License not found. Application protection key or acquired software license not found - Solution. Software licensing error. Error linking the software license to the computer Software licensing error 1c 8

When starting the 1C Accounting program, the operator may encounter the message “License not found. The application protection key or the acquired software license was not found. " The occurrence of this problem may be associated with a change in the system configuration, as a result of which 1C recognized the system as qualitatively new, or with incorrect settings of 1C itself (in particular, the network settings of the nethasp.ini configuration file). In this article, I will analyze in detail the reasons for this error, and also explain how to fix it.

Dysfunction reasons

The "License not found" error usually occurs when the 1C program has not found a license file (usually with the .lic extension) on the local PC (or server), which makes it possible to fully launch the specified system.

A similar situation may arise due to the following factors:

How to fix "License not found" in 1C

Let's consider the ways to get rid of the error “License not found. The program protection key or the obtained software license was not found "on 1C user systems:

  1. Disable your firewall before running the program;
  2. Install "Alladin monitor" into the system. This product shows the use of licenses in the network version of the program. Use it to make sure that your system has an installed license;
  3. When using a hardware license, in the infobase window, click on "Settings" and check the box next to the "Use hardware license" option, if there is no such checkbox there;
  4. Edit the Nethasp.ini file in the path as needed:

Open this file and write down the IP addresses of the client PCs and the names of the license managers there. To do this, specify in the specialized section:

Then, in the section, specify the IP address of the license manager server (should look like NH_SERVER_ADDR = required IP), and the name of the license managers (NH_SERVER_NAME = manager name).

Previously, the name of the manager is indicated in the section as NHS_SERVERNAMES = name 1, name 2, and so on.

  • Activate your existing license. If you get a message about the absence of a detected license, click on "Yes" and specify the path for installing the license (local PC or server).
  • Then we select the option of initial or re-obtaining a license, or its renewal. Set the visibility of the license to "All computer users", select the method of obtaining it - manual, automatic, on a digital medium. We fill out the registration form, after which we save the data in a file, which we place in the directory:

Most large companies that use 1C software for licensing use software keys. They are convenient and cheaper than flash drives, since they are not spent on computers, but on sessions with the server. However, it happens that problems arise with them, and 1C stops seeing them. It is important for 1C administrators in large companies to be able to quickly fix such situations, since the “idle time” of users can turn into problems.

Reasons for refusal of licenses 1C 8.3

There is a list of common reasons why 1C stops seeing the file with licenses. The responsible employee must first of all check them and quickly fix them in order to restore the operability of 1C:

  • Updating the 1C platform. The essence of the problem lies in the scheme of the update procedure - the new version does not replace the old one, but is simply installed in the neighboring directory. As a result, after several years of work on the server, you can find a whole collection of platforms that work independently. To restore the functionality of the licenses, they must be re-registered using the backup pin-codes;
  • The license manager has crashed. Setting up this mechanism is a delicate and complex exercise. If an unqualified specialist was engaged in it, problems can arise at any time. Such failures are resolved by reinstalling the platform and the licensing manager;
  • Disable the use of software licenses. In the infobase settings, you can specify which type of licenses is used. Sometimes even users can change the settings and just uncheck the "Use hardware license" checkbox;
  • If your company has a 1C license server enabled and configured and someone has access to it, you need to check its settings. In this case, it is important to have the appropriate qualifications or turn to professionals;
  • Invalid location of the * .lic file - software key. A similar error occurs when switching from a file to a client-server database. It is often forgotten that these types differ in the required location of the key, and leave it in the old directory;
  • When you see the message "No free license found" on one workplace, and 1C works on another, check the number of software licenses. Perhaps you simply have too many users and run out of licenses. In this case, you will have to purchase additional or regulate access to 1C in time, which is extremely inconvenient;
  • The system configuration has changed - the 1C software license will consider that it has been transferred to another PC and will refuse to work. It is necessary to re-register it using the backup pin-codes;
  • An unconfigured firewall and antivirus can also block the distribution of software licenses.

