Sustanon is prohibited. Pharmacology - testosterone composites on the Russian market. PCT after Sustanon

Sustanon 250 is an injectable androgen, is a complex of 4 testosterone esters, with 17-beta added to it hydroxyl group: 1. 30mg Testosterone propionate (its half-life ranges from 24-48 hours) - chemical structure C3H6O2 2. 60mg Testosterone phenylpropionate (half-life 2 - 4 days) - chemical structure C9H10O2 3. 60mg Testosterone Isocaproate (half-life 5 - 8 days ) - chemical structure C6H12O2 4. 100mg Testosterone Decanoate (half-life 9 - 10 days) - chemical structure C10H20O2. This ester complex was created to evenly distribute testosterone levels over a period of 3 to 4 weeks.

Historical reference

Sustanon 250 (250, because 1 ml of oil solution contains 250 mg of active substance), was first synthesized in the early 70s by the Organon company. This drug was developed specifically to support a uniform level of testosterone in human blood with the help of 4 esters. The mixture of these esters has proven its effectiveness; athletes from all over the world still use Sustanon-250. It is very suitable for athletes who engage in strength sports (powerlifting, bodybuilding, weightlifting). The greatest popularity of Sustanon came in the 80s and 90s of the last century, when many articles were written describing the benefits of this drug. Despite this, it should not be forgotten that Sustanon was not developed as a drug to increase muscle mass. Its main advantage is its simplicity and ease of use. Sustanon's anabolic properties are no different from isolated forms of testosterone. Omnadren is similar in composition and action, but it includes another testosterone ester - capronate instead of decanoate, and they are similar in duration of action (capronate in Omnadren has a shorter half-life).

Pharmacological action (according to the manufacturer)

Testosterone is the main endogenous hormone and is essential for the normal growth and development of male reproductive organs and male secondary sexual characteristics. Throughout life in adult men, testosterone is essential for the functioning of the testicles and related structures, including the maintenance of libido, well-being, erectile potency, and the function of the prostate and seminal vesicles.

As a result of treatment of hypogonadal men with Sustanon-250, a clinically significant increase in plasma concentrations of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, estradiol and androstenedione occurs, and a decrease in the level of SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin); Luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels are restored to normal levels.

When treated with Sustanon-250, there is a decrease in the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. In addition, bone mineral density and muscle mass increase, and patients who are overweight experience a decrease in body weight. During treatment, sexual functions return to normal, including erectile function and libido. While taking the drug, serum concentrations of HDL (high-density lipoprotein), LDL (low-density lipoprotein) and triglycerides decrease, hemoglobin concentrations and hematocrit increase, but no clinically significant changes in the level of liver enzymes and PSA (prostate-specific antigen) are observed. The drug may cause an increase in the size of the prostate gland, but no functional changes have been observed. In hypogonadal men who suffer from diabetes mellitus, androgen administration improves insulin sensitivity and/or reduces plasma glucose concentrations.

Steroid profile Sustanon 250 (sustanon 250)

  1. Substance activity: up to 3 weeks
  2. Classification: anabolic/androgenic steroid
  3. Directions for use: by injection
  4. Dosages: men 500-1000 mg/week; women are not advised
  5. Acne: yes (in high dosages or in people with a predisposition)
  6. Water retention: high
  7. High blood pressure: yes
  8. Hepatotoxicity: no
  9. Aromatase: strong
  10. DHT(dehydrotestosterone) conversion: yes
  11. Decreased HPTA function (production of own testosterone): severely suppresses
  12. Detection time: 4 months (approximately due to the fact that the DC is constantly progressing in the search for methods for detecting prohibited substances; in addition, it depends on the athlete himself whether he is taking phenobarbital and furosemide to accelerate the elimination of the drug)
  13. Anabolic/androgenic ratio: 100/100

Effects of Sustanon 250

  • Rapidly increases body weight through protein synthesis
  • Has a good anti-catabolic effect
  • Improves appetite
  • Increases the number of red blood cells in the blood (hematopoiesis)
  • Increases oxygen transport
  • Affects increased endurance
  • Increases libido (on the sust course, of course)
  • Improves mood, feeling of confidence, desire to exercise. (noticeable when taking any androgenic drug)

Application of Sustanon 250

Taking Sustanon for men:

In therapeutic doses, Sustanon 250 is prescribed in doses of 250 mg every third week. For people involved in sports, the dosage ranges from 250 to 750 mg per week (usually divided into two doses per week), over a 4-8 week course. This is quite enough to increase muscle mass and strength.

Sustanon, as a rule, is used in mass gain courses, when the quality of the mass gained is not very interested. For these purposes, Sustanon is considered a very useful drug.

