Technique sports fashion brewing brewing. Brass on the chest. How to breathe when swimming a breast

Learn to swim without using auxiliary devices to an adult man allows strict discipline, studying the basic theory. Bring out independent development of the practical side of the voyage is recommended only after familiarization with safety and behavior rules in the pool.

You can master the swimming absolutely at any age. The only obstacles for an adult to achieve the desired goal can be prejudices and fears. Getting rid of them allows a clear understanding that swimming in the pool, and in an open reservoir brings not only pleasure, but also a favorably affects health.

Famming lessons on a regular basis contribute to:

  • development of the respiratory system;
  • training heart and blood vessels;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • strengthening muscles, immunity and nervous system.

Start learning to swim should be in a shallow pool or outdoor reservoir. Feet should feel a solid support, head and shoulders - to be above the water. Feeling yourself in complete safety and find confidence allows the presence of a person who can swim well.

An alternative can be classes with a qualified trainer. A visit to special occupations is not a prerequisite, we can comprehend the osses of swimming yourself.

How to breathe?

The most important and most difficult moment in teaching swimming. Without proper breathing, it is impossible to master the swimming with a crawl, breast and any other style. Learn to breathe correctly necessary initially. A deep breath through the mouth is made above the surface of the water, and exhale in water.

Light-colored air allows a person to resist in the desired position. The deeper inhale, the better the floating water holds. No need to try to gain complete light air. This will lead to a sense of discomfort, will become an obstacle for free movement in water.

Breath exercise

To put proper breathing, you need to train. Being on the mel, it is necessary to breathe the air with a complete breast, without exhausted, completely immersed in the water and fully exhale through the mouth. Exercise is repeated in several approaches. The main thing is not to do between them interruptions. Professional swimmers are trained in the same way, but the technique is ideal for beginners.

Breathing during swimming

Inhale air needs mouth. The position of the body when moving in water should remain unchanged, it is only necessary to rotate the head. Breathe through the nose is unsafe. Drops of water, getting into the nasopharynk, deliver discomfort and can provoke the attack of suffocation. Respiration is coordinated by the movement of hands and legs, which are determined by the swimming style.

Swimming techniques

The constant part of the learning process is the knowledge of the basic styles of swimming, which are four:

  1. Breaststroke

Lies in synchronous movements with limbs parallel to water.

  1. Roll on chest

The style involves the commissioning of synchronous beans first, and then another half body.

  1. Roll on the back

The technique looks like an inverted crown on the chest.

  1. Butterfly

The most complex swimming technique. It is not recommended to master it. Those who wish to swim in the style of Butterfly must comprehend the technique under the sensitive guidance of a professional trainer or mentor.

How to hold on the water?

To learn how to swim in any of the styles, you first need to master how to stay on the water. Make it allows the exercise "asterisk".

It is carried out in the following order:

In the lungs are gaining more air;

  1. Immersion

The face is lowered into the water, and the limbs are pushing aside so that the body formed the likeness of the "Stars";

  1. Holding

Stayed in a constant position need as much time as possible. Being in the water, you can not exhale. Otherwise, immersion will immediately begin.

« Star"- Exercise for overcoming fear over water. It allows you to learn how to properly stick on the surface of the water by means of a foot and hands who are scored in light air without resorting to perform movements. A man who has successfully mastered the "star" can be safely moved to the technical work on the movements.

How to move your hands and legs?

Full swimming is impossible without working out movements with hands and legs. Hands in the water move reflexively. Much more difficult to master movements lower limbs. Without the help of the legs, it will not be possible to keep the body on the water and develop the speed. The main thing is starting to hone the movement of the legs, remember that socks should always be elongated.

Study to swim with a crawl, the movement of feet will make horses and fast. The more intense strikes, the greater the speed develops. Brass requires other techniques of motion, reminiscent of the movement of the frog in water. It is easier to learn how to move the legs, mastering the breast, holding hands either for the side of the pool, or using a special board that supports floating on the water.

How to learn to swim in the style of Roll and Brasss?