Restoring the functionality of 1C licenses

It is possible to restore 1C software licenses using a special file included in the platform. To do this, you need to correctly configure the nethasp.ini file located in the conf folder of the directory where 1C is installed. In order for the 1C license error to go away, you must specify the following data in this file:

  1. In the NH_COMMON section, specify NH_TCPIP = Enabled;
  2. In the NHS_SERVER section, specify all the names of the license managers;
  3. In the NH_TCPIP section, specify the server address with the license manager in the form NH_SERVER_ADDR = IP address. Also specify the name of the manager himself in the NH_SERVER_NAME attribute. If there are several of them, they are listed separated by commas.

Then it is the turn to activate the existing license for the first time or again. Its visibility should extend to all PC users, specify the method of obtaining - manual, automatic, on a digital medium. After filling in the registration data in a special form, a license file will be obtained, which must be placed along one of the paths:

  1. For Windows XP and Vista:
    • C: \ Users \ Administrator \ AppData \ Local \ 1C \ 1Cv8 \ conf \;
    • C: \ Users \ All Users \ 1C \ 1Cv8 \ conf \;
  2. For Windows 7 and following:
    • C: \ ProgramData \ 1C \ licenses \

Sometimes it turns out that the company bought a license, but all documents were lost, and registration data were forgotten. In this case, many simply buy a new set of licenses again. This is quite expensive when it comes to 50 or 100 software licenses. Therefore, it is important to know that all information can be recovered if you find the lic format file.

All information is encoded in this file. It will take a lot of time and effort to decode it. 1C technical support can help with this, if the purchase of licenses really took place. If you undertake this operation yourself, there is a high probability that an error will occur when decoding the license file and the last possibility of recovery will be lost.

Consultation with 1C technical support specialists is useful in case of a problem with updates or licenses of any kind: an appeal can help to significantly facilitate the solution of the problems that have arisen. Remember that in some cases, 1C employees may request to provide a copy of the database, but you can refuse. However, in this case, the chances of receiving full-fledged assistance are significantly reduced.

Consider the procedure for activating and restoring a software license for the 1C platform for PROF delivery.

The software license (pin code) consists of 15 characters.

If 1 workplace is purchased, then 3 pin codes go to it: one main and two backup ones.

Reserve pin codes are used:

    if key parameters of the computer have been changed;

    if the computer has been replaced.

License activation

To activate the license, do the following:

    Let's start the 1C program in the "1C: Enterprise" or "Configurator" mode:

    If the license has not been obtained yet, a message will appear:

    Click "Yes".

    Note: if a license has already been obtained on a computer and you need to obtain other licenses on the same computer, you need to go to the “Configurator” in the menu “Service - Obtain a license”.

    A window will appear for obtaining a license:

    Click "Get a license".

    Enter the registration number of the program and the pin code and click "Next":

    We select the operation "First start" and click "Next":

    First launch - used if the license for this product registration number has not been obtained yet.

    Recovery - used if for any reason 1C: Enterprise does not start: the license file has been deleted, the system is installed on a new or changed computer, the operating system has been changed, etc.

    Enter information about the license owner:

    Important: information about the owner of the license must be saved on the computer by clicking the "Save data" button. This data may be required when restoring a license. In this case, each entered character is checked.

    If the data is lost, you need to send a request to the company "1C" by mail [email protected], indicating the registration number of the program and the name of the organization.

    If automatic license acquisition is disabled or unavailable, then after entering information about the license owner at the next step, you should select the method for obtaining a license:

License recovery

The operation "License restoration" may be required if 1C does not find a license.

To restore the license, perform the following steps:

    operating system name;

    operating system version, while for Windows only the first two digits of the version number are analyzed;

    operating system serial number (only for MS Windows);

    operating system installation date (only for MS Windows);

    network name of the computer;

    motherboard model;

    the amount of RAM;

  • BIOS type and version;
  • list of processors and their parameters;

    list of network adapters and their MAC addresses;

    list of hard drives and their parameters.

Getting an additional pin code

If you have used up all the PIN-codes from the package, you can contact the Licensing Center for additional PIN-codes. To do this, send an email to [email protected], subject - "Request for an additional pin-code". In the letter, indicate:

    product registration number,

    name of company,

    valid PIN code, in exchange for which a new one is issued,

    the reason for receiving a new pin code.