Taking Sustanon for women:

Side effects of Sustanon 250

Rapid aromatization to estradiol. Increased level estrogen can provoke such side effects, such as fluid retention in the body, increased body fat and gynecomastia.

In order to prevent aromatization, various drugs can be used: mesterolone (Proviron, Mesviron 25, Provimed, Provirol-25, Proviron-25 Bayer), anastrozole or exemestane, in any case, at a dose of 250 mg of sustanon per week, neither Proviron, nor anastrozole (anastrozole) nor exemestane are recommended to be taken. Anti-estrogens such as clomed or tamoxifen may be useful after a course of PCT in order to avoid the rebound phenomenon.

It should be remembered that the higher the dose of testosterone in the body, the stronger the side effects will appear. An increased level of testosterone causes: acne, increased hair growth, baldness (only possible when a person genetically has poor protection of the hair follicle from dihydrotestosterone, dihydrotestosterone itself appears as a result of the conversion of testosterone into it, you can prevent baldness by taking finasteride, this drug prevents testosterone from being converted in dihydro, but it (dihydro) has an important function - sexual desire, so men who take finasteride have a weakened libido), all these are androgenic side effects (most often with individual predisposition). In addition, the side effects of Sustanon 250 include: worsening of diagnosed prostate cancer, polycythemia (an increase in the number of red blood cells, which increases endurance, as well as muscle pumping during training, but thickens the blood, makes it viscous, which increases blood pressure and stress on the heart), myalgia (rarely) - muscle pain of various localization and origin, oligospermia (the number of live sperm decreases when compared with the norm), a decrease in ejaculate volume, and in the case of sensitivity of prostate tissue to dihydrotestosterone - prostatic hypertrophy.

Indications for medicinal use Sustanon 250

Testosterone replacement therapy in men for pathological conditions associated with primary and secondary hypogonadism, both congenital and acquired; restoration of libido after urogenital operations.

Contraindications for medicinal use Sustanon 250

Known or suspected prostate or breast cancer; hypersensitivity to any component of the drug; children under 3 years of age (as the drug contains benzyl alcohol).

Prescribed with caution: in boys in the prepubertal period in order to avoid premature closure of the epiphyses and premature puberty; chronic heart failure, renal and/or liver failure to avoid the development of edema; diabetes; prostatic hypertrophy with symptoms of urinary retention; sleep apnea, as well as risk factors such as obesity and chronic lung disease; childhood.

Course for beginners Sustanon-250 Organon

This has been proven by the experience of many athletes and has a lot of positive feedback The solo course is designed to build high-quality muscles and increase the coefficient physical strength. Sustanon 250, popularly called Sust, is an excellent modern anabolic steroid that is respected not only by bodybuilders. At a time when most drugs begin to work inside the body only after 1 - 2.5 weeks, Sustanon-250 from one of the leaders in the pharmaceutical market - the Organon company - gives positive effects after the first injections. When choosing this course, you should not be afraid of side effects; the dosages used are not large.


Having significant indicators of anabolic activity, the steroid shows excellent results in terms of gaining solid muscle mass. It is the indicators of anabolism, androgenicity and a slight tendency to aromatization that make this product indispensable for building high-quality lean muscles, giving every athlete the opportunity to become much stronger and more resilient. This, in turn, allows you to conduct productive intense workouts and recover faster after them. You should not use the drug in a dosage exceeding 750 ml. for a week. Otherwise, you may encounter an accumulation of unnecessary fluid and the phenomenon of gynecomastia. If you adhere to the minimum dosages, then fluid retention is minimized and losses after the course are not large.

To avoid water retention, many strength athletes often combine Sust with oral Turinabol. This allows us to minimize the phenomenon of rollback after the course. Unlike the solo course, it is possible to obtain better quality muscles, but a significant increase in the cost of the course is guaranteed. To block fluid retention to a minimum, Proviron is additionally used, which copes well with the tasks.

Solo course

In this course you need to use 12 ml of Sustanon-250 for 6 weeks. The frequency of injections is twice a week, 1 cube at a time. It is best to carry out injections by choosing the same days - for example, Monday And Thursday . In order to reduce fluid retention, it is recommended to add the drug Proviron in the amount of 20 tablets. You should drink 1 piece daily from the middle of the course, not earlier and until the end.

You need to take the course, starting and continuing with 2 ampoules per week. This dosage is safe even for beginners. In practice, it has been proven that taking 1 ampoule per week is ineffective. The average recommended duration of a solo course is 4 - 8 weeks, we chose 6. It is often possible to increase muscle mass by an average of 5 kg. It is necessary to gradually increase the dosage of the steroid and maintain it at the desired level. It is a mistake to think that at the end of the course it is necessary to reduce the dosage again. In this case, you may not get all the declared effects from the solo course.

