Functional parts of speech. Presentation on the Russian language on the topic “functional parts of speech” Presentation on significant and official parts of speech

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TESTS PREPOSITIONS CONJUNCTIONS The resource was prepared by a Russian language teacher at KSU Secondary School No. 4 in Semey East Kazakhstan region Podolskaya Irina Aleksandrovna

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A B C D E Question 3 Indicate the number of prepositions in the sentence Due to fatigue, we were forced to delay the journey and rested for two hours. IN

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A B C D E 11 question Indicate which part of speech the highlighted word in the sentence belongs to. Then he came to his senses and let’s read and speak. D

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A B C D E Question 15 Indicate the sentence in which the highlighted word is a conjunction: A

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A B C D E CORRECT ANSWER CODES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C C B C A A C E S C 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 D E A C A

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prepositions WRITING PREPOSITIONS REMEMBER: keep in mind despite the HYPHEN CONTINUOUSLY SEPARATELY because of from under as a result of (= due to) instead of like like in view of (= because of) about (= about) during in continuation for the reason for purposes in view of in connection with the difference Educated based on adverbs ahead towards

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prepositions DISTINCTION DERIVED PREPOSITIONS and NOUNS with PREPOSITIONS REMEMBER: subsequently – adverb PREPOSITION→-E NOUN→-And denote a period of time denotes the subject question: WHEN? HOW LONG? question: WHAT? WHERE? are synonyms are not synonyms during the month during the river during the month during the continuation of the novel denotes the reason. denotes the subject question: WHY? question: WHAT? due to being late due to the case is synonymous with the preposition due to

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CONJUNCTIONS SPELLING OF CONJUNCTIONS REMEMBER SPELLING OF CONJUNCTIONS because because that due to the fact that due to the fact that in connection with the fact that in order to in order to as if as if

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CONJUNCTIONS WRITING PRONOUNS (adverbs) WITH PARTICLES THE SAME and CONJUNCTIONS No. conjunctions ALSO, ALSO Pronoun (adverb) ALSO, ALSO 1 ALSO = ALSO = AND → interchangeable conjunctions You cannot replace ALSO with the words ALSO. 2 You cannot discard (rearrange) the SAME particle. You can discard (rearrange) the SAME particle. 3 There is no subsequent word WHAT. Often after the particle it stands for WHAT or HOW. 4 It is impossible to pose a question; it is not part of a sentence. You can ask the question whether it is a member of the sentence. 5 You know the rule, I’ll learn it too. You know the rule, I will also learn it (= and I will learn it). My friend also liked the book. I learned the same rules as you. I will do the same as you. You are still as good as you were ten years ago.

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UNIONS REMEMBER! In all other combinations, the particle SAME is written separately: the same, in the same place, the same, the same, then, in addition. REMEMBER! The same thing (the same thing) at the same time (at the same time) exactly the same (exactly like that) the same thing.

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CONJUNCTIONS PARTICLES WRITING PRONOUNS WITH THE PARTICLE WOULD AND CONJUNCTIONS REMEMBER! Through thick and thin. No. conjunctions SO THAT Pronoun SO THAT 1 Can be replaced with a conjunction IN ORDER THAT Cannot be replaced with a conjunction IN ORDER THAT. 2 It is impossible to pose a question; it is not part of a sentence. You can drop the question (WHAT?) is a member of the sentence. 3 You cannot discard (rearrange) the particle BY. You can discard (rearrange) the particle BE. 4 TO know a lot, you need to sleep less (= IN ORDER). Repeat the rule several times TO remember it. You can ask the question whether it is a member of the sentence. WHATEVER they said bad things about me, my friend didn’t believe anything (= WHATEVER they said). WHATEVER he was offered to eat, he refused everything (WHATEVER was offered).

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CONJUNCTIONS WRITING PRONOUNS WITH THE PREPOSITION FOR AND CONJUNCTIONS No. conjunction ZATO Pronoun with the preposition FOR THAT 1 Can be replaced with the conjunction BUT. Cannot be replaced by the union BUT. 2 It is impossible to pose a question; it is not part of a sentence. You can drop the question; it is a member of the sentence. It took me a long time to learn the poem, but I remembered it well (= but). You can’t hide behind a tree: it’s thin. But take care of what you want (I. Krylov).

