Gala's husband. Salvador Dali and Gala: a holiday of a lifetime. “no, the flowers were real”

An ugly Russian, a brilliant art manager, a desperate nymphomaniac, a prudent predator - this is how contemporaries spoke about Gala Dali. Many still do not understand how a Russian girl managed to conquer France and create one of the main miracles of the 20th century - Salvador Dali.

Elena Dyakonova

In the circumstances of the birth of Elena Dyakonova, there was not a hint of a legendary fate. The daughter of a Kazan official who died early. At the age of 17, Lena's family moved to Moscow, where the girl entered the gymnasium. She studied with Anastasia Tsvetaeva, Marina's sister, who would later write about Dyakonova like this:

In a half-empty classroom, a thin, long-legged girl is sitting on a desk in short dress. This is Elena Dyakonova. Narrow face, blond braid with a curl at the end. Unusual eyes: brown, narrow, slightly set in Chinese. Dark thick eyelashes of such length that, as their friends later claimed, you could put two matches next to them. In the face of stubbornness and that degree of shyness, which makes the movements abrupt.

At the age of 18, Elena fell ill with tuberculosis, which was common for that time. The family collects all the savings and sends the girl to a sanatorium in Switzerland.
There she changes the hated simple name Elena to Gala with an emphasis on the second syllable. This is how she appears to the young French poet Eugene-Emile-Paul Grandel.

The first attempt to create a genius

Gala's meeting with Eugene leads to a passionate romance. The son of a wealthy real estate dealer was supposed to be cured of his poetry in a sanatorium, but instead he discovered in himself an even greater poetic talent. The Russian muse comes up with a new name for him - Paul Eluard, under which he will become famous.

Returning to Russia, Gala immediately decides that this is not for long. This is not the fate she wants for herself.

I will never be just a housewife. I will read a lot, a lot. I will do whatever I want, but at the same time maintain the attractiveness of a woman who does not overwork herself. I will shine like a cocotte, smell of perfume and always have well-groomed hands with manicured nails.

From this moment on, all life will develop only as Gala wishes. In the spring of 1916, she goes to Paris and marries Eluard - despite the protests of his father. They planned to die together, but this marriage lasted 12 years. During this time, a daughter was born, to whom Gala never showed much interest. Life was spent in chic taverns and elite resorts. Both spouses were famous for their erotic adventures, and their love triangle with the artist Max Ernst was known to everyone.

Gala and Dali

In August 1929, Paul and Gala went to the Spanish fishing village of Cadaqués to visit the young artist. In this wilderness, 35-year-old Gala meets the main love of her life - Salvador Dali. Absurd, full of oddities, at the sight of her, he rolled into hysterical laughter from excitement. She didn't like his lacquered hair and a woman's necklace of fake pearls on a silk shirt.

Gala immediately saw genius in Dali. She broke up with Eluard to link her life with El Salvador forever.

My little boy, we will never leave each other.

As always, everything happened the way Gala wanted. Many later saw in her choice a clear calculation. This Russian had an amazing talent for inspiring and, at the same time, an iron grip and a pragmatic mind.

At the time of the meeting, Dali was more than 10 years younger than Gala and had almost no relationships with women. He was always absolutely not adapted for life - he was afraid to ride in an elevator, conclude contracts, frighten those around him with his eccentric manners.

Gala breaks up with Paul and begins a modest life with an artist in a Spanish village, where she sews her own clothes and runs around galleries with Dali's works, looking for rich sponsors, selling his paintings.

She constantly controlled Dali, forced to do anything - making hats, advertising, decorating shop windows. She brought the artist new paints and materials, persuaded him to try them. For this indefatigable ardor, she was called a tyrant and a predator.

This is what journalist Frank Whitford wrote about their union:

Helpless in everyday life, an extremely sensual artist was captivated by a tough, prudent and desperately upward predator, which the surrealists dubbed the Gala Plague. It was also said of her that her gaze penetrates the walls of bank vaults. However, in order to find out the state of Dali's account, she did not need x-ray abilities - the account was general. She simply took the defenseless and undoubtedly gifted Dali and turned him into a multimillionaire and a world-class "star". Even before the marriage in 1934, Gale managed to ensure that crowds of wealthy collectors began to besiege their house, eager to acquire relics consecrated by the genius of Dali.


