How Airfree air purifiers are designed and how they work. Mechanical pre-filter

Cleaning the air from dust in a residential area is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. This is especially true for large cities and settlements with poor environmental conditions. Even if you live in a relatively clean area, but among your household there are people with asthma or prone to allergies, an air purifier must be in your home.

Many people believe that air conditioners and climate systems are quite capable of cleaning the air in a residential area. This is wrong. The filter system, even in the latest models of air conditioners, cannot clean the room from the smallest particles of dust, pollen and tobacco smoke. That is, from the main causes of allergies, diseases and general feeling unwell. In this article we will look at how to choose an air purifier depending on your needs and give a rating of the best manufacturers.

Operating principle of air purifiers, air purification technologies

The range of devices on the market is quite wide and varied in terms of appearance. The principle of operation and design of any of them are approximately the same. Typically, a home air purifier consists of the following parts:

  • a fan that draws air from the room;
  • pre-filter, which retains large contaminants;
  • fine filter systems, passing through which air masses are cleaned of the smallest impurities;
  • additional disinfection devices (ionizers, ozonizers) and humidification.

Let's consider what technologies and air purification systems are used in modern devices.

HEPA filters

The rating is headed by the HEPA fiber filter (English: “High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance”, which literally translates as “highly effective particle retention”). Today it provides the highest and highest quality cleaning due to the fact that the distance between the fibers of the material is several microns. The filter purifies the air by 99% of such contaminants as:

  • bacteria;
  • pollen;
  • microscopic dust.


In the chamber of the device, under the influence of a catalyst and ultraviolet radiation, toxic substances break down into oxygen, water and carbon dioxide. Thus, they split:

Photocatalysis is one of the most effective cleaning methods. The disadvantage is excessive purification, which removes neutral and beneficial microorganisms from the air.

There is a ceramic heating element inside the device. The air enters through natural convection and is heated to a temperature of 200 degrees. The smallest suspended particles break down into carbon dioxide and water vapor. This device effectively combats

  • plant and animal allergens;
  • viruses and bacteria;
  • mold spores;
  • tobacco smoke, dust;
  • odors and gases.

The thermodynamic air purifier works without replaceable filters and a fan.

Plasma (electrostatic) filters

An electrostatic field is created on the metal plates inside the filter, which attracts the smallest particles. This system removes about 85–90% of dust. Electrostatic air purifiers do a fairly good job of removing basic contaminants, although less effectively than HEPA filters and photocatalysis.

Carbon filters

A carbon air purifier can only absorb the largest molecules, but cannot remove allergens from the air. Therefore, in modern air purifiers, activated carbon is used in combination with other filters to clean the air.


The ionizer generates and supplies negative ions into the air, which:

  • have a positive effect on a person’s general condition, improve mental performance, reduce fatigue;
  • effectively fight bacteria and mold;
  • help get rid of unpleasant odors.

A high-quality air purifier from dust must be equipped with an ionization function, since during cleaning, air masses lose not only harmful impurities, but also their beneficial properties.


Ozone is a gas that is naturally released during thunderstorms as a result of the action of an electric charge on oxygen. Air purifiers artificially create the same process of collision between electricity and oxygen. The ozone released is capable of disinfecting the air from bacteria, mold, fungi and other microorganisms.

In large quantities, ozone is harmful to all living things. Ozonation must be used extremely carefully and in measured doses in residential premises, preferably in the absence of people. Most often, this method is used in air purifiers intended for medical institutions.

The most effective are devices whose cleaning system consists of several types of filters. This allows you to achieve maximum purification of indoor air from various types pollutants.

Other devices with air purification function


The normal air humidity in a residential area is 40–60%. A decrease in this indicator due to the action of heating radiators in winter and air conditioners in summer leads to the creation of an uncomfortable and sometimes hazardous microclimate in a residential area. The principle of their operation is quite simple - inside the device there is a reservoir of water, which gradually evaporates and is released into the room by a fan in the form of steam.

By design, the humidifier can be:

  • Mechanical. Water evaporation occurs under the action of an air flow forced by a fan.
  • Ultrasonic. Water turns into steam when it hits a special membrane. The ultrasonic device operates absolutely silently and is energy efficient.
  • Steam. Heating of water to steam occurs in the inner chamber.

