Food calories. Basal metabolic rate. Too much protein also leads to certain problems.

When it comes to nutrition or weight loss, everyone thinks about calories. They are counted, remembered, identified and generally done everything to ensure that there are no more of them required quantity. For what? Then, by exceeding their limit, we risk gaining excess fat, and along with it, developing health problems. In such cases, a table of caloric content of all products comes to our aid. Thanks to her, we can intelligently think through our diet without harming our figure and body.

Where did the word “calorie” even come from? From Latin, of course. Translated, it means “warmth”. Energy is measured in calories. By consuming a dish, we receive a certain amount of calories. To calculate their quantity, we need to know how many kcal can be contained in 100 grams of the product we consume. These indicators are especially important for losing weight, when a person needs to constantly monitor his diet.

For proper nutrition, which is the basis for the stable, uninterrupted functioning of our body, proteins, carbohydrates and fats are required. They are all expressed in calories. 1 g fat = 9 kcal, 1 g protein = 4 kcal, 1 g carbohydrates = 4 kcal

Knowing these data and how many calories are per 100 grams of product, we can literally sculpt our figure, without forgetting about sports and other attributes of an active healthy life.

To determine how many calories we received during meals, from morning breakfast to evening dinner, we need to refer to the table of caloric content of foods. You can download it for free, print it and use it whenever necessary (there is a download link at the end of the article).

For convenience, I divided all products into groups according to caloric content.

“No-calorie” products. This group included products with a calorie content of up to 30 kcal per 100 g. Why did I call these products that? Read the article about zero-calorie foods. They are even sometimes called negative calorie foods :)

Product Calorie content(Kcal per 100 g)
A pineapple10
Bulb onions11
Rhubarb (stalks)21
Green onion24
Saffron milk caps26
Cherry plum28

Low calorie foods - 30 - 70 kcal per 100 g. These products are perfect for preparing low-calorie dishes. This and the previous group of products will be your best friends when losing weight.

Product Calorie content(Kcal per 100 g)
Honey mushrooms31
Green beans31
Sea ​​buckthorn31
Skim milk32
Green beans32
Beef thigh32
Beef tenderloin34
Bulgarian pepper"34
White cabbage35
Celery (root)36
Sour cream 20% fat42
White mushrooms44
Cream 20% fat44
Chicken egg (white)44
Wheat flour, premium46
Wheat flour, 1st grade47
Parsnip (root)57
Cow's milk (paste)59
Goat milk (raw)68
Chicken liver68

Products of moderate calorie content. In this group I collected products with calorie content from 70 to 200 kcal per 100 g. This is perhaps the most basic group of products from which you can prepare excellent dishes for a healthy and dietary diet. You won’t be able to gain weight with these products :)

Product Calorie content(Kcal per 100 g)
Corn flour74
Green peas77
Chicken heart78
River perch82
Low-fat cottage cheese85
Beef kidneys86
Beef heart96
Veal 1st category97
Beef liver105
Pork liver109
Chicken fillet113
Horse mackerel115
Pork tenderloin142
Chicken stomach144
Pink salmon147
Cottage cheese semi-fat156
Chicken egg (white and yolk)157
Quail egg168
Beef tongue173
Rabbit meat183
Chicken leg185
Lamb thigh198

High calorie foods- 200 - 450 kcal per 100 g. These are not foods prohibited for the diet, but you should not overeat them.

Product Calorie content(Kcal per 100 g)
Lamb 1st category209
Beef 1 category218
Fat cottage cheese229
Beef brisket234
Pork feet234
Chickens category 1241
Fresh herring246
Barley flour249
Lamb loin257
Turkeys 1st category276
Dried apricots284
Lamb breast288
Dried apricots290
Peeled rye flour297
Barley groats303
Pork thigh305
Seeded rye flour309
Wheat flour, 2nd grade320
Pearl barley342
Corn grits344
Long grain rice346
Chicken egg (yolk)350
Pork meat354
Pork loin383
Soy flour384

There is probably no person now who has not heard the word “calorie”. But not everyone understands what exactly it means. The term was first introduced by Swedish physicists back in the 18th century and was used to determine the heat of combustion of fuel. Now the concept of “calorie” is used in utilities and energy, as well as to indicate the value of products. The word gained the greatest popularity in the latter meaning. Calories in foods are the amount of energy entering the body during their digestion and complete absorption. A person spends it on maintaining the functioning of his body, on daily activities, and spends it constantly, even in his sleep. This energy is usually defined in kilocalories (abbreviated as kcal). It is also possible to calculate in kilojoules (kJ), which are similar units of measurement.

