Mixed minced meat proportions. Delicious minced meat for pork dumplings. Cooking minced meat

Meatballs, dumplings, cabbage rolls will turn out delicious if chopped meat Prepare for them at home, rather than using store-bought ones.

Both chilled and frozen meat is suitable for minced meat. But the most tender and juicy minced meat is made from steamed beef and pork.

To determine the freshness of meat, just press on it with your finger. If the hole formed quickly levels out, the meat is good. Cut it with a knife: the cut surface should be dry. Stick a heated knife into a piece of meat: bad smell will be a sign of a stale product.

Minced meat must contain at least 10% fat. To prevent homemade cutlets from turning out dry, take, for example, beef and pork. Pork and chicken go well together. You can make minced meat from three types of meat.

Wash the meat in a large piece under running cold or lukewarm water. Free from bones and tendons. Cut into small pieces. Previously, meat was minced in a wooden trough. The meat fibers were not crushed, the minced meat was very juicy. You can chop the meat with a hatchet or finely chop it with a sharp knife. A blender with a special attachment or a food processor is suitable for this purpose. Don't grind the meat too finely. Use a large meat grinder for minced meat.

Don't forget to add onions to the minced meat. For 1 kg of minced meat you will need 300 g of onion. It is placed raw or pre-fried in butter. It is better to grate the raw onion on a fine grater or pass it through a meat grinder along with the meat. Sliced, it will crisp up in finished products. Fried onions should not be added to the minced meat while hot.

If the minced meat is prepared for cutlets or meatballs, it is necessary to put a stale bun or white bread soaked in milk into it. Some people mistakenly believe that this is what thrifty housewives do. In fact, minced meat cutlets with bread turn out to be extremely fluffy and tender. There is no need to put a lot of bread in the minced meat. It will absorb the oil in which the cutlets are fried, and they will turn out too fatty.

You can break an egg into the minced meat. To keep the cutlets soft, it is better not to use egg white.

Add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream or heavy cream to the minced chicken for juiciness. Add butter cut into small pieces. Diet dishes made from minced chicken will be incredibly appetizing and tasty.

Minced meat makes finely grated potatoes juicy. It can be replaced with a spoon of potato starch. Some people add semolina to the minced meat. Semolina and starch retain moisture and fat.

The finished minced meat should be thoroughly kneaded or beaten for 5-7 minutes. Place the minced meat in a plastic bag and tie it. Throw the package forcefully onto a wooden board or table. After this, put the minced meat in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes.

Often minced meat is prepared in advance and stored frozen. Do not add greens and onions to it. It's best not to freeze ground chicken. When stored for a long time, it loses its taste and benefits.

The basic recipes for cutlets are not very different from each other. But, for some reason, different housewives turn out completely different cutlets. Every housewife wants her cutlets to be fluffy, juicy and appetizing. To achieve the perfect dish, you need to know some recipes.
It doesn’t matter whether the housewife uses purchased or home-made minced meat to make cutlets. In both versions, it is important what to add to the minced meat so that the cutlets are juicy.

When adding bread to minced meat, be sure to soak it. Some people soak bread in milk - and this is a fatal mistake, because bread soaked in milk will ultimately prevent the dish from being juicy. The bread must be soaked in cold boiled water;
It is best to take white wheat stale bread to add to the minced meat. If the bread is fresh, the cutlets will become unpleasantly sticky. In order for the minced meat to be juicy and soft, it is necessary to add white bread, because it can increase the volume of products;
White bread in minced meat is necessary for making cutlets because it will absorb the released meat juice. Due to this, the dish will turn out soft, fluffy and juicy;
You need to add very little bread to the minced meat, because it absorbs the oil well, in which the cutlets will be fried in a frying pan. If there is a lot of bread in the meat, it will absorb all the fat and the cutlets will not turn out juicy. In relation to the mass of meat, you need to add approximately 15-20% bread;

When adding onions to minced meat, many people pass it through a meat grinder. To get the perfect dish, it is better to chop the onion finely and finely;
Many housewives add eggs to the minced meat. But they are not considered an essential component, because they can add rigidity to the finished cutlets. If you want to add eggs, it is best to mix only the yolk into the minced meat;
Instead of bread, you can also add any vegetables to the minced meat: cabbage, carrots and even potatoes. Additional vegetables must first be grated on a fine grater;
Size matters. The larger the cutlet is, the juicier it will be;
Serve with cutlets.

