⚠️ Insufficient memory in World of Tanks – Problem solution. ⚠️ Not enough memory in World of Tanks – Solving the problem Not enough memory world tanks

They say when there is not enough memory, reboot world game of tanks - a fairly decent number of users of the well-known game “World of Tanks” face this problem. Naturally, anyone who notices such a message on their PC has a very obvious question: what to do about it?
It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, because the reasons can be completely different. But, as a rule, most often this problem is encountered by users whose personal computer is equipped with a small amount of built-in RAM.

What to do when you see the inscription: “not enough memory, restart the world of tanks game”?

Most likely, the reason for this phenomenon is that your computer is very weak and has insufficient RAM resources, or they were somehow damaged. The most logical thing in this case is to contact a specialist, or visit the store yourself and purchase additional RAM cells.

If you are an ardent fan of the game and spend a lot of your free time in it, then such a message serves as a beacon to completely update your computer’s hardware resources.

Of course, not everyone will like this option; it requires time, knowledge and, most importantly, financial costs, which not all users are ready for Online Games.

To leave your budget alone, you can first try to fix this problem from the inside

There is hope for success here too, especially if you notice such a message not at the first launch, but already during the game. To do this, you can download specialized programs via the Internet. Exists great amount programs that help the user free up space and optimize it.

If this does not help, then there is nothing left to do but use the first option.

You can also try increasing the size of the paging files, for this:
Right-click on “My Computer”;
We are looking for “Properties”;
After: “Advanced” or, in another way, it can be called “Advanced options”
Next is the chain: “Performance”, then click - “Options”, then look for - “Advanced”, then click - “Virtual memory”, and finally - “Change”;
Enter a new value. Naturally - more than has already been indicated. At the same time, you need to have at least 10 gigabytes of free disk space on one of your disks

If this does not help, then we definitely return to the first option.

Many players of the popular online game world of tanks often encounter the problem of an error that says “Insufficient memory, restart the world of tanks game.” This applies to a greater extent to those who have a small amount of RAM installed on their computer (2-4 GB) or simply disabled.

In this article we will tell you how to eliminate this error so that it does not appear again.

What causes the error “Insufficient memory, restart the world of tanks game”?

As you can understand from the error text, the problem is a lack of memory. We are talking about RAM. Also involved here is virtual memory, which is used by the operating system in case of a lack of RAM. Virtual memory is often called the page file.

World of tanks is a fairly demanding game that requires at least 4GB of RAM, or even more, to run properly. , then the swap file comes to the rescue. It runs much slower than RAM because it is on the hard drive. But still it's better than nothing.

The error “Not enough memory, restart the world of tanks game” appears when this very virtual memory (swap file) becomes insufficient and operating system notifies the user of this type of error.

How to fix the error?

There are two possible solutions.

The first one is . That is, buy an additional memory bar so that the total amount of memory on the computer increases. At least up to 6-8 GB. This option is expensive, but it is correct. Since the speed of RAM is very high compared to the page file. This means that games and heavy programs will load faster.

RAM stick

The second option is not expensive. It also solves the problem with low memory. You just need, or better yet, install it “By system choice”.

Problem with World of tanks, the game says "not enough memory, restart the game" and got the best answer

Answer from
you can try deleting and downloading again, but this is a last resort

Answer from Fadey Pipirkin[guru]
In general, the swap file should be set to the same amount. so that Windows clearly understands how much memory it should use. try to close everything you can. antivirus programs. browser. and then launch the tanks. and most importantly, look how much Windows uses RAM without running programs, maybe you have a virus that is loading up the RAM

Answer from Oleg karimov[newbie]
This is all easy to solve, I had the same thing. You press start, point your mouse at “computer”,
press the right mouse button, properties, additional system parameters (on the left), performance, parameters, additional, change (bottom), and on the disk where you have the tanks installed, select that disk, indicate the size just below, and there you set how much it is for you recommends that the initial and maximum sizes should be the same! Then OK, apply, it will ask you to reboot the system, you agree. And this can also help: Press Win (the key to the right of L. Control) + R. In the window that appears, write msconfig, then load, additional parameters, select the maximum number of processors, do not touch everything else. You click apply, ok, you reboot the system and voila. I hope I helped you.

Error " "occurs when the WOT client does not have enough RAM to process the data. Most often, this message appears on weak computers, in which the system does not meet the minimum requirements of World of Tanks.

Minimum amount of RAM to run World of Tanks – 1.5 Gb.

However, owners of powerful PCs are also not immune to memory shortages in VOT. Questions often appear on the official forum: “ Why does it say that there is not enough RAM, although there is a lot of memory? What to do? "There is a solution. But first, a little theory for understanding.

What does RAM do?

Random Access Memory(aka RAM or RAM) is the memory in which the computer stores data from games and programs running right now, including the operating system itself. The more machine code an application runs, the more RAM it needs.

The PC processor takes the code from RAM and executes it. For example, when you shoot at an enemy in World of Tanks, the processor takes the part of the code responsible for the shot from memory and executes it. Thanks to thousands of lines of complex mathematical calculations, your projectile flies along a realistic trajectory and ricochets off the side.

If the RAM is too small, part of the WOT machine code will not fit in it. This causes a decrease in FPS and lags in the game, and can also lead to the error " Not enough memory. Please restart the game ».

How to see the amount of available memory on Windows

How to increase the amount of memory for World of Tanks

Increase the swap file

Swap file – this is systemic Windows file. It lies on the computer's hard drive and stores data for which there is not enough space in the RAM. It complements RAM, but is not a complete replacement. The paging file contains mainly data from inactive and minimized programs. If the active application does not have enough RAM, it will also work with the page file.

Virtual memory – this is the common memory of RAM and FP. In order for World of Tanks to work properly, its volume needs to be increased.

The instructions are valid for Windows 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10

  • RMB on the icon " My computer » → « Properties »
  • Click ""
  • In the “Performance” section, select “ Options " and go to the tab " Additionally »
  • In the “Virtual Memory” subsection, click “ Change »
  • Next you need to select any virtual disk except C:/. On disk C:/ The operating system itself is installed, so constant interaction with the FP may slow down its operation. Ideally on low-power devices on disk C:/ there should be nothing but the OS.
  • Uncheck the box " Automatically select paging file size ».
  • Select the item “ Specify size " and indicate the volume in megabytes - no more than physical RAM. For example, if your computer has 2 Gb of RAM, you can specify a size of 2048 mb for the paging file.
  • Next, press the button “ Set " And " OK "(in each window).

You may need to restart your computer for the changes to take effect.

You can also set " System selectable size ", and Windows will select the required volume itself, but this is ineffective. If the FP is too large, an error may appear in WOT “ Rating: 5 /5 - 3 votes