Sports nutrition melatonin. The use of melatonin in sports nutrition. Instructions for use or how to take

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

General information

Melatonin is natural hormone body responsible for regulating the cycle of sleep and wakefulness. It is thanks to the pineal gland, a tiny pea-sized formation located in the center of the brain, that from time to time we want to fall asleep. Melatonin is released cyclically, helping the body regulate the sleep-wake cycle. Its amount decreases with age, and it is suspected that this is the reason why young people are less likely to suffer from sleep problems than older people.

What are the benefits of melatonin?

Research shows that low doses of melatonin help improve sleep, making it easier to survive a long plane flight or jet lag, without the side effects associated with sleeping pills. It also helps improve overall health, strengthens immune system and quickly reduces the number of free radicals in body tissues.

There are currently many scientific studies being conducted on melatonin. They are associated with its antioxidant properties and effect on immunity. However, the exact mechanism of action of melatonin in the human body is not yet known in detail, and requires a number of further studies.

Who benefits the most?

These are, first of all, travelers who are struggling with the effects of jet lag, as well as people suffering from insomnia.
The optimal dose varies individually. According to various studies, good results were achieved from taking melatonin in amounts from 0.1 to 200 mg! Controlled medical studies have concluded that even a tenth of a milligram (0.1 mg or 100 mcg) helps you fall asleep easily at any time of the day. Thus, you should start with a very low dose of melatonin taken at night before bed (for example, 0.1 mg), and increase this dose each night until the desired effect is achieved.

What are mg (milligram) and mcg (microgram), and what is the difference between these units?

Microgram and milligram are units of weight representing a certain fraction of a gram:
  • 1 mcg = 1 microgram = one millionth of a gram (1/1000000);
  • 1 mg = 1 milligram = one thousandth of a gram (1/1000);
  • 1 mg = 1000 mcg.
The 1.5 mg tablet contains five times the dose of melatonin compared to the 300 mcg tablet (0.3 mg).

Side effects

Research shows that 10% of people who take melatonin do not experience any benefit from it. Another 10% reported side effects such as nightmares, headaches, increased morning tiredness, mild depression and decreased sex drive. Other studies that used doses of melatonin 600 to 3000 times higher than normal found no evidence of toxicity.

Additional effects

In animal studies, melatonin has been shown to have a cytoprotective effect, strengthen the immune system and slow the growth of some tumors. Experiments on mice have shown that melatonin can slow down the aging process. However, the extent to which these results can be extrapolated to humans is still unclear. Some experts are concerned that so many people are experimenting with such a powerful substance because the long-term effects of taking large doses of melatonin are still unclear. Even a dose as low as one milligram, which many manufacturers present as the lowest dose possible, is still three times more than the total amount of total melatonin produced in the body in a day.


Because the effects of high doses of melatonin on unborn children and infants are still unclear, it should not be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Since this hormone stimulates the immune system, it is not recommended for people prone to allergies and suffering from autoimmune diseases. Children should also avoid large doses of melatonin because their bodies already produce large doses of this hormone on their own. High doses may have a contraceptive effect, so women who want to have children should not take melatonin preparations.

Life extension

Currently, there are no studies proving a direct link between melatonin intake and human life expectancy. However, in rats and mice, lifespan can be increased by 20%. If the use of this hormone does lead to a longer and healthier life, then this is most likely due to:
1. Reducing the amount of free radicals in the body, which stimulate the aging of the immune system;
2. Protective effect on the cardiovascular system
3. Increased secretion of growth hormone.

Melatonin deficiency as a cause of early aging - video

Does Melatonin Improve Sex Life?

This hypothesis has not yet been confirmed in humans. A rodent study dating back to 1995, however, suggests that frequent use of small amounts of melatonin may prevent the age-related decline in testosterone production in men, and thus help maintain active sex life and in old age.

Can you be poisoned by melatonin?

Melatonin is one of the least toxic substances. In carefully controlled medical studies, doses of melatonin as high as 6 grams (600 to 3,000 times the normal dose) did not result in any symptoms of toxicity. Overall, there are only four known cases of significant side effects from melatonin in the world. Minor but more common side effects are drowsiness and decreased reaction speed. The largest study to identify side effects was held in the Netherlands. It involved 1,400 women who received 75 mg of the drug per day. None experienced any serious side effects. Now in this country, melatonin is available in pharmacies without a prescription and, despite this, there have been no reports of its abnormal effects.

