We sew our own pillow for pregnant women using ready-made patterns. Do-it-yourself pillow for pregnant women: patterns with descriptions. Master class for beginners Pattern u pillows for pregnant women

Surely many have heard about such miracle pillows that make the life of a pregnant woman more comfortable and help her sit comfortably on the bed, supporting her voluminous belly. After all, everyone who bore, or on this moment is carrying a baby, they will unanimously agree how difficult it is during this period to find a comfortable position and have a good rest.

Today, such pillows can be purchased in many stores, including on the Internet. However, if you do not want to spend a considerable amount on this product, and have at least a little free time and sewing skills, then you can easily make such a roller yourself. And in this article we will tell you how to sew a pillow for pregnant women yourself, select the most successful patterns, and help you choose the shape of this product.

I would like to note that this, at first glance, extraordinary accessory has many advantages:

  • it allows you to find a comfortable position not only during sleep, but also while reading, eating, etc., and later - while feeding the baby;
  • Prevents back pain, leg swelling and fatigue that are the result of lack of sleep.
  • There are several options for such a pillow, which differ in shape:

    • Horseshoe pillow, which is considered a classic version of such a product. It evenly supports the stomach and back, and therefore the load on the spine is correctly distributed. Especially suitable for those who like to spin from side to side, as it does not need to be shifted. However, it is worth considering that such a product is quite bulky and takes up a lot of space on the bed.

    • C-shaped. It is convenient to sit on such an accessory, placing one of its curves under your head and the other under your knees, that is, it relieves the load not only from the back and stomach, but also from the legs. It is also convenient because you can calmly put your baby to sleep inside it in the first months of his life, and he will feel great in such a limited space. The only downside is that it will have to be turned over when you decide to turn on the other side.

    • L-shaped. It is a long roller with a curved end. You can rest either your head or your feet on it. If you like to turn from side to side, then you will also have to shift this pillow every time. But it is not so bulky.

    • banana pillow. Its shape fully corresponds to its name. This product does not take up much space, and you can easily take it with you on a trip. However, despite its mobility, you can comfortably place your head, stomach, and throw your legs on it.

    • I-shape. The simplest version of such a product is a flat cushion on which you can sit in a way that is comfortable for you.

    • Boomerang pillow. The most compact and mobile option is a soft corner that you can place either under your neck, under your legs, or under your stomach. It won't take a lot of material.

    What is needed for production, and how to choose materials

    To make this product you will need:

    • pattern paper;
    • pencil;
    • scissors;
    • zipper;

    • pins;
    • threads;
    • needles;
    • sewing machine;
    • textile;
    • filler.

    And if everything is, in principle, clear about the first points, then about the last two questions arise: what fabric and filler is better to choose?

    The main criteria for choosing a fabric are its naturalness, hypoallergenicity and, of course, it should be pleasant to the touch. For the pillow itself, you should choose calico, linen or cotton. For a pillowcase, you can buy knitwear, plush, velor, fleece, fur, or even knit it - it all depends on your imagination and preferences.

    The filler, first of all, determines how the product will keep its shape and how useful it will be for you.

    It should also be hypoallergenic and sufficiently elastic. As a rule, to make such pillows they use:

    • Holofiber- enough cheap material, keeps its shape well and does not cause allergies. It also does not absorb odors and is not afraid of getting wet.
    • Synthetic down– the characteristics are very similar to holofiber, however, unlike it, it retains heat, but does not trap air, and therefore does not cause sweating.

    • Expanded polystyrene– is the most popular, but not the cheapest filler. It maintains its shape perfectly, is environmentally friendly, does not require special care, and does not allow mold and bacteria to approach it. But it is important to know that over time it decreases slightly in volume.
    • Buckwheat husk– is, of course, the most environmentally friendly filler. However, it is quite expensive, and the product with it will have considerable weight.