In a response letter, the Licensing Center may offer to send a file of a request for a license.

To generate a request file:

    Run the program in the "Configurator" mode.

    Go to the menu "Service - Obtaining a license".

    Select the method of obtaining a license "On electronic media (through a file)" and generate a request file using an active pin code. This file will need to be attached to a letter to the Licensing Center about obtaining an additional pin code.

The Licensing Center will analyze the parameters for obtaining all licenses by pin codes from the delivery set you specified, and if no violations of the License Agreement are found, an additional pin code will be sent to you by e-mail.

1C license not found

This message most often begins all the troubles to eliminate 1C licensing errors. To understand the reasons, let's figure out the nature of the protection keys, and then move on to the causes of the problems.

And this window just warns that " Registration of the configuration in the licensing center failed"and is purely informational in nature. By clicking the" Repeat later "button, the window disappears for 15 minutes and reappears. If you are using a pirated version of 1C, this window will bother you. it is, if not impossible, then problematic. The only way out of the situation can be the installation of the platform of an earlier release, for example 8.3.6. Because this check began with the release in 8.3.10.


Hardware (USB key)- are "flash drives" inserted into the USB-connector of the PC. Not intended for recording any information on them. Easy to use. Can be transferred from PC to PC, not sensitive to PC architecture.
Software (pin code)- implies obtaining licenses by pin code. PIN codes are usually limited to three reacquisitions. Sensitive to PC architecture because of this, they are not universal. Transferring to another PC, changes in the OS, physical, processor memory require a license re-acquisition.
Single user- the key assumes the launch of an arbitrary number of 1C instances within one device. Designed to run 1C only on the PC on which the key is installed.
Multi-user (network key)- launching 1C on a license-limited number of devices connected via a local network (5,10,20 PCs). The key involves launching an arbitrary number of 1C instances on each device.

Distribution of keys:

1C Enterprise- distributes directly the 1C application. Distribution method - per device. Launching an arbitrary number of 1C instances within one device (PC).

Example 1. Two 1C (1C Enterprise and 1C Configurator) are running on a PC. 1 key is consumed.

Example 2. 2 different configurations are running on the PC: "Trade Management" and "Accounting". 1 key is consumed.

1C Server- the 1C server distributes. The distribution method is per session with the 1C server. Launched two applications from one device - 2 keys are counted. For example, two 1C (1C Enterprise and 1C Configurator) are running on a PC. 2 keys are consumed.


It happens that the 1C program stops seeing license protection keys. From our experience, the reasons for problems with protection keys are most often the following:
1. Installing a new 1C platform (software key). The peculiarity of updating the platform of the 1C program is that when the platform is updated, the old version is not updated, but a new one is installed. If you look at the Windows control panel after installing 1C platforms of different versions (8.1, 8.2, 8.3), you can find a whole list of releases. Moreover, they function independently of each other. Exit: re-obtaining a license.
2. Joint use of software and hardware (USB) security keys. 1C may not detect the protection key if a hardware and software protection key is used simultaneously. Exit: using one type of protection, installing a 1C key emulator to distribute missing licenses. The latter is that the exit is not entirely "white", but many companies do this, from which licenses have been sufficiently purchased, but which face problems due to the imperfection of the key distribution mechanism.
3. Incorrect location (software key).
The file and server versions of the database have different paths for the location of the software license files. When switching from a file database or a client-server database, a failure may occur, due to the fact that keys are distributed differently in the file and server databases. In the file version, the distribution of keys is carried out by the 1C platform, and in the client-server version by the 1C Server. It may be necessary to re-obtain the protection key or copy the file with the * lic extension from the folder intended for file distribution to the server distribution folder. For example, the location of the * lic file is:
C: \ ProgramData \ 1C \ 1Cv82 \ conf - for file 1C 8.2
C: \ Users \ USR1CV8 \ AppData \ Local \ 1C \ 1cv82 \ conf - for server 1C 8.2
You can find the location of the license files on your PC by searching in the * lic explorer
4. Failure of the HASP Manager licensing manager. It is not known who and what was doing on the computer before the 1C specialist was invited to figure it out. Perhaps the keys have broken in different ways more than once. Exit: reinstall the platform and the HASP Manager licensing manager.
5. Location of identical protection keys (USB) on one computer. 1C can correctly distribute over the network from one PC one copy of the key with the same number of licenses. Those. when installing two USB keys, 10 licenses each on one PC, 1C will take only one key for distribution. Exit: installing hardware protection keys on different PCs within the local network.
6. Out of free licenses. At one point free licenses can simply run out. In this case, this is not an error, but a signal about the need to expand the protection keys. Hardware protection keys can be calculated using AlladinMonitor. Calculating software licenses will have to be done manually. If 1C server is used, you can view active sessions in the server console.
7. Switching an infobase from a hardware license to a software license. In the list of infobases, select the base and click "Settings". In the infobase settings window, you can specify which type of licensing to use. Sometimes it helps. Try both: enable / disable hardware license usage.

