Impact screwdriver from the starter with their own hands. Impact screwdriver and invaluable tool benefits What are shock screwdrivers

In order to make a shock screwdriver from the starter with your own hands, you will need:
* Roasting machine, cutting wheel, safety glasses, gloves
* Locksmith vice
* Faulty car starter
* Old knob with a tetrahedron
* Metal pipe with a diameter equal to the diameter of Bendix
* Metal lathe, passage cutter
* Couple of small springs
* Metal washer
* Welding machine, welding mask, crag
* Boring machine, metal drill with a diameter of 5 mm
* M6 thread tap
* Kern.
* Bolt M6.
* Boring cutter
* Little hammer
* Malyary Scotch
* Caller hammer paint.

Step one.
First of all, you need to disassemble a faulty starter from the car, only two parts will be needed from it,
this is an anchor of the electric motor and the Bendix, on which the principle of unscrewing will be founded. You can buy a non-working starter on a metalwear for which a penny will be asked in comparison with the purchase of a shock screwdriver.

From the anchor itself, it is necessary to extract the rod, it is possible to do this with the help of a press or powerful plumbing vice. Also, anchor can be knocked out and hammer blows, but in this case there is a risk to deform, so this method does not advise. So, clamp anchor in the vice and squeeze the rod, after it completely came out, go to the next step.

Step second.
Now, from Bendix, we need a part with the slots, it can be sprinkled with a corner car with a mounted cutting disk, and then refine turning machine to the desired size. When working with a corner machine, be careful, the power tool must be kept tight in their hands, as well as not forget about protective glasses and gloves. The slotted part in the future will dressed on the shaft and to transfer the rotation from the blow.

Step Three.
In order for this screwdriver to install different heads, you need to cut off the tetrahedral part from the gorge with the HSM.

The base of the screwdriver served as a round metal disc, in which the step is made for the installation of the slotted part from the benks using a lathe and a boring cutter.

If you do not have a lathe, then the base can be made from the tube of a suitable diameter, preferably with a wall thickness of at least 2 mm. So the instrument will look like.

Step fourth.
To fix the rod, clamp the base in the vice and using drilling machine We drill a hole with a diameter of 5 mm under the bolt.

Next, clamp the part in the vice on the workbench and with the help of the tap cutting the thread under the M6 \u200b\u200bbolt, in the process of cutting the thread add special lubricant, which to reduce the tap wear.

After that, check how the arm bolt is screwed.

On the stock itself you need to make milling, since milling machine No, we drag the part in the vice and with the help of a coal-glare machine, we make a small groove that will not give the stock freely falling.

Pitch fifth.
It's time welding work. We set the slotted part to the base and fix in the vice, then with the help welding machine Weld the details together. When working with a welding machine, use personal protective equipment, welding mask and crags.

After that, we cut the seam to remove the slag formed during the welding process.

We give parts to cool a little, then pushing it into a three-decker cartridge of the lathe and remove the tracks from the welding using the passage cutter.

As a result, such a basis is obtained.

Step six.
We clamp in the vice of the rod with a tetrahedral mounted on it and with the help of the welding machine we weld them to each other, then we cut the slag with a hammer and remove the irregular seam on the lathe.

As it turned out, in the testing process it was revealed that the shaft when the hammer was hit a little twisted at the base, the springs in this case Could not push it back. It was possible to solve this problem using the installation of an additional thick washer, which was welded into the split to the slots, and then flowed on the lathe.

We collect all the details into a single design, then go to its painting.

With the help of a molk paint spray, we transform our homemade tool, a tetrahedral and a slotted part in advance with painting scotch.

After drying the paint, we get such a very pretty shock screwdriver, it remains only to install a ball with a spring for fixing the nozzles, and the usual bolt change to a bolt with a secret hat.

Impact screwdriver today is a very popular tool not only in construction, but also to work at home. It will be simply indispensable in those situations when it is necessary to unscrew the firmly "welded" screw. An ordinary screwdriver In this case, you just can not help with anything, but the shock is completely different.

What is this tool

If you look visually, the similarities with the usual screwdriver are very small. This model has a metal housing that makes it more durable and even allows you to withstand strong blows with a hammer.

