High growth from how many see. The growth of men and women: what it depends on. Norms and records. Men's growth in various countries

And women from Latvia. Today, the average Dutchman grows to 183 centimeters, while the average resident of Latvia reaches a height of 170 centimeters.

Researchers who published their work in the eLife journal studied changes in the growth of people in 187 countries around the world since 1914. It turned out that men from Iran and women from South Korea have the most significant "growths" - on average, their growth increased by about 16 and 20 centimeters, respectively.

In the UK, the growth of men and women during the same period increased by an average of 11 centimeters. And today the average resident of Misty Albion reaches 178 centimeters in height, and a resident - 164 centimeters.

In 1914, Russian men occupied the 35th line of the list of the highest people, their indicators reached 167 centimeters, TASS reports. In 2014, they "grew" by almost ten centimeters, the average figure today is 176 centimeters. However, despite this, in the current ranking they dropped to 42 places compared to other men.

For 100 years, Russian women have grown by about 12 centimeters - from 153 to 165 centimeters. And they occupy the 23rd line of the rating, while in 1914 only 53 were content.

Scientists note that data on residents of the United States give a significant contrast to the study. There, men and women over the past century grew by only six and five centimeters, respectively.

Indeed, in the ranking of the tallest people on the planet, US residents have lost their former positions. Back in 1914, they occupied the third line among the tallest men on Earth, and women - fourth. Today they got 37 and 42 places.

It is noted that the list of the highest inhabitants of the planet is dominated by people living in European countries.

Now let’s clarify the situation regarding the smallest inhabitants of the planet. The shortest men live in East Timor - their average height is 160 sentiments. And the shortest women live in Guatemala. By the way, similar indicators were observed in 1914. According to scientific work, 100 years ago, an average woman aged 18 reached 140 centimeters there, today she is no more than 150 centimeters.

Interestingly, some of the most noticeable changes in growth occurred among residents of East Asia. People in Japan, China and South Korea have become much higher than 100 years ago.

"In South Asia (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh), on the contrary, there have been the slightest changes in growth over the past hundred years. Here, the" growth "was from one to six centimeters," says James Bentham, one of the authors of the study, from Imperial College Of London.

In addition, in some parts of Black Africa (a group of sub-Saharan African countries), average growth has declined since the 1970s. For example, in Uganda and Sierra Leone, the level of decline reaches several centimeters.

Some growth differences around the world can be explained by genetics, but the authors of the study say that the DNA code may not be dominant in this matter.

Lead author of the study, Majid Ezzati of Imperial College London, said in an interview with BBC News: “About a third of the changes can be explained by genetics, but it does not reveal why the changes have occurred over time. Genes do not change so quickly, nor do they are changing right around the world. "

From this, the scientist concludes that the changes that have occurred over time are largely determined by the environment.

Other studies have shown that high growth can have both positive and negative sides.

Tall people, as a rule, have a longer life expectancy and a lower risk of various heart diseases. On the other hand, scientists have found evidence that taller people are at a greater risk of developing some types of cancer - the colon, breast and ovaries.

"One hypothesis is that growth factors can stimulate cell mutation," says Elio Riboli, another study author.

What is the average height of men and women in Russia? In this article, I will not say that the generation in modern Russia has grown by 10 centimeters. Oh, yet I said that !!! The fact that in the USSR men and women were lower in height is written in almost every article on the topic of the average height of men and women in Russia. In twenty years, the average height of a man and a woman will change again. A generation is growing up.

What is the average height of a man in Russia?

There are three assumptions about the average height of men in Russia. It is 174 centimeters, 176 centimeters and the tallest man - 178 centimeters. And it is in Russia. For the most part, the average height of a man in Russia is considered to be 176 centimeters. Like it or not - nobody knows.

What is the average height of a woman in Russia?

The average height of a woman in Russia was also divided into three assumptions: 162 centimeters, 165 centimeters, and, of course, 166 centimeters. Again, to know the exact average height of a woman in Russia is simply impossible. There are various assumptions that are based more on theory than on facts.

There is a table of the average height of a man and a woman as a whole, where the average height of a man is from 174 centimeters, and the average height of a woman is 163 centimeters. Also in this table you can see the average height of a man and a woman in the world. Men - 176 centimeters, women - 164 centimeters.