    Making a classic horseshoe pillow

    The manufacture of such a product has the following stages:

    1. A pattern is drawn on paper and then cut out with scissors. We suggest you choose this pattern option.
    2. In this case, the fabric must be folded in half (right side inward), and then the pattern must be placed on it near the fold and secured.
    3. Then you need to transfer the pattern to the fabric and strictly fix it with pins so that it does not move.
    4. In this way, two identical horseshoes are cut out of the fabric (when cutting, leave a seam allowance of around 15 mm), which are pinned to each other.
    5. Then they need to be basted together and sewn on a machine with a straight line along the contour. Only a small area through which the filler will pass is not built up.
    6. Then our cover is turned outward, we fill it through the hole left, and then we sew up this hole.
    7. The pillowcase is sewn using the same pattern, only when cutting it is necessary to add 1 cm everywhere so that the pillow can be placed inside. You also need to leave a hole on the pillowcase (about 50 cm) and sew a zipper there.

    Making a pillow in the shape of a banana

    This pillow is made similarly to the previous one, only for this you will need a different pattern. We recommend that you use this one.

    It should be noted that it is easier to manufacture, and it will require much less materials.

    Making a nursing pillow

    A pillow in the shape of a bagel can not only make a woman’s life easier during pregnancy, but in the future it will help to comfortably accommodate when feeding the baby, and the baby himself, when he learns to sit, can be placed comfortably in it.

    You can also make such a pillow according to the scheme described above, but for this you need to select the appropriate pattern. It looks like this.

    We want to give you a few practical advice regarding the manufacture and operation of this product:

    • Since you will be washing the pillowcase by hand, and quite often, we strongly recommend overcasting its internal seams.
    • When choosing a pillow shape, pay attention to whether you experience discomfort in specific places or general discomfort when resting, since you may only need a small pillow for a specific part of the body. Making such a product will save your time and money.

    • If you are making a pillow for sleeping, when choosing the color of the fabric, give preference to a calm one. color scheme, since bright colors affect nervous system not in the most positive way.
    • Remember that pain in certain places is not always caused by an uncomfortable posture, and if using a pillow does not help you eliminate it, then you need to consult a doctor or take it (for example, or). If you simply cannot find the right position, twist from side to side and cannot fall asleep, then perhaps you should consult a doctor to prescribe a sedative (read more about).

    Video about making a pillow for pregnant women

    This video clearly shows how to sew a comfortable horseshoe pillow for a pregnant woman, and also gives practical recommendations regarding its manufacture.

    We hope that this article was useful to you, and you received comprehensive recommendations on how to sew a maternity pillow with your own hands using patterns. If you managed to do this, share your experience and leave comments.

    Sleep is an important part of life expectant mother, because from comfortable rest depends on her good mood and well-being. It is not so easy to find a comfortable sleeping position, because a growing belly puts additional stress on the spine. As a result, clamps appear and blood flow is disrupted.

    A special pillow of an unusual shape helps you cope with these problems, which will help you find a comfortable position for a healthy sleep, reading a book or watching your favorite movie.

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    Maternity pillows are:

    • U-shaped
    • C-shaped
    • L-shaped
    • Bagels

    You can freely purchase such a pillow in a specialized store or sew it yourself using our detailed master class.

    To create a pillow measuring 100x150 cm you will need:

    • pattern paper and pencil
    • colored fabric for pillowcase - 2 m
    • white fabric for the inner cover - 2 m
    • threads
    • pins and needles
    • scissors
    • sewing machine
    • any filler (for example, holofiber) - approximately 3 kg

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. We draw a drawing according to which we make a pattern on paper.
    2. We transfer the pattern to a white fabric; for convenience, you can fold the pattern and fabric in half, you will get two symmetrical halves of the future pillow. The pillowcase pattern should be at least 2 cm larger than the cover pattern on each edge.
    3. We fasten the two resulting parts of the fabric cover with pins.
    4. We process the fabric on an overlocker and stitch it on a machine, leaving a section of the fabric unstitched through which we will fill the pillow.
    5. We fill the pillow and sew the free edge by hand.
    6. We process the parts of the colored pillowcase on an overlocker and sew them face to face, leaving the area under the zipper on top of the pillow unsewn.
    7. We pin the zipper and baste it with a needle and thread, then sew it on the machine alternately on each side.
    8. We turn the fabric of the pillowcase inside out, check the zipper, iron it with an iron and insert the cover with the filling into the pillowcase. The pregnancy pillow is ready!

