Azalea maintenance temperature in winter. Proper care of azaleas at home. During the flowering period

But the time of flowering depends not only on the variety, but also on conditions of detention. Flowering continues two to three months.

When does rhododendron bloom?

To capricious beauty bloomed

The flowering of azaleas depends on the conditions during the dormant period.

Main - cool temperature. If the temperature after flowering is above 18 degrees, flower buds will not form. Ideal temperature – 15-16 C.

At home, it is enough to follow the rule difficult, so many gardeners cannot achieve flowering.

Experienced azalea owners advise leaving the azalea outside until cold weather sets in, and then keeping it on an unheated balcony until it freezes. Having spent sufficient time in the cold, the flower will lay buds for winter.

In addition, azalea needs light and humidity from the air and soil. cool water and spraying- this is what is necessary for normal well-being.

Shortly before the start of the expected flowering, when the buds are collected, you need pluck young shoots. They weaken the azalea and impair flowering.

When does azalea bloom?

Depending on the variety, azalea blooms from February to June.
During flowering, special attention is paid to fertilizer.

  • Zircon

Suitable for spraying and root feeding. Used 1 time per week. Stimulates flowering and growth of the root system.

Used for spraying once every 2 weeks. Can only be used before the buds open.

  • Ferovit

Iron-containing drug. Necessary for n growing leaf mass. Used for root and foliar feeding (?).

  • Fitosporin

Prevents diseases root rotting(We talked in detail about the most common diseases of azaleas.).

  • Emerald

Required for saving shine and saturation of foliage color.

  • Lemon juice or acid

Added in small quantities to water for irrigation once every 10 days. Acidifies the soil.

During flowering, the plant needs bright, diffused light. But don't put it in a hot place or in direct sun - it will drop the flowers.

Water During flowering, azaleas need to be planted regularly; the soil should be slightly moist, but not wet. Used for watering soft water.

Tap water contains lime and chlorine; these substances are contraindicated for azaleas.

The liquid must be settled, filtered or softened by freezing.

Effective for maintaining humidity taking natural hydration. The tray under the azalea is filled with a layer of expanded clay, filled with water and the pot is placed. Make sure the bottom does not touch the water. Expanded clay is periodically washed with running water.

The most effective way is the application humidifier.

When spraying azaleas during flowering, you should not get on the flowers; they will rot and fall off.

Some indoor plants should not be disturbed during flowering. This is not the case with azalea – it can be moved, rotated, rearranged. Only it is important to return after flowering to the place where the buds were laid.

Typically, azaleas bloom once a year. But a young plant in the first year sometimes may bloom again after a few months. This will only happen if ideal conditions are provided.

When will the azalea bloom?

As soon as the flowers wither and fall off, the plant is recommended And. Do it right away, without delay. If you are late, you may miss the time of flower bud formation.

Do not replant your azalea immediately after purchase., she must acclimatize to the conditions of the apartment. This will happen in two to three weeks. Read more about how to provide the necessary care for your azalea at home after purchase.

Some species shed their leaves before the dormant period. When purchasing an azalea, ask if the variety is deciduous. If the bush is completely or partially bare, this may mean that it damaged.

Immediately after flowering, shoots must be pruned and pinched. Pruning is carried out in such a way that the branch remains 4-5 leaves. Weak branches and branches growing inside the bush are removed. The procedure will help you give the bush ball shape– this will give a special decorative effect during subsequent flowering.

Pruning is strictly necessary. If this is not done, the stems will stretch and hang, and the bush will become loose.

Rest period.

The most important thing during the dormant period is the temperature.

October - December about 10 degrees, January-February about 16-17.

Watering is regular. You can use ice or snow for cooling, covering the bush instead of watering. Unlike other plants, azalea also needs light after shedding its leaves or pruning. Don't put it in the shade.

Transplanting azalea

This should only be done in extreme circumstances, if the roots entangled the entire soil and new growths appeared on the surface.

The plant is replanted at the age of three years once a year, and adult specimens no more than once every two years.

Plant an azalea in soil for rhododendrons, the soil should be sour.

The pot is being picked up shallow, since azalea has superficial roots. The container size should be larger by 2-3 centimeter old.

