How to find out the registration number of the policyholder in the Social Insurance Fund and why is it needed? What is the policyholder's registration number? Registration number of the organization

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The registration number of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) is assigned upon registration and registration of a citizen, individual or legal entity (legal entity) as a payer of pension insurance contributions. The information is entered into the register and a number is assigned within five days. Also, within five days after registration, it is communicated to the payer of contributions in a letter from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of Russia and transferred to the Federal Tax Service (FTS), where this registration number in the Pension Fund is included in the relevant registers.

The twelve-digit registration number of the Pension Fund of Russia is divided into three blocks of numbers. The first three-digit block means the region code according to the special classifier of the Pension Fund. It does not coincide with the region codes that the traffic police and the Federal Tax Service have. The next three-digit block is the classifier code assigned to a specific area. And the third block - of six digits - means the serial number of the contribution payer in the territorial branch (organization) of the Pension Fund, where it is registered and pays insurance pension contributions. This assigned registration number in the Pension Fund must be saved, since it will be needed when preparing reports.

How to find out your own registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia?

What to do if the letter from the pension fund with registration with the Pension Fund did not arrive or was lost, but the number is urgently needed for reporting? How to find out the registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia? There are several options for obtaining the information necessary in this case.

  1. The easiest way is to visit your territorial office(office) of the Pension Fund, make an appointment and find out exactly this registration number of the Pension Fund of the individual or legal entity of the payer of insurance (pension) contributions. The only disadvantage of this method is the need to get to the PF office. Thanks to the electronic queue system, you won’t have to wait long to see a specialist. Having received an electronic coupon, follow the invitation to the desired office and find out not only your PFR registration number, but also required mass and important information on pension insurance and provision of citizens. Although it may be otherwise, everyone’s region is different and many of the benefits of civilization are not yet available everywhere, including such as an electronic queue.
  2. The second one is also quite simple. Call the hotline of the Pension Fund branch (office) and ask an employee for your registration number in the Pension Fund. The telephone number of this hotline is available on the official website of the Pension Fund of Russia in the Contacts and addresses tab. The positive aspect of this decision can be considered that information will be received quickly enough and simply without even leaving your home or office. The downside is that it can be difficult to get through or the specialist who answers the hotline does not always have access to the necessary database. But he will be able to connect with a Pension Fund employee who has access and information about the Pension Fund registration number will be provided using the TIN you provided.
  3. You can obtain the registration number of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the branch of the Federal Tax Service (FTS), and also order an extract (information) from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs. However, in this case you will have to wait up to five days. You can use this method if There is no time pressure for submitting reports and you can safely order an extract and wait for a response from the Federal Tax Service.

Excellent and modern way Suitable for those who are Internet users. In this case, two options will be quite available.

Find out the registration number in the Pension Fund via the Internet

One of them is the Personal Account on the official website of the Russian Pension Fund. Having received once and for all access to the personal account of the payer or insured person. And then all information related to insurance and pension contributions will be available from any computer. Not only does it save time to obtain a registration number, but also for submitting reports, reconciling payments and monitoring settlements.

Another opportunity to find out your Pension Fund registration number is also available via the Internet. Only now not on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia, but on the website of the Federal Tax Service.

How to find out your registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia by TIN?

To complete the task, go to the website and in the Electronic Services tab select the menu item - “Business risks, check yourself and your counterparty.” After clicking on this item, go to the “Information on state registration” tab legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, peasant (farm) farms.” Here we need to select Legal Entity or Individual Entrepreneur and enter your OGRNIP or INN, the numbers from the picture and start the search by pressing a button. The search results will show:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the owner of the entered OGRNIP or INN;
  • date of assignment of OGRNIP;
  • making an entry on the termination of activity (if it is terminated).

By clicking on the surname, a pdf file containing full information about the owner of the entered OGRNIP or TIN. This four-page file contains all of the taxpayer's information. In the section of this document registration information available as an insurer in the territorial body (branch) of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. This is a long twelve-digit Registration number of the Pension Fund, date of registration, name of the territorial body (branch) of the Pension Fund. This is the kind of information that can be generated and obtained from the website of the Federal Tax Service.

All of the above methods for finding out the Pension Fund number are effective and proven. Every citizen can call or visit a territorial branch (office) of the Pension Fund to obtain a PFR registration number. To find information on the official websites of the Pension Fund and the Tax Service, you need at least minimal knowledge of a computer and the Internet.