Calories in foods

The energy contained in food products is of greatest interest. In production, their exact value is measured in special device, calorimeter, by combustion in its sealed chamber. The amount of heat released during this process is the energy value. This is how the manufacturer determines how many calories are in the food. To inform buyers, this value is applied to the packaging in which the product will be sold. The number of calories in foods is usually indicated per 100 grams of weight.

Food and weight

Having found out that calories in foods are energy entering the body, it is not so difficult to understand that its excess can lead to excess body weight gain. But nutritional value is also important, that is, the amount of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. These concepts are interconnected. It is not without reason that it is believed that excessive consumption of fatty and sweet (high-carbohydrate) foods leads to weight gain. excess weight. Just look at the calories in foods. The 100 gram chart for carbohydrates, fats and proteins is given below.

That is why the labels indicate not only the energy value, but also the nutritional value of the products. Knowing how many calories are in foods, the amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, it is easy to lose or increase body weight. It is enough just to determine your correct weight and the dose of energy and nutrients necessary for the body.

Calories in foods, table per 100 grams

Monitoring your nutrition and the energy value of your diet is a good habit for a person who leads a healthy lifestyle and watches their figure. Counting calories in foods is easy, and you don't have to memorize the information on each product's label. It is enough to use the knowledge already accumulated. They can easily answer the question of how many calories are in foods. A table of basic food products with average values ​​is given below. The number of calories per 100 g of product is given in the second column, proteins in the third, fats in the fourth, carbohydrates in the fifth.

Unsweetened baked goods

Simple loaf

Bran loaf

Unsweetened bun

Borodino bread

Whole grain bread

White wheat bread

Bran bread

Rye bread

Confectionery and baked goods

Sugar dragee (“Sea pebbles”, etc.)

Zephyr white

Caramel (lollipops)

Caramel (with filling)

Fudge candies

Chocolate candies


Cookies with glaze

Cookies with nuts

Butter cookies

Chocolate cookies

Puff pastry

Sponge cake


Yeast baked goods (buns)


For baked goods and sweets, especially those with filling or soaked in rich cream, the largest energy value. Avoiding them is enough to maintain normal weight. Sweet carbonated drinks and juices are in second place in the ranking of harmfulness. Calories in foods, table per 100 grams with the list continued below.

Natural juices and carbonated drinks

Apricot juice

Pineapple juice

Orange juice

Grape juice (with apple)

Cherry juice

Pomegranate juice

Grapefruit juice

Pear juice

Peach juice

Beetroot juice

Plum juice

Tomato juice

Apple juice

Coca-Cola and Pepsi

Gas water with sugar

At first glance, the numbers seem small, but since the calories in foods are given per 100 grams, and the consumption of drinks occurs in much larger volumes, it’s worth thinking about.

Next come butter products and sausage products. Their energy value is also alarming.

Mayonnaise, oils, fats

Cooking fat

Mayonnaise "Provencal"

Low-calorie mayonnaise 20% fat


Peanut butter

Sunflower oil

Olive oil

Sweet butter

Prepared meat products

Smoked bacon

Natural ham

Ham sausage

Chicken sausage

Doctor's sausage

Boiled-smoked sausage

Raw smoked sausage

Sausage "Milk"


Milk sausages

Sausages with cheese

Creamy sausages

In general, all sausages are rich in fat, and, as a rule, its amount prevails over protein. When choosing products from meat processing plants, you should pay special attention to this. Most useful choice There will be chicken and beef boiled sausage. The carbohydrate group, cereals and pasta are quite healthy, as they guarantee long saturation. It is important to cook them correctly, without excess fat, taking into account the calories in the products (the table per 100 grams for cereals and pasta is presented below). The weight of raw products is taken into account.

Cereals, pasta


Corn (groats)

Pasta made from durum wheat

Pearl barley

Natural meat, fish and milk are the most healthy products in the human body. They are rich in protein, which means they fill you up for a long time, promote muscle development, and strengthen bones and tissues.

Vegetables and fruits are also beneficial. Their calorie content is low, and their taste is attractive. By making these types the main products in your daily menu, you can maintain your health for many years and forget about excess weight.

The number of calories in the products of the listed categories is given below.


