Scorpio earth dragon. Characteristics and compatibility of a scorpion man born in the year of the dragon. General characteristics of the Dragon-Scorpio combination

The "rejection" of Andrei Bely by Soviet culture, which lasted during his lifetime, continued after his death. Here we have such a sensual, addicting, uncompromising and selfish Scorpio-Dragon.

François Mitterrand, politician, socialist, President of France. He has served as minister in 11 governments. Mitterrand combined economic orthodoxy with social reformism. He studied law and politics in Paris. During the Second World War, he became famous in the resistance movement. Unlike General de Gaulle, who created the Fifth Republic in 1958, Mitterrand formed a center-left, anti-De Gaulle federation of left forces in the 60s. Towards the end of his presidency, Mitterrand's health deteriorated, further weakening his position. Flexibility, pliability, diplomacy (Scorpio) were noted in his character.

And at the same time, despite all the politeness of diplomacy, he was " with an iron hand in a velvet glove", and independence of judgment was his hallmark(The Dragon).

Jacob Epstein is an American-born avant-garde sculptor, a supporter of experimentation, outrageousness and a troublemaker. In his work, the influence of African art is noticeable, which led to some inconsistency in a number of his works, for example, in the naked muscular figure "Genesis". At a later time, he completed several monumental figures, in particular the composition "Saint Michael and the Devil" in bronze. The monument to playwright Oscar Wilde in the Père Lachaise cemetery has been denounced as barbaric. His sculpture from 1912 to 1913 was in a harsh, mechanistic style, closely related to the work of the artist Amedeo Modigliani. The sculptural composition "Rock Drilling" was a sensation, and a drill actually stuck out of it. After 1918, his sculptures continued to be at the center of general condemnation, as a manifestation of indecency and blasphemy.

Andrei Bely was a symbolist writer for whom the world of images was no less significant than life itself; Alexander Alekhine lived in a symbolic fictional chess world, and the actor Alexei Batalov, before he began to play the role of "my dear people" in the films "The Cranes Are Flying" or "The Rumyantsev Case", nevertheless played the conspirator (Scorpio) in the film adaptation of "Three Fat Men" and tightrope walker (Dragon) Tibula. Let us recall General Dmitry Karbyshev, who was taken prisoner and died under torture: he was stripped naked in the cold in winter and poured with water. Such is the life of the Dragon. Osip Bove became famous primarily not for the construction architectural monuments from stone. He created ensembles of squares: Red Square, Alexander Garden, as well as the Triumphal Arch, which, in fact, symbolizes the Dragon.

Other Scorpio-Dragon: aviator and professional wrestler Ivan Zaikin; tank designer Alexander Morozov; astronomer Edmund Halley, who discovered the comet; poet Mikhail Dudin; composer-songwriter Nikolai Dobronravov (“The main thing, guys, is not to grow old with your heart”, “How young we were”); revolutionary, participant of the Bolshevik coup Mikhail Tomsky; physicist, semiconductor researcher Abram Ioffe; actor, director Roberto Benigni ("Life is Beautiful"); poet-mystic Stefan George ("The Seventh Ring"); football player and businessman Pele (the ball master does not like politics, is very enterprising and squeezed everything possible out of his sporting status as the king of football); football players Oleg Blokhin and Marco Van Basten; artist Svyatoslav Roerich ("The Himalayas. Sunset").

Horoscope of the woman Scorpio-Dragon

Alexandra David-Neil was an extraordinary woman. A bright life did not destroy her desire to find the meaning of life and did not extinguish her interest in mysticism. The reason is the search for the unconscious, a tendency to spiritual and mystical connections. And all this against the background of failures in his personal life. First an actress and singer, she, having the data necessary for a star, rejected an artistic career for the sake of spiritual quests and dramatically changed her life by going to Tibet.

And interestingly, she finally got to Tibet, closed from the whole world, and lived for many years in a real monastery. David-Neill's book about life in Tibet is still an important literary and scientific document for ethnographers and specialists in the field of Lamaism.

Alexandra returned to her homeland and lived a surprisingly long life as a happy person, as if she received at the Top of the World something that not everyone gets even for his favors.