The energy of Gala, multiplied by the genius of the artist, brings generous results. Everyone talks about them, this is the most outrageous couple, each of their public appearances is a scandal.

In 1934, she decides what they need in the USA. Any businessman could envy such intuition. America is delighted with the surrealist, where the couple spends the war and post-war years. Dali illustrates books, composes scripts, costumes for ballet and opera productions, paints portraits of wealthy Americans, collaborates with Hitchcock and Disney - all under the strict supervision of the Russian muse.

Gala and Dali return to France even richer and more famous.

It is still impossible to say unequivocally whether the world would have known about Dali's talent if the "cruel" Gala had not been next to him. She replaced the artist's mother, whom he lost early, family and the whole world. Without her, he could not create, parting even for a day, Dali was not able to draw. Here is what the genius himself wrote in his diary:

Like a mother to an anorexic child, she patiently repeated: “Look, little Dali, what a rare thing I got. You just try it, it's liquid ambergris, and besides unburnt. They say that Vermeer himself painted it.

Gala's sister, Lydia, wrote that she had never seen a more reverent attitude of a woman to a man:

Gala fiddles with Dali, like with a child, reads to him at night, makes him drink some necessary pills, sorts out his nightmares with him and dispels his suspiciousness with endless patience. Dali threw hours at another visitor - Gala rushes to him with sedative drops - God forbid, he will have a seizure.

It is not known what Gala loved more - money or Dali. At the end of her life, she became very petty, counted every dollar, and after her death, a suitcase with money was found under the bed. For El Salvador, she has always been a deity, without which it did not exist.


The fact that Gala is ugly was recognized by everyone except Dali. However, men seemed to fall into a trance from her natural magnetism. Chanel suits fit perfectly on her beautiful chiseled figure. Smartly dressed, she entered the salon with a deck of cards and began to predict the future of people.

After returning from the USA, the glory of Gala and Dali becomes global. It would seem that life is just beginning, but Gala is getting old. At 70, she dyes her hair, puts on a wig and thinks about plastic surgery. However, surprisingly, the sexual desire in her only grew every year. She was always incredibly loving, pursued all Dali's sitters, seduced many of them. She surrounded herself with young boys, arranged orgies, gave her lovers money and insanely expensive gifts.

Dali also starts novels, but only Gala always remains his love. On her 74th birthday, she receives a gift from the artist medieval castle Pubol. Dali could visit him only with the written permission of Gala.

After her death at the age of 88, Dali will live only another seven - during this time he will only take up a brush once and almost completely lose his mind. Gala will live on in his countless paintings: "The first portrait of Gala", "Galarina", "Just a portrait of Gala", "Dali's hand pulls the golden fleece to show Gala naked Aurora far ahead behind the sun", "Portrait of Gala with two mutton chops on Shoulder", "Three faces of Gala on the rocks", "Dali from the back, writing Gala from the back", "Gala and Millet's Evening Prayer before the inevitable advent of conical anamorphoses", "Gala, looking at the Mediterranean Sea, turns at a distance of twenty meters into a portrait of Abraham Lincoln", "Dali, raising the surface mediterranean sea to show Gala the birth of Venus”, “Portrait of Gala with rhinoceros signs”, “Daytime dream of Gala”, “Three glorious riddles of Gala”, and finally “Christ Gala”.

I love her more than my own mother and father. I love more than Picasso and even money.

Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova was no stranger to eccentricity, outrageousness, escapades, served as an ideal inspiration for great artists long before meeting Dali. Her first husband was the notorious French poet Paul Eluard (it was he who gave his beloved the nickname Gala with an emphasis on the last syllable), and the famous German avant-garde artist Max Ernst went to her lovers.

Bohemian Paris in the 1920s was the perfect place for sexual experiments, so the whole trio occupied one bedroom, not hiding from the guests. However, really great story The love between the artist and his muse began in 1929, when Gala and her husband visited the villa of the rising star of world art in Cadaqués. The name of the star was Salvador - when the Spaniard saw his friend's wife, he realized in a second that he had met the woman of his dreams. She experienced similar electric love feelings, multiplied by confidence in the genius of a young artist who needs an experienced female hand to fully realize.