Milk 0.5%

Milk 1.5%

Milk 2.5%

Milk 3.2%

Sour cream 15%

Sour cream 20%




Beef liver

Chicken liver

Pork is fatty

Lean pork


Beef tongue


Goose carcass

Turkey carcass

Chicken liver

Chicken heart

Chicken stomach

Duck carcass

Chicken thigh

Chicken drumstick

Chicken breast

Chicken carcass

Egg, white

Egg, yolk

Chicken egg (1 piece)


Lean herring


Horse mackerel

Sea trout



White cabbage

Ripe potatoes


Green onion


Bulgarian pepper

Radish red

Celery root

Green beans






Now you know more about the energy value of foods. Choose the right foods for your diet and be healthy!

The energy value of foods is quantified using a unit of measurement called a calorie. It has been established that the protein and carbohydrate components of food contain 4.1 kilocalories (kcal) per 1 gram, fat is more energy-intensive and contains 9 kilocalories per 1 gram.

Thus, the total calorie content of the product is calculated by the formula:

Calories = 4.1 x Protein + 4.1 x Carbohydrates + 9 x Fat

Meat products

Meat products contain practically no carbohydrate component; they are rich in proteins and fats.

Animal fat, if consumed in excess, can cause increased cholesterol levels and the development of atherosclerosis. However, you should not give up meat products - meat and eggs contain a full set of essential amino acids that the body requires to form muscle mass.

For healthy eating choose lean meats and egg whites. Calorie table for meat products:

Meat products
Beef 187 Stewed: 232
Fried: 384
Pork 265 Stewed: 350
Fried: 489
Mutton 294 Stewed: 268
Fried: 320
Chicken breasts 113 Boiled: 137
Fried: 157
Chicken legs 158 Boiled: 170
Fried: 210
Duck 308 Baked: 336
Goose 300 Baked: 345
Eggs 155 Fried: 241
Boiled: 160
Egg white 52 Boiled: 17
Roasted: 100
Egg yolk 322 Boiled: 220
Ham 365
Boiled sausage 250
Smoked sausage 380
Sausages 235


Milk is a source of protein and some fat-soluble vitamins and minerals.

Fermented milk products supply the body with beneficial probiotics that improve intestinal function.

Cottage cheese provides the body with the slow-moving protein casein, and cheese is the record holder among all products for calcium content. Calorie content of dairy products per 100g:

Fish and seafood

Fish is rich in proteins and fats, however, as opposed to fats from meat, fish oils are beneficial for blood vessels and the heart due to their significant content of omega-3 fatty acids.

Seafood contains almost no fat - it is a high-quality protein product. Calorie content of fish and seafood in the table:

Fish and seafood Calorie content per 100 g of raw product Calorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Red caviar 250
Black caviar 235
Shrimps 95 Boiled: 95
Squid 75 Boiled: 75
Cancers 75 Boiled: 75
Carp 45 Roasted: 145
Chum salmon 138 Roasted: 225
Salmon 142 Roasted: 155
Smoked: 385
Bream 48 Boiled: 126
Dried: 221
Pollock 70 Roasted: 136
Perch 95 Stewed: 120
Herring 57 Salty: 217
Sprats 250


Almost all vegetables are low in calories, with the exception of starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn.

Vegetables contain insoluble fiber, which is not absorbed in the digestive tract, but makes it work properly. Give preference to fresh vegetables or process them minimally. Calorie content of vegetables:

Vegetables Calorie content per 100 g of raw product Calorie content per 100 g of prepared product
cucumbers 15 Salty: 11
Tomatoes 20 Salty: 32
Onion 43 Roasted: 251
Zucchini 24 Stewed: 40
Eggplant 28 Stewed: 40
Potato 80 Boiled: 82
Roasted: 192
Baked: 90
Cabbage 23 Stewed: 47
Salty: 28
Broccoli 28 Boiled: 28
Carrot 33 Stewed: 46
Mushrooms 25 Fried: 165
Marinated: 24
Dried: 210
Pumpkin 20 Baked:
Corn 101 Boiled: 123
Canned: 119
Green pea 75 Boiled: 60
Canned: 55
Greenery 18
Beet 40
bell pepper 19
Radish 16

Fruits and berries

Fresh fruits, like vegetables, contain a large amount of fiber. In addition, fruits and berries are rich useful vitamins and antioxidants, which support the proper functioning of all systems in the body and prevent the development of many diseases.

