Presentation on the theme of the water world. Presentation on the topic "Water Resources of the World". Measures to protect water resources

The watery shell of the globe is the oceans,
seas, rivers, lakes - called
It covers 71% of the earth's surface.
The earth has a colossal volume
water is about 1.5 billion km³. However 98%
this volume consists of salt waters,
and only 28 million km³ are fresh waters.

Water resources

These are suitable for consumption
fresh water contained in rivers,
lakes, glaciers, underground horizons.

The importance of water in the world economy

Habitat aquatic organisms,
source of valuable proteins (in the form of fish
and other organisms)
Used in almost all
sectors of the economy: energy,
for irrigation of agricultural land, for
industrial, municipal and
domestic water supply.

Water reserves

The volume of water on Earth reaches almost 1.5 billion km³.
But the bulk of fresh water (almost 80%)
constitute the waters of glaciers, snow covers,
underground ice permafrost. IN
they are not currently used and
are considered as potential water
resources. One-time volume of river waters on land
small - only 2000 km³.

World water balance

Communal services
water supply.
Industrial water supply.
Water supply for agriculture.

Municipal water supply

Water consumption standards for 1
people average 120,150 liters per day. But in the cities
industrialized countries
water consumption is especially high.
For example, in European countries it
rises to 300-400 l/day

Industrial water supply

Factories require a lot of water
factories. Only for energy needs
taken from water sources 320 km³
water, while 20 km³ is lost. WITH
industrial development water consumption
everything increases at the same time
water pollution is increasing
industrial waste.

Water supply for agriculture

The largest water consumer is rural
farming. A particular problem is
runoff from livestock farms. They
extremely overloaded with organic
compounds and cause especially
rapid pollution reservoirs.

Water resource availability is measured by river flow per capita
population per year. Among the regions of the world, Australia and
Oceania – 83 thousand m³ per person per year. This is not so much due to the abundance of water,
How much with the sparse population of this part of the planet.

The most water-rich countries in the world include Suriname,
Gabon, Canada, New Zealand, Norway. Countries facing shortages of fresh water
waters: Kuwait, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt. In many of these countries
Seawater desalination plants are used.

Causes of fresh water shortage

urban growth
creation of powerful industrial centers
pollution of water bodies by domestic and industrial
Reduction of water flow in rivers; (consequences of cutting down
forests, plowing floodplains and draining swamps);
Reduced ability of water bodies to self-purify (not
cope with such a volume of waste);
Overconsumption and pollution groundwater
(shallowing of rivers and lakes)

Problems related to the use of water resources

fresh water supplies are by no means unlimited, and
virtually uncontrolled industrial discharges
threaten to destroy the ecosystem of many water bodies.
Pulp and paper and chemical
industry destroys all life in rivers and lakes.
ill-conceived construction of reservoirs and
dams (especially on the Volga) lead to almost
the complete disappearance of many fish species.
groundwater pollution.

Measures to protect water resources

savings on production and at home
cleaning Wastewater;
development of new technologies that provide
maximum utilization industrial waste;
stopping the discharge of untreated wastewater
creation of water protection zones adjacent to water areas;
planting trees and shrubs in the coastal strip of rivers.

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The watery shell of the globe - oceans, seas, rivers, lakes - is called the hydrosphere. It covers 71% of the earth's surface. The Earth has a colossal volume of water of about 1.5 billion km³. However, 98% of this volume is salt water, and only 28 million km³ is fresh water.

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Water resources This is fresh water suitable for consumption, contained in rivers, lakes, glaciers, and underground horizons.

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The importance of water in the world economy Habitat for aquatic organisms, a source of valuable proteins (in the form of fish and other organisms) Used in almost all sectors of the economy: in the energy sector, for irrigation of agricultural land, for industrial, municipal and domestic water supply.