A set of shock screwdrivers usually comes in a set with two nozzles: flat and cross. The connecting part where the nozzles are set, has a square shape. In fact, it is very convenient for the reason that the end heads can be fixed in it, which will give you the opportunity without special efforts Work with bolts, screws and screws. This is especially good for the category of people who are constantly engaged in car repair.

With the help of a shock screwdriver, you can not only unscrew the fasteners, but also to install new ones. It is worth noting that this tool twists the details "on the century". Believe me, you will not turn out later to unscrew the bolt with a regular screwdriver.

Principle of shock screwdriver: how it works

The principle of operation of the instrument is not as folded as it might seem at first glance. When the hammer is hit by the end, bottom part It begins to rotate with such a force that is enough for the nozzle to cope with the most durable fastener.

Brief instruction:

  • In order to simply simplify the task, you can slightly lubricate the fastening with a rag, in advance of the damned brake fluid.
  • Next, we take our screwdriver and install it perpendicular to the head of the metric.
  • Take the hammer and hit the tool in the end.

After the fastener begins to turn around its axis, make a few more blows with a hammer. This is necessary so that the screwdriver switched back to the "spinning" mode. As you can see, it's not so hard to figure out how to use the shock screwdriver.

Make a shock screwdriver with your own hands

Oddly enough, make this very useful tool It is possible at home without much effort. The main thing is to figure it out how the drum screwdriver works, then the work will go much easier.

Getting to work:

  • Prepare the rotor taken from the electric motor (small). You need to cut it all in such a way that only the shaft and sleeve remains.
  • Take the sleeve and select a piece of a metal pipe that is suitable in size to put on it. It will be our handle.
  • FROM back side It will be necessary to insert a nut, larger in its size. This will allow you to give handles strength and do not break with a strong impact of the hammer.
  • All items weld with each other.
  • The end of the shaft is thoroughly sharpening so that he gains a square shape.

Our homemade tool is ready. You need to attach only a little effort, and believe that the impact screwdriver will not be worse than any purchased model.


  • It has a reinforced housing made of steel.
  • To a large extent, the usual screwdriver is largely in size.
  • It has a twist switch. It is very convenient if you need to highly spin the bolt or unscrew the rusted item.
  • Using the drum screwdriver is absolutely safe for humans. It can not be injured and put on other damage to you.
  • It is possible to change the nozzles, depending on the case. Having just one tool at home, you always have a cruciform nozzle, and flat.
  • It is possible to make at home, without applying special efforts, and this is a significant savings.
  • Can be used not only in construction work, but also the repair associated with the car.

There are cases when you need to unscrew strongly rusted fasteners. What to do in this situation, because household instruments Do not cope with this task. All you need is a shock screwdriver. It is difficult to believe that it is able to unscrew the resulting item.

Moisten the bolt with a small amount of brake fluid and make sure the item will easily go out. Of course, it happens that it does not help. It is not necessary to despair. Moisten the liquid you use for the brake system of the car, and leave for several hours. After that, you can make the necessary work with a shock screwdriver.

The tool can be purchased in the store or do at home. In any case, in addition to the case, you will need additional nozzles. It will save you from unnecessary tools. Imagine how nice when in the box instead of ten screwdrivers lies only one - the shock, and the nozzles will be attached to it that will help you in any construction situation.

What are the drum screwdrivers

Main types:

  • Tool in the form of a simple beard. To use it is very simple. The greatest advantage of such models is that they are very cheap and allowed to afford it absolutely everyone.
  • In the form of a conventional screwdriver. If you put two screwdrivers nearby - shock and standard, then you will not be able to find visual differences. However, our tool is equipped with a special mechanism inside, thanks to which you can cope with difficult situations during construction and repair. However, if we talk about the cost of such models, they are quite expensive.
  • Impact screwdriver made with their own hands. The best and most economical option. If you have a little time and desire, you can make a very useful tool with your own hands with the help of simple details.


As you have managed to make sure the shock screwdriver has a very simple principle of operation. This is a useful and necessary tool in the arsenal of any mechanic that can easily help unscrew the most discovered bolts. Having done it with your own hands, you will work with pleasure. Be sure that it will be at all worse than the models from specialized stores.