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particles SPELLING OF PARTICLES REMEMBER THE SPELLING OF CONJUNCTIONS WITH A HYPHEN CONSOLIDATED SEPARATELY - well, really, would you go anyway, didn’t you even see something, don’t you know who would who would do it

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particles PHRASEOLOGISM REMEMBER PHRASEOLOGISM as if nothing had happened out of nowhere neither fish nor meat nor this nor that nor fluff nor feather neither give nor take nor light nor dawn neither more nor less neither become nor sit down

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SS WITH PARTICLE NOT and PRESIDENT NI- particles No. particle NOT prefix NI- 1 Phrases expressing opposition: none other (other) than Nothing else (other) as Phrases that do not express opposition are used in negative sentences: no one else (other); nothing else (other). In the distance, something other than a sailboat appeared. Nothing else but the computer interests me. Comparative no one else: Mother knows how to console like no one else.

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particles distinguish between the use of particles NOT and NI- No. particle NOT particle NI 1 To express the negative meaning of the entire sentence or one of its members: There was no place in the zalenikogo. We'll meet not today, but tomorrow. We have been to the sea more than once. To express negation in sentences without a subject (with a noun in R.p.): Around nothing. 2 To express a positive meaning, if there are two particles in a sentence: I could not help my friend. To strengthen the negation, which is expressed by a particle or a word: Nevidnonizgi. There is no Nether. Inaudible sound. We have never been to the sea.

Functional parts of speech are... - words that do not have a nominative
meanings (i.e. they don't name
objects, their characteristics, processes and
- words used to express
relationships between concepts,
which are called significant
words, and used only
in connection with them.

Main features of auxiliary parts of speech:

All auxiliary parts of speech are immutable:

since they lack any
actually morphological
since they are indivisible into morphemes.

Service parts are usually

- do not have independent
- phonetically adjacent to
significant parts of speech.

Functional parts of speech are not...

members of the proposal;
- are used as formal grammatical means of the language.

The service parts of speech are:

- Prepositions
- Unions
- Particles


1. Functional parts of speech do not have
lexical meaning;
2. They are not members of a sentence;
3. Used in a sentence
with independent parts of speech;
4. Will not change (i.e. do not have any
grammatical categories).


The structure of conjunctions: simple and compound

A, and,
just in case…
how, because
due to
what, in view
that, so


Meaning of conjunctions:

coordinating: connect and
homogeneous members, and

b) subordinators: bind
simple sentences consisting of

Always use a comma before adversative conjunctions.

For a long time
worked, but with a task
It took a long time, but we got it done
We worked for a long time, but nothing happened
We worked for a long time, but the result is the same

Punctuation marks for coordinating conjunctions.

In double and repeated conjunctions, place a comma before the second part.

1. temporary: when, while, barely, only, only, how
only, since, before.
2. explanatory: what, so, as, as if.
3.reasons: because, because, since, in view of the fact that,
due to the fact that, since.
4.goals: in order to, in order to, in order to.
5.concessions: although, let, let, despite the fact that.
6.consequences: so.
7. comparative: as, as if, as if, exactly as
as if.
8.conditions: if, once, if, if, when, how soon.


A preposition is a auxiliary part of speech necessary for
connections between words in a phrase
The role is to point out the various grammatical relationships between
in words:
# go during the day
# don't go because of the rain
#sit by the lake
# cure for pain
Arr. valid
# write without errors
Do not change
By structure
Member pr. are not
By origin
- Simple (# in, after, for)
- Non-derivatives (# from, in, to, for)
- Compounds (# in connection with,
- Derivatives (# close, thanks)
in continuation)

Types of prepositions
With, after, in, for, during, about,
in continuation, thanks,
as a result.

during the day
Don't go because of the rain
Sit by the window
Medicine for pain
Write without errors
There are about 200 prepositions in the Russian language, and
There are only 6 cases, and nominative
always used without a preposition.


How beautiful this world is! (exclamation)
Even the gods could not defeat stupidity. (gain)
You're unlikely to succeed! (doubt)
I'm the most literate! (comparative degree of adjective)
May there always be sunshine!
(imperative verb)
I'd like a cup of tea.
conditional mood of the verb)

Let's exclaim and admire each other!
I would like to rise in a rocket above the clouds.
Lake Baikal is the deepest in the world.
This subject needs to be known in more depth.
There are some things we humans need to learn from nature.

