How many grams of baking soda are in a tablespoon, or how to do without a cooking scale

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Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), is an acidic salt of carbonic acid and sodium. Usually it is a fine, odorless white powder. Most often comes on sale in packs of 500 grams.

It is used almost everywhere: from cooking to body and hair care!

The amount of soda in various cutlery and containers

Sometimes we need a certain amount of soda, but it often happens that there are no special scales at hand. In this case, ordinary kitchen utensils will come to the rescue, which can always be found in the kitchen of every housewife.

Below is a table by which you can determine how much soda is contained in various cutlery and containers.

In a faceted (200 ml) glass - 210 g (in a 250 ml glass - 265 g)

A tablespoon contains 22 grams of baking soda. (with a slide - 28 g)

In a teaspoon - 8 gr. (with a slide - 12 g)

  • In cooking, as a baking powder for dough, add on the tip of a knife or teaspoon while kneading. But for the soda to work "to the fullest", the medium must be acidic, add citric acid or vinegar to the soda, right in a spoon. While the reaction is going on (hissing and bubbling), mix with the dough.
  • For insect bites (mosquitoes, midges, gadflies) - a tablespoon in a glass of boiled water, stir. Lubricate the bite sites with a cotton swab. Relieves itching, irritation, disinfects.
  • When the gums are swollen, toothache, of course, you should immediately go to the dentist. But if a visit to the doctor is impossible for some reason, prepare a saline solution: one tablespoon per glass of hot water. The water temperature should be on the verge of tolerance, you can hardly endure. Carefully, rinse a sore gum or tooth in small portions, do not swallow. It is advisable to use the entire glass in one procedure. Make sure that the solution does not cool down. The procedure does not taste good, but if you repeat the procedure several times a day, relief will come faster.
  • To get rid of "goose bumps" on the legs and arms with soda gruel (soda + a little water): rub the "goose bumps" with this gruel in the bath or shower until reddening. Wash off with plenty of water. It is enough to repeat at least twice a week. Effect in a month and a half.
  • As a conditioner for washing hair and grooming cats and dogs. When washing hair, rub soda gruel (in soda a little water) into the scalp and hair, and then rinse. Hair, after such a procedure, shiny, smooth, well combed. To care for animal hair, dilute a teaspoon in a glass of water. Spray the animal's fur with a spray bottle, wait a little and comb it. The coat will look shiny and well-groomed.
  • Well, and, of course, soda is widely used as a cleaning, degreasing agent for washing dishes, including crystal, various surfaces, and removing stains.

Every housewife has used soda at least once in everyday life. And very often it happens that there is no culinary scale at hand, and it is extremely important to know how many grams of baking soda are in a tablespoon. It is for such situations that our article was created. Here you will find the answer to the question, how many grams of baking soda are in a tablespoon, and replenish your piggy bank of knowledge about the use of baking soda in the household. We hope our article will be as useful as possible.

How many grams of baking soda are in a tablespoon?

This section is important for those who decide to make delicious baked goods and use baking soda as a baking powder. After preparing all the necessary products according to the recipe description, you find that the amount of soda is indicated not in a convenient option for you - spoons, but in grams, but how many grams of soda in a tablespoon is unknown. The answer is simple - twenty grams if you pour soda without a slide and twenty-eight grams if you pour it with a slide.

Lately, baking soda is most often used only as a food additive, because the range of cleaning products in the store is simply stunning. But what if you don't have a strong chemical on hand that can not only clean the stains, but also remove the smell? Use baking soda, of course! Not only is it a universal remedy, but its price is incredibly low. Here are a list of the most popular uses for baking soda.

