Varnish nts for external works. Nitrocellulose varnishes. Warranty period of storage

If you need to protect your wooden products and furniture from aging and external environmental influences, nitrocellulose varnishes are perfect for you, which are always used when necessary to create an aesthetic effect and protect the material from damage.

This type of varnish is made from nitrocellulose, which is pre-diluted in a special mixture consisting of organic matter. Next, to obtain a variety of nitro varnishes, alkyd or amino-formaldehyde resins are added. Subsequently, using nitro varnishes, you can obtain transparent colorless films that will serve as protection for the wooden surface. Due to the durability of the coating, varnish can sometimes be applied without priming the surface. Please note the following: if you apply nitro varnish in hot or humid weather, we also recommend adding a 5% solvent to prevent premature drying of the material.

Among the advantages of nitro varnishes, the following parameters can be distinguished:

  • ease of use,
  • high drying speed,
  • long viability,
  • excellent grindability,
  • small price.

But, like any material, nitrocellulose varnishes also have their disadvantages:

  • they are sensitive to moisture,
  • they have low physicochemical resistance,
  • increased fire hazard.

The main use of nitrocellulose varnishes is in the treatment of wood and plywood furniture during production.

This process consists of several stages, and often nitro varnishes in it play not only the main role, but also as additional protection. This happens especially often when varnishing parquet.

Nitrovarnishes are still leaders in terms of the ratio of such parameters as price/functionality, as for Russia, the former USSR, in which people relied on their own strength.

In Europe today, nitro varnishes have been discontinued from official production. Such measures were taken because these substances are not environmentally friendly: they are flammable and toxic.

If we divide nitro varnishes into categories, we get the following data:

  • transparent (hot and cold application);
  • matting;
  • acid-curing nitrovarnishes - transparent (NTs-241); matting (NTs-241M, NTs-2101).

The peculiarity of transparent nitro varnishes is the formation of shiny coatings on a wooden surface, which have the ability to retain the original color, as well as the natural pattern of any type of wood.

Varnish NC 221

Regarding nitrovarnish NTs-221, we can say the following: it has an excellent ability to withstand temperature changes, however, among its disadvantages is a predisposition to darkening. It should also be remembered that due to the content of glyphthalic resin in its composition, the lacquered coating NTs-221 initially has a dark, opaque shade.

The closest “relative” of NTs-221 can be called nitrovarnish NTs-222, (formerly NTs-312), which has an identical composition to its “brother”: it differs only in the absence of glyphthalic resin, which thus deprives it of the darkening characteristic of NTs-221 . Among other things, this nitro varnish has a shine, which cannot but please the buyer, but if it is applied in several layers, the coating will crack.

Varnish NC 223

Nitrovarnish NTs-223 raises the bar among its peers: both cold and hot drying methods can be applied to it. Among the advantages of the lacquer coating of nitro-varnish NTs-223 is sufficient hardness and the ability to be polished. Thanks to these properties, NTs-223 varnish (which, by the way, was previously called “NTs-315-M”) is very popular as a furniture varnish.

Varnish NC 224

Next in line in our article - nitrovarnish NTs-224 - is quite different in chemical composition from the above coatings. The main component for the entire family of nitro varnishes, colloxylin, is also included in this nitro varnish, but some substances have been added to it that will not mean anything to the average buyer. Therefore, we prefer to provide you with more informative information: this nitro varnish does not require preliminary dilution using various solvents and thinners. The film formed as a result of drying of the NTs-224 coating has excellent sandability. (The previous name of this nitro varnish used to sound like T3).

Varnish NC 225

Another representative of nitro varnishes - NTs-225 - is characterized by strength and excellent sandability; it is also easy to polish. The scope of application of NTs-225 relates to the treatment of surfaces of interior doors. In the case of NTs-225, you can safely use hot drying. (Previously, NTs-225 was called "TK-N")

To bring cold applied nitro varnishes to the desired viscosity, solvents and thinners are used. Hot applied nitro varnishes must be heated to a temperature of 70...75°C. The effectiveness of this method exceeds the importance of cold application: the advantage of the hot method is to obtain thicker coatings that are applied much faster and dry at a faster rate, and the material itself is consumed more economically.

Matting nitro varnishes form matte coatings on the surface that partially erase the color and texture of the wood. These coatings are formed due to wax substances or fine-grained fillers contained in varnishes.

