How to change the glass in the door from the ecoshpon. How to replace the glass in the interior door with your own hands? Fundamental rules. To do this, you need to know the design of such a door.

From this article you will learn how to replace the glass in interior door do it yourself. And also we describe, in what cases it is better not to do without experienced specialists yourself.

Glazed doors are decoration of any interior. In addition to the attractive appearance, the glass in the door performs the practical function: it visually expands the size of the room and passes the additional light.

Due to its fragility, the door elements made of glass are often broken or cracking. If you decide to change the broken glass in your own hands door canvas, It is necessary to first find out the degree of complexity of the upcoming work.

Replacing the glass in interior doors leave you two outputs: contact the masters or make a replacement yourself. With the first way, everything is clear: they found a phone number, called, the master came and did everything. You stayed satisfied, but paid money (sometimes considerable).

So, what plan when replacing the glass in the interior door do it yourself:

  1. We take out the remnants of broken glass from the door.
  2. We make measurements for a new glass element.
  3. We order or buy a new glass.
  4. We prepare the door leaf to insert the new glass.
  5. We insert and fasten the glass into the interroom door.

And now we will analyze all these items in detail.

The answer is unequivocal - neat!

For this procedure, you will need the following tools and remedies:

  • Tight, but not too thick gloves.
  • A chisel or a wide slotted screwdriver.
  • Little hammer.
  • Dense paper.
  • Broom and scoop.

We wear gloves and with the help of hammer and chisels (screwdrivers) weaken fasteners - strokes. I do not remove them to the end.

Important! In order to safely remove the residues of the broken glass from the door, the stroke should be loosen first from above.

Now carefully remove glass fragments. It should be started with the largest. After removal, immediately laid them into the prepared paper and wrap. Now you can remove the fastening strokes.

If there is a rubberized gasket, in which the glass is inserted, inspect it carefully. It may be damaged. In this case, it may be necessary to purchase a new gasket tape.

If some parts of the glass fell to the floor and broke, then the broom collect them in the scoop. Try not to leave a single fragment on the floor. All work is better to perform in slippers on a solid sole or other shoes.

We measure the opening under the new glass

There are also two options for the action: call the glazier or make measurements yourself. If the broken glass had a complex form, then it is better to use the first option.

Moreover, call the masters is better with the workshop in which it immediately will cut it out. With regular and simple glass forms, you will be quite able to independently remove the desired dimensions.

You can buy glass in building stores or special workshops, where they are engaged in paper cutting. Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of products with different embossed patterns, transparency level, tinge or durability to damage. If children live in the house, it is important to purchase glass on the door interroom with high impact resistance.

The peculiarity of calculating the parameters of the inserted object is to measure the doorway. This indicator will require adding several millimeters of the depth to insert the product. All measurements are better to carry out with the use of the line to determine the exact distance of the lodge. Otherwise, the dimensions will be inaccurate, which makes no possible installation.

Important! Glass should never come close to her bed! That is, its sizes should be less than the bed by 1.5-2 mm with each of the sides.

Acquisition of new glass for interior door

Order or buy new door glass It is possible in specialized workshops on cutting glass and mirrors. Or you can go to the building supermarket where the door was purchased, and make a purchase (order) there.

Some interior doors are equipped with small glasses, which are easily broken. If it broke, you will have to replace the glass into the door. However, before this you need to figure out how to replace it.

Select four varieties of glasses that can be installed in the doors.


Most often B. door structures Set transparent glasses that differ from the rest of the species available cost. Among the disadvantages, fragility is distinguished, since such material is easily broken. If the transparent glass is not very cracked, it can be glued with a decorative film.


Sometimes there are doors in the apartments with matte glass inserts. This interior door not only decorates the interior of the room, but also protects it from the penetration of bright sunlight.

Also, the advantages of matte material include its high density, reliable sound insulation and moisture resistance.

With a drawing, corrugated and stained glass

The main feature of this type of glass inserts is their uneven surface and opacity. The advantages of corrugated coatings include low sound permeability, due to which it is possible to protect the room from extraneous noise.

Toned or mirror

Mirror and tinted glass inserts are more often used in shopping centersHowever, some manufacturers install them in interior doors. The glass surface toning worsens the skipping of the light with the help of glass and makes it less transparent.