  1. Cleaning of pipes. If for some reason you do not want to clean the pipes with caustic acid, then you just need to pour a glass of soda into the drain, pouring it with a glass of vinegar. Close the drain with a lid for 10-15 minutes, and a violent reaction will do its job. After this time, simply pour hot water over the drain.
  2. Cleaning pots. Tired of scrubbing old and burnt fat from pots and pans? There is a simple solution - place the dishes in a large bucket, fill with water, to which baking soda, soda ash, and silicate (clerical) glue have been added. Boil the dishes in the solution for an hour, and all the carbon will be washed off by itself without any effort.
  3. Removing odors. Soda perfectly absorbs foreign unpleasant odors, so it is ideal for keeping the refrigerator chamber fresh. You can also use it to freshen up furniture and carpets.
  4. Baking soda can easily deal with the darkening of the tile grout. It is enough to thoroughly walk with a brush and soda paste along the dirty joints and the grout will become like new again.
  5. The combination of soda and lemon juice gives the main detergent a whitening effect.
  6. A paste made from baking soda and water is an excellent abrasive that can clean any surfaces without damaging them at all, unlike other cleaning products.

How many grams of soda in a tablespoon (table of weights and measures)

So, summing up, we can say with confidence that we answered the question, how many grams of soda are in a tablespoon. You've also seen a ton of uses for baking soda outside of cooking.

The miraculous properties of soda have been known to people from time immemorial. She is an excellent disinfectant, which was known even in ancient Rome, as well as a source of beauty, as proven by our grandmothers. The unrivaled cleansing powder and lumpy dough base you've probably tested yourself. If for cleansing you can take a portion of the powder "by eye", then in other cases it is better to use the product in dosage so as not to spoil the baked goods or harm the body. But how to accurately determine how many grams of soda are in a teaspoon, as well as its more capacious "sisters" - dessert and dining room? Let's understand these intricacies together.

Spoon capacity by country

The planet is great, and we are all different, including measures of length, volume, weight. So with spoons - 5 grams of baking soda is not always a teaspoon. Why?

It's all about the size of the dishes, the historical situation in certain corners of the Earth.

The following cutlery standards are known:

  1. Ours (that is, the one that is common in the vastness of the former Soviet Union).
  2. American (this, in addition to the United States, includes New Zealand and Canada).
  3. English.
  4. Australian.

A teaspoon is the most common measure of weight in recipes.

Meanwhile, it should be said that in many countries a special set is used to measure the dose, which includes instruments that accurately measure the required amount of grams. They are usually assembled in a set, fastened at the top with one staple - you simply select the desired weight, put it in this container and add to the dough or other mixture according to the recipe of your choice.

But still, let's find out how much substance fits in 1 teaspoon according to the specified classification. So:

  • we have 5 ml,
  • American standard - 4.93 ml,
  • English version - 3.55 ml.

How much can there be in a tablespoon according to the standards of different countries?

  • countries of the former Soviet Union - 18 ml,
  • America, New Zealand, Canada (the so-called American standard) - 15 ml,
  • Australia - 20 ml.

But there is no consensus in the world about dessert spoons, which, depending on the situation, are sometimes equated with tea spoons, sometimes they are called the middle option between large and small, so we will talk about them in more detail below.

This is what a dessert spoon looks like, which is most often found in restaurants, but housewives rarely use it.

It is worth paying attention!We also have tiny spoons in everyday life, they are often called coffee spoons, do not confuse this type with tea ones, since they hold much less, and as a device for a unit of mass measurement, you will not be much useful due to their miniature size.

How many grams of soda in a spoon

Tea room with and without a hill

We are the world standards for the capacity of spoons, it's time to move on to situations that are closer to us - when the weight in grams is indicated in the recipe, how much soda in this fractional unit of mass will be in a teaspoon?

It is worth paying attention!The gram (abbreviated as "g"), as a measure in the system of weight units, was "born" on 04/07/1795 in France and became a member of the SI (International System of Units) along with other "brothers" by weight.

Housewives often have to be guided by recipes (in cooking or beauty), where the dose of sodium bicarbonate is indicated in grams. How to accurately determine how many grams of baking soda are in a standard teaspoon?

The main secret of the luck of experienced chefs is the exact observance of the proportions according to the recipes.

If you stored the powder correctly, it did not accumulate moisture, therefore, it did not become heavy, according to a tea spoon (our format is not foreign), be guided by the following indicators:

  • without a slide - 7 grams,
  • with a slide - 10 grams.