Still in the company of Scorpions-Dragons, actress Svetlana Sukhovey (“Love in Russian”), ballerina Natalya Makarova, film director Alla Surikova (“Moscow Holidays”), singer Irina Otieva.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

The Scorpio-Dragon sign includes people born from October 24 to November 22 in 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024.

Scorpio-Dragon is a complex and contradictory combination that gives rise to an extraordinary personality. There is everything in his character - isolation, mystery and unprecedented openness. It combines the cold prudence of Scorpio.

However, Scorpio and the Dragon cannot always coexist harmoniously in this combination. This is not an easy combination of signs, and, above all, for the person himself. Both signs are very emotional. Therefore, Scorpio, born in the year of the Dragon, is an unceasing storm of emotions that turns into a real tsunami in case of resentment and discontent. In order not to break firewood and not to make a huge number of enemies, or not to destroy relationships with loved ones, such a person has to constantly keep himself under strict control.

The Scorpio-Dragon must understand its contradictory nature and try to live in harmony with itself. If he learns to soften his outbursts of anger and irritability, he will become a very friendly and charming person, with a strong and insightful character. There is a huge amount of energy in it, but you need to direct it in a positive direction, for example, go in for active sports, and at times when passions run high, avoid communicating with people and look for rational ways to splash out your feelings.

In personal relationships, Scorpio-Dragon knows how to impress, turn his head, and, as if to bewitch his chosen one or chosen one. In the family, this is a very faithful and devoted partner, striving to streamline life in everything.

The Scorpio-Dragon combination is one of the most difficult in the entire zodiac circle. On the one hand, this person has great charm and attracts a variety of people, and on the other hand, he is irritable, vengeful and insidious.

Scorpio-Dragon by nature has a strong energy and magically affects others. He can be both kind-hearted and frank, and dangerous and harsh in communication. He rushes from one extreme to another, and in moments of irritation it is better not to run into him. At the same time, no matter how formidable and frightening the Scorpio-Dragon would seem, in his soul he is a very sensitive and kind person who is able to reason sensibly and, if necessary, admit that he is wrong. He never stoops to a lie, stubborn and persistent in achieving his goal. Scorpio-Dragon, wise, thoughtful, strong and very insightful. He makes all decisions, only after carefully weighing and calculating all the steps.

A person born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Dragon is very unpredictable and sometimes out of touch with life. He is so internally contradictory that he simply cannot but demonstrate it to others. The dragon is ready for self-sacrifice, but Scorpio does not want to infringe on his own interests. and possesses strategic thinking, draws up and implements plans, without even sharing with relatives. The dragon, on the contrary, craves everyone's attention. These multidirectional energies barely coexist in one person who constantly surprises his friends and loved ones. Either he is noble and open, or he hides in himself and weaves nets. Scorpio-Dragon never gives up and does not compromise.

All Dragons suffer from suspicion and jealousy, and the added vindictiveness of Scorpio creates a personality that is best not to be at enmity with! He everywhere goes to the end, both in sincere, good wishes, and in furious impulses. This personality is so dynamic and changeable that it is very difficult to predict what he will be oriented towards, good or evil. For him, as for no one else, strict self-control is necessary so as not to do evil deeds. Effective method to cope with this problem is either to go in for sports, or to direct your energy to creative activities.

Scorpio-Dragon is ambitious, inventive and far-sighted. He sets himself global goals and never backs down from them. A person born with a Scorpio-Dragon combination is not afraid of any work and hard physical labor, including. He makes an excellent boss and a competent companion. It is a pleasure to deal with him, as he will never let you down and his affairs are always in perfect order.

In a romantic relationship, Scorpio-Dragon has the ability to charm the opposite sex at first sight. He has a powerful sexual potential, which makes him very interesting in personal relationships. In the family, this is a reliable and faithful partner, able to provide their loved ones with everything they need.

Scorpio Dragon Woman

A woman born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Dragon is attractive, bright and self-confident, immediately attracting the views of those around her. She is emotional and energetic. She lives with emotions and passions, both her own and those of others. She loves intrigues, adventures, loves to take part in various conspiracies and rallies.