The transplant is carried out transshipment method, the roots are not cleaned, as they contain special fungi that help feed the plant.

Under no circumstances should you replant an azalea during budding or flowering. She immediately will drop buds and maybe even die.

Why doesn't azalea bloom at home?

Lack of flowering indicates incorrect content. The reasons may be the following:

  • High content temperature. The plant especially suffers from the hot air of the radiators. Protect the window where the plant is placed with a protective screen.
  • Lack of lighting. Daylight hours should be 10-12 hours. If not natural light, illumination with lamps is required. Ideal for azaleas is to keep them on east or west windows. On the south side it will overheat.
  • Watering with warm water or water with lime. It deoxidizes the soil, and this flower loves acidic soil.
  • Drying of the earth. Even short-term dryness of the substrate will lead to the death of flower buds.
  • Untimely pruning. A large number of new immature shoots takes away the strength of the plant. In addition, if you are late and trim the plant while the buds are laying, you can damage them.
  • Azalea does not like drafts, so when ventilating the room, make sure that sharp cold wind does not hit the plant.

If you fail to create such conditions for your azalea, then it will delight you with a bouquet of flowers only once. Give it maximum attention, and it will decorate your home with bright colors for many years.


See more photos of blooming azaleas:

Azalea is famous for its amazing flowers and extremely capricious character. It is because of this that it is very difficult for novice gardeners to properly care for this plant. But one look at a flowering bush is enough to understand that the amazingly beautiful flowers are worthy of any difficulties. Let's talk about what kind of care azaleas need at home so that the plant can only delight with its presence.

Let's not argue - azaleas are quite demanding. Of the most important conditions, promoting good growth plants, we can immediately name the following:

  • Cool;
  • Fresh air (drafts are not scary for her);
  • Abundant watering with clean water and regular spraying to maintain moisture;
  • Acidic soil.

Indoor azalea needs sufficient quantity sunlight, but do not be too zealous - the plant does not tolerate heat and direct sunlight. The ideal location is the windowsill of a north-facing window.

Optimal temperature for keeping azaleas

The optimal temperature for azaleas is 17 degrees Celsius. It is clear that in the summer it is very difficult to achieve such a temperature regime, but it is at this time that the azalea begins a period of rest. A pot with a plant may well be in the garden or on a shaded open veranda.

To make caring for the plant easier during this period, it is recommended to bury the pot with an azalea after putting a nylon stocking on it. This will help prevent various pests from entering the soil. In order for flowering to be lush, a low temperature is required at the time of bud laying - within 6-8 degrees. And by the time the buds are ready to bloom, you need to raise the temperature to the usual - 17 degrees.

Humidity and watering

To ensure that caring for azaleas does not disappoint with its results, it is important to remember one rule - azaleas need high air humidity! At home, achieving the necessary parameters and constantly maintaining them is very difficult. However, there is one way that will help you in this difficult matter.

  • Take a wide tray and place large pebbles on the bottom;
  • If finding pebbles is problematic, you can replace them with pieces of moss (sphagnum is ideal for this purpose);
  • Now pour water into the tray so that it covers the filler;
  • Place a pot with a plant on top;
  • Your task is to ensure that there is always water in the pan.

However, these are not all the tricks that help create the desired humidity. Daily care of this plant includes regular spraying from a spray bottle. During the flowering period, it is advisable to prevent water from getting on the buds and flowers, otherwise they may become stained.

Try to choose a spray bottle with small holes for spraying. If you can’t find one, it’s better not to spray the plant, but simply wipe the leaves with a damp piece of cloth.

It is necessary to water the azalea with soft water. In this case, the soil should be moist all the time, but not turn into a swamp. Try to avoid sudden changes in soil moisture, otherwise care will not be successful. If you first dry out the azalea and then suddenly flood it with water, you will get a balding plant without flowers or buds.

If it is not possible to arrange water procedures with melt water (or rain), then you can periodically add a little natural apple or wine vinegar to the water for irrigation. Lemon juice is also suitable for these purposes: 10-15 drops per liter of water will be enough.