LI (L)

-KA, -SO, - EITHER, - ANYWAY, we tried!
This was really scary,
but at the same time interesting.
What would be so interesting?
come up with?
Go to the store for bread!
-TAKI – after adverbs, verbs,
Again, he left, after all
He did come to visit.


Interjection is a special part of speech
which expresses but does not name
different feelings (oh, ah) and
impulses (quit, get out, chick, sabbath).
They are non-derivative and
Can perform in goals
independent parts of speech (Clashed


Onomatopoeic words are words that convey
various sounds live and inanimate nature: human (hihi-hi, ha-ha-ha, etc.), animals (oink-oink, meow-meow, mu,
woof-woof, etc.), objects (ding-ding, tick-tock, bang-bang,
clap, etc.).
1. These are unchangeable words.
2. They do not express emotions, feelings and motives.
3. Consist of one syllable (be, etc.) or repeated,
which are written with a hyphen (kva - kva, etc.).
4. Serve to form new words: meowing,
meow, croak, croak, etc. 5. Onomatopoeic
words act as different members

Thank you for your attention!

Informational resources:
1.Student's Handbook. Russian language.
Ed. V. Slavkina - M., 1999

Adverbs (cause and effect): Why Why Therefore Because Why Then forever Repetition Prepositions + demonstrative and interrogative pronouns (indicate objects and signs): For what From what For that For this From that For what After that Adverbs: Up, up, down, deep, into the distance, finally, finally, first, at the beginning, after, etc. Sign of action - how? When? Where? Nouns with prepositions: To the top, to the top, to the bottom, to the depths, to the distance, to the end, to the end, from the beginning, at the beginning, to the next (of what? who? which one? - there are dependent words; subject) Forever, obviously , for show, towards, the next morning, on the side, secretly, in time, for the first time, etc. (adverbs) For a century, on the face, for show, at the meeting, in the morning, on the side, in secret, during, in the first... Immediately (when ?) – that hour (what?) Now (when) – this (this) hour

Functions of auxiliary parts of speech Particles Form the forms of a word (formative), introduce various shades of meaning (semantic) into sentences I would decide, let him learn it; could, after all, did Prepositions Express different relationships between words in the phrase Walked for an hour Conjunctions Connect homogeneous members of a sentence and simple sentences as part of a complex Rain and snow, and. , (to). Main word Dependent word preposition

Spelling of prepositions Non-derivative prepositions: Because of, from under (on-over, in-for) Derivative prepositions: During (how long? - time) In continuation (time) In conclusion (at the end) As a result (reason - because) for) In view of (because of) Like (like, like) Instead of (for) About (about) Despite, (although) Distinguish from a noun with a preposition! Absent for a week due to illness - observe changes in the flow of the river; keep in mind. Not going due to rain - new facts have emerged in the investigation of the theft. In conclusion, let me thank you for your attention - I spent five years in prison. I was ill for a month; they built something like a raft; worked instead of me; We agreed about tomorrow. He walked without looking (adverbial) around.

Spelling conjunctions Remember! As if As if Because Because Because So As So As soon That is Distinguish conjunctions from pronouns and adverbs! Conjunctions: So that (subordinate clauses and explanatory purposes) Also (= and, = also) Also (= and, = too) But (= but) So, (therefore) Moreover (= at the same time) Moreover (= at the same time)

Pronouns and adverbs with prepositions and particles What should I read about this issue? (what?) No matter what they say, spring is the most romantic time. Lightning flashed, and almost at the same (same) instant thunder was heard. (which one?) Do you still go in for sports? (how?) I fell and hurt my leg so much that I had to see a doctor. (how?) With that application attached and Required documents. (which one?) What will you be left with? Hide behind that tree. (which one?) They beat the wolf not because he is grey, but because he ate the sheep. (for what?) Functional parts of speech are not parts of a sentence; questions cannot be asked about them.

Spelling of particles Particles with words are written separately Zhe (zh), would (b), li (l) Attached to words by means of a hyphen: -ka, - then, -s, -de, -tka (solve the problem) Particle -taki is written with a hyphen with verbs and in words: after all, again, quite, after all, after all. In other cases - separately. - Remember: what kind of hardly hardly just really if only really Where are they going, to the city, or what? But the novel is still good! There is no thought that cannot be expressed simply and clearly. So your brother came to you? Let me rock Mitya. “Exactly so,” said Peter. ...The wolves are completely tearing our skin off.