In the domestic production of varnishes, the main substance is zinc stearate, which is added to the solution in an amount of 5-10% of the film-forming substances.

Zinc stearate dissolves in aromatic hydrocarbons when heated and tends to precipitate out of solution when cooled.

Varnish NC 241

To increase the frost resistance, water resistance and chemical resistance of varnish coatings, it is customary to add urea resins to acid-curing nitro varnishes. They help enhance the strength properties of coatings under sudden and frequent temperature changes.

At the moment there are three varnishes - transparent NTs-241 and matting NTs-241M and NTs-2101.

The most economical of all nitro varnishes is NTs-216, but you should not rely on its price - this coating is quite good at restoring varnish films. Most often, NTs-216 is used as a material for processing furniture surfaces made of wood. Using varnish will give any wooden furniture a second life.

NTs-218 carries the same functions, however, unlike NTs-216, this varnish is usually applied to the surface in a thick layer, and its cost is slightly higher than the price of NTs-216.

Among nitro varnishes, it is customary to distinguish a special category, which includes varnishes used as primers. The most popular among them is NTs-024. Its main task is to prepare the surface for applying another nitro varnish to it.


Do not underestimate nitro varnishes; among them you can find not only “specialists” in terms of coating on wooden surfaces, but also those designed to protect metal surfaces. These are varnishes such as NTs-62 and NTs-132P.

In production conditions, nitro varnishes are usually applied to the surface of finished products by spraying, in a magnetic field and using other mechanized methods.

If you need to varnish small-caliber products, for example, wooden handles, then just put them in a jar of nitro varnish for a couple of moments, then take them out, let the excess varnish drain, and then lay or hang the product to dry.

The sequence of applying nitro varnish to a wooden surface

First you need to treat the surface with a wood stain, which is based on alcohol, water or an organic solvent. This is necessary to preserve the natural grain of the wood, as well as to emphasize its texture.

The second layer of nitro varnish takes about 6-8 hours to dry. Next you need to sand the coating.

It is necessary to take into account that each subsequent layer of this varnish should be applied perpendicular to the previously applied layer.

Table. Requirements and standards for varnishes in accordance with GOST 4976-83.

Indicator nameStandard for brand varnishTest method
1. Appearance of varnish Transparent, homogeneous solution Opaque solution from light yellow to yellow According to clause 4.8
2. Appearance of the film Glossy, smooth, transparent, uniform coating without bubbles or mechanical inclusions Smooth, uniformly matte, uniform coating without bubbles or mechanical inclusions According to clause 4.4
3. Varnish color according to the iodometric scale, mg/100 cm 3, not darker 20 40 40 According to GOST 19266
4. Mass fraction of non-volatile substances, % 30 - 34 22 - 26 33 - 36 26 - 32 According to GOST 17537 and clause 4.5 of this standard
5. Conditional viscosity at (20.0 ± 0.5) °C using a VZ-246 type viscometer with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm (or VZ-4) 50 - 85 30-45 No more than 125 35 - 80 According to GOST 8420
6. Boiling temperature of varnish, °C, not lower - - 75 - According to clause >4.6
7. Drying time of varnish at (20 ± 2) °C to degree 3, hours, no more 0,75 1 1 1 According to GOST 19007 and clause 4.7 of this standard
8. Film elasticity when bending, mm, no more 15 35 5 10 According to GOST 6806 and clause 4.8 of this standard
9. Film hardness, conventional units, not less, according to a pendulum device: According to GOST 5233
type M-3 0,5 0,6 0,55 0,4 (0,30)
type TML (pendulum A) 0,2 0,3 0,25 0,2 (0,15)
10. The ability of the varnish film to be sanded and polished > >Do not define >The film must withstand the test >Do not define According to clause 4.9
11. Film gloss, % According to GOST 896 and clause 4.10 of this standard
no less 60 50 50 -
no more - - - 20
12. Conditional light fastness of the film, h, not less 2 2 2 1 According to GOST 21903, method 2, and clause 4.1 of this standard
13. Film resistance to static action of water at (20 ± 2) °C, h, not less 12 6 6 6 According to GOST 9.403 and clause 4.12 of this standard
14. Heat resistance of the film at (60 ± 2) °C, min, not less 30 30 30 30 According to clause 4.13

materials on the topic

In the mid-twentieth century, a method for producing paint in powder form was created. Nowadays, paints in powder form are especially popular in European countries and the United States of America. These paints are used to paint products in the automotive industry, in construction, and in painting various materials (various metals, wood, plastic, ceramics, glass). Powder paint protects products and gives them a beautiful appearance. And these paints also solve environmental problems in the paint and varnish industry, because they contain almost no organic solvents and various volatile substances.