Of course, it matters how high the slide is. In order not to get confused, it is better to take a standard without a slide as a reference point. You can achieve it if you remove the excess by installing an elastic band on the dishes from which you take sodium bicarbonate: just run a spoon under it - the excess will be removed automatically.

This is important to know! If the pack with sodium bicarbonate is damp, stored in humid conditions, then the overweight may be all 5 g. Be careful with this!

Dessert with and without a hill

The dessert spoon is an invention of pastry chefs, it is not used so often in the kitchen, mainly this device is used in restaurants for the consumption of cakes, mousses, fruit salads and other delicacies. The scoop of this appliance has the most rounded shape among spoons. As a measuring device, the dessert "sister" is rarely mentioned, in terms of capacity it has something in between a small one and a soup one.

The main mission of the dessert spoon is to help you eat the dessert, so it's best not to be used as a measure of weight.

Dessert utensils come in different, sometimes bizarre shapes. Depending on the model, it can hold 12-20 grams. But sometimes this device is confused with the tea version, so be careful not to spoil the dish that you prepare according to a recipe with this type of weight measurement.

It is worth paying attention!Baking powder is often mentioned in recipes. You can replace it with sodium bicarbonate, based on a 2: 1 ratio, just do not forget to drop a little vinegar for the quenching reaction.

Canteen with and without slides

And now about how much soda is in grams in a tablespoon, because such a measure of weight is often found in recipes related to skin care, treatment, prevention of diseases, and the fight against skin lesions.

If we talk about standard filling, then exactly 20 g of sodium bicarbonate is placed in a device of this type. If the recipe requires 30 g, then dial it up with a slide.

When a recipe, for example, for an anti-cellulite bath requires 200 grams of baking soda, and you don't have a scale to measure, you can also use a cutlery - it will be 10 tablespoons without a top.

This is important to know! We are talking about the food version of the product, when soda ash or caustic soda is measured with other devices, since the requirements for its storage, consistency, and, therefore, weight, differ.

Video: how many grams of soda are in a tablespoon

Weights and measures table

And now let's try to summarize how to measure this or that weight of soda, using devices (in grams):

  • tsp - 7,
  • tsp with top - 10,
  • tsp with a large slide - 12,
  • tbsp - twenty,
  • tbsp with a slide - 30,
  • glass (standard of the times of the Union) - 170.

Nowadays, measuring cups and spoons (even in the form of a set) have appeared in abundance on the shelves of the markets, so you can buy such a device, and for many years it will correctly measure everything that you need.

If the recipe specifies a pinch of volume, then use the tip of a knife - you can't go wrong.

In the advice of cosmetologists (especially regarding baths), you can often find such a measure as a pack, in which case it means GOST USSR, equal to 500 g. Although now on sale there may be foreign products that are sold in a smaller volume or domestic packaged to order economy option - 1 kilo.

Video bonus: how to measure sugar, flour, butter without scales

Now you all know about the measures of weights, so your baked goods will be the most delicious and delicious, the plumbing will be the cleanest, and you will be the most irresistibly beautiful.

Mankind has known about the beneficial properties of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, bicarbonate) since ancient times. Today it is widely used in many industries and human life, especially in medicine, cooking, chemical, textile, light industry, non-ferrous metallurgy. At home, however, it is simply irreplaceable for baking culinary products and medical purposes. But since recipes often indicate the amount of ingredients required in grams, housewives just need to know how many grams of baking soda are in a teaspoon. In addition, measuring food with spoons or glasses is much faster and more convenient.

To prepare a really tasty dish, you need not only skill and experience, but also strict adherence to instructions, in particular, accurate observance of weight proportions

The gram is a standard measure used to indicate the weight of required ingredients in medical or culinary recipes. Such accuracy is especially important for the preparation of medicines, since not only a person's health depends on the observance of proportions, but sometimes his life itself. In cooking, baking soda is used to bake pies, biscuits, pancakes and other delicacies to make them more airy and tasty. If you take too much of it, then an unpleasant aftertaste will be felt in this dish, it may become tasteless, or even completely unsuitable for eating.