It is important! If the cutlets are prepared from ground meat, then the bread soaked in water does not need to be squeezed hard before adding it to the meat.

What meat to choose for minced meat

We already know what to add to minced chicken to make the cutlets juicy or to any other type of meat (bread and onions). But first you need to properly process the minced meat itself. If you need to mix it very well and beat it so that it is saturated with oxygen. You don't need to add any milk, but boiled water won't hurt.

A piece of ice or butter
A very important secret is what to add to the minced meat to make the cutlets juicy, which many housewives don’t even know about. Before frying the cutlet, place a piece of ice in its center. Quickly form a cutlet and fry it in a frying pan or in the oven. Instead of a piece of ice, you can wrap a piece of butter inside each cutlet for greater juiciness and softness.

Is breading necessary?

To make the end result one hundred percent satisfying, it is important not only to prepare the minced meat correctly and add all the necessary ingredients to it. It is important to fry the cutlets correctly. It is best to use breading when frying. This can be regular flour or breadcrumbs. Instead of these ingredients for breading, you can also use a little beaten egg white.

It is important! To ensure that the cutlets are well formed and the minced meat does not stick to your hands, your hands must be periodically moistened in clean water.

Additional helpful information:
You can add a few spoons of sour cream to the minced meat to make it softer and juicier. But, in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the finished product will taste like sour cream;
To make the cutlets very juicy, you need to add as much boiled water to the minced meat as the meat can absorb;
When there is not enough in the house white bread, but you urgently need to cook cutlets, this ingredient can be replaced with potatoes. Not with black bread, but with finely grated potatoes;
The batter will not allow the juice to leak out of the cutlet, so if you want to get juicy dish, you can first roll the cutlet in batter. To prepare the batter, mix milk, eggs and flour;

These are all the secrets of what to add to ground turkey to make the cutlets juicy. Moreover, it is not so important whether it is minced turkey or chicken, pork, beef or lamb. Or you can just cook

Juicy minced beef has always served as an ingredient for the preparation of many meat dishes, it is preferred even more than whole pieces of meat, but before you cook it, you need to know how to do it correctly so that the minced meat turns out really tasty. And a prime example of delicious ground beef is the hamburger patty.

A hamburger includes quite a few components, but the most important component is, of course, meat. The quality of minced meat will depend on the size of the pieces, fat content and methods of beating the meat from which it is prepared.

We all know that meat is made up of fiber, connective tissue and fat. If you like to eat raw meat, then there should be little fat, but if you are going to fry it, then the opposite should be true. Since muscle fibers are very strong, they must be chopped so that the minced meat is not tough. But to what size “grains” should it be crushed? Here everything will depend on the meat grinder. The larger the pieces of meat in the mince, the more you will be able to enjoy its texture. If the grind is fine, then you will not feel the full taste of the meat. Store-bought minced meat is just bad because of its fine texture. If the minced meat is small, then it is better to leave it on the shelf, since it is not known what quality of meat was used for it. High-quality ground beef should be coarse-grained.

Grinding the meat causes the proteins to be released, thus holding the mince together. Therefore, it is necessary to salt the minced meat after you have formed a cutlet or meatball. If salt is added earlier, the cutlet will simply fall apart. Instead of salt, for example, cucumbers or olives are added to a hamburger.

To make a hamburger patty, you will need 200 grams of ground beef and a little pork fat, and you will also need a tablespoon of soft butter. Plus you will need 2 tablespoons olive oil, pepper and salt. Before making minced meat, put the meat and fat in the freezer to harden, then cut the meat into pieces and pass it through a meat grinder along with the fat. Try to ensure that the minced meat has large “grains”.

Mix the minced meat with the remaining ingredients. If you want, you can add chopped herbs, fried onions and a couple of cloves of garlic to it. Mix the minced meat with your hands and make cutlets. Do not use molds or press down the cutlets too much. Also, before frying, the cutlets can be put in the refrigerator for half an hour or fried immediately.