Spelling NOT with various parts speeches Always separately Together With all the words that are not used without NOT. Relative and possessive adjectives Numerals Pronouns (except negative and indefinite) Adverbs (except negative and indefinite and formed from qualitative adjectives with suffixes –O, -E) Particles Not wooden, not forest; not a fox, not a daddy's. Not five, not the hundredth. Not me, not mine, not that one, not all, not everyone, not myself, not like that. Not everywhere, not always, not too much, not on the left, not very much. Not only, almost. Not our way, not the northwest, not sour and salty. Not better, not stronger.

Together or separately? Determine the part of speech! Separately, in some verbs and nouns there is a prefix UNDO-, indicating that the action was performed below the required norm (less than required; less than 100%): undereat, underfulfill, underdo. Verb (wasn’t, didn’t see) Participle (without thinking) Short participle (not read) Short adjectives that are not used in full form or for whom it has a different meaning: not glad, should not, not ready, not much; no need, no pity, no time. A stormy wind was blowing. She didn’t listen to the end and walked away. One hundred and sixty-seven people were missing from the Svetlana crew.

Together or separately? Determine the part of speech! Nouns, qualitative adjectives, adverbs ending in -O, -E Together Separately The prefix does NOT form a new word (can be replaced with a synonym or a synonymous expression without non-): untruth (lie), low (low), not far (close) Words absolutely, absolutely, very , very, extremely, extremely, etc. enhance the degree of quality and do not affect the writing. There is or is implied a contrast with the conjunction A: not the truth, but a lie; not high, but low; not far, but close. The denial is reinforced by the words: far, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, etc.: far from an easy matter, not at all an interesting film.

Full participles TogetherSeparately No dependent word: There was an unread book on the table. Without preposition: Something, nothing, nothing. no one Negative and indefinite pronouns There is a dependent word: There was a book on the table that I had not read. Contrast with conjunction A: a book not read, but only looked at. In indirect cases with prepositions: Not with anything, with no one, with nothing Together - negative and indefinite adverbs: nowhere, no need.

Russian language lesson

Topic: And helper words have names.

Lesson type Discovery of new knowledge (DK).



  • Summarize knowledge about the studied parts of speech.
  • Introduce students to the names of helper words,
  • Give the concept of “independent” and “service” parts of speech.
  • Show how the “service” parts of speech work.


  • Develop mental operations (analyze, classify objects, draw conclusions), memory, and the ability to switch attention.
  • Develop spelling vigilance.


  • Develop the ability to work in a group (listen to the opinions of comrades, discuss a problem, come to a common opinion).

Health saving: Learn to take care of your health.


During the classes.

I. Organizational moment, emotional mood for the lesson.

The bell rang and fell silent - the lesson began.
Now check it out, my friend.
Are you ready to start the lesson?
Everything is in place, everything is in order:
Pens, books and notebooks.
Is everyone sitting correctly?
Is everyone watching carefully?
Everyone wants to receive
Only the mark “5”!

The teacher checks the children's seating position. Children write down the number in their notebooks.

II. Repetition.

  • Checking homework.

One student checks the spelling task, the second - the grammar task.

  • Calligraphy.

Teacher: Look carefully at the home exercise, choose the most successful and beautiful letter. Write a line of this letter.

  • Updating knowledge.

Guys, what topic are we working on?

To determine the objectives of today's lesson, we need to find out what we already know about words? - (2 slide).

What words belong to the first group?

(Names of objects, characteristics, quantities, actions).

What are the scientific names of these groups?

(The words for the names of objects are nouns;
the names of the features are adjectives;
quantity names are numerals;
names of actions are a verb).

(After each definition, children tell the rule and give examples of words for each part of speech).

Name the second group(s). What scientific word do we call this group?( Pronouns).

- Listen to the poem. When you hear the pronouns, clap your hands.

Me and we, you and you, he, she, it, they -

All words are excellent, important and personal.

This is without a doubt all - pronouns.

In chorus: I, we, you, you, he, she, her, it, they.

Teacher: Can you use scientific words to name the words that help? (No.)

III. Setting the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Teacher: Then try to determine the topic of the lesson yourself.

Today in class we will study words - helpers. - (3 slide).

Teacher: Today we must answer three main questions: ( 4 slide)

What were the words called helpers by scientists?