What time should I take it?

Melatonin should only be taken in the evening, about 30 minutes before bed. To avoid the effects of jet lag, it is taken right before the plane takes off. The drug should not be taken during the day - otherwise you can simply throw off your “internal clock”.

Does melatonin cause lethargy and sleepiness in the morning?

No, you will wake up fresh and full of energy in the morning after taking melatonin. But if you still feel tired in the morning, the evening dose of melatonin should be adjusted downward.

Methods for obtaining the hormone

Natural, animal or bovine melatonin is produced by obtaining extracts from the pineal gland of animals. Because these extracts are extracted from tissues that are foreign to the body, it can trigger an immune response in humans. In this regard, such drugs are recommended to be used very carefully.

The best drug is considered to be one made in a factory from pharmaceutically pure ingredients. Molecular structure This melatonin is identical to the structure of the hormone produced by the body itself. In addition, it is absolutely free from any contamination.

Our muscles do not grow through training. gym, and during night sleep. When we sleep, the body recovers and gains strength for a new date with the barbell. But besides this, at night the body produces the same growth hormone that triggers the recruitment process. muscle mass and fat breakdown. However, he is very picky and timid, so he gets to work only during deep and restful sleep. But for this, our body needs melatonin, the sleep hormone, which makes night rest healthy, mass-gaining and even rejuvenating. Read about the benefits of melatonin in bodybuilding and more in my article.

A short introduction

For the first time about melatonin, how safe sleeping pills, I found out while watching one of the episodes of the Top Gear program, which I really love. Its permanent presenter, Richard Hammond, complained of problems with sleep due to the fact that the program had to be filmed in countries with different time zones. And it was melatonin, the sleep hormone, that was recommended to him by F1 pilots who were faced with a similar problem, to adjust his usual time rhythm and eliminate insomnia.

But since I never had problems with sleep, I heard about melatonin and happily forgot. I only remembered it when I started using it to gain muscle mass. And everything would be fine, but all pre-workout complexes, as well as the composition, necessarily include caffeine and other central nervous system stimulants.

And when I drank a portion of the pre-workout complex before going to the gym, the training to gain weight went perfectly, but I only managed to fall asleep with great difficulty. And then I remembered melatonin. But since manufacturers call it the very, very safe sleeping pill, then I decided to find out more about him. And here's what I found out...

What is melatonin?

Melatonin is A sleep hormone produced naturally by our bodies in response to dim light. Melatonin, in general, is extremely sensitive to the level of light; reducing it stimulates its activity, and bright light, on the contrary, suppresses it. Studies conducted in a Swiss sleep quality laboratory have recorded that even the glow electronic devices at night, affects melatonin levels in a negative way.

Responsible for the production of the sleep hormone is the pineal gland or, as it is also called, the epophysis. This gland has long been considered an “extra” appendage, since its purpose remained a mystery to science. But studies conducted between 1959 and 1969, involving people who had lost the epiphysis, revealed that the absence of this “useless” gland has a very sad effect on health. People without the epiphysis lost the ability to sleep, suffered from fatigue, grew old quickly and often died from cancer.

Melatonin is a regulator of the depth and duration of night sleep

It turned out that thanks to the pineal gland, which produces the sleep hormone, our body can fall asleep. Melatonin is a regulator of the depth and duration of night sleep, it lowers body temperature and slows down many processes in the body, giving the body rest and recovery. But besides this, melatonin has many more beneficial properties, because it:

  • Helps the body quickly adapt to time zone changes
  • Regulates the functioning of the heart muscle and normalizes blood pressure
  • Improves the functioning of the hormonal system
  • Slows down the aging process (protects DNA at the cellular level)
  • Accelerates recovery after physical activity, relieves pain
  • Improves the functioning of brain cells, slows down the progression of Alzheimer's disease
  • Boosts immunity
  • Reduces insulin levels

Melatonin is one of the most important hormones produced by our body and its importance cannot be underestimated. However, you need to understand that we create healthy sleep for ourselves. Working late, mobile devices, alcohol or caffeinated drinks impair the process of falling asleep, making sleep restless and shallow.

Conclusion: Melatonin is an extremely important hormone for living a long, healthy life. But for it to be produced by the body in sufficient quantity a number of efforts need to be made.