Air washing

A device that is also a so-called air washer is very popular. The operating principle of such a device is as follows:

  1. the fan draws polluted and dry air into the device;
  2. inside it is driven through a system of disks moistened with water - on which the smallest particles of dust settle - or through water curtain(in this case, the dust dissolves in water);
  3. purified and humidified air is discharged into the room.

What is better - an air purifier or an air washer? It depends on your problem. If you struggle with dust, buy a sink, and to get rid of bacteria, fungi and germs, it is better to choose a functional air purifier.

Principles for choosing a purifier

In order to get rid of the problem and not waste money on purchasing an ineffective device, you need to carefully study the criteria that influence the choice of an air purifier.

  1. The first and most important is the pollution that the device copes with. The table below shows the degree of effectiveness of various types of purifiers in relation to the main air pollutants.
  2. Types of cleaners and their ability to neutralize harmful factors
    Types of cleanersElectro-
    Dust -
    Bacteria and
    Tobacco smoke- -
    Toxic fumes - - - -
    Gases- - -
    Soot - - - -
    Allergens -
  3. Performance. One device can work effectively only in separate room. It cannot clean the air volume of an entire apartment or house. The performance of each model is fixed and depends on the area of ​​the room. As can be seen from the table, the best performance and ratings are for photocatalytic, thermodynamic and HEPA filters.
  4. Difficulty of maintenance, frequency of filter changes. An air purifier without replaceable filters, although it does not require consumables, also requires systematic maintenance. The efficiency of the device largely depends on the correctness and timeliness of its maintenance:
    • Electrostatic - you need to wash the metal plates that act as a filter once a week.
    • The photocatalytic device, ozonizer, and ionizer must be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner once a month.
    • HEPA filters are cleaned with a vacuum cleaner when they become dirty and completely changed every six months.
    • In devices with an “air washer” you need to change the water every 2-3 days and monitor its level daily.
    • Carbon filters are changed every six months.
  5. How often do you plan to use the device? To ensure that the air in the room is always clean, the air purifier must work constantly. If the device will turn on periodically, you should not choose devices with a “water washing” function. Water that is not drained in time will become a breeding ground for bacteria. In addition, in a short period of working time, such devices cannot effectively purify the air, and therefore will not bring tangible benefits.
  6. Noise level during operation. During constant operation of the device, residents should not experience discomfort or inconvenience, so it is better to purchase completely silent models (this includes photocatalysts and ionizers) or devices with a night operation function.
  7. Place and method of installation. Floor-standing, wall-mounted and table-top units are available. During installation, it is also necessary to comply with the requirements for minimum distance from the walls to the appliance.
  8. Availability of options and additional functions, for example:
    • air pollution sensors.
    • filter change indicators.
    • automatic humidity level control.
    • shutdown timer.

Popular brands and manufacturers

In addition to the main characteristics, when choosing an air purifier, you should pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer. We present to your attention a rating based on the results of air purifier tests and consumer reviews.

  • Philips, Panasonic, Sharp are world-famous companies, the quality of their products is beyond doubt.
  • Ballu (China). The cleaning system of air purifiers of this brand consists of four stages of different types.
  • Timberk (Sweden). Specializes in the production of systems for air purification and maintaining the microclimate in apartments in megacities.
  • Airfree (Portugal) is so far the only, and therefore the best, supplier on Russian market thermodynamic household air purifiers.
  • Devices Russian production presented by the Bork brand. Decent equipment at an affordable price.

The choice of an air purifier for an apartment or house must be approached comprehensively, taking into account many factors, primarily the health status of all residents. It is not always necessary to be guided by the principle “the more the merrier.” Purifiers that are too powerful can cause harm by removing beneficial microorganisms from the air. If any family members are sick, be sure to consult a doctor before purchasing and installing such devices.

Main components of house dust– organic microparticles, such as the human epidermis (every person loses from 2 to 7 grams of skin per day), mold spores ( common reason respiratory diseases), pet hair, house dust mite feces, various bacteria, viruses, etc.

