White doors in the interior: interesting ideas and unusual design solutions. It's a good idea to make white doors in the interior of your apartment. Finishing with white doors.

White doors in the interior are a classic and most versatile option for the home. Choice interior doors Today it is huge and you can find a suitable one for any design. To someone White color It may seem, at first glance, too boring or impractical, however, such an interior solution has not lost its relevance to this day.

Advantages of white doors

For a long time, white doors were present in almost every room of the post-Soviet space - be it government agencies or ordinary apartments. When people had a choice, most abandoned the boring light doors in favor of darker and wooden. IN last years the opposite trend is observed. American and European designers often use doors light shades in their interiors, without considering them banal at all. What advantages do doors of this color have?

  • Versatility . They go perfectly with any flowers in the interior. No matter what color the walls or furniture in the room are, white suits any environment perfectly. Such a door is neutral and does not have a pronounced connection to the style, if it does not have additional decorative elements. It doesn’t matter at all what color and texture flooring in the room, white door will not conflict with laminate, parquet or carpet. What can't you say about wooden door, choosing a pattern for the parquet flooring in a room can be very difficult. Most apartments have white window frames; the combination of door and window is very important in the interior, it gives it integrity and completeness. A white door will look equally advantageous in a living room, bedroom, nursery, hallway, kitchen or bathroom.
  • Airiness. Most of modern housing cannot boast of a vast area. In tight spaces, white is the most advantageous color. It will not weigh down the room; moreover, it will give it lightness and airiness. The simplicity of such a door may not attract attention, but it does not distract it from the main elements in the interior. It is most beneficial to combine white doors with neutral-colored walls in small rooms. In this case, the illusion of a complete space is created, when the wall seems continuous and the room appears more elongated. Also, milky doors are ideal for rooms with low ceilings; they will help draw the space up.
  • Practicality. Many people are afraid to install white canvases because of possible dirt and handprints on them. This is only relevant if there are small children in the house. In fact, with proper care, they turn out to be more practical. Dust is not as noticeable on them as on dark surfaces.

White doors in different interior styles

Despite their versatility, there are some interior styles where light-colored doors look most preferable:

  • Scandinavian. Nordic interior designers, like no other, constantly express their love for the color white. Their designs amaze with their simple, clean lines, shapes and colors. White is one of the key colors for Scandinavians. They are not afraid to use it to the maximum in interiors. Scandinavian apartments They cannot boast of large areas, just like ours. Therefore, light colors are the best solution for increasing space. Because the Scandinavian style gravitates towards everything natural and natural, then doors for such an interior will be suitable for laconic and without unnecessary decorative elements. Simple painted wood with discreet fittings - this is what a classic door in the style of Scandinavian minimalism looks like. At the same time, designers are not afraid to combine doors with white walls; the floor is most often laid with natural parquet or covered with soft rugs.
  • Minimalism. The simplicity and asceticism of this style are perfectly complemented by laconic white doors without additional finishing with the simplest fittings. No matter what colors are present in the interior, white openings will fit into the design of any apartment. Even in dark room with walls brown or gray light doors will look advantageous if they are supported by white skirting boards on the floor or ceiling and window frames.
  • Baroque, Empire, Romantic and any classical style. Regardless of the richness of the decoration and the splendor of the decoration, a white door will be appropriate both in a calm classic interior and in the most pompous one. Previously, they were readily used in palaces and houses of wealthy aristocrats. With the help of decor and finishing you can give even this very simple element the interior is a bit chic. White or ivory door in the interior baroque style made from natural wood, decorated with carvings, stucco elements and rich gold fittings.

White interior doors in the interior they are considered universal - no matter what style the room is decorated in, with rare exceptions, they will look appropriate. White goes with almost any wall color, supports calm and elegant patterns on wallpaper, and is suitable for any room - children's room, living room, bedroom, office, as well as for the kitchen and bathroom.

  • Changing accessories
  • Choosing glazing

  • White + green
  • White + purple
  • White + chocolate
  • White + black

“What are the advantages?”

The undeniable advantage of light-colored doors is the visual increase in the size of the room. If you want to visually raise the ceiling and create the illusion of an elongated room, you won’t find a better color than white. Snow-white doors do not attract attention as much as doors, which allows the use of the most budget models.

