This means the total area of ​​the apartment. Projects of apartment buildings. Hotel projects. Low-rise construction. Projects of private houses. Architecture. Design. What does the size of the apartment influence?

What does the living area of ​​the apartment include? To be honest, this question interests many. Indeed, depending on this indicator, the value of the property will change. The higher it is, the more the apartment costs. Therefore, you have to thoroughly understand this topic. What you should pay attention to? How to calculate the area of ​​an apartment and its living part? All this is not so difficult to understand. It is enough to know modern legislation.

Three components

Before you find out what the living space of an apartment includes, you need to understand what types of space are available in the home. After all, this is extremely important. Especially if you are the buyer of a particular apartment. At the moment we can highlight:

  • total area;
  • residential;
  • useful.

Remembering these points is not so difficult. According to modern legislation, specific premises are classified as a particular area. But which ones exactly? And what does each point mean?


What does the living area of ​​the apartment include? The law, or more precisely, the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, reveals in detail the answer to this question. First, it’s worth understanding what each type of space in a home means.

There is such a thing as total area. This is nothing more than the sum of the space of all residential and non-residential premises. This does not include balconies and loggias. We can say that this is the entire apartment.

Useful - an indicator reflecting the sum of the areas of residential and non-residential premises, but including utility rooms. This is exactly the definition that applies in Russia. In other countries, only the space used is called useful.

To understand what the living area of ​​an apartment includes, you need to understand the definition of this term. We can say that this is the amount of space in premises suitable for habitation.

Living space

Many people are interested in exactly what components are included in the concept of living space in an apartment. The question is controversial. Especially if we consider not a studio apartment, but an ordinary home. It can have a huge variety of rooms.

For example, does the living area of ​​an apartment include a kitchen? No. After all, just by the definition of the term it is clear - residential is an area suitable for living. And the kitchen is not included here. Even if it is completely refurbished so that you can sleep here.

Thus, the living area is the total sum of all living rooms. This includes: bedrooms, children's rooms, living rooms, guest rooms and so on. But the hallway bathroom and kitchen cannot be classified as residential. The balcony does not apply here either. Calculating this component is easy and simple. First, calculate the space in each room, then add everything up. Everything is easy and simple!


Does the living area of ​​the apartment include a kitchen? No, we already found that out. But then what can this room be classified as? It is worth remembering such an item as the total area of ​​the apartment. She also plays a certain role. The definition of this term has already been given. But what does this concept mean?

We found out what the total living area of ​​the apartment includes. SNIP (1-71 “Residential buildings” dated January 31, 2003) indicates that, as already mentioned, all residential and non-residential premises are classified as common space (not residential). There can be many items, it all depends on your apartment.

Based on this law, the following components of the common space can be distinguished:

  • bedrooms;
  • living rooms;
  • kitchens;
  • hallways;
  • bathroom;
  • toilet (with separate bathroom);
  • wardrobe.

In general, this includes all premises, with the exception of balconies, loggias, and terraces. These are the rules that apply in Russia. Typically, the total area is the sum of all rooms in an apartment. The calculation is simple - add up all the space in all “rooms”.


How to calculate the area of ​​a particular apartment? It's actually not that difficult. It is enough to know a few rules. They are prescribed in SNIPs. Which ones? Speaking about calculations carried out in apartments, it is worth taking into account SNIP 2.08.02-89. It indicates that living space will be calculated with certain coefficients for certain premises. Which ones?

For loggias, this indicator is set to 0.5, balconies and terraces - 0.3, and verandas and storage rooms are counted with a coefficient of 1.

In general, calculating the area of ​​a particular housing is not so difficult. Remember all the areas of primitive geometric shapes. We need to build on them. For example, for a square room you will have to use the formula for calculating the area of ​​a square. Nothing difficult. Accordingly, rectangular rooms are calculated in a similar way. Simple mathematical knowledge is enough to understand the problem.

Some people think about how to properly measure walls. This is a valid question. After all, if you measure the walls incorrectly, you will end up with the wrong area. Usually it increases. In real estate transactions, such errors are beneficial to the seller. But for buyers - no.

Please note that all measurements to calculate the area of ​​the apartment should be made on the inside of the baseboard. This is the rule that will help prevent errors in calculations. Nothing difficult or special!