Dreams played a huge role in the life and work of Dali. He often told his friends about a mysterious Russian woman who comes to him in his dreams and gives him ideas for surrealistic paintings. Suddenly, a real femme fatale from dreams comes to visit him, pierces with an electric look and stays there forever to give love, pleasure and inspiration for creativity.

After several awkward months, when Gala was torn between her lawful husband and an eccentric lover, the insane passion for the second won. Eluard admitted defeat, let his wife go to another man, content with a farewell gift from the Spanish surrealist who painted his portrait. Salvador Dali and Gala went on a long family trip. The artist and his muse were legally married in 1932, adding a church rite to it in 1958, when love had already lost its former passion and an elderly girlfriend (ten years apart) needed not love, but a quiet pension provided with an official title.

When they say that behind the back of any great man there is a strong and intelligent woman, then the creative and domestic relations of Salvador Dali and Gala could serve as an excellent proof of the thesis. The extravagant master was well known at home in Spain, as well as in neighboring France, but his star shone all over the world when his girlfriend, muse, companion and model for all female images was nearby.

She loved sex and was a relaxed, calm, confident woman. Dali, in his intimate life, was not like everyone else, but Gala, having understood his desires and nature, entered this world, where he felt like a real man with her, leaving him no corner of his own soul, wherever she was.

Firmly determined to make a famous artist out of Dali, Gala did her best to make him known. She used all her connections, organized all kinds of exhibitions with Dali's works, sometimes took his works and went with them to various connoisseurs of contemporary art, and soon her efforts were crowned with success and the whole world heard about the surrealist artist.

Temptation of Saint Anthony, 1946

At this time, Gala's husband still continued to hope that she would return to him after all, and again become a source of his inspiration, as it was before.

He wrote her love letters, but did not receive a response to any, then he began to drink a lot and completely lost his ability to be creative. Out of pity for him, or perhaps for some other reason, Gala did not divorce her poet husband and accepted Dali's proposal only after Eluard's death in 1934.

The Dalis settled in Paris, where Gala, leaving her husband and daughter, began the main work of her life, "creating the Dali brand." She did everything to inspire her genius. She was a living embodiment of passion, motherly care and sincere friendship. Dali felt protected with her, could create, and she, his Gala, took care of the rest.

What a successful union, the genius of the artist Dali and the pragmatism of Gala, who not only skillfully managed her husband's creative career, but also constantly inspired him, being his muse. She always said to Dali: “You are a genius, and this is indisputable!” - and soon Dali really believed in his genius.

Dali paints extraordinary paintings one after another, and signs them with the double name "Gala Salvador Dali". Gala did everything to show the paintings of Salvador to everyone who could appreciate and buy them, starting from her rich friends, among whom were Diaghilev, Stravinsky, Aragon, Disney, Hitchcock, ending with the owners of art galleries. She protected her husband from everything that could prevent him from painting, did not let people in to see him when he was working or was thinking about a new picture. Having shouldered life and production duties on her shoulders, she created all the conditions so that nothing would distract Dali from the creative process.

Now the whole world has heard about Dali's paintings, and about family life an unusual couple now and then gossip. Someone called them rich perverts, someone called schizophrenics, which was not strange, because they did not stop shocking the audience with eccentric antics.

They did not care about gossip and condemnation. Dali constantly draws his wife, in different images, Helen the Beautiful, the Mother of God, the Woman with chops on her back, etc. Gradually, interest in Dali's paintings began to fade, and the prudent Gala throws him the idea of ​​​​creating designer items that successfully disperse among the rich around the world.

Among such things are sofas in the form of female lips, a strange watch with a bizarre dial, elephants on thin legs and other embodiments of the artist's fantasies. Dali became bolder, there was no longer any need to instill in him confidence in his genius. As they say now, it was practically a star disease, at the time of the “aggravation” of which, he even quarreled with his close friend Breton and other surrealists, once declaring: “Surrealism is me!”.

Gala and Dali often began to spend time separately from each other, she did not get tired of changing lovers, who were one younger than the other. Dali spent time surrounded by young beauties, arranging crazy orgies, where he acted as an observer and spending a huge amount of money on his entertainment. In 1965, Dali met 19-year-old Amanda Lear at the Castel restaurant, then a model, singer and artist known as Peki D'Oslo, who would be his friend and muse for 16 years. They say Amanda Lear is a play on words L "Amant Dal, which in French means Dali's mistress.