Melatonin in products

Melatonin plays a significant role in the life of any person, and for an athlete it is doubly important. Therefore, you can buy melatonin at any sports nutrition store. But before we talk about drugs containing the sleep hormone, let me talk about melatonin in products nutrition. The hit parade of melatonin products looks like this:

  • Sour cherry. Champion of melatonin products
  • Natural whole milk night milking
  • Walnuts and almonds
  • Ginger
  • Rice, corn porridge, whole oatmeal
  • Bananas. Moreover, the greener the banana, the more melatonin it contains.
  • Turkey
  • Tomatoes

As you can see, melatonin is found in the most common foods. It makes sense that most of them should be present in the daily diet of anyone who wants to live a long and healthy life. This is especially true for older people, since the level of melatonin production begins to decline from the age of 35, and this process intensifies every year.

However, you need to understand that melatonin in products It does not contain enough to radically increase the level of the sleep hormone in the body. And some of them are not worth eating at night. Especially when you're trying to lose weight, exercise vigorously, and eat a low-carb diet.

But if products with high content Taking melatonin regularly can really improve your night's rest. As nutritionists assure, only two glasses of cherry juice a day will ensure deep and sound sleep. All you have to do is find natural cherry juice, without sugar and preservatives, or fresh fresh milk.

Fresh milk is the second highest melatonin content food product

Conclusion: Products with melatonin definitely need to be included in your diet. For ordinary person If you regularly use them, this is quite enough to improve the quality of your sleep. But people leading an active lifestyle, especially in the afternoon, need to take additional melatonin.

Melatonin in bodybuilding

It may seem to you that I called melatonin the ruler of the night hormones, for the sake of a nice word, since the main hormones in bodybuilding, responsible for gaining muscle mass, are considered to be somatropin (growth hormone) and testosterone. But the same somatropin is produced at night, its amount in the body reaches its highest level an hour after falling asleep.

And although testosterone is produced throughout the day, it is after a full night’s rest, at 6-8 o’clock in the morning, that its highest level is recorded. high level. In other words, good dream– the key to large muscle mass, therefore bodybuilding melatonin is not just an important, but a determining hormone that provides conditions for the successful synthesis of somatropin and testosterone.

Melatonin is the most important hormone in bodybuilding

Actually, doing the lungs physical exercise always has a beneficial effect on improving sleep, as it improves the functioning of the structures of the hypothalamic-pituitary system of the brain. But since most people go to the gym not to exercise, but to gain muscle mass or lose weight, training for them, in any case, is a stressful situation.

Taking caffeine-containing sports supplements coupled with increased mental concentration and late physical activity, create that unpleasant triumvirate that worsens the process of night rest when working on mass. Negatively affects the quality of sleep and... A brain deprived of a source of energy, an overexcited nervous system, plus a stomach demanding food. Here are the reasons for poor sleep against the background of the event.

Weight training is a heavy load on the nervous system.

In both the first and second cases, poor sleep quality can have a bad effect on both muscle growth and getting rid of fat deposits. You can use the most expensive ones, but if your sleep is restless and intermittent, gaining muscle mass, as well as losing weight, will only be a dream.

And since the issue of healthy sleep is important not only in bodybuilding, but also in other sports, especially Olympic ones, scientists have conducted experiments with melatonin more than once. In 2001, a group of Spanish researchers conducted experiments involving two groups of young weightlifters. They were given 10 mg of melatonin per day 30 minutes before bedtime for one month.

According to the results of the study, these athletes showed an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic system, which is responsible for the quality of sleep and the course of recovery processes in the body.

All this naturally affected the improvement of sports results. Moreover, from athletes taking melatonin there were no reports of lethargy, drowsiness and apathy during the day, as was previously the case when testing other safe sleeping pills.

But besides improving night sleep, melatonin is worth using in bodybuilding for another important reason. In 2014, scientists, again from Spain, but together with colleagues from the United States, published a scientific report that stated that melatonin promotes the appearance of special lipid cells, the so-called beige fat, which helps to utilize excess calories. And if it is desirable to use melatonin in bodybuilding when gaining muscle mass, then in the process of losing weight, it is even necessary.

