Gaillardia herbaceous plants for open ground: variety Arizona San. Iris is a flower loved by many gardeners Crimean iris herbaceous plants for open ground

Iris, or iris, is a herbaceous plant for open ground

Iris, or iris, is a herbaceous plant for open ground from the iris family. In its natural environment, it is found in the steppes and plains of temperate and subtropical climate zones. Origin - Far East, Central Asia and China.

Description of iris

Endowed with a fibrous thread-like rhizome. The stems are single or collected in a bunch, with or without branching. The leaves are flat, elongated, with a sharp tip, basal. Inflorescences can be either single or group, of different color range: white, lilac, yellow, blue, black. The flower has a tubular structure, there is nectar inside. Blooms in May - July.

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Iris - a herbaceous plant for open ground

There are up to 250 species. Common irises:

  • "bearded";
  • "Russian";
  • "Siberian";
  • "swampy";
  • "smooth";
  • "German";
  • "dwarf";
  • "xiphoid";
  • "bristly";
  • "short";
  • "sharp"

All representatives vary in height: low - no more than 40 cm, medium - up to 70 cm, high - from 71 cm. Color and place of growth also vary.

Conditions for growing iris

Iris is an ideal herbaceous plant for open ground. Lives in one place for up to 10 years. It is advisable to choose areas with light shade, close to spreading trees. The soil is preferably fertile and loamy, with a neutral alkaline environment. Frost-resistant, withstands temperatures down to -5 °C. The optimal regime for growth is 15–24 °C.

Agrotechnical care measures:

  • Watering 1-2 times a week. Excess moisture leads to rotting of the root system.
  • Propagated by dividing the rhizome. In autumn or spring, the selected area is separated. A sharp instrument is used to minimize damage to the remaining shoots.
  • Regular weeding and loosening during dry summers.
  • There is no need for fertilizing in the first year. Liquid mineral fertilizers are applied to poor soils 3 times: in early spring, when buds are planted, and at the end of summer. The first time - nitrogen, the second and third - potassium and phosphorus.

A plant with strong immunity, but sometimes affected by rhizomatous rot. The reason is the damp environment. To eliminate the problem, dig up a bush and treat it with a manganese solution. Then transplanted to a dry place. Pests include aphids and gladiolus thrips. Spraying with the special insecticide “Confidor” helps.

Irises are valued by gardeners for their decorative properties and ease of care. They look good in combination with other flowering crops with deep roots. In landscape design, dwarf species are used for borders. High representatives look good in mixboxers and group compositions.

If you are looking for a decent decoration for a flower bed, then it’s better herbaceous gaillardia you won't find it. This is a plant that can be recognized by its magnificent and vibrant blooms. This is a perennial that pleases with effective flowering for a long time and does not require special care.

You can use gaillardia to decorate any flower bed. And thanks to simple care, even an inexperienced gardener can grow the crop. Besides, wide choose varieties will allow you to choose suitable option to create a unique flower garden.


In the video - gaillardia for open ground:

Herbaceous gaillardia is characterized by long flowering. It combines effectively and harmoniously with other flowers and foliage crops. The plant is not whimsical, so it is actively used for decorative purposes. There are species that are used for cutting.

Today the following varieties are considered the most popular:

  1. Zone. This is a two-color crop, the height of which reaches 60 cm. The size of the baskets reaches 10 cm. The petals are presented in dark yellow or golden yellowish color. Here's how it happens

    Gaillardia Zone

  2. Kobold. It is a bushy plant characterized by branched stems and large branches. They are yellow in color and have a bright red border around the edges. The height of the crop reaches 40 cm. But what decorative frost-resistant shrubs exist for dachas can be found out from this

  3. Arizona Sun. This dwarf plant, the height of which reaches 20 cm. It is characterized by abundant flowering, which lasts until frost.

    Arizona Sun

  4. Primavera. This plant is famous for its compact size. Its height reaches 25 cm. One rosette can form 8 peduncles with baskets. Their size reaches 12 cm.


  5. Burgunder. The variety can be recognized by its bright and large flowers. They have a dark red tint and slight yellow splashes.


  6. Tokajer. This is a perennial whose shoots are decorated with bright orange flowers. But this will help you understand how to plant and care for perennial Lupine

  7. Golden Gobin. This variety has low growth and monochromatic flowers. It is especially loved by gardeners due to its long flowering period.