Born in the year of the Dragon, she will protect everyone and everything. It's useless to argue with her. The Scorpio-Dragon woman defends her opinion, as well as the rights of the offended, to the last. If she is good, then she is infinitely good, but the loss of control over herself turns her into a vixen. She has an explosive temper and in relation to her it is impossible to remain indifferent: she is either loved with all her heart or hated with all her heart.

The Scorpio-Dragon woman has many talents and good intellectual abilities. She can easily achieve success in any chosen activity, but she has a strong craving for entertainment, gambling and all kinds of pleasures. Therefore, her life will completely depend on which path she chooses. At the same time, the Scorpio-Dragon woman is conservative and loves to follow the beaten paths. This is a born leader who can lead.

In relationships with men, the Scorpio-Dragon woman is undoubtedly bright and attractive, driving many fans crazy. In the romantic period, she can be tender and affectionate, but in long-term relationships she shows an imperious character and stands rigidly on her point of view. There are many demands on men, and if they do not fulfill what she has planned, then sudden outbursts of anger of great destructive power await them. Not every man can withstand such pressure. The Scorpio-Dragon woman constantly needs new emotions, passions and impressions. Nevertheless, the family always comes first for her and for the sake of her loved ones, she is ready for anything.

Scorpio Dragon Man

A man born under the sign of Scorpio in the year of the Dragon is active and energetic, honest and straightforward. This is the minion of fate, capable of achieving a lot in life. He is not afraid to take risks and boldly rushes into various adventures. But, it is worth noting that thanks to his amazing intuition, he easily copes with difficulties and very often comes out the winner.

AT young age can be reckless and just burn through their talents and gifts. But, with age, his character becomes tougher, he becomes reasonable and clearly moving towards his goal. The Scorpio-Dragon man is hardworking and responsible, diligent and punctual, but in a team he is unaccommodating. If he is dissatisfied with something, then he immediately expresses his thoughts directly in the eyes, including to the authorities. Better able to prove themselves in leadership positions.

In a romantic relationship, the Scorpio-Dragon man is fickle and determined. He does not hesitate to get acquainted, quickly falls in love, flares up, is disappointed and cools down. In personal relationships, as in life in general, he is frank. About feelings and his attitude, he talks right away.

Born in the year of the Dragon, he will never be silent and this often provokes scandals. AT family relationships such a man can be a real despot, and in order to create a happy family life, he needs a sensitive and affectionate wife, who can extinguish his outbursts of rage and aggression with her love. And only a truly patient woman will be able to maintain a relationship with him. But, it must be at the same time a strong woman, otherwise he will simply crush her with his energy.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign scorpio year of the dragon man - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

What is he - Scorpio-man (Dragon)? Personal characteristics and characteristics

A lot of interesting things can be told about such a person as a Scorpio man. The dragon is the patron Eastern horoscope. And if it was in his year that such a guy was born, then you can, without even going into the peculiarities of his character, say with confidence: he is an interesting person. It is also complex and multifaceted. Many of the qualities that this man is endowed with are of great strength, since they are inherent not only in the zodiac, but also in the eastern patron. However, it is worth talking about all this in order.

First of all, it is worth saying a few words about the zodiacal influence on the personality of this person. And in this case it is carried out by Scorpio. The Dragon Man, born under the auspices of this sign, is guided in life solely by his own judgments and laws. He is not interested in the opinion of outsiders. Absolutely no one can influence this person. After all, the most valuable thing for him is independence. The impeccable reputation and stability of the personal position of this person are inviolable and holy.

Not surprisingly, his key quality is a free spirit and willpower. Such men are also brave, purposeful, insightful, straightforward, honest and interesting. You won't get bored with them. That's just not everyone will let Scorpio close to him. The Dragon Man, who was born under the auspices of this zodiac, surrounds himself with the most the best people. But those with whom he is friends, in his person receive an attentive, insightful and sympathetic friend. This is such a versatile personality.

What will the eastern horoscope tell?

So, it is approximately clear what kind of person a Scorpio man is. The dragon endows this person with similar qualities.