Conclusion: melatonin is simply necessary in bodybuilding. It significantly improves the recovery process after heavy physical activity and improves overall well-being. And its function, which enhances the fat burning process, makes the sleep hormone an indispensable supplement for weight loss.

Melatonin for women

The use of melatonin for women is justified at any age, but at the onset of menopause, the need for it becomes critical. After 40 years, the percentage of muscle mass in the body of both men and women decreases, while fat mass, on the contrary, increases. And this is almost always accompanied by a decrease in bone density.

Scientists from Denmark came up with the idea of ​​using melatonin for women in the fight against the manifestations of aging in the body. They selected for this experiment a group of women with low muscle mass aged 41 to 55 years. And for 12 months they were given melatonin in a dosage of 1 to 3 mg per day. At the same time, no one provided them with any recommendations regarding lifestyle, sports, and the women lived their usual lives.

When the results of women taking melatonin were compared with a control group taking a placebo, it turned out that their muscle mass increased by an average of 2.5% over the year, and the amount of fat decreased by 7.2%. When scientists analyzed the results, they came to the following conclusions:

  • Body fat decreased due to increased lipid metabolism, increased glucose absorption and a simultaneous decrease in insulin levels.
  • Muscle mass increased because women who used melatonin slept better, recovered faster, and were more physically active as a result.

But besides these purely physiological aspects that influence body composition, melatonin for women has an important effect on slowing down the aging process. To me, the situation with melatonin for women is very reminiscent of a similar situation with collagen, which is responsible for the strength of bones, ligaments, tendons, as well as for the health of skin, hair and nails. Both of these substances, collagen and melatonin, are produced by our body, but with age the level of their production decreases.

But instead of increasing the amount of products containing collagen, or, as in our case, melatonin in their diet, the vast majority of women prefer expensive cosmetics and procedures. I talked more about foods high in collagen in my article

But cosmetic products are called that because they only support external beauty; real beauty, like health, begins from within. This was a small digression, but let's get back directly to the topic of conversation.

Back in 2001, American scientists of the department Cell and Structural Biology of the University of Texas (Burkhardt S, Reiter RJ, Tan DX and Acuña-Castroviejo D) published a report on the topic: “Damage of molecules by free radicals. The effect of melatonin on the protection of the central nervous system." It stated that melatonin is a strong antioxidant that stabilizes cell membranes and minimizes oxidative processes occurring in the body.

Melatonin helps our body resist cell damage and actively fights the effects of free radicals. And they, who do not yet know, negatively affect all vital processes of the body, significantly accelerating the aging process, starting with the skin.

In other words, using melatonin for women gives them a chance to keep their skin firm and healthy for a long time. And if you add collagen here, this process can be slowed down even more.

Conclusion: melatonin for women during menopause can slow down the aging process, which makes its use not only logical, but even necessary.

How to take melatonin, side effects,harm of melatonin

1. Harm of melatonin

As often happens in life, along with advantages there are always disadvantages. But in the case of melatonin, the situation is different. The harm of melatonin, which you can read about on the Internet, is due to the method of obtaining it. Natural melatonin is obtained by extracting from the epiphysis of large horned animals, which is why it is also called “bovine.” It is used for medical purposes and is not commercially available.

Since the sleep hormone obtained in this natural way contains viruses and bacteria, the consequences of taking it can really have unpleasant consequences. Melatonin, which is sold in pharmacies, is a synthetic analogue of the human hormone, produced pharmaceutically.

2. Side effects of melatonin

Clinical trials conducted over two years did not reveal any health problems in people who took it constantly and in large quantities. The research results also established:

  • approximately 10% of people who use melatonin do not get any benefit from it
  • Another 8% of people who took part in drug trials reported headaches, increased heart rate, nightmares, difficulty waking up and mild depression.
  • There were no signs of intoxication of the body, even when using a dose of melatonin 3000 times higher than the norm.

Melatonin is a drug, which is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation, patients with epilepsy, autoimmune diseases and children under 12 years of age.

3. How to take melatonin

You need to take melatonin in the evening before bed, 30-40 minutes before bed, preferably at the same time. There is no point in using this hormone to improve the quality of daytime sleep. This causes a shift in circadian sleep rhythms and greatly impairs the body's sensitivity to insulin, which in turn provokes the growth of adipose tissue. The recommended dosage for improving sleep quality is 1-6 mg. Personally, I take 6 mg or two melatonin tablets after a gym workout and recover great.