What are they for?

How are words - helpers written?

IV. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Prepositions.

1) Task: insert the necessary prepositions:

(poem written on the board):


Teacher: Read a humorous poem to yourself. Is it possible to leave it like this? Why?

Nothing is clear, the words are not connected in meaning

1) Teacher: Need to correct, insert words - helpers IN, ON, UNDER, FOR.

(A student at the blackboard performs a task).

Teacher: What are these words - helpers called scientifically? ( Prepositions).

(5 slide). Children read the text of the poem.

Teacher: What are prepositions used for? ( To connect words in a sentence).

Teacher: How are prepositions written? ( Prepositions with words are written separately).

2) Generalization.

Prepositions are just small ones, and all words in Russian are written separately. The preposition does not mean anything; you cannot ask a question about it. But if it stands next to the word, the meaning appears (put it on the desk, put it under the desk).

Preposition - translated Greek language literally means "before the word".

A preposition helps nouns and pronouns do the work in a sentence by linking them to other words.

3) Primary consolidation.

Completing the task in a notebook - problem book, ex. No. 133.

Teacher: Anton is studying parts of speech with us. Check if everything works out for him?

Read what captions he made for the drawings?

Anton did not choose prepositions.

Let's correct the mistakes Anton made.

Teacher: Pay attention to how prepositions are written from behind, from under.

(The work is done independently. Students correct the captions under the drawings. Then they write it down correctly in the notebook. Self-test using the sample (6 slide)).

Physical exercise.

I'm going and you're going: one, two, three.
I sing and you sing: one, two, three.
We walk and we sing: one, two, three.
We live very friendly! One two Three.

(After each line, children clap their hands to the count: one, two, three).

2. Unions.

1) Work in a group.

Each group is given a task: to assemble a proverb from their cut parts.

Dunno is lying on the stove, but the know-it-all is running far away.

Measure seven times, but cut once.

Work makes the heart happy and happy.

(Each group assembles the proverb correctly and lines up facing the class, other children check the correctness of the proverbs).

Teacher: What proverb did the guys in the first group make up?

Dunno lies on the stove, but know-it-all runs far away.

When do they say that?

What word - helper was used to connect parts of the sentence? – A.

What proverb did the guys in the second group make up?

Measure seven times, but cut once.

What does she teach?

What helper word did you use to connect the parts of the sentence? – BUT.

Read the proverb that the guys in group 3 made up.

Work makes the heart happy and joyful.

When do they say that?

What word - helper connected the parts of this sentence? – AND.

Teacher: These words are what the scientists’ assistants called « Unions."

What do you think they serve?

They connect parts of sentences.

2) Generalization.

Conjunctions are words that do not have independent meaning; they serve to connect parts of sentences together. Before unions AH, BUT There is always a comma in the sentence.

3) Primary consolidation.

Dictation letter with proverb “windows”: A mind is good, but two are better.

Mutual checking of notebooks.

3. Particle.

1) Problem situation.

Teacher: Guys, while we were doing the work in our notebooks, Dunno wrote advice for boys and girls on the board. Read them and rate them.

  • Girls___pull their pigtails!
  • During recess___fight!
  • During lessons ____talk to your neighbor!

Teacher: Can these tips be called useful? What word - helper should be inserted in order to turn these harmful tips into useful ones.

Insert word - helper NOT.

Teacher: We insert NOT into sentences. Let's read the resulting tips. What meaning does the word “helper” bring to the sentences?

Negative meaning.

2) Generalization.

Teacher: Scientists called this word “helper” Particle». (7 slide).

Particle is a literal translation from Latin and means “one of the particles of speech.” The particles are small in size and cannot be questioned. Their the main role- add additional nuances to the meanings of words and sentences. They are different types. Particle NOT for a negative value is called negative.

3) Primary consolidation.

Doing exercise No. 134 in a notebook - problem book.

Read the sentences. What words are preceded by the particle NOT?

I want to be friends, I am friends.

What part of speech are these words?


How will we write NOT with verbs: I want to be friends, am I friends?


Teacher: We met scientific names words - helpers. Let's read important information about these parts of speech in the textbook on page 50.

(Working with rules).