The simplest in mastering for a beginner swimmer is the crack. A comprehension this technique is not very difficult. The water lay down on the water, begin to sort out alternately legs, lowering and lifting them. Simultaneously make cramped hands. At first, one of the hands are carried forward, lowered into the water, make a rowing folded in the ladle of the palm towards the thigh. Similarly make traffic with the other hand.

Floating the crawl, the air is absorbed into the lungs on every second wave. To take a breath, head first to be carried out of the water, and then turn towards the moving hands. You need to choose the air with lungs as much as possible. Without a sufficient level of oxygen, it is impossible to float for a long time.

Brass is a little more difficult than the Kol, but it is possible to master it quite quickly. The main thing is to take into account the fact that the movements when swimming brewing should be synchronous and similar to those that make a floating frog. It is more difficult to learn to swim with butterfly. To master this technique is recommended with an experienced trainer. Specialist will demonstrate movement on official example And controls the correctness of their execution.

Sports swimming requires special training. The professional career of the swimmer adult is practically unrealistic. Relevant trainings and loads should begin with childhood.

Swimming in the pool

Swimming in the pool is useful not only for health, but also for the shape. Regular classes are considered effective way Energy release from fat savings. Not only the amount of time spent in the pool, but also effectiveness.

To workouts to be as efficient and secure as possible, you must comply with some simple recommendations:

  1. Embrace;

Water pressure on abdominal cavity During swimming high. If the stomach is full, it is fraught with digestion problems. There is a training time for 2.5 hours, and after classes - one hour later.

  1. Train between 16.00 and 19.00;

In the morning clock, the body is not ready for heavy loads, but in the evening, on the contrary, needs a full-fledged vacation. If you do in the mornings or evenings, the training will be less effective than the workout during the day.

  1. You need to visit the pool at least three times a week;

Regular classes - the key to stable results. Permanent training teachs the body to loads, musculature faster remembers the resulting skills in swimming.

  1. Wear a rubber hat, remove decorations;

The continuous effect of water on the roots negatively affects the condition of hair, and jewelry May be lost.

  1. Accept warm shower either to warm up;

Preheated and prepared muscles allow you to make training more efficient.

  1. Wear rubber slates.

Bailing for wet cafes may result in injury.

The benefits of swimming for the body are invaluable. Immune system of people who regularly attend the pool is strengthened. They suffer significantly less often with heart diseases, cold and other illnesses, are not subject to depression, always arrive in excellent location Spirit, do not suffer from obesity, have a good muscles and proportional to the developed body.

, however, it has a lot of applied importance, as it is extremely convenient when swimming in clothes, towing a sinking, can be used as a corrective exercise when curvatched the spine, etc. In this article we will tell about the brewing technique, and detailed instructions For a swimming breach of brewing with a video, see.

Branch Rules Brasse

The rules indicate that in the method of Bronss, the swimmer lies on the chest and its shoulders are on the line, parallel surface of the water and perpendicular direction of movement. Both hands move simultaneously and symmetrically. Rowing is performed with horizontal breeding of hand to the sides. At the same time, the hands are bred to the sides, moving back, bend in the elbows and stretched forward along the surface of the water or under water. Foot movements must be simultaneous and symmetrical. At each moment of movement, the foot and knees must be respectively in one horizontal plane. Feet bend, bred to the sides and then boil together.

After starting and turning, to exit the swimmer to the surface under water, it is allowed to perform at one swimming movement of brass legs and arms. The full immersion of the head under water is not allowed, except for slip after start and turns. The quantitative relationship between the movements of the hands and legs is arbitrary.

When turning and on the finish, the swimmer concerns the wall of the pool with both hands at the same time, with a horizontal position of the shoulders.

Style Style Brass

Until 1935, the swimmers used a well-known orthodox brass, in which their hands and legs work symmetrically and hands do not rise above the water.

Some options were observed in the hands of the hands, although most swimmers performed the rowers to the side of the shoulders. But some swimmers, such as Ildefonso (Philippines), made a long rowing with their hands through the sides to the hips. Twice at the Olympic Games - in 1928 in Amsterdam and in 1932, in Los Angelica - Ildefonso held third places at a distance of 200 meters of Brasss. However, this option has not received distribution.

