Vegetarian diet for gaining muscle mass. Can you gain weight without meat? Simply, Nutrition for gaining muscle mass for a vegetarian. Gaining Weight with Dairy and Eggs

Is it possible to follow a vegetarian lifestyle and still engage in bodybuilding? We read about all this and more in our article.

Among ordinary people There is an opinion that it is impossible to build muscle mass without eating meat. But, as professional athletes prove, this is a completely achievable task.

Are vegetarianism and bodybuilding compatible?

Before answering the question posed, it is necessary to understand what vegetarianism is and the reasons for its occurrence.

Vegetarian bodybuilder

The reason for consciously refusing to eat meat may be:

  • Health problems, this may not be the body’s absorption of animal products, or allergic reactions. A person may simply not like the taste of meat
  • The desire to lead a healthy lifestyle, because it is plant foods that help cleanse the body of waste and toxins, protect against cardiovascular diseases, and normalize the gastrointestinal tract

A big plus for vegetarians is that they do not suffer from excess weight, are more protected from various diseases, even from some types of cancer. I. in general, they feel much better better than people who eat meat.

  • Conscious reluctance to see animals killed for human needs, this also applies to clothing made from killed animals
  • Religious principles, some of the world's religions categorically deny the consumption of food of animal origin
  • To save money, some people give up meat
  • And some refuse and cite the reason that the processing of meat and animal products is very polluting to the environment.

Sometimes these are several reasons combined, sometimes just one, but one way or another, people consciously refuse animal fats and proteins.

There are three types of vegetarians:

  • Strict vegetarians completely exclude food of animal origin from their diet.
  • Lacto-vegetarians, in this case the consumption of milk and fermented milk products is allowed
  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians, in addition to dairy products, also eat eggs.

Scientists have proven that to build muscle, protein is not as necessary as carbohydrates. They play a big role in this process. And you need very little protein itself - 1.6 grams per kilogram of weight.

Vivid examples of the reality that vegetarianism and bodybuilding are compatible are:

  • Corey Everson, she gave up meat as a 17-year-old girl. But this did not stop her from becoming a six-time bodybuilding champion.

Corey Everson
  • Andreas Kahling, he looks great for his age and now

Andreas Kahling,
  • Bill Pearl bright Star bodybuilding of the 60s, a prime example of a vegetarian bodybuilder

Bill Pearl

It is worth noting that muscle building would not be possible without special vitamins and supplements. These sports supplements Even those athletes for whom meat is a common food take it and do not eat it with chemical complexes.

IMPORTANT: If a person has been involved in sports for quite a long time, and has not limited himself in food, and has decided to become a vegetarian, then this should be done gradually, and not immediately after the decision has been made.

The disadvantage of vegetarianism when building muscle mass there is that the feeling of hunger may not occur for a long time. This is good for those who want to lose weight, but not for bodybuilders. They should eat frequently.

How does vegetarianism affect muscle growth?

There is a specially designed diet for vegetarian athletes. Although many people doubt the effectiveness of this method of muscle building, it is quite possible. In addition, vegan athletes feel much healthier than their sports colleagues who eat meat. After all, it is animal food that contributes to an increase in bad cholesterol in the blood and the development of cardiovascular diseases.

From a properly selected menu, a vegetarian receives required amount protein for muscle growth. The missing components can be replenished with the help of special sports supplements. But we must remember that muscles will not grow, even if protein is supplied in excess of the norm, and there are no fats in the diet. This will also affect the athlete’s appearance: the skin will become flabby, hair will begin to fall out, and muscle mass will become weak. Therefore, you should definitely consume vegetable oils, coconut milk, and, if vegetarian principles allow, cow's milk.

It should be remembered that no expensive supplements can replace good nutrition. And, if there is a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, but with a large amount of protein, the body itself transforms it into carbohydrates. Thus, the athlete only harms his health.

Where can a vegetarian get protein?

For those who want to switch to a vegetarian diet, the question arises where to get the necessary protein.

  • With strict vegetarian principles, protein can be taken from mushrooms, nuts, legumes, vegetables, herbs, fruits, berries, grains, cereals
  • If a bodybuilder is a lacto-vegetarian, then this makes it possible to consume milk and dairy products
  • For less strict vegetarianism, you can add eggs to your diet.

But in order to get the required amount of protein, vegetarians need to adhere to a varied diet and combine different foods. Then some products, with a low content of amino acids necessary for the synthesis, will be supplemented by others. In this case, incomplete proteins become complete. An example for a combination would be legumes and grains. They produce complete protein, and are even better digestible than meat.

Vegetarian Protein Sources

Let's look at the sources from which vegetarians can get protein:

Mushrooms are sources of protein
  • Largest quantity Protein can be obtained from dried boletuses - 35.4 grams, from fresh ones this figure will be different - 3.3 grams
  • In second place are porcini mushrooms; in dried form they can provide the body with 20.1 grams, but in fresh only 3.7 grams of protein per 100 grams of mushrooms
  • In third place are fresh champignons - 4.3 grams

They are rich in protein and fat, vitamins and minerals. To save everyone useful substances, you must consume them only in their raw form.