When performing locksmiths, such a problem occurs as a damage to rust bolts, screws and self-tapping screws. And if you do not take appropriate measures, it can go to deformation metal design. The most difficult situations occur when the steel bolts from aluminum parts are unscrewed, since, with each day, corrosive substances fasten the materials more stronger, and they are tritely "baked" to each other. To solve the problem, it is enough to apply a shock screwdriver.

Principle of shock screwdriver

The simplest version of such a screwdriver is made in the form special tool With a monolithic core, which begins with sting and ends with a massive heel in the zone of the handle. A similar product was in demand during the times of the Soviet Union.

Modern models are equipped with a hexagon near the sting or on the handle, so they are able to transmit rotational effort from the key. To successfully perform the task, it is desirable to apply a screwdriver together, since one worker will be able to keep the sting in the screw slice and create a torque with a wrench, and the other will strike the hammer on the back of the handle.

True, some disadvantages are characteristic of such a solution.. Among them:

  • The need to collaborate two partners.
  • The absence of the transformation of the resulting energy into the torque. Blowing with a hammer just unscrew the self-tapping screw or screw, since they are able to destroy rust and create a certain vibration. The version of the shock-rotary screwdriver is more advanced, so it can transform the strength of the strike in the rotational movement of the sting, which is very convenient.

In most cases, under the term "shock screwdriver" means an upgraded solution, since Classical the simplest option It has long been out of total help and stopped using the former popularity.

In an improved version, the shock-swivel knot is in the handle, and the sting is fixed on the gear and has characteristic oblique teeth. As a handling, a clip is used with response teeth. Under the influence of the hammer strikes on the heel of handles, the clip starts to move along the axis, giving the rotational movement by staring through the gear.

Thus, there is a turn of several degrees, which are enough to attenuate the protective connection and the successful unscrewing of the fastener using conventional tool. As a result, the clip is returned to the previous position by means of a spring.

Control such a screwdriver is completely simple. The turning mechanism is able to provide a joint progressive and rotational force effect on the slot of the screw, which is very effective for successful unscrewing threaded connections.


If you are going to buy a screwdriver in the store, be prepared to deal with key specifications and a specific model package.

When viewing these characteristics, it is not necessary to talk about the quality of assembly and reliability of the material from which the tool is made. Verified companies never use low-quality steel to produce such products.

Attention should be paid to the presence of a reverse, which significantly expands the basic features of fixtures, allowing you not to just unscrew the rusty connections, but also strongly delay the screw in the place where it is necessary.

Next important factor It is represented by a handling device that is intended to hold the device and housing. If there is a polyurethane, rubber or polyethylene lining on the case, it is much more convenient to hold the screwdriver. If the lining is "tide" in the heel part, it has a positive effect on the safety of operation. In most cases, screwdriver manufacturers are guided by two ways:

  • The size of the housing does not change, while the screwdriver retains high reliability, but cannot be operated in extreme and cramped conditions.
  • In order to expand the scope of application and improve the convenience of using the dimensions of the metal case reduce, though due to this, the reliability of the tool suffers. When choosing perfect solution You should thoroughly weigh all the features and only after that make a purchase.

It is no secret that popular trademarks produce screwdrivers together with an additional set of nozzles, since without these elements the tool is simply ineffective. The screwdriver comes with the cartridge holder for standard bits, and there are several universal nozzles in the kit.

The market of such products is filled with nozzles for different slots and hexagons. Buying these details, be careful and consider the build quality. This is a very important parameter that determines the reliability of operation and the service life of the screwdriver.

Advantages and disadvantages of the tool

Like any tool, this screwdriver has its advantages and disadvantages.. Working with her, the masters celebrate a number of key advantages:

  • Effective impact energy distribution.
  • A much smaller need for physical effort. The classic option requires stronger and intensive blows.
  • The possibility of operation without the help of a partner.

As for the minuses, they are practically absent, however, if the basic rules are not followed during operation, such drawbacks are often manifested:

In order for the rejection process to be as simple as possible and high-quality, it is enough to prevent irreparable errors and comply with a number of individual rules:

If the tool equipped with reverseMany experts recommend setting the spinning mode after each head offset, repeating the blows several times, and then unscrew the hotums again. This is explained by the fact that with this approach, rust elements are removed from the thread in particular well.