It should be remembered that the growth of a person changes during the day from larger to smaller. After you wake up, your height is 1.5-2 centimeters higher. By evening, it decreases. This is due to the spine. After you sleep well, your spine is slightly longer due to the greater distance between the spinal discs. Many people do not know about this fact.

My height in the morning is 176.3 centimeters. By the evening - 174.1 centimeters. That is, according to some reports, I am either of average height, then below average. And if we take as a basis the average height of a man of 178 centimeters, then I will always be below average.

Frankly - my growth does not suit me very much. At 17, I was 173 cm, then I became 174.5, and this stopped my height growth. At the age of 17, I began to complex about this. I even did growth exercises, but they did not give any effect. By the way, I wrote an article: where I wrote that NO.

Well, now let's see the average growth in other countries. The Dutch (Netherlands) are the highest in the world, while the Pygmies (Congo) are the lowest.

Now you know the average height of men and women in Russia and other countries. Someone has complexes because of my short stature, like mine, and someone because of their high stature. It is impossible to reduce growth, but you can increase it if you do it on time. Growth areas should be open. At 17, I did an X-ray of the left hand, and from the picture I realized that the growth zones are closed, and this is already at 17.

Several of my comrades grew up in 18 years. For example, one of my friends at the age of 17 was 163 cm. He was wildly complex about this. His sisters reassured him, since they themselves are tall. One is 176 cm, the other is 178 cm. So it should be even higher. In addition to his short stature, he was still a pimple. Because of this, they did not take him into the army, since he did not pass by weight. Between 18 and 19 years, he stretched to 188 cm. Moreover, it was sharp.

Three classmates also outgrew me. More precisely, two of them. One moved to us in the 10th grade from another school. He was about 178 cm tall. After the summer, when we all entered the 11th grade, I was surprised when I saw him. His height was 185 cm.

Another classmate has always been the lowest. I was a cut above him. At 17, we became almost the same height. After 5 years, I came across him in the shopping center, where he worked as a seller. So, his height was not lower than 178 cm. Now he looked down at me.

Well, another classmate went to the cadet school after the 9th grade. Sometimes he came to our school, where I periodically noticed that he was catching me up. Now he not only became taller, but also fat as a pig.

At 17, I wanted to use growth hormone, but alas, I did not receive it. Now I’m 26 years old, and the growth zones are definitely closed, but since the end of 25 years I started using growth hormone for bodybuilding. Oh yes, athletes use it to gain muscle mass. In September-October 2015, I injected growth hormone - Ansomon - 4 units per day. Later I learned that 42% of Ansomone develop antibodies to the hormone. That is, in the third week it does not work.

Now I inject Jintropin - the original and is considered the best growth hormone. I stab 10 units per day. If you are 16 years old, then you can grow with the help of growth hormone.

average height of a man in Russia, average height of a woman in Russia


Many people are interested in the question: how much should a person grow normally? Let's try to deal with this issue.

Human height is the distance from the top of the head to the plane of the feet. A person’s growth is influenced by a large number of different factors, such as: heredity from parents, gender, age, environmental factors, diseases (including hereditary ones), lifestyle.

Ethnicity of a person in a particular group also affects his growth. So, for example, the average (normal) growth of the Chinese is 165cm (for men) and 156cm (for women). Very different growth indicators in the Netherlands: 185cm (for men) and 169 (for women). The smallest growth was among the dwarf tribe, which was discovered in 1970 on the Brazilian-Peruvian border, their growth was below 105 cm.The lowest midgets are Juan de la Cruz, his height is 48 cm, and also Gal Mohammed (57 cm). As for women, the lowest height was 30cm, Pauline Masters. At 9 years old, she weighed 15 kg, with a growth of 55cm. The tallest man was Robert Pershing Wadlow, at 22, his height was 272cm, and his arm span was 288cm. The maximum weight that he had was 223kg.

If we talk about humanity growth in general, then it increases. For example, in the 1950s, the average height of a person was 165cm, today this figure has increased by 2.5cm, the weight has also increased, somewhere per kilogram. The biggest changes have occurred in adolescents, because their growth has increased by 3.5 cm, compared with the 1930s. The change in growth in people in different eras is called acceleration. For example, the growth of Neanderthals almost did not differ from the growth of a man of the 21st century (160-165cm).

