Soy flour: beneficial properties and harm. Soy flour - useful properties Soy flour calorie content

Humanity has started talking about the dangers of premium wheat flour relatively recently. After identifying a whole series of contraindications and side effects, store shelves have been enriched with new varieties of flour for every taste. Among them are corn, buckwheat, nut, rice, oat and soy. Let's dwell on the last option in more detail. The formation and cultivation of soybeans dates back to 6-7 thousand years BC. The plant has firmly established itself in the gastronomic segment and is clearly not going to give up its positions. We learned how to make meat, butter, pasta, cheese, milk and flour from soybeans.

What is soy actually like, how safe is it and is there a place for soy products in the diet of a modern person?

general characteristics

Soy - annual herbaceous plant from the genus soybeans, the legume family. The culture grows on all continents, islands of the Pacific / Indian oceans at latitudes 56-60 °.

The plant produces fruits that are commonly called beans (from English - soybean) all over the world. The product was used as early as the 3rd millennium BC as the most important food component.

Botanical description

The plant develops in several variable forms. The stem can be either thin or thick, and its base is bare or drooping. The stem height depends on many factors (variety, external environment, additional feeding) and can grow from 15 centimeters to 2 meters or more.

The formed flowers are distinguished by their miniature size and a bright palette of shades - from purple to muted pink.

Later, beans are formed from the flowers. They are protected by two special flaps that open as the fetus develops. The valve opens at two sutures: ventral and dorsal. One leaf contains 2-3 seeds. The beans develop large - from 4 to 6 centimeters. They are dense and resistant to cracking.

The beans are shaped like an oval with variable bulges. Harvest weight may vary. 100 grams of fruit can weigh 60 to 400 grams. Each seed is covered with a special shell. It protects the fruit from moisture, wind and other harmful effects of the external environment. The seeds are yellow, green, brown and black beans are less common.

Is it profitable for humanity to grow soybeans

The answer is clear - profitable. The crop is distinguished by high yields, so one harvest of beans brings enormous monetary profit. Soybeans have a high nutritional value. They contain about 50% protein, a set of vital essential vitamins group B, iron, potassium, calcium and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Foods with such a rich composition easily solve the problem of hunger and raise general level life of the population. Moreover, the unique structure of soybeans allows a lot of gastronomic experiments to be carried out on it. Anything can be prepared from the component, from milk to meat. Nutritionists claim that soy products minimize the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease and vascular disease.

It was soy that contributed to the development of a culture of veganism and vegetarianism. People who, for various reasons, have given up on animal products have found the perfect herbal counterpart. Soy food is easily absorbed by the body, efficiently processed into energy, contributes to long-term satiety and a feeling of lightness. Soy is also used in the production of feed for farm animals.

The chemical composition of the ingredient

Why is soy flour useful?


Soy is one of the few plant components with a high protein concentration. Soy Plant Protein contains a full complement of essential amino acids for human body... What's more, soy is free of cholesterol, extra "empty" calories or gluten.


It is soy, not dairy products, that helps to strengthen the skeletal system. There are 134 milligrams of calcium in 100 grams of beans. The herbal product has a general strengthening effect due to the presence of phosphorus, potassium, sodium, magnesium, vitamins E, D and group B.


The macronutrient is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system, normal growth and development of the muscular system. Zinc takes part in protein synthesis and metabolic cellular processes. The element is also responsible for the formation and maintenance of the bone skeleton, which is especially important in infancy and old age. Without zinc, rapid tissue regeneration will become impossible, and a failure in sugar-insulin metabolism will provoke many health problems. What else is useful element:

  • strengthening hair follicles, protecting the scalp from baldness and excessive dryness;
  • softening the skin, minimizing acne and inflammation;
  • skin whitening.

The daily intake of zinc depends on individual characteristics and ranges from 8 to 15 milligrams.