He is charismatic, attractive and even extravagant. This man always attracts attention. But often he is an arrogant egoist, because this man knows about his attractiveness and that many consider him perfect.

He doesn't know how to lose. But he manages to set unrealistic prices for himself and successfully achieve them. Still these people are honest, decent and fair. And they make high demands on others, which are very ordinary for them, because they fully correspond to them.

general characteristics

Scorpio-Dragon is a bright, conspicuous and temperamental man. Many qualities in it have a double power, as they are inherent in both the Dragon and Scorpio. This could already be seen. What can be said about such a man as a person as a whole?

He is quite a lucky man. Of course, in order to achieve some absolutely incredible goal, he puts a lot of effort and energy. But luck, Fortune, also plays a significant role in his life. The most important thing is to grab onto it, not to miss your chance. He doesn't have fear though. This person can join a dubious business without even thinking about the consequences. After all, he has a wonderful intuition, which helps a lot.

By the way, in his youth, this man is restless and reckless. But then, over time, his character becomes more rigid, and he himself begins to be reasonable and rational.

In society

How does the Scorpio-Dragon behave among people? The man, whose characteristics were presented above, best of all acts as a boss. The leadership position seems to be made for him. And this person organizes the work of subordination really well. He is too demanding and tough. He does not like the fact that some allow themselves to show emotions at work. He believes that only the mind should act in the business sphere.

But in terms of feelings and emotions, they themselves are quite dynamic people. They can flare up in one second, fall in love, soon be disappointed and cool down as quickly as it all began. In general, in a relationship they are very passionate and ardent. And about everything that they feel, they speak directly. This is their plus.


This is the last thing worth talking about. With whom can a Scorpio-Dragon man get along? Compatibility is excellent with a girl born under the sign of Aries. It will be a very hot, passionate and, importantly, strong couple. Scorpio and Aries subtly feel each other. Yes, and they also think in the same direction. They are also similar in character - honesty, loyalty, reliability and justice are important for each of them. And completes this positive list of excellent sexual compatibility.

It is especially good if the girl was born in the year of the Horse. This is a very sociable nature, like the Dragon-Scorpio. Because they will never be bored with each other. And the Horse is an extremely charming person who will not find it difficult to eliminate possible difficulties even before they begin to grow to the size of a problem.

Dragons also get along well with Roosters. This is because these men are constantly on the move and doing something. They lack relaxation and relaxation. And it will not be difficult for the Rooster girl to create comfort for him.

And Scorpio can get along well with Virgo, even if she is his opposite. He will be her source. life force and inspiration. And she will be his reliable shoulder and stability.

Scorpio - Dragon: characteristics of a man (1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000)

Scorpio Dragon is a man whose characteristics will make ill-wishers and contenders for the role of spouse alert. Short temper often develops into rage, the victims of which are often innocent people. Scorpio in the Year of the Dragon does not know how to forgive, revenge can become the meaning of life. Excessive resentment and suspicion appear at an early age, the formation of personality depends on the atmosphere in the family, parents must teach the child to control emotions, to forgive.

The complex sign of the zodiac is constantly fighting with itself, striving to be decent and open, while periodically an irresistible force draws it into adventures. Cares about loved ones, while breaking down on them because of failures at work. Unpredictability is a serious test for households, difficult to deal with mood swings even loving people.

Financial stability of the predator

Ingenuity, the ability to make bold decisions - provide a stable financial position. Dragon Scorpio can change dramatically as a result of working on himself, having achieved independence, he decides on the need to live separately from his family. A successful young man combines career and entertainment, the number of ill-wishers is growing rapidly, restraint is periodically replaced by revelations that combine insults and humiliation.

Fearlessness and unpredictability - a set of qualities for the business sector, Scorpio Dragon does the impossible for the sake of profit.

Having received several life lessons, he will learn to control emotions, reconsider his attitude towards others. An adult male Scorpio is an ideal partner, will not betray in difficult moments, will find a way out of any trap of competitors.