Selection of material

Before replacing the canvas on the door, you need to get acquainted with how to choose a new glass material. The following important factors must be taken into account:

  • Product type. You can put in the opening of the usual or decorative glass material. Some are installed in the door plastic polycarbonate, which is characterized by density.
  • Dimensions. Particular attention is paid to the size of the canvas, as it should be placed in the grooves.

How to remove the cracked glass

To properly remove the cracked glass, you need to figure out how to do it.

What do you need

Allocate several materials that will be needed to perform work.


It is no secret that glass can be cut down, and therefore it is recommended to think about protecting hands in advance. Experts recommend protecting the skin from sharp glass corners with gloves. It is not worth using garden gloves, as they are too thin. Instead, it is better to use sturdy rubber products.

Broom and scoop

From broken glass remains a lot of small fragments, from which you need to get rid of. Some remove them with the help of a vacuum cleaner, but it is better to do that. To collect fragments, you need to use the usual broom with a scoop. It is necessary to sweep very carefully to collect all the garbage from the floor.


The chisel is the main tool that is necessarily use when replacing door windows. With it, it is gently upgraded with a glass cloth and pull it out of the door. It is recommended to use small chisels with a thickness of no more than 2-3 millimeters.

Several pieces of thick paper

It is no secret that the glasses are installed in special grooves on the doors. Sometimes glass thickness is not enough, and it begins to hang out tightly in the door groove. To solve this problem, you need to use a special sealing material. For sealing is used robust paper or rubberized material.

Little hammer

To remove door glasses you will need a small building hammer. This tool is used to remove the strokes that hold the glass in the groove. The stroke should be chopped carefully to accidentally do not break them with a hammer.

How to remove

Prepared required tools, It can be started to remove the burst glass canvas. First you need to remove the door from the looping and put it on a flat surface. Then the hammers and chisel weakened and the headquarters responsible for holding the canvas are removed. After that, all the remnants of glass get out of the door.


All unnecessary glass must be disposed of so that there are no fragments on the floor. For this, the floor is discharged several times with a regular broom. The assembled garbage is folded into a trash can or other capacity. Glass fragments should be immediately taken out of the apartment so that in the future it is not accidentally injected.

Check and replace the gum between the spat and glass

The sealing gums used to increase the density of the connection are often glued between the glass blast and fastening stroke. Specialists recommend removing the old elastic band and replace it with a new one. During the removal, it is carefully pushed by a blade and disconnect.

Than replaced

Several materials used to replace broken glass.

Special decorative film

Sometimes people shook the bunting glasses with special decorative straps. Film surface is opaque and weakly skipping light. The advantages of such a material include what it fits well into any interior of the premises.

Sheet dvp

Some people have a new glass to replace and have to use other materials. Most often, instead of a glass leaf, use sheets of fiberboard. It is best to use such plywood sheets to close the doors, which lead to the back or basement.


IN doorway The following types of glasses can be installed.


A common type is considered the usual glass, which is considered the most affordable. The advantages of such a glass canvase belong to what it is easy to install.


Organic canvases are made of special plastic material. Some specialists do not advise the use of organic materials, as they are subject to mechanical damage and corrosion. To protect the surface and extend the service life of the material, it is necessary to process it with a protective mixture.


Stained glass glasses are less likely, since they are the most expensive. The high cost of such products is due to their high strength. Break such glass canvas is very difficult. Another advantage of glasses consider their attractive appearance.


We are hardened called glass web, which in the process of manufacture are undergoing heat treatment to increase the level of strength. After heat treatment, the density of products increases eight times.

Such glasses most often use in the manufacture of partitions, worktops and double-glazed windows.

How to insert

It is necessary to familiarize yourself in advance how to insert new windows.

Tools and materials

Allocate a number of materials and tools that will be needed for work.


The sealant is called the elastic fluid, which must be used to fill the slots, joints and depressions. When installing a new glass with a sealant, the surface of the stroke and the installed canvas is processed.

Little nails

Nails are considered the most common fastener, which secure wooden products. Small carnations will be needed to attach staps to the door.

A hammer

Called hammer percussion instrumentoften used in the construction sector. When working with the door, it is recommended to use non-metallic, but rubberized hammers. When using them, it is difficult to damage the surface.


Glass is attached to the door with wooden staps. However, sometimes it is not enough and have to use other additional funds for fastening. Most often used superchalters, which is applied to the edges of the glass canvas.

