Wot is unable to establish a connection to the server. Cannot establish a connection to the World of Tanks server. Cannot connect to server

There are a lot of complaints from players about an error in connecting to World of Tanks. In this material we will tell you how to solve the problem with connecting three different ways and let's look at each in detail. The solution is suitable for those who receive the following error when connecting to tanks:

Cannot connect to server

  • The server may be unavailable or your network connection settings may need to be checked.

Problem with connection in tanks

The player himself writes the following about this error:

It also doesn’t connect to the test server, I play other games without any problems, I sit in the TS, I write on the forum, the updates to the test server have been downloaded and installed, but I can’t log into the game. There are no mods.


Option 1.

According to our data, this problem occurs among those players who use xDSL technology (ADSL 2+) and a high-speed modem to connect to the Internet. Immediately after the previous patch, the World of Tanks server began cutting off tankers with an unstable network connection from the game. All cases spoke specifically about a modem connection, which, by the way, is high-speed and is not inferior in stability to ETTx and even xPON technology, if no more than 300 meters of copper pair are laid from the player’s computer to the PBX. However, ADSL is capable of providing Internet access over distances of several kilometers (here the connection quality drops sharply).

Solution for option 1. If you use ADSL, try to consider alternative options for Internet access using more stable technologies PON (optics to the PC) or ETTH (fiber to the home with branching to users using RJ-45 twisted pair cable).

Option 2.

These are, of course, the network settings of your personal computer, which are what the error in connecting to tanks refers to. This primarily includes setting up a router, NAT, giving connection permissions to the worldoftanks.exe file in firewalls and adding firewall exceptions. Also opening the ports used to connect to WOT.

Solution for option 2. Places to look to check your network connection settings if the server is unavailable include:

  1. Settings for the network card used and adapter parameters (DNS, IP address, TCP/IP gateway).
  2. Network connection settings. Namely: the shortcut through which you connect to the Internet (relevant for bridging connections); web interface of the router or modem at the address: with login admin and password admin (relevant for PPoE connections).
  3. Firewall settings built into the antivirus. This is done through the antivirus management program. Add an exception to block connections to the World of Tanks server for the executable file of the same name with the .exe extension from the game folder.
  4. Windows Firewall Settings. Here you should also allow establishing a connection to the World of Tanks server by adding an exception for the game.
  5. Network group settings (home, public and others).

Option 3

This is a rare but important situation that can cause an error in which a connection to the server cannot be established. This includes blocking the IP address of the player on the World of Tanks server you are trying to connect to. The MAC address (the hardware address that identifies the device on the network) may also be blocked.

Solution for option 3. We recommend changing the static IP address assigned to you from your provider. If you have a dynamic IP address, all you need to do is reconnect the Internet for your IP address to change to a new one. In the case of blocking by MAC address, you will have to contact Wargaming with a request to unlock the MAC of your network card, modem or PC (unless, of course, you are going to change them or use another computer, modem, router and network card to connect to World of Tanks ).

Probably there is no such thing in Russia young man, who has not heard of World of Tanks - an online real-time game in the genre of an arcade tank simulator based on the Second World War. Exciting gameplay that combines shooter, strategy and role-playing game at the same time, attracted millions of fans around the world. As a result, Tanks became the most popular online game in 2012, 2013 and 2014. And even now interest in her does not wane. Unfortunately, sometimes problems occur with the game, due to which World of Tanks won't start and gamers are sad. So, so that they would not be upset, I made this post. The fact is that usually Tanks do not work due to one of a certain number of the most common reasons, which I will now talk about.

1. Tanks do not start

You click on the shortcut, but nothing happens - zero reaction.
To begin diagnostics, you need to check whether the launcher is working - a special utility that launches all software modules. To do this, go to the folder with the installed game (usually C:\Games\World of Tanks) and run the executable file in it worldoftanks.exe. Here he is:

If the game starts after that, then that is the problem. The bootloader-launcher is called WoTLauncher.exe and lies in the same folder:

It may not work because it is blocked by the computer's security system. This happens because proactive defense sees that some application is constantly accessing the Internet and downloading something. This behavior seems suspicious and the application is blocked. Try temporarily disabling your antivirus and checking the game.