The first compliment to the young beauty from Dali was the words: "You have a beautiful skull and a high-quality skeleton."

Amanda is considered Dali's second muse, but the only woman who could influence Dali has always been Gala. Amanda Lear herself, recalling her acquaintance with Gala, said that Dali, before introducing her to his wife, was nervous and was afraid that she would not like her. When Dali introduced the two women to each other, Gala squinted at Amanda, examining the make-up of a girl who loved glitter and bright lipstick, and said, “Oh my God, what is this?!”

A relationship where a man introduces his wife and mistress, while waiting for approval from the first, may seem strange, but in a couple of Dali and Gala, oddities were common. Despite the fact that initially Gala showed strong dissatisfaction with the appearance of Amanda in Dali's life, cut her face out of photographs in magazines, threw harsh remarks at her¸ after some time they were often seen three together, while attending secular parties and other events.

Gala realized how good Dali was with his new Muse, and this, probably, was her genius. She mentored Amanda and instructed to take care of Dali, while even sponsoring the girl. Once Gala asked Amanda to give her word that she would marry Dali after her death. But by the time Gala was gone, Amanda had forgotten about her promises being busy with her career and by that time already having a stamp in her passport.

In 1968, Dali gives his divine woman Gala, as he always called her, a medieval castle in Pubol, which was built in the 11th century. Once he promised to give her a castle and fulfilled this promise. Dali himself could attend the Pubol Gala only at her personal invitation.

Through a table on the second floor, Gala could admire the white horse that stood on the first floor.

Gala designer outfits.

Gala was very afraid of old age, as, probably, every woman, especially the one who is used to shining and conquering. She spent a huge amount of money on plastic surgery and young lovers, Dali himself was no longer interested in her.

She arranged orgies in her castle, invited young people who entertained her with playing the piano, dancing and mercilessly robbed. She constantly needed Dali's money, and she repeatedly told Amanda Lear that she would better stimulate the artist to work.

She devoted her whole life to Dali, all he wanted was to be the center of the universe. Now she wanted to live for herself. Her latest passion was the young singer Jeff Fenholt.

In 1980, Dali was admitted to a clinic in Barcelona. Dr. Pigwert considers his condition very serious, and he was especially worried about mental health. Returning home after the clinic, Dali paints the darkest painting "Extreme Angels" that he has ever created.

Gala, as before, was next to her Dali, even during the most severe bouts of depression, he needed her presence. She was forced to give up Jeff and devote all her time to Dali. Saying goodbye to the last fragment of the illusion of her youth, the old woman is angry with her husband, and periodically falls into fits of rage. Jean-Francois Vogel, a journalist who was well acquainted with the Dali couple, said: “Dali was very harsh and harsh with the Gala. He always did what he wanted, not what she wanted.

On January 26, 1981, an article was published in Ell magazine in which Dr. Rumeger, Dali's first psychoanalyst, gave an interview: “The truth is that Dali lost the desire to live. What is happening now is suicide simply because Gala no longer cares about him. She is eighty six years old. Her mind is clear no more than two or three hours a day; she devotes all this time to thinking about Jeff... whom she also calls Salvador... She scolds Dali and scolds him as much as she can. Thus, the whole world around Dali is collapsing. You have, of course, heard of babies torn from their mothers because of war or serious illness, who die of despair. The same thing happens with Dali.”

In the relationship between Dali and Gala, the tenderness that once brought them so much pleasure is now a rarity, the old spouses now and then pounce on each other with their fists. In 1982, Gala stepped awkwardly and fell, breaking her femur, with severe pain she was taken to the hospital. Due to the multitude plastic surgery the woman's skin cracks, multiple wounds form. She slowly falls into agony, occasionally in moments of clarity, inquiring about Dali.

Unable to see how his Gala turns into a piece of meat, he only visits her once in the hospital. The rest of the time he waited for her return. She was brought home in April. Gala no longer looks like herself, she can hardly speak. The sisters of mercy take care of her, wash, comb her hair, turn her over, try to alleviate the suffering of a dying woman. Dali put Gala's bed so that she could see the sea. At night, he comes to her room and lies down on the next bed to be next to his dying wife. Between the beds, he ordered a screen to be installed, as he experienced great torment when he looked at what his beautiful Galuchka had turned into.