What is the oldest, most obvious method of disposal? organic waste, starting from dry branches in the countryside and ending with our own used bodies? Of course - fire, burning! As a result of burning organic matter, mainly carbon dioxide (absolutely harmless, not to be confused with carbon monoxide!) and water vapor are formed (this is why the “smoke” from the chimney is white, it is mainly steam). In addition, a negligible amount of mineral waste and ash is generated, which is usually completely biological, inert and not dangerous to humans.

Despite their apparent obviousness, air purifiers using this principle appeared relatively recently, and are represented on the Russian market by the only manufacturer - Portuguese company Airfree. The principle of operation of these filters is the oxidation of organic substances by air oxygen when heated. The filter device is based on a ceramic core - a heating element in the form of a vertically located cylinder with many longitudinal channels. By natural convection, cold air from the room enters through the lower openings of the core into the channels, where, moving towards the upper outlets, it is heated to a temperature of about 200°C. The configuration of the channels and the heating temperature of the core are designed in such a way that during the time that particles suspended in the air of a certain size pass through the channel, they have time to “burn out” completely.

The term "combustion" should not be taken literally. The process is happening no flame formation, which cannot be formed at such a relatively low temperature. The result of combustion is water vapor, carbon dioxide (in molecular form and microscopic quantities), as well as a vanishingly small amount of mineral salts (similar to the ash remaining after burning wood). Moreover, the amount of these salts is an order of magnitude less than the volume of the initially “burnt” microparticles. In addition, they are absolutely safe, and the amount of them released into the atmosphere by the device over many months of operation is unlikely to exceed the amount of ash from one burnt match.

This filtration principle absolutely environmentally friendly: during operation, no harmful substances are released, no chemical compounds, catalysts, or sources of electromagnetic radiation are used, and oxygen is not “burned out.” Devices of this type not only do not produce ozone, but effectively remove it from the air. This method does not require the use of fans, making the air purifiers completely silent. In addition, no consumables are required.

It should be especially noted that this type of device most effectively combats mold microspores– one of the most dangerous allergens. HEPA filters themselves often become distributors of mold spores (the organic matter that accumulates in them, especially at high humidity, is a good environment for the development of micromold), and photocatalysis simply does not always “have time” to destroy them (photocatalytic filters effectively deal with pollution at the molecular level - gases , smells).

Thermodynamic filters effectively destroy bacteria and viruses, which “burn” in the same way as other organic microparticles. Devices of this type, installed and operating around the clock in the apartment, significantly reduce the incidence of ARVI and influenza.

Despite the seemingly low performance, with constant operation, devices of this type of filtration over time achieve and maintain the same degree of indoor air purity as HEPA filters, without having their disadvantages.


  1. There are many different technologies for air purification
  2. HEPA filters catch and store all particles. They need to be changed regularly.
  3. Tobacco smoke sticks to electrostatics
  4. Photocatalysis destroys odors and bacteria.
  5. TSS filters “burn out” allergens, bacteria, mold
  6. Air washers “wash” only visible dust

Filter types

Most allergens are suspended in the air and enter the human body during breathing. Therefore, the main means of prevention and control respiratory allergies– an air purifier, which should clean the air from them as much as possible.

But not every air purifier can effectively deal with allergens. To understand which devices should be preferred, we will have to consider all the main methods of air purification.

Household air purifiers (and vacuum cleaners) use the following filtration (cleaning) methods:

  • mechanical filters (HEPA filters)
  • electrostatic filters;
  • ion filters;
  • photocatalytic filters;
  • water filters (aquafilters);
  • thermodynamic filters.

HEPA filters

Most often, HEPA filters are made in the form of a non-woven sheet material with a fibrous structure (such as coffee machine filters). To increase the working surface area, HEPA filters are assembled into an “accordion”, which can significantly increase the capacity and service life of the filter.

The most common. The essence of mechanical filtration is simple and clear: there is a certain object through which contaminated air is passed, all objects of a certain size contained in it are retained by the filter, and clean (or relatively clean) air passes through. There are several types of classification of mechanical filters based on efficiency. The most popular are the so-called HEPA filters (from English High Efficiency Particulate Air or High Efficiency Particulate Arrestance - highly effective particle retention).

Depending on their ability to trap particles of a particular size, HEPA filters are divided into classes and are usually labeled as H9, H10, H11, H12, etc. For household air purifiers installed in rooms of allergy sufferers, class H12 recommended– filtration of 99.5% of particles exceeding 0.3 microns (micron – thousandth of a millimeter). For example, H13 – 99.95% filtration of the same particles, H14 – 99.995%, etc.