How and when to plant

Gaillardia is so popular due to the fact that it is easy to care for. In addition, when planting it, you do not need to choose a place and prepare the soil for a long time. The crop grows on almost any garden soil. But before planting, you should still add some fertilizer if you have poor soil on your site. Most often you have to add humus, mineral fertilizers and wood ash. This should be done while digging the area.

The plant also does not tolerate acidic soil and the use of fresh manure for fertilizer. First you need to plant the seedlings. To do this, you will have to take a box or other container, fill it with substrate, and then lead planting material

. There is no need to plant it deeply. Water the soil on top and cover the container with glass. But this will help you understand how to plant Aster seeds for seedlings.

After 5-7 days, the glass can be removed, as the first shoots appear. When 2-3 leaves form on them, it is worth picking, transplanting the young plants into separate pots.

Seedlings can be planted in open ground in mid-August or September. To do this, choose an area that is thoroughly illuminated by sunlight. The soil must also be well-drained. The plant welcomes the sun, so under its influence it will grow and bloom better. But in the shade the crop will gradually wither and produce little flowering. Flowers love lighting, but which spotlight to choose for your dacha for lighting is described in great detail

On the video - how to plant gaillardia:

Now you can prepare holes for seedlings and place them at a distance of 20-25 cm. The fact is that the bushes grow well. If you plant the plant densely, then next year the flowerbed will look ugly. You can grow a crop in one place for no more than 4 years.

How to grow

In fact, gaillardia is an unpretentious crop. But there are a number of requirements that must be observed when caring for it.

This type of plant is drought-resistant, so it does not need additional watering. Watering gaillardia regularly is necessary, provided that the summer is dry.

But it is extremely necessary to apply fertilizers. Moreover, this must be done more than once. Fertilizers are used for the first time at the very beginning of flowering. The second time, fertilizing is applied directly during flowering. The third time fertilizer is needed is after the plant has already flowered.

Fertilizing should only be done using mineral fertilizers. But this crop does not accept organic matter. In addition, care includes loosening, weeding, cutting off faded buds, autumn pruning of flower stalks and tying to a support. It will also be interesting to learn about how to organize watering in your garden, but here’s how to install your drainage pump for watering, outlined


This type of plant thrives in winter. Mature bushes do not need additional shelter, but 30 days before the onset of cold weather, it is worth cutting off and covering the crops with fallen leaves. In those regions where winters are harsh, it is better to cover the plant.

Diseases and pests

If there is excess water during watering, then it is possible that the gaillardia will be damaged by fungi. Among them is white rust, powdery mildew And gray rot. To prevent the formation of diseases, it is worth watering the crop moderately. If the first signs of disease are detected, treat the plant with a solution of potassium permanganate. For severe damage, treatment includes the use of fungicides. If this does not help, then the bush will need to be removed.

In the video - protecting flowers from pests:

Herbaceous gaillardia is one of the most popular plants today. And this popularity is due to the fact that the crop can decorate absolutely any flower bed, and it does not require special care. Combining with other both floral and herbaceous plants, you can create your own masterpiece on the site. Read also the material about flowers.

What flower is called iris? Probably many people ask this question after hearing the unusually affectionate name of the plant. Iris is a flower widespread on all continents and better known as “iris”.

They began to call it this way in honor of the radiant and beautiful goddess Iris, who descended along a multi-colored rainbow to bring people news from the formidable gods.

Flower from the past: iris

In ancient times, what flower was an exquisite decoration for the estates of the pharaohs? What flower is depicted in the 4,000 year old fresco? Which flower got its name meaning "rainbow"? light hand Greek physician Hippocrates? The most delicious jam is prepared from the petals of which flower in Armenia and Azerbaijan?

Iris (aka iris). Flower (photo), medicinal properties which were highly appreciated traditional medicine and were used for snake bites, cough relief and stomach upsets. Extracts from the root of the plant are used in winemaking, the perfume industry and the preparation of some confectionery products. In Ancient Egypt, fabric paints were made from irises.

What flower is called iris?

The iris is considered a symbolic flower. In Japan, it is used to make magical amulets for boys, instilling courage and protecting against illness. The ancient story tells of a certain girl whom the Japanese considered cursed by the gods for her blond hair color. Walking one day all alone, the girl came across an amazing flower and, deciding not to part with such beauty, dug it up and took it with her. At home I prepared a decoction from it and used it to wash my hair.