Determination of weight proportions

Since not everyone has electronic scales or measuring glasses, and in the recipe, for example, the weight of the components is indicated in grams, the need to know how much soda is in 1 teaspoon becomes urgent. In order not to get confused, housewives are advised to use a special table of weights for help and hints, which shows the weight of products placed in one teaspoon. If the recipe indicates that you need to take a certain number of spoons, this means that we mean a standard spoon with a volume of five milliliters (1 cm³) of water with a slide of 2 cm, since a spoon with a slide of 3 cm and more will have absolutely different weight. But it must also be borne in mind that the correct weight is possible only if the product is stored correctly. If sodium bicarbonate was stored improperly and damp, an amendment of 4-5 grams is required.

In a teaspoon without a slide there is 7 grams of soda, and with a slide –12; dessert, respectively, holds 10 grams of soda and 20; in a tablespoon without a slide, there are 22 grams, and in a spoonful of soda with a slide - 28.

Thanks to the table, you can quickly and without weighing on the scales convert the contents of a spoon into grams. It makes no sense to memorize it all (this is how much information you need to keep in your head!); For convenience, it is best to keep it in the kitchen so that it is always at hand. For preserving or baking culinary products, both liquid and dry ingredients are used. Liquid are poured to the brim of a spoon, and dry - with a slide. If the recipe indicates that, for example, 3-4 grams of soda is required, this means that you need to take about half a teaspoon of soda without a slide, since such a device can hold 7 grams of product.

Weight correspondence table in grams

True gurus of the culinary arts do not recognize such a measure of weight as a "spoon" or "glass". Grams are a measure of weight that true professionals adhere to.

Failure to comply with the proportions in the manufacture of medicines for treatment can lead to very disastrous consequences, and when baking culinary products, not only change the taste of a particular dish, but also make it generally unusable.

As an example, here are some examples of the use of sodium bicarbonate for medical and cosmetic purposes. The recipes indicate the amount in teaspoons or tablespoons.

  • Mask for oily skin. Mix a teaspoon of 12 grams of baking soda with two tablespoons of flour, dilute the mixture with milk. Apply the mask to the face for 15 minutes, the procedure is carried out 2 times a week.
  • You can get rid of itching and relieve irritation after an insect bite if you stir 2 teaspoons of soda powder in a glass of water, and then lubricate problem areas with this solution.
  • In case of toothache or inflammation of the gums, dilute a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate in a glass of hot (on the threshold of tolerance) water, and rinse the sore spot or tooth in small portions. Repeat several times a day. Use the entire glass of saline for one procedure.

The ability to determine how many grams of soda powder or any other products are included in ordinary household spoons can be useful in everyday life, and also make life quite significantly easier for any housewife or cook.

Baking soda and its features

Baking soda well-known substance. It is in the kitchen of every housewife, because soda is needed for cooking. From baking soda baked goods and bread are baked, they are used to wash dishes, and are also used to eliminate unpleasant odors in refrigerators and other household appliances.

Soda is an alkaline compound called sodium bicarbonate in the chemical industry. Many people know about medicinal properties of soda and is used in the treatment of many diseases.

Soda treatment

Baking soda perfectly relieves heartburn, as it neutralizes the hydrochloric acid formed in the stomach. In this case, the action takes place quickly and the unpleasant sensations disappear.

In medicine, this action is called antacid. But on this medicinal properties of soda do not end, consider sodium bicarbonate in more detail.

Soda really neutralizes hydrochloric acid, however, during this process, carbon dioxide is released, which has an exciting effect on the walls of the stomach.

Carbon dioxide stimulates the release of a hormone called gastrin. Gastrin acts as an enhancer of gastric acid secretion, which alters the tone and motility of the intestines and stomach.

Many people suffering from heartburn constantly resort to using baking soda, but an excess of it leads to absorption into the blood.