On the afternoon of June 10, Dali let out a long cry. The alarm rose. Gala looked out the window with frozen eyes: she died.

Dali buried his wife in Pubol Castle, in a crypt that she herself arranged during her lifetime, and where two places were prepared for her and her Dali. Due to the ban on the export of the body of a very ancient Spanish law that has been in force since the time of the plague, Dali decides to break it for the sake of Gala and, wrapping her body in a blanket, transports her to Pubol Castle in a limousine, in which they once traveled young and happy Italy and France, so the family limousine turned into a hearse.

Gala's embalmed body was dressed in a red dress and buried in a coffin with a glass lid in a narrow circle of only the closest people. Dali survived his Gala by seven years, which he spent in seclusion in a castle in Pubol, where the woman of his life lay under a glass cover. Gal's death seemed to have returned him to an embryonic state, he stopped talking, practically did not move.

The amazing relationship between Dali and Gala lasted 53 years. The extraordinary talent of the artist Dali and the amazing character, the unusual nature of Gala's female nature, being a successful symbiosis of two people, shot with a bright success.

Perhaps the most extraordinary couple of its time has become an example of how two violent and extraordinary natures can coexist for more than half a century, remaining devoted to each other in a special sense of the word. Was Gala a femme fatale? I think so. But this is not the most unusual thing about her, she, wanting to be a muse, practically a work of art for her husband, herself became the creator of his talent.

This woman breathed self-confidence into the insecure artist, revealed the scale of his talent and was his reliable companion all his life, protecting and preserving.

A woman who knew some special secret, who managed to become not only the muse of a genius before whom he bowed.

Until her very old age, Gala did not lose her passion for life, wanting to burn as long as possible and as brightly as possible. Who knows, but maybe if Gala and the young Dali had not met, the world would never have known the great artist Salvador Dali.

On 11/27/2017 11/30/2018

A small biography of the wife of Salvador Dali - the notorious Gala, dissolute, but smart and prudent. Gala left a memory of herself as one of the best art agents in history, and her sex life still continues to shock.

Salvador Dali with his wife Gala.

Nevertheless, given the master's complex in relationships with women, his mistresses, if they were (who knows), certainly were not as numerous as his wife's lovers. Salvador, however, for the most part was content with voyeurism and splashed out his sexuality mainly on the pictures. Gala did the same, but only by choosing men as her target.

So, between Gala and Salvador there was an unspoken agreement - he turned a blind eye to her string of young stallions, and she turned a blind eye to his orgies. So it goes.

Wife of Salvador Dali, old age Gala.

Salvador Dali's wife, Gala's contribution to Salvador's success.

Gala created Dali and she destroyed him. Gala created Dali in the sense that when they met he was unknown to anyone (but this is a lie and a provocation - this is not entirely true. Maybe for America Catalonia is nobody, but in Catalonia, by that time Dali was already quite famous ). And like many geniuses, Dali could not function normally in this world. He could not call (Salvadorych, as I understand you !!!), he did not distinguish the denominations of banknotes. I once saw Dali pay a taxi driver $100 without even realizing what he was doing. (c) Ultraviolet

Rumors and unverified information about the wife of Salvador Dali, Gala.

Galya is credited with the phrase "What a pity that my anatomy does not allow me to have sex with five men at the same time."

Dali, Gala, Paul Eluard - was there group sex or not? No one really knows, but most likely not. Although Paul was known for his fantasies (and not only fantasies) on the topic of group sex - and I didn’t take it from the ceiling, he directly spoke about it in correspondence with Gala. But, given that when Gala started a relationship with Salvador Dali, she categorically refused her husband, I doubt the possibility of such an event.

They say that shortly before the death of Gala, they quarreled with Salvador and he beat her with a cane.

At the time of the meeting, Gala was 35 years old, and Salvador was 25. It would seem that what could be in common between the Russian wife of a French poet and an artist whose expression and eccentricities were rumored? However, their strong union was destined to last 53 years, despite the fact that Gala was 10 years older than Dali. Some called this mysterious woman from Russia a “predator”, considering her an exploiter who forced the artist to create. Others are sure that if not for the inspiration of Gala, her support and faith in Dali, then the genius of Salvador could be lost to the World.