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Water reserves The volume of water on Earth reaches almost 1.5 billion km³. But the bulk of fresh water (almost 80%) consists of water from glaciers, snow covers, and underground ice of permafrost. Currently they are not used and are considered as potential water resources. The simultaneous volume of river waters on land is small - only 2000 km³.

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Water balance of the world Municipal and domestic water supply. Industrial water supply. Water supply for agriculture.

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Municipal water supply Water consumption standards per person average 120-150 liters per day. But in cities in industrialized countries, water consumption is especially high. For example, in European countries it rises to 300-400 l/day

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Industrial water supply Plants and factories require a lot of water. For energy needs alone, 320 km³ of water is taken from water sources, while 20 km³ is lost. With the development of industry, water consumption is increasing, and at the same time, water pollution from industrial waste is increasing.

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Water supply to agriculture The largest water consumer is agriculture. Runoff from livestock farms is a particular problem. They are extremely overloaded with organic compounds and cause particularly rapid pollution of water bodies.

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Water resource availability is measured by the volume of river flow per capita per year. Among the regions of the world, Australia and Oceania are the most supplied with water - 83 thousand m³ per person per year. This is due not so much to the abundance of water, but to the sparse population of this part of the planet.

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The countries with the most water resources in the world include Suriname, Gabon, Canada, New Zealand, and Norway. Countries experiencing a shortage of fresh water: Kuwait, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Egypt. Many of these countries use seawater desalination plants.

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Causes of fresh water shortage; growth of cities; creation of powerful industrial centers; pollution of water bodies by domestic and industrial wastewater; Reduction of water flow in rivers; (consequences of deforestation, plowing of floodplains and drainage of swamps); Reduced ability of water bodies to self-purify (they cannot cope with such a volume of waste); Excessive consumption and pollution of groundwater (shallowing of rivers and lakes) Measures to protect water resources; savings in production and at home; wastewater treatment; development of new technologies that ensure maximum recycling of industrial waste; stopping the discharge of untreated wastewater; creating water protection zones adjacent to water areas; planting trees and shrubs in the coastal strip of rivers.

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BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE HYDROSPHERE The hydrosphere is the totality of all the waters of the Earth: oceanic, continental (deep, soil, surface), atmospheric 2

DISTRIBUTION OF WATER MASSES IN THE EARTH’S HYDROSPHERE Parts of the hydrosphere Volume, thousand km³ % of the total volume World Ocean 1,370,323 94.2 Groundwater 60,000 4.12 Glaciers 24,000 1.65 Lakes 230 0.016 Soil moisture 75 0.005 Atmospheric vapor 1 4 0.001 River water 1 0.0001 Entire hydrosphere 1 454 643 100.0 3


SUPPLY OF CONTINENTS WITH FRESH WATER Continents River flow per capita, thousand m³ per year Europe 5.18 Asia 7.94 Africa 13.67 North America 26,14 South America 74.68 Australia 12.9 Globe 11.0 5

ROLE OF WATER IN NATURE AND HUMAN LIFE It is the environment for life Forms the climate on the planet Necessary for photosynthesis Necessary for biochemical and biophysical processes that make life possible on Earth Water makes up up to 90% of the mass of plants and 75-95% of the mass of animals The human body is 65% water The average human need for water is 2.5 liters per day 6

USE OF WATER RESOURCES Water consumption: 1 t wheat 1500 t 1 t rice 7000 t 1 t cotton 10 000 t 1 t cast iron 50-150 t 1 t steel 250 t 1 t copper 500 t 1 t plastics 500-1000 t 1 t paper 100 000 t 8

WATER PROBLEM Lack of fresh water Increased demand for water due to population growth and the development of industries that require large amounts of water resources Loss of fresh water due to a decrease in the water flow of rivers Deterioration of water quality due to pollution of water bodies by industrial and domestic wastewater 9

