Furnishing a room of 10 sq. m. Small tricks for arranging furniture

If properly equipped compact room V modern apartment, the end result will be a comfortable, convenient, practical, functional and even spacious room. When decorating small-sized locations, it is necessary to properly use every meter of space. A small room significantly limits designers' options. In a significantly limited space, it is necessary to install all the necessary pieces of furniture and other elements.

Thinking through the interior

To solve the above problem, specialists from the field of residential design have developed a number of special techniques that will help organize the space as beneficially as possible in terms of ergonomics and style. Next we will talk about how to decorate a room of 10 square meters.


The first thing you need to give up is bulky furniture. You should also get rid of interior items that are used very rarely. Large structures not only take up extra space, but also draw attention to themselves, relegating the design to the background. The modern market offers a huge range of compact, beautiful and multifunctional furniture.

On an area of ​​10 sq. m, it is advisable to install transformable furniture with a folding/unfolding function.

Pay attention to models that combine several items in one: bed-sofa, chair-bed, wardrobe-table and much more. When choosing a wardrobe, give preference to tall models. Refuse to install large quantity furniture. It’s better to choose only the most important and necessary depending on the purpose of the room (kitchen, living room, children’s room or bedroom).

Wall decoration

The golden rule of design is to decorate the walls in a small room with light-colored trim. The material doesn't really matter. The most common option is wallpaper. Widely used tones: white, beige, milky, light gray. It is advisable to use plain canvases without prints or images.

If you want to decorate the walls with patterned coverings, then the ornament should be small. As a rule, these are plant compositions or geometric shapes.

The smooth texture of the wall finishing material is an ideal choice for small spaces. Experts also recommend using glossy wallpaper.


To visually increase space, various design techniques are used, for example, the use of glass and chrome surfaces. The smooth texture reflects light, filling the room with it, due to which the rays fill even distant corners.

To save space, mirrors are not hung on walls, but attached to the surface of furniture (usually on cabinets). Chrome elements decorate furniture and decorative items in style high tech. Designers recommend using chrome when decorating compact rooms.

Another material that is ideal in this case is glass. Products made from this raw material look light and weightless. Transparent material does not prevent light from penetrating into the room and scattering freely throughout it.

Interior stylistics

There are a number of stylistic trends that are suitable for compact spaces:

  • Minimalism involves strict, simple and discreet decor. Nothing superfluous, only the essentials;

  • High tech. This style is based on the above direction. Added to the brevity high tech;

  • Japanese. This style is characterized by sophisticated Asian decor, tending towards spaciousness and clarity. The design uses neutral and calm colors;

  • Scandinavian. Light and airy style in light colors;

  • Loft is an industrial design that looks organic in a limited space.

During repairs, be sure to adhere to characteristic features interior styling. Only in this case will it be possible to create a complete decor.

Small bedroom


When decorating a bedroom, it is advisable to use pastel shades. This palette will create the necessary atmosphere in the room - relaxing and peaceful. In the bedroom, an environment that is conducive to sleep and rest is very important. Popular colors: sky blue, light green, soft pink, lavender. Bright and catchy colors are not used only in the form of miniature additions.


Wallpaper is chosen as finishing. Perfect option– plain canvases or products with a simple geometric pattern. The ornament will give the interior some dynamism.

Ceiling and floor

The ceiling in the room is decorated with white paint. Multi-level structures are not the best choice for an area of ​​10 sq. m. It’s better to stick to compact ones LED lamps. They can be placed around the perimeter of the room or in a spot pattern. Any flooring material in light colors is suitable for finishing the floor. The laminate looks organic, imitating natural material(wood, stone). When choosing a coating, keep in mind that it should be in harmony with the decoration of the walls and furniture.


Don't clutter a small area with furniture. Standard set: bed, wardrobe and bedside table. You can also place a mirror on the wall.

As mentioned above, you need to choose only multifunctional furniture.

Children's design

Color design

As the main color range You can’t use bright colors, but you shouldn’t completely abandon them because bright and rich colors have an important impact on a child’s development. Perfect fit light wallpaper with colorful print.


Products equipped with spacious additional compartments are what you need. A bed on a high stand allows you to equip a work area with a compact table and chair under the bed. On sale you can find designs for a children's room, equipped with cabinets, play areas and pull-out shelves.

