When extinguishing a vertical surface, direct the jet. Rules for using a fire extinguisher. Fire extinguishing with steam

fire extinguisher OHP-10 you need:

1. Raise the handle up and throw it all the way, then shake it

fire extinguisher several times and direct the resulting stream of foam

directly onto the burning part of the surface.

2. Raise the handle up, throw it all the way, then turn it over

the bottom of the burning surface.

3. Raise the handle up, throw it all the way, then turn it over

fire extinguisher upside down and direct the resulting stream of foam towards

the top of the burning surface.

4. If there are burning electric lights on a vertical surface

wires, first of all extinguish them as the main source of combustion.

After extinguishing burning clothing on a victim, you must:

1. Lubricate the burn surface with whale, badger, bear

fat or sprinkle with starch, soda, flour, then close the burn

surface with a dry sterile sheet, give the victim 2-3

analgin tablets and offer plenty of fluids.

2. Try to remove remnants of clothing and dirt, open burn wounds

bubbles, wash the burn surface with a weak solution

potassium permanganate, cover the damaged surface with a clean cloth

and until the ambulance arrives, provide the victim with peace.

3. Cover the burn surface with a dry, sterile sheet or

diaper, fill plastic bags with snow, ice or cold water

bags, plastic bottles and cover the burn surface with them

over a dry sheet or diaper, give to the victim

painkillers, provide the victim with complete rest until

When the ambulance arrives, offer plenty of fluids.

Aviation events are divided into:




ground incidents


An aircraft accident is:


Aviation failure is:

1. an aviation accident that did not result in the death of members

crew and passengers, but leading to complete destruction or

severe damage to the aircraft, resulting in

restoring it is technically and economically impossible


2. an aircraft accident that resulted in the death of members

crew or passengers in case of destruction, damage or loss

aircraft, as well as the death of people from injuries received,

occurring within 30 days from the date of the incident.

3. an aircraft accident that was not followed by the death of members

crew and passengers, resulting in damage to the aircraft,

repair of which is possible and economically feasible.

An aviation incident is:

1. an event in which the health of at least one of the persons in

on board, damage caused or the circumstances of the incident

indicate that an accident almost occurred.

2. an event related to the flight operation of an aircraft,

which could create or created a threat to his integrity and/or life

persons on board, but did not end in aviation


3. events not related to aviation, but related to operation


Fire is an uncontrolled combustion that results in damage and possible loss of life. Dangerous factors of fire that affect people are: open fire and sparks, elevated ambient temperatures, toxic combustion products, smoke, reduced oxygen concentration, collapse of building structures, explosions of technological equipment, falling of burnt trees, sinkholes of burnt soil.

The greatest danger to humans is inhalation of heated air, which leads to damage to the upper respiratory tract, suffocation and death. Thus, exposure to temperatures above 100°C leads to loss of consciousness and death within a few minutes. Skin burns are also dangerous. A person who has received a second degree burn - 30% of the body surface - has little chance of survival.

In case of fire in modern buildings using polymer and synthetic materials, toxic combustion products can affect people. However, in 50-80% of cases, deaths in fires are caused by carbon monoxide poisoning and lack of oxygen.

Fire extinguishing is carried out mainly by professional fire-fighting units. However, every citizen must be able to eliminate fires and, if necessary, participate in the fight against fire.

There are three main ways to extinguish a fire: cooling the burning substance, for example, with water; isolating it from air access (earth, sand, blanket) and, finally, removing flammable substances from the combustion zone (pumping flammable liquid, dismantling combustible structures).

You need to start fighting a fire from the area where the fire can pose a threat to human life, cause the greatest damage, cause an explosion or collapse of structures.

The main method of extinguishing burning buildings is the supply of fire extinguishing agents (water, sand, foam) to the burning surfaces.

When extinguishing a fire, you should first of all stop the spread of the fire, and then extinguish it in places of the most intense burning, applying a jet not to the flame, but to the burning surface. When extinguishing a vertical surface, the jet must be directed first to its upper part, gradually lowering. A small fire in the house should be filled with water or covered with a thick, wet cloth.