In some cases, the antivirus may skip the launcher, but delete the game file itself. Then a warning will be issued - “The game cannot be started. The file worldoftanks.exe is missing"

In this case, you will need to go to the antivirus settings, restore deleted file from quarantine and add it to exceptions.

Common causes of game launch errors:

If Tanks don’t even launch directly, remember what you did before with the game or computer.

— Very often the cause of the crash is new mods. There will be a res_mods directory in the WoT folder. You need to clear its contents and try to run the program again.

— Maybe you updated your drivers or DirectX?! In this case, you should try to roll back to old version or use a Windows restore point, which will allow you to return to a previous state of the operating system.

— Check that the drivers for your video card (Nvidia, Radeon) and DirectX are up to date. Update them if there are new versions.

— For the game to work properly, the Visual C++ 2015 library package must be installed on your computer and .NET Framework version 4.0. Without them, it may also not start or produce various errors.

— Try completely reinstalling the game. Delete the existing copy, then download the installer from the official website and install the game on your PC again.

If you installed the game for the first time and World of Tanks does not start, check whether your computer meets the system requirements:

At least 36 GB of free disk space. - at least 2 GB of RAM. - minimum Internet speed 256 Kbps. - video cards from GeForce 6800 / ATI HD 2400 XT with 256 MB of memory. - DirectX not older than 9.0c. - Dual-core processor supporting SSE2 technology.

Script errors when starting World of Tanks

This kind of malfunction occurs in the browser due to the fact that the game is unable to run a script, without which it cannot work.
Typically, the cause of a script error is the operating system's security. Roughly speaking, the antivirus blocks the operation of scripts and scripts, regarding them as unsafe. Therefore, try deactivating your antivirus software for a while and check the game's operation.

If World of Tanks still does not start with a script error, try updating your browser; perhaps you are using a fairly old version that does not handle interaction with game files correctly.

Do not forget that as a result of software or even hardware failures, the scripts themselves can be damaged. A complete reinstallation of the game usually helps.

Worlds of Tanks client update error

Avid tankers have encountered update errors in Tanks at least once.

The reasons for the WoT update error are as follows:
— The server with game updates is unavailable
— Problems with Internet access
— Error with updates to certain mods or a certain game configuration.
To eliminate the first two reasons, you will have to “kick” the technical support of your provider. But in order to remove the glitch associated with mods, you will have to try to remove the game mods, as I said earlier, and see the result.
In some cases, again, only reinstalling the program can save you.

Error D3DX9_43.DLL, XC000007B, 0x00000003, etc.

All errors when starting World of Tanks related to system files and libraries are the result of problems that arose in the operating system itself Windows system. For example, the D3DX9_43.DLL error usually means DirectX has failed, while the XC000007B error is associated with corruption system files or changing settings.

The same can happen if a virus is in control of the system.
My advice here is this: check the OS with a good antivirus - DrWeb CureIT or Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool, then install latest version DirectX and update the drivers for your video card.

Game recovery

If the launcher loads without problems, but the Tanks game itself does not start, then there is another option that is integrated by the developers. To use it, go to Settings and go to the Support tab.

There will be a “Check” button here. By clicking on it, we will start the process of checking the integrity of the game files. If a problem is detected, the file will be restored.

P.S.: If none of my advice helped you, then do not forget that the game has an excellent support service that can also help you. You just need to correctly describe the problem and prepare several screenshots that will display the World of Tanks launch error. After that, go to the official website in the “Support” section and create a new request.

As practice shows and has shown repeatedly, sometimes World of Tanks servers can suddenly stop working. This is a fairly common and serious problem for most players.

Sometimes it is impossible to enter the tanks for whole hours, or even the whole day. The most affected by this are players who have purchased a premium account or. It turns out that the player paid money for it, but cannot enter the game and use it. So the money just went down the drain.

In this article we will look at the main reasons why does not it workWorld of TanksToday. There are several problems and each of them should be considered separately.