Growth hormone is responsible for the normal growth of a person. It is also called growth hormone. Growth hormone secretion decreases with age. Most of all in adolescents during puberty and intensive linear growth, and least of all in old people and the elderly.

Here's how a person’s growth changes in different years of his life:

By the first year of life, men and women grow by 23cm.

By the second year of life, men and women grow by 10cm per year.

By the fourth year of life, men and women grow by 7.5cm per year.

At 5-7 years of life, men and women grow by 5.7cm per year.

At 7-10 years of life, men grow by 4.3 cm, and women by 4.5 cm per year.

At 10-13 years of life, men grow by 4.5 cm, and women by 5.2 cm per year.

At 13-17 years of age, men grow by 5.1 cm, and women by 3 cm per year.

At 17-19 years of life, men grow by 1.5 cm, and women by 0.5 cmv a year.

In 19-26 years of life, men grow by 0.5 cm (as a rule, men after 19 do not grow, usually those who have had late puberty grow up).

How old should a person be in order to be considered normal?

Dwarf growth - below 129.9cm in men and below 121.9cm in women

Very small - 130-149.9cm for men and 121-139.9cm for women

Small stature - 150-159.9cm for men and 140-148.9cm for women

Below the average norm - 160-163.9 cm for men and 149-152.9 cm for women

The average height is 164-166.9cm for men and 153-155.9cm for women

Above the average norm - 167-169.9 cm in men and 156-158.9 cm in

Hello dear readers! You know, today we will touch upon a very interesting topic: the average growth of men in Russia. I will start, as always, with the background.

I grew up in a happy and wealthy family. My mother often played the same game with me: when we just walked, rode the subway or sat and looked out the window, she chose one person: it doesn’t matter if it was a man or a woman.

So, turning my attention to this personality, we began to guess with her: who is he? Where does it work? How old is he? Married or not? What is his height and weight? Bad habits and more. “What did it give you?” You ask. The answer is very simple: I began to intuitively understand people, I could immediately make myself a psychological portrait of any person.

Over the years, I began to notice that I guessed a lot, often paid attention to things that others did not see, learned to read between the lines. This game helped me a lot in my adult life, so I recommend it to everyone.

People of the whole planet are very similar to each other, but at the same moment they are different. And salary, social status, absolutely nothing to do with it. So you never thought why Slavic women are considered the most beautiful in the world? And the most passionate - Italian men? Still, something should unite the men of our country.

Does human growth play any role in his life?

I will say for myself: according to my personal research, I have found that men of medium and short stature achieve success more often than tall guys. And the latter are more popular among women. That's even if you read the study, which conducted the men's gloss Men’s Health. More than 60 thousand guys took part in the experiment and it turned out that growth not only affects the number of partners, but also the quality of the act itself.

Scientists attribute this to evolution. Even in those days when women lived in caves, and men hunted mammoths, it was tall defenders who were popular. They could protect the woman, and get food, and become a protector and support.

An interesting fact: when women look for a man on a dating site, they first look at his social status, then at his appearance, and then at his height. But the guys should not despair, tall or not, the main thing is to be a decent and decent person. Probably 😉

In the modern world, tall men can be equated with success. Or is this all a big commercial move? What do you think?

Well, for some reason, no one is filming guys of small and medium stature at shows or in men's gloss, even in the model world, appearance is not as important as growth. In my opinion, this is discrimination, as, for example, a guy who is already the last in school in physical education to feel himself will feel.

And it doesn't matter at all ,   even if he will be much smarter than his classmates, he will strive early to grow, become more successful and better, those who were in the ranks first. It seems to me that it is precisely such discrimination that becomes the basis for the fact that later high guys are on guard, and low ones rule the company, foundations, banks, countries.

What is the average height of a man in Russia?

  • The average male height in Russia is 170 cm.
  • The average female height in Russia is 163 centimeters.

But in China before, guys with a height of 160 cm were already considered high, but today these figures have changed a lot. I don’t know what influenced the inhabitants of this country in this way, but today the average height of the Chinese is 172 cm and higher, sometimes guys with a height of 2 m are also found.