Living room design

Soft and delicate tones are perfect for a living room. This area of ​​the room is intended for spending time in the company of loved ones. That is why it is so necessary to properly equip the area for communication. Given the rich assortment modern furniture, complementing a compact table with chairs is not difficult. Make sure there is adequate lighting in this location.

pay attention to corner models, which can be installed in any corner of the room.

A TV is often installed opposite the table. The most advantageous placement is on the wall. In this case, the TV stand will not take up much space in the room.

Many apartments in our country cannot boast of large room areas. Very often they are found in 10 sq.m., which is not quite enough for a bedroom. Therefore, in order to equip it: to make it cozy and complete, their owners have to resort to various design techniques.

Which in turn are associated not only with the selection of colors and types finishing materials, but also with the design and arrangement of furniture in this room.

Since we are dealing with a bedroom of only 10 square meters, the main question in its design will, of course, be how to arrange the furniture?

And to answer this question, you first need to decide what kind of furniture will be in the bedroom.

Since the bedroom area can be said to be small, a full-fledged bedroom set may not fit as needed. Therefore, it is necessary to consider some alternative options that will not clutter the room, but will not reduce its convenience and functionality.

Furniture for a small bedroom 10 sq.m.

Let's take a closer look at what furniture can be used in a small bedroom.

The arrangement and type of furniture will directly depend on the configuration of the bedroom and the degree of its illumination, as well as the style in which it will be decorated.

The configuration of the room will directly affect the number of pieces of furniture in the room. For example, for an elongated bedroom you can use a closet at the entrance to the room, but in a square one it is better to refuse wardrobe.

You can replace a closet in a small bedroom with a bed with drawers. The capacity, of course, will be a little different and you won’t be able to hang things there, but bedding will easily fit there. This option is more ergonomic; there will be no overhanging bulky cabinet “eating up” a significant area.

As for the bed, it is not always possible to fit a full 2-meter bed together with two bedside tables. Therefore, in order not to sacrifice “open spaces” sleeping place, it is advisable to replace the bedside tables with bedside shelves, and a small lamp on it or wall sconces, selected for the design of a bedroom of 10 sq.m.

Bedroom design 10 sq.m - bedside table in the form of a shelf

It is considered a very fashionable technique to install a podium for a sleeping place, and we get quite a lot of advantages:

  • There is no need to buy a bed, just place a mattress on the podium and the bed is ready.
  • Usually the interior space of the podium is made functional - they are built into it drawers(which again allows you to get rid of a bulky wardrobe). Very often they use the technique of a pull-out bed from the podium, and the space on the podium is given to another functional area - for example, a working one.
  • The podium uses previously non-functional space, therefore it increases the ergonomics of the room.
  • The design of a 10 sq.m bedroom with a podium looks more modern.
  • Using the podium, you can create zoning in the room.

Design of a greasy bedroom with a podium

Bedroom design photo

Colors and materials for the design of a 10 sq.m bedroom

10 sq.m - as we have already said, this is not at all a lot for a bedroom. In order to make it as comfortable as possible and conducive to proper sleep and relaxation, it is necessary to create an appropriate atmosphere for this.

It, in turn, will depend on what types and colors of materials will be selected and how they will be combined with each other.

To achieve such an atmosphere, it is necessary to maintain a balance in everything; a calm atmosphere will only exist when all the interior elements are harmoniously combined with each other.

Design of a small bedroom in light colors

The color and pattern of wallpaper in the bedroom will depend on the degree of illumination and size.

For a small bedroom, of course, it is advisable to choose wallpaper light shades, with little or no pattern. This should only be done to visually increase the space of the room. But to decorate the bedroom interior, you can use wallpaper with a large pattern in light colors and in combination with plain walls.

Photo of bedroom design 10 sq.m.

Also, in order to visually enlarge the bedroom, you should use mirrors in its interior. But it is worth noting that the mirrors in pure form It is not customary to use it in the bedroom, at least on those walls from which the bed will be reflected. Therefore, for this purpose, you can choose mirrors for decorating a small bedroom with some kind of pattern or ornament applied to them using sandblasting technology. Or arrange them in such a way that the bed does not fall into them.