Getting into the blood, soda violates the acid-base balance, as the blood alkalizes. Therefore, it is recommended to use special medications.

However, before using medication, you should consult a specialist.

Indeed, in such cases, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of heartburn. Resort to using soda follows in cases of "emergency" (1 teaspoon of baking soda for 1/3 cup of water).

The use of soda for throat diseases

For sore throat, a fairly common method is used - gargling. Gargling is used for sore throat, colds, to treat the mucous membranes of the throat and mouth, and also as an expectorant.

The throat treatment process is quite simple. For rinsing, you need a solution of ½ teaspoon of baking soda, stir in a glass of water. The procedure must be repeated every 3-4 hours, along with medications.

Baking soda solution neutralizes the action of acids that occur with colds, sore throats, pharyngitis and the patient immediately feels relief. Soda relieves inflammation of the tissues of a sore throat.

Soda for colds and acute respiratory infections

For colds and diseases of acute respiratory infections, the process is used soda inhalation... This method is also widely used. In case of nasal congestion, pour a glass of water into a small teapot and add 1 teaspoon of baking soda, put the kettle on the stove and heat to a boil.

After that, roll a tube out of thick paper, and alternately inhale the steam coming out of the teapot spout with each nostril. Inhale slowly so as not to burn the nasal mucosa.

Breathe in soda steam it takes about 20-25 minutes, repeat the procedure every 2-3 hours.

There is an easier way. You can simply make a solution of ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, dilute in a small amount of boiled water and use it as regular nasal drops 3-4 times a day. Soda helps get rid of sticky phlegm.

To do this, you should also drink on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day, half a glass of boiled water, dissolving ½ teaspoon of baking soda and a pinch of table salt, but still, if the disease does not recede, then you need to consult a doctor for more serious treatment in order to do not launch your own at all.

Dry cough softens baking soda dissolved in hot milk. To do this, drink one glass of hot milk with 1 teaspoon of baking soda before bed. A mixture of mashed potatoes with soda is used in the treatment of bronchitis, both in adults and in children.

For its preparation, you will need 4-5 medium potato root crops, pre-cooked in a peel (in uniforms). While the potatoes are hot, knead them and add 3 teaspoons of baking soda, then 2-3 cakes should be sculpted and wrapped in a towel.

The resulting potato cakes are placed on the chest two pieces and one on the back in the chest region, between the shoulder blades. They should be hot, but not very hot, as burns are possible.

After placing the potatoes on the patient's body, he must be wrapped in a blanket and laid on the bed. When the cakes are cool, they must be removed, and the patient should be wiped off and changed into dry, clean clothes.

Soda for thrush

Soda capable of treat thrush that almost every woman has encountered in her life.

However, children and men can also be sick with this disease, although they may not know about this, since only in women it is most pronounced.

In medicine, thrush is called vulvovaginal candidiasis or candidiasis. This ailment is caused by a yeast of the genus Candida.

About 50% of women with thrush cure it with a baking soda solution. As we already know that soda is alkaline, and Candida is a fungus, which dies in an alkaline environment due to the destruction of the structure of cells.

Treat thrush with baking soda acceptable, but this method has both advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include low cost and comparative safety when compared with drug treatment with drugs. There are probably a little more disadvantages. The main disadvantage is the frequency of douching.

Doctors recommend douche with baking soda solution, 1 teaspoon per liter of boiled water, every hour or two and continue this treatment for two weeks, and if this is not possible, then you should not start. Not every woman will be able to withstand such conditions.

Today, there are many effective drugs for the treatment of thrush. Therefore, you should not self-medicate, but it is better to consult a doctor and he will select the necessary medicine.

And spend a lot of time on douching with soda most likely not worth it, because you still have to see a doctor, since thrush is not a simple infection and relapses very often occur.

There are various causes of thrush, such as a weakened immune system, diabetes, the action of antibiotics or hormonal drugs, and thyroid disease, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of Candida fungus.