The highest concentration of phospholipids is concentrated in soybeans compared to other legumes - from 1.6 to 2.2%. The component is responsible for:

  • liver detox;
  • restoration and compaction of cell membranes;
  • removal of toxins and toxins from the body;
  • reducing the need for insulin in people with diabetes;
  • prevention of degenerative changes in nerve cells;
  • strengthening of capillaries;
  • building and maintaining a muscle corset.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids

Soy contains irreplaceable fatty acid that the human body is unable to produce on its own. Biologically fatty active substances enter exclusively through food. What are fats for? They are responsible for the regulation of the female hormonal system, synthesize prostaglandins (hormone-like substances), cleanse the walls of blood vessels, lower cholesterol levels and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Product varieties

The food industry offers only 3 varieties of soy flour: fat-free, non-fat, semi-fat.

The fat-free product is made from food meal.

Meal is a by-product of butter production. The fat is extracted from the seeds / beans using organic solvents. The resulting product is a valuable nutritious food product. Meal is especially prized for its high protein concentration. The component is used both as an additive to the human diet and as a high-protein animal feed.

Peeled, hulled, and deodorized beans are used to create full-fat flour. The semi-fat-free product consists of soybean meal, which has passed the preliminary fat separation and press.

According to the criteria of the variety, soy flour is no different from any other. The first and the highest grade indicate additional processing of the soybean. In such flour there is absolutely no fiber, vitamins and useful nutrients. Processing independently adjusts the composition and instead of valuable food product and we get empty calories. Always choose wholemeal flour to ensure that your meal is both tasty and nutritious.

Using an ingredient in cooking

Soy flour loved by culinary experts of all levels for its unobtrusive nutty aroma and mild neutral taste. It is important that the product is devoid of the bean flavor, which can unpleasantly clog the receptors and pull the main focus of the dish onto itself.

V Food Industry the component is used as a vitamin and industrially necessary supplement:

  • increases the nutritional value of the final product;
  • saturates the vitamin and nutrient composition;
  • makes the appearance of the product more attractive (due to the natural color of legumes: the dough on soy flour acquires a pleasant creamy hue, which can shift towards yellow or light brown);
  • reduces the cost of the finished product;
  • simplifies the process of rolling the dough (makes it softer and more pliable);
  • increases the volume of baked goods without additional food components;
  • replaces animal products (eggs, milk);
  • protects baked goods from excess moisture and fat;
  • is responsible for the delicate structure, golden brown crust and the term of sale of the goods.

Soy flour is popular not only in "sweet" industrial segment... The ingredient is added to meat and fish dishes, vegetables, canned food, pasta, caramel and candy. The product is administered in small portions. The percentage of the soy component is 1 to 5%.

The ingredient is especially popular in China, the USA and Japan. The Japanese people are used to calling soy flour "kinako". Its taste is almost identical to peanut butter, and the consistency is softer and more delicate. On the basis of flour, sweets, some alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks are prepared.

Flour-based soy milk recipe

The cost of soy milk is several times higher than that of cow's milk. Moreover, manufacturers often add preservatives, sugar and flavorings to the product, which pleases our receptors, but depress health. The safest and easiest way to get soy milk is home cooking... You can dilute the taste with carob, cinnamon and your favorite spices to your liking.

We need:

Pour the filtered liquid into a saucepan, place on the stove and bring to a boil. Put a glass of soy flour into boiling water. Add flour slowly, stirring constantly with a whisk. As soon as the glass is empty and the flour is completely dissolved in the water, leave the mixture to simmer for another 20-25 minutes. If the milk starts to thicken, just add a little water and stir the contents of the pan thoroughly. Strain the resulting mixture through a colander, pour the milk into a glass bottle / jar and send to the refrigerator. You can store soy milk for about 3-5 days.

Use of the component in cosmetology

Cosmetologists have gotten used to using soy protein in the cosmetic industry. Soy protein undergoes primary processing, it is cleared of fat, and a certain percentage of the protein is partially destroyed. The remaining ingredients can have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair and scalp. Soy-based products protect the dermis from excessive dryness, cracks and inflammation. Hair begins to grow faster and healthier, and the time between shampooing gradually lengthens. Complete restoration of damaged hair is not subject to soy, however, as well as other plant components. But the product will ensure the growth of new, maximally healthy and strong hair.