Used I. various options Foot movements in Brass. There was abroad and the theory of Water Water Theory was widespread. Foreign and some of our specialists believed that the swimmer, capturing the water, pushes the "wedge of water" and moves forward due to the reactive forces.

The Soviet Swimmer Osten-Saken proposed another explanation: he believed that the bragsist moves as a result of repellent water back the soles of the stop. Osten Saken has achieved high results. In 1939, he sailed 200 meters by Brass in 2 minutes 49.7 seconds and became one of the five strongest brags of the world. But such a technique of leg movements was effective only for Osten-Saken, which possessed thin legs and large flat feet. Other swimmers that apply this technique did not have success.

The Soviet Brasserists received the spread of the technique of movements of the legs, which he developed and applied the repeated champion and the recordsman of the USSR of the twentieth years A. Mareyev. It enjoyed an overwhelming movement of the closed feet, which perform simultaneous beats, relying on the water inner side of the foot and lower legs. This is an effective movement of legs that has become characteristic feature Soviet Brassists, and was one of the important reasons for the sports success of the subsequent generations of our swimmers-Brasystov - A. Meshkova, V. Minashkin, L. Kolesnikova, etc.

From 1935 to 1952, under the pressure of US sports organizations in swimming competitions, along with Brass, it was allowed to apply in which legs work as in Brass, and hands - as now in the dolphin, i.e., at the same time row down-back, and At the end of the rowing rush over the water forward. This gave a significant advantage of the swimmers used throughout the distance or part of it (this was also permitted) the method of butterfly. The first place in the world, the wonderful Soviet swimmers S. Boychenko, L. Bags, improved the method of batterfly and relevant results, far exceeding official records of the world: 100 meters - 1.05.1 (L. bags), 200 meters - 2.29.8 (S. Boychenko). These records were approved only as all-union, not the world, since our sports organizations were not in Finain at that time.

In 1952, the style of Brass and Butterfly, as various, independent, were divided, records using butterfly - canceled.

However, something left from Butterfly, namely, the long rowing hands down-back to the hips. This rowing began to apply many swimmers, and records in Brass again began to quickly improve. Since, with this type of brex, the swimmer at the end of the rowing was immersed with his head under the water, then this option was called the "diving brew". Most swimmers applying this breast option passed part of the distances from the start and after turning, diving by Brass under the surface of water 10-15-20 or more than meters. By this, they avoided the inhibitory action of waveforming, and, despite the forced breathing delay, achieved a higher speed.

In 1956, the congress Finina banned this type of brex, and the swimmers returned to the so-called "orthodox" brass. Refined rules exclude the possibility of any retreats from brewing technology by brewing.

In the initial position, when swimming with a brew, the body of the swimmer lies horizontally on the surface of the water, the face is drawn forward towards the movement of the swimmer (some swimmers immerse the face into the water). Hands in contact with thumbs, freely stretched from the surface of the water with palms down; Feet stretched (Fig. 30, a).

Start the movement of hands. They rotate the palms of the dust and, bending in the rays-up joint, produce beats to the sides before the shoulder axis. The wrappings are performed symmetrically to the sides are a little bent in his elbows. Palms for better support are folded in the shape of a spoon. The head is raised so that the mouth is above the water surface. During the rowing, breathing through the mouth. The rowing speed gradually increases. The swimmer, using the support of water, pulls his body forward (Fig. 30, b).

Having finished rowing, the brushes turn down the palms down, the ends of the fingers forward. The elbows are lowered down and the hands begin to stretch forward, gradually connecting the face in front at a depth of 5-10 cm from the water surface (Fig. 30, B). At the same time, the legs freely bending in the knee and hip joints are tightened to the body, the knees are bred on the sides and down the width of the shoulders, the feet also diverge and occupy the position of approximately the knees.

By this time, inhale ends (Fig. 30, c). Feet, in order to reduce resistance, tighten more slowly than they are made by the beats. Then the hands without tension are drawn forward. At this time, foot socks unfold to the sides, the knees are slightly close, and the feet feet are even more bred on the sides.