WATER POLLUTION DISSOLVED SALT (calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, sodium, aluminum, carbonates and bicarbonates, sulfates, chlorides, etc.) DISSOLVED GASES (oxygen, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide, etc.) BIOGENIC ELEMENTS ( nitrogen and phosphorus) ORGANIC SUBSTANCES (oil and petroleum products, phenols, pesticides, biogenic organics) MICROELEMENTS (lithium, barium, strontium, manganese, chromium, heavy metals RADIONUCLIDES SUSPENDED SUBSTANCES PATHOGENIC ORGANISMS 10

SOURCES OF POLLUTION Industrial wastewater Municipal wastewater Runoff from fields Effluent from livestock complexes Atmospheric water Burial of harmful substances in water bodies (in particular, radioactive waste) 11

SOURCES OF POLLUTION AGRICULTURE: Irrigation (biophilic elements - nitrogen and phosphorus, pesticides, fertilizers, organic compounds etc.) Livestock (biogenic organics) INDUSTRY: Energy (steam production, cooling of power units) Technological processes (raw materials, solvent, coolant, coolant, for washing materials and products, etc.) SHIPPING 12

CONSEQUENCES OF POLLUTION Changes in water quality Changes in aquatic ecosystems Death of aquatic organisms Human diseases Eutrophication of water bodies 13

SELF-PURIFICATION OF RESERVOIRS Associated with the water cycle in nature Ensured by the combined activity of organisms inhabiting reservoirs Physical factors: dilution, dissolution, mixing of incoming contaminants, sedimentation of insoluble particles during the settling process Disinfection of water under the influence of UV radiation from the Sun Filtration by plankton 14

EUTROFICATION OF RESERVOIRS Trophicity - the ability of reservoirs to photosynthesize organic matter as the basis of food supply for aquatic organisms Eutrophication - an increase in the biological productivity of water bodies as a result of the accumulation of nutrients in water under the influence of natural and mainly anthropogenic factors. Accompanied by the massive development of microscopic planktonic algae - phytoplankton, and higher aquatic vegetation 15

EUTROFICATION OF WATER BODIES Causes of anthropogenic eutrophication - excessive entry of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) into water bodies Consequences: Development of blue-green algae Unpleasant smell and taste of water Toxic substances Death of fish Overgrowth, swamping of water bodies Reduction of the aesthetic merits of the water body 16

Colony of cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) Structure of blue-green bacteria Cyanobacterium Synechococcus in the process of division. This microbe photosynthesizes during the day and fixes atmospheric nitrogen at night (photo from Layers of blue-green algae cover bodies of water and can be toxic to people and animals Photo: Bioremediate 17

18 Sinivetikate pinnakogumid Soome lahes 1997. aasta juulis Photo: Inga Kanoshina, Eesti Mereinstituut

The problem of the Baltic Sea Every year about a million tons of nitrogen and almost 40 thousand tons of phosphorus are discharged into the Baltic Sea. The main pollutants are domestic wastewater and agriculture (fertilizers). The biggest polluter among the Baltic states is Poland with its large-scale agriculture. EU agricultural policy stimulates the development of large agricultural complexes that use artificial mineral fertilizers. Poland and the Baltic region countries, which receive subsidies for agricultural development, could double the total amount of nitrogen entering the sea in the coming years. The Swedish government is going to change the current state of affairs - Stockholm intends to propose the introduction of quotas for the discharge of phosphorus and nitrogen into the sea. The emission limit will be taken as a model carbon dioxide in atmosphere. Sweden proposes to install wind turbines on the seabed that mix the water and grow mussels that intensively absorb nitrogen and phosphorus from the water. EUTROFICATION OF RESERVOIRS 19

HELCOM 20 The main purpose of the Helsinki Convention is to protect natural marine environment Baltic Sea, restore and preserve the ecological balance of the Baltic Sea, ensure its rational use natural resources. 1992

HEAVY METALS Common and highly toxic pollutants Contained in industrial wastewater Enter water bodies through the atmosphere Absorbed by phytoplankton and then passed along food chains to higher organisms 21