Nuts are sources of protein
  • Peanuts take first place - 26.3 g
  • On the second, cashew nuts - 20 g
  • on the third almonds - 18.6 g
  • on the fourth hazelnut - 16.1 g
  • on the fifth walnuts— 15.6 g
  • on the sixth pistachios - 10 g

Legumes contain protein and complex carbohydrates. They are very valuable for the body because they contain calcium, iron, zinc, and fiber. Legumes can be sprouted, eaten raw, or you can cook dishes from them.

Legumes Protein Sources
  • In terms of protein content, soy takes first place, containing 34.9 grams.
  • on the second lentils, it contains 24 grams
  • Split peas take third place with 23 grams.
  • Beans are in fourth place - 21 grams

Cereals fill the body with all the necessary microelements, this also applies to protein. Buckwheat is the most valued grain; it is very useful for people who follow vegetarian principles, as well as those who observe strict fasts.

  • Wheat cereal ranks first in protein content - 11.3 grams
  • second place for oatmeal - 11 grams
  • in third place is buckwheat - 10 grams
  • in fourth place are semolina and corn - 10.3 grams
  • the fifth belongs to pearl barley - 9.3 grams

Greens and vegetables

Greens and green-colored vegetables contain all the amino acids necessary for the body. It is very important not to limit yourself in choice, but to eat different types greens and vegetables.

  • Garlic wins - 6.5 grams
  • Second place Brussels sprouts- 4.8 grams
  • Third place goes to parsley - 3.7 grams
  • Spinach ranks fourth - 2.9 grams
  • Fifth horseradish - 2.5 grams
  • Sixth for new potatoes - 2.4 grams
  • The seventh place is taken White cabbage- 2.8 grams
  • Eighth for cucumbers - 0.8 grams

Fruits and dried fruits play a major role in replenishing protein reserves. Let us note some values ​​of their protein content per 100 grams of weight.

  • First place for bananas - 1.5 grams
  • second after rowan - 1.4 grams
  • the third is occupied by cherries - 1.1 grams
  • Dogwood takes fourth place - 1 gram
  • Fifth place is shared by pomegranate, peaches and apricot, they all contain 0.9 grams of protein.
  • Our list is completed by apples - 0.4 grams

Other food

In addition to the above listed suppliers of protein to the body, other food products that are rich in protein can be noted.

  • The first place is taken by cocoa powder, it contains 24.2 grams of protein per 100 grams of weight
  • In second place are canned olives - 18
  • On the third, wheat bran - 15.1
  • In fourth place is wheat bread - 8.1
  • In fifth place is milk chocolate - 6.9
  • On the sixth rye bread - 6.6
  • In seventh place is dark chocolate - 5.4

You should also remember about products made from soy.

Tofu is a cheese made from soy milk and contains a large amount of protein, as well as iron and calcium. An almost universal product, because it can be baked, made into soups, grilled, and made into desserts. You should know that tofu is almost tasteless; when preparing it, great attention must be paid to spices and sauces.

Cheese Tofu

Tempeh, an exotic food product made from soybeans, contains enough protein to replace eating meat. It can be fried, adding spices and sauces to your taste. The main thing in choosing tempeh is its freshness. The coating should be white, there may even be gray spots. But if the tempeh on top turns yellow or blue, this indicates that the product is not fresh.

Tempeh contains more protein than Tofu

There is another plant-based protein substitute - seitan, it is made from wheat gluten. Per 100 grams of product contains 25 grams of protein. Very popular among vegetarian athletes.

For vegetarians who allow themselves to eat dairy products, an excellent source of protein will be:

  • Hard cheese
  • Powdered milk
  • Skim cheese
  • Brynza
  • Yogurt
  • Ice cream
  • Milk
  • Kefir

Dairy products are important for the human body

In addition to protein, eggs also contain 60% fat.

  • In one piece chicken egg, just like quail, there are 6 grams of proteins
  • Duck has a little less - 2 grams

IMPORTANT: By correctly combining all of these products listed, and not only, a vegetarian will never experience a lack of protein.

Video: Where can raw foodists and vegetarians get protein and how to replenish the amino acid profile (Raw food diet and protein)?

Vegetarianism and amino acids

Amino acids are indispensable for the human body; the required amount can only come from food, since the human body cannot synthesize them itself. For an adult, this figure is 8 amino acids, and for children - 10 amino acids.

There is a myth that vegetarians cannot get all the necessary amino acids from plant foods, and cause great harm to their health. But, as practice shows, animals also cannot synthesize amino acids on their own, but receive them together with plant foods. This myth especially does not apply to vegetarians who consume milk and eggs in their food.

Essential amino acids are found in greens, vegetables and fruits

For beginner vegetarians, or for those who still doubt the veracity of the above, we present a list of amino acids and products that contain them:

  • Tryptophan is found in bananas, dates, milk, yogurt, peanuts, sesame, pine nuts and in soybeans
  • Lysine is found in nuts, wheat and dairy products
  • Valine is found in mushrooms, peanuts, soy, dairy products and grains
  • Methionine is present in legumes, eggs and dairy products
  • Threonine is present in legumes, nuts, eggs and dairy products
  • Isoleucine is present in seeds, peas, eggs, almonds and cashews.
  • Leucine is found in lentils, seeds, nuts, and brown rice.
  • Phanylalanine is present in sweetener, as well as in soy, milk and eggs

IMPORTANT: Children need two more amino acids: histidine and arginine. You can replenish your reserves with the following products: yogurt, seeds, peanuts, lentils, sesame.