Unable to enter the game

It happens that the company’s network equipment could simply collapse and because of this, most players could not log into their account. On this moment Work is underway to eliminate this problem. According to official statistics, the problem has been solved by more than 80%.

Unfinished session on another server

A similar problem can arise very often and it is simply impossible to protect yourself from it, especially for those players who log out and log into the game quite often. To fix the error and log into your account, you should visit the official website of the game and go to Personal Area. There is a function there - “reset all sessions”. In most cases, this step can solve your problem.

If this does not help, then all you can do is wait. In any case, the session will end automatically in a maximum of 24 hours. After this, the probability that you will log into your account is 100%.

Severely overloaded servers are an equally common problem. It happens that servers simply cannot withstand the flow of players and can easily collapse. In this case, you should wait until the developers restore their work. In most cases you don't have to wait long.

Queue for the game

A similar message pops up just when the flow of players is too large and there are too few clusters. The servers are heavily loaded and cannot allow more players through. In this case, you have to sit in line until a seat becomes available. In general, you will have to wait in line for no more than a few minutes, but in extreme cases, be prepared to wait for about ten to twenty minutes.

Tankers who have already entered the game most likely know about the problem and will not give up my place to you and then sit in line again. But as soon as one of the players leaves the game, the first person in line immediately takes his place.

It’s interesting, but priority to enter the game is given to those players who currently have an active premium account, or those who have a sufficiently large supply of in-game gold.

There are a lot of complaints from players about an error in connecting to World of Tanks. In this material we will tell you how to solve the connection problem in three different ways and will dwell on each in detail. The solution is suitable for those who receive the following error when connecting to tanks:

Cannot connect to server

  • The server may be unavailable or your network connection settings may need to be checked.

Problem with connection in tanks

The player himself writes the following about this error:

It also doesn’t connect to the test server, I play other games without any problems, I sit in the TS, I write on the forum, the updates to the test server have been downloaded and installed, but I can’t log into the game. There are no mods.


Option 1.

According to our data, this problem occurs among those players who use xDSL technology (ADSL 2+) and a high-speed modem to connect to the Internet. Immediately after the previous patch, the World of Tanks server began cutting off tankers with an unstable network connection from the game. All cases spoke specifically about a modem connection, which, by the way, is high-speed and is not inferior in stability to ETTx and even xPON technology, if no more than 300 meters of copper pair are laid from the player’s computer to the PBX. However, ADSL is capable of providing Internet access over distances of several kilometers (here the connection quality drops sharply).

Solution for option 1. If you use ADSL, try to consider alternative options for Internet access using more stable technologies PON (optics to the PC) or ETTH (fiber to the home with branching to users using RJ-45 twisted pair cable).

Option 2.

These are, of course, the network settings of your personal computer, which are what the error in connecting to tanks refers to. This primarily includes setting up a router, NAT, giving connection permissions to the worldoftanks.exe file in firewalls and adding firewall exceptions. Also opening the ports used to connect to WOT.

Solution for option 2. Places to look to check your network connection settings if the server is unavailable include:

  1. Settings for the network card used and adapter parameters (DNS, IP address, TCP/IP gateway).
  2. Network connection settings. Namely: the shortcut through which you connect to the Internet (relevant for bridging connections); web interface of the router or modem at the address: with login admin and password admin (relevant for PPoE connections).
  3. Firewall settings built into the antivirus. This is done through the antivirus management program. Add an exception to block connections to the World of Tanks server for the executable file of the same name with the .exe extension from the game folder.
  4. Windows Firewall Settings. Here you should also allow establishing a connection to the World of Tanks server by adding an exception for the game.
  5. Network group settings (home, public and others).

Option 3

This is a rare but important situation that can cause an error in which a connection to the server cannot be established. This includes blocking the IP address of the player on the World of Tanks server you are trying to connect to. The MAC address (the hardware address that identifies the device on the network) may also be blocked.