“Choose a style”

Snow-white interior doors are a popular option for both offices and residential premises. It's all about their emphasized neutrality and even invisibility. In the end, the color of the doors always obliges us to follow certain rules in the design of rooms - but not white!

White doors are typical for Scandinavian interiors, where light finishing “makes” appearance the whole room. If the Swedes can afford to install in spacious rooms, then for small rooms the verdict has been rendered in advance. Light floors, white walls, windows, ceilings and doorways. Thus, the furnishings do not look enclosed in a strict frame, the view is diffused, and the rooms visually look more spacious.

By the way, milk doors in the interior are not a fundamentally new solution! If you remember Soviet apartments, you will understand that in almost every one of them the interior doors were painted white. Now it’s difficult to say what caused such unanimity among the builders, but the passages in the tiny Khrushchev buildings really looked larger than they actually were.

"Course on originality"

Do you think white doors in the interior are banal and simple? It's up to you to make them look more interesting! Like any piece of furniture, a door can be decorated with accessories to attract attention or fit more organically into the space.

"Changing accessories"

  • To somehow diversify a light door, you don’t need to reinvent the wheel. It is enough to purchase original accessories. Interesting handles can completely transform your door! For a classic elegant interior, choose thin carved models with imitation gold or patination; for a modern brutal interior, choose heavy cast iron; for a teenager’s room, multi-colored translucent plastic.

“Choosing glazing”

  • If a blank white door seems too simple and artless to you, look for an option with glass inserts or even multi-colored stained glass windows. By the way, white doors with glazing look even more weightless than solid models. For playing with room sizes, they may be more suitable - it's worth trying them out!
  • For those who value individual style, numerous workshops offer glass engraving. Thus, you can turn a banal piece of furniture into a real art object! You can choose a non-binding, elegant design, Japanese characters, delicate flowers, or any photorealistic image of your choice.
  • The illustration below shows two white doors in the interior. One of them is smooth and solid, the second is made with horizontal glass inserts. Which option do you think looks more interesting? A door with glass is visually lighter, so for small apartments and narrow corridors it is better to prefer it.

"Light doors and wall color"

The most popular question that arises among owners of white doors is what color of wallpaper will go with them? Is it possible to decorate the walls in dark colors or are you forced to stick to neutral pastel finishes? Let's look at specific examples to clarify this tricky point.

"White + green"

  • Don't think that white doors in the interior are combined only with clean, simple colors. Complex and even dirty shades look no less good. An example of one of these is in the photo below. The dusty green-pistachio color of the walls looks especially interesting in combination with a door decorated with mirrored rectangles. Such interior doors perfectly reflect light and are used just to enliven a dark interior.

"White + purple"

  • The majestic and luxurious interior can be seen in the photo below. In a room where dark tones dominate, white is supported by the mantel and marble floor. You can adopt a wonderful method that will be useful for the classic style. If you think that the door is rustic and does not match the lush decoration, hang a curtain rod above it, and the doorway can always be draped with a curtain. But this door is distinguished by the subtlety of its finishing - take a closer look, its casing is made exactly by analogy with the edge of the fireplace.

"White + chocolate"

  • Still think that white doors and dark walls don’t go together? We hope the following example will clear up all your doubts! For cozy interior in the Art Nouveau style, a light door will always be relevant, especially if the walls are painted in contrasting combinations. Please note that this is your ally in playing with any interior solution. The drawing applied to them (we described above where to do this) can subtly repeat the shape of the objects in the room, thus linking all the details of the decor into a single whole. IN in this case, it is an oval shaped rug and lampshade. As a result of this correspondence, the room is filled with smooth lines, looking softer.

"White + black"

  • When you are building an achromatic interior, the question arises - what color door should you prefer? When choosing between a black and white door, as in the interior in the photo, pay attention to the priority color in the room. If the main space is painted white and black acts as an accent, as in the photo below, install white doors and you can't go wrong. If black clearly dominates, choose dark. But since black doors are a rather strict option, you can try replacing it with gray.

  • There is a misconception that white can only be combined with a light floor. In fact, this is not entirely true. Yes, often this option looks more harmonious, you can be sure that it will suit a light interior. But a dark wood floor and a snow-white door can look no less interesting. True, the mood of such an interior is quite specific - the format of the room should be classic, where an atmosphere of rigor and restraint hovers.