But since the amount of melatonin synthesis is a purely individual indicator, it is better to select the dose of the drug experimentally, starting from the minimum value. If you find it difficult to wake up, this will be a sign that you have gone too far with the amount of melatonin. And if, on the contrary, there is a lack of sleep and poor recovery, the dose of the sleep hormone can be increased.

As I said earlier, you can buy melatonin in all sports nutrition stores. Almost every manufacturer has a sports supplement with growth hormone in its range. But I prefer to buy melatonin at the pharmacy, because there it belongs to the group medicines, the quality, composition and clinical effectiveness of which are strictly regulated, and melatonin in sports stores is sold as a dietary supplement.

I have nothing against dietary supplements, but since I want to be sure of the quality and safety of what I take, I still go to the pharmacy to buy melatonin. There are not very many medications containing melatonin; they differ from each other only in dosage and, accordingly, price. And at the end of my story, I suggest you watch a short story in which high fives are given simple tips to increase melatonin levels naturally:

Conclusion: melatonin is the most safe sleeping pill, which has a lot of advantages and a minimum of side effects. A potential harm melatonin is due only to the form of its production from animal sources.

Don't take my story as an advertisement. I’m just sharing my experience of taking this drug and telling why I do it. I hope my story about melatonin, the master of night hormones, will be useful to you and help improve the quality of your night's rest. May the force be with you. And the mass!

Our body is controlled by hormones - they are responsible for vital processes and our mood. Each hormone is responsible for specific tasks. As a result, the normal and correct operation of all systems and organs is ensured - without interruption. The sleep hormone Melatonin is an important component in a whole chain of complex and necessary physiological processes.

Main effects of taking the sleep hormone

In fact, Melatonin is not only actively involved in processes related to sleep, but also performs many other functions during the life of the body.

1. While taking the drug, there is an impressive effect on metabolism. The same goes for work. endocrine system generally.

2. The pressure stabilizes.

3. Immunity is restored and even improved, which means you will suffer less from various ailments, especially colds.

4. This antioxidant is an active fighter against free radicals, which are quite dangerous.

5. Excellent protection against cancer.

6. Actively regulates full-fledged brain activity.

7. Taking the product ensures uninterrupted functioning of the body when changing climate and time zone.

8. Although this fact has not been fully proven, many people note that while taking Melatonin, the aging of the body slows down and it rejuvenates.

9. In case of insomnia, the sleep hormone Melatonin restores the rhythm of sleep. Falling asleep becomes much easier. In addition, the internal biological clock is restored and sleepiness during the day is eliminated.

10. Headaches disappear.

11. Blood cholesterol levels decrease.

12. Sexual activity is prolonged, the manifestations of menopausal syndrome are stopped.

13. The drug significantly increases potency.

What functions can Melatonin perform?

1. Antioxidant.

2. Hormonal.

The main effect of the drug is the ability to regulate sleep. The older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to fall asleep normally. The whole point is a decrease in the activity of the pineal gland, as a result of which sleep becomes restless, superficial, and insomnia occurs, quite often. If you take the drug, you can eliminate this condition and restore biorhythms in the body. At the same time, instead of frequent lack of sleep, full sleep will appear - healthy, deep. This means that it becomes possible to normalize the correct functionality of all systems and organs. In addition, the muscle tissue is now relaxed, and the nervous system is in perfect order - calmed to a normal level. Brain activity is also in perfect order - retrieving any information will not pose any special problems and will not cause discomfort. As a result, you will always feel cheerful and confident, energy and health are guaranteed.

The sleep hormone Melatonin also affects the regulation menstrual cycle, which is very important for every representative of the fairer sex. If you decide to take the product as a special supplement, then it is completely safe. The main thing is that the dosages are not excessive. Otherwise, increased drowsiness and a slower reaction of the body are possible. If the drug is taken in the correct dosage, which can only be selected by a doctor based on diagnosis, then there will be no adverse reactions - rest assured. But with uncontrolled use, the risk always exists, which means you should not choose the course and its duration on your own.

Melatonin as a sports nutrition

Do you have problems falling asleep? Then this tool will solve such problems very quickly. As a result, excellent well-being is ensured. And now you will be extremely concentrated. Thanks to long and restful sleep, the athlete will quickly recover and be able to train efficiently. During sleep, the body burns fat deposits. If you sleep little, you eat a lot. According to research, people who sleep less than seven to nine hours a night eat more food.