As the list shows, everything necessary for the body amino acids can be obtained from plant foods. An exception may be the case when a person decided to become a vegetarian, but did not take care of variety in food. To prevent this from happening, you must:

  • Eat legumes of all types
  • Combine protein and amino acid sources

As for non-strict vegetarians, regular consumption of dairy products and eggs will protect against amino acid deficiency.

Vegetarianism and essential vitamins

Vitamins are essential for the normal functioning of the body. They prevent or with their help treat various diseases and increase the body’s resistance to viral infections. Sources of vitamins are both plant foods and animals.

Since vegetarianism involves abandoning animal foods, let’s consider what basic vitamins can be obtained exclusively from plant foods:

  • B1 - lack of this vitamin affects work nervous system, cardiovascular and digestive tract. The highest amounts of thiamine are found in carrots, potatoes, oats, wheat germ and cabbage.
  • B2 - with its help, cell restoration processes occur, as well as their growth. Helps the visual organs to function fully. Mainly found in meat and milk, but with the help of peas, green onions, grains, tomatoes you can thoroughly replenish your supply
  • B6 - with a deficiency of this vitamin, changes occur in the nervous system, metabolism is disrupted, and swelling and rashes on the skin may occur. You can replenish your body with this vitamin with the help of legumes, grains, and vegetables.
  • Folic acid is especially necessary for the full development of the fetus. Mainly found in the leaves of the plant, but only green in color
  • A lack of biotin affects the general condition of the body and causes a feeling of fatigue, appetite may disappear, and muscles begin to ache very much. In order to prevent this condition, it is necessary to include peas, oatmeal and soy in the diet.
  • Nicotinic acid plays a huge role in the life of the body; its deficiency affects the condition of the skin and the functionality of the nervous system. You can get enough vitamin from mushrooms, fruits, vegetables, legumes and grains
  • C - this vitamin helps you recover faster and protects against viral infections, affects metabolism, and affects blood vessels. Long-term non-healing wounds indicate its deficiency. A large amount of this vitamin is found in currants, rose hips, red bell pepper, parsley, dill
  • Pantothenic acid is used to treat burns and bruises, as well as diseases of the nervous system. You can find it in peas, wheat, asparagus, barley
  • Rutin is essential for normal health vascular system body. Contained in cherries, black currants, cherries, gooseberries and cranberries
  • A lack of vitamin E negatively affects the functioning of the entire body. To replenish reserves, you need to include vegetable oils, green vegetables, and wheat germ in your diet
  • Vitamin K is responsible for blood clotting. For complete intake into the body, it is necessary that cabbage and lettuce be present in the diet.

IMPORTANT: Vitamin A and D require eggs. butter, milk - this will not be a problem for vegetarians who include these products in their daily diet.

As you can see, from the listed basic vitamins, and the products from which these vitamins can be taken for their body, vegetarians do not lack them.

Vitamin B12 in a vegetarian diet

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the functioning of the body. Its deficiency can cause severe headaches, indigestion and diseases of the intestines and nervous system, and can provoke disturbances in the ability to remember information.

It is believed that this vitamin cannot be obtained exclusively from plant foods. And a lot of people criticize vegetarians for this. But it is not true that this vitamin is found only in meat. A sufficient amount of the vitamin can be obtained from eggs and dairy products. For lacto-vegetarians this is not a problem; they can easily do this by consuming these products regularly.

Vitamin B12 is essential for healthy well-being

In addition, there are now a sufficient number of ways to replenish your supply of vitamin B12. These are beer shakes, breakfast cereals with added vitamins and dietary supplements.

Important: Vegetarians should be careful when eating foods containing baker's yeast. They destroy vitamin B12.

Video: Where to get vitamin B12 (how to compensate for vitamin B12 deficiency)?

Vegetarian menu for gaining muscle mass

Proper and balanced nutrition is the key to good health, and if you want to gain muscle mass, the key to success. To do this, you need to include in your menu not only protein, but fats and carbohydrates. The number of meals should be increased to six times a day. These are five basic techniques, and one before bed. If you do not follow this advice, the body will experience stress and store excess fat, in addition, muscles will begin to break down.

IMPORTANT: You should not eat too much or skip even one of the meals.

Sample menu vegetarian bodybuilder.

  • Freshly squeezed juice from vegetables or fruits
  • At least three slices of whole grain bread
  • Peanut butter
  • Porridge, can be cooked on cow's milk or its substitutes
  • Vegetable casserole
  • Nuts, preferably a mixture
  • Vegetable soup
  • Vegetable stew
  • Soy meat
  • Tempe
  • Low-fat kefir
  • Seeds
  • Fruit jam
  • Slice of bread
  • Boiled potatoes, mashed
  • Boiled or steamed broccoli
  • Half an avocado

Vegetarian bodybuilders need to include sports supplements in their diet, but they should not be the main supplier of protein. One half daily dose protein obtained from supplements, and the other half should be obtained from food.

