is as follows:

  • press the calling key, then the apartment number, which begins the numbering of apartments;
  • the first key again. “COD” will appear on the screen;
  • You need to enter the numbers in sequence: 5, 7, 0, 2.

If it doesn't work, then:

  • 65535 and press the first button;
  • Next 1234, the bell key and the “8” key.

If the intercom does not open, then:

  • enter 1234 and press the call button;
  • 6, call button, 4568.

If you recognize the MK-20 M/T model, you can enter one of the following two combinations:

  1. Call, 27, call, 5702.
  2. Call, 1, call, 4526.

One method can definitely open the door.

Combination for Vizit devices

This company has many different models. For example, some have "*" instead of "C" and "K" instead of "#". This fact must be taken into account.

How to enter the settings menu? For this:

  1. Press #.
  2. 1234, the beep will sound.
  3. If a signal consisting of two tones is heard, you can use one of the following combinations or alternately: “12345”, “3535”, “6767”, “9999”, “11639”.
  4. The operation is completed by entering “2, pause, #, pause, 3535.”

Earlier models can be opened with short combinations: *#4230 or 12#345. New models require *#432 or 67#890.

The reception filmed by the guys on a phone camera:

Cyfral system

To log in using this system, you need to be patient and enter long combinations.


B0000. This combination is suitable for opening intercoms of the 2049.1M family. If entering such a sequence of buttons did not open the door, then ON should be displayed on the screen. Then press 2 and the door will open. If OFF is lit on the screen, then the program is protected from hacking.

0000CALL. This combination should open the doors of modification 2094M. COD should light up on the screen. Next, you need to enter 123456 and press the call button, or 4563 plus the call button, or 123400 and the call key. Did FO appear on the screen? You should press 601.

Open Eltis system without a key

This system is characterized by less protection than other brands of intercoms. Emergency opening can be done by dialing the following digital combinations. One of them must log in.

  • Call key - 100 - call - 7-2-7-3.
  • Call key - 100 - call - 2-3-2-3.
  • Call key - APARTMENT NUMBER - call - intercom code. The code is suitable for systems that serve apartments with numbers that are multiples of a hundred. The intercom code is either 2323 or 7272, 7273.
  • call key - 4-1 - call key -1-4-1-0.

How to get into the entrance protected by the Forward intercom?

This device must have a special hole in the reader area. If it is not sealed and is still accessible, then you can open the lock simply by inserting a thin wire or paper clip into the intercom. If opening with sharp objects is not possible, then you can, as with other models, try a number of digital combinations.

  1. Call key - 5-5-7-7-9-8 - call.
  2. 2-4-2-7-1-0-1.
  3. 1-2-3-*-2-4-2-7-1-0-1.
  4. Call button - 1-2-3-4.

If none of the combinations help, then you can try adding your key to the microcontroller database. To do this you need to do the following:

  • 7-7-3-9-5-2-0-1 - * - 0 - *;
  • Place the key on the reader and press the # key twice.

Attention! If the code for recording the key does not work, then you should try another one - 5755660.

Product discovery from Marshal


To open this device, you need to know the numbers of the last apartments in the entrance (hereinafter referred to as NPKVP) and use them in one of the combinations.

  • NPKVP+1 - call - 5-5-5-5;
  • NPKVP+1 - call - 1-9-5-8.

“NPKVP+1” means that you need to add one to the number.

Product from “Stroy Master”

Usually the installer forgets to change the factory codes. Therefore, you can successfully open the door by entering the following combinations in turn on the external panel.

  1. 1-2-3-4, 6-7-6-7, 3-5-3-5, 9-9-9-9, 1-2-3-4-5, 0-0-0-0, 1-1-6-3-9. The action is completed by pressing the call and cancel buttons simultaneously.
  2. Call button - 1234.

Door with intercom Laskomex

This manufacturer uses unique four-digit codes for each device. Therefore, if you recognize this code, you can use it in combination: call button - apartment number - unique code from the manufacturer.

Another method does not require a unique code for the intercom of your home, but only knowledge of simple combinations:

  • alternately press the buttons with the image of the key and 0 four times, it looks like this: K-0-K-0-K-0-K-0 (where K is the key with the image of the key);
  • then enter 6-6-6-6, wait for P to appear on the screen;
  • press 8;
  • the door from the entrance will open in a few seconds.