PCT after Sustanon consists of taking Clomid. You will need to purchase the drug in the amount of 20 tablets. Rehabilitation therapy starts 14 to 20 days after the last injection. You should take 1 tablet of Clomid per day. It effectively works to normalize the production of your own testosterone. In general, on your own, without this drug, this process will reach a normal level within six months.

This course is as safe as possible for both professionals and beginners, as long as you do not exceed the dosage, do not take the steroid for more than 8 weeks and follow all recommendations.

The proposed course includes drugs:

1. Sustanon - 12 ml.

2. Proviron - 20 tablets.

3. Clomid - 20 tablets.

weeks Sustanon quantity per week Proviron in tablet. in a day Clomid tab. in a day
1 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml.
2 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml.
3 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml.
4 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml. 1 tab. in a day
5 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml. 1 tab. in a day
6 Mon. 1 ml. - Thu. 1 ml. 1 tab. in a day
9 1 tab. in a day
11 1 tab. in a day
12 1 tab. in a day

Sustanon(“sust”) is a mixture of different forms of testosterone. The first company to release Sustanon 250, was an American Organon. The mixture of hormones was an exclusively therapeutic agent and was used when the body’s own testosterone was insufficiently produced. Today, the steroid is widely used in sports pharmacology.

The drug consists of four testosterone esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocarpoane and decanoate. They are all absorbed into the blood at different rates. In fact, this determines the characteristics and features of the steroid. Sustanon 250 is able to maintain high concentrations of the hormone for a month. The sequence of the substance entering the blood is as follows: propionate begins to act first, followed by phenylpropionate, then isocarpoate, and decanoate is the last to be broken down. Sustanon is very convenient, because it does not require frequent injections, and at the same time, its effectiveness is in no way inferior to individual forms of testosterone. True, the price of the mixture is usually higher.

  • Anabolic activity – 100% of testosterone.
  • Androgenic activity – 100% of testosterone.
  • Suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis is pronounced.
  • There is no effect on the liver.
  • The detection time for doping control is up to 3 months.
  • Release form: injection.

Action of Sustanon 250

  • Significant increase in muscle mass. The solo course allows you to gain up to 6 kilograms.
  • Increase in strength indicators.
  • Suppression of catabolic processes.
  • Stimulation of hematopoiesis. Taking Sustanon 250 increases the red blood cell mass, which helps improve endurance.
  • Increased libido, increased sexual desire.
  • Increased appetite.

Sustanon solo course

The use of the steroid is not recommended for minors and those who have at least some contraindications. The average duration of a Sustanon 250 solo course varies from 6 to 8 weeks. For a longer period, it is worth including additionally. To maintain a constantly high concentration of the hormone in the blood, injections are performed weekly. The dosage ranges from 250 to 500 milligrams.

Reception starts from the second week of the course and ends 1–2 weeks after its completion. Approximately 3 weeks after stopping Sustanon, PCT begins to restore normal testosterone production by the body. The hormone level returns to its usual level about a month after taking boosters. Specialized sports nutrition and an appropriate diet help achieve better results.

As for how to take Sustanon in combination with other AAS, for gaining muscle mass the best combination is the inclusion of , for relief and “drying” – . A properly selected combination of steroids provides a better effect than what can be obtained by using the drugs separately (the so-called synergy). Moreover, the likelihood of negative reactions also decreases.

Side effects from Sustanon

Sustanon is no different from other forms of testosterone, and therefore exhibits estrogenic activity in the same way. Maybe development of edema, suppression of own hormonal levels, excessive fat accumulation. Such reactions can be eliminated by timely administration of antiestrogens, preferably aromatase inhibitors. As for other selective estrogen receptor modulators, they are used only in post-cycle therapy. The most severe side effect of Sustanon 250 is the development of testicular atrophy. To prevent it, the duration of the course is limited to two months (or gonadotropin is administered at the same time) and, naturally, antiestrogens are taken. Most often, the instructions for use contain all the necessary instructions to ensure optimal effect and minimize negative manifestations.

Among all the anabolic steroids that are one way or another included in the training process of bodybuilders and strength athletes, several conditional groups can be distinguished. Let's say there are fashionable drugs, legendary ones - time-tested, and there are the most cost-effective and effective ones - there is never any debate about them. Such effective drugs include Sustanon, an analogue from the company Vermoj-Sartuster.

What is Sustanon?