› NC paints and varnishes

NC paints and varnishes, advantages and disadvantages. Legendary paint NTs-132 and premium Soviet cars

The unfamiliar word colloxylin slipped into the definition of what NC paints are, so let’s also figure out what it is so that there are no gaps in knowledge.

What are the properties of NC paints and varnishes?

NC varnishes and paints are one-component materials. A nice feature of NC varnishes is fast drying. As a rule, they dry for 30-40 minutes before sanding. The type of drying to which nitro paints and nitro varnishes are subjected is based solely on the evaporation of solvents.

The film formation of nitro paints and nitro varnishes is not of a chemical nature, and therefore the coating has poor resistance to chemical influences.

During the drying process, NC materials sometimes turn white (cloudy) due to condensation of moisture from the air due to cooling during the rapid evaporation of solvents (whitening is eliminated by the addition of slow solvents).

Since nitrocellulose is a high-molecular material, to dilute it to a technologically acceptable viscosity it is necessary to use a large amount of solvent, which leads to a small amount of dry residue.

Due to the low level of dry residue, in order to obtain a furniture coating of sufficient thickness, these materials have to be applied in many layers (up to 10 or more).

Nitro paints and nitro varnishes are short-lived, because after 1.5 - 2 years of operation, products finished with them largely lose their decorative properties. The reasons for this are high shrinkage, increased roughness, and microporosity.

Lakobeits, what kind of paint and varnish product is this?

Currently, in the modern finishing process, the use of nitro materials is optimal only in one of the types of paints and varnishes - alcohol-based stains, where their disadvantages practically do not appear.

Examples of nitrocellulose paints and varnishes

Nitrocellulose enamel NTs-132

Nitrocellulose enamel NTs-132 The domestic chemical industry has been producing it since the 70s of the last century, and, oddly enough, this paint and varnish product is still in demand, perhaps, as they say, from “old memory.”

The history of the use of the first nitro enamels and nitro varnishes is quite respectable and dates back to the first half of the 20th century.

A little history about the famous NC enamel that will surprise you

Enamel NC was a legend of the USSR automotive industry. Since its introduction in the 30s, NC enamel continued to be used until 1975 for painting cars.

You won’t believe it, to achieve a long-lasting, deep color, NC nitro enamel was applied in 12 layers, this was due to the weak hiding power of the enamel, but the coating turned out to be “one continuous sight for sore eyes.”

Each layer was dried and polished separately. In this case, drying took place in a special heat chamber.

But, as we see, the process of applying nitro enamel was complex; in the Soviet Union it was used only for painting government cars.

Such premium cars included all passenger cars of the ZIL plant, ZiM and GAZ models of the executive class, including the famous black Volga GAZ-21 and GAZ-13 Chaika.

The disadvantages of NC enamels include their relatively low durability: 3-5 years of year-round outdoor use deprived them of their decorative and protective properties (they “faded”).

Application of enamel NTs-132 now

NTs-132 enamel or, in other words, nitro enamel, is currently used for painting, one might say, everything.

NC paint covers metal surfaces, for example, from building structures (railings, shelves, etc.) to the car body.

Nitro enamels NTs-132 are used to paint wood, again, this includes pieces of furniture, wooden panels, window sills, and so on.

  • What are the advantages of NTs-132 paint and does it have any disadvantages?
  • Advantages of paint NTs-132
  • Resistant to ultraviolet radiation, the coating does not fade for many years
  • moisture resistance
  • quick drying, the standard period of time required to dry a painted surface is from 10 minutes to half an hour (at room temperature).
  • no drying equipment required
  • Possibility of use both outside and inside the building.

Instructions for use of enamel NTs-132

Nitro enamels dry quickly, which must be taken into account when applying with a spray gun. At the same time, the paint sprayer allows you to obtain a high-quality surface when painting, but when working with another tool, drips are possible.