I will tell you another story on this subject

I have a friend, she is a very good, decent girl, from a very decent and wealthy family. Excellent student in life: a school with a gold medal, an institute with a red diploma, everything is written in books. And on her personal, too, everything was fine, she met constantly with one guy, as far as I remember, she went with him.

Naturally, we all joked that, let’s say, when it’s already a wedding. But the guy was in no hurry to take such a "perfect" girl as his wife. Once we all rested, and I asked that guy: "What is the matter?". He answered me that, according to genetics, the families of the ideal girl are not very tall, and he is afraid that the children will be born midgets.

Honestly, I was so amazed at his answer, and I thought: “Can genetics influence people's relationships like that?” But what about couples who really have problems? ”  Of course, as you already guessed, there was no wedding, he nevertheless made her an offer, and then a month before the wedding he said that he did not want to get married.

Cruel, right? And all because of the small stature. What, in your opinion, is normal growth and does it really matter to you so much? Share in the comments.

What determines a person’s growth - a short video:

The pursuit of the ideal

Discussion of the average height of a man in Russia is half the trouble.

And what is the average weight in a man considered optimal?

It seems to me that our life is a constant pursuit of ideals, it seems to us that they hang a lot of different labels and see how much we will correspond to them. Reaching out - you're cool, no - you're a failure. It’s good that we are adults and can be aware and filter the information ourselves, but what about schoolchildren?

It seems to me that school psychologists and parents should deal with them. Often the latter forget about their children and try to realize themselves in a career, creative, family plan, but this is not about my mother, who devoted herself completely to the family.

Yes, many will disagree with me, they will say that I am selfish, but on the other hand, I grew up a self-sufficient man. There is a sea of \u200b\u200bcomplexes in me, but my parents supported me in every possible way, spoke to me on equal terms and always helped. So, I was able to survive youthful maximalism, a bunch of teenage problems and become what I am today.

Regarding average weight, I’ll tell you the story of my childhood friend, I think you will like it

As far as I remember him, he always changed dramatically in terms of weight. Until he was 20 years old, he was no more than 48 kilograms, his friends constantly laughed at him: do not go outside when a storm is approaching, will take him overseas. But at the same time, everyone was encouraging him with a smart look: nothing, they say, you will grow up soon - you will add weight.

These words have become prophetic.

After the second year of university, David began to weigh more than 70 kg, and then the girls went, gulki - and away we go. A free schedule, own car, life on the principle of working – relaxing – sleeping – having sex, and friends have already begun to joke differently: “Something you became fat, brother! Look at your belly like a pig. ”. And all these conversations annoyed David, and to me they were incomprehensible.

Last straw for david

it was a meeting of graduates of our school, ten years after graduation. The constant phrases “yes, you’ve completely recovered!” And the surprised “well, you and the boar!” Literally left him no choice. David decided to take care of himself and find his middle ground. Despite the fact that my coach is against diets in every possible way, he advised my friend to try to sit on Ducane, and he grabbed onto this information. I must say that the diet is pretty good (I never sat on it), but I think the guys will like it: you need to eat meat and in large quantities.

For 60 days spent in harmony with a planned diet, he threw off 20 kg. Further, David acted according to the classical principle: a gym membership, two months of active cardio workouts, then working with weights, with the goal of not only maximizing muscle growth, but also of making them work and bring them into sports form. He continues training today, gets up at 7 in the morning - and forward. And then he walks awake all day.

Anyway, his life has changed dramatically, he opened himself to the world, began to get involved, has already made 5 jumps, although before he was completely afraid of heights. In a word, no to you, or apathy there.

From the point of view of psychology, I can say that my friend simply believed in himself, and began to live to the fullest. He is no longer surrounded by envious people, he simply does not communicate with half of our previous company, he does not listen to their opinion, does not look for minuses in himself, but works and works on himself every day.

Why did I tell you about his life?

It's simple: you will never be perfect for everyone, tall or short, thin or full, there will always be people on your way who will “put the wheels in the wheel” to incite, mock.

All these are obstacles through which you must pass with dignity. Move forward and be worthy people, and believe me, growth does not matter if you are a self-sufficient man.