The characteristic sizes of invisible allergens (plant pollen, mold spores, animal epidermis, tick allergens) range from a few to tens of microns; they are perfectly retained by the HEPA filter.

  • HEPA filters require replacement approximately every six months. ">
  • HEPA filters require replacement approximately every six months. ">
  • HEPA filters require replacement approximately every six months. ">
  • HEPA filters require replacement approximately every six months. ">

Advantages of HEPA filters

  • Guaranteed removal of all possible allergens from the air in one pass;
  • Easy to maintain - no need to clean, wash, you just need to periodically change dirty filters;
  • Reliability - there are no complex electronics, and electric fan motors in China are already well made;
  • Low price.

The disadvantages of HEPA filters are unfortunately more extensive.

The main disadvantage is that HEPA filters do not destroy, but accumulate all contaminants. Hence the consequences.

The higher the efficiency of a HEPA filter, the more air resistance it creates. Hence, the operation is noisy, which is an important factor, taking into account the fact that the air purifier must be installed in the bedroom and work around the clock.

The basis of house dust - organic matter: exfoliated particles of skin (epidermis) of humans and animals, feces of dust mites, particles of organic adhesives (carpets, books, etc.), mold spores and much more.

All this accumulates in the filter for months and, under favorable conditions (for example, high humidity), forms a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms, which, of course, enter the air and our respiratory organs.
HEPA filters are generally ineffective in the fight against mold. A HEPA filter that has absorbed organic matter (see previous paragraph) in itself is an ideal “vegetable garden” for the reproduction and development of micromold. And this is one of the most dangerous allergens.
Viruses and bacteria are so small that they are not retained by HEPA filters.

HEPA filters are also ineffective in combating harmful gases (for example, the well-known formaldehyde) and unpleasant odors. HEPA purifiers presented by different manufacturers

, they differ in additional functions and fan power.

A classic inexpensive HEPA purifier, the cost of annual filter renewal is about 7,000 rubles/year
The model is more interesting, with a container for aromatic oils, more power, etc.

the cost of updating filters is about 3500 rubles/year As for tobacco smoke, its main unpleasant component (also a carcinogen) is tar, which sticks to the filter and continues to evaporate, releasing into the air hazardous substances

. HEPA filters are ineffective against tobacco smoke. HEPA filters need to be changed periodically. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates the recommended frequency for changing filters - once every 3-6 months, sometimes - once a year or even less often. But it’s obvious here a trick of some unscrupulous manufacturers

Firstly, the recommended filter change frequency is indicated based on the 8-hour operation of the device per day. It is believed that this is how air purifiers work “on average”. In fact, the device must work around the clock. Otherwise, it is difficult to expect any effect from it. Thus, the recommended filter change interval can be safely divided by 3. It turns out that filters need to be changed every 1-3 months. And this is a significant expense.

Secondly, some manufacturers recommend changing the filter every 5 or even 10 years! Look at the HEPA filter after a month of use and you will see a thick, shaggy layer of dust. What will happen to the filter after 5 years of operation!? And this is an excellent environment for mold growth and the development of microorganisms. Therefore, despite all the recommendations of manufacturers, we recommend changing filters at least once a year.

Another disadvantage of HEPA filters is that during the process of replacing the filter, a fair amount of dust (and, of course, allergens) gets back into the room.

Conclusion: HEPA filters suitable for allergy sufferers, they are able to remove all possible allergens from the air. But - given that correct operation and regular (and frequent) filter changes.

Electrostatic filters

Washable electrostatic tobacco smoke filter

The principle of operation of these filters is familiar to everyone from a school physics course: unlike charges attract. Typically, the device has two metal parts (plates, gratings, threads), one of which is negatively charged, the second is positively charged. The air flow (sometimes with the help of a fan, sometimes by gravity) is directed past one of them (for example, negative) to the second (for example, positive). Particles suspended in the air, passing by the negative plate, acquire a negative charge and are attracted to the positive plate.

The principle is so simple and has so many advantages that it is probably the most popular way to “purify” the air. Why we put the word “cleaning” in quotation marks will become clear later.