Caring for azaleas during and after flowering

Caring for azaleas is almost the same at any time: both during the flowering period and after the buds fall off. Try to provide the plant with plenty of indirect sunlight. Before flowering, do not move the pot, otherwise you may not get the desired result in the form of a lush flowering crown.

Find a suitable place in advance where the flower can show itself in all its glory. Perhaps it will be a window in the southwest or southeast direction. Make sure that the flower is as far as possible from the radiator or other heating devices.

Flowers that have already bloomed must be carefully removed from the plant. This way it won’t waste extra energy on seed formation. The correct thing to do is not to break off the peduncle, but to carefully unscrew it, being careful not to catch the neighboring buds.

In late spring, when the plant has already bloomed, it can be replanted. Since azalea has a shallow root system, it is better to give preference to shallow and fairly wide pots. Very young plants need replanting annually; for older and mature flowers, it is enough to carry out the procedure once every 2-3 years.

After flowering, it is necessary to prune the plant to form a beautiful crown - remove all dried or overgrown branches. This will help the azalea grow new green mass while looking neat and lush. By following these simple rules, you will understand that caring for an indoor azalea is not so difficult. And your friends and acquaintances will appreciate the beauty of this amazing flower.

Azalea is an ornamental evergreen shrub. The trunk is crowned and low, and the leaves are dark green and oval.

Natural habitat: mountain forests of China, Japan and India. In Japan, they make bonsai from it.

Azalea means "dry" in Greek because before flowering the leaves are rough and papery.

When buying an azalea, decide in what conditions it will be kept. It is believed that azalea is a plant that grows at home, and an azalea with the name “” grows in open ground.

Greenhouse azaleas are not suitable for growing at home. They are more demanding in care.

Garden azaleas grow quickly and are very tall.

Indoor azaleas are hardier than greenhouse azaleas and are smaller in size than garden azaleas.

  • Choose a plant with several buds. This way you can enjoy the flowers for a longer period of time. Flower buds should look healthy and be at different stages of development.
  • The leaves should not be yellowed or contain insects.
  • Buy the plant in a plastic sleeve to protect it from damage during transportation.
  • After purchasing, do not rush to transfer. Allow the plant to adapt to new conditions for 2-3 weeks.

So that the plant makes you happy appearance, follow simple rules of care.

Selecting a location

In the garden, azaleas like to be planted individually. But if you want to make a bush, then choose a large area for it.

Plant azaleas in early spring in shady areas. The neighborhood with pine and spruce trees is good.

Azaleas cannot be placed on a south window. Bright sunlight can cause leaf burns and poor flowering.

To conserve moisture, prevent weeds and maintain soil temperature, mulch your bushes with pine needles or composted pine bark. Since azalea loves a cool, humid climate, maintain the air temperature in the room at 14-19˚C in summer and 12-14˚C in winter. If you can't lower the temperature in the room, place ice cubes around the edges of the pot.


Hydration of azaleas is an important factor in growing. Maintain average room humidity and do not allow the earthen ball to dry out completely.

Water the plant with settled warm water. Make sure the soil is dry before watering your azalea.

Do not overwater the plant. This can cause rotting of the roots.


  • in summer – 2 times a week;
  • in winter - 3 times every 2 weeks.

Azalea loves it when applesauce or apple juice is added to the water. citric acid: 10 drops per 1 liter. water. Water through the drip tray.


The plant does not need frequent feeding. Feed when the plant shows signs of lack of fertilizer: premature leaf drop, yellowing, or unusually small size.

Dying of branch tips or dark green leaves indicate phosphorus deficiency.

If you are growing azaleas in your garden, good fertilizer will become compost or chopped leaves, which are added to the soil when planting. A balanced type of fertilizer is nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions.

When feeding garden azaleas, keep in mind that the root system extends 3 distances from the trunk to the tips of the branches. Sprinkle granular fertilizer over the entire root area and water thoroughly. When fertilizing, avoid contact with plant parts, especially leaves.

Recipe No. 1

You can prepare fertilizer for indoor azaleas yourself, for example, from banana peel.