V. Generalization and summing up.

1) Generalization. (8 slide)

Scientists divided all parts of speech into two groups: independent and auxiliary. We classify prepositions, conjunctions, and particles as auxiliary parts of speech. They serve to express relationships and connections between words and sentences, and to give words additional nuances. The remaining parts of speech are independent. Independent parts of speech name objects, signs, quantities, actions. They have lexical and grammatical meaning.

  • Name the independent and auxiliary parts of speech.
  • What parts of speech did we learn about in class?
  • What are prepositions, conjunctions, particles used for?

Teacher: Well done! You did a great job.

2) Homework.

Teacher: Exercise will help you practice identifying parts of speech. No. 132. This homework.

VI. Reflection.

Teacher: Let's evaluate the work done.

  • Were you interested in the lesson?
  • Did you learn anything new in class?
  • Who has expanded their knowledge about parts of speech.
  • Thanks everyone for your work!

Morphology is a branch of the science of language that studies the parts of speech. The doctrine of parts of speech dates back to antiquity, to the period of the 2nd-1st centuries BC, where the founder was the philosopher Dionysius of Thracia. He is one of the representatives of the Alexandrian school of grammar. He considered a word as the smallest part of coherent speech, and a sentence as a combination of words expressing a complete thought. In the history of ancient civilization, he is known as a Greek grammarian who lived on the island of Rhodes, who wrote the first Greek grammar, which was a teaching and reference tool during the Renaissance and until the 18th century served as the basis for the creation of grammars of all Indo-European languages.

Independent and auxiliary parts of speech. Independent and auxiliary parts of speech.)

Problem from Grigory Oster.

  • Sputtering away from the harsh dances, each khamsik scurries 5 gnusks onto the clay. How many gnuses will scurry onto the glint of 12 hamsiks, spitting away from the harsh dances.
LESSON TOPIC They are indivisible and whole, There are no roots or prefixes in them, You cannot find morphemes in them - And this is their main secret.
  • Lesson topic:
  • "Service parts of speech."
  • Functional parts of speech - words that do not have a nominative meaning (i.e. they do not name objects, their signs, processes and states.) - words that serve to express relationships between concepts that are called significant words, and are used only in conjunction with them .
  • - these are words that, without having a lexical meaning and not being members of a sentence, play various service roles in a sentence.
  • Pretext
  • In the offer in the service
He is always on friendly terms with the case,
  • Points at him
  • And words connect everything
  • (Serves to connect words in a sentence)
  • UNION I try to unite and connect
I am equal and unequal at the right time.
  • Sometimes I don't repeat myself at all,
  • Sometimes I repeat myself many times.
  • The word "union" translated from Latin means tracing paper. This is an unchangeable word that serves as a formal means of connecting syntactic units and at the same time as a means of expressing semantic relationships between them. (Serves to connect homogeneous members of a sentence, to connect simple sentences within complex ones)
  • Particle
  • I can give shades to meanings,
  • I can strengthen them without tension.
  • I can help with education,
When the verb calls for service, I can totally deny it
  • True love for one's country is unthinkable without love for one's language.
  • For me, Russian is no less a native language since childhood, a native language throughout my life.
  • Parse the sentence:
  • If you don't put your hands to the ground, it won't turn golden.
This is interesting!
  • - Do you know about the frequency of use of auxiliary parts of speech in the language?
  • About 25% of speech consists of function words and parts of speech
  • - It turns out that in terms of frequency of use, the preposition ranks 4th (and there are about 200 prepositions in the Russian language), the conjunction is 7th, the role of particles is also great.
  • Particles arose later than other parts of speech in terms of frequency of use; they are in the first hundred of the most used words
  • The word "union" translated from Latin means tracing paper. This is an unchangeable word that serves as a formal means of connecting syntactic units and at the same time as a means of expressing semantic relationships between them.
Homework: paragraph 47. Exercise 284.
  • Creative task Compose a fairy tale (5 – 7 sentences) about the role of auxiliary parts of speech in the Russian language.

1. Independent and auxiliary parts of speech have equal rights.

2.Service parts of speech have common morphological features with independent ones.

3.Service parts of speech have the same syntactic functions as independent ones.

4.Independent and auxiliary parts of speech are unequal.

5. Functional parts of speech are not parts of a sentence

6. You can ask questions about service parts of speech, as well as independent ones.

7.Service parts of speech are needed to serve independent ones. They connect words, phrases into sentences, as well as sentences among themselves.

8. It is impossible to ask a question about the auxiliary parts of speech.