Advantages of electrostatic filters

  • Simplicity, reliability. No (often) fans, no electronics.
  • Quiet (if working without a fan).
  • Can trap particles of almost any size.

Disadvantages of electrostatic filters

Poorly designed electrostatic precipitators can create ozone. Ozone is a strong oxidizing agent and a dangerous poison. It is easily detected by smell (sometimes felt in the air during a severe thunderstorm). If an air purifier emits ozone (no matter in what concentration), this device is dangerous to health!

Remember physics: a negatively charged particle (having “extra” electrons), attracted to a positively charged electrode, will give it its extra electrons (just as it had previously received them from the negative electrode). What reason will she have to continue to “sit” on this electrode?

Thus, if a particle does not stick (literally, without quotes) to the positive electrode, then it can easily will be knocked out from it with newly arrived particles.

There is no need to talk about any filtration parameters (% particle retention, particle size) here. Even a fly can fly through some electrostatic filters... Bacteria, viruses, gases, odors, mold spores, and pollen are not retained by electrostatic filters.

There are not many truly effective anti-tobacco cleaners on the market.

Tobacco tar quickly clogs any device, accumulates in it and releases carcinogens into the air.

Powerful anti-tobacco electrostatic filter. The filter is washable under running water and does not require replacement. However, this type of filter has no competitors when it comes to tobacco smoke control.

. Tobacco smoke consists of two types of particles: microscopic ash particles and tar particles. The latter are precisely responsible for the smell in the room, a yellowish coating on the furniture, walls and ceiling (not counting the smoker’s fingers and mustache).

Conclusion It is the resins that contain carcinogens and are hazardous to health. So, being attracted to the positive electrode, they stick to it and remain on it. Because The electrodes of electrostatic filters are made of metal, they are easy to clean, and all accumulated contaminants can be periodically removed from them. Professional anti-tobacco air purifiers used in smoking rooms, casinos, gaming halls, etc. are based on this principle. . Electrostatic filters are ineffective for allergy sufferers. They can only be used as an additional, preliminary filter. However, this is most

effective method

Ionic filters are a type of electrostatic filter. The essence of the process is the generation of ions (electrically charged atoms and molecules) in the air by forming a corona discharge. These ions are attracted to particles suspended in the air and transport them to the charged electrode.

Ion filters usually do not have a built-in fan. The air flow is formed by the “ionic wind” - a flow of ions attracted to the charged electrode.

The speed of air purification is usually extremely low. These filters have all the same advantages and disadvantages as electrostatic ones. In addition, because in the process of generating ions, a corona electric discharge is involved, the formation of ozone in this case is not uncommon.

Conclusion by-effect . The term "ion filters" was coined by manufacturers of electrostatic filters to distinguish their products. As a main filter not suitable for allergy sufferers

. When purchasing these devices, you should carefully test them to ensure that they do not smell of ozone.

Photocatalytic filters In fact, the essence of the process is somewhat more complicated. There is always a certain amount of water molecules (H 2 O) in the air. Under the influence of UV light near the catalysts, water molecules disintegrate, forming a certain amount of negatively charged hydroxide ions OH - . These ions are extremely chemically active; they react with any organic compounds , integrate into their chains, break them. As a result, a long protein molecule

, previously recognized by the body as a dangerous allergen, turns, for example, into two fragments of “it’s not clear what”, and the body does not react to it.

A relatively new (in household appliances began to be used in the early 2000s) method of air purification. It is based on the effect of decomposition of organic matter under the influence of soft ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the presence of a catalyst (usually titanium dioxide - TiO 2).

This would seem to be the ideal way to combat allergies! Allergens do not accumulate in the filters, but are destroyed and cease to exist! But even here it’s not so simple... A minute of mathematics . Popular model famous manufacturer

The fact is that photocatalysis is a chemical reaction, and it takes some time; chemical reactions do not occur instantly.

Because Since photocatalytic air purifiers do not have dense filters that create noticeable air resistance, their performance is usually high. Thus, more or less “material” particles (from fractions of a micron and larger) don't have time to join chemical reaction with a catalyst and pass through the filter. Odors and gaseous pollutants are another matter.

, in which the molecules are located alone.