Sleep hormone Melatonin – how to cope with low levels?

1. Get rid of it bad habit like smoking. The same goes for drinking alcohol and drinking too much coffee.

2. You should go to bed at the same time - no later than half past ten in the evening, and you should not forget to ventilate the bedroom well before this.

3. Sports are an important component. Training should be regular and range from one hour per day.

4. Take a bath before bed. Be sure to add it there sea ​​salt. Don't forget to do some light stretching exercises.

5. Remove the TV from the bedroom. The same goes for the computer.

6. Eat foods containing Melatonin.

Melatonin - possible side effects

Firstly, let us immediately clarify that this can only happen with excessive doses, so you should definitely consult with a specialist regarding the dosage and duration of the drug administration cycle. Secondly, before taking the product, be sure to carefully read the instructions to avoid overdose.

In the first days of use, apathy and headaches are possible. Disorders in the gastrointestinal tract cannot be excluded, skin rashes. Remember that the benefits of taking the drug impressively outweigh the harm from it, and such problems arise quite rarely. The main thing is to keep everything under control and consult a specialist.

Sleep hormone Melatonin – an active assistant in the fight against stress

The human body has the ability to self-regulate under negative, stressful conditions. An important element The pineal gland is used to protect the body from stress. Melatonin plays an important role here as a factor that relates to nonspecific protection. During times of stress, negative emotions come out. Thanks to Melatonin they are weakened.

It was first discovered in 1958 by Professor Lerner. Immediately after this, active research into the properties of the hormone began, but only in 1993 melatonin preparations became available for use. Thus, all drugs containing melatonin have a short pharmacological history and should be taken with caution.

Despite this, melatonin and all sports supplements, where it is included, are dispensed without a doctor's prescription and are classified biologically active additives in all countries of the world.

Hormone functions

Melatonin takes an active part in the regulation of total body weight. Studies have shown that it may reduce overall body fat percentage. human body which helps prevent obesity. In addition, the athlete’s body accelerates the synthesis of beige fat, the main task of which is to burn calories. This fat is considered healthy, so athletes should maintain its volume in the body.

The sleep hormone, as its name suggests, helps weightlifters restore your sleep pattern with regular exercise in the gym. Some people experience sleep disturbances and insomnia due to intense training, but if they take melatonin, their problem will disappear.

The sleep hormone melatonin also effectively fights headaches arising from overexertion, strengthens the immune system and has an antioxidant effect.

Indications for use

Also, medications with melatonin can be prescribed to people who are obese or have a small amount of excess subcutaneous fat. This hormone will speed up the synthesis of beige fat cells, which help burn regular white fat.

Instructions for use or how to take

The dosage of medications containing melatonin may vary depending on the purpose of use. The initial dosage of this hormone is only 2 mg per day. In the first few days, the athlete checks the tolerability of the drug, and then can increase the dose to 10 mg. The dosage is increased gradually, without stress to the body. To notice the effect of taking the supplement, you need to take it for two months. After this there is a break.


Melatonin is contraindicated in people who have hypersensitivity or intolerance to this hormone. It is also contraindicated in the presence of autoimmune diseases, lymphoma, leukemia, lymphogranulomatosis, myeloma, epilepsy, chronic renal failure, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Melatonin can be prescribed to children, but its use must be strictly controlled by specialists.


With the correct intake of supplements containing melatonin, the athlete's sleep patterns are completely improved, because insomnia and anxiety cease to be tormented. For people who are overweight or obese, the amount of subcutaneous fat on the body begins to decrease. In this case, weight loss occurs solely due to the burning of calories, and not muscle mass. This is especially important for athletes.

If the supplement is taken incorrectly or possible contraindications are not taken into account, the athlete may experience typical allergic reactions, headache, nausea and diarrhea. In the morning you will feel very sleepy and swelling may appear. However, everything side effects will disappear immediately if the melatonin supplement is discontinued.

What foods or medications contain

Melatonin can be synthesized by both animals and plants, so this hormone can be found in small amounts in food. Largest quantity this substance is contained in rice. It is perfectly absorbed in the human body, so melatonin immediately enters the blood.