Video: How to gain weight if you are a vegetarian?

Doctors' opinions on vegetarianism

Doctors often oppose vegetarianism. This is especially true for small children, mothers carrying a baby, elderly and sick people.

But still, most people settle on the idea that vegetarianism is good for health and well-being. This does not apply to the strictest of the types, but includes dairy products and eggs.

The benefits of vegetarianism are:

  • Lowering sugar levels
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Complete cleansing of impurities and toxins
  • Improvement of vascular condition
  • Reducing cholesterol

Vegetarian diets may be prescribed to treat or prevent certain diseases.

  • Before switching to a plant-based diet, you should consult a nutritionist.
  • Pass the necessary tests, undergo a full examination
  • Together with a specialist, you will decide on the necessary set of products
  • Create a detailed menu
  • Develop a smooth transition to a plant-based diet

Video: The harms and benefits of vegetarianism. Doctors' opinion

Myths about vegetarianism

Vegetarians have many supporters and opponents. Both of them are looking for arguments in their favor, creating new myths.

Myths about the dangers of vegetarianism:

  • The first myth says that people who do not eat meat are weak and powerless. In response to this myth, one can list a huge number of vegetarian athletes who have set world records and received the title of champions. But, it should be noted, this became possible only with the correct and balanced diet
  • It is believed that in order to assimilate information it is necessary to eat meat, and vegetarians, refusing it, become stupider. This has been refuted by science, since all the vitamins necessary for this process are contained in legumes, and are very well absorbed by the body
  • Vegetarians do not receive the proteins necessary for life; we refuted this myth at the beginning of the article. You just need to know how to mix food correctly, then there can be no question of shortages
  • It is believed that vegetarians have a permanent deficiency of iron levels in the blood. But, this microelement is found in a large number of vegetables and fruits; only for its absorption it is necessary to include vitamin C in your diet. Following this rule, a vegetarian will not have problems with hemoglobin levels
  • Vegetarians lose weight catastrophically. This may be refuted by the world's celebrities who are committed to giving up meat. This is Brad Pitt, Nicole Kidman, Tom Cruise, Alicia Silverstone, Pamela Anderson, Orlando Bloom. Looking at their bodies, there can be no question of any dystrophy

  • Mothers carrying babies, and the children themselves, need meat. Proof of the opposite point of view are Hindus, adherents of a strict religion, and among celebrities, as an example, we can name Uma Thurman, she has followed a vegetarian diet since childhood, and was able to bear and give birth to completely healthy children. You can add Alicia Silverstone to this list
  • Another belief is that our grandfathers and great-grandfathers always ate exclusively meat. But, if you carefully delve into history, this is another myth, because strict fasts were held almost the entire year, and ancestors replenished their energy reserves exclusively with food of plant origin

Let's also consider the myths created by the adherents of vegetarianism themselves:

  • Switching to a vegetarian diet will help solve excess weight problems. This is not so, it all depends on the individuality of each organism, and the correctness of a well-thought-out menu. If your diet contains a large amount of fat, you can only gain weight, not lose it.
  • Vegetarians believe that their way of eating is much healthier than that of people who eat meat. The fact that sticking to a proper and healthy diet testifies to the benefits of this myth. But, at the same time, scientists have proven that eating meat can prevent a number of serious diseases.
  • Vegetarians argue that a person is not able to digest meat, and that this process takes about two days, sucking all the energy from the body. Scientists have completely refuted this myth, since the acid in the stomach breaks down any food in a short period of time
  • Vegetarians believe that among them there are more long-lived people than among meat eaters. Practice says the opposite

As can be seen from the list, both have their own myths and beliefs. A person should consciously approach a vegetarian diet, not forgetting about his health and well-being.

Video: The Best Speech You've Ever Heard on Vegetarianism

How to gain muscle mass as a vegetarian: tips and reviews

  • First of all, novice bodybuilders who are vegetarians need to create the right menu for every day. It must contain fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Only with a balanced diet can you build muscle mass
  • You need to eat in small portions, but often, every three hours
  • You should not allow yourself to feel very hungry, this will negatively affect your muscles.
  • Strength training is required, it is recommended to exercise for no longer than half an hour, otherwise there is a large waste of energy, which is very difficult for vegetarians to replenish, and muscles can begin to break down
  • Accept vitamin complexes and special sports supplements
  • To gain muscle mass, proper sleep and rest are mandatory, because muscles are built up precisely at this time, and not during the training process.

Video: N muscle gain from Arnold Schwarzenegger

Continue to eat healthy. The easiest way to gain weight is to eat unhealthy, fatty vegetarian foods (like French fries or sugary baked goods). However, you shouldn't sacrifice your health for the sake of gaining weight, so you should try to supplement your diet with only healthy calories.

Since your goal is to gain weight, you need to consume slightly more calories than recommended, but within reasonable limits! Add an extra 500 calories to your daily calorie intake for an additional 3,500 calories per week. At this rate, you will be able to gain half a kilogram of weight per week.