A pharmacological drug belonging to the class of androgens and anabolic steroids that imitate the action of the male sex hormone in the body of an athlete. Sustanon 250 is a mixture of several testosterone esters, and more specifically, four esters with different durations of release into the blood.

Sustanon-250 composition:
30 mg of testosterone propionate is a fast testosterone ester that can raise the hormonal levels of an athlete in a short time. The first is released into the blood.

Sustanon is a favorite drug among security forces and bodybuilders. It is not surprising, because its effect on the development of physical performance and increased muscle mass is obvious. Powerlifters and bodybuilders include Sustanon in their mass-building cycles, often combining them with other anabolic steroids to enhance the results of the cycle.

Effects of Sustanon

1. Increased muscle mass. The powerful anabolic steroid Sustanon is used by many bodybuilders during the period of mass gain. This phenomenon is due to the high efficiency of the complex of several testosterone esters.

2. Increased strength indicators. Testosterone directly affects athletic progress, the degree of recovery and the development of parameters that characterize a strong and competitive athlete. Sustanon is used by weightlifters to develop strength.

3. Anti-catabolic effect. Sustanon, as an anabolic steroid, is able to prevent the destruction of muscle fibers even during periods of enormous stress and in preparation for competitions. The drug is used when gaining muscle mass, which a priori excludes catabolism.

4. Increased appetite. The drug accelerates metabolism and turns on anabolic processes, as a result of which appetite increases and more nutrients are required for growth.

5. Stimulation of blood formation. Increases endurance by stimulating the formation of red blood cells– red blood cells. The result is more efficient oxygen transport.

6. Increased sexual desire - libido. Something that cannot be kept silent about. Testosterone esters included in the Sustanon complex affect a man's libido, improving his sexual and erectile function.

7. Improving quality of life. As a result of increased hormonal levels, good health, energy, drive, and mood are observed. A person is not only motivated to train, but also easily deals with everyday problems. Testosterone definitely has a positive effect on the perception of the world in a positive direction.

Feelings and effects of using Sustanon are achieved in as soon as possible. Considering the half-life and activity of various esters, the first results should be achieved already in the first week. Efficiency and energy increase, weight begins to grow and muscles are pleasantly filled. During the training period, you feel a powerful pump and an increase in strength indicators, a speedy recovery and a readiness to work harder. At such moments, the sea is knee-deep.

How to take sustanon

The drug is presented in injection form and the dosage is divided into several doses per week. In fact, the frequency of injections is main question, since there are many different opinions of experts. Given the half-life, it is worth resorting to more frequent injections - once every 2-3 days. Although there is an option to inject Sustanon once every 10 days, which is not fully justified.

Sustanon dosages

Also a subjective number. The minimum effective and noticeable dosage starts at 500 mg per week. Let us denote this limit for beginners in the use of pharmacology. Many professional and competitive athletes achieve dosages of 1-2 grams per week. If a person has never used anabolic steroids before or is not yet familiar with Sustanon, then they should start small and combine with other drugs.

What should I associate Sustanon 250 with?

Anabolic Combinations with the participation of Sustanon to increase the effectiveness of the weight gain course. In reality, Sustanon is a completely independent drug, because all it needs is testosterone esters, which include powerful anabolic processes. Therefore, you can combine Sustanon with almost any anabolic steroid. Linking Sustanon with other drugs can reduce some side effects and increase the effectiveness of the cycle.

The best combination of sustanon can be seen with nandrolone, methandrostenolone (danabol), oxymethalone. Combinations with such anabolic steroids allow you to achieve a significant increase in muscle mass and strength.

Testosterones successfully attach to androgen receptors inside muscle cells (because of this we feel the expressiveness of secondary sexual characteristics, including increased libido). In addition, non-genomic activity is observed, making Sustanon an ideal companion for any steroid.

Super powerful anabolic combination to gain muscle mass, the combination of sustanon, nandrolone phenylpropionate and methandrostenolone remains.

You can absolutely achieve impressive results when you combine sustanon with trenbolone and boldenone on a cycle. There is also an interesting practice of including winstrol (stanozolol, stanover) in a cycle with sustanon, which will increase the quality and leanness of the muscle mass gained.

Side effects of Sustanon

Testosterone esters included in the complex Sustanon-250 They tend to aromatize easily, that is, with a significant increase in the level of the male sex hormone, testosterone begins to convert into estrogens. As a result, undesirable phenomena may occur in the form of fluid accumulation in the body, gynecomastia, and fat deposits in the thighs. In fact, this is easy to avoid.

You should not reach high dosages. Side effects occur only from a gram per week or more. When used at 500 mg per week, Sustanon does not cause side effects.

If side effects somehow begin to appear, antiestrogens should be used, such as tamoxifen.