Design of a small bedroom 10 sq.m photo

You can also use glossy materials in furniture decoration to visually enlarge the space. The same technique is also relevant for the ceiling - glossy ones are very popular today. stretch ceiling.

Any glossy surface, like a mirror, reflects the surrounding space well, thereby making it visually larger. But it should be noted that you should not get too carried away with the “gloss” in the bedroom.

Our goal is to maintain balance and harmony in everything, so glossy materials must be used in combination with matte ones.

Many owners of small apartments are wondering how to arrange a bedroom. I want to place furniture, make it beautiful and interesting interior, but at the same time avoid crowding. For those who have a bedroom small space, this article is dedicated to. It is here that the renovation school will give practical advice and tell you how to design a bedroom measuring 10 square meters.

In many apartments, the bedroom area is small, but at the same time it is quite possible to accommodate the entire necessary furniture and leave some free space. To do this, you should resort to design tricks, and then everything will certainly work out. A small bedroom can be visually enlarged and also made functional.

Planning the interior

It is very important to carefully select the interior of the bedroom, the area of ​​which is 10 square meters. m. You need to plan it in such a way that you can expand the space at least a little. By using several techniques that designers advise, you can really expand the room.

Once the appropriate techniques for visually expanding the space have been selected, a plan should be drawn up. It must be applied to paper, so it will be more convenient to work and make adjustments. Once the room plan is drawn, it is worth thinking about the design of the room. To find an interesting idea, you can use the Internet. Here you can definitely find a lot of interesting things and choose the most suitable interior.

If you couldn’t find anything, you can try entering a query for foreign language. Perhaps there will be a lot of interesting things in foreign sources. Once the design idea for a 10 sq. m bedroom has been determined, it is necessary to put the elements on the plan. It is absolutely not necessary to completely repeat the interior;0 you can adopt individual details, come up with something of your own, etc.

Once the work of drawing the design elements on the drawing is completed, it is recommended to transfer everything to the computer in order to see in a three-dimensional image how it will all actually look. After this, you should proceed to the implementation of all your plans. It is worth considering in more detail how furniture is selected and the bedroom is decorated.

Selecting furniture

Of course, if a married couple lives in the bedroom, then they should not even dream of a double bed; such furniture will definitely not fit here. It would be quite advisable to install either a semi-truck or a double bed, the width of which is 1.4 or 1.6 m. This is the best option.

I would like to give advice to those who still dream of putting a double bed in their small bedroom. This is quite possible, but you just don’t need to buy it. simple bed, but a transformer. You can also afford corner sofa, which should unfold.

When apartment owners begin to deal with the issue of choosing a bed for the bedroom, they should consider several important points:

  • It is recommended to place the bed away from door and window openings. Also, the resting place should be made as quiet as possible. To do this, you should take care of soundproofing the room.
  • To make the ceilings appear visually higher, it is recommended to choose a bed without legs, or they should be low.
  • You will need to give up such a piece of furniture as a chest of drawers. It is quite possible to replace it with drawers that will be located directly against the wall. In stores today there is a huge assortment of such products, and therefore choosing them will not be difficult. In addition, the drawers can be placed under the bed, which is currently done by many of those who want to save space in the room. This perfect solution in order to decorate a medium and small bedroom well.
  • If you are considering the option of placing a sliding wardrobe, then we will advise you on several useful things:
  • The best option would be not to purchase a ready-made piece of furniture, but to create it to order. Since in this case all the features of the room will be taken into account.
  • if the size of the room and other furniture allows, then you can install a built-in wardrobe that will fit perfectly. And it will take up the distance to the ceiling.
  • A closet with a mirror on a sliding door is perfect, because it will visually expand the space.
  • frosted glass will also fit well into the interior of a small bedroom.

What else can be done to visually increase the free space?

The interior of the room can be modified so that it appears larger than its actual size. And in order to realize our plan, we recommend doing the following:

  • Put wallpaper in light shades on the walls.
  • It would be nice if the wallpaper had horizontal stripes.
  • if you decide to choose wallpaper with patterns, then they should be small.
  • There is no need to glue wallpaper with glitter, the fact is that it kind of weighs down the room.
  • you can resort to creating a soft blue ceiling.
  • It is desirable that the floors be light in color and match the furniture.