Salt the cutlets in a frying pan and fry them on both sides in a frying pan or on the grill. You can make a hamburger.

Now you know how to cook delicious ground beef so that the cutlets and meatballs are juicy, tasty and truly meaty.

1. Delicious minced meat. Just as you can’t make candy out of anything, you can’t make tasty cutlets out of bad meat. Fresh, tasty minced meat is the main condition. Of course, there are no problems with minced meat now - you will certainly find it in one of the nearest stores. But have you ever wondered, dear housewives, what is screwed up there? It’s unlikely to be paired veal, most likely some kind of bull sinew. Or worse. I don’t argue, sometimes you come across quite decent minced meat, but there is no guarantee. So it’s better to buy a couple of nice pieces of meat yourself and scroll through. Moreover, along with the meat you will also mix other ingredients, for example, onions. And it will not end up in the cutlet in the form of unappetizing pieces.

2. Go ahead, don't be sorry. To make the cutlets even, they need to be beaten thoroughly. Like this - form a meat ball, and forcefully throw it from palm to palm (like a hot potato). Don't miss it, it'll be a laugh! Joy for the kys. It also happens that the minced meat is beaten against the bottom of a large bowl.

3. Leave me alone! To prevent the minced meat from sticking to your hands, constantly moisten them with water.

4. Cutlets in uniform. The longest process for breading cutlets is this: flour, then beaten egg yolk, then breadcrumbs.

5. Strong - weak. The cutlets need to be placed in boiling oil so that they immediately become crusty and retain the juice, then the heat needs to be reduced. Turn the cutlets over. And again we increase the fire, then reduce it - let them puff slowly. We close the pan with a lid only after turning the cutlets over. It is best to cook them in the oven. IN vegetable oil You can add a couple of tablespoons of melted butter for taste. To prevent the oil from splashing, sprinkle a pinch of salt into it.

6. For a company of soldiers. If you need to cook a lot of cutlets at once, don’t worry about using a frying pan - bake the cutlets in the oven on a baking sheet. You can even top it with mayonnaise and cheese – you’ll get an exceptionally tasty holiday dish. By the way, there is no need to waste oil, and there are fewer calories.

7. Magic semolina. To make the cutlets or meatballs even and smooth, like a billiard ball, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of semolina to the minced meat. And let the cutlet mixture stand for 15 minutes - so that the semolina swells. Also, for fluffiness, many people add a little soda to the cutlets. And some people even indulge in starch.

8. Dry the crackers. In the sense that cutlets and fresh bread are two incompatible things. Soak in milk (or maybe in liquid sour cream) an already dried, yesterday's white loaf without a crust. Fresh bread gives a sour taste and does not mix well with the cutlet mixture. Add the softened loaf to the mass without squeezing it too much.

9. Golden mean. Regarding fish and chicken cutlets, we recommend putting a piece of butter in the middle - they will be as juicy as meat ones.

10. I want more! You can add anything you like to meat cutlets - we experiment endlessly. The more garlic, the tastier the cutlets. You can overcook the onion first. And in the summer, try adding not onions, but green onions, and more, don’t be shy! Tasty, healthy, interesting. To make the cutlets especially tender, you can add a little grated zucchini (a quarter of the minced meat). Have you tried pumpkin? Well, go ahead! Children's cutlets are obtained, as well as with the addition of grated carrots (and even cottage cheese). Well, I think many people have dealt with grated potatoes - it turns out very well. There are fans of additives in the form of pre-soaked oatmeal. Buckwheat, by the way, is also good, especially in combination with mushroom filling - you’ll get zrazy. And fresh, finely chopped cabbage added to cutlets is super! It turns out lazy cabbage rolls. Again, healthy, low-calorie and very profitable in a monetary sense. Juicy cutlets to you, grateful eaters!

Secrets delicious cutlets– 10 tips
Just as you can’t make candy out of anything, you can’t make tasty cutlets out of bad meat. Fresh, tasty minced meat is the main condition. Of course, there are no problems with minced meat now - you will certainly find it in one of the nearest stores. But have you ever thought, dear ones?