Relying in the inner surface of the lower leg and foot about the water, the legs with an accelerating, symmetric, exciting movement is gently and at the same time quickly extend in the hip and knee joints, the water is incremented by the inner surface of the lower leg and feet and closed (Fig. 30, d). Hands stretch forward earlier than the boom movement will end. Simultaneously with the stretching of the hands begins in water (through the mouth). Hands and legs stretched out.

Swimmer slides forward (see Fig. 30, a). Exhalation ends. As soon as the speed of promotion becomes decrease, the swimmer starts the next rowing with his hands, and the cycle of movements is repeated.

However, not all swimmers adhere to this most common option. Some of them breathe before the start of the rowing hands and divert face into the water. This gives a favorable horizontal position of the torso at the time of the rowing and increases the efficiency of the rowing hands.

But, on the other hand, inhale before the start of the rowing, when the hands are stretched forward and the body slides with the maximum speed, adversely affects the slip speed, since the head, climbing for the breath, causes harmful hesitation torso. If the head rises for the breath at the end of the rowing with an active support with the hands of the water, then the movement of the head will not cause these oscillations to such an extent.

Which option is better, you can determine in each case using the stopwatch when sailing at the same distance by different options.

Observations show that early breaths can successfully apply swimmers with good buoyancy, highly lying on the water with a long neck.

Development of equipment

Professional swimmers had an impact not only on the technique of movements of the legs in Brass, but also on the technique of movement of the hands of the technique of breathing. Abroad, in previous years, the source of the main driving force when swimming was considered the work of the legs. Hands did not give much. Leonid Bags was the first swimmer, which fully used the work of the hands to increase the speed of swimming - strong beats with his hands noticeably moved it forward. After Meshkova, many other swimmers have become actively working with their hands and achieved good results. As shown by XVII Olympic Games In Rome, now the majority of swimmers of all countries of the world enjoy this technique to increase swimming speed to this day.

Brass (from the French concept Brasse - knead or stir) is one of the four main styles of sports swimming. With it, the athlete lies on the chest, and the hands and legs perform symmetric movements in the plane, which is parallel to the water surface.

One of the main differences in the described equipment from the crawl, butterfly and swimming lying on the back is the fact that all the movements that the swimmer performs with their hands are carried out without their removal on the surface of the water. That is why Brass is considered the most slow way to move water. But it should be noted that it has certain advantages over the rest of the styles.

For example, this method is very common in applied swimming, as it makes it possible to move on water with almost no sounds. It is important to note that the swimmer floating in a breaker can overcome huge distances and see the space that opens in front of it.

This method is used for underwater swimming, as well as transportation of affected rescuers.

Brief history of appearance

Brass is considered the oldest style of sports swimming. In the drawings in the Egyptian "Plot Cave", people who move along the water are very similar style. Dating drawings 9th century BC.

One of the first descriptions of the style can be found in Nikolos Viniman's records that appeared in the distant 1538. This technique meant the constant elevation of the head over the water stroke, and the power of the legs turns into pushing force with the help of the heads, and not the stop, as in the modern style.

In 1875, Captain Matthew VEBB was able to twist La Mans, using Brasss. Already in 1904, the style of swimming would be added to the Olympic Games at a distance of 402 meters.

Sailing technique

Consider the main movements for the swimmer, preferring Brass.

Hand movies

They can be divided into 3 components of the phases:

  • rowing, made out;
  • swallows inside;
  • return to its original position.

In the first phase, the hands must be immersed in water deeper, and then breed them in different directions with palms outside. You do not need to bend your hands, they must be placed parallel to water stroit. At the next phase, the beats are performed inside, in which it is necessary to deploy the brushes of the hands with palms, and the water will push back.

Continue this movement is needed to the level of your shoulders. Then the palms are connected near the chest, and the elbows are on the sides of the body. In the last phase, the hands go ahead again, reaching the initial posture. The cycle takes the start with a small speed, which gradually increases, reaching its highest point during the rowing inside, and then again decreases when moving to the return phase.

The main purpose of the swimmer is the creation of a larger moving point as possible with the help of a rowing inside and the smallest resistance when returning.