Fruits Calorie content per 100 g of raw product Calorie content per 100 g of prepared product
Apples 45 Jam: 265
Dried: 210
Pear 42 Jam: 273
Dried: 249
Apricots 47 Dried apricots: 290
Bananas 90 Dried: 390
Oranges 45 Candied fruits: 301
Tangerines 41 Candied fruits: 300
Lemons 30 Candied fruits: 300
Grapefruit 30 Candied fruits: 300
Cherry 25 Jam: 256
Plum 44 Jam: 288
Dried: 290
Raspberries 45 Jam: 273
Strawberry 38 Jam: 285
Currant 43 Jam: 284
Gooseberry 48 Jam: 285
Grape 70 Raisins: 270
Kiwi 59 Dried: 285
Mango 67 Dried: 314
Peaches 45 Jam: 258
Melon 45 Candied fruits: 319
Watermelon 40 Candied fruits: 209
A pineapple 44 Dried: 268
Pomegranate 52
Avocado 100


Water, coffee and tea without milk and without sugar have zero calories.

All other drinks are quite energy-intensive and when counting daily calorie content they must be taken into account. Pay attention to calories alcoholic drinks. The alcohol contained in them is estimated to have an energy content of 7 kilocalories per 1 gram. This is less than fats, but almost twice as much as proteins and carbohydrates.

Nuts and seeds

Nuts and seeds are rich in plant proteins, fats and fiber.

This is a very high-calorie product, but you should not completely abandon it, since nuts contain many nutrients.

You can sprinkle the seeds on your salad, and you can take a handful of nuts with you and use them as a healthy snack. How many calories are in available nuts and seeds:

Cereals and legumes

Cereals are supplied necessary for the body for a balanced diet.

Consuming slow-acting carbohydrates prevents a sharp rise in blood glucose and keeps you full for several hours. In addition to carbohydrates, legumes contain a large number of

vegetable protein. Calorie content of cereals and legumes per hundred grams:

Pastries and sweets These products carry virtually no nutritional value

, however they are very energy intensive.

When losing weight, it is recommended to reduce the amount of flour products and sweets to a minimum or avoid them altogether.

Such products do not contain nutrients, have a significant glycemic index, and supply the body with fast carbohydrates and “empty” calories, which are likely to be stored as fat. Calorie content of sweets:


Sauces and various dressings are usually added to salads or used with meat. Since many of them are quite high in calories, this fact should be taken into account when calculating your daily calorie intake. Calorie table for sauces:

Pay attention to products with low fat content; the method of preparing the dish also matters. It is preferable to steam, boil or bake food in the oven.

The best foods for weight loss in the table:

Product category Recommendations
Meat products Choose boiled chicken breasts or cook lean beef or lean pork in the oven. The egg white should be separated from the yolk to reduce the calorie content of the product. Avoid all processed meats.
Dairy Opt for low-fat milk, cottage cheese, yogurt and kefir to fill your body with protein without extra calories.
Fish and seafood Steamed or grilled fish and seafood can be added to the diet without restrictions.
Vegetables Reduce your consumption of potatoes and corn. Prefer using fresh vegetables for salads or steaming them.
Fruits Consume fruits only when fresh. Fresh fruits are low in calories, with the exception of avocado and banana, but contain a lot of fructose, which is a fast carbohydrate. If you want to lose weight, consider this fact.
Beverages Water, coffee and tea without milk and without sugar in unlimited quantities. Other drinks should be avoided during weight loss.
Nuts and seeds No more than 10 nuts per day, taking into account their calorie content in the daily diet.
Cereals and legumes Cook porridge in water. Should not be avoided complex carbohydrates when losing weight, without them you will lose your temper faster and break your diet.
Pastries and sweets Avoid while losing weight and limit after this period.
Sauces To dress the salad, just sprinkle it with vegetable oil, vinegar or lemon juice.

The Best Foods for Mass Gain

To build muscle mass, you should increase your daily intake. This, however, does not mean that you need to eat all high-calorie foods in a row.

For a healthy diet, focus on complete proteins and complex carbohydrates.