And yet, when choosing white doors for your apartment, remember that the main thing is not the color, but the style. As you can see, smooth doors, stained glass or with plain glass inserts, covered with or without small decor, with brass or chrome handles, look completely different. Therefore, pay attention to details, and your interior will look unforgettable!

Do you remember the days when almost all interior doors were white? Wherever you go, it’s the same everywhere: in apartments, in schools, in kindergartens, in hospitals, and in offices. The reason for this was not the desire for general sameness, but the insufficient development of technology. When the market finally offered the buyer doors of all colors, white samples were outsiders. Everyone is really tired of them. But, having had enough of the variety, the consumer again began to look closely at white. By the way, in the USA and Scandinavian countries, white interior doors are the most popular - they are preferred by the vast majority. And no one would even think of complaining about the lack of assortment in these countries. This means there is something special about white doors. What?

White doors in the interior: advantages

1. Lightness. White interior doors look very light and even delicate. They do not overload the space or put pressure on it. That is why white doors are most suitable for tight corridors leading to several rooms at once. Dark doors make it gloomy, dark and even more “compressed”. White door leaves help avoid this.

This is also true for small passage rooms and small rooms - white doors here will look more advantageous.

2. Versatility. White interior doors are neutral and versatile. They do not need to be tied to the color of flooring or furniture.

A wood-colored door may conflict with laminate, parquet, and furniture. You have to carefully select shades and look for similar color nuances in the wood pattern. There are no such problems with white doors.

You can use a different one in each room of your apartment or house and not worry about compatibility with door leaves.

Such doors are appropriate almost everywhere also because most residential buildings have windows with white frames. Doors and windows of the same color- classics of the genre.

3. Merging effect. If the walls in the room are white, the doors seem to merge with them. Due to this, the room seems a little more voluminous than it actually is. There is no visual division of the wall by the doorway, so it appears longer.

White interior doors in the interior: disadvantages

There is one serious drawback, and everyone knows about it: white doors are very easily soiled. The area around the door handles. White doors have to be washed a little more often than dark ones. Sometimes it is not enough to simply wipe the surface - you have to use detergents.

On the other hand, dust is not visible on white doors, which cannot be said about dark ones. Therefore, it is wrong to say that it will take much more time to care for a white door. If household members are accustomed to washing their hands, the cleanliness of white doors will not be a serious problem.

Some people consider their rustic appearance to be a disadvantage of white doors. Yes, perhaps they are not as impressive as, for example, wenge-colored doors. Often white doors do not attract attention at all. But sometimes that's exactly what you need.

White doors in the interior: good to know

The combination " white doors - dark floor"raises questions, especially among beginners: is it possible and worth doing this? In fact, this combination is quite common. It is recognized as very effective, and the more luxurious the result.

Not all doors in an apartment or house need to be the same color. If the choice fell on white interior doors, it is not necessary to purchase white front door. Some doors, including the front door, may be dark. Two types of doors in one apartment are quite acceptable.

Against the background of cream and light beige walls, a white door often doesn’t look good at all. For such an interior, doors the color of cream or baked milk are more suitable. Such door leaves are also neutral and versatile, compatible with different floors and do not conflict with furniture in warm colors.

White doors can be complemented with white floor skirting boards, even if the floors are dark. This is a classic scheme, very common, for example, in Britain and the USA. White skirting boards go well with any wood floors and carpet of different colors. A white line encircles a room or corridor and ends with a door. This “white belt” connects the different elements of the interior, giving it integrity.

It is also possible reverse scheme, implying a combination of a white door with darker trims and. This option is quite bold, but quite acceptable, although not very often used. This combination is usually used to combine white doors with dark window frames and furniture.

What is the appeal of white doors with such a variety of options that the building materials market offers?

Soundproofing and protecting the room is the main function of doors. An important task is reliability and a pleasant appearance. To do this, the doors are laminated, coated with environmentally friendly glossy or matte varnish for apartments or acrylic paint. White doors do not overload the space, have a pleasant, light appearance, are suitable for narrow corridors, visually expanding the room.

White doors in the interior

According to the designers, you need to consider which side the room’s windows face and what color flooring. If there is a lot of light in the room, it is recommended to lay the floors in a darker color so that it slightly dims the brightness. In shadow rooms, a light tone is used - here the main task is to increase the filling of light. White doors are ideal for such floors - they add airiness, visually stretch the walls and do not weigh down the space.

