How to grow Chilly Willy peppers correctly? Pepper Peter Pepper Orange Main types of hot pepper

All about country life. The beginning of winter is the time to think about seeds and the future harvest. And for the next season to be successful, you need to decide on the varieties of peppers that you would like to have on your site. This variety is quite rare and its seeds are expensive. Previously, it grew exclusively in the American states of Texas and Louisiana, where it found refuge in the rare homes of gardeners. Looking at its shape, the unpopularity of the pepper becomes clear, causing young girls to blush just by looking at the pepper pods. Their spiciness is at the same level as that of Tabasco peppers, but the basis of their popularity is not the taste, but the shape of the fruit. In addition to the red color of the fruit, there are varieties with yellow and orange color. This pepper is easy to grow, both in open ground and as an indoor crop - in pots all year round. You can eat it fresh, pickled, dried, salted, or add it to all culinary dishes. The walls are medium thick, really sweet, practically without the smell of bell pepper, and most importantly, very delicate in taste and consistency. Juicy but not runny, crispy but not hard, very pleasant. The fruits are red, up to 25 cm long, conical, triangular. Good in salads and great for stuffing. Everyone is very familiar with hot red peppers. This is the same red pepper, but not bitter, but... sweet. Chinese breeders brought out this wonder. The fruits of this variety are up to two tens of centimeters long and thin. The diameter at the base is about one and a half centimeters. They differ in shape from the Elephant Trunk hot pepper. Hot peppers are straight, and sweet peppers are twisted. Some serpentine pepper fruits even bend into rings. The bushes are quite tall - more than seventy centimeters. Flowering begins early, flowers grow in clusters of ten to twelve pieces. Fruit ripening begins in June and continues until frost. The fruits of the snake are sweet, with a strong aroma. Their color is usually red, like hot peppers, but can be yellow or green. This variety can be grown not only for food, but also for decorating the site. Multi-colored peppers will be more beautiful than other colors. There is nothing complicated in growing this variety. The bushes do not need shaping, agricultural technology is ordinary. A new variety of pepper surprises with its unexpected taste. It’s hard to believe the sweetness of this vegetable, it’s so similar to the hot pepper we’re used to. Its walls are not very tender, but this is not scary, since they are quite thin. This pepper is very aromatic. It can be used as a seasoning; it is also useful for canning and pickling. All these varieties give excellent large yields, all the bushes are bursting with an abundance of fruits, are unpretentious in cultivation and delight with a bountiful harvest every season. July is known to be the hottest month of the year. And plants cannot do without watering. But you need to do it correctly, otherwise you will waste water, energy and time. Why do trees look like they've been burned and how to fix it. Alas, in the middle zone it has become more difficult to grow cherries than cherries and grapes. Every summer in the village. Few people can afford a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun, but every summer resident can create a Japanese garden on his property. True, this requires knowledge. In the design of paths, platforms, trails with a heavy load of trampling, it is not at all necessary to limit yourself only to natural or artificial materials. Tomatoes are now, thanks to the presence of lycopene and other compounds essential for the human body, a vegetable without which we simply cannot live. When my eyes first fell on this flower, it was impossible to believe that it was real. It seemed that these were amazingly neatly sculpted from wax or plastic. At the end of July, things are mostly pleasant: And don’t forget to rest. Evaluating and planning. Harvesting, things to do. Zucchini, squash and pumpkins - you, dear reader, have probably already been growing them for more than one year. However, it is useful to remind even experienced gardeners of some nuances. Feed Recommended Popular Discussed Popular sites Market What is MirTesen? About the project Advertising Agreement Feedback Complain about spam Help Advertisements Sell Services Buy Accept as a gift Exchange Give a gift Cinema New releases Films TV series Collections Coming soon. Chkmeruli - chicken that just melts in your mouth Simple and incredibly tasty Jul 19, After mustard, the soil on my site looks like fluff Jul 19, We prepare a simple delicacy ourselves Jul 8, Your photos 0 0. Enter the characters from the picture. Chili Willie pepper looks downright indecent. Published by Olga Filippova, Larisa Smetanina on December 21, 15, in Nadya Oskolkova Zhigalova on December 21, 15, in I bought a black pepper there. Any social networks in OK and VK are full of groups and individual lovers who will sell you any seeds of exotic vegetables and fruits inexpensively. There are seeds on this site. The order is fulfilled very quickly. Arkady Beizerov December 22, 15, in Evgeniy Torochkov December 22, 15, in Tatyana Kryuchkova December 22, 15, in Growing on the window in a pot. Lyudmila Stepanenko December 22, 15, in Blog categories furniture useful tips strawberries pests dacha house cucumbers seedlings flowers preparations cabbage landscape design Tomatoes gardening recipes vegetable garden flower garden vegetables animals fertilizers cooking construction ideas for the dacha potatoes indoor plants tips soil garden. Mstislav Stepanyuk July 30, Seven golden rules of watering July, as you know, is the hottest month of the year. Olga Filippova Jul 30, Cherry, cherry, how did this happen? How to create a Japanese-style garden Few people can afford a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun, but every summer resident can create a Japanese garden on his property. Amazing ground covers and mosses are an excellent alternative to lawns. When designing paths, platforms, paths with a high trampling load, it is not at all necessary to limit yourself only to natural or artificial materials. Why do the ovaries on tomatoes crumble? Tomatoes - now, thanks to the presence of lycopene and other compounds that are essential for the human body, a vegetable without which we simply cannot live. Summer cottage work at the end of July At the end of July, things are mostly pleasant: Secrets of growing zucchini, squash and pumpkins Zucchini, squash and pumpkins - you, dear reader, have probably been growing them for more than one year Contents recipes garden strawberries cooking potatoes fertilizers vegetable garden vegetables furniture home landscape design ideas for a dacha animal preparations tips seedlings indoor plants cabbage flowers gardening pests soil Tomatoes useful tips construction dacha flower garden. Read Click the button and stay updated on the site Latest comments There is a single and radical option. No one has ever found honey sour. Strange berries in the garden: Dear Lyudmila Seven golden rules of watering. The flowers in the photo are petunia. Nadezhda Mikhailovskaya Seven golden rules of watering.