Acne baking soda

Soda especially effective in acne treatment, in addition, the process is much less troublesome than treating thrush. Consider treatment options for acne formation.

Take 1 teaspoon of soda and sugar and dissolve them in a glass of boiling water. With the resulting solution, using a cotton pad, carefully and at the same time, gently wipe the acne spots.

You should also wipe the places where they were and have already passed. After all areas have been treated, they should be washed with warm water and laundry soap and lubricated with butter. After 1-2 hours it is necessary to wash again with warm water without soap.

There is another way that involves using soap at the same time as baking soda. There are many good reviews about this option.

First you need to grate the soap on a grater, with small holes. Then steam your face over the steam, covering your head with a towel. Apply grated soap and some baking soda on a cotton pad.

Massage in a circular motion into the steamed face. After 5 - 10 minutes, wash with warm water. It is enough to carry out the procedure once a week.

For the best effect, on other days, rub your face with lemon ice. You can make it yourself by diluting lemon juice in water and freezing it in the form of cubes in the freezer.

Soda in folk medicine

Soda in folk medicine used for medicinal purposes for various diseases, as well as for prophylaxis. It also relieves itching, after being bitten by mosquitoes and midges, you just need to apply soda gruel to the bite site, on a cotton pad. The itching will go away instantly, and after a while the inflammation and redness will disappear.

For caries prevention, baking soda is ideal. To do this, simply rinse your teeth with a baking soda solution or add a pinch to toothpaste when brushing your teeth.

In the old days, people generally brushed their teeth with soda alone and their teeth were healthy. In the oral cavity, soda neutralizes the acidic environment, polishes the teeth without damaging the enamel, thereby preventing tooth decay.

To get rid of bad breath, you need to rinse your mouth hydrogen peroxide solution with soda... To prepare it, add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to a 2-3% peroxide solution.

If bad breath appears constantly, then you should contact a specialist and find out the reason for its appearance, since an unpleasant odor can be caused by a serious illness.

Soda bath

For the treatment of rheumatism, very good help compresses and baths with soda and herbs. The preparation of such a bath is a simple process, for this you need to boil sage, chamomile and oregano with boiling water.

The proportions are as follows: 1 liter of water, and one tablespoon of herbs each. Then the solution should be infused for 1-2 hours.

After that, we filter the broth through a sieve or cheesecloth and add 400-500 grams of baking soda. The resulting composition is dissolved in a bath with water, the temperature of which should not exceed 40 ° C.

For the best effect, you can add a few drops of rosemary and lavender essential oils. It is best to take this bath before bed, for 30-40 minutes, and then go to bed wrapped in a blanket.

Soda bath very useful for diseases such as psoriasis, dry dermatitis and dry skin. In such cases, 35-45 grams of baking soda, 15-20 grams of magnesium perborate and 20-30 grams of magnesium carbonate are added to the bath.

All components are added to lukewarm water, and then the water temperature should be brought to 35-40 ° C. This bath should be taken 15-20 minutes.

Compressing also does not take much time and effort. To do this, sprinkle soda on an ordinary cabbage leaf and distribute it evenly, and then apply it to the sore spot and fix it with a tight bandage.

An elastic bandage, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, is ideal for dressing. Such a compress should be kept for 2-3 hours and at this time it is better to refrain from being outside. It will be better if you spend this time lying on the bed under the covers.

Many people suffer from swollen feet. These are mainly those who have problems with overweight. Soda is effective in this case.

It is necessary to dissolve 5 tablespoons of soda in 5 liters of warm water and add one glass of broth of sage with mint. Pour the resulting solution into a basin and place swollen legs in it for 20-30 minutes.

A decoction of herbs is made in the following proportions: 1 tablespoon of mint and the same amount of sage, pour boiling water in a glass of water.

Soda application solves most cosmetic problems. Even for newborn babies, soda lotions can help cope with the emerging diaper rash.

And in conclusion, I would like to say that these are far from all the problems that help to solve baking soda.

It is an effective means of treating diseases, however, in serious, difficult situations, it is still better to resort to the help of doctors.