You can visually increase the area of ​​the room by laying laminate or parquet with diagonal stripes.

We create comfort

When the owners are planning the interior of the bedroom, they must also take care of creating a cozy environment.

So, you can make a fireplace in the room, but if it’s an apartment, then you need to choose an electric one, but in Vacation home You can also use the real one.

When choosing a fireplace, you should take into account the overall style in which the room is decorated. If the fireplace is made in classic style, then the room must have right angles, the lines must be strictly proportional. A fireplace made in the Art Nouveau style, which is considered one of the most popular today, will have smooth shapes and functionality.

If this is a country house, then you can create additional comfort in the bedroom by laying a carpet with long pile. It should be noted that the carpet should be light in color, since it is light colors that increase the space.
It is also important to carefully consider the lighting in the room. At the same time, the light in a small bedroom should be soft. This effect can be achieved if:

  1. hang a lamp made in the form of balls,
  2. hang lamps with lampshades,
  3. You can also hang small-sized spotlights.

Anyone who uses the above tips will be able to easily create interesting design small bedroom, make it spacious, cozy and unusual.

Photo of bedroom interior 10 square meters

Making beautiful renovations with your own hands in a small bedroom so that it doesn’t seem even smaller is quite problematic, but possible. To completely furnish a room, while visually increasing its space, you need to take into account the characteristics of small rooms, as well as apply small tricks when creating a design.


Small rooms are often found in houses built by Khrushchev, in which most of the Russian population lives. In such cramped space It’s not easy to turn around, let alone create a full bedroom environment. At 10-11 sq. I want to put a bed, add a wardrobe, workplace, bedside tables, armchairs and other furniture, but all this turns out to be impossible due to the lack of necessary square meters area.

If your room has high ceilings, then this fact opens up more room for maneuver. In this case, you can place furniture in several tiers. In “low” rooms such luxury is not available.

One way or another, the design of a small room obliges you to give up everything unnecessary and leave only the necessary items. Some brave ascetics leave only a bed in a small bedroom, but not everyone has this opportunity. Many simply have nowhere else to place a wardrobe, not to mention a workplace or place of relaxation. Thus, another feature of a small bedroom is there is a frequent need to combine it with other functional areas.

Arranging a bedroom for two on an area of ​​10-11 square meters. meters - the task is even more difficult. For children you can put bunk bed, it will save space. For a married couple, installing a wide double bed is irrational; it is best to choose a single bed with a width of 1.6 m.

For small bedrooms, lack of lighting is usually not a problem: it is easier to equip a small room with the required number of lamps, but often enough natural light, especially if the room faces the sunny side. Lighting planning comes first.

With the help of light, you can completely change the proportions of a room, drawing attention to winning places and distracting from unsuccessful ones.

For rooms with low ceilings, the issue of lighting becomes a priority. A special feature is the need to install complex system ceiling lighting, with the help of which visual correction of the height of the room is made. By visually increasing the height of the ceiling, you can fill the bedroom with air, making it fresher and more comfortable.

In addition to visual expansion, designers are given another task: to make the bedroom fully functional, containing everything necessary for comfortable sleep, relaxation, and pastime. At this point, you have to really rack your brains, because it’s quite difficult to fit all the necessary items in such a limited space. However, if you decide on what is necessary and discard the unnecessary, the task becomes quite feasible, sometimes there is even room for cute trinkets.

Color solutions that expand space

The simplest and most obvious solution for a small bedroom is to decorate it in light colors. Indeed, this technique works very well. It makes the room area larger and the atmosphere lighter and airier. However, not everyone likes light bedrooms; some prefer to use dark, muted tones.

It is possible to make a room larger with dark colors. Properly placed rich accents will emphasize the intimacy of the room and also indicate the architectural features of a small bedroom. If a dark background is chosen as the main background, it is necessary to create a sufficient level of lighting, otherwise the bedroom risks turning into a storage room.

If you choose wallpaper with a large, repeating pattern, it will distract attention while adding depth and texture to the room. The eyes, constantly moving, will perceive the bedroom area to be larger than it actually is.