You can find out the organization’s statistics codes by TIN on your own and without submitting an official request to Rosstat. In this material you will find several ways to search and step by step instructions to them. The pension fund assigns a number to the policyholder (legal entity or individual entrepreneur) independently. This happens within 5 days from the date of receipt of information about the registration of a legal entity or entrepreneur - the registration authorities transmit the information to the Pension Fund. After assignment, registration data is available in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (USRLE) or the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (USRIP).

Find out reg. number in the Pension Fund of Russia can be used using the following services:

To find out the Pension Fund number using the TIN of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, you can:

  • request an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • come to the Pension Fund;
  • call the branch of the Russian Pension Fund;
  • use online services to check information about counterparties (and your own data).

The first three methods are labor-intensive: they require time, and sometimes nerve cells. Why call, go somewhere or make official requests if you can find out the registry number of the Pension Fund of Russia by TIN online.

The easiest and most accessible Internet method is to go to the Tax Service website and, by entering the known details, gain access to information from the Unified Register. But the information contained on the Federal Tax Service website is not always enough to get an idea about the counterparty. Services for verifying counterparties contain more detailed information about organizations and individual entrepreneurs and help analyze the risks of cooperation. Using most of these services, you can also find the registration number in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using the TIN online.

How to find out the registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia by TIN - detailed instructions

Let's look step by step at how to search for details using different Internet resources.

Find out using the Contour Focus service

1. Available for paid service users or those who have requested temporary demo access. Once you've logged into your account, simply enter your known information into the search bar. We use PJSC Sberbank as an example. The name of the counterparty and all information about it will appear on the screen.

2. The registration number in the Pension Fund of Russia is available only in an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which can be instantly generated by clicking on the appropriate button.

3. The statement generated as of the current date will contain the necessary information.

Find out using the SCREEN@ASTRAL service

A method for users of a paid service (there is no demo access to verification).

1. Log in to the website and, to find the registration number in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation using the TIN online, click on the “legal entities” tab. Using the example of searching for information about PJSC Sberbank. To check the number of an entrepreneur registered as an insurer in the Pension Fund of Russia, click on the “Individual and Individual” tab. TIN is entered in the search string (knowing one taxpayer identification number is enough to search for the remaining details and fully check the counterparty). Next is the “Find” button.

2. The TIN is used not only for the parent company, but also for all ever registered and even already liquidated divisions. For information, click on the first link.

3. On the page that opens, detailed information about the counterparty is visible, including the composition of the founders and their share of participation in the authorized capital. But the registration number in the Pension Fund can only be obtained from the extract. The service allows you to generate a current statement or view an archived one in Word format.

4. You will find the necessary information in the statement.

Find out using the Unirate24 service

1. The balance is replenished in personal account after registering on the site. Payment can be made through the current account number or using bank card. Having selected the type of statement, click the “Next” button and enter the TIN.

2. The extract you receive will contain the necessary information.

Find out using the Russian Federal Tax Service service

1. On the Tax Service website, enter the TIN and code from the picture, then click the “Find” button.

2. The name of the organization and basic details will appear in the search results, among which there is no registration number of the Pension Fund. To find out the Pension Fund by TIN, click on the PDF file with the name of the organization.

3. The file with the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities will open in a new tab. This file contains information about the registration of Sberbank PJSC as an insurer with the Pension Fund.

Registration number and serial number

The registration number is not necessarily the same as the serial number, even if it contains only numbers. For example, the number 6700 in the name of the phone model “Nokia 6700” does not mean that Nokia had exactly 6699 models before it. However, often part of the registration number is a serial number.

Registration number and name

The registration number is analogous to a proper name.

Advantages of a proper name:

  • easy memorability;
  • ease of pronunciation.

Benefits of a registration number:

  • Usually the registration number is shorter than the name.
  • In case of very large quantity It is difficult to give each object an individual name.
  • For security reasons, being difficult to remember may be an advantage.
  • It may contain Additional information.

Additional information in the room

The registration number may contain additional information. To keep the number short, the information it contains is encoded (hence the second name of the registration number - “code”). For example, in a telephone number, you can determine the cellular operator by the second, third and fourth digits; In the car license plate, you can determine the place of registration, etc., by the letter part.

Control characters

Due to the difficulty of remembering the registration number, it is easy to make a mistake. Therefore, some registration numbers contain one or more “check characters”, that is, letters or numbers designed to check the correctness of the entry. When checking, a number is calculated based on all letters of numbers (including check numbers) based on some formula (for example, a check sum is the sum of all numbers). If it turns out not to be as expected (for example, if last digit checksum is not equal to zero), then the registration number was entered with an error.

Examples of registration numbers

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