    Watch the video instructions, in it you will find the principle of creating a pattern and a description of the work:

    Use only natural materials to make the pillow, then it will be useful to you after the birth of your baby. It can be used as a feeding device, which makes the process easier and frees up your hands.

    In most cases, during pregnancy it is difficult to walk and difficult to sit or lie down. A big tummy makes it difficult to take a normal pose

    At such a time, it will be a real salvation special support or a roller of the desired shape. This pillow will help you sit comfortably and have a great rest. If you don’t want to spend money on such a thing, then using special instructions and simple sewing skills you will get a chic pillow for pregnant women with your own hands.

    Such a product will be needed not only during pregnancy, but also for feeding the baby in the future.

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    What shapes and sizes are there?

    Before choosing how to sew a maternity pillow with your own hands, you need to pay attention to many serious points:

    Shapes of rollers and bends. Orthopedic things can be taken into account anatomical features pregnant. They can be taken for relaxation in a sitting or reclining position. In the future, the pad is used to care for the baby.

    The size of the item depends on the woman’s height and the size of the sleeping area. You need to decide on the width of the roller and the entire length.

    How to use a pregnancy pillow?

    For good night It's worth finding a comfortable location. Since at this time the muscles should be rested, you need to place a pad on the most tense areas of the body:

    For pain in the lower back, you need to unload the spine. You can lie down on your side and place your leg on top of the cushion.

    If your legs are tired and swollen, then the pad can be placed under the ankles or knees.

    For discomfort in the neck, the roller is placed under it. This helps stretch and relax the vertebrae.

    This pillow is distinguished by its functions. With its help, you can feed the child, as well as put him to sleep, limiting the sleeping area with the help of a large cushion. But this can be done until the baby is able to turn around on his own.

    Horseshoe pillow

    The U-shaped pad has many functions. The curved u shape helps support the body on both sides and also promotes relaxation.

    In the position on the side, the pillow is laid out along the sleeping area. In this case, there will be a head at the place of the bends. To rest with your legs raised, the ends of the product are crossed under the knees. Those who like to turn over frequently will like this pillow, since it does not have to be moved. With this option, the back and tummy are supported evenly, and the load is used correctly.

    When feeding, the mother is positioned inside the u, and one edge is folded under the baby's back. The shape of the pillow helps the baby feel comfortable during his first attempts to sit down.

    Such a large u-shaped product will require a spacious crib. The product is created in different modifications. The length can be 280, 340 or 380 centimeters. The width of the roller often has a classic size - thirty-five centimeters.

    DIY pillow for pregnant women master class

    Anatomical rollers are expensive, but they are the best. That's why the best solution will be a DIY pillow for pregnant women. This will require patterns and good material. Manufacturing a useful product precisely includes the following steps:

    The required pattern is created. You will need to consider the length of the product, as well as the width of each roller.

    Materials are being cut.

    To sew everything, you will need two parts of the same shape.

    The created shapes must be stitched around the perimeter from the inside out. On the one hand, it is necessary to leave a small area without stitches. Through it, the pillowcase will turn inside out and fill with filling.

    Selection of materials.

    A DIY pregnancy pillow involves reading a master class, which begins with preparing important things for work:

    • Sewing machine, needles and threads.
    • Sharp scissors and pencils.
    • Paper for patterns.
    • Materials for the product and pillowcase.
    • Filler.

    The fabric should not activate allergies. As an option, you can take linen, cotton or calico. And for the pillowcase you can use knitwear, velor or plush. If you have time, you can make a chic pillowcase with your own hands.

    The filler should also be hypoallergenic. Holofiber is considered an excellent option. But you can also use other materials: foam rubber, cotton wool, padding polyester or special husks. To fasten the product you will need Velcro, a snake or buttons.