Among scientists, the attitude towards photocatalysis is not clear. For example, there is concern that the decomposition of organic molecules may result in equally dangerous substances! And there are already research results showing that, along with the destruction of formaldehyde in the process of photocatalysis, in some cases the same formaldehyde is released!

Photocatalysis effectively removes bacteria and viruses, because to decontaminate a living organism, you do not need to destroy it entirely, you just need to slightly disturb its shell. Another dubious point. The term “photocatalysis” itself implies “photo” - the presence of light of a certain wavelength. And early models had UV lamps that produced light with the desired characteristics. But in the production of such lamps there was a high percentage of defects - it was necessary to select only those products whose wavelength was sufficient to start the photocatalysis process, but insufficient to form ozone. The percentage of defects was high, which led to production losses. IN Lately

increasingly, instead of lamps, high-frequency generators of electromagnetic radiation are used, which perform the same function. But if UV radiation is guaranteed to be shielded by the body of the device (as is known, UV does not pass even through ordinary glass), then it is difficult to say about high-frequency radiation. We can only hope that the manufacturers are conscientious and that they have taken all measures to prevent the penetration of microwaves into the room.

Advantages of photocatalytic air purifiers

Air purifier with photocatalytic and HEPA filter: The HEPA filter traps allergens and small particles. Photocatalysis destroys bacteria and odors..

  • Filter update cost
  • from 2400 rub/year
  • The most effective way to combat gases and odors.
  • Capable of removing bacteria and viruses.
  • High productivity (if we ignore the fact that as the flow rate increases, the cleaning efficiency decreases).

Disadvantages of photocatalytic air purifiers

  • They are ineffective in the fight against house dust components and allergens.
  • Inexpensive models may emit ozone during operation.

Conclusion. This type of filter is not effective for eliminating allergens, but can serve as a good addition that eliminates odors and kills viruses and bacteria.

Thermodynamic air purifiers

The majority of dust in our homes is made up of organic matter. And unfortunately, some of these organic particles can cause allergies. And they are the ones that need to be removed from the air. What is the most popular, most ancient method of recycling organic waste? Of course, fire, burning. During the combustion of organic matter, mainly carbon dioxide and water vapor are formed (this is why the smoke from the chimney of a village stove white ) are absolutely safe substances for humans. Plus - no a large number of

mineral salts (ash), which, in their mass, are also harmless to health and chemically inactive.

Thermodynamic air purifiers are based on this principle. Their design is simple and reliable. Air passes through the channels in the ceramic heating element, heated to a temperature just above 200 °C, by gravity, as a result of natural convection. All organic matter in the air burns and ceases to exist, turning into carbon dioxide and water vapor. Such a device, installed in a room of the recommended area, is approximately Completely clears the air in two weeks from dangerous organic microparticles, viruses and bacteria and will continue to be constantly.

maintain a safe atmosphere Household thermodynamic cleaners for this moment

are produced only by the Airfree brand:

Basic model for small rooms up to 16 m2

At 24 m 2 Switchable adjustable backlight “Anti-stress”

For 60 m2 Designer air purifier in various colors.

Thermodynamic air purifiers are absolutely safe, they do not emit any chemicals or radiation during operation, they are absolutely silent, have no moving parts, and are highly reliable. In many countries, thermodynamic air purifiers are used in, as an alternative to “quartz treatment” (during the treatment of premises with ultraviolet light, a large amount of dangerous ozone is released). The devices are used in vegetable storage facilities, reducing the loss of vegetables and fruits due to mold and rot by tens of times. On livestock farms, devices of this type significantly reduce the incidence of disease in livestock, increasing production efficiency.

Advantages of thermodynamic air purifiers

  • Complete destruction of all possible allergens, viruses and bacteria.
  • These filters are the only ones that effectively fight mold.
  • The devices are safe, absolutely silent, and environmentally friendly.
  • Does not require replacement filters and periodic maintenance.

Disadvantages of thermodynamic air purifiers

  • Tobacco smoke removal is not effective enough.
  • Ineffective in combating odors.

Conclusion. Thermodynamic air purifiers – most effective for allergy sufferers, and the “side” effect is that the removal of viruses and bacteria will keep you healthy during flu epidemics.
The thermodynamic filtration rate is not sufficient to remove tobacco smoke.