Complicated love

The passionate Scorpio Dragon cannot imagine life without love, during the period of courtship he showers a woman with gifts, organizes romantic dates. Love quickly passes, the predator goes in search of a new victim. Not in a hurry to marry, enjoys love affairs.

Compatibility depends on the partner, who must devote her life to her husband.

Unpredictability in family life compensates for an excessive sense of responsibility for the well-being of relatives, fidelity. The appearance of a child has a positive effect on family relationships, carries a spouse “in her arms”, and protects from problems.

Unique Feature this representative the stronger sex will not become an obstacle for a sincerely loving woman.

P.S.A horoscope cannot give a 100% characterization of qualities, because Scorpio manifests and forms its negative and positive qualities depending on the atmosphere in the family.

Scorpio Dragon - Horoscope Alignment: Chinese & Zodiac

A very passionate, determined, unpredictable Dragon, often causing very strong reactions and creating drama. Never gives up and never compromises. All Dragons suffer from suspicion and jealousy, and the added vindictiveness of Scorpio creates a personality that is best not to be at enmity with! The Scorpio-Dragon combination personality is assertive and very pretty. These are magnetic people who attract attention at an early age.

The Scorpio-Dragon person is generally positive and pleasant, but can also be moody and demanding. He is full of optimism and is not afraid of hard work to achieve his goals. They are good organizers. They love accuracy and organization, so they take as friends and personal relationships the same people who prefer order to chaos. Scorpio-Dragon are people who will be the most faithful partners. They only want long-term relationships.

These people are very ambitious, setting their own high standards. These people do not give up easily when faced with obstacles in both personal and business relationships. They easily accept challenges and responsibilities, and usually finish everything they start. They have a gift for being in the right place at the right time, so they have many opportunities to make money.

Scorpio-Dragon is very observant and inventive, therefore they are able to solve problems only by quickly looking at them. These skills are ideal for both work and family life. Excessive self-confidence can sometimes be a flaw in their character. Sometimes these characters can get too demanding and take on too much.

In the dynamism of its scorpion, the dragon is extremely paradoxical. He can be angelically patient, kind and generous. But he can also be devilishly angry and annoyed, and at such moments it is better to stay away from him. As sexual partner the dragon scorpion, especially if it is a woman, is very attractive. He knows how to impress, turn his head and bewitch his chosen one or chosen one.

Dragon Combination

Scorpio Dragon Man

The combination of these signs in itself is very interesting. Men born in the year of the Dragon under the zodiac sign Scorpio have a unique character. You need to have a special approach to such people in order to achieve location and closeness from them.

Characteristics of a male Scorpio-Dragon

The Scorpio-Dragon man is a man who is pursued by luck in everything. To do this, they do not even need to make any effort. They do everything with ease. If a guy of this sign sets himself a specific goal, then they always achieve it. They will spend several hours in a row, but still get the job done. At the same time, they are completely immersed in the work. They cannot eat, drink, sleep until they have completed their work. Despite the fact that they work without rest, they still get an excellent result. In achieving their goal, such men are always guided by high quality.

Men born in the year of the Dragon under the zodiac sign Scorpio are risk-averse. This is especially true for young people. Mature representatives of this sign, who have created a family and reached the top of their career, understand that they can lose it all. Therefore, they do not tend to take risks. The character of such a man becomes more rigid. He is categorical in making decisions. However, he does not give the right to vote to his loved ones. Everything will be as he decided. And family can only accept it.

The Scorpio-Dragon man has a well-developed intuition. They even have prophetic dreams. Confirmation can be found among the real events that happen to the representative of this sign.

As a husband and son, the Scorpio-Dragon man is a very caring and considerate person. He does not have a stingy character. He will give all the money to his wife so that she makes up family budget and regulate its use. Men of this sign often buy expensive gifts for children. But at the same time they demand gratitude and submission from them.

At work, the Scorpio-Dragon man is rapidly moving up the corporate ladder. He suits the position of chief. He knows how to effectively organize the work of his subordinates. At the same time, sometimes he is too hard and demanding with him. He can't stand the emotions of those around him. At work, in his opinion, only the mind should work. All feelings must be left at home.