Additional inclusions

What else should you pay attention to? On what the living area of ​​the apartment includes! The joint ventures indicate that the common apartment space should include not only the “dimension” of the premises. Sometimes niches and partitions with walls are also included here. Under what conditions? If this:

  • niche higher than 2 meters;
  • arch more than 200 centimeters;
  • internal staircase (the space under it is taken into account);
  • heating stoves;
  • other protruding structures.

Basically, that's all. Now the main points that are important for both real estate buyers and sellers are clear. In order not to suffer for a long time with calculating areas, you can call special measurers - they will quickly help you correctly calculate both the total space in the housing and the living space. Usually there are no difficulties with this.

Another option is to take a BTI extract for a particular apartment. It will contain a detailed plan with all areas and data regarding the “dimension” of the property. Don't forget to request a similar document from the seller when dealing with housing.

Today we will try to understand what is included in the living area of ​​the apartment. This question begins to interest citizens when they are about to carry out a real estate transaction. Namely, with an apartment. It is always important to know and understand how much space will be allocated “for living”. As practice shows, the higher this indicator, the higher the cost of housing. This is a completely normal phenomenon that should not be surprising. True, any apartment has not only living space, but also other types of areas. They also play their own role. All details regarding the size of the home must be understood. Only then will you be able to assess essentially how well the apartment suits your requirements.

Three components

What is included in the living area of ​​the apartment? Before you begin to understand this issue, you need to get acquainted with all the “dimensions” of the home. It has already been said that there are several of them. At the moment, we can distinguish 3 components of the apartment:

  • living space;
  • apartment area;

Without this knowledge, it is impossible to say exactly which apartment you are agreeing to. Therefore, real estate sellers are always asked for this information. If you know what is included in each type of housing area, you can not be afraid of being deceived in real estate transactions.


So, first you need to get acquainted with such a concept as the total area of ​​housing. Usually it includes all residential and non-residential premises that are only related to the proposed housing.

Please note that this does not necessarily include loggias and balconies. In general, very often sellers try to deceive their clients by indicating these components as living quarters. It is not right. According to the Housing Code, balconies and loggias do not count towards the area of ​​an apartment at all. Therefore, they should, as it were, “stand apart” and be indicated in advertisements simply for information.


What is included in the living area of ​​the apartment? First you have to find out what this term actually means. It is not difficult to guess that living space is the space in which people will live. In other words, premises suitable for habitation.

There doesn't seem to be anything difficult to understand. Only the population often cannot accurately answer what is included in a given area. After all, apartments have a different number of rooms, utility rooms, and even a bathroom. Is all this really included in our core component today? Not at all. But in order to fully understand what is included in each of the three existing areas, it is necessary to consider one more concept.

Everything and completely

Which one exactly? There is such a term as “apartment area”. Usually this means the entire apartment. All residential and non-residential premises, as well as other components.

The balcony is included in the area of ​​the apartment. And the loggia too. Usually such space is also called useful. A variety of mezzanines are also included in the concept of usable area. In Russia this is exactly the interpretation used. But in other countries, usable area refers to only the usable premises in housing. What a mess!

Specific Ingredients

What is included in the living area of ​​the apartment? It has already been said that these are suitable premises for living. They are the ones included here. In simple terms, this term refers to rooms.

It turns out that the more there are, the higher this indicator will be. Please note that the bathroom is not included in the living area. Why? It is not suitable for living. Therefore, it cannot be considered residential. This is a place you can’t do without, but no one will live in it.

Is the kitchen included in the living area of ​​the apartment? No. It is not right. And this feature will also have to be taken into account. After all, sellers may try to increase the living space at the expense of the kitchen area, as well as balconies and bathrooms.

So what is included in the "living part" of the apartment? Rooms. The most ordinary rooms in which you will live. The more there are, the higher this indicator. Nothing else applies here. Not a single component of the apartment is included in the living space.

Counting Rules

It’s good that it’s considered one of our main indicators that affects the value of real estate, we figured it out. Now it would be nice to understand how living space is calculated. This point is extremely important. After all, the cost of housing will directly depend on it.