Solution for option 3. We recommend changing the static IP address assigned to you from your provider. If you have a dynamic IP address, all you need to do is reconnect the Internet for your IP address to change to a new one. In the case of blocking by MAC address, you will have to contact Wargaming with a request to unlock the MAC of your network card, modem or PC (unless, of course, you are going to change them or use another computer, modem, router and network card to connect to World of Tanks ).

"" is an error that can appear completely suddenly for any tanker in World of Tanks. Let's look at it possible reasons this incident.

This error may be caused by the following reasons:

  1. Games are played on the server engineering works. Developers very often warn about them on the official website. Technical work may be associated with the release of a new patch or the installation of intermediate fixes, or simply restarting the game server can temporarily cause a network connection error.
  2. Your Internet connection is not enough to play. Check the minimum system requirements of the game.
  3. You have an antivirus or firewall installed that may be blocking the game's access to the Internet. Remove file restrictions WorldOfTanks.exe, If there are any.

During update, many players received this error when downloading the patch through the launcher:

Incorrect data was received from the update service.
Detailed information is available in the log file.

This most likely means that the update server is unavailable. This happens when the next update comes out.

How to fix?

Close the game client, delete the Wargaming.net folder, which is located at:

Windows Vista, 7: C:\Users\UserName\AppData (hidden folder)\Local\Temp\wargaming.net\

Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\UserName\Local Settings\temp\wargaming.net\

(where UserName is the name of your account Windows).

You can also get to the folder without changing the visibility settings. Enter “%appdata%” (without quotes) into the address bar of Explorer or use the Total Commander program.

Clear the Updates folder located in the root directory of the game (for example, C:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates). At the time of updating, we recommend temporarily disabling your antivirus software.

Launch the launcher. In the launcher settings, specify port 6881 for incoming connections, activate the “Allow torrent” setting and click OK. Restart the launcher and wait for the client to automatically update. Turn on your antivirus software. Try adding the game folder to the trusted zone of your antivirus.

If the error persists

Make sure there is a connection to the update server:

Click Start(if you are using Windows 8, press the keyboard shortcut Win+R), in the “Start Search” field, enter “cmd” (without quotes), right-click on the cmd.exe file and select “Run as administrator”.

  1. Enter in command line command “ping update.worldoftanks.ru” and press the key Enter.
    Make sure the number of packets sent matches the number received.
  2. Enter the command “ipconfig /flushdns” (without quotes) at the command line and press the key Enter.
  3. Enter the command “ipconfig /registerdns” (without quotes) at the command line and press the key Enter.

After these steps, the update will most likely start.

The error is that Can't install network connection once brought a big surprise to tankers when unscheduled technical work began on the servers related to preparations for update 0.7.0. This came as a big surprise to the players. Initially, this article was intended to cover the chronicle of those events, so below is the original text of the outdated news.

-- The text below is not current, please note the date. --

Old information

Today is November 5, 2011 At approximately 15:00 Moscow time, the World of Tanks server lay down and did not get up. Everything would be fine, but no preliminary messages from the developers were published, which led to massive discontent among the players, who poured into a huge crowd on the official forum.

When I discovered that the game was not connecting to the server, there was already a heated discussion of this news on the forum. At peak times, the topic was read by up to 1,600 users, which resulted in disruptions in the forum’s operation.

We will keep you updated on developments.

Update: at 15.48 I was already able to log into the server.

What is surprising is not so much the fact that the game server did not work - this is within the normal range, that the equipment breaks down, hardware does not last forever, especially since total power over the server is concentrated in the hands of the developers. It’s surprising that nowhere does a message appear that says “sorry, this is how it is, we’re fixing it, we know about the problem, we’re working on it.”

It would be high time to create a special column for emergency messages in order to avoid such an aggressive reaction from the World of Tanks gaming community. And players are primarily frightened and annoyed by the unknown and the unexpected.

Update December 08, 2011

Today the World of Tanks server was disabled due to the installation of update 0.7.0 on the server. As of 22:34 Moscow time, technical work is still ongoing, but earlier there was a message that the server would not be available until 22:00. Well, it’s not an easy task to patch such a game. We wish the developers good luck!