In general, mixing different patterns in the interior of a small bedroom is a lifesaver for designers. It can expand the space, make it more dynamic, interesting, and lively. However, you need to act extremely carefully, because the wrong combination can do exactly the opposite: the room will seem not just small, but tiny.

If you don't trust your artistic instincts, something like this color scheme It's best to refuse.

Experts have given a lot of advice regarding the choice of wallpaper with horizontal stripes, but for some reason it is not indicated anywhere that this technique has long been out of fashion. While a horizontal stripe can really open up a space, it will also steal a significant amount of the room's height, making the bedroom feel like an uncomfortable, low-slung den. For small bedrooms it is especially important to follow the golden classical rule: dark floor, medium walls, light ceiling.

Dark floors will add depth to the room, and dust on dark surfaces is not so noticeable (in small rooms one should not allow the appearance of dirt at all). Light ceilings are perceived with the analogy of a clear sky, making you feel more comfortable and calm. In addition, if you choose a glossy light ceiling, it will seem even higher than it actually is.

To make a room visually larger, designers advise choosing curtains in the same color as the walls, but a tone lighter or darker, so that the windows do not get “lost” against the general background. It would also be a good idea to choose a large, light-colored pattern on the curtains that echoes any of the elements in the interior. This will not only tie all the elements together, but will also add volume to the room. When placing bright accents, you need to act extremely carefully, since their presence can either “eat up” the space or increase it.

Keep in mind that bright colors, such as deep red or acidic fuchsia, will attract attention, but in such a way that the surrounding environment will seem cramped and uncomfortable. Soft bright nuances, for example, pistachio, chocolate, peach, on the contrary, will make the space more spacious.

Design ideas

A beautiful layout is available for any bedroom, regardless of whether it is small or large, square or rectangular, narrow or too wide. Not only the features of the room are important, but also a competent approach and planning. First, decide whether your room is rectangular or square. Decorating a square bedroom is much easier; a square is the most successful of shapes, regardless of the size of the room. Each rectangular or diamond-shaped room should be visually brought closer to the correct square shape.

For a narrow bedroom, for example, the proportions of which are 2 by 5, more time will be required to think about the interior. It is necessary to simultaneously expand the room and not hide its length, thereby balancing the proportions of the room. Much depends on additional factors, such as proximity to a balcony or the need to combine a bedroom with a workplace or boudoir.

The height of the ceilings also varies: it’s one thing for a ten-meter bedroom in a Khrushchev-era building, and quite another for a house with an improved layout.

Moving on to design ideas, it’s worth talking about a few common mistakes that are usually made when planning small bedrooms. These mistakes are not so obvious; many people do not even notice them, thereby missing the opportunity to turn a small room into a truly worthy room:

  • Many people try to expand the space with the help of mirrors. The idea is correct, but in this case“a lot” does not mean “good”. One small mirror, located in the right place, can indeed beautifully deepen the interior, expanding the room, but many mirrors, and even more so mirrored corridors“steal” the feeling of comfort and warmth from the bedroom.
  • The same can be said about giving up pleasant things: photographs, figurines on shelves, and the like. The absence of such little things depersonalizes the room, and the personal component is extremely important for the bedroom.
  • Avoiding patterned wallpaper is often the right path, but a properly selected pattern will help solve the problem of a small space. Don't be afraid to experiment.
  • Replacing heavy curtains with blinds is a good idea, but only for rooms in modern style. Classic interiors do not tolerate this, so adding windows thick curtains above the cornice right up to the ceiling, you can achieve an expansion of space, an increase in height, and a majestic appearance of the room.

A top tip for decorating small rooms: let go of your fear of new ideas. You always have the opportunity to first visually depict the repair plan on your drawing or in a computer program, and only then begin active actions.

Design project

Drawing up a design project should precede all stages of repair. Correct and responsible planning is the key to a well-built interior, distinguished not only by high functionality, but also by beauty and harmony. The project should be drawn up as soon as you decide to renovate and redesign your tiny bedroom, making it spacious and airy.

Interior planning needs to start from the development of a detailed drawing of furniture arrangement. It is advisable to draw a plan to scale; you can also use computer application, and draw by hand. If your room has a balcony, you need to mark where the door and window to the balcony are located. Every little detail must be taken into account and reflected in the plan.