Product category Recommendations
Meat products Along with boiled breasts, make scrambled eggs, as well as steaks and chops from lean meat.
Dairy Any dairy products are allowed, but it is better to focus on whey protein and cottage cheese, as a source of casein.
Fish and seafood Boiled, fried and steamed fish and seafood.
Vegetables Limit your consumption of fresh vegetables, as fiber will prevent the food you eat from being absorbed.
Fruits Limit sweet fruits due to fast carbohydrates or use them after your workout.
Beverages Avoid alcohol - it suppresses protein synthesis in the body and reduces the ability of muscles to recover after exercise.
Nuts and seeds Limit your serving size as nuts are difficult for the body to digest and will cause discomfort in the digestive tract if consumed in large quantities.
Cereals and legumes Oatmeal, buckwheat and lentils have moderate glycemic index and provide the body with many useful microelements.
Pastries and sweets Limit these foods due to fast carbohydrates. Can be used as a cheat meal or immediately after training.
Sauces Give preference to vegetable oil - artificially prepared sauces contain a lot of preservatives and salt.

Counting the calories of food you eat is a tedious task. Plus, it doesn't always make sense. The best way Avoiding weight gain, as opposed to using calorie arithmetic, is a more thoughtful menu. For example, eliminating sugars that cause fluctuations in blood glucose levels, stimulating appetite, or increasing the amount of satiating dietary fiber.

However, it is worth knowing which foods will deliver the greatest energy charge to the body, if only so as not to overdo it.

Calorie foods.


Fat is the most powerful energy drink: 100 grams of this product contains up to 880 calories. Some people find it disgusting, and it doesn’t smell like it, but in some respects fat is healthier than fat. vegetable oils.

Contrary to popular belief, it consists mainly of monounsaturated oleic acids, which resembles olive oil. The amount of saturated fatty acids in it does not exceed 40%, of which 35% is stearic acid with the characteristic property of lowering the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.

The exact proportion of these compounds depends on the animal the fat came from and what it was fed, as well as the method of rendering the lard. Goose fat is considered the healthiest, which, alone among animal fats, is recommended for an anti-atherogenic diet.


This product is best purchased from a rural woman. Oils available on store shelves are often mixed with vegetable oils, which the manufacturer does not always consider necessary to inform customers about.

At 82% fat, butter contains about 750 calories. That's even 500 calories more than some margarines. Which, however, does not indicate the benefits of the latter. Unlike margarine, butter contains only trace amounts of harmful trans isomers. But it contains butyric acid, a valuable compound with antitumor and antiviral properties.

Studies have shown that butyrate (a salt of butyric acid) is very useful in regenerating the intestinal mucosa and restoring normal physiological functions of the body after illness. Butter It is also a rich source of vitamins A, D, E.

Vegetable oils.

They will be different high content calories, like animal fats. Corn oil contains about 900 calories/100 grams. Others have less "power", as a rule, their energy value ranges between 860 and 880 calories per 100 grams. Although vegetable oils have a much better “reputation”, this does not mean that they are healthier.

The key objective is to preserve correct proportions of these fatty acids in relation to omega-3, and most vegetable oils, unfortunately, contain small amounts of the latter. The exceptions are rapeseed and flaxseed oil.


Nuts are a product with a whole “world” of nutrients and a significant boost of energy. Five walnuts contain the same amount of calories as one donut, and 100 grams of this delicacy is 650 calories. Peanuts and pistachios contain a little less energy, containing about 560 calories. But nuts don’t have that much of an impact on weight gain.

Most of their mass (about 80%) is active healthy unsaturated fatty acids. You can also find valuable microelements in nuts, such as magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, as well as vitamins, proteins and fiber. Due to their richness in nutrients, nuts contribute to the normal functioning of of cardio-vascular system, lowering the level of “bad” cholesterol and protecting against heart attack and stroke.

But you shouldn’t overdo it with nuts, and not only because of the calorie content. We are talking about difficult to poison fibers, which, if consumed in excess, can damage the intestinal mucosa.

Peanut butter.

Peanut butter is made from peanuts that have been roasted at temperatures above 200 degrees. Unfortunately, processed food is not nutritionally equal to raw food. In addition to the nut mass, sugar, salt and hydrogenated vegetable oils are added to it. As a result, a combination is born with such a high calorie content (even more than in the peanuts themselves): 100 grams contain 650 calories.

Moreover, this oil is not very healthy. Hydrogenated vegetable oils, as well as excess sugar and salt, contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. Peanuts may contain aflatoxin, a carcinogenic compound produced by fungi. This is because during nut breeding, samples that are not sold in their raw form (often moldy) are used to produce oil.


Yellow and blue cheeses boast high calorie content. 100 grams of Emmental contain almost 400 calories. But, apparently, the most high-calorie cheese in the world is Norwegian Brunost; this product has more than 460 calories per 100 grams.