In conditions of developing fires, measures must be taken to ensure that the fire does not spread to an adjacent part of the building or to neighboring buildings. To do this, they disassemble the fragments of burning structures and remove them from the combustion zone. Remove flammable materials from fire paths. The surfaces of neighboring buildings are watered, and observers are placed on the roofs to extinguish flying sparks and firebrands. Burning external surfaces are extinguished with water. Window sashes are extinguished both from the outside and from the inside of the building. First of all, you need to extinguish curtains, drapes, curtains to prevent the spread of fire indoors.

A fire in the attic can quickly become large, so extinguish the fire there first.

If furniture catches fire, water should be distributed over as large a surface as possible on the fire. Bedding that has ignited should be poured with plenty of water without removing it from the bed, and then taken outside and the extinguishing should be completed there.

When rescuing people during a fire, main and emergency entrances and exits, stationary and portable ladders are used. People caught in a fire in a building seek refuge on the upper floors or try to jump out of windows and balconies. In fire conditions, many of them incorrectly assess the situation and take inappropriate actions. When leaving a smoke-filled room, cover your face with a towel or scarf moistened with water.

If you find a child, wrap him in a blanket, coat, jacket, and take him out immediately. Out of fear, small children often hide under beds, in closets, or hide in corners.

When extinguishing fires in rural areas, it is necessary to take into account some features. For example, a livestock building caught fire. First of all, it is necessary to take the animals to a safe place, as far as possible from the fire. If hay and straw are stored nearby, do everything to prevent the fire from spreading there. If straw or sheaves stacked in stacks or stacks catch fire, first of all the flames are knocked down, for which the stack or stack is first watered with a diffuse stream of water, and then, starting from the top, with a powerful stream. After the burning stops, the stack or stack is dismantled, the burnt hay or straw is scattered to the sides and watered with water.

When extinguishing fires in a grain warehouse, the flames are first knocked out, and then the grain is watered with a spray jet. After this, the grain is shoveled, separating the burnt grain.

In a fire, people may find themselves in buildings, on the street, in shelters, in an enterprise, in a forest, field, etc.

The danger to people in case of fire is high air temperature, smoke, concentration of carbon monoxide and other harmful combustion products, as well as possible collapse of buildings and structures.

In case of continuous and massive fires, high temperature and smoke can be dangerous in the spaces between buildings, in courtyards, on the street, in the forest and other places.

If visibility in the smoke zone becomes less than 10 m, then if possible you should not enter this zone, because it is dangerous. Smoke and high temperatures are especially dangerous in basements and on the upper floors of buildings.

When rescuing victims from a burning building, follow these rules:

  • if you need to go through a burning room to save people, cover your head with a wet blanket, a piece of thick fabric or a coat (cloak);
  • open the door to a smoky room carefully, otherwise a rapid influx of fresh air will cause a flash of flame;
  • It is better to move through a heavily smoky room by crawling or crouching;
  • when looking for victims, call them; remember that out of fear, small children often hide under the bed, in the closet, huddle in a corner and other places; find them and save them;
  • when evacuating a victim from a burning building, try to cover him with some kind of blanket;
  • if your clothes catch fire, do not try to run - this will fan the flames more; it is better to lie on the ground and, rolling over, try to knock out the flames;
  • When you see a person whose clothes are on fire, throw a coat, raincoat or some kind of blanket over him and press tightly, this will limit the access of air and stop the burning faster; if the victim has burns, apply bandages and send him to the nearest medical center;
  • when extinguishing a fire, use fire extinguishers, water, sand, earth, blankets, etc. Fire extinguishing agents are first supplied to the places of the most intense burning, not on the flame, but directly on the burning surface;
  • if a vertical surface is burning, water must first be supplied to the upper part;
  • To extinguish a fire in a smoky room, use a spray jet, as it helps to deposit smoke and lower the temperature;
  • flammable liquids are best extinguished with foaming compounds, by covering them with sand or earth, as well as by covering small fires with a heavy blanket, clothing, etc.;
  • household items and clothing should be extinguished with water from a container or using a fire hydrant, and in winter they can be thrown outside and extinguished with snow;
  • small fires in the house can be extinguished by tightly covering the fire with a blanket (preferably wet), as well as using water, fire extinguishers, etc.;
  • extinguishing the insulation of electrical wires that are under voltage is carried out only after they have been previously de-energized (unscrew the plugs, turn off the switch),

Learn how to properly use fire extinguishing agents.