Rubber insert

For the installed glass better fasten, use the rubberized insert. It is installed if the door grooves are too wide and the glass dangles.

Replacement scheme

Before putting a new glass, the grooves on the doors are cleaned of glue residues and processed by sandpaper. Then a new sealant is poured into the purified recess, on top of which a rubber gasket is installed. After that, a new glass is recorded in the opening, which is strengthened by the strokes.

Features of work

Allocate certain features of the work with which you need to get acquainted.

Tsarg door

CARGA structures are made of vertical racks, which are connected to each other horizontally located planks. Such doors are characterized by stiffness and durability.

The main feature of the glass replacement in the Cartig door is that it will have to remove vertical racks.

Sliding design

Replace glass on sliding structures pretty hard. Will have to fully disassemble the door, because the fixation components of the canvas are in sliding system. Such work is better to entrust the specialists who repeatedly disassembled sliding doors.


Pilenchard doors are made of several removable elements. To get to the place of installation of the glass, you will have to remove most of the details of the design. As they are connected to each other groove, remove them easily.


Shield structures are more often put in interroom doorways. IN this case Attaching a glass insert is carried out using wooden staps. To remove the remnants of the broken glass, you will have to carefully simulate the strokes and remove them together with fastening nails.

Repair of staggering glass do it yourself

There are several funds that can be used to repair staggering inserts.


So that the installed canvas stops staggering, you can use the liquid sealant. It is poured into the grooves located between the door and glass. After pouring, the glass tab will cease to break out.


Most affordable tool Matches are considered to eliminate glass stalks. Several matches are installed in the corners of the grooves so that the insert is better fixed and did not hang out.

Cork pieces

If there are large slots between the glass insert and the door, you can use plug slices. They are installed in the gap and poured around the perimeter with liquid glue or sealant.

Reinstall the strokes

Over time, the strokes cease to keep inserts normally and have to change them to new ones. To do this, it is necessary to get rid of old planks and clean the grooves from glue residues.

How to hide a small crack

Get rid of a small crack as follows:

  • process the crack with adhesive compositions for gluing glass;
  • take advantage of epoxy glue;
  • plug the surface with decorative film;
  • stick molding on a crack.

How to glazed a deaf door

To glazed the deaf door, you will have to perform the following actions:

  • cut into the door hole to install a glass insert;
  • make fasteners and grooves for fastening the strokes;
  • choose suitable to the size of the canvas and install it.


In order to not change the broken glass material in the future, it is necessary to carefully use the door. It is impossible to clap it when opening or closing, because the canvas can be covered with cracks.


As interior doors, it is often used by products with glasses that are quickly broken. Before replacing the broken glass insert, it is necessary to deal with the main features of such work.

The use of glasses in interior door is a popular reception in interior design. The glasses are added to the airiness and lightness, increase daylightand just look profitable. But since the glass is very fragile construction material, There are no discontinued situations when one piece or all the whole glass is required to replace. The broken glass should be left in the door, in addition to a reduced aesthetics, it can be dangerous if the glass falls in whole or in part. Replace the glass in the interior door with your own hands it is not difficult, you will need care, accuracy and minimum set of tools.

Types of glass for interior door

In many ways, working with glass depends on the type of glass that you have chosen to install into the interroom door. The most common 3 species, the features of each must be taken into account while working with it.

  • Normal glass.The benefits of material refers affordable priceWorking with glass does not provide for special knowledge and skills. But after fasteners of ordinary glass, additional finishes that carrying an increase in costs will be required. Glass acquire either shockproof, or cover with a special film that prevents glass scattering in case of impact - these secrets are also associated with increasing glass price.

  • Decorative glass.Installation decorative glass is as simple as the previous option. The choice of diverse patterns and types of decor will not leave indifferent the most whimsical buyer, everyone will find a glass that will fit into his ideas about the future subject of the interior. Among the disadvantages, it is possible to distinguish a fairly high cost per unit of material, as well as difficulties in the selection of new glass if replacement is necessary.
  • Organic glass. Plexiglas is not a completely derived state of glass, material according to characteristic qualities and operation is close to plastic. And it is both plus, and minus material. The advantage of organic glass in its strength, smash such an insert is not easy. The lack of organic glass in the gradual change in appearance, over time it matures. To avoid this, it is necessary to obtain plexiglass with a special composition in a timely manner.