    Description of step-by-step work

    The lightest option is the classic horseshoe-shaped pregnancy pillow. It is created as follows:

    • The pattern is drawn on a piece of paper and cut out. The material is folded in 2 times. The front side folds inward. We connect the central part of the pattern with a fold of fabric.
    • Drag the pattern onto the fabric.
    • The material should be secured with pins.
    • You will need to cut out two parts from the fabric, which will turn their outer sides towards each other and will be fastened with pins.
    • We sweep the details along the outline lines and sew them on the machine.
    • We will leave only a small area unstitched.
    • The cover must be sewn with a straight stitch along all contours, and the cuts must be processed with an overlock stitch, an overlock stitch or a special zigzag.
    • Turn the cover inside out.
    • Filler is placed through the created hole. Then everything is sewn up.

    Pad - boomerang.

    This cushion is similar to a soft corner, which is located under the back, stomach, legs or under the neck. It can be folded into a horseshoe or extended in a straight line. The advantages of this product include convenience and mobility. You can easily take something like this with you on a trip.

    Banana pillow for pregnant women.

    The banana pillow is used when space is limited. It differs from a uniform roller only in a slight bend. It can be placed under the back, under the legs, and also around the tummy.

    This banana shaped roller doesn't take up too much space. It is suitable for sleeping on your side and you can relax with it in a reclining position. By the way, stitching and sewing such a roller is not at all difficult.

    Such a device will be useful not only during pregnancy, but also for feeding the child in the future.

    Why do you need a pillow for a pregnant woman?

    For a good night's sleep, you need a position in which the body relaxes as much as possible and normal blood flow is ensured. During pregnancy, a growing belly creates stress on the spine, which contributes to curvature and the occurrence of muscle tension. An orthopedic pillow helps support the body in a comfortable position, which helps relax the back muscles.

    For a good night's sleep, you need a position in which the body relaxes as much as possible.

    This textile accessory has the following advantages:

    • Helps pregnant women find a comfortable position for sleeping, resting, eating, watching a movie or reading books.
    • Reduces the load on the spine, which is especially important from the second trimester. The bolster is used as a support for the legs, sides or under the lower back.
    • This type of pillow can be placed under the stomach, which will not cause any discomfort.
    • The pillow is distributed evenly, which relieves the muscles.

    Advice! After the baby is born, it is used during feeding. With its help, you can free your hands, which will relieve pressure on your back. You can use a roller to create a place for your baby to sleep and play.

    What shapes and sizes are there?

    Before deciding how to sew a maternity pillow with your own hands, you need to pay attention to some important points:

    • Shapes of rollers and bends. Orthopedic products take into account the anatomical features of the pregnant woman. They can be used for relaxation in a sitting or reclining position. In the future, the pillow is used to care for the child.
    • The dimensions of the product depend on the woman’s height and dimensions sleeping place. It is necessary to determine the width of the roller and the overall length.

    Advice! During pregnancy, you need to trust your own feelings, which become more acute during this period. You should trust your body more and choose the pose that you like best. After all, discomfort is felt when there is improper blood flow.

    How to use a pregnancy pillow?

    • For lower back pain, it is important to relieve the load on the spine. You can lie on your side and put your leg on top of the cushion.

    • If your legs are tired and swollen, you can place a pillow under your ankles or knees.
    • If there is discomfort in the neck area, a cushion is placed under it. This allows the vertebrae to stretch and relax.

    This pillow is multifunctional. With its help, you can feed the baby, as well as put him to sleep, limiting the sleeping area with the help of a high cushion. But this can be done until the child is able to turn on his own.

    Advice! If a woman sleeps on her back, the fetus will compress the inferior vena cava, which will lead to feeling unwell and problems with blood supply. According to statistics, about 27% of women prefer to rest on their back.


    Maternity pillows of any type are easy to make with your own hands. Such a product can have a variety of shapes - a horseshoe, boomerang, bagel or banana.

    Advice! In order not to purchase different types of rollers, you can purchase a transformer option. It consists of three elements. These are two straight parts and a bagel. They can be combined in the form of a horseshoe, a smooth roller or a boomerang.