Movement of feet

When the swimmer makes beats with the upper limbs (in order to reduce water resistance), it simultaneously pulls both legs to himself. At the same time, the feet should be divided significantly wider than knees, and then perform a push with two legs. At this time, the hands of the athlete stretch forward.

After the end of the entire cycle, the swimmer continues to slide over the surface. At this point, he must be completely stretched to reduce water resistance.

At the amateur level, a rabral vertical movement of the lower limbs can also be used, but this method is strictly prohibited for applying in professional sports by the Rules of Fin.

The only thing that can perform athletes in competitions is one wave-like movement (such as being done in Butterfly). It can be done either after the start, or when there is a turn around the side of the pool, but only exclusively during the first rowing.

Breathing of swimmer

In the described style, the head of the athlete must completely repeat the movements performed by the spine. At one second, when the hands are lowered down the body, a support is created to raise the head above the surface.

Inhale oxygen it is necessary to mouth, exhausted air it is necessary to the nose and mouth during the entire further movement, up to a new breath.

In order to accelerate, you can not make any times, but the rules of Finina prescribe that the head is obliged to intersect with the water surface in each rowing cycle, except for the 1st cycle at the start or turning the basin's side.

Help: FINA (FINA) - a combined international organization, which includes most of the federations of various water sports. It defines the rules and strategy for developing their directions. Today they are: jumping, swimming, synchronized swimming, water polo, etc.


In the initial position, the body of the swimmer is completely straightened. Then it should move so that the lower limbs be prepared for the impetus in the middle of the movement of the hands of "on themselves", and the head at this time should be above the water for the inspiration. In the described position, the corner of the body to the horizontal reaches the maximum. The upper limbs return to the starting position simultaneously with the rowing legs.

After performing the rowing, the body continues to remain straightened and according to the laws of inertia, it slides on water. The execution time of this phase directly depends on the distance value, as well as from the class and the preparedness of the swimmer: Sprinter distances require the fastest continuation of the movement.

How starts start

Among professional athletesFloating Brass, distribution received two types of start. The first one is rival start, in which the swimmer puts two legs near the front edge of the nightstand.

The second look - the track start, when one leg swimmer retains a little back. During the risk start, the speed of the starting reaction of the swimmer is higher for several hundredths, which can significantly affect short distances.

Turns of the swimmer

According to the rules of Finn, the athlete is obliged to simultaneously touch the basin of the pool with two hands. To increase its speed, swimmers make the side of the side in the phase of returning the upper limbs or in the phase when they slide under water. Then there is a touch of a feet of the side, the rotation of the person side.

At this point, one of the hands is stretched forward along the body. Another hand makes a turn in airspace, catching upwards. The torso is completely or partially necessary to turn almost horizontally under water.

When all parts of the human body are lower than the water level, you need to make a push from the side with two legs. Then there is a gliding under the aqueous surface, the men by the lower limbs, some more slip and float to the surface.

Briefly about competition

Swimming this style is included in the program of all the most important tournaments that organizes the International Swimming Federation (Finn). Competitions are carried out in 25, 50 meter pools.

Olympic Games are 50 meters long in the pool. Here are four sets of medals in swimming in Brass: two in a strong and weaker sex at the same distances (100 and 200 meters). On the world and continental championships, another distance is added - a short sprint (50 meters).

Also, one of the steps of the combined relay 4 to 100 meters are also floating. In addition, breast cancer, along with three other styles of swimming, is used by swimmers, which are in complex swimming.

World records

Do you think that is well swimming in Brass? And what time do you pass these distances? Write in the comments.


  1. Brasss enters four main types of swimming.
  2. To move along the water surface, the swimmer performs symmetric movements with hands and legs in the plane, lying on the stomach.
  3. Moving hands can be divided into three stages, you need to perform at a certain point.
  4. Inhale the air is needed by mouth, and exhaled - mouth and nose up to the next inhalation.
  5. In the competition athletes use two types of start - Rowing or Track.

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In this material, we will consider in detail the brewing technique - as it looks, how the beats are made, how legs move, and how breathing is performed.

We will also consider the most common errors.