The Scorpio-Dragon man leads the male team better. It is difficult for him to work with women. He is a man whose mind obeys logic. Women on this topic have their own peculiarity. And the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity will not be able to be subordinate to him for a long time. Demanding, strictness, discipline and some rigidity at work often bring women to tears and mental imbalance.

Compatibility in love men Scorpio-Dragon

Scorpio-Dragon men in love are guided by their intuition. They have an explosive passion. If they liked the girl, then they will not think for a long time, but will immediately go to conquer her.

In their youth, representatives of this sign fall in love very quickly and their passion fades just as quickly. They are the first to express their feelings. The same is expected of a woman.

In adulthood, the Scorpio-Dragon man quickly finds a future wife for himself and proposes to her. Everything is developing very fast. He is unlikely to date for several months. Most likely, he will propose already a few weeks after the first date.

Young Scorpio-Dragon men are very impatient and quick-tempered. They find it difficult to tolerate the shortcomings of others. Very often they break down on their beloved girl. But after a short time they realize that they did it in vain. His favorite is the best in the world. And he just flared up a little and got excited.

This zodiac sign is best suited for women born in the year of the Monkey, Rat and Dragon. Relationships with representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who were born in the year of the Horse, Tiger and Dog will not work.

Horoscope Scorpio-Dragon

According to the horoscope, Scorpio-Dragon is a passionate and original nature. Such a person is distinguished by perseverance and quick reaction. At times, he is dramatic, harsh and too cautious. But, Scorpio-Dragon is not used to giving in to problems! He can be very jealous and vindictive if he feels danger and deceit.

They have a magical effect on the people around them. Scorpio-Dragon can be dangerous and harsh in communication. But, outwardly, such a person can be kind-hearted and frank. By nature, such people have a strong energy, which does not always have a positive effect on others.

Scorpio-Dragon rushes from one extreme to another. He is overly generous and sweet, but sometimes he releases "claws" and shows sharp "teeth". In moments of irritation, it is better not to communicate with him.

In sexual terms, such people are very interesting. They tend to charm the opposite sex at first sight.

Horoscope of combining Scorpions with others oriental signs:

Horoscope of combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Dragon - Scorpio

Dutch football player and coach Marco van Basten. Soviet football player and Ukrainian coach Oleg Blokhin. Italian designer Roberto Cavalli. Russian and Soviet chess player Alexander Alekhin. Russian figure skater Anton Sikharulidze.

Such a person is irritable, prickly, maybe even cruel, but he is able to quickly switch and forget a slight offense. At the same time, a serious conflict haunts this person for many years.

dragon scorpio male

Dragon-Scorpio-man is very active, aggressive, honest with himself and others. He is not very accommodating in the team, in case of discontent he will never be silent, but will express his thoughts directly in the eyes. At the same time, he is diligent and punctual, self-disciplined. In personal relationships, such a man is a real despot, feeding on the energy of loved ones. He needs an understanding and very loving spouse, capable of extinguishing periodically arising outbursts of rage and aggression with her caress and love. At the same time, she should not be completely spineless and indulgent in everything, otherwise these relationships will gradually become obsolete, the man will literally destroy them over time.


Dragon-Scorpio-woman is very emotional, energetic, conflict. She lives with emotions and passions, both her own and those of others, loves intrigues, adventures, easily agrees to participate in various conspiracies and riots. By nature, this is a rebel woman who will fight for the rights of the offended and deprived. It is useless to argue with her - the Dragon-Scorpio-woman defends her opinion to the last. Like men of the same combination, the Scorpio woman, born in the year of the Dragon, is not very accommodating in the work team, but is executive and responsible. In relationships with men, she is undoubtedly bright and attractive, but in family relationships she needs emotions, passion, which not everyone can withstand.

The Scorpio Dragon has a special explosive disposition. This is a bright personality, to which it is impossible to remain indifferent: she is either loved with all her heart, or hated with all her heart.

zodiac sign scorpio year of the dragon male

Spiny Dragon. Whoever touches it will get burned ...