Source: krasota-tomsk.ru


In the world of products

What is added to minced meat

You can prepare minced meat by passing the meat through a meat grinder. Usually pork, beef and chicken are used for this. You can mix several types of meat, but in this case some nuances should be taken into account. For example, you should be very careful when handling lamb, which has a very strong and specific odor. That is why it is not recommended to mix lamb with anything - it will simply interrupt the taste of other meat. Minced rabbit can be mixed with minced chicken, and pork goes perfectly with beef.

Minced meat is a perishable product, so it is best to prepare it shortly before use. In the refrigerator in a sealed container, minced meat can be stored for 5-6 hours. If you plan to cook later, the minced meat should be frozen.

Experienced housewives know many ways that can improve the taste of minced meat. Here are these little culinary secrets:

The taste of minced meat can be improved by beating. This procedure is simple - take the ground meat in your hands and sharply throw it on the table, several times. In this way, the air content in the minced meat is reduced. This “beaten” product makes excellent cutlets, meatballs and burgers.

If the chicken or beef mince is dry, the situation can be easily corrected by adding eggs, cream or soaked bread. If you want to make minced fish more juicy, add a little lemon juice or lime juice diluted with water.

If the minced meat is too thin in consistency, you need to add crushed boiled potatoes. Well and what is added to minced meat to give it splendor and airiness, it’s not difficult to guess. Of course, this is whipped egg white. Dishes made from such minced meat turn out to be unusually delicate in taste.

Sugar gives juiciness to minced meat dishes. It is enough to add 1 teaspoon per kilogram of ground meat. And in order for the minced meat product to be soft and fluffy even the next day, add diluted potato starch to the minced meat. Well, in my opinion, the most delicious cutlets are made from minced meat with the addition of mayonnaise. 🙂

It is also useful to know this culinary secret: in addition to the main spices such as salt and pepper, dry celery is added to the minced meat. It is this seasoning that improves the taste of meat. You can simply grind a little dry celery in your palms into powder and add to the minced meat.

Also very often added to minced meat and onions. It is important to know here that you should not do this in advance, because by releasing bitterness, the onion will make the minced meat itself bitter. But it is highly recommended to season the ground meat with spices ahead of time - the spices will act as preservatives, and such minced meat will last longer.

If you decide to fry cutlets or another dish made from ground meat, in order to avoid juice leakage, you need to place them on a hot frying pan.

All articles on the site can be found in alphabetical order HERE.

Culinary secrets: what is added to minced meat.

Source: netolkoeda.com

Fast questions and instant answers to them

To make tasty and soft cutlets, what should you add to the minced meat? How to cook

The simplest thing is to combine several types of meat, I often make it from three types (chicken, pork and beef), twist everything and add a decent amount of onion.

And of course, a soaked piece of bread or bun.

Each housewife has her own secrets for preparing various dishes, which they gained from culinary experience.

For a long time, my cutlets were not very juicy, although I made them from... different varieties I added meat, onion and egg.

One time we went to my aunt’s for lunch and I was very surprised by her juicy, mouth-watering cutlets.

Of course, I immediately began to ask about the secret of preparing such a delicious dish, and my kind aunt happily shared it.

To prepare cutlets, it is best to use two types of meat: pork and beef, where the first gives softness and the second a savory taste.

Next we add a large number of onions, ground together with the meat and no eggs, no soaked bread is needed, and the whole secret lies in the semolina, which must first be soaked for half an hour.

Then add salt, ground black pepper, mix everything thoroughly and fry over low heat.

What is better to add to minced meat to make tasty and soft cutlets?

Cutlets, it would seem, are not such a complicated dish, but everyone knows that very moment when they turned out not as tender, soft and tasty as intended.

The basis of delicious cutlets is, of course, well-chosen meat. It is better to take a fillet or a shoulder blade. The cutlets will not turn out tasty from the hind ham. You need to take 2 types of meat: traditionally pork and beef. Onions will add juiciness to the cutlets. You can add more of it by first grating it on a fine grater.

Milk will not affect the juiciness and, on the contrary, may even cause harm. When frying, the milk and meat proteins interact, which will create toughness. You can add bread, but it is better to soak it in warm water.

And very an important condition is beating meat. You can directly in the cup with your hand.

You can also put a piece of butter inside each cutlet. This will make them very tender.