Very often, system administrators are faced with problems in 1C software licenses, namely, their sudden "fall". In this article I want to tell you what these licenses are and what to expect when installing and operating them.

A 1C software license is a file with the .lic extension, which stores information about the computer on which 1C will be used. This information is generated during license installation.

Key parameters stored in the license file:

- the name of the operating system;

- the version of the operating system, while for Windows only the first two digits of the version number are analyzed;

- serial number of the operating system (only in case of Windows OS);

- date of installation of the operating system (only in case of Windows OS);

- computer network name;

- motherboard model;

- the amount of RAM;

- BIOS type and version;

- a list of processors and their parameters;

- a list of network adapters and their MAC addresses;

- a list of hard drives and their parameters.

All these parameters are rigidly tied to the license and when they are changed, it flies safely. But there are some nuances, for example, 2GB of RAM is installed on the working computer, when 2 more are added, i.e. increase, the license will not fly off. This pattern applies to most of the individual parts of the personal computer. It is possible to increase the characteristics, but not to decrease it. From practice, I want to note that any change in the volume of partitions on the hard disk (increase, decrease or completely disable the partition) also leads to the collapse of the license.

Client licenses 1C can be stored in the following places:

In the folder of the program itself: C: \ Program Files \ 1Cv82 \ 8.2.XX.YYY \ bin \ conf;

In the user's directory:% LOCALAPPDATA% \ 1C \ 1Cv82 \ Conf;

System directory:% ProgramData% \ 1C \ 1Cv82 \ Conf;

The license file is stored in a single copy, it can be moved from one directory to another, but cannot be copied! For example, a user1 user account has been created on the computer, from which 1C is successfully launched. When creating the second user user2, 1C writes that no software license was found. This means that the license file is located in the user's directory user1 and will only work from under his account. For the license to work for all users of the computer, it must be moved from the directory of user1 to the system directory.

What to do when the 1C license has flown:

Nothing wrong with that. We take an envelope with pin codes and do everything in order, the main thing is to exactly indicate the registration data, as you did during the first registration. If you transfer 1C to another PC, then you need to choose to re-obtain a license. It happens when pin codes end, you just need to write a letter to the mail [email protected] with registration number, third pin-code and registration data. Surprisingly, they respond very quickly and send the 4th pin.

Types of licenses

by operating mode:

To the workplace

To the server

by the number of users:

Single user


by connection:

Per user


All of them can be either software or hardware (USB key). A server license is installed only when working in client-server mode; this license is not needed in the file database mode.

Interesting notes from practice:

  • The 1C server license is perfectly installed on a virtual machine and does not conflict with a user network license in the form of a USB key.
  • When multiple licenses are installed on one server, they are successfully added to the system catalog and distributed to users. This is very important when 1C is installed on a terminal server.
  • With a network license, each session from the user takes one license, with a client license, the user can start any number of sessions, while only one license will be used. I will give an example: A network license for 10 users is installed on the server, one user in terminal mode launches 1C: Accounting and 1C: Salary, in this case there will be 8 free licenses. If there are 10 user licenses on the server, then when you start two databases, there will be 9 free licenses
  • If client licenses were purchased at different times (or even registered for different companies), they can / must be installed on one server, just specify the corresponding registration data and registration number for the new license.