Differences screwdriver from a shock screwdriver

Many people mistakenly thinkThat a good alternative for a screwdriver is a shock screwdriver, but it is a deep misconception. Both devices differ significantly from each other not only by constructive properties, but also the principle of action. The screwdriver transfers the impact force in the plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation. By the way, it distinguishes it from a shock drill capable of creating shock loads along the axis of rotation. True, the screwdriver only facilitates the process of unscrewing and twisting the already rotating screw.

The functionality of such devices is completely different:

  • Shock-swivel screwdrivers perform the initial "breakdown" of the screw, which is too much "baked" to the connection.
  • The shock-type screwdriver reduces the necessary pressure force to the tool when performing the task.

After examining all the features of the tool, be sure to see the appropriate training videos that will allow you to determine the specific model from a particular manufacturer. In this case, you can make correct solution and acquire a truly useful and reliable tool that will serve you very long.

To successfully unscrew the rusted fastening element, it is enough to handle it with a rag or a special means. Then the screwdriver is installed on the hem of methization, it is desirable perpendicular to it. At the next stage, on the end, the screwdriver makes several shots with a hammer. The success of the upcoming event directly depends on the strength of fixing the instrument in the hand's hand. To exclude the likelihood of the palm of the hand, it is enough to put on a glove, which will significantly reduce the risk of serious injury.

If fasteners change angle direction Regarding the axis, it is enough to make some more intense strikes, and then change the mode of operation to twist. In this case, you effectively get rid of rust and significantly simplify the remaining work on twisting. If the fastener is shifted from the place, it can be removed by a conventional screwdriver.

The likelihood is not excluded that after the implementation of the said actions, the methis will not change its direction and will remain in the same position. To solve the problem, it is enough to handle the connecting fastener with high-quality brake fluid by waiting for about 30 minutes. Under the influence of such a "bath", the upcoming dismantling will be as successful as possible, even if the fasteners rusted very much.

If this did not solve the question, you have to break fasteners. In this case, it is advisable to apply a durable hammer and carefully follow the dismantling instructions.

To carry out dismantling work, use such instruments:

  • Shock screwdriver.
  • Hammer.
  • Rifle.
  • Brake fluid.

Making a shock screwdriver with their own hands

Many people are trying to make such a tool with their own hands, arguing that the upcoming action does not require special efforts or skills. It is enough to consider all the subtleties of the instruction and not allow errors at the assembly stage.

In the manufacture of homemade screwdriver It is necessary to take the rotor from the electric motor and cut everything from it, leaving only sleeves and shaft. A piece of steel pipe should be placed on the sleeve, which will be used as a handle. At the opposite end, the nut is inserted into the trim, which will prevent damage to the handle. In the next step, all parts are connected by means of welding.

To mainly make a highly efficient shock screwdriver at home is not as difficult as it may seem initially. If you doubt that you can make such an assembly yourself, simply examine the existing instructions and see the video service.

A shock screwdriver is a fairly popular tool that is applied not only by professional builders, but also masters-lovers for home affairs. It is indispensable for unscrewing firmly "welded" screws.

Ordinary screwdrivers in such cases are useless, and the drums allow you to combine the power of the hammer and the torque in one tool. So how do you make a shock screwdriver, using a car starter for this?

What is a shock screwdriver

The visual similarities of the shock screwdriver with the standard are practically absent. This tool is a shock-rotary mechanism that allows you to transform the strength of the blow to the torque. Using it, installation and dismantling of threaded connections for which additional efforts must be applied. The use of a conventional screwdriver for these purposes will cause a tool breakdown or a damage to a dismantled element.

According to its principle, the impact screwdriver has similarities with a jumper. In the course of work, the locksmare has to hold the screwdriver handle with one hand, while the other he hits the hammer at its end part.

Principle of operation

According to its principle, the work of the tool is quite simple and no difficulties in its use. After hitting the hammer over the end of the end, the element is rotated on the bottom of the screwdriver. Such a rotating strength is quite enough to dismantle durable fasteners.