After the drawing of the room is ready, it's time to decide on the style of the room. Classic, Scandinavian, modern, Provence, and Japanese are best suited for small bedrooms. All of the listed styles imply the use of elements that visually expand the space.

After deciding on the style, you need to decide on the furniture, will it be multifunctional or perform only the main role?. For example, you can choose either a closet with a folding bed that can be reached and hidden with one movement of the hand, or a bed on a podium with many drawers for storing all kinds of things, or a classic bed with legs.

Please note that multifunctional furniture is most suitable for furnishing small bedrooms, as it helps save space without compromising the comfort of the occupants.

Next, you need to move on to plotting the estimated locations of the furniture on the plan. You need to start with the bed, gradually moving from the largest objects to the smallest: bed, wardrobe or chest of drawers, armchairs, bedside tables, and so on. This will help you navigate the space easier, leaving required amount places for passages.

Don’t forget to put on the plan such little things as the location of curtains, lighting elements, indoor plants. They often take up extra space and you need to keep this in mind.

For example, if you forget to plan the location of a one and a half meter ficus in the corner, you can inadvertently allocate this place for a pouf. As a result, you won’t know what to give up: your favorite ficus tree or a brand new pouf.

When finishing a design project, note the colors, patterns, textures that you plan to use. Some people keep a special album for this, into which they paste pieces of fabric and materials that they plan to use. Similar method will help you competently combine textures and shades with each other, seeing in advance how one or another object looks against the background of another, whether it emphasizes their advantages or reflects only shortcomings.

How to make repairs?

Transforming a small bedroom with your own hands is difficult, but possible. If you plan to remodel a room, for example, combining it with a balcony, you need to obtain permission for such work. After this, you can proceed directly to the renovation of the premises.

First, pay attention to the window or lack thereof. Small bedrooms do not always have windows, but their presence can add noticeably more comfort and space to the room. If your bedroom does not have a window, use a false structure: a fresco, photo wallpaper, and so on. It is important to create the illusion of a window, and the more realistic the illusion, the better.

A noticeable part of the space is also hidden by the heating radiator. By replacing the bulky cast-iron structure with a modern, thin radiator, you can save space and at the same time “modernize” the room.

When choosing a floor covering, keep in mind that smooth textures suit small bedrooms better than fluffy ones. In some cases, there are exceptions, for example, when short or medium pile is selected.

Keeping this type of coating clean is relatively simple; just clean it regularly with a vacuum cleaner. However, a smooth floor can also be supplemented with a small rug.

The walls can be painted and wallpapered. Play on contrasts by making one of the walls bright. For example, you can choose unusual wallpaper with a large repeating pattern for the accent wall, and for the other three - neutral, while plain neutral wallpaper should be either a non-primary accent color or white.

When choosing skirting boards, choose their color based on the colors of the door and ceiling. Ceiling plinth should be the color of the ceilings (usually white), and the floor should be the color of the trim. Nowadays this approach is more relevant, contrary to the traditional choice of floor plinths to match the color of the floor covering.

The ceiling covering should be chosen depending on the height of the walls and the style of the room. For example, a stucco ceiling is unlikely to look good in a Khrushchev-era minimalist interior, a stretch ceiling will not fit into Baroque, and with rough beams will not fit into Provence.

Follow renovation work maximum quality. In a small bedroom it is quite difficult to hide the flaws of the renovation.

If you are not confident in your abilities, it would be best to hire experienced assistants or a team of professional workers when possible.

How to arrange it?

To properly furnish your bedroom, you first need to decide what you plan to do there. Whether it will be just a bedroom or a bedroom combined with an office, a dressing room or something else depends only on your needs and desires. The zoning of the premises is developed at the planning stage, and then a list is drawn up the necessary furniture. The required minimum includes only 3-4 items:

  • Bed;
  • Wardrobe, chest of drawers or pencil case;
  • Bedside tables (one or two depending on the number of residents).

The remaining items are selected in accordance with the specifics of the additional zone. If you are creating a bedroom for a girl, it would be logical to include a dressing table with a mirror and a banquette or chair on the list. For a workplace, it is logical to purchase a chair and a desk or computer desk. When equipping a place for reading, it will be enough to purchase a chair and a bookcase.