Everything is easy and simple. We have already found out that a component of this space is the living room. Then everything is simple. To understand how much area is allocated for living, you must first calculate the footage of each room, and then add the resulting values ​​together. And you will get the desired indicator. How is the area of ​​a room calculated? Here the most common mathematical formulas for calculating the area of ​​a square and rectangle come to the rescue. All measurements must be taken on the inside of the baseboard.

Components of the total area

What else is worth paying attention to? For example, what does the total area of ​​the home include? This important indicator also plays a role for many. Using it, you can determine what space is allocated in general for your needs, and not just for living. This includes:

  • toilet (with separate bathroom);
  • kitchen;
  • hallway;
  • wardrobe;
  • bedrooms;
  • living rooms;
  • other rooms and premises in the home.

Please note what has already been said earlier - balconies and loggias cannot be added to the total area. The Housing Code of the Russian Federation indicates that these premises do not belong to the apartment at all. Please take this into account. Often, buyers are not aware of this rule at all, which entails negative consequences.

One more point - various niches and stairs are included in the “common space” of the apartment, but under certain conditions. Which ones exactly? In addition to premises, it is also worth adding to this indicator:

  • niches from 2 meters in height;
  • internal staircases (the space under them);
  • arches more than 200 centimeters in height;
  • heating stoves;
  • protruding elements.

Instead of a conclusion

It's all so easy and simple, if you figure it out. Now it is clear what is included in the living space of the apartment and not only. From now on, it will be very difficult to deceive you.

To find out the above indicators in specific measurements for a specific apartment, you need to take an extract from the BTI. An apartment plan with detailed footage will be drawn there. Accordingly, the total area, both residential and non-residential, is indicated here. It is this document that affects the cost of housing.

In general, there are a lot of controversial issues in our issue today. And, as a rule, it is an extract from the BTI that can solve all problems. This document serves as the basis for calculating the cost of the apartment. If you are planning a real estate transaction, always ask for an extract from the seller. This is the only way you can protect yourself from unnecessary mistakes.

As of 2019, a significant part of the population of the Russian Federation lives in apartments. This type of real estate is simultaneously characterized by several different parameters.

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One of these fundamental factors is the area of ​​the apartment. When calculating this, certain areas are not taken into account.

It is necessary to first understand what exactly should be included in the area under consideration.

At the moment, this question plays a very important role - especially if you need to familiarize yourself with the documents for a specific apartment in advance.

A preliminary consideration of the main nuances will help prevent violation of your own rights.

All questions regarding the total area of ​​real estate are covered in sufficient detail in the relevant legislative norms.

General aspects

The question of the purpose of residential premises and the issue of their use is covered in Certain limits for the use of premises have been established.

Of the entire Housing Code of the Russian Federation, it is worth noting several fundamental points that are important in the case of calculating the area of ​​real estate:

Despite the fact that the loggia and balcony must be taken into account in the calculations, special coefficients must be added to such additional areas.

In general, there are many different subtleties of calculation. All of these will need to be taken into account. Because otherwise, difficulties may arise with the Bureau of Technical Expertise.

All technical documentation must be completed correctly - especially if there will be a sale of real estate in the future. Since buyers always pay especially close attention to this.

If there is a discrepancy, there is an inaccurate calculation - this may simply scare away a citizen who wants to make a purchase.

What is included in the concept of total area of ​​an apartment?

Before you start making calculations, you will need to figure out what is included in the total area of ​​the apartment and what is included in the living area.

This can lead to quite serious difficulties. The main issues that will need to be sorted out in advance include:

  • how to correctly calculate the territory - common, partitions, balcony and loggia, extension;
  • nuances for the studio.

How to count territory correctly

To figure out how to carry out the calculation, you will need to determine what is included in the total area of ​​the apartment according to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

This document is fundamental in this situation; you should focus on the main provisions of the relevant document.

Also, knowledge of the basic norms of the law will make it possible to prevent violations of one’s own rights and monitor their compliance.


It is only necessary to sum up the areas of all premises located on the territory of one apartment.

According to legislative norms, the total area of ​​an apartment today includes the following:

  • toilet;
  • bathroom;
  • corridor;
  • kitchen;
  • pantry, closet;
  • various other additional premises (in addition to balconies, verandas, loggia and terraces).