This style is one of the most difficult from the point of view of technology. Therefore, before reading a text description, see how it looks from:

As you can see the following movements are performed:

  • hands make beats and thrown back forward;
  • during the rowing, the head rises above the water and makes breath, then lowers and does exhale;
  • at the time of the emission of the hand, the legs make a push, similar to the movement of the frog, due to which the body receives additional acceleration and slides to the next rowing.

Now consider the technique of step by step and in detail.

Move hands step by step

Initial position:

  • hands, like the whole body, completely extracted and straightened, as shown in the illustration above;
  • palm are located next to each other, are almost at the surface of the water;
  • the head is lowered into the water.

In the pool, you can push off the sides of your legs and slip on the chest in such a forward position.

From the initial position there is a cycle of movements with hands, which can be divided into three phases.

At the same time, one action turns all the time to another, there is no pause - therefore, the instructions below with division on the phase is very conditional - this division is made only in order to easily describe and understand the technique.

1. Breeding to the parties

Hands with palms outside bred to the sides Slightly wider shoulders.

At this stage, the hands are slightly immersed and bend a little bit - in general, while staying straight. The movement is done with palms perpendicular to the bottom and turned outward - Imagine that we push the water.

The movement itself is quickly - this is just breeding brushes for subsequent rowing.

In the illustration, this stage goes to the first red arrings:

2. Rowing

  • The main part of the rowing:

    Brushes turn in such a way to palm looked again down. Hands bend in elbows and make strong rowing movement - To drag the body forward and upstairs.

    During this step, the elbows gradually climb up and output to the sides.

    Rowing movement goes around about the moment until the palms are on the line shoulder.

    In the course of the efforts of the head and the shoulder belt come out over the water - read about it below.

  • Completion of the rowing:

    At the end of the row brushes are closed in the chest:

    • elbows are approaching the body in the rib area
    • both brushes are located next to each other in such a way that the palms are facing the body (in the chin area).

3. Emmit back

Moment of emission
  • Brushes (previously reduced together in the chest area) roll back forwardTo return to its original position - to be elongated in front of you.
  • At the very end of the emission of the brush unfold. That is, initially they are palms upstairs (palms facing the chin), at the end of the palm deployed to the bottom - in the direction of the bottom.

Emission options hands

The task of this stage - not only to return to its original position, but also do it with minimal water resistance, give your body the impulse to move forward, start slipping on water.

Because this action has two options:

  1. Return over water - This technique is considered the most efficient and used by many professionals on sprint distances.

    The meaning is that we throw hands back not under water, but above its surface And thereby do not brake against the water. However, such a movement requires much more effort if you swim on long distance Or physically not prepared for such equipment, then the second option should be used.

  2. Return under water - Here they return under water / on the surface line. As it was indicated, in this version, we are somewhat braking your promotion, but it is possible to physically so easily.

After returning the hands, the slip stage is underway, we will still talk about it below.

Correct and incorrect options

Excellent shown options for incorrect (but common) and proper rowing in this short video:

Alternative way

See how the swimmer swims in this video:

  • during the return, the hands are not rotated with palms to the chest;
  • the swimmer throws them under water.

We will not argue how much this technique It is optimal, but it is precisely her professionals in this video.


Legs first pull upthen they do pushAs shown in this illustration:

In addition to the illustration, the faithful work of the legs can also be viewed in this video language:

Footwork synchronized with hand movements (This is the main complexity of brex technology - make moves synchronously and timely).

It can be divided into two stages, although it is important here to note that there is no pause or a hitch between them: as in the case of hands, this is a single action.

1. Tightening the leg

It is closer to the end of the row - You need to pull the legs for the subsequent push, while:

  • knees still have to stay syznuti - To be near each other,
  • shin dilute on the sides, the feet - turn out and pull on yourself to repulsion from the water. Ultimately, the feet must be spread wider than their knees.

Coordination of pull-ups with hands occurs as follows:

  • during directly rowing begins smooth tightening of the legs,
  • when the hands are displayed forward (closed in the chest) - the legs are tightened and bred for the subsequent push.

2. push

Produced at the time of emission of the hands forward - There is a sharp shock movement of legs.

The meaning of the technique is that we throw hands and legs at the same time - so that the body is quick and completely straightened and due to the shock movement slid forward.