The figure shows a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, which, when extinguishing a fire, must be brought as close as possible to the source of combustion, point the socket at the fire and open the shut-off valve, rotating the handwheel counterclockwise until it stops. The ejected foam mass should cover the burning surface until the combustion stops. To avoid frostbite, be careful not to hold the bell with your bare hand.

The picture shows a foam fire extinguisher. To activate it, you need to lift the handle up and throw it all the way, this will open the glass with the acid solution.

Then, to mix (react) the acid with the alkaline solution, turn the fire extinguisher upside down. Direct the resulting stream of foam onto the burning surface (if there is no stream, clean the spray and shake the fire extinguisher).

For actuating internal fire hydrants in buildings it is necessary to open the cabinet door, roll out the sleeve connected to the tap and the barrel, open the valve by turning the handwheel counterclockwise and direct a stream of water to the combustion center.

Extinguishing forest ground fires when the ground cover is burning - grass, dead wood, logging residues, it can be done with improvised means by overwhelming the fire with branches, burlap and other objects, as well as throwing earth at the fire.

Horse fires when the fire spreads along the tops of the trees, it is extinguished by installing barrier strips along the path of fire spread or by launching oncoming fire from any boundary (rivers, clearings, roads, etc.).

To stop the spread of underground (peat) fires ditches are opened to the depth of the mineral layer or groundwater. When extinguishing underground fires, you should be careful to avoid falling into the burnt ground and burning trees falling on you.

Leaving the forest fire zone you need to go in the windward direction, using open spaces (clearings, clearings, roads, rivers, etc.), as well as areas of deciduous forest.

Extinguishing small caliber incendiary bombs, discovered immediately after their fall, is carried out by dropping them from roofs and attics using a shovel, tongs or a hand dressed in a tarpaulin mitten to the ground or immersing them in a barrel (bucket) of water.

Clumps of burning napalm spills on clothing can be extinguished by tightly covering the burning area with a sleeve, hollow clothing, wet clay or sand. If a large amount of a burning mixture gets in contact with the victim, it is necessary to cover the victim tightly with clothing, pour plenty of water on him or immerse the affected area in water, cover it with sand or earth. When there are no extinguishing means and no one to help, you can knock out the flames by rolling on the ground.

Extinguishing incendiary mixtures containing white phosphorus or sodium, which spontaneously ignite in a normal environment, is produced by isolating them from air with sand, earth, a thick blanket (cloak, coat, blanket, etc.) or applying a bandage; Moreover, sodium is extinguished with dry means, and phosphorus - with wet ones.

After the incendiary mixture has been extinguished, apply clean, dry bandages to the burned areas of the body and send the victim to a medical center.

Remnants of an incendiary mixture and burnt clothing stuck to a burned body should not be removed: the burn wound may become infected.

Carbon dioxide fire extinguishers

Intended for extinguishing fires of various substances and materials, electrical installations under voltage up to 10,000 V (10 kV), internal combustion engines, flammable liquids.

Prohibited extinguish materials that burn without air access.

Operating principle is based on the displacement of carbon dioxide by excess pressure. When the shut-off and release device is opened, CO2 flows through the siphon tube to the socket. Carbon dioxide, falling on a burning substance, isolates it from oxygen. CO2 changes from a liquefied state to a solid (snow-like) state. The temperature at the exit from the socket drops sharply (from -70C to -80C), thereby one of the features of these fire extinguishers is a decrease in temperature at the spray point.

Due to the cooling effect, this type of fire extinguisher is often used inappropriately, to cool something such as the intercooler before a competitive race in a sports car.

Design of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher. A carbon dioxide fire extinguisher consists of: a body; OTV charge (carbon dioxide); siphon tube; bell; carrying handles; safety checks; shut-off and starting device.

Term checks - once a year (by weighing), recharging - once every 5 years.

Foam fire extinguishers

Intended for extinguishing fires and ignitions of solid substances and materials, flammable liquids and gases, except for alkali metals and substances whose combustion occurs without air access, as well as electrical installations without voltage.

Operating principle of a chemical fire extinguisher. When the shut-off and trigger device is activated, the valve of the cup opens, releasing the acidic part of the fire extinguishing agent. When the fire extinguisher is turned over, the acid and alkali react. Shaking speeds up the reaction. The resulting foam flows through the nozzle (spray) to the source of the fire.