The Scandinavian delicacy is made by boiling milk, sour cream and whey for several hours until all the water has evaporated. When exposed to high temperatures, the sugar in the milk turns into caramel, which gives the cheese its characteristic brown color and sweet taste.

Most yellow and blue cheeses, in terms of caloric content, fall into the range of 300-400 calories/100 grams. Therefore, you should not overeat on them, but, on the other hand, you should not avoid these foods, because they contain large amounts of calcium, which is necessary for the functioning of the cardiovascular and immune systems s, as well as reducing the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood.


The more calories this product contains, the healthier it is. The highest amount of energy is found in dark chocolate: the richest in cocoa and the least in sugar. Chocolate containing 80% cocoa is an energy “injection” of 600 calories per 100 grams.

Milk chocolate, which contains less than 50% cocoa, contains just over 500 calories. However, it is better to eat dark chocolate and avoid white chocolate altogether. The latter is mainly fat mass and flavorings, and therefore does not provide the body with any nutritional value.

Chocolate, rich in cocoa, not only satisfies, but has a positive effect on health: improves memory, has antitumor activity due to the presence of antioxidants, and even helps to lose weight, because it slows down digestion and delays the onset of hunger.


In the sweet category, this product is decidedly a worse source of energy than dark chocolate. Although they are slightly inferior in terms of calories to cocoa liquor treats, their nutritional value is questionable.

The bars' main source of energy is unhealthy glucose-fructose syrup, which is considered one of the main sources of the obesity epidemic, as well as a contributing factor to the development of diabetes.

The bars contain a whole arsenal of artificial additives, such as flavorings, dyes, emulsifiers and hydrogenated fats containing trans isomers.


Pork is the fattest meat on our tables. The parts of the pork carcass, however, are not equal in calorie content. For example, 100 grams of shank contains about 400 calories, while bacon of this weight already carries 550 calories.

Pork is considered one of the least healthy animal foods in our diet. This is not always true. Pig meat raised in natural conditions, without the addition of artificial feed, is richer in valuable protein than meat produced on an industrial scale. Such pork is one of the richest sources of easily digestible zinc, a microelement necessary for growth, development and protein biosynthesis.

Pig liver has no equal in terms of iron content - an element necessary for the proper functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. Meat also includes vitamins C, D, E, K and B vitamins.


The essence of junk food and one of the best delicacies in the world. Anyone who has tried this product knows that it is impossible to stop while eating chips. A stop sign can only be an empty package.

Hello, dear readers! I'll tell you about this the right tool as a table of caloric content of foods per 100 grams full version will become your indispensable assistant while losing weight and for the rest of your life.

Also waiting for you nice bonus! You can download a food diary in a convenient .pdf format and use it for your health.

Using this complete version of the calorie table, you will learn to choose the right foods at the store, eat a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals, and begin to maintain the correct balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

You can find out about the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates specifically for you in the article “”.

How to use the food calorie table?

First of all, I would like to note that for ease of use, the calorie table is divided into categories. You can easily and quickly find the section and product you need.

You may notice some deviation between the information in the calorie table and the information on the 100 gram product packaging or online. This happens quite often, because different varieties cereals (for example, rice) are not the same in composition. They may have different nutrient content depending on where they are grown.

In the last column of the full version of the table you will find the glycemic index of the product.
The glycemic index (GI) shows how the consumption of certain foods affects a person's blood sugar level.

Make choices in favor of foods with a low glycemic index.

For example, by choosing a pear (glycemic index - 30) for lunch, your body will receive and absorb less sugar (glucose) than by eating chocolate wafers (glycemic index - 75).

The glycemic index is calculated as follows:

— High, if the value is above 50 units;
— Average, if the value is within 35-50 units;
— Low if the value is below 35 units.

Section “Vegetables and herbs” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content






Brussels sprouts



Green onion

Onion (turnip)





Green salad

Iceberg lettuce



— Buy ​​in small quantities (so you will always have them on your table) fresh vegetables and greens);

- Choose smooth and juicy vegetables, without dents or punctures (only these will benefit your body), fresh greens without yellow leaves;

— Choose vegetables that are in season and of medium size (suspiciously large ones, like out-of-season vegetables, are grown using chemicals).