  1. Grind dry or fresh banana peel.
  2. Mix with soil.
  3. Apply fertilizer once a month.

Recipe No. 2

  1. For feeding eggshell crush and fill the shell with hot water.
  2. Let it brew for a week.
  3. Water as usual.

Water the azalea with water that remains after washing cereals or meat. It contains many useful microelements.


You can propagate azalea in 3 ways.


This is the most difficult way.

  1. Before sowing, keep the seeds in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for several hours.
  2. Sow the seeds in the ground and cover with a thin layer of soil. Moisten well and cover the top with film.
  3. After the sprouts appear, open the film a little, but do not remove it.
  4. After a week, remove the film.
  5. When the sprouts have 3 leaves, transplant each one into a separate plastic cup with soil and drainage.
  6. After strong rooting, transplant the young plants into a pot.

The plant will begin flowering no earlier than 3-5 years.


If you want to get a plant similar to the parent, propagate the azalea from cuttings.

  1. Early in the morning, take strong cuttings with sterilized scissors or pruning shears. They should not be too stiff and bend without breaking.
  2. Moisten your chosen plant a few days before cutting. Remove everything from the cutting lower leaves and flower buds.
  3. Place the cuttings in containers with a growth stimulator for several hours.
  4. Plant the cuttings in a mixture of peat and perlite and cover the top with a bag or cut plastic bottle, to create a greenhouse effect.
  5. Place the cuttings in a dark room at a temperature of +16-18 °C. Within 2 months the cuttings will begin to germinate.
  6. After 2 months, begin to accustom the plant to a normal environment: remove the bag or bottle in the morning for several hours.
  7. At the end of summer, separate the plants and place each in its own pot.

Dividing the bush

This is the simplest propagation method.

  1. Moisten the soil well a few hours before dividing.
  2. Carefully remove the plant from the pot and clean off old roots and loose soil.
  3. Divide the bush into several parts with your fingers. Dividing the roots with a knife leads to multiple damage.
  4. Prepare a pot with drainage and soil. Small pebbles, expanded clay or broken bricks are suitable for drainage. Buy ready-made soil mixture.
  5. Place individual plants in pots and cover with soil, not compacting too much with your fingers.
  6. Pour in warm, settled water and place in a bright place.


Best time for replanting home azaleas - early spring, when the plant has completed its flowering period. This will give the roots a full growing season to form before cold weather sets in and budding occurs.

  1. Moisten the plant before transplanting. The plant loves acidic soil, so buy ready-made azalea substrate or prepare it yourself.
  2. Mix high red peat and coniferous litter in equal proportions.
  3. Take a pot 2-3 cm larger than the previous one and pour drainage into the pot and a substrate on top.
  4. Carefully remove the plant from the old pot. Try not to damage the root system, as the plant suffers greatly because of this.
  5. Place the plant in a new pot and add soil around the edges, pressing down with your fingers. When transplanting, do not bury the root collar.
  6. Moisten with warm, settled water. Place in a bright place with diffused light.

Gorgeous blooming azaleas are quite readily purchased in winter, for the New Year holidays. It is at this time that the azalea blooms. It’s winter outside, but there’s such charm here: once you see a blooming azalea, you won’t be able to forget it. It’s just a shame that all this splendor often cannot be preserved for a long time. The reason is azalea care features.

When buying azaleas in a store, pay attention to the flowers and buds. It is better to choose an azalea that has only a few blooming flowers and many unopened buds.

Also, pay attention to the buds: there should be no browned buds among them - they will never open. The presence of browned buds is evidence of improper care or illness. Azalea leaves should be healthy and dark green. Before going outside, pack the purchased azalea well so that it does not freeze during transportation.

Lighting for azalea

At home, it is advisable to choose the brightest, but at the same time the coolest place for azaleas. It is better not to place an azalea on a south window, it will be hot there, but eastern, south-eastern windows are just right for an azalea.

Temperature and humidity for azaleas

Temperature of keeping azaleas quite cool - only + 10+15°C. Azalea does not tolerate sub-zero temperatures, but dry air in a hot room is just as harmful for it.

Of course, with such requirements at home it is difficult to maintain azaleas, but frequent spraying with cold boiled water helps. Water for watering and spraying azaleas can be placed in the refrigerator. When spraying, make sure that water does not get on the flowers. Also, when spraying your azalea, make sure that the undersides of the leaves are very well moistened.