The soy ingredient is also used in skin care cosmetics for aging skin. The component smoothes the first wrinkles, fills every cell with moisture and helps to improve the complexion. Soy cosmetics are great for treating puffiness, swelling of the eyelids and dry skin around the eyes. The moisturizing and nourishing properties of the food product have come in handy even in creams for rough skin of the hands / feet.

When choosing soy cosmetics, it is important to pay attention to the composition. Make sure that there are no harmful chemical components in it, and soy extract is in the first positions. If soy is at the extreme positions in the composition, then the product is another marketing gimmick. Pay special attention to brands of organic and natural cosmetics that have already earned their reputation and consumer love.

Hazardous properties of the product

Soy and its derivatives contain isoflavones. Substances can adversely affect the hormonal system, and in pregnant women increase the risk of premature birth and fetal malformation. Scientists argue that excessive consumption of soy is dangerous for the health of women of reproductive age. The most harmless side effect is crashing menstrual cycle.

An increased concentration of soybeans in the diet can lead to premature aging, impairment of the protective function of the immune system, and malfunction of the nervous and reproductive systems. Nutritionists advise sticking to the measure, adjusting the menu to suit individual needs, and looking for alternative ways to get healthy nutrients.

It is permissible to introduce soy into the children's diet only upon reaching the age of 3. Early exposure to the product can lead to allergies and thyroid problems.

Scientifically approach good nutrition and be healthy!

Soy flour is a product obtained from processed soybean seeds (soybeans), oilcake and meal. Soy flour dishes are especially popular in the regions of East Asia.

The production of soy flour is carried out as follows: soybean grains are dried and coarsely crushed, removing the shells and seed germs that contribute to the rapid rancidity of the flour. After the completion of the preparatory operations, the soybeans are grinded more finely in roller or burr mills.

Soy flour, which is the least refined product of all soy products consumed by humans, serves as a source of fiber that cleanses the human intestine of toxins. It contains up to 54% protein, thanks to which it can replace proteins of fish, meat, poultry and milk, leading to a decrease in the price of the final product.

Depending on the variety and method of production, soy flour can have different shades: from pure white, cream, light yellow to bright orange.

The shells (husks) remaining after the technological process are used as a source of nutritional dietary fiber in bakery industries, as well as as animal feed.

Soy flour composition

Useful properties of the product determine chemical composition soy flour. It includes such trace elements as calcium (212 mg), sodium (5 mg), magnesium (145 mg), phosphorus (198 mg), potassium (1600 mg), as well as vitamin PP (2.3 mg), vitamin A ( 3 μg), beta-carotene (0.02 mg), B vitamins (thiamine and riboflavin), vitamin E (1 mg). Soy flour also contains iron (9.2 mg).

The calorie content of the product is 291 kcal / 100 grams. The nutritional value soy flour:

  • Proteins - 48.9 g;
  • Fat - 1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 21.7 g

After adding soy flour to the food product, the final product boasts a higher content of minerals, proteins, lecithin and vitamins, positively affecting the concentration of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

Vitamin B4, which is part of soy flour, prevents the formation of stones in gallbladder, restores normal fat metabolism, thus contributing to natural weight loss.

Application of soy flour

Soy flour is widely used in the food industry: it reduces the need for additional raw materials (and, consequently, the cost of production), the loss of mass of the product during heat treatment, while maintaining its quality at an appropriate level.

Soy flour is used in the production of sausages, breakfast cereals, biscuits, semi-finished products, bread, pasta, cereals, and also as a substitute for skimmed milk powder and some substances in whole milk.

Soy flour harm

Despite the numerous properties useful for the human body, the use of soy flour in food has its own contraindications. Isoflavones, which are part of soy flour, are substitutes for female sex hormones that have a positive effect on female reproductive system, adversely affect the development of the fetal brain during pregnancy, increasing the risk of miscarriage. In addition, research by scientists has identified a relationship between excessive consumption of soy products and menstrual irregularities in women of reproductive age.

Abuse of foods that contain soy flour can cause cerebrovascular accident, provoke the appearance of Alzheimer's disease, and accelerate the aging process of the body. The harm of soy flour also spreads to the endocrine system, causing disorders of the immune system, the nervous and reproductive systems of a person.