The declared consumption of nitro enamel is 100-120 g/m2.

Varnish NTs-218

“Wood and varnish”... As soon as we say this phrase, something warm, light, pleasant, even nostalgic is pictured in our imagination. Some people remember a wooden bench in an autumn park where their mother took them as a child. Someone recalls how cozy and familiar the balcony was in grandma’s old apartment. Many people think about the attic of a country house.

It is unlikely that anyone will object: the combination of wood and varnish gives the feeling of something real, timeless. This is probably why interior decoration with wood still does not lose its relevance. Well, how can you use wood to decorate a room without varnishing? Impossible! After all, what is dear to us, we want to keep for a long time! And there’s no place here without varnish.

In this noble cause, nitrocellulose varnish is your best friend and assistant. Intended for finishing wood and, in particular, furniture, varnish performs two important functions. First, the varnish protects the surface from the negative influences to which a wooden surface is inevitably exposed during operation. Secondly, varnish has excellent decorative properties: it emphasizes the beauty of wood without changing its structure.

Detailed information about the purpose of NTs-218

In the family of nitrocellulose varnishes, any product will adequately fulfill its tasks. And NC-218 varnish is no exception. Like its “relatives” nitrocellulose varnishes, NTs-218 is a solution of colloxylin, resins and plasticizers mixed with solvents. In addition to its basic properties, the varnish has other important advantages.

Main properties and characteristics

It makes the coating resistant to water, temperatures in the range from -12C to 60C, and also protects the surface from mechanical damage. Another advantage of the varnish is its high drying speed: we will talk about this further!

Appearance of NTs-218

The color palette of NTs-218 varnish is practically invisible, and in no case disturbs the natural texture of the wood. When dry, the varnish layer acquires an even, smooth structure.

Instructions for use

Before we start applying varnish to the surface, we prepare it for painting in the most serious way. Namely, we clean, remove traces of the old coating, remove dust, and sand.

Then we check the texture of the material: if the varnish has thickened, dilute it with one of the solvents - or. NTs-218 varnish can be applied by spraying, pouring or swab. For 1 square meter of surface you will need very little: 80-110 grams of varnish.

After you finish your work, another wonderful surprise awaits you. And it lies in the fact that the coating dries in just 45 minutes. Impressive, right? At least this is a very powerful argument when time is short.

When working with varnish, do not forget to take the necessary precautions. Use rubber gloves, thoroughly ventilate the room during and after painting, and do not work near electrical appliances or open fire sources.

Container and packaging NTs-218

The varnish is produced in special containers and in ordinary tin cans weighing 1.7 kg. Industrial packaging is packaged: in drums - 48 kg.

Storage conditions

Storing NC-218 varnish is not at all difficult. It will be perfectly preserved in its original form for 1 year from the date of manufacture. Just make sure that the varnish is in a tightly closed container and stored in a cool, dark place, at a temperature of -40C to 40C.

Guarantee period

The manufacturer's warranty obligations to the consumer are distributed over a period of 12 months from the date of its manufacture.


Color of varnish NTs-218 on the iodometric scale, mgJ2/100 cm3, not darker

Mass fraction of non-volatile substances, %

Conditional viscosity according to a VZ-246 viscometer with a nozzle diameter of 4 mm at a temperature of (20.0±0.5)°C, s

Drying time of varnish at a temperature of (20±2) °C to degree 3, hours, no more

Film elasticity when bending, mm, no more

Film hardness according to the TML pendulum device (pendulum A), rel. units, not less

Film gloss, % not less

Conditional light fastness of the film, h, not less

Film resistance to static action of water at (20±2) °C, h, not less

Heat resistance of film at (60±2) °C, min, not less

Varnishes NTs – 218, NTs – 221, NTs – 222, NTs – 223, NTs – 224, NTs – 228, NTs – 243 furniture

(GOST 4976 - 76) are solutions of varnish colloxylin, resins and plasticizers in a mixture of volatile organic solvents. Varnish NTs - 243 contains a matting additive, varnish NTs - 224 does not contain a plasticizer.