How to open an intercom without a chip from Techcom

The process of opening an intercom from Techcom involves entering a general code and a part consisting of a unique code for a specific sample. If the installers have not installed the code, you can enter the following combination: 2-5-8 - 1-2-3-4 - call key - 3, “F3” will appear on the screen. This means that the key adding service has been entered. You need to enter the apartment number and attach the key to the reader. If there is already a cipher for this key in memory, then a double signal will sound, if not, then the cipher will be written, accompanied by a single signal. To exit the menu, you need to press “X”; if you do not do this, the device will not remember the settings.

Old models from this company can be opened using the following combination:

  • 1-6-0, and while dialing numbers, you need to hold them;
  • release in reverse order: 0-6-1;
  • “- -“ should appear on the screen, press 4-3-2-1;
  • The process will be completed by dialing B-3-B.

Opening the Factorial device

Installers can complicate the entire process of opening this device without a key. They usually change the factory settings. If this was not done, then you can open it with the following set of characters:

  • 0-0-0-0-0-0 or 1-2-3-4-5-6;
  • 5 - the entry “180180” will appear on the screen - call button - 4 - call button.

If the installers did not have time to change the service settings, then this solution will help you get to the entrance in an emergency.

“Safe-Service” is opened with the following combination

As in the previous copy, you can enter combinations of six zeros or in the order from one to six. If the settings have been changed, the following steps should help you:

  • press and hold button 5;
  • ON will appear on the screen;
  • enter 1-8-0-1-8-0 - B - 5;

However, this combination does not guarantee success. The same applies to all intercom systems. None of the above combinations of symbols and actions guarantees the opening of the intercom. Installers and service companies have long known a method that opens doors without a key.

Installers protect apartment owners by changing settings

It is worth remembering that using these methods to enter other people's entrances is a crime. They can only be used in emergency situations to enter your entrance.

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Evgeniy Krasnoperov







Each intercom manufacturer has a so-called developer code: knowing them is useful in case you forgot the magnetic key when leaving the house in the morning or lost it.

These codes work if the device’s factory settings were not changed when installing the device. As a rule, most installers do not bother changing standard parameters, although there are exceptions.

Opening the entrance door using the developer's code is not illegal!

You can safely use the combinations below if they suit your device. Do you think they could be used by attackers? Alas, they are the ones who have known these codes for a long time, so any such combinations are an open secret. Just try whether they are suitable for your intercom or not. And then you’ll see they’ll come in handy.

How to open the “Visit” intercom

One of the most difficult options, since there are several basic codes for these devices.

You can try dialing *#423, 12#345, 67#890 or *#4230. If none of these combinations work, then you can try to open the intercom using the developer menu.

You can enter it after entering #999. When you hear two intermittent beeps, dial code 1234.

If this does not help, try the sequences 0000, 9999, 3535, 12345, 6767. If this does not give the desired result, then press 2, wait a couple of seconds, then #, then 3535.

Metakom intercom door opening code

Everything is a little simpler here:

  • You can press the call key, dial the number of the first apartment located in the front door, touch the call key again and the COD will be displayed on the screen. After that, press 5702 and the door will unlock.
  • Another option is to dial 65535, press the call key, then dial the numbers 1234, pause, 8.
  • The third method is the call key, 1234, pause, 6, call again, 4568.

How to open the Cyfral intercom

Digital intercoms have only two options for opening without magnetic key. When the device is marked with the letter M, you need to enter 07054 or press call and 41, or call and 1410.

If the front apartment numbers have three digits, then after the call you can try to dial a number that is a multiple of 100 or one of three codes - 2323, 7272 or 7273.

How to open the Eltis intercom

Dial call and 2323, or call and 7273.

How to open the Factorial intercom

The code may be the sequence 000000 or 123456. If this does not work, then try touching 5, wait a couple of seconds, enter 180180, press call, 4, call again.

How to open Keyman intercom

These intercoms are the most difficult to open without a key. The key combination K, 100, 789, pause, 123456, 8 can help. The second code is K, 170862, pause, 0.

During the pause, a short beep should sound.

If you were unable to open the intercom using any of the above combinations, it means that the basic settings were changed during installation!

You can find out the new code from the company that services your intercom - if you provide a good reason why you need it.