Zodiac horoscope: Scorpio sign

A very passionate, determined, unpredictable Dragon, often causing very strong reactions and creating drama. Never gives up and never compromises. All Dragons suffer from suspicion and jealousy, and the added vindictiveness of Scorpio creates a personality that is best not to be at enmity with!

The Scorpio-Dragon combination personality is assertive and very pretty. These are magnetic people who attract attention at an early age.

The Scorpio-Dragon person is generally positive and pleasant, but can also be moody and demanding.

He is full of optimism and is not afraid of hard work to achieve his goals. They are good organizers. They love accuracy and organization, so they take as friends and personal relationships the same people who prefer order to chaos. Scorpio-Dragon are people who will be the most faithful partners. They only want long-term relationships.

These people are very ambitious, setting their own high standards. These people do not give up easily when faced with obstacles in both personal and business relationships.

They easily accept challenges and responsibilities, and usually finish everything they start. They have a gift for being in the right place at the right time, so they have many opportunities to make money.

Scorpio-Dragon is very observant and inventive, therefore they are able to solve problems only by quickly looking at them. These skills are ideal for both work and family life.

Excessive self-confidence can sometimes be a flaw in their character. Sometimes these characters can get too demanding and take on too much.

The year of the dragon and the zodiac sign of scorpio is a serious “mixture”. Here the secrecy and isolation of the scorpion is combined with the openness of the dragon. In order not to break firewood and not to collect a huge collection of enemies, such a person has to keep himself under control. Or keep others under control, which, however, happens extremely rarely.

Possessing the magic inherent in these men, the scorpion dragon knows how to influence others. He is quarrelsome, prickly and even dangerous, and therefore hides his difficult qualities behind a mask of goodwill, which sometimes flies off him. Nature takes its toll - the scorpion dragon needs to recoup others. Sometimes in such aspirations, he reaches the state of an energy “vampire”.

In the dynamism of its scorpion, the dragon is extremely paradoxical. He can be angelically patient, kind and generous. But he can also be devilishly angry and annoyed, and at such moments it is better to stay away from him.

As a sexual partner, the dragon scorpion, especially if it is a woman, is very attractive. He knows how to impress, turn his head and bewitch his chosen one or chosen one.

Spiny Dragon. Whoever touches it will get burned ...

Eastern horoscope: year of the dragon
Zodiac horoscope: Scorpio sign

A very passionate, determined, unpredictable Dragon, often causing very strong reactions and creating drama. Never gives up and never compromises. All Dragons suffer from suspicion and jealousy, and the added vindictiveness of Scorpio creates a personality that is best not to be at enmity with!

The Scorpio-Dragon combination personality is assertive and very pretty. These are magnetic people who attract attention at an early age.

The Scorpio-Dragon person is generally positive and pleasant, but can also be moody and demanding.

He is full of optimism and is not afraid of hard work to achieve his goals. They are good organizers. They love accuracy and organization, so they take as friends and personal relationships the same people who prefer order to chaos. Scorpio-Dragon are people who will be the most faithful partners. They only want long-term relationships.

These people are very ambitious, setting their own high standards. These people do not give up easily when faced with obstacles in both personal and business relationships.

They easily accept challenges and responsibilities, and usually finish everything they start. They have a gift for being in the right place at the right time, so they have many opportunities to make money.

Scorpio-Dragon is very observant and inventive, therefore they are able to solve problems only by quickly looking at them. These skills are ideal for both work and family life.

Excessive self-confidence can sometimes be a flaw in their character. Sometimes these characters can get too demanding and take on too much.

The year of the dragon and the zodiac sign of scorpio is a serious “mixture”. Here the secrecy and isolation of the scorpion is combined with the openness of the dragon. In order not to break firewood and not to collect a huge collection of enemies, such a person has to keep himself under control. Or keep others under control, which, however, happens extremely rarely.

Possessing the magic inherent in these men, the scorpion dragon knows how to influence others. He is quarrelsome, prickly and even dangerous, and therefore hides his difficult qualities behind a mask of goodwill, which sometimes flies off him. Nature takes its toll - the scorpion dragon needs to recoup others. Sometimes in such aspirations, he reaches the state of an energy “vampire”.