Humans are sensitive to environmental pollution. Air purifiers are used to eliminate various impurities. Devices such as air purifiers are especially useful for allergy sufferers. They are capable trap various allergens, thereby creating a hypoallergenic environment, reducing the likelihood of attacks. To make the right choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the variety of devices and their functions.

The importance of using an air purifier for allergy sufferers

Each room contains different allergy triggers. Room air may contain such allergens:

  • dust;
  • dandruff;
  • animal hair;
  • bird feathers;
  • emissions from enterprises;
  • ticks;
  • chemical compounds released by furniture, varnishes, paints, household chemicals and building materials;
  • flower pollen;
  • traffic fumes;

To get rid of them, you need to promptly clean the premises and clear the air of contaminants. In that climate control technology will help, such as a purifier, which forces air flow through itself, while removing all kinds of allergens, cleaning and refreshing it.

Important! There are devices that can purify the air almost completely. The effectiveness of some of them reaches 99%.

The effectiveness of cleaners in the fight against allergens

Due to the variety of air purifier models, the device must be selected based on the types of allergy triggers. In general, various filters effectively filter only certain types of allergens.

Washing cleans the atmosphere in the room and at the same time humidifies it. This type of purifier is economical because it does not require purchasing additional filters, just wash the drum and replace the water. If the device is not used for some time, you need to drain the liquid from it and wipe it dry.

Advice! Air washing is suitable for people who suffer from animal allergies. It effectively rids the room of cat hair, dander, dust (small and not very fine), and poplar fluff.

During operation the device does not over-humidify the air. Its operation does not lead to condensation on furniture and walls.

Among the disadvantages of the washer, it is worth noting that it does not capture well impurities less than 10 microns in size. They simply fly out of the device. Therefore, to get rid of minor contaminants, it is worth choosing a different cleaner.

Devices with electrostatic filters

Electrostatic filters have an efficiency of up to 90%, removing even small grains of dust up to 0.01 microns in size. Such filter elements also help to get rid of from pollen, soot, soot, smoke (including tobacco). They are also suitable for removing various aerosols from the room atmosphere.

Among the advantages of electrostatic filter units are: reduced level noise, lack of consumables. Dust collectors (metal grilles or plates) allow repeated cleaning and even rinsing using cleaning agents.

The downside to using electrostatic precipitators is that removal of all impurities is not guaranteed, even with continuous operation of the air purifier. First, some particles may pass through the filter. Secondly, once the impurities are on the dust collector, they lose their charge and are able to fly back into the room.

Devices with Hepa filters

Among the types of air purifiers, we can distinguish devices with hepa filters. The basis of the structure of the latter is fibers of various thicknesses, randomly located at a distance from 5 to 50 microns.

Important! The efficiency of hepa filters reaches 99%. They are capable of trapping particles as small as 0.003 microns. To ensure that the cleaning effect does not decrease, the filter should be changed periodically. The replacement interval is from 3 to 12 months.

A device with a hepa filter is ideal for allergy sufferers and asthmatics who react to irritants such as dust, pollen, fluff, and wool. The disadvantage of such a filter element is that it does not decompose contaminants, but accumulates them. Impurities accumulated inside create favorable conditions for the development of mold, which is also an allergen. Therefore, you need to be careful when replacing the filter. Also hepa filters useless against gases.

Photocatalytic air purifiers

Unlike other systems, a photocatalytic air purifier immediately decomposes all organic impurities into carbon dioxide and water, without accumulating them. The device has a disinfecting effect due to the fact that its action has a detrimental effect on fungal spores, bacteria, dust mites, and mold. Caring for a photocatalytic air purifier is very simple: just vacuum the filter once every three months.

Advice! Photocatalytic devices destroy not only harmful microorganisms, but also harmless ones. This type of air purification should not be overused in a child’s room, so as not to interfere with the development of the child’s immunity.

A significant disadvantage of photocatalytic cleaners is their useless against inorganic contaminants. Therefore, devices are equipped with various additional filter elements.

Models with adsorption filters

Adsorption is the process of absorption. In air purifiers, the absorber (adsorbent) is Activated carbon. Such filters trap harmful gases, aerosols, and odors. But they have a drawback - they require frequent replacement.