Glass Replacement Tools

In order to distract anything during you during you, prepare materials and tools in advance that may be needed in the process.

  • Selected glass for replacement, desired sizeProcessed along the edges, safe to work with it.
  • Gloves to protect hands from cuts. Gloves Thin garden do not fit, they will not save from acric glass if the material falls and breaks, pick up solid clothing.
  • From the tools you need a chisel and furniture hammer
  • The sealing paper will be needed for the ceiling of the glass to the size of the desired groove.
  • Prepare silicone for durable glass fixing in door opening.
  • Do not remove the broom and scoop, during work regularly sweep to exclude cuts and off-bements.

Replacing glass step by step

The replacement of glass in the interior door stages consists of several consecutive procedures.

  • Remove the door from the loops, put on the floor, on a flat surface. Under the door undress the tight material so as not to damage the cloth and the flooring. Make sure that the door is durable, it should not be fused or ride under the floor.
  • With the help of the chisels and hammer, loosen and gently remove the strokes holding the glass on the spot. Carefully, using gloves, get the glass fragments from the opening, check that the glass doors do not remain. Satisfy the work surface.
  • Remove with opening lining, remnants of sealant. When replacing the glass, these compositions will have to be replaced with new ones. Use the shallow fraction.

  • Apply Silicone Opera Perimeter. For uniform distribution, use the gun. Tensioning the protective gasket on the glass, install the glass in the opening. Apply the second layer of silicone, only on the other hand relative to the glass.
  • Set the fixing strokes on your places, come up with thin carnations. Give a few hours a canvas for drying silicone, then hang the door on the loop. Work completed!

Replace the glass yourself - easy, this step-by-step instruction will help you do everything right. The main thing is responsible to approach the safety and selection of the new glass, so that the result pleased you for a long time.

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Changing glass in one
master's visit

A broken door glass interferes with solitude or spoil the aesthetic attractiveness of the room? Fast and high-quality glass replacement in interior door - a service, the provision of which is pleased to offer Labrem service. At the same time, you can call the masters to the house in Moscow for measurements, or independently specify the parameters of the web for further operational delivery and installation.

Interior doors with glass inserts are characterized by special beauty. Thanks to them, the room provides natural lighting and unique style. At the same time, the neakkurat appeal can lead to a violation of the integrity of the fragile part of the structure. Repair of the interior door with glass replacement is most often required as a result of the negligence of children and after all sorts of feasts. Often, the influence of drafts will also lead to breakage.

Modern technologies have significantly expanded the design options for decorative details. When damaged, the features of the form may significantly make it difficult to make it impossible to make it impossible to restore their aesthetic beauty. In this case, it is recommended to apply for help from specialists.

Replacing the broken glass in the interior door requires a set of work, the volume of which depends on the method of insertion of the element that has come into disrete. In the usual situation, this process is much easier than in the case of cabinets or other furniture. So, first should buy glass for interior door, after which it is necessary to conduct the following operations:

  • dismantling glass
  • measurement of a new element that should be less than its bed 1-2 mm on each side
  • cleaning surfaces of grooves
  • application with a pistol of silicone sealant layer of about 3 mm
  • mounting work: pressing a wooden frame, re-applying sealant around the perimeter, fixing by strokes by carnations or coils

Installation of glasses and related products are carried out by our specialists in all modern quality standards:

  • We carry out the work of any complexity regardless of the type of door (kitchen, balcony, sliding) and its material (plastic, aluminum, wooden), with backlight or without
  • Insert the glass into the interroom door in Moscow you can at home and in the workshop of the company - the price does not depend on the selected option of cooperation: we offer free departure of the glazier
  • At the request of the client, a showcase, stained glass, mirror, multi-layered, tempered, reinforced, patterned or colored canvas can be used
  • We carry out related doors without surcharge
  • The possibility of delivering a fully prepared material in the case when the glass insert on the door will be carried out by
  • We provide an annual guarantee for all services provided.

Examples of glass replacement in doors

Application for repair of interroom doors

The process of circulation includes the following steps:

  • Call Operator: clarifies the essence of the problem (you need to urgently replace the broken glass in balcony doors). According to the results of the conversation, the operator will calculate and coordinate the cost with you.
  • Measurements: If necessary, the operator will send a specialist for measurements. Departure Master - free service.
  • Installation: operational and in the shortest time Master Greamer will prepare glass for interior doors (cutting, hardening, drawing and delivery) and makes repairs.