    Horseshoe pillow

    U pillow– its shaped shape is multifunctional. The curved shape allows you to support the body on both sides and also helps you relax.
    In a position on its side, it is placed along the bed. In this case, the head is located at the bend. To rest with your legs raised, the ends of the product are crossed under the knees. Those who like to turn over often will like this product, since it does not need to be moved. With this option, the back and stomach are supported evenly, and the load is distributed correctly.

    When feeding, the mother is positioned inside the horseshoe, and one edge is bent under the baby's back. The shape of the pillow will help the baby comfortably when he first tries to sit up.

    Such a large product requires a spacious bed. The product is produced in various modifications. The length is 280, 340 or 380 cm. The width of the roller is often standard size– 35 cm.

    Product - bagel

    This is the name of the C-shaped roller. It is used like this: laid along the bed, one bend is located under the body, and the second under the knees. The belly is placed in the center of the letter. After giving birth, you can put the baby to sleep in such a space.

    Roller in the shape of the letter L

    This product has a curved end. It is laid along the body. In this case, the bend can be at the head or at the feet. There are such variations of the product: a roller of a straight shape or in the form of a hook.

    Pillow – boomerang

    This cushion is a soft corner that is located under the back, stomach, legs or under the neck. It can be folded into a horseshoe or bent in a straight line. The advantages of such a product include compactness and mobility. You can take this type of accessory with you on a trip.

    Banana shaped roller

    This option is used when space is limited. It differs from a smooth roller by a slight bend. It can be placed under the back, under the legs, and also around the stomach.

    This roller doesn't take up much space. It is suitable for sleeping on your side and you can rest with it in a reclining position.

    Filler selection

    It is worth paying special attention to the contents of the pillow. The filler must be safe for the mother and the unborn child.

    Holofiber, which is synthetic fluff, is often used. The material consists of spiral threads, which, when compressed, become denser, and when the load is removed, they return to their original shape. Thanks to this property, the material is successfully used for orthopedic products.

    Synthetic down is a springy and soft filler. It is easy to wrinkle, but it quickly returns to its original position. This material retains heat well and allows air to pass through. This avoids the greenhouse effect.
    Polystyrene balls with a diameter of 1 mm are used as filler. Such products are more rigid. They hold their shape well and can be given any shape. Polystyrene is considered an excellent insulator. It prevents heat loss. Therefore, in the heat, the body sweats on such material.

    The material for the pillowcase should be of good quality. It should be natural and pleasant to the touch. It is better to choose calico or cotton.

    Advice! Holofiber does not contain synthetic glue, so it can be classified as a hypoallergenic material. And when choosing a polystyrene filler, you need to take into account that the balls make rustling sounds.

    How to sew a pillow yourself

    Anatomical bolsters are not a cheap pleasure. That's why ideal solution will be a homemade pillow for pregnant women. For this you will need patterns and high-quality material. Creating a useful product necessarily includes the following steps:

    • A suitable pattern is drawn. It is important to consider the length of the product, as well as the width of each roller.

    The material is being cut
    • The material is being cut. For sewing you need two elements of the same shape.
    • The resulting shapes need to be stitched around the perimeter from the wrong side. On one side you need to leave a small area without stitches. Through it, the pillowcase is turned inside out and filled with filling.

    Advice! For such a product, you need to immediately sew two pillowcases, which are made according to the same patterns, but with a small allowance.

    Material selection

    A do-it-yourself pillow for pregnant women involves studying a master class, which begins with preparing materials and tools:

    • sewing machine, needles and threads;
    • scissors and pencils;
    • paper for patterns;
    • fabrics for products and pillowcases;
    • filler.

    The fabric should not cause allergic reactions. As an option, you can choose linen, cotton or calico. And for pillowcases you can use knitwear, velor or plush. If time permits, you can knit a luxurious pillowcase with your own hands.

    The filler must also have hypoallergenic properties. A good option is holofiber. But you can also use other materials: foam rubber, cotton wool, padding polyester or buckwheat husk. To fasten the pillowcase you will need Velcro, a zipper or buttons.