Excessive consumption of soy flour products is not recommended for children under 3 years old - the product can provoke thyroid diseases and allergic reactions.

In various professional circles, relatively recently, they began to talk about the dangers of wheat flour. Indeed, this product has many contraindications, which forces people to look for alternative options. It should be noted that there are many such substitutes. On the shelves of modern stores you can find rice, buckwheat and corn flour. But soy flour is especially popular among the goods of this category among consumers. It is obtained from the legume of the same name, which grows well in a variety of soils.

The beneficial properties of soy are highly valued in cooking, it is necessary as a base in the production of cosmetics, is widely used in folk medicine... Let's try to understand the unique characteristics of this one of the most common agricultural crops on the planet.

Plant characteristic

For the first time they began to grow soybeans in Asia about 6-7 millennia ago. Its resistance to adverse environmental influences and its ability to self-pollinate contributed to its rapid spread to other continents. Soybeans belong to annual grain legumes. The plant is relatively short, under favorable conditions it can reach up to 70 cm in height. During the flowering period, white inflorescences appear on the hairy dense stem, and when the time for fruit ripening comes, small flowers are replaced by pods with yellow beans.

There are soybean varieties that produce green and brown seeds. Soybeans tolerate drought well, but lack of light negatively affects yields. With a lack of light, the yield decreases sharply, because the fruits decrease in size.

Soy benefits

In many countries, soy is the main crop. And this is no coincidence. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, it is possible to get fairly high yields. And given the leading position of this representative of legumes in the gastronomic segment, producers receive a colossal income from the sale of beans. After all, from soy flour they have long learned to make such paramount food products as meat, various nutritious pastes, cheeses, and butter. If we talk about the nutritional properties of soy, then in this regard, it has practically no competitors. One has only to get acquainted with the composition of the beans to make sure that this conclusion is correct.

The fruits of soybeans contain such valuable macro and microelements:

  • a complex of vitamins, among them such important for health as: vitamins B, PP, E;
  • proteins make up 50%;
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • mineral salts;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • starch;
  • beta carotene.

Of course, a product with such a valuable set of nutrients is able to satisfy hunger and have a beneficial effect on health. But this is not the main advantage of soybeans in comparison with other crops of the same family. It has a special structure that allows you to carry out various gastronomic experiments with its derivatives. Doctors value soy, first of all, for its ability to have a positive effect on the structure of blood vessels and the work of the heart.

Proponents of vegetarianism, for example, have taken soybeans as the basis of their diet, once giving up animal foods. In any form, soy is perfectly absorbed by the body, significantly contributes to the digestive processes.

Useful qualities

To judge the usefulness of soybean culture, you need to study a little the properties of each component of the composition separately.

  1. Protein is abundant in soy. It is known that the protein of plant origin has a set of essential amino acids.
  2. Calcium, which is found in soy, more than the element found in milk, helps to strengthen bone tissue.
  3. Zinc is essential for strengthening immune strength and muscle growth. Without this macronutrient, not a single important process in organism. Zinc takes an active part in the synthesis of proteins, regulates metabolic processes, and promotes tissue regeneration.
  4. Phospholipids are found in a large number in soy. In other legumes, there are much fewer of them. These elements are responsible for cleansing the body of toxins, they contribute to the restoration of cell membranes, which is especially important for vascular tissues. Phospholipids can also reduce the body's need for insulin. This ability can help people suffering from diabetes.
  5. Fatty acid. Soy contains unsaturated acids that the body cannot synthesize on its own. These chemical components regulate hormonal functions and lower cholesterol concentration.

Product varieties

The food industry produces three types of soy products:

  • flour, fat-free or meal;
  • fat-free product;
  • flour, skimmed by half.

Each category of flour products has its own characteristics. For example, meal, which is in great demand, is a by-product of soybean oil production. There is a lot of protein in the meal, for which it is appreciated by supporters of a healthy diet.

Experts advise including coarse soy flour in the diet, because it is it that has the excellent taste and is most beneficial.