Who is Gala?

Gala, with an accent on the last letter, as in all French words, her real name is Elena Ivanovna Dyakonova. She was born in 1894 in Kazan in a poor family. Her father was a petty official, he died when the girl was still at a very young age. Mother remarried a lawyer. When Elena was 17 years old, the family moved to Moscow. There, the girl became a high school student, by the way, she studied with the future poetess Marina Tsvetaeva.

Childhood of Salvador Dali

Salvador Dali was born in 1904 in Figueres, Spain. His father was an atheist notary, and his mother was an ardent supporter of Catholicism. During his school years, his talent as an artist manifested itself in drawings on the margins of notebooks. Later, the artist Ramon Piho worked with Dali. Part of the boy walked among the representatives of the lower strata of society, sailors, fishermen, absorbing the mythology of his people, which was later reflected in his works. At the age of 17, he went to Madrid to study at the Academy of Fine Arts, but fell under the influence of Lorca and Bunuel - ardent opponents of conservative norms and was expelled from the Academy for spreading "rebellious" ideas. Salvador's father was upset: he still consoled himself with hopes that his son would follow the path of a civil servant.

So gradually, step by step, under the influence of Nietzsche, Freud, Breton, Joan Miro, Dali offered the world a completely new artistic approach, which he called the "paranoid-critical method."

Gala and Paul Eluard: the poet's muse

Elena had very poor health since childhood, and at the age of 18 she was diagnosed with tuberculosis. For treatment, the girl is sent to Switzerland, where in the sanatorium there was a fatal acquaintance with the poet from France, Eugene-Emile-Paul-Grendel, this is the future Paul Eluard. Parents sent Paul there to be treated for a strange disease - poetry.

And then it began: a passionate romance broke out between them.

The poet's father and mother were against it, in every possible way discouraging Paul from any kind of connection with the "Russian girl". But it was useless. The flame has already flared up, despite the fact that the lovers had to leave for a while, they constantly sent letters to each other. Even then, in the letters, a bright maternal beginning can be traced in Elena (it was during this period that she decides to rename herself Gala, which means “holiday”, “fun”). Often she refers to the field as "boy", "darling".

Wedding Gala and Paul Eluard

The passionate romance of Gala and Paul ended with their wedding in 1917. Eluard's parents presented the newlyweds with a huge bed as a gift, on which the poet romantically planned to "die" with his beloved, but that was not the case.

A year after the legal bonding of marriage, their daughter Cecile was born in their family. Despite this event, so joyful for both, their union did not promise happiness. Eluard could not sit still, often traveled, sometimes he was eccentric. In the house, scandals have become commonplace. For example, a poet could easily show nude pictures to his friends. Gala was both Paul's muse and irritant. She soon entered into an extramarital relationship with the artist Max Ernst.

The fateful meeting of Galla and Salvador Dali

The marriage of Galla and Paul Eluard lasted almost eleven years. One day in the summer of 1929, the Eluard family decided to travel by car from Paris to the Spanish village of Cadaqués to visit the young artist Salvador Dali. This idea belonged to Paul, he was shocked by Dali's Andalusian Dog. At the time of the fateful meeting, Gala was 35 years old, she was a seasoned woman who had gained solid life experience, and Salvador Dali recently turned 25 years old.

All the way to the village Eluard praised the work of Dali. Before the arrival of the guests, Salvador dressed up especially for the meeting: he dyed his armpits in Blue colour, sprayed himself with homemade lavender perfume, smeared himself with goat droppings and fish glue. In such a shocking outfit, he was going to appear before the Elyuard family. However, by chance his eyes fell on Paul's wife. He saw her from the window of his house. Before the guests, Dali appeared already in his normal appearance, but speechless. Then he felt that this woman would be his real and the only love all life.

Fruitful creative union: Gala and Salvador Dali

Galla's contemporaries noted that she was not a beauty, but there was something in her that was attractive to many men: severity, mystery, magnetism ... As Gala later admits, at first glance at Dali, she realized that in front of her was a genius.

So Gala made, perhaps, one of the most important decisions in her life: to leave her husband and daughter and devote her life to a young artist. Without regard to the wealth of her husband and the poverty of the artist.

Only after the death of Eluard, 29 years after the meeting, the couple officially sealed their bonds by marriage.