HEAVY METALS DEGREE OF TOXICITY OF SOME HEAVY METALS FOR MAIN GROUPS OF MARINE ORGANISMS 22 Metal Plankton Crustaceans Shellfish Fish Copper +++ +++ +++ +++ Zinc + ++ ++ ++ Lead - + + +++ Mercury +++ +++ +++ +++ Cadmium - ++ ++ ++++ Degree of toxicity: none +++ strong + very weak ++++ very strong ++ weak

Oil pollution SOURCES CONSEQUENCES Water transport Accidents on water transport Wash waters of oil tankers Accidents on oil rigs Accidents on underwater oil pipelines Drilling water and cuttings Flushing from land Carrying out with river runoff Oil seeps from gryphons on the seabed The surface of the reservoir is covered with a thin oil film Gas exchange with the atmosphere decreases The primary biological productivity of the reservoir decreases Components of oil are mutagens and carcinogens (benzo(a)pyrene) Death of aquatic organisms Death of birds Pollution of coastal areas Changes in the reflectivity of water (albedo) Sedimentation of heavy fractions to the bottom of the reservoir 23

OIL POLLUTION 24 Photo from

Technologies for cleaning water areas from oil pollution 26 Using floating hydrophobic sorbents-collectors Schematic diagram oil recovery vessel: 1 - sorbent saturated with oil; 2 - ship; 3 - valve; 4 - gravity separator; 5 - filler container; 6-cassette adsorber; 7-discharge of clean water; 8-pump; 9 - intake device; 10 - movable overflow edge. Mechanical method(manual collection)

Technologies for cleaning water areas from oil pollution 27 Using biodestructors or biosorbents (contain oil-oxidizing bacteria) Using booms

SEWAGE TREATMENT Methods of purification: Mechanical (straining, settling, clarification, filtration) Physical and chemical (flotation, adsorption, extraction, reverse osmosis) Chemical or reagent (neutralization, oxidation-reduction) Biological or biochemical (aerobic, anaerobic) 28

29 Averager Block mechanical cleaning Biochemical treatment unit Stabilizer Biochemical treatment unit Treatment of sewage sludge Wastewater into a reservoir

30 Waste water Screen building Sand trap Radial settling tanks Sewage sludge treatment facilities

31 Straining: grids and sieves

Settlement: sand traps 32

Settling: settling tanks 33 Oil-grease trap Vertical and radial settling tanks

Biochemical treatment 34 Aerobic process C 6 H 12 O 6 +6O 2 --> 6CO 2 +6H 2 O + microbial biomass + heat Anaerobic process C 6 H 12 O 6 --> 3CH 4 + 3CO 2 + microbial biomass + heat

Biochemical treatment: aeration tanks 35

Biochemical treatment: aeration tanks 36

Biochemical treatment: radial settling tank 37

Filters for water purification 38

Biological filters 39 Dosing tank Siphon Sprinkler Main pipe Distribution pipes Drainage from tiles Channels for air entry into drainage Filter loading (crushed stone, nozzle) Channel for purified water discharge Photo from the site

Biofilters 40 Photo from the site

Biofilters 41 Biofilter. Managua Photo from the site

Filtering fields 42


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Water resources Completed by: Daria Nevolina 10 “D”

Water resources and volume of their use. The total volume of water in the hydrosphere is 1.4 billion km3. This huge volume of water resources seems inexhaustible. However, of this amount of water, about 96.5% comes from the waters of the World Ocean, that is, from waters whose direct use is impossible due to their salinity.

Another about 1.7% is made up of eternal snow and ice, mainly from Antarctica. Access to these water supplies is difficult due to the remoteness of the polar regions. And the same amount comes from groundwater. But these waters must be sought, just as minerals are sought. This means they cannot be found everywhere.