In the dynamism of its scorpion, the dragon is extremely paradoxical. He can be angelically patient, kind and generous. But he can also be devilishly angry and annoyed, and at such moments it is better to stay away from him.

As a sexual partner, the dragon scorpion, especially if it is a woman, is very attractive. He knows how to impress, turn his head and bewitch his chosen one or chosen one.

We are ruled by stars and higher beings. Sometimes they get along, sometimes they clash. Their heavenly battles are reflected in the fate of a particular person. The Scorpio-Dragon belongs to the controlled contradictory forces. A person is torn to pieces by his heavenly patrons all his life, in an allegorical sense. It's not easy for him. But let's talk about everything in order.

Scorpio-Dragon: general characteristics

Imagine that you are divided into halves: one is looking at the sky, the other is reaching for the jewels, the first is in the clouds, the second wants to swim in the ocean. And both are tightly interconnected, you can choose only one path. This is the Scorpio Dragon. This person is internally so contradictory that he cannot but demonstrate this to others. Scorpio is not prone to outrageous, secretive. He has strategic thinking, draws up and implements plans, without even sharing with relatives. The dragon, on the contrary, craves everyone's attention. He is drawn to higher matters, and earthly concerns seem boring. These multidirectional energies coexist in the soul of one person and give rise to a real unique. Scorpio-Dragon constantly surprises loved ones. Either he is noble and open, or he hides in himself and weaves nets. However, he cannot stay in this state for a long time, he will definitely share his projects, boast and fail everything.

A girl born under the signs of Scorpio-Dragon

A woman ruled by such an explosive combination of patrons is an unusual person. This manifests itself already in childhood. The girl is attracted to everything otherworldly, she reads science fiction, and ponders over occult books for a long time. But she also has enough friends. She is interesting and unique. Surrounding gladly forgive her boasting, inattention, inability just for one smile. When she is sad, the sun hides behind the clouds, and when she is happy, the clouds go beyond the horizon. She remains this way until old age. often falls in love, but feelings do not live in the soul for a long time. She is looking for a real ideal, fluttering from one flower to another, like a frivolous butterfly. This is a deceptive impression. It's just that her soul is unable to come to terms with the shortcomings of the gentleman. Quickly realizing that the chosen one is not perfect, she rushes to another. Unfortunately, this search often continues until gray hairs. Scorpio-Dragon-woman is rarely happy in marriage, but she builds an excellent career. In old age, he goes into spiritual self-improvement.


Even more difficult is the fate of a knight burdened by these patrons. He needs self-realization, achievement, wealth and success. Forcing a man to go in this direction, the Dragon pulls him into spirituality, into heaven. The boy learns to hide this disharmony in childhood. It is clearly and pointwise manifested in adolescence by unexpected impulses, sudden harshness and even fits of rage or, conversely, depression. The young man quickly realizes that such tricks shock those around him, and hides them deep in his soul. Under the pressure of this volcano and lives to old age. He is an excellent worker, but this person is not offered leadership positions - he will ruin the enterprise. They say about such men - a slave. This is true until the Dragon-Scorpio finds a calling. For an idea, he will go to the ends of the world, dig up mountains and dry up the oceans, unfortunately, forgetting about his family. Wives forgive them everything for their incredible kindness, nobility and fidelity.

How to communicate with such a person

It seems that the patrons make the person completely unsuitable for close relationships. Who wants to live with a volcano of passions? Surprisingly, in everyday life this is a very nice person. With him it is interesting and fun, easy and pleasant. Scorpio-Dragons know a lot, they know how to correctly present the material, to captivate. They make great artists. These people are endowed with remarkable intuition, the tips of which they share with pleasure. Often they learn to guess and thus earn extra money for a piece of soft bread with salmon. The only thing this person cannot reconcile with is betrayal. He will understand that he is being deceived - he will leave and forget his name. But honesty will be appreciated, even if it is unpleasant for him. Scorpio-Dragon needs constant, affectionate, unobtrusive support and guardianship. This person needs to be aware that he is needed, loved, respected. And he himself will never let you down, since the internal struggle contributes to the education of wisdom, correct placement life priorities.