The hair took on a golden hue. Fellow villagers, seeing such a dramatic change, believed that God’s grace had descended on the girl, so the sun gilded her head. Since then, the iris in Japan began to be considered a messenger of the gods and took its rightful place in the imperial garden. Its leaves are even used in the preparation of some national dishes Land of the Rising Sun, and in the Middle Ages, officials wore wigs made from iris leaves. What flower is another name for iris? What does killer whale look like? What is another name for the iris flower? Based on the above, it becomes quite clear that the common people call iris by such an affectionate nickname.

External characteristics

Today, iris is a flower that is actively used in landscape design. Thanks to its amazing attractiveness, incredible variety of varieties and ease of care, it has gained great popularity among gardeners. Iris flowers are characterized by a variety of colors: white, black, yellow. Breeding science has achieved not only elegance of forms and a more pronounced aroma, but also the combination of two or more shades in one flower. Iris stems are tall (up to 150 cm), erect peduncles, branched in the upper part. Each of them has from 7 to 9 large flowers, single or combined in inflorescences. The flowers do not have petals or sepals; they are a tubular perianth divided into 6 bent lobes: three fused inner lobes form a kind of tube, the three outer ones are slightly turned downwards and most often colored in a different tone. The inflorescence usually blooms with 2-3 buds. The maximum lifespan of one flower is 5 days.

The rhizomes are superficial, fleshy, rapidly growing, with cord- or thread-like fibrous roots.

They consist of separate links, each of which represents an annual increase with the necessary supply of substances required for the development of all parts of the plant: leaves, buds, peduncles and replacement lateral buds. The rhizomes contain valuable oil; species with the largest amount are used in the production of perfumes. The leaves are xiphoid, fleshy, flat, with a waxy coating; usually collected in fan-shaped bunches.

The fruit is a three-lobed capsule. The lifespan of an exquisite unpretentious plant is 10-13 years, although the roots die off annually.

Growing conditions

Iris is a flower that prefers to grow in well-lit areas and is tolerant of shade. The most optimal are slightly acidic and neutral soils. Only some types of irises take root on wet lands (for example, Kaempfer's iris and Bearded varieties love loose soil, do not tolerate constant dampness and grow well on slopes. It is recommended to plant irises at a distance of at least half a meter from each other; dwarf varieties can be placed closer.

Growing irises does not require large amounts of fertilizer or abundant watering; Almost all varieties are frost-resistant. The plants appear in all their glory starting in mid-May. The flowering period ends in July. With the correct selection of varieties and their combination, iris will provide aesthetic pleasure for 2 months.

Features of care

One of the factors of quality care is loosening the soil, which is necessary to ensure access of oxygen to the roots. This operation must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the roots located close to the surface. It is advisable to feed the iris with mineral preparations in the spring, during the period of setting buds and in August, before laying the flower buds of next year. Nitrogen can be added to the first fertilizing, followed by phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. The addition of fresh organic matter by gardeners is not recommended.


The most in a simple way reproduction is the division of the rhizome, which is best done at the end of flowering or in early September, when young rhizomes have already formed.

You should not wait until late autumn, as the plant must have time to take root before the soil freezes. When dividing in spring, you will have to admire the blooming flowers only next year. For this propagation method, you should choose a well-developed bush. After division, each part should have a piece of rhizome and leaves. The sections need to be dried and powdered with crushed charcoal to avoid rotting. Underground part Before planting, you should dip it in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for about a quarter of an hour, and cut the leaves in half.

New varieties are bred by seed, but in this case the plants bloom in the 2-3rd year.

Iris in landscape design

Irises, characterized by a superficial location of the rhizome, are excellent neighbors for any shrubs with deep roots: spirea, roses, deutzia rough, coniferous plants, easily get along with peonies.

Low-growing varieties look original as a border along paths, as well as in compositions among large stones. Irises are attractive in group plantings and go well with annual plants and Tall varieties are often used to frame ponds. For shallow waters, marsh irises are most suitable, and Japanese and Siberian representatives can be planted along the banks. Irises look impressive in iridariums - flower beds intended exclusively for their cultivation.

Diseases and pests

Irises are quite resistant to pests and diseases. They can be affected by rhizome rot if they grow in constantly wet soils. It is not difficult to cure a plant: just dig it up, cut off the rot, disinfect it in potassium permanganate or a special anti-rot preparation and plant it in dry soil.