Increase the amount of egg whites in your diet. If your diet allows you to consume dairy products and eggs, you should take advantage of the calories and protein contained in these foods. While eggs are rich in protein, consuming too much yolk can cause your cholesterol levels to rise to dangerous levels. Yolks are only good for you in moderation, so you should not eat more than one yolk per day.

To gain weight you should eat rice, pasta, quinoa and whole wheat bread.

Increase the amount of carbohydrates you eat. You may have heard that people trying to lose weight are advised to reduce or eliminate their carbohydrate intake. However, according to researchers, low-carb diets are effective solely due to the resulting calorie deficit. Carbohydrate-rich foods can provide you with the same amount of extra calories as the same amount of vegetables or beans, without making you feel full.

Have frequent snacks. Even in between your small meals, you can eat extra calories along with nutritious snacks to fuel your body. A spoonful of nut butter, a protein bar, or some cereal or kale chips will keep you from overeating, but will help you gain weight.

However, vegans and vegetarians can consume various sources proteins that will complement each other (so-called complementary proteins) and supply the body with all nine essential amino acids. An example of a good combination would be brown rice and beans.

Consider alternative source protein in the form of soy. Soy protein can be considered a vegan's best friend and is supposed to lower bad cholesterol (BDL) levels. Tofu and soy cakes aren't particularly flavorful, but they can absorb the flavors of other foods they're cooked with while increasing the amount of protein you eat. Some people don't like the soft texture of tofu, in which case you can use textured plant proteins and add them to foods to make them look like pureed meat (like tacos or pasta sauces).

For example, you can make an omelet with beans, cheese, chopped tomatoes, onions and bell pepper, and season ready dish sour cream, salsa and avocado.

Include dairy products in your side dish. As with a vegan diet, you can increase the calorie content of your salads by adding nuts, fruits, and other high-calorie foods. However, if your diet allows you to consume dairy products, then you can use real sour cream and cheese instead of soy substitutes. Cheese, sour cream and butter contain saturated fats, so they should only be consumed in limited quantities.

Spreading a thin layer of butter on a slice of bread will add 36 calories to your breakfast.

Increase the calorie content of your food by using soy side dishes. In stores you can find soy cheese, soy milk and even soy sour cream. Use these foods to add calories to salads, potatoes, tacos, or cereal without making you feel full.

Just 30 grams of cheese added to potatoes, omelettes or salads can add 100 calories to your meal!

Eat high-calorie, protein-rich foods such as beans, nuts, nut butters, and almond butters. soy products and so on, to replace the lack of meat in the diet.

How to gain weight as a vegetarian

Treat yourself to healthy snacks throughout the day with “ healthy fats”, for example, eat avocado, beans, nuts, peanut or almond butter, and hummus.

Nuts and seeds are rich in protein, but some can add cholesterol to your diet. Consider pumpkin seeds, almonds, pistachios and walnuts, but avoid macadamia nuts and American nuts.

Add extra calories to your side dish. For example, add to salad olive oil, nuts, seeds and fruits.

longfin tuna;

Aim to eat 3,500 more calories each week than you need to maintain your current weight. This will lead to an additional 500 grams per week.

Half a kilogram of fat is equivalent to 3,500 calories. In other words, eating 3,500 calories without burning them will allow you to gain 500 grams of extra weight.

Yogurts are also a popular snack option, but you should avoid yogurts that are high in sugar. Instead, lean towards using plain Greek yogurt with some fresh fruit.

Your calorie needs will depend on your age, gender and height. Use one of the online calculators to determine the number of calories you need each day.

Adding dairy to your side dishes can boost the nutritional value of your meals by 500 calories a day without making you feel full.

Eat small, frequent meals and snack regularly to ensure you consume enough calories to gain weight.

Two tablespoons of sour cream will add 60 calories to your chili sauce.

A vegan diet can provide you with enough calorie-dense eating options to allow you to gain weight without reducing the level of regular activity that keeps you in optimal shape.

On the other hand, egg whites are healthy in any quantity. You can simply remove the yolk from eggs or buy pure egg whites in liquid form to cook high-calorie, nutritious protein dishes.

To build muscle mass, eat protein-rich foods. Lack of protein is a major problem in vegetarian and vegan diets. People on such diets must ensure that they are consuming enough protein at all times. Complete proteins (similar to those that come from animal sources) in the form of soy and quinoa are essential for the body to obtain all the important amino acids.

Beans are a good protein substitute for meat and also represent great source calories. Ideally, you should consume 3 cups of beans per week, but it is quite acceptable to eat more without any harm to your health.

Start by following the vegan weight gain guidelines. Vegan and vegetarian diets are quite similar, but the latter allows for more flexibility. Essentially, a vegetarian should follow the same dietary guidelines as a vegan, but also include dairy products in their diet.

Vegetarians primarily eat vegetables, fruits and grains, with some also consuming dairy products and eggs. Since there is no meat in a vegetarian diet, the transition to such a diet may be accompanied by weight loss. There is no need to be afraid of this! Even on a vegetarian diet, if you choose the right foods, you can gain weight.