    The filler must also have hypoallergenic properties.

    Stages of work

    The simplest option is a traditional horseshoe-shaped pregnancy pillow. It's done like this:

    1. The pattern is drawn on paper and cut out. The fabric is folded in half. Front side fits inside. The center of the pattern is connected by folding the fabric.
    2. The pattern is transferred to the fabric.
    3. The fabric should be secured with pins.
    4. You need to cut out two parts from the fabric, which are turned with the outer side towards each other and secured with pins.
    5. The details are swept along the outline lines and stitched on a typewriter.
    6. Only a small area is left unstitched.
    7. The cover must be sewn with a straight stitch along the entire contour, and the sections are processed with an overlock, overlock stitch or zigzag.
    8. In a similar way You can sew products of any other shape

      Using patterns, pillowcases are sewn. For them it is necessary to leave small allowances. In a similar way, you can sew products of any other shape.

      If discomfort occurs, you need to find out its cause. Orthopedic accessories are designed to reduce discomfort in the knees, ankles, abdomen or shoulders. If one place hurts for a long time, the problem may be poor posture, poor nutrition or lifting weights.

      At pain in several places it is worth choosing a product of small size and wedge-shaped. If there is general discomfort, you can purchase a pillow from full height or curved shape.

      Textile accessories must be of high quality and have a smooth finish. You need to touch it and try to fold it to determine whether the padding material is bunching up.

      Your neck and head should be supported while you sleep. In this case, the spine will be in an even position. A twisted posture will cause pain symptoms in the shoulders or neck.

      A pillow should not be used to support an infant if he or she can move independently. Also, do not use it as a child's bedding unless it is intended for children's use.

      Studying useful properties and the features of the orthopedic product will create comfortable conditions for any pregnant woman. And the instructions for sewing yourself will help you make a high-quality, comfortable and multifunctional pillow on your own, using only available materials.

    Pregnancy for a woman - difficult period, during which she may experience discomfort. She experiences severe discomfort even in a sitting position, especially in the last trimester. And to alleviate the condition and help take the correct position, a special pillow or cushion was invented. This product can be purchased at a specialty store in finished form, but if desired, you can make it yourself. But first you need to make a pattern, consider master classes and sewing options.


    Carrying a child is a special period during which a woman experiences new and unforgettable sensations. Of course, they are pleasant, but it is still worth considering that over time the belly begins to grow, and this can negatively affect sleep, or rather, it will be difficult for a woman to take a comfortable position. All this causes excessive fatigue, lack of sleep, loss of strength, and severe discomfort.

    The pregnancy pillow was invented to ensure the elimination of inconvenience during sleep. Using the device, you can easily sleep on your side; if you wish, you can place it under your stomach, throw your leg over it, or rest your head. To be precise, this product helps pregnant women choose suitable positions in which they can sleep normally.

    This product has several advantages:

    • using this product you can choose a comfortable position for sleeping and for other favorite activities;
    • it reduces increased pressure on the spine, this is especially necessary during the second trimester;
    • special roller is just necessary thing to alleviate a woman’s condition when bearing a child. It can be used for support under the limbs, sides or lower back;
    • can be placed under the stomach, this will greatly alleviate the condition and eliminate discomfort;
    • When using a pillow, its mass is distributed evenly throughout the body, which eliminates the strain on the muscles.

    Filling options

    Of particular importance is the material used to fill the pillows. It should not have a negative impact on the woman and the unborn child. It is important that it released harmful substances that could negatively affect health. Therefore, you need to consider filler options.


    This type is considered synthetic down. It consists of synthetic threads with a spiral structure. During compression, the threads are compacted, and after the load is removed they return to their original shape.

    Due to the fact that the threads can normally take shape after pressure, they can be used to fill products with an orthopedic structure. They are often used in the manufacture of pillows for pregnant women.

    Synthetic down

    This type of filler has soft and springy properties. It wrinkles quite easily and quickly restores its shape. Its base has unique qualities - it retains heat well, but air flows well through it.