Among garden pests, iris can be affected by gladiolus thrips or aphids. Infected plants look depressed and stop blooming. You can get rid of the pest by using the drug “Confidor” according to the instructions.

What flower has the second name “killer whale”? The above information fully explains the this issue, and also talks about the features of growing and caring for such an attractive and unpretentious plant.


Yellow iris, translated as Iris pseudacorus, this plant from the iris family has a number of other names: marsh iris, lapachuga, false calamus iris, cattail, water iris, ir, kuga, aliform iris, core, mint, doll, wild tulip, and some other names.

This representative of the flora belongs to the group of thick-rooted perennials. Its stem grows up to one meter in height. The leaves have a sword-shaped shape, the flowers are beautiful yellowish-golden, the bracts at the top are membranous, there are stamens, they are hidden under the stigmas. Flowering begins in late spring.

Plant distribution

In our country, this plant is found in many areas; it grows on the edges, in birch forests, and can also be seen along river banks and growing in steppe meadows.

Part used

All parts of this plant are used, in particular leaves, stems and rhizomes, this is explained by the fact that they contain different substances carbohydrates, coumarins, there are flavonoids, numerous organic acids, triterpenoids are present, as well as other compounds.

Collection and procurement of raw materials

To harvest rhizomes, you will need a spatula; you can use it to dig out the required amount of raw materials. Next, it should be shaken off from the soil, which often sticks to the surface of the underground part of the plant. After which you need to wash it, if necessary, and dry it.

The roots are then cut into pieces, after which they are laid out in a thin layer on a tray, which is then placed in a drying chamber. This device should be set to the optimal temperature regime, V in this case it should correspond to 50 degrees.

After the raw material acquires a characteristic crunch and is completely dry, you can put it in cardboard boxes, but you need to place it loosely enough in the container so that it does not cake or become damp. Then it is taken away for storage in a dry place.

The shelf life of harvested roots is three years; after this time, it is recommended to refrain from using it, as the raw material will lose its medicinal qualities.

Application of iridescent yellowtail

The raw materials of this plant are used with therapeutic purpose. Medicines made from this representative of the flora have a hemostatic effect. In addition, the raw materials of the yellow iris are included in medicinal preparations.

In addition, a powder is prepared from the roots; it is used externally, for example, various festering wounds are sprinkled with it, and lotions are also made from this raw material, which are effective for long-term non-healing abrasions and ulcers.

Medicines prepared from the yellow iris have an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect, and also have an astringent, expectorant, diuretic and anthelmintic effect on the human body.

Infusions and decoctions are used to rinse the mouth in the presence of inflammatory processes on the surface of the mucous membrane, for example, drugs are used for stomatitis, gingivitis, and also for toothache.

In addition to all of the above, the infusion and decoction are used to treat hemorrhoids, in which medicinal baths are carried out, it is recommended to do them daily, as a result of which inflammation subsides, bleeding is relieved and an analgesic effect is provided. But before carrying them out, you must first consult with a proctologist.

Infusion recipe

To prepare a medicinal infusion, you will need five grams of yellow iris raw material, while the roots of the plant are first subjected to high-quality grinding; for this you can use an electric mill, in which the rhizomes will turn out to be quite small.

Then the crushed rhizomes are poured into a prepared dry container, for example, a small bowl, and 200 milliliters of boiling water is poured into it, after which everything is mixed and covered with a lid so that the drug infuses better.

After some time has passed, for example, after an hour, you can filter the infusion; for this you need to use gauze, it is first folded in several layers and the finished medicinal liquid is poured through it.

After which the infusion will be ready for immediate use, for example, it can be used for rinsing, washing, and also preparing treated lotions with it. The shelf life of the drug is three days, and it must be stored at a cool temperature, after which it is not recommended to use it.

Tincture recipe

If there is uterine bleeding, so-called metrorrhagia, you can use the following medicine. It is necessary to prepare a tincture based on the rhizomes of this representative of the flora. You will need 10 grams of crushed raw materials, it is placed in a bottle, after which alcohol is poured into it in an amount of 100 milliliters.


Before directly using drugs prepared on the basis of this medicinal plant, it is recommended to consult a specialist. It is better to refrain from unauthorized use.