Section “Fruits and Berries” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content










passion fruit


— Buy ​​fragrant fruits (the absence of smell indicates not proper cultivation or about the unripeness of the fruit);

— Choose fruits that are in season (they contain more vitamins and fewer harmful substances);

— Look for fruits with a whole peel, without dimples (fruits with a cracked top layer can contain pathogenic bacteria);

— Check if the fruit is heavy (a pomegranate or orange that is not light in size, most likely just dry inside).

Do you want to lose weight quickly at home? Don't know where to start?
Take a free test and in 5 minutes find out where to start losing weight for you:

Start the test!

1. Indicate your gender

2. How much weight do you want to lose? (kg)

3. Is there a history of weight gain in your family?

4. At what age did you become overweight?

5. How do you feel about sweets, fast food, and baked goods?

6. How often do you snack?

7. Do you leave food on your plate if you feel full?

8. How much do you move during the day (at work/school)?

10. How many hours do you sleep?

11. Do you often get nervous?

12. Have you tried to lose weight? If so, how?

Section “Nuts and dried fruits” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content


Pineapple (dried)



Dried cherries


Dried pear

Dried melon

Dried figs


Dried strawberries

Dried cranberries

Dried coconut

Dried peach

Sunflower seeds

Pumpkin seeds



Dried rosehip

Dried apples

— It is better to choose dark raisins (light ones are chemically treated);

— Choose figs that are beige or brown in color with a slight white coating;

— Dried apricots or apricots are more useful when dark;

— It is best to choose nuts in the shell, because they do not last long and become rancid.

— Look at the labels for the date of manufacture and manufacturer:
Walnuts – France or southern Russia;
Pine nuts – Siberia or Far East;
Pistachios - Iran.

Pay special attention to nuts and foods rich in magnesium, because it is involved in many metabolic processes and helps increase muscle mass, which in turn affects the reduction of body fat.
You will learn about this in the article:.

Section “Porridges, cereals, legumes” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content



Buckwheat (kernel)


Oat groats

Pearl barley

Millet cereal

Corn (flakes)

White rice

Wild black rice

Brown rice

White beans

Red beans

Black beans


Barley grits

- Give preference to green buckwheat, if there is none in the store, then choose fried buckwheat marked “kernel” rather than “prodel”;

- More useful oatmeal, naked oats (you can buy it at the pharmacy and grind it);

— Choose black rice instead of white (black rice is the healthiest, contains amino acids);
Soak grains overnight before cooking.

Section “Flour and flour products” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content


Pasta 1st grade

Egg pasta

Pancake flour

Oat bran flour

Spelled flour

Corn flour

Flaxseed flour

Wheat flour

Wheat flour premium

Wheat flour 1C (1 grade)

(with grain coating, finely ground)

Wheat flour 2 C
(2nd grade)

(flour contains 8% bran)

Whole grain wheat flour.

Coarse rye flour

Peeled rye flour

Rye wallpaper flour

Rice flour

Barley flour



Bakery products:

Wheat baguette

Rye baguette

Sliced ​​loaf

Wheat loaf with bran

Hamburger bun

Butter bun

White bread crackers

Rye crackers

Gluten free bread

Bread Borodinsky

Bread Darnitsky

Multigrain bread

Rye bread

Bran bread

Toast bread

Waffle bread

Rye bread

— Pass by the highest grade flour. It contains very few vitamins, because in its production only the very core of the grain is used, which means that there is nothing useful in it. This flour is mainly used for sweet baked goods.

— In first-grade flour, a very small percentage of the crushed grain shell is used. Mostly non-sweet pastries are baked from it.

— Choose whole grain flour, it is made from the germ and shell of the seed, and these are the most useful parts of the grain.

Section “Meat products” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content









Beef (shoulder)










Minced lamb

Ground turkey


Boiled sausage Doctorskaya

Cooked-smoked sausage Servelat

Pork sausages

Milk sausages

- Look at appearance piece. After pressing, the meat should immediately return to its original shape, this indicates its freshness.

— If the meat has a thin dried film on top, this means that it has been lying for several hours without polyethylene and has not been treated with liquids that prolong its shelf life.

— The fatty layers of meat should be light; a yellow tint indicates the old age of the animal.

— Select sausages and sausages according to the number of products in the composition ( best composition: meat, spices).