Once you have decided on a set of furniture, mark the estimated locations for its placement on your drawing plan. Placement should start from the bed.

The following positions are considered optimal for her in a small bedroom:

  • Headboard against the wall. Depending on the proportions of the room, this can be either a narrow wall or a wide one. The headboards of large wide beds are usually placed against a narrow wall (or window opening), especially if no other pieces of furniture are provided. The placement across the room allows you to visually expand the room, visually making it not so narrow and long.
  • Long side to the wall. If the room is narrow, you might want to consider placing the bed with the long side against the short wall. Most likely, the length of the bed will be exactly equal to the length of the wall, and the bed will fit exactly between two long walls. This arrangement is convenient because it allows you to fill usually unused corners, and at the same time free up quite a lot of space for other pieces of furniture and decor.
  • Placement in a corner. This way you can put a single or bunk bed, but not a double bed. One of the spouses will have to constantly climb over the other to get to the sleeping place, and this is not entirely convenient. The advantages of this option are the same as the previous one: saving space for important pieces of furniture.
  • In the center. Some people install the bed right in the center of the bedroom, without worrying about the presence or absence of other items. An interesting choice would be a large round bed: it will fill almost the entire room, and in the remaining spaces you can install hollow poufs for storing things or tables.

The location of other items depends on how the bed is placed. You need to start from this, because the bed is the main element of any bedroom.

Interior examples

Using wall-mounted cabinets is an interesting space-saving technique. If the thickness of the walls allows, you can use it, but before doing so you will have to obtain special permission. Another option is to create a false wall from plasterboard and then install a cabinet in the resulting niche. This option does not require permits and is also less labor intensive; however, drywall is a fairly fragile material, and when using the cabinet you need to be as careful as possible.

designer 2018-09-27

Limited space poses exciting challenges for designers, which they solve with clever techniques. Which ones? You will learn about this from the example of a small bedroom of 10 square meters, where you will see photos of real projects in the apartments of ordinary people.


Before you start doing anything, you need to carefully study all the nuances of the existing space.

  • Ceiling height.
  • Length and shape of walls.
  • Niches.
  • Possibility of redevelopment.
  • Communications.

Why is it important? Because if it is possible to move at least part of the closet into the corridor or the next room, this is already a huge plus. And when there are ready-made niches, it’s absolutely gorgeous.

Sometimes bedrooms are less than 12 square meters. m are formed by dividing larger premises into functional zones. In this case, the nuances of TV cable routing are important, electrical wires etc. Yes, today you can move the socket to any place on the wall. However, when it is possible to combine holes in adjacent rooms for the internal filling of switches and sockets, this can and should be used.

Narrow bedroom

In a rectangular narrow room, you want to move the walls apart. Sometimes this can be done. But today we are not talking about redevelopment, but about how to use the space that is available. What can be done in such a situation?

  • Hang a large mirror on one of the long sides. This will allow you to visually expand the bedroom and give it volume. A wardrobe is ideal for this. However, there is not always enough space for it. Therefore, you can limit yourself to a dressing table or a floor-length mirror.

  • Use small-sized furniture. If you agree to reduce the width of the bed from two meters to 1.6 m, then you will get an additional 40 cm. This is enough to put a small bedside table on the side of the bed or a full-fledged wardrobe.

  • Transformable beds. The under-mattress storage system can easily accommodate the contents of a spacious closet. In essence, this is a cabinet laid on the floor. With niches, shelves and compartments. And the front is a reclining mattress. With this approach to business, you need to choose models with reliable closers, for which the manufacturer provides a guarantee.

  • Vertical lines. Divide long walls into proportional sections. Use pilasters, moldings, vertical patterns on wallpaper, etc. for this.

  • Panorama. Photo wallpapers with a realistic panorama work very well to expand the space and blur the real boundaries of the room. Add to them stucco molding that imitates a portal, patio, window, terrace. This will make the effect even more pronounced.

  • Avoid placing furniture in the center. To make it possible to approach the bed from both sides, you need space, which is already sorely lacking. If you abandon the European hotel model of placing the bed in the center with two aisles on the sides, you can gain a lot of space by placing it under the wall. Additional space can be used for a wardrobe or a line of low chests of drawers.