Soil mixture for azaleas

The soil mixture for azaleas should be loose and acidic. Nowadays, soil mixture for azaleas can be bought in the store. For azaleas, soil mixtures for ferns and terrestrial orchids are also suitable. If you make up the soil mixture yourself, then the main components will be turf or leaf soil, sand, and high-moor peat. Azaleas can be grown hydroponically.

Watering an azalea

Proper watering is very important for azaleas. Root system azaleas are very dense, reminiscent of a lump of felt, so azaleas tolerate drought and moisture equally poorly. Both a lack of water and its excess lead to darkening and falling leaves. And as a result, the dense crown of the tree leaves a bare skeleton in a short time. And not just any water is suitable for irrigation; azaleas only like cold and soft water. Since azalea does not tolerate lime at all, you should add a few drops of vinegar, a couple of crystals of citric (or oxalic) acid or a little lemon juice to the water for irrigation. From time to time (just not during flowering!) you need to give your azaleas an ice shower, first cover the surface of the soil in the pot with plastic film, thus protecting the earthen ball from erosion, as well as from excess moisture.

In winter, azaleas can be cooled with snow or pieces of ice by simply placing them on the surface of the soil in the pot. By the way, this will not only cool the azalea, but also a method of watering. To cool azaleas in the summer, freeze water in freezer refrigerator. As it melts, simply add ice cubes to the surface of the soil in the pot.

Fertilizers for azaleas

Fertilizers for azaleas Not all are suitable. To feed azaleas, you can use special candle fertilizers, which are enough for almost the entire season, or liquid fertilizer or orchids. Ash is excluded as a feed for azaleas, and many other mineral fertilizers are not suitable, as they contain a lot of mineral salts, which form a white coating in the pot.

Pinching, pruning azaleas

Withered azalea flowers must be promptly removed along with the stalks. And in the same way, constantly collect browned leaves. This is very important - the crown of the azalea is dense and in conditions of poor ventilation various rots can quickly spread.

In order for the azalea to branch well and have a thick and regular crown, its shoots should be pinched regularly. Best time to pinch an azalea- the beginning of summer, after the azalea has bloomed and started growing.

When pinching, it is important not to cut off last year’s lignified shoots; only young shoots are pinched, shortening them by 2-5 cm. After each pinching, azaleas are given a cold shower with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or sprayed with a solution of phytosporin.

Azalea pruning consists of removing weak, diseased or dead dried shoots.

Azalea propagation

Despite all the difficulties of keeping azaleas, it is still interesting to know: is it possible to propagate azaleas at home? Yes, it's quite possible propagate azalea by cuttings. In July, cuttings should be taken from the strongest and healthiest azaleas. At the bottom of each cutting, remove all the leaves, leaving only 3-4 at the top. By the way, these remaining leaves can be shortened by half (the area for moisture evaporation will be less). Azalea cuttings prepared for rooting are treated with a rooting stimulator, for example, a heteroauxin solution, planted in an earthen mixture consisting of four parts sand and one part peat, and covered with a glass jar or plastic bag. Only by the end of August - mid-September do the cuttings take root.

Much easier propagate azalea by layering. Of the entire azalea bush, it is preferable to choose last year's shoot, which is closest to the ground. This shoot must be tightly tied with copper wire and buried in the ground in the same or another pot. All summer, the ground under the azalea and under the place where the shoot is buried is regularly watered. Watering the rooted shoot with a heteroauxin solution accelerates the root formation process. You can water azalea cuttings with this solution every 20-30 days. Separate azalea cuttings from the mother bush it is possible only after a year, next autumn. But already in the spring, young azalea bushes begin to bloom.

Problems with growing azaleas

Quite often due to improper watering, low air humidity, high temperature in the room or too bright sun, wrinkled leaves appear on the azalea, brown spots appear on the leaves, the tips of the leaves turn black and dry, buds fall off, the flowering period is too short.

Adjust watering and increase air humidity around the azalea. It is better to remove a pot of azaleas from bright sun, especially in spring and summer. Reduce the air temperature around the azalea using ice.