These varnishes are intended for finishing furniture and other wooden products used indoors. They are applied by spray or pouring. Varnish NTs – 223 – with a paint sprayer heated to 70 0 C; NC-228 varnish can be applied with a brush or swab. Varnish coatings are resistant to temperature changes from –12 to +60°C. Before use, varnishes NTs - 211, NTs - 222, NTs - 224, 1NTs - 228 and NTs - 243 are diluted with solvent 646 or RML; NC varnish – 218 – solvents 646, 647; NC varnish – 223 – RML solvent – ​​315.

Technical characteristics of varnishes are given in table. 16, and the composition of varnishes is in table. 17.

The guaranteed shelf life of varnishes NTs - 218, NTs - 222, NTs -223 and NTs - 228 is 1 year, and for varnishes NTs -2 21, NTs -224 and NTs -243 - 6 months.

Varnishes are fire hazardous and toxic materials.

Varnish NTs-134– former AB-4 d/v (TU 6-10-10-1291-77) is a solution of varnish colloxylin in a mixture of organic solvents and thinners with added plasticizers. Intended for coating metal and wooden surfaces.

Technical characteristics: the appearance of the varnish is a transparent homogeneous liquid without mechanical inclusions, slight opalescence is allowed; the appearance of the film is a shiny, clean, uniform surface without stains or bubbles; varnish color on the iodometric scale – no more than 30 mg of iodine; viscosity of varnish according to VZ-4 at 20° C – 28 – 60 s; mass fraction of non-volatile substances in the varnish – 12 – 17%; acid number – no more than 0.5 mg KOH; film drying time at 20 ± 2 C – no more than 1 hour; film hardness according to the pendulum device M –3 – not less than 0.45; film strength upon impact - at least 4 J (40 kgf | cm); coating bending – no more than 1 mm.

Due to the high elasticity of the film, NC-134 varnish is used for decorative finishing of curved surfaces of highly artistic furniture products. The varnish is applied with a spray gun in several thin layers, followed by refinement of the coating. The varnish is diluted to working viscosity with solvent 646. Guaranteed shelf life is 1 year. An increase in acid number to 1 mg KOH, a decrease in viscosity, and the formation of a slight flaky sediment during storage do not serve as grounds for rejecting the product.

The toxicity and fire hazard of NC-134 varnish is due to the properties of the solvents included in its composition: toluene, butyl acetate, ethyl acetate, acetone, butyl, isobutyl and ethyl alcohols.

Varnish NTs - 269 - former NTs - 316 (TU 6 - 10 - 1376 - 73) is a solution of colloxylin, various resins (alkyd, cyclohexanone formaldehyde, rosin - maleic) and plasticizers in a mixture of volatile organic solvents. The varnish is intended for finishing wooden toys for preschool and school-age children and artistic and decorative wood products.

Technical characteristics: varnish color on the iodometric scale – no more than 45 mg; the appearance of the varnish is a homogeneous liquid without mechanical inclusions; varnish viscosity according to VZ – 4 at 20°С – 55–65 s; mass fraction of non-volatile substances – 29–33%; film drying time at 18 – 22°C, min, to degree 1 – no more than 30, to degree 2 – no more than 60;

The hardness of the film according to the pendulum device M - 3 24 hours after application is 0.45.

Nitro vs polymer

Guitar polish is very often underestimated. It seems like it's just the finishing touch on a guitar, but it's very important and in this article we'll figure out why. The main types of coating are nitrocellulose varnish, polyurethane and polyester. Each of these types has its fans. Varnish protects your guitar from changes in humidity and, in fact, when used correctly, both types of coating perform their functions perfectly.


In order to understand guitar varnishes, let's start with nitrocellulose, we will call it nitro for short. This varnish was first produced in the 20s of the 20th century. Nitrocellulose mixed well with paint, so car companies like Ford quickly adopted this varnish and cars became multi-colored. Previously there were only black and gray ones.

Nitrocellulose is a varnish based on a solvent and resin (mostly cotton), they are mixed with sulfuric and nitric acid and so-called nitration occurs. The same process is used to make nitroglycerin or trinitrotoluene - explosive things, you know. Therefore, nitrocellulose requires very careful handling and is highly flammable. After applying the varnish on the surface of the guitar, the solvent evaporates, and the resin remains on the guitar, it is polished and the guitar acquires that gorgeous shine.