Operating principle of air-foam fire extinguishers is based on the displacement of a foaming agent solution by excess pressure of the working gas (air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide). When the shut-off and starting device is activated, the plug of the cylinder with the working gas is pierced. The foaming agent is squeezed out by gas through channels and a siphon tube. In the nozzle, the foaming agent is mixed with the sucked in air, and foam is formed. It falls on the burning substance, cools it and isolates it from oxygen.

A chemical foam fire extinguisher must be recharged every year, whether it has been used or not.

Foam fire extinguishers are prohibited from extinguishing live electrical installations.

Foam fire extinguisher design. Foam fire extinguisher comes in two designs: chemical and air foam. The first type consists of: a body; shut-off and starting device; glasses with acid part; alkaline part (a mixture of salt and foaming agent). The second type consists of: a body; shut-off and starting device; siphon tube; nozzles; foaming agent solution; working gas cylinder; nozzles

Term checks - once a year, recharges - once a year.

Powder fire extinguishers

Intended for extinguishing fires and combustions of petroleum products, flammable liquids and gases, solvents, solids, as well as electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 V (1 kV).

Operating principle of fire extinguishers with a built-in gas pressure source. When the shut-off and starting device is activated, the plug of the cylinder with the working gas (carbon dioxide, nitrogen) is pierced. Gas enters the lower part of the fire extinguisher body through the supply tube and creates excess pressure. The powder is forced out through a siphon tube and a hose to the barrel. By pressing the barrel trigger, you can feed the powder in portions. The powder, falling on the burning substance, isolates it from air oxygen.

Operating principle of a pump fire extinguisher. The working gas is pumped directly into the fire extinguisher body. When the shut-off and trigger device is activated, the powder is displaced by gas through a siphon tube into the hose and to the nozzle barrel or nozzle. The powder can be served in portions. It falls on the burning substance and isolates it from air oxygen.

Powder fire extinguishers also have an inhibitory effect; when a fire extinguishing agent enters the extinguishing zone, the substances decompose and the burning rate is intensively inhibited.

Before extinguishing, make sure there are no twists or kinks in the fire extinguisher hose.

After extinguishing, make sure that the source has been eliminated and the fire will not recur.

Powder fire extinguisher design. A powder fire extinguisher consists of: a body; OTV charge (powder); siphon tube; a cylinder with gas displacing OTV; gas pipe with aerator; pressure gauge; locking and starting device lever; safety checks.

Term checks - once a year (selectively), recharges - once every 5 years.

Self-triggering powder fire extinguisher (OSP)

Designed for extinguishing small fires and ignitions of solid organic substances, gas and flammable liquids, melting materials, electrical installations at voltages up to 1000V.

Aerosol generators "Purga"

Serve for automatic or manual extinguishing of fires in industrial and domestic premises with a volume of up to 200 sq.m. When triggered, a highly dispersed aerosol is released, which inhibits flame combustion. Starting units: electrical, thermal and mechanical (manual).

Rules for working with a fire extinguisher

  1. When extinguishing electrical installations with a powder fire extinguisher, apply the charge in portions after 3-5 seconds
  2. Do not bring the fire extinguisher closer than 1m to a burning electrical installation.
  3. Direct the charge stream only from the windward side
  4. Do not touch the mouth of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher with your bare hand to avoid frostbite.
  5. When extinguishing oil products, use a foam fire extinguisher to cover the entire surface of the fireplace with foam, starting from the near edge
  6. When extinguishing an oil fire, it is prohibited to direct the charge stream from top to bottom.
  7. Direct the stream of charge to the nearest edge of the fire, gradually deepening as the fire extinguishes.
  8. Extinguish the fire below from top to bottom
  9. If possible, use multiple fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire.

Rules for working with powder fire extinguishers

  1. Extinguish the fire from the windward side
  2. When a flammable liquid is spilled, start extinguishing from the leading edge, directing the jet of powder at the burning surface, not at the flame
  3. Extinguish the leaking liquid from top to bottom
  4. Extinguish a burning vertical surface from the bottom up
  5. If there are several fire extinguishers, they must be used simultaneously
  6. Make sure that an extinguished fire does not flare up again (never turn your back to it)
  7. After use, fire extinguishers must be recharged immediately.

Intended for extinguishing fires of various substances and materials, electrical installations under voltage up to 1000 V, internal combustion engines, flammable liquids.

It is prohibited to extinguish materials that burn without air access.

