How to pin a post in the description of a VKontakte group. How to pin a post on a VK wall so that it is always the first one from the top. Posting on the group wall

It is difficult to find a person who is not registered in at least one social network. For our country, the most popular are Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. Moreover, if the first is popular among the older generation, the second is used mainly by schoolchildren and students, as well as young people. It is this social network that we will talk about next.

Every year, more and more new features and functions appear on various sites designed for communication, and especially VKontakte. One of these is the pinned VKontakte entry. Let's talk about what it is and how to create such a post.

What is it and what is it eaten with?

First, let's find out what a pinned post is, what exactly it looks like, and how it differs from a regular post. Then we’ll talk about what it means to pin a VKontakte entry, and how exactly this can be done.

As you probably know, previously, when posting a post on a user’s wall, the most recently added information was displayed at the very top of the page. Everything you've ever added to your wall appears in chronological order.

Now it has appeared new feature: “Pin the post.” This means that if you liked a post, you can pin it on your wall. It will be at the very top of the page. At the same time, new posts that you publish will be posted under it. The chronology of the recordings is slightly disrupted.

Record wrap value

Thus, they usually pin on the wall those posts that characterize a person’s state, his attitude towards something in life. this moment time. Some consolidate information that tells about important events in the user's life. That is why you should know how to pin a VKontakte entry.

In any case, if you liked the post and you want people to see it first when visiting your page, then you should pin this post on your wall. Next we will tell you how to do this.

How to secure

Let's now move directly to the topic of our article and figure out how to secure a VKontakte entry. This is quite easy to do. To do this, you should first place it on your wall.

Click on the post itself to open it. Then we go down to the very bottom, where there are several functional buttons with which you can delete and edit entries. We look for the “Pin” button among them and click on it. Close it to see the changes on your page. Now this post will be at the top of the page, and the “Post pinned” mark will appear.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated - everything is done quite quickly and simply. It is worth noting here that only one post can be attached to the wall.

How to unpin

So, we have already figured out how to pin a VKontakte entry. Let's now consider a situation where you need to unpin it or change it to something else. In this case, there are two options.

Option one. In order to unpin it, you need to open the post you selected again. Go down to the bottom and select the “Unpin” button. Close and refresh the page. Now this entry will be placed between the entry that was added before it and the one that was added after it. That is, all your posts on the wall will again be arranged in chronological order.

We use the second option if you need to replace one pinned entry with another. Add the post you need. Then we perform all the same actions that we do in order to secure the VKontakte entry. When finished, refresh the page. The old pinned entry is automatically replaced with the new one.

Now you know what it means to pin a VKontakte entry, and exactly how this can be done. As you can see, there is nothing difficult about pinning or unpinning a post on this social network. The main thing is to find exactly the post that you want to place in the most prominent place on your page.

A pinned post in VK is a post on the community wall, which, when visiting a group, will be shown at the very top and which the administrator or owner of the group intentionally put (pinned) there. From point of view promotion of a group on VK, it is very important to format the pinned entry correctly and beautifully. At the same time, it doesn’t matter whether you take traffic from targeted advertising or attract him on your own through a network of accounts.

In this short article, we will tell you how to correctly make a pinned post in VK so that it enhances the effect of promotion.

What to write in a pinned post?

You can say that when visiting a group, the user will already see information about the group that was specified when creating a VKontakte group in settings. But information about the group does not gain behavioral factors such as reach, likes and comments. And taking into account the fact that VK introduces a new algorithm for ranking posts in the feed, this will help the group and other posts get more coverage.

A pinned entry must perform the following tasks:

  • help the user understand where he is right now;
  • how this community will be useful to him;
  • engage or take a targeted action: like, comment, repost under a pinned post.

Example 2. A selection of links to useful materials and videos. Suitable when the VK group is not the main platform, but one of the sources of traffic.

Example 3. Contest. If you want to immediately involve the user in interacting with the group, you can do this through a competition or sweepstakes.

Example 4. A video that automatically starts when you visit a group (as mentioned above, it is important to upload it via VK, and not paste the code from a third-party video hosting site).

Example 5. Attracting attention is achieved through a profitable offer: Do you want a bonus? Apply for a card.

You can also use articles designed using editor of VK articles, polls and music selections (if your group matches the theme).

How to pin a post in a VK group on the wall

To make a pinned post on VKontakte, go to your group and make a post that you want to pin later.

Click pin. This is what we got, the pinned post will now be the very first thing a user sees when they get into your group.

There is also an information tab nearby; you can also add a section with news in the group settings.

To unpin a selected post, you can also click on the post menu and select unpin post. Or pin any other post from your community or personal page.

How to evaluate the effectiveness of a pinned post

For each post, there are statistics in the VK statistics section. Click the group menu and select community statistics. Next, go to the “Records” tab. An easier way to view statistics and do analysis on a pinned post is to go through the menu of the post itself. Click the three dots to get to the menu and select “Statistics”.

In the statistics you can see the organic reach of a post, viral (users not following you) and advertising. On the right are activity statistics. Slightly lower in efficiency (note here is only data on activities from organic reach; to see data from advertising impressions, go to your personal account).