Now many sports supplement companies have begun selling new products containing melatonin. Such companies include Optimum Nutrition, NOW, 4Ever Fit, Cheap Supplements and others. They all have the same name – Melatonin.


Melatonin is a hormone that primarily regulates sleep and alertness. However, it has recently been proven that it can help reduce the amount of fat deposits in the human body. For this reason, it began to be prescribed to obese people, as well as to novice athletes who want to lose weight. Melatonin has virtually no side effects, so weight is lost without harm to the human body.

Melatonin is a hormone produced primarily in the pineal gland, responsible for the onset of normal physiological sleep. Thanks to melatonin, a number of antioxidant and regenerative processes occur in the body, which accelerate the onset of complete physical fitness to a new training process. First of all, this occurs due to improved sleep quality, and for athletes, sleep is the best restorer. Bodybuilding is an energy-consuming activity aimed at debilitating muscle fatigue in order to further restore them for subsequent training. Constant muscle stress and proper recovery of the body after training are the key to success in achieving the fastest possible muscle growth. You should find out what role melatonin plays in bodybuilding, how it helps the athlete, and what sports nutrition products can sell melatonin as a dietary supplement.

In official medicine, melatonin is prescribed to correct the internal clock in order to restore normal physiological sleep at appropriate times. It is also recommended to take the supplement either after 65 years of age, when natural hormonal secretion is reduced, or for people working on board aircraft, when they have to constantly change time zones. In bodybuilding, similar supplements are taken to improve physical performance.

The effects of melatonin, which are proven by official medicine:

  • Strengthening bone mass
  • Preventing Osteoporosis
  • Eliminating daytime sleepiness
  • Making it easier to fall asleep and eliminating night awakenings
  • Restoring the natural circadian cycle
  • Fight depression, improve mood and overall well-being
  • Combating stress conditions
  • Normalization of blood pressure
  • Regulation of the endocrine system
  • Increased life expectancy
  • Slows down aging by protecting cell DNA and inactivating free radicals (one of the most powerful antioxidants)
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Anti-aging properties
  • Strengthening antitumor immunity
  • Protection against cancer
  • Normalization of hormonal levels
  • Reducing levels of bad cholesterol.

Based on the listed pharmacological properties, it becomes clear that this product is very useful and will help restore the body in as soon as possible, which means it will indirectly affect sports performance. Moreover, melatonin is still not included in the list of prohibited substances of the anti-doping agency WADA.

Hormone in sports

Firstly, healthy and deep sleep is the basis of recovery, especially if the bodybuilder frequently engages in strength training and lifts extreme weights. The fact is that strength work significantly depletes the activity of the central nervous system, due to which the athlete may begin to experience difficulty falling asleep. If an athlete does not sleep normally at night, it means that he is not recovering well, which will further affect his performance. strength training. Another interesting point is that there is a version from scientists that melatonin can help fight excess fat deposits.

This is due to its ability to stimulate the appearance of beige fat. In turn, beige fat helps fight subcutaneous fat deposits and is not harmful to health. Third important point– the sleep hormone is a powerful antioxidant, which helps neutralize free radicals and oxidative processes that occur in large quantities after a grueling workout multi-repetition training. Combating muscle acidification also improves recovery by preventing muscle pain.

Arguments against taking it in bodybuilding

There are opinions that you should not get too carried away with taking melatonin supplements, since this hormone inhibits the production of another powerful anabolic substance - somatotropin. Growth hormone restores the body after severe physical activity, improves sleep, stimulates lipolysis, prevents and treats injuries. A decrease in the concentration of growth hormone can negatively affect recovery processes. On the other hand, in adulthood somatotropin is released in minute quantities, especially in men, so taking melatonin is unlikely to significantly reduce its levels. Melatonin also slightly increases prolactin levels, but if you do not exceed the duration of use for more than 1 month, and do not drink more than 5-10 mg before bed, prolactin is unlikely to increase significantly.

Trade names

It is best to buy medicine at a pharmacy rather than sports dietary supplements, not because they are bad, but because many low-quality counterfeits of famous brands are sold in Russia. As a last resort, you can order supplements through i-Herb. In order not to run into a fake, it is better to buy a good quality sleep supplement in a pharmacy chain - Melaxen. Melaxen contains quality product, sold in a dosage of 3 mg, causes side effects extremely rarely.