To simplify the workflow, you can pre-enable fasteners with brake fluid. After that, you need to install a tool at a right angle to the head of the methome and by means of a hammer to strike a screwdriver. After noticeable fasteners, you can continue spinning using a conventional screwdriver.

It may even have a person who has no experience can work this type of instrument. However, in order to make a shock screwdriver, an idea is necessary about how it works and the presence of the corresponding parts of which it will be manufactured.

Video "homemade shock-rotary screwdriver"

Impact screwdriver from the starter do it yourself

To create this unpaid tool at home, a faulty electric starter is suitable from the car, which will not be difficult today.

First of all, we need to cut off part of the rotor shaft, where the winding is located.

From the remaining part, we remove the extra elements to remain only the shaft and the sleeve, which we will use as the main mechanism.

As a handle, you can use a small fragment of the pipe, in which we must place the bushing on one side. And with the other we need to insert a plug, which will also be a shock heel. As it, we use a large bolt, it will prevent the strain of the tube during shocks and will limit the shift of the shaft inside our sleeve.

The next step is to weld all the details.

At the end of the shaft, it is necessary to perform a square sharpening for a possible change of different nozzles. So, to unscrew the screw or the nut, it will be enough to insert the desired bit and make a dismantling of fasteners. If you need to unscrew the screw, you must insert the appropriate bit into the head.

It is worth noting that the electric starter is made of high-quality steel species, so the grinder will have to be used for its cutting. But due to the strength and carbouse, the instrument will be quite powerful and durable, and in some parameters it will exceed even factory products. Increase the service life of such a tool will help periodic lubrication of the slots. However, it is worth using it carefully, without applying strong blows, so as not to thwart the heads on the screws or bolts.

Of course, the resulting product will be less presentable, rather than the factory screwdriver, but its cost will be minimal and in reliability it will not yield to the factory analogue.

Advantages of homemade tools

  • The screwdriver is equipped with a reinforced housing of high-strength steel.
  • It is distinguished by large sizes compared to factory screwdrivers;
  • The operation of the instrument is safe for a person with proper blows of the hammer. Observing safety regulations, it is impossible to reflect and injuries to a screwdriver;
  • There is a possibility of changing the nozzles, based on what type of work is carried out;
  • Easily manufactured at home without significant physical and financial costs;
  • Multifunctionality. It can be used for various tasks both in the area of \u200b\u200bconstruction, automotive and any other craft.

Quite often the need for unscrewing strongly rusty fasteners. How to be in such situations where the standard household tool can not cope with the task? What to do in this situation, because household tools do not cope with this task. To do this, a successful solution will be the use of a shock screwdriver. Thanks to it, unscrew the rusted parts will not be difficult. It is enough to moisten the brake fluid fastener so that when dismantling the part is unscrewed as easy as possible.

However, in some situations it does not help. You do not need to panic. Try to lubricate the bolt once again the brake fluid and leave it for a while. Liquid to the existing texture and you can do everything without significantly effort.


As we see shock screwdrivers have a fairly simple principle of action. These are useful I. required toolsTo be included in the toolbox of each wizard so that, if necessary, you can always unscrew the rusted bolts. Who can easily help unscrew even the most discreet bolts. If you decide to make a shock screwdriver with your own hands, you can be completely confident as a performed product that will not give any specialized factory models.

Video "Make a shock screwdriver in a home workshop"

Impact screwdriver is an indispensable tool In those often cases when the task is to unscrew the rusty or strongly tightened screw or self-tapping screw. To unsclude rusty screws or screws, an ordinary screwdriver is not suitable, as attempts will lead either to breaking the slot of the screw, or to damage the sting tool. Special difficulty arises in those situations when a steel screw under a screwdriver is screwed into the aluminum part. Under the influence of corrosion, a dense clutch of two materials occurs, as a result of which only a shock screwdriver cope with the task.