See you soon guys! Who has not subscribed to the blog - I recommend doing this to always be in the know about the latest events! Invite your friends and we will discuss interesting topics together ...

Text  - agent Q.

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The average growth in men and women has increased significantly over the past century. This is due to improved nutrition, but factors of individual health also have an impact. While the average person is taller than his great-grandfather, the degree of growth depends on the region, nutritional status and other factors.

  Photo: Wikipedia

Men's growth in various countries

In 2010, the average American was 69.3 inches (176 cm) tall. One hundred years ago, the average American was 67 inches (170 cm) tall. Although they grew more than 2 inches (6 cm), the speed with which Americans are growing has slowed down compared to people from other countries.

In 1896, American men ranked third in growth in the world. Since then, they have moved to 37th place. This is not because Americans are growing slower; but because in other countries people are growing at a faster pace.

American growth has stabilized over the past 50 years. Every 20 years, Americans received about 6 cm from their parents, but today's children are on average as tall as their parents. This is largely due to improved health and nutrition.

East Asian residents experienced a significant increase in growth. Iranian men grew more than people from other countries, their growth increased by an average of 6 inches (15 cm). And in sub-Saharan Africa, poor nutrition has reduced growth.

Men in the Netherlands with a height of 72 inches (182 cm) are considered the tallest. Thus, people of Eastern Europe occupy the top of the list.

Indonesian men are the smallest, with an average height of 62.25 inches (158 cm). Malawi men are 63 inches (160 cm) tall. Men from Yemen, Laos, Madagascar have the lowest height.

In the UK and Australia, men average 70 inches (178 cm) tall. In France, the average height of men is 69.5 inches (177 cm).

The smallest women in Guatemala and the Philippines, they have an average height of 58 inches (147 cm).

Factors Affecting Men's Growth

Genetics. 60-80 percent growth is due to genetic factors. This suggests that genetics affects people's growth. In more complex conditions, factors such as diet and disease can significantly affect a person’s growth.

In addition to genetics, the following factors affect growth:

Birth weight. Birth weight is the result of many factors, including genetics and nutrition in the womb. This is an important prediction of growth factor.

Premature birth. Premature babies tend to have low birth weight. In premature infants, growth remains low in later life.

Hormones. Hormones affect growth throughout life, especially during puberty. Hormonal imbalance leads to high or low growth.

Nutrition. Nutrition is one of the main growth factors. People who have poor nutrition do not get enough calcium, vitamin D, other vitamins and minerals.

Geographical position. There is a connection between geographical location, ethnicity and growth. In addition to this factor, the location affects the effect of natural sunlight - a source of vitamin D.

Factors Affecting Growth Inhibition

Growth retardation factors, such as eating disorders, serious illnesses, and the effects of certain drugs can affect a person’s growth.

Health conditions, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, kidney failure, and cancer can also affect growth. Other conditions that may affect growth:

Achondroplasia  - This is a condition in which a person has short arms and legs, which is the main cause of dwarfism. People with achondroplasia have an average of 48 inches (122 cm) in height.

Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia (SED) causes a decrease in the size of the spinal column. This is a genetic disease that is diagnosed in adolescence. People with dwarfism can have various health problems. SED, for example, can lead to osteoarthritis.

Tectonic dysplasia  - This is a rare genetic form of dwarfism, when a person has a short leg and forearm.

Conditions leading to gigantism

Pituitary tumors  - In children with a pituitary tumor, too much growth hormone is secreted, which leads to high growth. Gigantism is almost always the result of a pituitary tumor, although some rare medical conditions can lead to overgrowth. These include:

  1. Carney Syndrome;
  2. Neurofibromatosis;
  3. McCune Albright Syndrome;
  4. Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1.

In this regard, people with abnormally high growth are at risk of a number of health problems. Their excessive growth can affect the metabolic system and cause cardiovascular problems, including an increase in heart size.


  1.   NCD Risk Factor Collaboration et al. A century of trends in adult human height // Elife. - 2016. - T. 5. - S. e13410.
  2.   Lai C. Q. How much of human height is genetic and how much is due to nutrition // Scientific American. - 2006 .-- T. 11.