For its needs, humanity uses about 41.7% of thousand km3. This significantly exceeds global water consumption, which is about 4000 km3 per year. What is certain is that the river water will never run out because it is impossible to stop the water cycle. However, this does not mean that there are no problems.

Problems of water resources use. Uneven distribution of water resources. The amount of water on the Earth's surface in any area depends on the climate. About a third of the land surface is occupied by dry belts: - northern (Sahara, Asian deserts); - southern (Namib, Kalahari, Atacama deserts, Australian deserts).

But resource availability depends not only on the available volume of water, but also on the population to which this volume is distributed. The problem of providing the population and economy with water can be solved through the use of groundwater, which can be found even in the center of a waterless desert, desalination of sea water, towing icebergs from the polar regions of the planet to the coasts of tropical countries.

Poor water quality. Man uses river water for various purposes, all of which large quantities. Used water does not disappear without a trace. Sooner or later it returns to the rivers, but in a greatly modified form. This is the so-called wastewater. They are industrial, agricultural and municipal.

Water involved in technological cycles industrial enterprises, supplies to rivers a large number of the most diverse toxic substances. True, an industrial enterprise can control the process of water consumption. Modern treatment facilities are capable of removing more than 90% of pollutants contained in water from water.

The largest consumer of water is agriculture. About 2/3 of total water consumption is water used to irrigate fields. Unlike industrial waters, agricultural waters are almost impossible to capture for purification.

What can be done to prevent water pollution? Everything is clear regarding industrial wastewater. The main means is the creation and operation of treatment facilities. Using this method will reduce pollution of many rivers. An even more reliable way to protect water bodies from pollution is to create closed water use cycles.

As for agricultural waters, firstly, it is necessary to rationally use minerals, and secondly, to improve plant watering systems. Technology solves both problems drip irrigation, in which water is supplied to each plant. Also lives in water great amount bacteria and microorganisms, including pathogens. That is, we need to further develop bacterial purification of drinking water.

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Relatively recently, water was considered one of the free gifts of nature. But in Lately this attitude has changed, especially since fresh water resources account for 2.5% of the volume of the hydrosphere, most of which are glaciers in Antarctica, Greenland, Arctic ice, and mountain glaciers, which are practically inaccessible for use.

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The main source of meeting humanity's needs for fresh water is river water - 47 thousand km3, of which only 1/2 can actually be used. Fresh water consumption is about 5 thousand km per year. In addition, its main consumer is agriculture, where irrecoverable water consumption is very high, especially for irrigation.

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Resource availability Fresh water reserves on Earth are distributed extremely unevenly. In the equatorial zone and in the northern part of the temperate zone it is available in abundance and even in excess. The most water-rich countries are located here, with more than 25 thousand m3 per capita per year. In the arid zone of the Earth, which covers about 1/3 of the land area, the water shortage is especially acute. The most water-scarce countries are located here, with less than 5 thousand m3 per capita.

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Consumption of water resources Area of ​​consumption Consumption volumes Agriculture 69% Industry 21% Utilities 6% Reservoirs 4%

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More than 1 billion people in Asia do not have access to clean water. In Africa - 350 million. In Latin America - 100 million.

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Only 1/3 of the population uses good quality water, 1/3 is insufficiently provided with it and another 1/3 uses poor quality drinking water. Consumption of poor-quality water is the source of 3/4 of all diseases and 1/3 of deaths.

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Ways to solve humanity's water problem are reducing the water intensity of production processes and reducing water losses. construction of reservoirs (USA, Russia) regulating river flow. territorial redistribution of river flow (USA, Canada, Australia, India, Mexico, China, Egypt, CIS countries) transportation of icebergs from Antarctica

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collection of rain and melt water in underground storage facilities closed recycling economy stopping the discharge of industrial, agricultural and municipal wastewater into inland waters and seas. desalination of sea water (used in the countries of the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean, in Turkmenistan on the Caspian Sea) Ways to solve the water problem of humanity