Each housewife has her own secrets for preparing fluffy and tender cutlets. A white bun or soaked bread, as well as flour, will help the fried cutlets maintain their juiciness, and the juice will remain inside the cutlets and will not leak out during frying.

The larger the bread, the better for the cutlets. It is also advisable to add a raw egg; some housewives practice adding semolina to them. Especially if the cutlet mass is fatty. It absorbs fat and water.

Be sure to twist the onion and add garlic, it gives an original aroma and taste.

You can add vegetables to the cutlet mixture, it can be grated carrots or potatoes; they will be delicious with cauliflower and even zucchini. Don't forget about spices and pepper.

Firstly, I always use minced chicken and pork for cutlets - this gives the cutlets an unusual taste and tenderness.

Then I cook the carrots and grind them in a meat grinder and add them to the minced meat along with twisted raw onions - this makes the cutlets very juicy.

What to add to minced meat for cutlets
Fast questions and instant answers to them To get tasty and soft cutlets, what should you add to the minced meat? How to cook The simplest thing is to combine several types of meat, I often

Source: faston24.ru

Delicious cutlets recipe

Every housewife is proud of the recipes for her cutlets, and, nevertheless, it is worth learning new recipes in order to please your loved ones with them. My grandmother worked as a cook in a restaurant for many years and taught me how to make “signature” cutlets, which I am sure you will really like.

How to properly prepare minced meat:

To make minced meat, take the following pieces of meat: beef - neck pulp, trimmings, trim, lamb, veal - neck pulp and trimmings, pork - trimmings.

For delicious cutlets, take beef and pork in a 50/50 ratio, this is usually 300 grams of meat, and do not forget to add 100 g of lard. There is no need to add fat or grind fatty pieces, the cutlets then “fry” and become loose.

Cut the meat into small cubes. If you take meat from the freezer, it is better not to defrost it completely, but to leave it slightly frozen. This will make it easier to cut.

The cutlets will be tastier if you first fry the chopped onion and then grind it with the meat through a meat grinder. The loaf and white bun give the cutlets juiciness. It is better to use slightly stale bread, cutting off the crusts from it. It is better to add the yolk from the egg.

The minced meat needs to be beaten well - the cutlets will turn out tastier. The minced meat should be placed in one plastic bag, tied tightly, and then in the second. And beat the product packaged in a bag on the table, then the minced meat will break off well and splashes will not fly.

To prevent minced meat from sticking to your hands when preparing cutlets or meatballs, you can dip your hands in a vessel with cold water.

It is better to bread in breadcrumbs than in flour.

Sunflower oil in a frying pan must be heated until white. When white smoke begins to emerge, place the cutlets in the frying pan.

The formed cutlets should be placed in a well-heated frying pan, and so that they do not lie close together. Meat cutlets are ready if clear juice flows out when pressed with a spoon. When cut, the finished cutlets should be gray in color, not reddish.

Cutlets “like from a cafeteria”

Ingredients: 300 g pork tenderloin, 0.5 kg beef tenderloin, 2 egg yolks, 2 large onions, 3 slices of black stale bread, 1 glass of milk, 100 g cream, breadcrumbs, vegetable oil, salt, white pepper and other spices according to taste.

Preparation: Cut the frozen meat into pieces. Scroll in a meat grinder, the first time - simply alternating pieces of pork and beef.

Fry the onion, soak the bread in milk, knead well so that there are no large pieces. Add the soaked bread to the minced meat, break the eggs there, add salt, add spices and mix very well. You can grind the minced meat again, then you can fill it with cream. Let the minced meat stand in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Fry in hot oil.

Grandma's cutlets "Restaurant Seversky Donets"

Ingredients: 600 g pork (loin), 150 g ham, 100 g hard cheese, 2 onions, 1 tbsp. butter, 4 tbsp. flour, 1 egg, 100 g dry wheat loaf, black pepper (ground), salt - to taste.

Oil for frying.

For garnish – mashed potatoes, braised cabbage, parsley.

Preparation: cut the pork into portions, pound it thinly, sprinkle with spices. Cut the ham into thin slices.