Sometimes situations arise when “greedy” officials try to add a balcony or loggia to the total area of ​​the apartment.

But you need to know that such an action is a direct violation

Usually officials in such a situation refer to the old ones. It is necessary to indicate to them that the federal law indicated above repeals the effect of such.


According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and SNiP, partitions must be included in the total area of ​​the apartment.

Since they are classified as auxiliary, main premises. Moreover, measurements can be carried out in a special way - along the perimeter of the walls at a height of 1.1-1.3 meters from the floor.

In addition to partitions, it will also be necessary to take into account some additional areas:

Balcony and loggia

Previously, before the adoption of the relevant federal law, balconies and loggias were necessarily included in the total area of ​​the apartment when drawing up technical documentation.

Today, this cannot be done under any circumstances. This will be considered a gross error and a recalculation will be required.


Often the owner increases the area of ​​living space through a special extension. This can be used for a variety of needs.

But if it complies with the standards and norms of SNiP, and is also reflected on the technical plan, legalized, then such an extension must be taken into account. Since it will be directly part of the apartment.

Nuances for the studio

A studio apartment is housing that has a minimum number of isolated rooms. In fact, such an apartment is a one-room apartment.

At the same time, there are no main walls, there is only a minimum number of partitions. Most often, zoning is done for the bedroom, as well as the kitchen-dining room.

The algorithm for calculating the total area of ​​a studio apartment is completely standard. There are no special features or difficulties.

Often, apartment owners are faced with the question: are they the direct owners of their own loggias and balconies, is the area of ​​the balcony included in the area of ​​the apartment? For most people, a loggia is a free place where you can store old things: children's sleighs, skis, empty cans and notebooks with notes from their studies. But, returning to your home one day, you suddenly noticed that your loggia is used not only from the inside, but also from the street side.

Is the balcony included in the living area

According to informationSNiP2.08.01-89 (attachment No. 1) “Residential buildings” such definitions as “veranda”and the terms “glazed loggia”, “glazed balcony” and “veranda”, formed by construction activities, have the following meanings:

    An integrated or attached to a separate multi-apartment building, a glazed room without heating, not connected by electricity to the adjacent room and not having limited depth parameters, is a veranda.

    A room integrated into a multi-apartment residential building with limited depth and connected to an adjacent room by electrical wiring is a loggia (glazed or not).

  • Ideas about whether it is necessary to take into account the footage of balconies in the general apartment area differ in different documents. This confusion occurs due to the fact that the development of apartment buildings is regulated by SNiP regulations No. 31-01-2003 and existing building codes. This document states that the calculation of areas occurs in accordance with the rulesinstallable Instructions on accounting of the residential real estate stock in the Russian Federation, which was adopted on August 4, 1998 by OrderMinistry of Land Construction № 37.

    Is the area of ​​the balcony included in the area of ​​the apartment?

    In accordance with the article of legislation, the total apartment area is the total square footage of all premises without exception included in it. When calculating the total total area, auxiliary rooms that satisfy the needs of residents are also taken into account.

    Several years ago, balconies and loggias were not considered as such under housing law. That is, they were not counted among the additional rooms necessary for the recreation and living of the residents. From which we can conclude that they were not taken into account when calculating the cost of housing. What is included in the total area of ​​the apartment today?

    Some amendments were made to the Housing Code over time. As a result, the current cost of the apartment is count on taking into account the area of ​​both balconies and loggias. Consequently, these parameters are also taken into account in the total area of ​​the apartment. This fact must be known when purchasing/selling or re-registering residential real estate. When calculating the final total footage, the existence of balconies/loggias/terraces leads to an increase in the price of real estate, since it is calculated for each square meter.

    To the living rooms All premises suitable for habitation are included.


      guest quarters;




      dining rooms-kitchens;



    The design space plays a significant role. It includes the parameters of the loggias (the coefficient is 0.5) and the scale of the balcony (the coefficient is 0.3). Such auxiliary premises are included in the total area of ​​the premises and are taken into account when constructing the building. contains such a provision as the total area, which is recorded in the technical certificate of the premises.

    IN theory, the area of ​​the balcony in the total area of ​​the apartment according to the BTI, which is indicated by the service workers in the documents, must correspond to the values ​​​​specified in the project.