Soy products in cosmetology

Soy protein, purified from fatty impurities, is widely used in the production of cosmetic products. Soy products strengthen the hair structure, have a beneficial effect on skin... The soy ingredient is added to daily care formulations. And such products do an excellent job with the task set before them: they smooth out wrinkles, moisturize the skin, nourish it and improve its color.

When soy can be dangerous

Research by scientists has shown that with prolonged use of legumes in the body, serious violations of important functions can occur. But hormonal disruption is especially dangerous. Therefore, pregnant women should generally refuse dishes containing soy. This product should be used with caution by women. of childbearing age soy should not be given to children under 3 years of age. Diabetics should also not get too carried away. soy products since their ability to lower blood sugar levels can be counterproductive.

Several useful recipes

It is natural that beneficial features soybeans did not go unnoticed by traditional healers. It is believed that the plant is even capable of preventing the development of oncological pathologies. After all, phytic acids inhibit the growth of foreign structures. Therefore, as a preventive measure, soybeans are quite suitable.

  1. For strong immunity. You need to germinate the beans first. It will take 5 days. This is done this way: first, the grains are soaked in ordinary water, and after a day they are laid out on a damp cloth. The mini-plantation should be kept in the sun, wetting the beans regularly. When the sprouts hatched from the beans reach 5 cm, they can be added to a salad or eaten fresh in small portions.
  2. Soy broth helps to cope with fatigue, and also relieves anemia. Healing nectar is prepared in the following way: soy fruits (50 g) are boiled for 15 minutes in ½ liter of water. After the solution has cooled, it is filtered. The resulting amount of broth should be drunk during the day.
  3. Soy milk is used to normalize the condition with menopause. The product is recommended to drink three times, 2 tablespoons of tablespoons for a whole month.

There is still a mass useful compounds using soy products. There are many interesting cosmetic formulations that can provide beauty and health. But it must be remembered that any tool will be beneficial only if it is used wisely.

Video: the benefits and harms of soy products

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Soy flour

The main soy product is soy flour... By outward appearance it resembles wheat, has a delicate creamy color and a slight nutty smell.

Soy flour contains as yet little-studied substances - isolectanes. Several large laboratories around the world are studying them, but now one thing is clear: these are substances similar in their action to the insulin-like growth factor. Isolectanes have an anabolic effect, increasing the permeability of cells to amino acids and glucose. Very interesting data were obtained in the United States. A large group of patients with stomach and intestinal ulcers received every day, in addition to the usual diet, 100-300 g of soy flour. Within a month, all patients showed complete scarring of ulcers; there was not a single negative result. This is exactly the case when food is also a medicine. Isolectanes lose their properties after heat culinary processing therefore, those who consume soy products for medicinal or anabolic purposes should remember that soy flour and soy protein should not be exposed to heat. You can, of course, make pancakes, noodles or just some baked goods from soy protein - you will get a good dietary product high in beige, and nothing more. The nutritional value of soy will remain, but its medicinal and anabolic properties will be lost. Therefore, if you are consuming soy protein for the purpose of enhancing anabolism (in addition to simply meeting the body's need for protein), it is better to eat it in its natural form. You can experiment with flavors, but do not heat the product.

The anabolic properties of soy flour are widely used in sports practice. Various sports nutrition products are made from soybeans, which most often contain soy flour concentrate or isolate.

Low-fat soy flour contains 50% protein, concentrate - 70-75%, isolate - 90-99%. Isolate is most often used in the manufacture of specialized sports foods (proteins). By itself, soy flour has a rather specific taste that not everyone likes. In sports products containing soy isolate (as the main component or in a mixture with other types of protein), the soy flavor is neutralized and the product itself has special flavoring fillers (fruit, meat, etc.).

Japanese researchers believe that even an excess of soy isolate in the diet cannot lead to obesity, which cannot be said about animal proteins. This question is still little studied, but I want to believe that Japanese scientists were not mistaken and you can "overeat" with soy protein without the risk of getting fat.