Their union was like a union of ice and fire: strict, prudent Gala and timid Dali. Rumor has it that before marriage he was a virgin and was terrified of any contact with the female sex.

Nevertheless, the huge influence of Gala on Dali paid off: the artist left the influence of Breton and his group and became independent. He worked hard, his beloved was not only his muse, but also his producer, art director, marketer: she herself created exhibitions of works, constantly looked for wealthy sponsors and negotiated with them, and sold paintings.

Gradually, information began to leak into the press that Dali was working under pressure from Gala, allegedly she was forcing him to create paintings, and when the paintings did not come from under the brush, she planted him for the development of new accessories and interior items. Perhaps this was how the weak-willed and fearful Salvador should have been treated.

In 1994, an article was published where the journalist called Galla a predator, who took a defenseless and weak-willed artist with some talent with a cruel and strong grip and on her own made him a millionaire and a “star”, for the possibility of owning whose works crowds of rich people and moneybags lined up .

Gala herself was in seventh heaven with happiness. She squandered money right and left.

Journey to the USA: the peak of popularity of Salvador Dali

Galla's intuition led the couple to the United States, where it seemed that the public was just waiting for their arrival. In 1934, artistic canons were just being revised, and the beau monde was bored in anticipation of scandals and shocking. America presented them with a dizzying reception: Dali's works were bought up for fabulous sums, noisy parties were held in their honor. This trip only added a couple of fame and money.

During the war years and several post-war years, Gala and Dali lived in the United States, the popularity of the artist, thanks to the actions of Gal, was at its peak. The genius created and created his masterpieces.

Gala phenomenon

“Galatea”, “my talisman”, “my treasure”, “my gold” - this is how Dali wrote about his wife. Her image can be found in the images of many paintings, even in the face of the Mother of God. The artist has repeatedly said that he loves her more than anything in the world - more money, fame, even more than his mother. Or rather, instead of the mother. The artist lost his mother early, and Gala managed to give him maternal care and love, which the man lacked so much.

Those close to the couple, in particular, Gala's sister, having come to visit them, repeatedly spoke about Gala's maternal behavior in relation to El Salvador: she cleaned up after him, brought drinks and food, deified, took care of him in every possible way.

And in response, the artist created: he signed the paintings: “Gala Salvador Dali.” In fact, Gala created the Salvador Dali brand with her own hands, was not only his muse, but also a skilled manager and financier. She managed to convince Dali of his exclusivity, uniqueness and genius, and the artist, in response, was ready to present the whole world to Gala.

Fight against time

A couple of Dali and Gala, which many people called "schizophrenics", "crazy", "perverts". Gala gradually grew old. In senseless attempts to somehow keep her youth, Gala either lay down under the scalpel of a plastic surgeon, then took “magic” pills to preserve her youth, then went on diets. Luxury, fame, wealth - all this gave the woman the opportunity to keep younger lovers next to her. One of them was Jeff Fenholt - the main actor of the rock opera "Jesus Christ Superstar". But that wasn't enough for her. Once Gala turned to El Salvador with a request to buy her a castle in Pubol. There, a woman arranged orgies, but Dali was a very rare guest at them. Entrance to him was possible only in the case of her written invitation.

At the end of life

In 1982, as a result of a fall, Gala broke her femoral neck. She was placed in a hospital, where her mind gradually left. The artist's muse died alone, forgotten by many of her lovers, on whom she spent money so carelessly and generously.

Dali, having learned about this, went on a violation of the law (in those days it was impossible to transport the bodies of the dead on their own) - he put on Gala her favorite dress, big sunglasses, put her in a Cadillac and took her to the castle in Pubol, where his muse and was buried.

Dali after the death of his Muse

After the death of his beloved, source of inspiration, wife, friend all rolled into one. Salvador Dali closed himself in. He no longer returned to the canvas, as if his gift had left. The artist seemed to be going crazy, lost interest in life, ate little, behaved aggressively, rushed at his interlocutors, instead of normal speech - lowing that no one could make out. In this mode, he spent the remaining seven years.


In many ways, thanks to the Gala, the world learned about Salvador Dali. She was his wife, mother, friend rolled into one. As Dali himself admitted many times, he owes everything that he has entirely to “his Gala”.

Film "Salvador Dali and Gala"