Another common problem with growing azaleas is leaf chlorosis.

Leaf chlorosis develops due to a lack of iron, magnesium or manganese, too hard water for irrigation, or an incorrectly selected soil mixture.

To get rid of leaf chlorosis, water the azalea with soft, slightly acidified water and fertilize with iron chelate. If the soil mixture was initially chosen incorrectly, then the azalea will need to be transplanted into another mixture more suitable for azaleas.

Azalea is one of the most beautiful indoor plants because it blooms very profusely. However, flower growers often complain that a short time after purchasing such a flower, it dies. The fact is that azalea is a rather capricious plant. In order to prevent the flower from drying out and shedding its leaves, it is necessary to try to create the most suitable conditions for growing such a crop. Only if you provide the azalea with proper care will it bloom very impressively and luxuriantly.

Azalea is a dwarf beautiful flowering plant, which is branched and evergreen. It comes from China and Japan, but in nature this plant can be found in the territory North America and in southern Europe. Such indoor flower belongs to the genus Rhododendron. WITH Greek language“Rhodon” translates as “rose”, and “dendron” means “tree”. Therefore, rhododendron can be translated as “rose tree”. Translated from ancient Greek, “azalea” means “dry”. The name of this plant is associated with its appearance; it is a small dry shrub.

Azalea appeared on Russian territory only at the beginning of the twentieth century, and at first it was grown only in greenhouses or botanical gardens. Approximately 350 species of this plant are found in natural conditions. However, only two of them are grown at home, and the Indian azalea is the most popular. This species is an evergreen shrub whose height does not exceed half a meter. Short-petioled small leaf plates of a dark green color, their length is no more than 35 millimeters. There are pale red hairs on the surface of the leaves. Flowering is observed in winter time, while the flowers reach 30–50 millimeters in diameter. Japanese azalea is also an evergreen shrub, its height can vary from 0.3 to 0.5 meters. Its glossy leaf blades are very small. This one differs from the previous species in the size of its flowers; they are much smaller. This type can be grown in a garden plot.

The flowering of indoor azaleas is distinguished by its splendor. It begins to bloom at the age of 3 or 4 years. Most often, its flowers are colored deep pink, but they can be bright red, lilac, snow-white, violet, and also bicolor. The flowers have slightly double, double and even petals. The dark green leaf blades are relatively small in size.

If you are buying a lush blooming azalea bush, then in this case it is recommended to choose one that has many unopened buds. The fact is that such a flower adapts to new conditions much faster, and its flowering will be long, lush and spectacular. The purchased specimen must be thoroughly examined, and try to identify signs of disease or the presence of pests, if any. Slightly tilt the bush; if you see dried leaves, this may mean that the flower is sick or has not been cared for properly.

If you care for an azalea grown at home correctly, it will bloom very profusely, beautifully and for a long time.


After the flower is purchased, it needs to find the most suitable place in the house. This plant is light-loving, but it needs protection from the scorching direct rays of the sun. In this regard, to grow it, you should choose a window sill with an eastern orientation; a window located on the north or west side is also suitable. It is also important to take into account that the lighting must be diffused, but azalea feels quite good in partial shade. In October and November, when the plant begins to form buds, it will need a large number of Sveta. Good lighting can be provided by illuminating the flower with fluorescent lamps.

Correct temperature regime also has a very important role in growing crops such as azalea. This flower, grown at home, is not a heat-loving flower. The optimal temperature for growing it is from 15 to 18 degrees. During the period of bud formation, it will need a lower temperature - 10–12 degrees. If you maintain the correct temperature when growing azaleas, the flowering will be lush, spectacular and long-lasting. In summer it is especially difficult to maintain the required temperature. Experienced gardeners recommend moving it to the balcony at this time, but it should not be located on the south side. If the room has air conditioning, then you should try to ensure that the air temperature in it is no more than 20 degrees.

This plant requires high air humidity. Therefore, it must be sprayed relatively often from a spray bottle, and for this, cool water is used. During the flowering period, spraying the bush should be done with great care because if moisture gets on the surface of the delicate flowers, they may begin to darken. Also, to increase air humidity near the plant, it is recommended to place several open containers filled with water. In the summer, the azalea can be moved to Fresh air, for example, place it in the garden. In winter, when it starts heating season, the level of air humidity must be given maximum attention.