Shock screwdrivers that are produced by production differ in each other technical features and complete set. The main difference of the shock screwdriver from the ordinary tool is the presence of a reinforced metal case. Moreover, this case is several times more than the design of the standard tool. By technical characteristics The products under consideration are different:

  • The presence of reversal. A good screwdriver will definitely be equipped with the possibility of not only the breakdown of the connection, but also the tightening. Screwdrivers Times of the USSR do not have such a function, so it is typical for advanced modern models.
  • The design of the handle. The handle is not only a handle, but also the tool housing.
  • Case material. Often the tools are presented in the steel case, and more dear models Covered with polyurethane, rubber or polyethylene design.

The scope of the tools data is wide enough. These tools will be indispensable not only in home everyday, but also in various workshops, especially where car repair is carried out. Rotary screwdriver allows you to use it not only to unscrew the rusted screws, but also for reliable screwing them.

The main characteristics of the tool are presented above, but it is important to mention the varieties of tips for a screwdriver. Screwdrivers drumbles are almost always complete with replaceable bits. Each kit most often consists of a screwdriver and four different bits (two crosses and two flat). The use of these tools is so effective that it is necessary for each self-respecting masters should be available such a power screwdriver. In addition, it is also easy to use it, as well as usual.

The principle of operation of the instrument

The principle of the impact screwdriver is based on the effects of shocks on the tool body with simultaneous scrolling of the bits in the desired side. For this, the housing is made of high-quality steel, which without much difficulty can withstand shocks with a hammer. When strikes are applied with a hammer in the handle, then the clip with the bat moves to the side, thereby carrying out the displacement from the site of the "baked" screw. The angle of rotation of the closure when committing a little bit, but it is enough for the screw to be "ripped." In the same way, the screw is tightened.

The considered tool is intended exclusively for the "breakdown" or tightening screws. After the fastener is "rugged", you should use the usual tool.

To increase the efficiency of discerning the fastener element, it is important to pick the nozzle as accurately as possible. Due to the double exposure to the fastening element (directly along the axis, and turning to the side) when making strikes, the screws, screw or bolt.

How to use a tool

Although the tool is the simplest applied when working with it it is important to know some important rules:

  • The shock screwdriver involves the maximum accurate selection of the appropriate nozzle for the fastening element. If the nozzle is chosen not exactly, it will lead to this to folding the slot of the fastening element.
  • Screwdriver Although an effective tool for unscrewing rusted and accurate fasteners, but it is important to facilitate its work and prepare the recoverable screw. To do this, it is required to handle the screw part of the brake fluid or lubricant "WD-40". After processing the connection, wait 5-10 minutes, after which it starts. Sometimes after processing with lubricants, you can unscrew the fasteners even with a conventional screwdriver.
  • Insert a screwdriver into the slot of fasteners strictly at right angles, without distortion and keep one hand.
  • Next, the other hand should be shocking with a hammer in the end. It is important to use a hammer weighing 300-500 grams.
  • Blows should be light and rigid, otherwise efficiency will be zero.
  • After 2-3 beats, it is necessary to check the availability of shifts. If there is no shift, then pay attention to whether the slot of the fastening element does not merge.

Is it possible to make yourself

A shock screwdriver can be made with your own hands, as it does not represent any particular difficulties. If you understand from the above material, how the tool works, you can start it. For this you will need the following details:

  • Rotor from the electric motor. You will need only the shaft and sleeve. It is best to use a rotor from the starter, removing the winding from it, as shown in the photo below.
  • After removing the winding, only the shaft and the sleeve will remain. On the shaft you need to wear a piece of steel tube, which will play the role of the instrument handle.
  • On the reverse side of the pipe should be put on a nut on which the hammer strikes will be performed.
  • The obtained details need to be welded with each other, having received the following tool as a result.

As you can see, make a shock screwdriver with your own hands is not at all difficult, especially if you have a scheme for manufacture. Such a rollery self-makers not only facilitate life, but also allow to significantly save funds. To be able to apply to your homemade tool Various nozzles will need to sharpen the end portion of the sleeve under the adapter or the necessary nozzles.

At the end, it remains to note that the resulting device is quite reliable and even almost eternal, since the starter details are made of tempered high-grade steel. Periodically, it is required to check the lubricant of the slots on its homemade. The price for the most inexpensive shock screwdriver is about 500 rubles. When choosing carefully, look at the completeness and quality of manufacture.