You can also evaluate the dynamics by the growth of new subscribers when using different posts as fastenings. For example, the first week you post with a video, and the second with a selection useful materials and compare not only activity indicators under posts, but also the number of users who joined the group during this time. For the purity of the experiment, it is important that during the test, stable traffic is provided to the group through advertising or sending out invitations.

The social network VKontakte is actively developing, providing users with new functionality. As new options appear, they become increasingly difficult to understand, and obvious functions are hidden from users' view. One of these functions is the ability to mount the post on the wall. For a long time now, you can attach a post not only to a group’s page, but also to your personal one. We suggest you figure out how to pin a post on your VKontakte wall in just a few clicks.

The wall of an active social network user is regularly updated with new entries, and useful, interesting or important posts are lowered down in the feed. Scrolling to them is not always convenient, especially when it comes to a musical composition or a photograph that you want to have quick access to. By pinning the post to personal wall VKontakte, there is no doubt that friends, subscribers and simply guests of your page will see it. Since you cannot set a picture or audio recording to the status, it is convenient to use your wall to greatest number people could get acquainted with the audio, video or visual post you liked.

By following simple steps, you can pin a post on your VKontakte wall:

After completing the steps described above, the selected post will be pinned to the top of your page on the social network. It will remain there until you decide to delete or unpin it.

To unpin a post from your personal VKontakte page you need to:

As you can see, pinning and unpinning a post from a VKontakte wall is very simple, and this procedure takes a few seconds if you know which buttons to press.

How to pin a post on the wall of a VKontakte group?

The system for pinning a post on a public VKontakte page and in a group is no different. It is useful to pin a post when necessary:

  • Show new visitors to the community key information about the group’s operating principles or rules;
  • To ensure that the maximum number of group visitors gets acquainted with an interesting publication;
  • To attract the attention of group visitors to a promotion or sale, if the group is an online store;
  • For advertising purposes.

You can pin a post in a VKontakte group by following these steps:

Attention: Only the group administrator can pin a post to a group. Users who do not have the necessary rights will not see the “Pin” button when they click on a post date.

It is important to note that a pinned post in a group or on a public page on VKontakte is not displayed in the general feed, but above – directly below the name of the group and its status.

Along with regular pages, many users create public pages. This could be a news portal or just a group for like-minded people, a venue for competitions, etc. All group administrators are interested in how to pin a post in a VK group, since this information will be displayed in the most visible place - at the top of the page. This is quite easy to do.
First, you need to select or create an entry that you want to pin. This could be a photo for a group on VK, text or video. Now look carefully at the upper right corner of the post, there is an “ellipsis” icon here. You need to hover over it and select “Pin.”
All that remains is to refresh the page and enjoy the result. You can unpin a post in the same way.

How to pin a post in a VK group? Underwater rocks.

Can't pin a post? You just can't find the Pin button? There are two reasons for this:
You are not a group administrator.
The entry was published on behalf of the user, not on behalf of the community.
Important! You can change your VKontakte entry throughout the day. You can add emoticons, pictures, and also make emoticons or text a VK link.

How to delete a VK group if you are the creator?

It happens that a personally created group is no longer needed. Perhaps you saved all the blue whales on the planet or sold out all the goods in your online store. In any case, the question very often arises of how to delete a VK group. If you are a creator, doing this is quite simple:
1. Go to “My Groups” and click on “Manage”.
2. In front of you are groups in which you are the admin. Select the one you need.
3. Under the group name, follow the “Community Management” link.
4. Here is information about the group. At the bottom, in the group type section, indicate “Closed”. Here you can delete any information about the group, replace it with any symbols, etc.
5. Go to the “Participants” tab. You need to remove everyone except yourself.
6. Delete all videos, albums and discussions.
7. Delete ourselves. A “Warning” will appear on the screen - click “Leave Group”.

The VK community is an excellent platform for disseminating information among subscribers. Each of his messages ends up in the user’s news feed. Sometimes community administrators pin a post on the VKontakte wall so that it always remains first. If, after pinning, the administrator posts another news, then all subsequent news will be posted strictly after the first.

Why do you need to make pinned posts in the VKontakte group?

They are used in the following situations:

  • Greetings or information about the community.
  • Attracting attention (promotion, competition, interesting material).
  • The news is always up to date (for example, a price list).
  • For advertising purposes (affiliate or own).
  • The visitor should not lose this information.

Basic Rules

Works for all previously created groups and communities.
Only news that has already been posted can be firmly installed.

How to pin a post in a VK community on a PC

Making news constantly visible is quite simple. Only the community administrator can pin a post.

We write the required text and click “Submit”. The news has been added, but not yet pinned.

3. For both the newly created post and any old post, select “Promote” at the top right. Next in the pop-up menu - “Pin”.

All is ready! As the corresponding marker shows, we succeeded.

To unpin, there is an “Unpin” item in the same menu.

How to use a smartphone

  1. Let's go to our group.
  2. Place the cursor on the appropriate field and add a new entry.
  3. Click on the recording date or its text and select the corresponding pop-up menu item.

To unpin, you must again click on the date or text. At the end, the “Unpin” button appears, which you just need to click on.

The attached news will “hang” at the top until it is unpinned or replaced with a new attached text. This mechanism is very useful and easy to use. Use it!