The transition between the floor and the door frames brightens up the white baseboard. Pure, delicate and light white color harmonizes perfectly with any shade of wood. White and black are the basic colors. And if the black color in the interior is used carefully so as not to overdo it, then the white color is used widely and freely, both as an edging - for baseboards and platbands, and for the transition between contrasting solutions. The only limitation is beige color walls, in this case you will have to choose a warm shade.

White doors. Kinds

By appearance, white doors are divided into:

  • single-leaf;

  • swing;

  • double swing;

  • hinged with a side or horizontal transom;

  • sliding along the wall.

Veneer doors are more popular; they are superior in quality to doors made of artificial material, and at a price much more convenient than wooden ones.

Doors that offer to the modern consumer, may have different textures or external coatings:

  • veneered;

  • paneled;

  • white paneled;

  • white smooth;

  • laminated;

  • laminated - a cheaper version of laminated;

  • glazed;

  • plastic.


The most famous manufacturers- from Italy. Italian craftsmen can make even inexpensive models stylish. Finnish manufacturers occupy a special place in the interior door segment. Many masters adopt technology from them. Discreet design, reliability in use and convenient design, thanks to which installation of such doors does not take much time, is what attracts buyers and suppliers. U Finnish doors a small range of colors, because great preference is given to white doors, which fill the room with light and lightness.

Plastic covering - perfect solution for interior doors in the office, in places with a large flow of people, such as shops, organizations, residential buildings; plastic gives the surface resistance to ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes and external damage.

White doors as the most neutral color scheme were appreciated again. At the same time, the demand for beech and oak panels is, as always, high, although cheaper veneer and MDF are leading in production.

Today, they are more often inclined towards classic swing structures or sliding doors, which help save space and avoid making thresholds. But classic solid doors, with or without inserts, are also in great demand.

As a rule, doors are sold in blocks. The door block is a prefabricated structure made of door leaf and a box that is mounted in doorway. You will have to select fittings from door handles to hinges and locks separately; you may also need a platband to close the joint between the frame and the wall. Often the buyer is offered ready-made doors with an assembled frame and even embedded fittings. Ready doors They are cheaper and there is no need to select additional parts, except for door handles - they are left at the discretion of the customer. You can choose handles on a bar, on a rosette, handles with brackets, round handles with a lock or latch made of steel, brass, aluminum and other alloys.

In any room, the door is the main element that complements the interior. Therefore, be sure to consider the style of the room.

  • For classic room it is better to choose a matte elite model;

  • white doors with chic decoration look good in the hall and living room;

  • for eco-friendly room design, doors made of bamboo, wood, veneer, and leather inserts are chosen;

  • the Mediterranean interior is complemented by a design with glass inserts and stained glass paintings;

  • for an ascetic room, choose an interior door that combines plastic, glass and metal;

  • solid solid door with threads suitable for classic interior premises. Stained glass and mirror inserts would also be appropriate here;

  • The Japanese interior will be perfectly complemented by interior glass doors with ornaments in the form of hieroglyphs, embroidery and animals.

Custom doors are offered in any configuration, so the task can be significantly simplified and you can focus on what is fundamentally important. And the main thing is to choose a color. He can be anything.

White color is ambiguous, it is multifaceted and saturated with the warmth of milk or the freshness of snow, or a light floral filling. Choosing a strict form of a majestic structure or a light canvas that does not stand out from the general background are considerable opportunities that are provided by almost all manufacturing companies.

White doors and interior styles

White room doors are considered a design classic. They fit easily into any stylish interior. Door design applies as important element, shading the color of the finish.

The use of popular classic white doors is appropriate in Scandinavian interior. The presence of a white door here is a must!

English classics dictate their own rules: white color is combined with marsh shades:

  • brown;
  • dark blue;
  • muted green.

In such an environment, the door will be noble, and the interior will be stylish and complete.

The interior in an elaborate Empire and Baroque style can also be complemented bright door with special finishing.

The white door takes place in the Art Nouveau, neoclassical, and hi-tech styles. They are replete with chrome elements. Glossy white door panels will highlight the laconicism of the room.

A white door will be an excellent addition to a romantic rustic interior (country and Provence). It emphasizes the gentle atmosphere of the room.

White doors will harmoniously fit into pop art and gothic designs.

White doors in the interior - photo

White doors look luxurious. What do you think they look like?