Fry onion, cut into half rings, in butter. Beat the egg, cut the loaf into thin strips and air dry. Sprinkle the pork pieces with cheese mixed with onions, then place the ham slices on them. Connect the edges of the meat, giving the products a cutlet shape. Dip in flour, dip in egg, bread in loaf strips and deep-fry until golden brown. Bring to readiness in the oven.

– Pour milk into the pan with the prepared cutlets and boil. It will turn out juicy, with a very tasty gravy.

– In order for the cutlets to be fluffy and juicy, you need to fry them over very hot heat, and bring them to readiness in a preheated oven, adding broth to the cutlets.

Mistakes when preparing cutlets:

– It is very harmful to use a mixture of fats, frying fat, or butter to prepare cutlets.

– The cutlets will turn out tasteless if you add raw onions to the minced meat.

– It is unacceptable to add flour or starch to minced meat.

– If the recipe does not provide for the addition of boiled cereal, this is not necessary.

Cutlets in Verkhovinsky style

Ingredients: 500 g pork, 2 eggs, mashed potatoes from two potatoes, 1 onion fried in thin rings, 200 g fried mushrooms, 50 g of crackers, lezon - an egg diluted in cool water with salt and black pepper on the tip of a knife.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder, add salt, pepper, egg, form a round flat cake, on which put minced thick mashed potatoes with sautéed onions, fried mushrooms. Shape the cutlets into a sheet, dip in leison, double-bread, and deep-fry. Pour butter over the cutlet.

Delicious cutlets recipe
Every housewife is proud of the recipes for her cutlets, and, nevertheless, it is worth learning new recipes in order to please their loved ones with them. My grandmother worked as a cook in a restaurant for many years and taught me how to make “signature” cutlets, which I am sure you will really like.

There are many components that affect the taste of a hamburger, but the most important is the meat.

What is the perfect ground beef?

As you know, meat has many muscle fibers divided connective tissue plus some fat. If you want to prepare a dish from raw meat (tartar, carpaccio), there should be little fat. But if we are preparing a dish with heat treatment from meat, then it is better to have more of it. Muscle fibers are long and quite strong (resistant), so chopping them can reduce this resistance. To what size should the minced meat be ground? .

Large pieces in ground meat ensure that the original taste of the meat is preserved and allows you to enjoy its texture.

Medium ground beef

If the “grind” is too fine, then we risk preparing a dish with a lack of meaty flavor. Often, store-bought minced meat suffers from its fine, smooth texture. This is done to disguise the quality of the meat or the “origin” of the parts used for mincing. Therefore, pay attention to this when purchasing! High-quality ground beef can be determined visually - by the size of the “grains”.

Fine ground beef

Instead of salt - pickled cucumber

Grinding the meat releases proteins, which hold the pieces of minced meat together well. Therefore, salt the minced meat only when the product - meatballs or cutlet - is formed. If you do this too early, the meatball or patty may simply fall apart during cooking. We recommend simply adding some salty ingredient to the minced meat dish. Olives, tapenade, or pickles are perfect for a hamburger. Then you won’t need salt at all for the minced meat dish.

Salted cucumbers

The perfect beef cutlet recipe

So, you have 200g of beef fillet and you want to make hamburger patties. You will also need a little pork fat, 20 g of softened or melted butter and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil plus freshly ground black pepper. Place the meat and fat in the freezer for about 30 minutes until it begins to firm up. Now cut the beef into 3-4 pieces and pass through a meat grinder along with the fat, not forgetting our advice about the size of the “grains”.

Mix the resulting mass with the remaining prepared ingredients. If you wish, you can add finely chopped parsley, marjoram and 1 head of shallot and 1-2 cloves of garlic, previously chopped and fried until soft. Pepper it. Mix the minced meat with your hands, saturating the mixture with air, and form cutlets. Try not to use the currently fashionable molds. Don't press the cutlets too hard. Act without fanaticism! Many people advise putting the already formed cutlets back in the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes before frying. You can do this, or you can fry them immediately after cooking.

Frying cutlets in a frying pan

Salt the cutlets and fry them in a frying pan greased with a little oil or on the grill for 2-3 minutes on each side. That's all! Here are wonderful cutlets for a homemade burger. Although... These are just wonderful beef patties that can be used for a burger too!

Cooking cutlets on the grill