When nitrocellulose first appeared, it was a breakthrough - it dried very quickly, but today polyurethane has overtaken it. When you play a new guitar with a nitrocellulose finish, you can literally smell it. This ends with the evaporation of solvents. It won't last forever, so enjoy the moment. By the way, these chemicals are harmful to nature.

In addition to its pleasant smell and shine, nitrocellulose also has other positive properties - it combines well with other substances and materials. For example, it is used when mixing car paints, the same thing in guitars. Nitrocellulose coating is very easy to restore, unlike polyurethane. This way, if your guitar has any chips or scratches, you can get rid of them quite easily. In fact, nitrocellulose does not dry completely, it is less rigid and does not tighten the wood like other coatings, which is very good for the resonance of your guitar.

Although this is a plus for sound, for reliability it is a minus. Nitrocellulose wears out, for example, when you place the guitar on a rubber-coated stand. You've probably seen guitars with a right-hand mark on the body - where the hand usually rests when playing - this is all because nitrocellulose reacts to fats much more strongly than other harder coatings. Although, many guitarists believe that scars decorate the guitar - this is a sign that you play and practice a lot. Vintage coating with a lot of scratches and chips is especially valued now; many manufacturers even make it artificially. In general, all cracks in varnish are caused by sudden temperature changes, which cause expansion and contraction of wood fibers under the varnish.

In general, this varnish is harmful to the health of those who use it, and to nature in general, so it will most likely be abandoned sooner or later. Interestingly, in the United States, guitars are produced in states with more or less lenient air pollution laws. There you can save on expensive ventilation systems and fines. In general, there is a noticeable transition to polyurethane and polyester simply because it is cheaper for manufacturers.


This type of coating has been used in guitar manufacturing since the 60s, but has become especially popular in the last 20 years, proving itself both reliable and shiny in appearance. The resin in this varnish is artificial and does not smell anything when the solvents evaporate. Few volatile organic compounds harmful to health. Once applied to the guitar, the varnish hardens and does not react to solvents. When applied to the guitar, this varnish is mixed with hot water, due to which a chemical reaction occurs, the components of the varnish mix and harden without evaporating. Polyurethane coatings are resistant to scratches and wear from friction, and in general, such varnish retains its shine for a long time. If you like your guitar to shine like new no matter how old it is, this type of finish is for you. Unlike guitars with a nitrocellulose finish, which immediately shows their age, guitars with a polyurethane varnish do not age in appearance.

Although polyurethane is generally more expensive than nitrocellulose, it is cheaper to produce because This results in significant savings on ventilation systems. Polyurethane also dries faster than nitrocellulose. This is especially important in mass production, where guitars are boxed straight off the assembly line and sent to stores. Today, large companies use ultraviolet lamps to dry varnish. This takes literally a few seconds. It took years to perfect the process of such artificial drying, but now it takes seconds. A component is mixed into the varnish that reacts to ultraviolet radiation. It causes the necessary reaction. Thanks to this, it was possible to make the coating thinner, which had a better effect on the sound.

A thick coating, regardless of its composition, stifles the sound. No matter how your guitar is coated, the varnish should maintain the resonance of the wood. Nitrocellulose coatings are almost always thinner than polyurethane coatings. Requires fewer layers to finish. Apparently this is why nitrocellulose is still highly valued by professionals. The more layers of varnish on a guitar, the more compressed and constrained the sound, this is especially audible on acoustic guitars, where the entire sound is in the wood. Many electric guitars with a thick layer of varnish and not connected do not sound at all. This, of course, can be heard when you plug such a guitar into an amplifier.

Don't be fooled by the matte finish. In most cases, this type of coating is not thinner than gloss, it simply uses a certain additive in the varnish, due to which it is less shiny. Polyurethane coating, when applied correctly, does not ruin the sound of a guitar, just like proper circuit boards do not ruin the sound of amplifiers. Any coatings affect the sound, and although this can be considered a trifle, for example, a rocker will not notice any noticeable differences, but a jazzman, who cares about natural, clear sound, will.

In general, thanks to the development of technology, coatings are becoming thinner and more reliable. Nitrocellulose remains only in the piece production of expensive guitars, however, its days are already numbered. It costs producers too much.

What type of coverage you choose is up to you. The most important thing is that you like the way your guitar sounds and looks. Remember that your sound is in your fingers.