Soy flour is widely used in the manufacture of common food products. Soy protein has good culinary qualities: well structured; has a high swelling capacity, moisture-absorbing and fat-binding capacity; retains its shape during heat treatment; has a structure and consistency typical of meat products. For this reason, for many years all over the world, soy flour has been added to sausages, as well as to finished fish products (in an amount of at least 10%). This allows you to improve the amino acid composition of the finished product and save 10% of the laying of the main raw materials. Recently, many varieties of imported sausages have appeared on the shelves of our stores, which, if they contain meat, then in very small quantities. They are based on soy protein, which in the course of special processing gives the structure, color and taste of meat. Meaty taste and pink color By the way, sodium glutamate provides such products. Soy protein and glutamic acid are not a bad combination. The only pity is that most of these products are overcooked and sold at a high price, which does not reflect their real (very low) manufacturing costs.

The balance of essential amino acids in soy is close to ideal (up to 90%), including the methionine content in soybeans is 0.52 g per 100 g of product. Milk, on the other hand, has a relative excess of methionine. In this regard, a mixture of soy and milk proteins is a product close to ideal in terms of the balance of amino acids. Usually sports products made from a mixture of milk and soy proteins contain them in equal proportions.

Soy flour is a valuable food product made from meal or seeds. Compared to other types of milling products, it has a high content of minerals and protein. The production of soy flour has some differences from the production of products from cereals: corn, rice, rye. These seeds are high in fat and require prior preparation for processing.

It is believed that soy flour is a product obtained from a member of the legume family, but this is not the case. In addition to the crushed soybeans themselves, meal and cake are added to the flour. The countries of the East Asian region are distinguished by the highest consumption of soybeans and dishes from it.

What is the benefit?

Previously, this product was considered optimal for the nutrition of people with diabetes and adhere to proper nutrition, since it does not have any side effects and can be included in the diet of the elderly and young children with special needs on the menu.

The peculiarities of the composition have an impact on the difference in use. Soy seeds contain 40 percent protein, which are similar in amino acid composition to meat products, while being comparable to milk casein in the degree of assimilation. In the production of soybeans are isolated food vegetable oil, and for the manufacture of the isolator and protein concentrate is the cake residue. In many countries, fermented milk products are also widespread.

Soy flour: composition

Among the advantages, it is worth highlighting, first of all, a rich chemical composition. In addition to the main trace elements, iron, sodium, phosphorus, potassium and others are present in soybeans. Also, many are attracted by a set of vitamins: thiamine, beta-carotene, vitamins E, PP, A.

In the production of soy flour, special attention is paid to preserving the maximum amount of fiber, minerals and vitamins. Basically, the beans are peeled only of the shell, as it can affect storage, causing a rancid taste. Fiber is important element, which helps to cleanse the human body, ridding the intestines of toxins and harmful substances.

In the diet of vegetarians and people who control their own, soybeans become an indispensable aid, thanks to high content squirrel. These beans are involved in restoring normal fat metabolism, which leads to a decrease in body weight.

This nutritious product contains vitamin B4, which reduces the likelihood of gallstone diseases.

What you should pay attention to

According to scientists, soy flour contains isoflavones that increase the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women and can negatively affect the development of the child's brain.

Women of reproductive age should be careful about eating such flour, as excessive consumption can lead to menstrual irregularities.

For any person, too active a passion for soy products is fraught with disruptions in the work of reproductive and nervous system, impaired immunity, accelerating the aging process.

Nutritionists advise to adhere to the measure in everything. Soy flour is no exception, recipes from which are very diverse, but still should not form the basis of nutrition.


In the production of flour from soybeans today, there are three main varieties: fat-free, semi-fat-free and non-fat. The latter is made from whole soybean seeds. The middle version is obtained from the residues generated after pressing the oil. From soy sprat, fat-free flour is obtained, its basis is made up of substances remaining after the extracted oil production. In terms of fiber content, it is worth distinguishing two grades - the first and the highest.

Unfatted soy flour obtained without additional heat treatment is also called non-deodorized. Due to this, it acquires a soy flavor and a specific smell.

Deodorized flour is made from seeds that have passed preprocessing hot steam. It does not have a soy smell, since aromatic substances are destroyed by the influence of high temperatures, in addition, there are no extraneous aromas and tastes of beans. Semi-fat and fat-free flour is produced only in deodorized form.