For shoes legs make blows to the sides(In the direction where the feet watched after we pulled them up). The blow is done by straightening the leg.

Immediately after the end of the shock movement of the foot, being straightened, relax and closed together, feet are stretched. The whole body from hands to the feet is drawn into one line and slides.

The synchronization of the hands and legs is clearly visible on this slow video, which demonstrates the Brenton Ricarde world champion technology technique:

Breathing and body movement


At the moment of rowing top part Our body (shoulder belt) rises above water, including - and the head.

When the head appears above the water surface - a sharp breath is done.


At the time of the emission of the hands and push the body with his legs and after him, the head is drawn, occupy a horizontal position. Face, respectively, again falls into the water.

Exhaust goes without delay throughout the movement and ends by the time when you need to breathe.

Breathing in Brass


Brass, as well as other swimming styles, is primarily characterized by the fact that its main is slide on water.

Therefore, after the emission of hands with a blow, the slip phase is a glide - fully elongated body should slip on the water, while:

  • the faster you float, the less this phase will be (but it will still be present);
  • if you float in the save mode, the slide, on the contrary, will be long.

Regardless of the speed and goals of the navigation, during the classes, be sure to find and feel this feeling - how your body slides.

Errors in the pool

Useful videos for beginners

In order to better understand the nuances of this style, we recommend also to see these videos:

Detailed analysis from Danila Antonenkov

Style of Olympic champion

Here slowly shows the technique of the Olympic champion Jessica Hardy:

Additional nuances

  • If you are swimming under water, then you can make the stains as in Brass, only hands do not stop on the shoulder line, and bring to hips - So stuffing will be stronger. In the "classic" swimming at competitions such a movement is allowed to make once per pool - respectively, after start or reversal.
  • If you participate in the speed competition, it is not necessary to take a breath each time, but according to the rules during each cycle, the water should still cross the surface of the water.
  • At the beginning can be accessed on land on the benchTo understand the coordination and synchronization of movements.
  • Brasss is inferior in the speed of the croll, and in small distances as a whole is inferior to all other swimming styles
  • At the same time, breast cancer requires less energy costs than a crown, and especially the batterfly
  • Non-obvious feature: if your task is to sail as quieter as possible (from the point of view of loud sounds), the breeding is better for these purposes.

Breaststroke - The style of swimming in the chest, in which the hands are fed at the same time symmetrically forward, and the legs make a simultaneous push in the horizontal plane.

Saving technique in breast breast

The cycle of movements when swimming in a breast is swimming on the chest consists of one symmetric and simultaneous movement with hands, movement of feet and one inhalation and exhalation of mouth.

Body position

The angle of attack changes throughout the cycle. The most horizontal position of the body during the slip, next after hitting the legs. At the moment of breath, the highest angle of body attack, reaching 15 -17 ° in some swimmers. For most of the full cycle of movements, the head is almost on the longitudinal axis of the body, the neck muscles are relaxed, the swimmer looks forward - down.

Movement of hands

When swimming, the brass is set as a pace and rhythm, they are closely connected with breathing, affect the overall coordination of movements.

The cycle of the movement of hands can be divided into phases:

  • Running hands forward, preparatory phase. Hands straighten up in the elbow joints, the swimmer sends hands along with the shoulder belt forward, the brushes are almost touching and smoothly rotate the palms down.
  • Inflating or sliding. Hands are finally straightened, swimmer stretching moving forward. Brushes are located near the surface of the water.
  • Working movement - rowing - You can also divide in the stage:
    • In the preliminary stage, the hand is moving forward - to the sides, turning out the palms of the dudder. Then the hands begin to bend in the elbow joints, the elbows are in high position and unfold to the sides, the angle between the water surface and the brush plane - the forearm at the end of the preliminary phase of the production movement of 45 °.
    • At the main stage of the working movement - repulsion - the brush sharply accelerates its promotion along the arc-like trajectory - at the beginning of the duck, and then inside, creating support for water. By this time, the plane of the brush-forearm is tilted to the surface of the water already at an angle of about 60 °. The brushes continue the support sliding movement down-inside towards each other and unfold, the elbows are moving in the same direction with acceleration. Repulsion is the fastest and powerful part of the movement cycle.
    • Final Stage of Protection - Handling Near Breast. Brushes rush inside-up and close under the chin, elbows come close to breasts. At this moment there is a breath.