Only three steps - and repair doors with a glass insert ceases to be a problem for you. Do not delay the decision for an indefinite period - trust the specialists.

Appeal to Labrem-Service is a guarantee of confidence and calm. Make the right choice now!

Free check-out of the frinser

Interior doors are often decorated with additional decorative elements, Often you can see the decor in the form of a glass insert. But when using low-quality glass inserts or incorrect and negligent operation of the door leaf, it may be necessary to dismantle this fragile part. About how the glasses should be replaced correctly in the interior door, we will talk today.

How to remove the cracked glass?

Replacing the broken or cracked glass in the interior door begins with its removal from the door canvase. The greatest difficulties arise in the event that the glass insert is cracked, because it must be removed in such a way that the glass does not crumble when dismantling.

It is best to perform all work after the door is removed from the loops and is laid on a flat horizontal surface. If it is impossible to do this, you need to open the door and fix it securely at the bottom so that the door canvas do not rushed during operation.

On the cracks themselves, it is necessary to glue transparent durable tape for two sides of the glass in several layers. It is very important that the scotch captures and intact part of it. Such manipulation will allow to fix the glass and will not give it to crumble on the part in the process of dismantling.

Also necessary:

  • gloves, best rubberized on a tissue basis;
  • broom and scoop;
  • chisel;
  • several pieces of thick paper;
  • little hammer.

All work must be performed in gloves, it will help protect your hands from damage. The further procedure for removing the cracked glass will consist of the following steps:

  • It is necessary to establish exactly how the glass insert is fixed in the doorway. It can be initiated through the end or fixed with the assistance of the stroke.
  • If the glass is installed through the end, the door will have to be removed from the loops. It can be removed only through a special hole.
  • If the insert is fixed with the assistance of the stroke, then using the chisels and the hammer they need to move a little to the side. To remove all these fasteners are not necessary.
  • Then the glass is slowly withdrawn from the canvas. It is better to perform such an operation together, especially if the insert has a large size. One person will have to hold the glass at the location of the crack, and the second at the same time will gently remove it from the door.
  • It is necessary to clean all the grooves from sawdust, door maid or sealant.

The dismantled insert should be disposed of immediately, after wrapped it into the prepared paper. If there is some piece of glass in the process of work, it should be carefully suitable in the room.

Of particular difficulties in the implementation of such work does not occur. The main thing is to immediately prepare the whole required Material And perform actions leisurely.

It is worth paying attention to The state of the rubber bandwhich is located between the head and the glass itself. If it is badly damaged or torn, it must be replaced with a new one.

What can be replaced?

After removing the cracked glass from the web to its place, you must install a new insert. Many people have difficulties associated with the choice suitable material For replacement. Before starting to describe possible alternative inserts, I would like to say that Sometimes you can simply take a broken or cracked glass using the following options:

  1. Special decorative film in cases where a crack or chip, have small size. It glues all the glass immediately so that the door looks harmonious and holistically.
  2. List DVP. This option is temporary and can only be applied until the new glass is selected. To improve the appearance, it is also recommended to be a temporary insertion of decorative film.

For the final replacement of the cracked glass in the door, other materials can be used:

  1. Normal glass. This material has no own decor, it is completely transparent, has a wide availability and low price. When choosing this option, it is possible to decorate it in any way in the future.
  2. Organic glass has high level Strength, and it is very difficult to break it, but at the same time scratches on such a material appear quite quickly. You can eliminate this disadvantage using a decorative film that will decorate the door itself, and protect the insert from small damage.
  3. Decorative (stained glass) glass. This option of replacement is the most stylish, beautiful and expensive. Inserting from such glass is distinguished by an unusual external species and high strength. True, it will be necessary to spend a lot of time on the selection of an interior design suitable to the overall style. Some varieties of this material will be installed at home will be impossible.
  4. Tempered glass is distinguished by increased strength, fire safety and noise insulation.

Materials for replacing the old cracked glass is quite a lot. Preferred is worth it from them that most accurately suits not only technical characteristics, but also appearance.