    Regarding the issue of heating, a personal consideration of each room is required. When radiators are installed on a balcony or loggia and it is possible to spend time there during the cold season, they belong to the total heated area of ​​the apartment. These meters will be included in the payment receipt, since the law provides for payment for each square meter. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the size of unheated loggias, balconies and terraces is not included in the total area, but in practice the situation is different. Most developersthey find out what is included in the total area of ​​the apartment and calculate its cost, applying the established coefficients.

    How to determine whether the balcony area is included in the total

    It seems to an ordinary person that knowledge of which specific premises belong to the general apartment area is not needed. But this is absolutely not true; it is this data that affects utility costs and the market value of the apartment. In order to understand all the nuances, it is necessary to study the law that determines whether the area of ​​the balcony is included in the area of ​​the apartment.

    Housing legislation strictly states that the total area must be calculated without taking into account the size of loggias, balconies and terraces.

    Construction and design of cottages and private houses

    If you have an intention to purchase a private house or other housing, primary and fundamental questions arise:

      what is the area of ​​the house;

      value expression;


    The cost of housing primarily depends on the area. In order for all transaction processes to be carried out without deception and without errors, you should check the accuracy of the designated area specified in the purchase and sale agreement of the premises yourself. And here you will need knowledge of the law and calculation rules.

    What are the differences between residential and shared apartment space?

    Many citizens do not haveknowledge aboutdoes the balcony extend into the common area of ​​the apartment, since we have never encountered such a need before. They do not know which square meters belong to living space and which belong to common space. Where, for example, should the bathroom and kitchen be placed? What to do with loggias, balconies or stairs in a two-level room?

    What is the living area of ​​an apartment

    These are premises that are used directly for living, in ordinary language - rooms. SooResponsibly, the answer to the question is whether the balcony is included in the living area apartments, about the bottom value: no!

    It turns out that the more rooms there are in an apartment or house, the higher this figure will be. But please note that the bathtub does not belong to the living space, since this room is not suitable for living, only for use. You can’t do without this room, but you can’t live in it.

    Is the kitchen included in the living area? Also no. This indicator is worth paying special attention to, since unscrupulous sellers are trying to increase the area at the expense of the kitchen, bathroom and other apartment premises.

— After renting out the apartment, I ended up with 170 square centimeters more than what was agreed upon. I still don’t understand where the extra half a meter came from. And in the kitchen I discovered an unplanned niche 30 by 40 cm in the wall. I spent a long time torturing the developer’s representatives why I needed such a niche in the kitchen, why it wasn’t in the plan that was shown to me initially, and generally where it came from. The developer said that the builders were up to something. As a result, I had to pay almost two thousand dollars for the extra money,” says Svetlana, who recently completed renovations in a new apartment. — Moreover, the niche is located opposite the wall with the stove, that is, I had to change the kitchen plan that had already been formed in my head. In the end, I realized that a narrow, ceiling-high cabinet for seasonings and cereals could be squeezed into the niche. But I’m still horrified to imagine how much this niche cost me.

One apartment, but different areas

External meters of balconies and loggias Balconies and loggias are perceived by most buyers as important and >> But the Instructions on the accounting of housing stock in the Russian Federation (approved by order of the Ministry of Land Construction of the Russian Federation dated 08/04/1998 No. 37) sees the total area differently: “3.37. The total area of ​​the apartment is determined as the sum of the areas of its premises, built-in wardrobes, as well as the areas of loggias, balconies, verandas, terraces and cold storage rooms, calculated with the following reduction factors: for loggias - 0.5, for balconies and terraces - 0.3, for verandas and cold storage rooms - 1.0".

SNB -03

8.19 In kitchens of apartment-type residential buildings with a floor elevation of the upper floor (from the level of the roadway closest to the house) of more than 26.5 m, any height of dormitories and special homes for the elderly and disabled, as well as public service enterprises located in residential buildings, it is necessary provide for the installation of electric stoves. In residential buildings of varying number of floors, where one of its parts has a floor elevation of the upper floor of more than 26.5 m, and the other part has a floor height of 26.5 m or less, electric stoves should be installed in all parts of the building.

Total area of ​​the apartment according to SNIP or residential complex