Carbon filters for air purifiers in apartments are more common used as additional, for example, to hepa filters. For allergy sufferers, these filter elements in a device with several other filters are not particularly important.

Air purifiers with thermodynamic filter

Similar devices have appeared recently. The peculiarity of their work is the oxidation of organic matter with oxygen when heated. The basis of the filter is a thermoelement - a drum with axial channels. Through natural heat exchange, air penetrates into the channels, where it heats up to 200˚C and that’s it. the impurities in it “burn out”. The process occurs without flame. As a result of combustion, steam, carbon dioxide and a minimal proportion of mineral salts remain in the form of ash. The volume of the latter over several months does not exceed the amount of ash from a burnt match.

This filtering method completely environmentally friendly. During operation of the thermodynamic filter, no harmful substances are emitted, no chemical compounds are used, electromagnetic radiation, oxygen is not burned. Air purifiers with such filter elements are completely silent, since they do not use a fan. The device does not require various consumables, which indicates its cost-effectiveness.

Important! A device with a thermodynamic filter copes very well with allergens such as wool, dust, lint, pollen, dandruff, as well as mold spores. In addition, it destroys viruses, microbes, and bacteria.

Air ionizers

Studies have shown that air passed through simple purifiers remains as “dead” as distilled water. Ionizer charges air oxygen molecules with a negative charge, thereby “reviving” it. Such devices are designated as devices that improve the indoor microclimate. They have low efficiency as a cleaner. As an additional function to air purifiers, ionization would be useful.

Mechanical pre-filter

The basis of a mechanical filter is a mesh with small cells. It's used for pre-cleaning air masses, trapping large contaminants in the form of animal hair, large dust particles, and poplar fluff.

Mechanical filters available in almost every cleaner to protect these devices from premature clogging. They are often installed together with a carbon or hepa filter, which helps extend the life of the air purifiers. Pre-filters are reusable and can be vacuumed or washed with water.

Use of ozonizers

Such devices are used both separately and in conjunction with other devices. They sterilize and disinfect the air, disinfecting it from viruses and germs. In addition, the devices eliminate odors. There are also miniature ozonizers that can be used in the closet to disinfect things and linen, since it is impossible to completely eliminate harmful microorganisms during washing and ironing.

Important! Inhaling ozone is harmful, so ozone disinfection can only be carried out in the absence of people and animals.

Air purifier selection options

Efficiency of cleaning the room atmosphere depends on device parameters. Before purchasing a device, you need to understand them. When choosing an air purifier, you need to pay attention to the following factors.

  1. Room size. The passport indicates how much square meters the purifier is designed.
  2. Energy saving. A device such as an air purifier must operate around the clock. To save money, you should choose a device with low power consumption.
  3. Filter type. Such an element should be selected depending on the type of allergy (to cat fur, household dust, pollen and other allergens). Before purchasing, you need to find out this important point. Many devices have several filters installed simultaneously (photocatalytic, carbon, hepa and other combinations). Due to this, air purification goes through several stages. In this case, the maximum anti-allergenic effect is achieved.
  4. Performance. Ideally, a good device, at full power, should pass all the air in the room at least twice per hour.
  5. Ease of maintenance. You need to pay attention to the amount of time spent on maintaining the device (frequency of cleaning the device and replacing filters) and the simplicity of this process.
  6. Completeness. You should take into account whether the set comes with replacement filters, as well as what their cost is for further purchase.
  7. Additional functions. It is necessary to consider whether, for example, a timer is built into the device.

Advice! An ionizer and an air humidifier will only be a plus for allergy sufferers. No device is capable of saturating the air with oxygen. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room.


To remember about allergies as little as possible, you need to purchase an air purifier. It will bring relief not only to those who suffer from allergies, but also to absolutely healthy people. If you are aware of what irritant the allergy occurs to and what time of year it worsens, you can choose a suitable air purifier that will filter out dangerous inclusions with maximum efficiency.

The most reliable air purifiers for home

Air purifier Ecology-Plus Super-Plus-Turbo (2009) on Yandex Market

Climate complex Beurer LW 110 on Yandex Market

Air purifier AIC XJ-4000 on Yandex Market

On Yandex Market

Home air purifier PureAir 3000 on Yandex Market