Foot movement

The movements of the legs when swimming in Brass are significantly different from the movements of the legs when swimming in other ways. In Brass, smooth preparatory movements and energetic repulsion from water (blow) are relatively tough supported planes Stop and legs in the backward direction - to the sides.

The movement cycle can be divided into phases:

  • Pulling, preparatory phase of movements - begins with bending of relaxed legs in the knees and minor flexion in hip joints. The knees move down and to the side, the feet move to the surface of the water about the width of the pelvis. The final part of the tightening is performed more vigorously: the legs are significantly fused in the hip and knee joints, the knees are bred to the side at a distance greater than one and a half times the width of the pelvis, at the end of the foot it is rapidly bred by the socks of the duck, after which the swimmer immediately begins the kick.
  • Labor movement. To the beginning of the strike, the legs are bent in the hip joints, the angle between the thigh and the torso can approach direct and depends on individual features swimmer; The shin is occupied by the position perpendicular to the surface of the water (the angle between the shot and the thigh is about 45 °); The knees were divorced a little more than on the width of the pelvis (the degree of breeding of the legs can also vary depending on individual characteristics), the feet are deployed with socks on the parties. During the strike - the energetic simultaneous extension of the legs in the hip and knee joints - The feet are moving along arcs back-dodge, and then back-inside. The feet will finish moving along the trajectory aimed at a little down, resulting in 20-30 cm under the surface of the water. The pelvis during hitting the legs is strictly fixed, the back is straight.
  • Slip. After completing the impact of the thigh and the lower legs, they are immediately relaxed and as it were to float to the surface of the water, while maintaining a well-streaming position. With increasing speed of the sliding phase is reduced.


At the time of the end of the repulsion by the hands, the shoulder belt quickly lifts over the surface of the water, the swimmer vigorously displays the chin forward and begins a deep breath through the mouth. At this time, the highest value of the body attack (from 7-9 to 16-18 °) is noted. After completing a breath, the athlete immediately sends the shoulder belt after his hands forward and quickly aligns the body, so that at the beginning of the strike the angle of attack decreases to 6-3 °, and to the beginning of the rowing hands - up to 3-0 °. Thus, the shoulder belt moves forward along the wave-like trajectory. Exhaust is done during the working foot and slip movement.

General scheme of movements when swimming breast breasts

Coordination of movements

The structure of the movements in this method is such that the differences are essential intracake velocity are inevitable even among highly qualified swimmers. The task of rational coordination of movements - as little as possible to lose speed during the preparatory movements and maximize it during the rowing movements with their hands and legs.

The most appropriate is the following coordination:

  • at the time of the rowing hands legs stretched along and begin to bend in the knees, without causing significant resistance
  • during the removal of hands ahead, the legs are tightened into the initial position
  • at that moment, when the hands are already stretched forward, the legs make a push
Coordination of movements when swimming breast breasts

Another common coordination option, especially in competitions at distances 50 and 100 meters, is partially a comprehension of working movements of arms and legs. In this embodiment, the hands begin the beats at the time when the legs still continue to strike. Approximately the last one third of the strike with the waters with hands.

Depending on the value of the corner of the body attack and its changes inside the cycle distinguish two extreme brex techniques:

  1. with a relatively flat body position (the value of the angle of attack and its change is minimal)
  2. with the planning position of the body (the value of the angle of attack and its change is pronounced)

Many Brasian swimmers seek to increase the speed of swimming due to the tempo of movements. The flood pace at a distance of 50 m reaches 70 cycles per minute. Modern tendencies The development of the technique of this method is associated with increasing step length. The rational magnitudes of the step of the step with a breeding method at a distance of 100 m are in the range of 1.45 -1.70 m in women, 160 - 1.85 m in men.

During the competition when swimming in the breast, the start is carried out with the stands.

Brass Spawing Technology on Breast (top view, side and front)