Section “Fish and seafood” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content


Fresh squid

Dried squid

Sea cocktail

Crab meat

Crab sticks

Peeled shrimp

Sea kale


Silver carp

— Choose fish with the head (the eyes should be bulging and moist; if the eyes are cloudy, then the fish is old; if they are dry, the fish has been lying on the counter for a long time);

— The gills must be clean, bright red (if there is a white coating on the gills, the fish is infected with bacteria);

- Look at the body (if the fish is fresh, the scales do not fall off when touched, and when pressed with your fingers, the dent quickly disappears);

— Feel free to smell the fish.
If the fish is sea (salmon, salmon, trout, cod, mackerel, herring) it has a faint smell of herring.
River fish (pike perch, perch, ruffe, pike, bream, carp, gudgeon, sterlet) - there is practically no smell.
Pond fish (carp, crucian carp, tench, silver carp) have a muddy smell.

— When choosing frozen fish or seafood, pay attention to the color of the ice:
If the ice is transparent and white, it is fresh;
If the ice has a yellow tint, it is old.

Section “Fresh mushrooms” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content





— If you buy mushrooms at the food market or from mushroom pickers, choose only one variety of mushrooms (you may find unknown ones in the assortment);

— When choosing mushrooms in the store, look at the expiration date on the packaging (mushrooms do not last long);

— Buy ​​small and elastic mushrooms, without dark spots on the cap (this indicates their freshness and benefits).

Section “Dairy products” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content


Yogurt 1.5%

Yogurt 3.2%

Low fat yogurt

Milk 2.5%

Milk 3.2%

Condensed milk

Curdled milk 3.2%

Ryazhenka 4%

Cream 10%

Cream 20%

Cream 35%

Sour cream 10%

Sour cream 20%

Adyghe cheese

Gouda cheese

Dutch cheese

Mozzarella cheese

Parmesan cheese

Processed cheese

Russian cheese

Curd cheeses

— Buy ​​dairy products from short term storage:
Milk up to 3-5 days;
Baked milk up to 5 days;
Sour cream up to 14 days;
Cottage cheese up to 5 days;
Kefir up to 7 days;
Yogurt up to 7 days.

— Check whether the fermented milk product complies with GOST (the content of beneficial bacteria should be 107 CFU per 1 g of product).

Section “Eggs” (calorie content per 100 grams)

— Choose clean eggs, without cracks (if there are traces of chicken droppings or cracks on the eggs, this is a sign of improper storage);

— Look at the production date (eggs can be stored for no more than 25 days).

Section “Oils and fats” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content



Flaxseed oil

Olive oil

Sunflower oil


— Buy ​​oil with at least 82.5% fat content and preferably in foil packaging (it protects the oil from sunlight, thereby retaining more vitamins than paper);

— Pay attention to the labeling (it should be GOST R52969-2008 or R52253-2004, if the oil is “made according to GOST” R52178-2003, then it is margarine);

- Best before date good oil no more than 30 days.

Section “Condiments and spices” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content


Bay leaf

Dried parsley

Soy sauce

Dried dill

— Give preference to coarser grinding, such spices are more aromatic;

— Fresh herbs are better, more preferable to their dried counterpart.

Section “Candy, sweets, ice cream” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content



Fondant candies

Chocolate candies


Ice cream sundae

Sugar cookies

Kurabye cookies

Honey cake

Sour Cream Cake

Bitter chocolate

Milk chocolate

- Read the ingredients carefully. The fewer ingredients in the composition, the better. For example, for chocolate – cocoa, cocoa butter, sugar.

— It is best to buy dark chocolate, it is healthier.

— Sweet products have a long shelf life, choose a product with the closest production date.

— Pay attention to the GOST/TU markings, for example, according to GOST, ice cream is made from natural milk, and according to TU, milk fat substitutes of vegetable origin are added.

Section “Alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks” (calorie content per 100 grams)

Calorie content


Red semi-sweet wine

Coca Cola

Coffee without milk and sugar

Coffee with milk and sugar

Green and black tea

Apple juice

- Study the composition. Avoid drinks containing E additives (there will be a separate article about the dangers of E additives soon);

— Choose non-carbonated drinks (if you regularly drink carbonated drinks, mechanical damage to the stomach occurs, which contributes to the development of urolithiasis);

- Give preference to 100% juice (nectar or juice drink does not provide any benefit).


In this article you familiarized yourself with the table of calorie content of foods per 100 grams. This full version will allow you to always choose the right foods, and most importantly, create a balanced diet.

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As promised, a bonus for you! You can take this sign for yourself and use it for your health!
You can download here: Table of calorie content of foods per 100 grams full version

And I say goodbye to you! See you soon friends!
Ekaterina Lavrova