Weight gain on a vegan diet

    Understand the difference between vegetarianism and veganism. A vegetarian diet excludes any meat products(beef, poultry, fish, etc.), and veganism goes even further. Vegans do not eat any products that come from animals, including dairy products (milk, yogurt, butter) and eggs. Instead, they rely entirely on grain products, seeds, nuts, legumes, soybeans, fruits, vegetables and vegetable oils.

    Calculate the daily amount of calories you need. Calorie is a unit of measurement energy value food that, when consumed, will either be consumed or stored as fat. When losing weight, people create for themselves deficit calories, that is, they burn more calories with their activity than they consume with food. For recruitment To lose weight, you need to do the opposite: eat more calories than will be burned during the day. A vegan diet can provide you with enough calorie-dense eating options to allow you to gain weight without reducing the level of regular activity that keeps you in optimal shape.

    Continue to eat healthy. The easiest way to gain weight is to eat unhealthy, fatty vegetarian foods (like French fries or sugary baked goods). However, you shouldn't sacrifice your health for the sake of gaining weight, so you should try to supplement your diet with only healthy calories.

    To build muscle mass, eat protein-rich foods. Lack of protein is a major problem in vegetarian and vegan diets. People on such diets must ensure that they are consuming enough protein at all times. Complete proteins (similar to those that come from animal sources) in the form of soy and quinoa are essential for the body to obtain all the important amino acids. However, vegans and vegetarians can consume a variety of protein sources that will complement each other (called complementary proteins) and provide the body with all nine essential amino acids. An example of a good combination would be brown rice and beans.

    Consider an alternative source of protein in the form of soy. Soy protein can be considered a vegan's best friend and is supposed to lower bad cholesterol (BDL) levels. Tofu and soy cakes aren't particularly flavorful, but they can absorb the flavors of other foods they're cooked with while increasing the amount of protein you eat. Some people don't like the soft texture of tofu, in which case you can use textured plant proteins and add them to foods to make them look like pureed meat (like tacos or pasta sauces).

    • Increase the calorie content of your food by using soy side dishes. In stores you can find soy cheese, soy milk and even soy cream. Use these foods to add calories to salads, potatoes, tacos, or cereal without making you feel full.
  1. Increase the amount of carbohydrates you eat. You may have heard that people trying to lose weight are advised to reduce or eliminate their carbohydrate intake. However, according to researchers, low-carb diets are effective solely due to the resulting calorie deficit. Carbohydrate-rich foods can provide you with the same amount of extra calories as the same amount of vegetables or beans, without making you feel full. To gain weight, you should eat rice, pasta, quinoa and whole grain bread.

    Eat six small meals a day. If you get full quickly, you may have difficulty getting food. sufficient quantity calories for three meals a day. In this case, it is better for you to divide your food into 6 smaller portions and distribute them evenly throughout the day. You don't have to eat until your belly is full, and small, frequent meals will help you consume more calories in a day.

    Have frequent snacks. Even in between your small meals, you can eat extra calories along with nutritious snacks to fuel your body. A spoonful of nut butter, a protein bar, or some cereal or kale chips will keep you from overeating, but will help you gain weight.

    Gaining Weight with Dairy and Eggs

    1. Start by following the vegan weight gain guidelines. Vegan and vegetarian diets are quite similar, but the latter allows for more flexibility. Essentially, a vegetarian should follow the same dietary guidelines as a vegan, but also include dairy products in their diet.

      • Aim to eat 3,500 more calories each week than you need to maintain your current weight. This will lead to an additional 500 grams per week.
      • Eat high-calorie, protein-rich foods such as beans, nuts, nut butters, almond butters, soy products, etc. to replace the lack of meat in your diet.
      • Eat small, frequent meals and snack regularly to ensure you consume enough calories to gain weight.
    2. Increase the amount of egg whites in your diet. If your diet allows you to consume dairy products and eggs, you should take advantage of the calories and protein contained in these foods. While eggs are rich in protein, consuming too much yolk can cause your cholesterol levels to rise to dangerous levels. Yolks are only good for you in moderation, so you should not eat more than one yolk per day. On the other hand, egg whites are healthy in any quantity. You can simply remove the yolk from eggs or buy pure egg whites in liquid form to cook high-calorie, nutritious protein dishes.

      • For example, you can prepare an omelet with beans, cheese, chopped tomatoes, onions and bell peppers, and season the finished dish with sour cream, salsa and avocado.
    3. Include dairy products in your side dish. As with a vegan diet, you can increase the calorie content of your salads by adding nuts, fruits, and other high-calorie foods. However, if your diet allows you to consume dairy products, then you can use real sour cream and cheese instead of soy substitutes. Cheese, sour cream and butter contain saturated fats, so they should only be consumed in limited quantities. Excessive consumption of these products can cause heart problems.

    4. Snack on dairy products. However, you should approach cheese with caution. However, despite the fact that cheese can lead to obesity and heart problems, it is a key component of very healthy Mediterranean diet. When gaining weight with the help of cheese, the most important thing is to choose the right type. Avoid less healthy Cheddar and Swiss cheeses and look for healthier ones goat cheese, feta and mozzarella cheese as they are lower in calories and can be used as a light snack for extra calories. A good protein addition to your diet is pressed cottage cheese, the consumption of which does not pose any potential health risks.