The square is convenient because it leaves a lot of space in the center of the room. At the same time, short walls do not allow you to place everything you want. And again we have to use design tricks.

  • Bed without legs. Convenient solution to the problem. It is difficult to organize and maintain cleanliness under low furniture. Especially in a situation where you can’t swing either a mop or a vacuum cleaner. Often, even a mop handle cannot fit under the sofa. Why create dust and create a breeding ground for spiders under the bed? No legs - no gaps.

  • Bed-chest. The square provides the necessary freedom of movement to pull out long drawers with linen from under the bed. Yes, it is most convenient to do them on both sides of the bed. But the width of the room does not always provide this opportunity. Therefore you can use combined option between the chest and the reclining mattress.

  • Sofa instead of bed. Suitable for dynamic people who have enough energy to unfold and fold their bed every day. Keep in mind that the quality of modern furniture in most cases does not allow sofa mechanisms to last longer than 5 years.
  • Accent wall. The harmonious arrangement of the walls allows you to highlight one of them with an accent color, mirror coating or photo wallpaper.

  • Diagonal laminate layout. Diagonal lines on the floor visually enlarge the room. At the same time, try to choose small elements. Instead of wide laminate slabs, use smaller parquet flooring. Or a small tile.

With a balcony

A balcony is an additional space that can and should be used. However, it is not always possible to turn it into an insulated area of ​​the living room. There could be many reasons for this. The first thing that owners of a bedroom with a balcony face is the need to wisely select textiles for its decoration.

  • Light curtains or rollcurtains. Heavy fluffy textiles are not for this case. Just like bulky stucco. Give preference to lightweight fabrics. And to avoid drafts, add roller blinds from thick fabric. In this design, you will be reliably protected from discomfort, and the interior will retain its attractiveness and integrity.

  • Window sill instead of a sofa. A wide, low window sill with cushions easily turns into a cozy sofa. Especially with a glazed balcony.
  • Remove all storage systems from the room except the wardrobe. Place them on the balcony. Unload the space as much as possible.

  • Organize a work area on an insulated balcony. Here you can place a desktop, shelves with books and CDs.

Read about how to decorate a bedroom window with curtains without a balcony.

Furniture arrangement

In design projects you often see the queen of the bedroom, the bed, in the center of the room. Yes, with this layout it is convenient to approach it from both sides. At the same time, on each side the passage takes up at least 60 cm. This is 120 cm of space. If you move the bed towards the wall, you gain an additional 60 cm. And with a short bed model 160 cm wide, you gain another 40 cm of additional space. In total, you have already won a whole meter.

At the same time, try to “dissolve” the closet. To do this, use mirrored facades. They double the size of the bedroom. But they have one drawback. In twilight, the brain perceives reflections in the mirror as real people on a subconscious level. Therefore, Feng Shui does not recommend placing mirrors near the bed. In this case, the subconscious does not relax, but guards your peace all night, no matter what happens.

You can get rid of this by using curtains over the mirror at night. This approach is possible for Provence and Country. Or use panoramic photo printing instead of a mirror. It also effectively erases the boundaries of space and does not create negative sensations during sleep.

Another way to hide bulky furniture is to paint the cabinet and walls the same color. Preferably a light shade.

Bedside tables are a convenient thing. But if there is little space, it is better to make a couple of shelves above the headboard. In this case, the interior will be perceived easier.

For a sofa at night you need additional space to fold out the mechanism. Therefore, it is not advisable to occupy it with other pieces of furniture. Although if you really want to, then you can. In this case, you need to slightly modernize the mechanism itself. The mattress will simply lie on top coffee table or bedside tables. You can hide a wide bed by turning it into the back of a sofa. Again, in this case it will not be possible to use the section of the wall to which the backrest is adjacent. Only mezzanines are suitable here.

Style and color

Not every style will suit tiny rooms. In design practice, the favorites for such rooms are:

  • ;

  • Country;
  • Scandinavian;
  • neoclassical;
  • minimalism.

They are characterized by the use of delicate light shades. Yes, bright rich colors are allowed. But only as accents. Their volume does not exceed 10% of the total area of ​​the room.