The operating principle is based on the displacement of carbon dioxide by excess pressure. When the shut-off and release device is opened, CO2 flows through the siphon tube to the socket. CO2 changes from a liquefied state to a solid (snow-like) state. The temperature drops sharply (down to -70C). Carbon dioxide, falling on a burning substance, isolates it from oxygen.

Foam fire extinguishers

Intended for extinguishing fires and ignitions of solid substances and materials, flammable liquids and gas liquids, except for alkali metals and substances whose combustion occurs without air access, as well as live electrical installations.

Operating principle of a chemical fire extinguisher. When the shut-off and trigger device is activated, the valve of the cup opens, releasing the acidic part of the fire extinguishing agent. When the fire extinguisher is turned over, the acid and alkali react. Shaking speeds up the reaction. The resulting foam flows through the nozzle (spray) to the source of the fire.

Operating principle of air-foam fire extinguishers is based on the displacement of a foaming agent solution by excess pressure of the working gas (air, nitrogen, carbon dioxide). When the shut-off and starting device is activated, the plug of the cylinder with the working gas is pierced. The foaming agent is squeezed out by gas through channels and a siphon tube. In the nozzle, the foaming agent is mixed with the sucked in air, and foam is formed. It falls on the burning substance, cools it and isolates it from oxygen.

A chemical foam fire extinguisher must be recharged every year, whether it has been used or not.

Foam fire extinguishers are prohibited from extinguishing live electrical installations.

Powder fire extinguishers

Intended for extinguishing fires and combustions of petroleum products, flammable liquids and gases, solvents, solids, as well as electrical installations under voltage up to 1000V.

Operating principle of fire extinguishers with a built-in gas pressure source. When the shut-off and starting device is activated, the plug of the cylinder with the working gas (carbon dioxide, nitrogen) is pierced. Gas enters the lower part of the fire extinguisher body through the supply tube and creates excess pressure. The powder is forced out through a siphon tube and a hose to the barrel. By pressing the barrel trigger, you can feed the powder in portions. The powder, falling on the burning substance, isolates it from air oxygen.

Operating principle of a pump fire extinguisher. The working gas is pumped directly into the fire extinguisher body. When the shut-off and trigger device is activated, the powder is displaced by gas through a siphon tube into the hose and to the nozzle barrel or nozzle. The powder can be served in portions. It falls on the burning substance and isolates it from air oxygen.

Before extinguishing, make sure there are no twists or kinks in the fire extinguisher hose.

After extinguishing, make sure that the source has been eliminated and the fire will not recur.

Self-triggering powder fire extinguisher (OSP)

Designed for extinguishing small fires and ignitions of solid organic substances, gas and flammable liquids, melting materials, electrical installations at voltages up to 1000V.

Aerosol generators "Purga"

Serve for automatic or manual extinguishing of fires in industrial and domestic premises with a volume of up to 200 sq.m. When triggered, a highly dispersed aerosol is released, which inhibits flame combustion. Starting units: electrical, thermal and mechanical (manual).

Rules for working with a fire extinguisher

  1. When extinguishing electrical installations with a powder fire extinguisher, apply the charge in portions after 3-5 seconds
  2. Do not bring the fire extinguisher closer than 1m to a burning electrical installation.
  3. Direct the charge stream only from the windward side
  4. Do not touch the mouth of a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher with your bare hand to avoid frostbite.
  5. When extinguishing oil products, use a foam fire extinguisher to cover the entire surface of the fireplace with foam, starting from the near edge
  6. When extinguishing an oil fire, it is prohibited to direct the charge stream from top to bottom.
  7. Direct the stream of charge to the nearest edge of the fire, gradually deepening as the fire extinguishes.
  8. Extinguish the fire below from top to bottom
  9. If possible, use multiple fire extinguishers to extinguish the fire.

Rules for working with powder fire extinguishers

  1. Extinguish the fire from the windward side
  2. When a flammable liquid is spilled, start extinguishing from the leading edge, directing the jet of powder at the burning surface, not at the flame
  3. Extinguish the leaking liquid from top to bottom
  4. Extinguish a burning vertical surface from the bottom up
  5. If there are several fire extinguishers, they must be used simultaneously
  6. Make sure that an extinguished fire does not flare up again (never turn your back to it)
  7. After use, fire extinguishers must be recharged immediately.