How to insert your own hands: Step-by-step instructions

The installation of a new decorative part in the door canvas should not begin with the works themselves, but from the measurement. It is necessary to accurately determine the size of the future insert. After performing measuring work, you need to remember that the glass itself, should not be too tight in the groove, otherwise it can burst again.

For the installation of a new insert, the following equipment will be required:

  • sealant;
  • small nails;
  • a hammer;
  • glue;
  • rubber insert.

The replacement itself is pretty simply in several stages:

  1. The sealant is applied on one side of the door cloth into special groove grooves.
  2. The newly acquired insert is inserted into the rubber band, and then installed in the groove. Glue glass and tree directly without using such rubber seal It is possible, however, such an installation will be unsafe, and the glass itself - unreliable fixed in the grooves.
  3. The sealant is applied again, but on the other side of the door.
  4. After 5 minutes, there were previously removed strokes. If necessary, they should be securely fixed, using special small nails.
  5. The door canvas must be left in a fixed state for another couple of hours. During this time, the whole design will fully secure inside the door.

Insert glass in wooden door It is possible not only with the use of sealant, but also a special wood or universal glue. Application sealant also remains a mandatory part, but this stage is performed after the installation of glass.

It is best to perform such work after removing the door with the loops. This installation option is most simple and suitable for glass of ordinary rectangular shape.

The technology itself can be used for other types of inserts installed not only in conventional doors, but also sliding or collapsible.

If the glass is located in the side door, and remove the canvas itself with the loops is not possible, then it is necessary to fix the hard-door web in such a way, to do not move during the work.

How to change in the Cingle door?

In addition to the usual interroom doors, today you can meet the CARD doors, which can also have a damaged glass insert. The CARGE door leaf differs from the usual because it has special bars-amplifiers, which reliably fix the design itself in doorway. The replacement of inserts in such a door will be performed as follows:

  • It is necessary to remove the door with the loops using a screwdriver and removing the pre-plug. Unscrew the bolts from the inside of the loops.
  • The door leaf fit on a flat horizontal surface located above the floor level.
  • Using a ruler or chisel, it is necessary to remove the remaining plugs located along the edges of the canvas.
  • We remove the fasteners of the screwdriver.
  • With the help of a hammer and a wooden bar, you need to disconnect the king around the perimeter from the door itself. Direction of movements - bottom at the top. It is necessary to start removing the kings from the place where the fasteners were located.

  • After disconnecting the kings, it is necessary to carefully remove it from the canvas and, putting the gloves, remove the cracked glass from the grooves together with the silicone seal.
  • We make glasses measurements and get a replacement.
  • But a new insert put on the seal and insert it into the grooves.
  • We produce the setting of the kings to the place.
  • Now it is necessary to collect and install the entire canvas in the order, reverse design analysis.

The replacement of glass inserts in the Cartig door is considered more complex than the work performed on ordinary interroom doors, so it comes to its execution it is necessary to be extremely responsible and neat.

How to fix a staggering glass in the apartment?

Not always glass in such door canvases cracks or broken. It is much more likely to hear that it simply begins to stagger and make up loud and unpleasant sounds. To solve this problem without replacing the decorative insert, you can in several ways:

  • Special "sanitary" sealant should be purchased, which is applied with a thin strip into a slit, formed between insertion and wood.
  • Conventional matches in one thing are inserted into the corners of the glass panel. Instead, you can use an acrylic putty, which is also applied to insert angles.
  • Small pieces of cork are abundantly lubricated universal glue And around the perimeter glass is inserted into the slots.
  • You can also carefully remove the strokes themselves, apply a sealant on the glass, and on top to set them again, but closer to the decorative panel itself.

All these ways to eliminate noise and mobility of glasses in the doors really help to get rid of the problem, and their execution does not take much time.

Installation options

The main ways to replace windows in interroom two, and each of them, in turn, has two varieties:

  • Installation of a new insert with cooling or increasing size. In the first case, the cracked or broken glass is removed, and the new one is installed in its place, which is the same size. Such work is considered the simplest and rapid.
  • In the second case, after dismantling a damaged insertion on the door canvase, the image draws a pencil, then the measurements are removed, and then the glass is purchased. With the help of a hacksaw, the desired form of the hole is cut, there are special grooves in it and only then the installation occurs. Such work requires special care of measurements and caution when drinking a new form in the door, otherwise you can only spoil all the material without solving the problem.