Sustanon is absolutely non-toxic to the liver, even with overdoses of 2 grams. After the course, PCT should be performed. When using Sustanon, the body easily recovers when the athlete is “on vacation” from the drugs.

It is a composite drug, as it is presented in the form of a mixture of four testosterone esters: propionate, phenylpropionate, isocapronate, decanoate. Sust is considered one of the most popular and sought after steroids in bodybuilding.

Athletes have been practicing it for decades. In the 80s and 90s, sust was incredibly popular. This is a very well studied steroid, so there is information about its use, combination with other steroids, side effects, etc. enough.

The closest composite preparation similar in composition to sustik is Omnadren-250. You can find out more about the comparison between Sust and Omka by reading the article “ Which is better Sustanon or Omnadren?", which describes the differences between Omnadren in Russia and Ukraine, as well as their similarities and differences with Sustanon-250.

Sustanon composition:

  1. testosterone propionate – 30 mg;
  2. testosterone phenylpropionate – 60 mg;
  3. testosterone isocapronate – 60 mg;
  4. testosterone decanoate – 100 mg.

How Sustanon works

The syrup has the standard properties of long esters: it helps to significantly increase muscle mass, strength and endurance, has an anti-catabolic effect, helps increase the number of red blood cells, and increases appetite.

The peculiarity of this drug is that it starts working very quickly, while it acts for quite a long time. This property is due to the fact that this drug contains 4 testosterone esters, which have different absorption rates, due to which the blood maintains an even background for a long period high level anabolic hormones. This table shows the half-life of sustanon, or rather its esters.

Sustanon retains water in the body, but this is rather a positive property, since during the course strength indicators increase significantly, so the load on the joints increases sharply, and the water that is retained eases tension in the joints.

Sustik will allow you to gain an average of 5-6 kg per month (over a two-month course, weight gain can be about 10-12 kg), but do not forget about pullback phenomenon, due to which, at the end of the course, weight loss can be 20-50% of the gained weight.

Sustanon course

If we compare sust and testosterone enanthate, then the course of Sustanon (in the same dosages) will probably be a little “heavier”. Opinions on this matter may vary.

Typically, the length of a Sustanon solo course lasts about 6-8 weeks. Injections are performed intramuscularly once a week, dosage is 250-1000 mg (most often, 250-500 mg is enough for athletes).

From the 2nd week of the course it is advisable to start using aromatase inhibitors(for example: Anastrozole 0.5 mg every other day). This will avoid side effects
effects of the drug (they should be used until the end of the course). Please note: the end of the course is not the moment of the last injection, but the time when the drug ceases to be effective. IN in this case The end of the course occurs 1-2 weeks after the last injection.

Sust combines well with almost all other steroids. To achieve maximum effect from the course, you must adhere to proper nutrition, sleep well and a lot, train wisely. It is also advisable to include in your diet protein, gainer, vitamin-mineral complex, amino acids, BCAAs, glutamine, creatine etc.

Many people recommend Sustanon (in small doses) for the first course. However, do not forget that sustik is a fairly “heavy” steroid, which imposes strong androgenic And anabolic effects, even in small dosages. It is recommended to practice Sustanon with a little experience as a “chemist” and having completed a couple of simpler courses.

PCT after Sustanon

3 weeks after the last injection, PCT begins, during which it is most often used Clomid or tamoxifen. It is also advisable to connect testosterone boosters. If the course duration exceeds 8 weeks, then you must enter gonadotropin. Read more about PCT in the article: “ Post-cycle therapy (PCT)».

Sustanon description

Due to the fact that Sustanon is a very popular steroid and has a fairly high price, the number of counterfeits on the black market is increasing every year. IN Lately It is very difficult to buy a real sustik. The lion's share of the market is more or less high-quality fakes. When buying Sustanon from a “local dealer” or in a dubious online store, you risk purchasing a steroid of dubious composition and quality. Quite often, omnadren is sold under the guise of sustanon (in this case, you can consider yourself lucky, because it is better than an unknown dirty oil).

The original Sustanon has a paper label and is produced by Organon. On this moment exists a large number of various brands: Sustaver (Vermodje), Sustamed (Balkan), Sustaged (Golden Dragon), etc., but the number of their counterfeits is also very large.

Sustanon side effects

Sustanon is contraindicated for people with kidney, liver and cardiovascular problems.

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The website provides information for informational purposes only. IronSet does not sell or encourage the use of potent substances, including anabolic steroids. This information was collected from publicly available sources and cannot serve as a basis for making a decision on the use of certain drugs. The information presented on the site does not encourage the use or distribution of potent substances.