Proper watering is also very important when growing indoor azaleas. It has a strong influence on both the growth and vegetation of such a shrub. It is particularly demanding when it comes to watering, and to avoid the death of the bush, you must strictly follow the following rules:

  • It is necessary to water the plant systematically, and during the flowering period watering should be very abundant;
  • The earth ball in the pot should under no circumstances dry out, but if this happens, then the plant along with the pot must be immersed in a container filled with slightly lukewarm water for 2 hours, during which time the required amount of moisture will be absorbed into the soil;
  • the substrate should be slightly damp all the time;
  • excessive moisture of the substrate must also be avoided;
  • It is necessary to pour out the drained water from the pan, otherwise the rhizome may rot;
  • if used for irrigation tap water, then it needs to sit for at least 2 days, during which time the chlorine will evaporate and will not be able to harm the bush;
  • It is best to water the azalea with melt water, which should be cool;
  • To make flowering more abundant, the bush needs to be watered once every 2 weeks (not more often) with a mixture consisting of settled water and 2 or 3 drops of lemon juice.

To grow indoor azaleas, experts recommend using acidic soil, and its pH should be in the range of 4–4.5. If desired, you can purchase a soil mixture in a special store that is ideal for growing such a plant. You can also easily make an earth mixture at home with your own hands; to do this, you need to combine moss, rotted pine needles and sand, which are taken in a ratio of 1:2:1.

Pinching and trimming

To form a beautiful and very lush bush, as well as for more abundant flowering, the plant must be provided with proper care. And to do this, you need to trim and pinch the regrown shoots in a timely manner. When the shrub fades, you will need to pick off all the single flowers that have already withered. In May, you need to start regularly pruning young, recently grown stems, and you also need to pinch them very carefully. If you trim and pinch correctly and in a timely manner, you will be able to ensure that buds form at the tips of the stems. Experts advise trimming azaleas using pruning shears specially designed for this purpose. It is not at all necessary to prune all branches of a shrub without exception. Only those that have become excessively elongated can be trimmed. Most often, the appearance of young leaf plates is noted about half a month after pruning.

Feed azalea grown in room conditions, need to mineral fertilizers. It is very important to take into account that the fertilizer used should not contain chlorine. The fact is that it is capable of destroying such an indoor flower. To avoid unnecessary difficulties and problems, experienced flower growers recommend buying a fertilizer called “Azalea” in a specialized store. In the spring and summer, feeding should be quite frequent, so they should be done once every seven days, but you cannot feed the flower more often. With the onset of winter, the amount of fertilizing is sharply reduced; at this time, fertilizers need to be applied only once a month. After the period of budding and flowering begins, to feed indoor azaleas you will need to use a fertilizer that contains the required amount of substances such as phosphorus and potassium. For example, at this time you can use Kemira-Lux or Uniflor-bud for feeding.

Experienced gardeners recommend replanting this shrub immediately after it blooms for the first time. Transplantation should be carried out extremely carefully and for this you need to use the transshipment method, while it is imperative to preserve the integrity of the earthen coma. The fact is that the roots of indoor azaleas are extremely thin and fragile; therefore, during transplantation they can be very easily injured, which is extremely undesirable. The plant should be replanted in a not very deep flower pot, in this case the roots will be relatively close to the surface of the substrate. Experts recommend replanting young specimens annually, and older ones once every 3 years. Dried flowers, stems and branches must be removed from transplanted plants.

  • If rust or gray rot appears, then it is necessary to create a comfortable temperature for the flower to exist and cut off the damaged leaves.
  • If its flowers only turn yellow, begin to fade and fall off, it means that the watering is of poor quality. This can be corrected by watering with boiled water and specialized fertilizers.
  • Due to an excess of moisture in the soil, azaleas are most often affected by late blight, which leads to the death of the indoor plant.
  • , are pests that can ruin indoor azaleas. To fight it is necessary to process home flower by special means. First you need to treat the foliage with a soap solution, then rinse with warm water and then you need to spray with a purchased product (for example, actellik solution)