    It does not create a greenhouse effect and does not cause sweating. In addition, the filler does not contain synthetic glue or other harmful components. This material has a hypoallergenic structure.

    Polystyrene balls

    The balls have a small diameter - 1 mm. But pillows filled with them have a more rigid structure. When sufficiently filled, they hold their shape, which allows you to give the roller any bends.

    Expanded polystyrene is a good insulator. It causes heat to be blocked and also prevents proper air exchange. For this reason, a pillow filled with polystyrene balls is hot.

    This material causes heat dissipation to be blocked, so in hot weather the mother sweats on the pillows, and then after birth the baby herself sweats. Therefore, products filled with polystyrene balls should be used in relatively comfortable conditions. temperature conditions.

    Buckwheat husk

    This natural material for filling that does not cause allergies. It is considered an excellent filler for pillows, but it is still worth considering important features:

    • the husk is quite heavy, for this reason the pillows made from it are hard;
    • it easily takes on the contours of the body and relieves muscles from increased stress;
    • It has a strong aroma and can also rustle loudly, which can interfere with sleep.

    Pillows filled with buckwheat husks are not recommended to be washed. This is due to some drying difficulties. It is also considered the most expensive filling material compared to others.


    There are various types of pillows for pregnant women, but the popular ones are “Horseshoe”, “L-shaped”, “Banana”. Before making them, you need to study their patterns and sewing patterns.


    A horseshoe-shaped pregnancy pillow is considered a multifunctional product. The large product with a curved shape provides support for the torso on both sides. It also evenly removes stress from the muscles and allows the body to relax.

    The use of the Horseshoe pillow can be different:

    • if a woman likes to constantly sleep on her side, then it is recommended to place the pillow along the body so that the curve is under the head;
    • if you want to lie down with your legs raised up, then it is recommended to cross the ends of the cushion under the knees;
    • on bottom part you can simply throw your legs up and this will relieve excess tension from the lower extremities.


    The main advantage of the pillow is that it is comfortable and not large. This means that next to the future mother there will be a place for the future father. This is a kind of roller that has a curved end.

    The product can be placed along the body, and the bend can be placed under the head or to the leg area. The latter use allows you to rest your body on the pillow and, if necessary, allows you to throw your legs up.


    Banana pillow is a suitable remedy for relief. It can also be used after the baby is born; it is suitable for feeding and sleeping the baby. But so that the child can fully rest in it without any special difficulties, it is recommended to tie ties to the ends of the product, this will prevent it from opening at the moment when the baby sleeps in it.

    When making a model, you can independently adjust the length. This should be done taking into account growth parameters.


    To make a cushion for pregnant women, you should pay attention to the manufacturing master class. Below are instructions for creating a large sleep item:

    1. First you need to make a pattern. A U-shaped pillow blank is drawn on paper. The overall length is measured along the outer edge and must be distributed over 3 sections. If the total length is 360 cm, then the length of the bed will be 155 cm, and the width of each bolster will be 40 cm.
    2. Next, the fabric is cut. To make a roller, you will need two parts with the same shapes.
    3. Two shapes need to be stitched on the wrong sides around the perimeter. On one side of the horseshoe you should leave a small space without stitching with a length of 20-30 cm.
    4. Through the area without stitching, the pillowcase is turned inside out and the shape is filled with synthetic down.
    5. At the end, you should make two pillowcases, which are made using a pattern. A tolerance of 2 cm is made on each side.

    To make a suitable pillow for pregnant women, it is important to follow the recommendations:

    • for its production it is recommended to use natural types of fabrics - cotton, cambric, calico, linen, terry;
    • The design and shape of the pillow should be thought out in advance. They can be different types, but the most convenient is “Horseshoe”;
    • For filling, you should choose a filler with an anti-allergenic structure. Synthetic padding polyester, holofiber, polystyrene are perfect for it;
      It is recommended to cut the fabric in excess for allowances and seams.

    If you follow all the recommendations and rules when making a pillow, you can make quality product to relieve tension. It is not at all necessary to buy it ready-made, because it may not always meet a woman’s needs. It is better to first study the sewing pattern and make it yourself.