      • Yogurts are also a popular snack option, but you should avoid yogurts that are high in sugar. Instead, lean towards using plain Greek yogurt with some fresh fruit.
    5. Consider including fish in your diet. Many vegetarians who give up eating meat still continue to eat fish. This is called pescatarianism and is a good option for those trying to gain weight. Like chicken, fish is a clean source of protein that can add calories to your diet. Human body are not able to independently produce omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fish, while they help build muscle mass, that is, they allow you to gain weight not at the expense of fat. Doctors recommend eating fish at least twice a week, but it is better to eat the following types of fish:

      • mackerel;
      • trout;
      • herring;
      • sardines;
      • longfin tuna;
      • salmon.


    • Even though foods like soda, chips, and candy are high in calories and usually vegetarian, eating them to gain weight is a bad idea. They are too rich in sugar and fat and contain few nutrients.
    • Consult your doctor or dietitian before making changes to your diet and trying to gain weight.

First of all, vegetarians are different. Strict (vegans) do not eat not only meat, but also, in principle, any products of animal origin. Whereas, say, adherents of the lacto-ovo trend include both eggs and milk in their menu. “Veganism, in my opinion, is healthy eating has no relation, since such a diet can eventually cause serious diseases of the digestive, hematopoietic, immune systems, hepatitis, osteoporosis, says Natalya Fadeeva, nutritionist-endocrinologist at the Center for Family Dietetics. “Unstrict veganism is closer to a balanced diet, since in this menu animal protein with a full set of essential amino acids is still present.”

How to lose weight as a vegetarian

It is important to understand that switching to a vegetarian menu will not in itself lead to weight loss, much less rapid weight loss. Moreover, you should not give up protein before the age of 25 or if you have health problems. Is it dangerous. “Protein starvation is especially difficult for a growing organism, which in this case not only loses body weight, but also stops growth due to a lack of plastic material necessary for construction,” says Anna Korobkina, nutritionist, head of the Center rational nutrition MetabolicCoaching.

In fact, in order to lose weight, a vegetarian needs to limit himself in diet in the same way as a meat eater: exclude flour, unhealthy sweets, fatty, fried foods, fast food. You can't overeat at night. A vegetarian diet for weight loss should be based on grain products with low glycemic index- buckwheat, bulgur, brown rice, millet, lentils. If you are trying to lose weight, you can eat them up to 400 g (in finished form) per day and season with 1-2 teaspoons of vegetable oil per serving.

“If you want to lose weight while sticking to a non-strict vegetarian diet, you need to include in your diet daily protein products animal origin: eggs, milk, especially protein-rich cottage cheese and cheese, says nutritionist Natalya Fadeeva. “And also mushrooms, nuts, legumes.”

By the way, you should not buy dairy products with 0% fat content; it is much healthier to eat 100-200 g of the same cottage cheese with 5-9% fat content: calcium from “zero” is less absorbed, for the absorption of which fat is needed.

A vegetarian who wants to lose weight should also eat vegetables, fruits and dried fruits in measured doses. “To lose weight, you need to watch your caloric intake. After all, 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil contain approximately 120 kcal, and sweet fruits and dried fruits contain quite a lot of carbohydrates,” says Anna Korobkina .

“To improve your metabolism and burn more calories, you need to move more,” says Natalya Fadeeva. — I advise you to walk 10-14 thousand steps daily - this is The best way increase the speed of metabolic processes and, accordingly, normalize weight.”

Sample menu for a losing weight vegetarian

Breakfast: buckwheat porridge (150 g), or cereals(100 g) with milk (juice), or cottage cheese casserole(150 g). Tea or coffee without sugar.

Snack: 1 orange or 2 kiwi, 1 banana.

Dinner: vegetable soup(200 ml) and salad from fresh vegetables(200 g); or peppers stuffed with rice and vegetables (200 g); or lentil soup (200 ml) and cabbage and carrot salad (150 g).

Snack: 2 apples (preferably green), or tomato juice(200 ml), or drinking yogurt (150 g).

Dinner: vinaigrette (150 g), baked asparagus (150 g); or braised cabbage with mushrooms (150 g); or vegetable stew(250 g); or jacket potatoes (2 pieces) and squash caviar (150 g).

How to gain weight as a vegetarian

Doctors define a safe rate of weight gain (muscle mass) as 300-500 g per week. At higher speeds, serious health problems may arise. “To avoid problems with metabolism when switching to a high-calorie diet, a person should sufficiently not only eat, but also move,” says nutritionist Natalya Fadeeva. - Can help vegetarians gain weight sports nutrition“You can’t build muscle without it.”

A vegetarian (like a meat eater) can gain weight due to a shift in energy balance. In other words, you will have to eat more calories than you will burn. It is necessary to increase the proportion of protein products in the diet. If you don't consume milk or eggs, consider protein shakes made from plant proteins. If these products are present in your menu, control the total amount of proteins. “I do not recommend consuming more than 2 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight per day, this can negatively affect kidney health. When taking protein shakes, you need to take into account the protein that is in the products, otherwise there is a high risk of developing renal hyperfiltration,” explains nutritionist Anna Korobkina.

It has been proven that people whose work involves mental activity have a harder time gaining weight. Nutritionists advise them to pay special attention to whole grains - wheat and rice, as well as unrefined sugars. Sprouted wheat, for example, is an excellent source of chromium, which is necessary for cells to better absorb glucose, the main source of energy. It also contains a lot of arginine, an amino acid that ensures better blood flow to the muscles. For healthy weight gain, exercise is undoubtedly important. “Reducing aerobic activity will help you gain some weight; to gain muscle mass, you can leave strength exercises with mandatory rest periods,” says Natalya Fadeeva.

Sample menu for a vegetarian who wants to gain weight

Breakfast: oatmeal with honey, raisins, nuts (200 g), toast with cheese and avocado, coffee with milk; or vegetable caviar(200 g), toast with butter, cocoa; or millet porridge (200 g), a handful of nuts (50 g), tea with milk.

Snack: fruit juice (200 ml), fruit salad with sour cream (150 g); or bananas (2 pcs.), figs (50 g).

Dinner: cabbage soup or borscht without meat (150 ml), pasta (200 g), carrot salad with nuts (150 g); or noodles (200 g), baked mushrooms (150 g).

Snack: vegetable salad with vegetable oil(150 g), or dates (100 g), or protein shake (200 g).

Dinner: buckwheat (200 g), or rice porridge (200 g), or potatoes with mushrooms (200 g); beet salad with nuts or seeds (150 g) or fish in batter (200 g).

While some vegans are trying to lose weight, others are actively trying to gain it. It seems that everything is simple - eat more, and the kilograms will grow, but this is not entirely true. Let's figure out how to gain healthy weight on veganism, which will benefit the body and not diabetes, high level cholesterol and a whole range of other problems.

The need to gain weight is not yet a reason to load up on vegan buns, cookies, sweets, and various supposedly healthy fast foods. All of these foods contain either large amounts of sugar, salt, or fat, which will negatively affect the health of your body. Veganism itself involves leading a healthy lifestyle, and an excess of harmful substances certainly does not fit into the framework of health. Among other things, this will inevitably lead to problems with skin, hair, teeth and nails. So, if the path to gluttony is closed, how can you gain healthy weight without harming yourself?

Don't skip meals

Often, underweight people tend to skip breakfast, lunch or dinner, and not to mention snacks. But if you want to gain weight, you must rev up your metabolism, just like when you lose weight. Your daily meals should consist of breakfast, lunch, dinner and two or three healthy snacks, but they should be a little higher in calories than usual. But remember that these calories should also be healthy. To avoid breakfast reluctance, avoid eating before bed or have a small snack, which we'll cover below.

Stock up on nuts

Cashews, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts are a source of protein and healthy fat for the body. Add nuts to your cereal, take them with you as a snack, or make smoothies using overnight soaked cashews. If it gets boring, season the nuts sea ​​salt and wasabi and mix with your favorite dried fruits and dark chocolate. In any case, such a snack will be much healthier than chips and rolls. Also, buy a variety of nut butters and add them to your salads. And remember about peanut, almond and other butters that go well with banana and whole grain bread. Just make sure there is no sugar in the paste.

Have healthy snacks in the evenings

Nutritionists, adherents of a healthy lifestyle and other supporters of proper nutrition say that 2-3 hours before bedtime you should not eat anything other than water. And you also need to drink water with caution so that swelling does not appear in the morning. Those who want to gain weight can use this rule in reverse. When we sleep, our bodies burn the fewest calories because our bodies simply fall asleep along with us. An hour to an hour and a half before bed, you can eat a healthy snack, such as whole grain toast with homemade hummus, an apple with peanut butter, or healthy chips with guacamole. But don't overdo it, you don't want swelling, right?

Diversify your diet

On a vegan diet, you have more sources of protein and healthy fats than you might think. Introduce yourself to new foods, new seeds, nuts, legumes, oils, avocados (if you are not already familiar with them), various high-calorie but healthy fruits (such as mango, banana, etc.). Buy hemp, alfalfa, sesame, flax, chia seeds and sprinkle them on salads, add them to soups and porridges. Explore new recipes that include tofu, tempeh, legumes and other healthy ingredients. And on our website there are just a lot of such recipes!

Drink, drink and drink again

Even though you're gaining weight rather than losing it, you still need to drink plenty of water. But in addition to the standard 8-10 glasses a day for everyone, you can also get good calories with liquid. For this purpose, use soft tofu, soaked nuts, seeds and unrefined oils. Just add them to your smoothie!

Eat legumes right

Beans, chickpeas, and lentils go well with brown rice, giving not only a boost of energy, but also supplying the body with protein and carbohydrates. But to avoid flatulence, cook legumes correctly. Soak them at least overnight and cook until fully cooked. You can also add asafoetida at the end of cooking, which helps the body better digest such food.

Be more attentive to your eating habits, and you will be able to gain a healthy weight, avoiding health problems. Eat healthy and tasty, and then you can get the shape you want!

Ekaterina Romanova