Hot pepper Penis red

What are these flowers in the picture? Svetlana Talalaevskaya Summer residents will pay dearly for transfer to gardeners. At first, junk buildings were turned into dachas. Workaholics have brought them to such a state that they are in cadres... Grigory Sobolevsky Summer residents will pay dearly for transfer to gardeners. You are experiencing suspicious activity.

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The Peter Pepper, Capsicum annuum var. annuum, "Peter pepper" (sometimes referred to as the Penis Pepper) is an heirloom Chili pepper that is best known for its unusual shape. It is a type of Capsicum annuum, though it is not officially recognized as a cultivar of the species. It occurs in red and yellow varieties. The pepper is considered very rare, and its origin is unknown.

The pepper is most commonly grown in Eastern Texas and Louisiana, although it is grown in Mexico, as well. It was first popularized in the United States by Frank X.

Tolbert in his Dallas Morning News column about obscure local history, although he only saw the pepper once in his life. It has since been studied by horticultural experts at the University of Texas at Austin and Louisiana State University.

Masculinity: national characteristics

Though it is rare, its seeds are available from some private suppliers. It is adaptable to a variety of growing conditions. The seeds have also been exported to Asian countries, including South Korea.

Peter pepper plants, which are referred to scientifically as Capsicum annuum var. annuum ‘Peter,’ originate in South America, southern Brazil and Bolivia. In the United States, the plants are common in both Louisiana and Texas. Peter peppers are mildly hot in flavor. The peter pepper plant is also often cultivated for ornamental purposes.

Peter pepper plants are characterized by their smooth, green evergreen leaves. The plants produce tiny and inconspicuous flowers that are white in color. Initially, the pods of the plant start out as green, but gradually change to deep red upon maturity. The pods are about two and a half inches long, and a quarter of an inch in width. The branches are both sturdy and strong. The plants can be anywhere from four to five feet tall, with widths of about one and a half feet. The stems are green.

Buy Peter Pepper Seeds here

Grow Peter Pepper from seeds

The growing season for peter pepper plants lasts from the end of March up until the beginning of October. Peter pepper plants thrive when grown under full or partial sun, and are commonly cultivated under shade cloth. The plants are generally spaced about 16 inches away from each other in cultivation. Moist to normal levels of water are beneficial for the plants, which work well in loam and sandy soil types. To encourage the appearance of fruit, it is good to mist down the plant on a daily basis. It takes between 80 days and four months for peter pepper plants to achieve full maturity.
"Penis" Peppers

Peter peppers are nicknamed "penis" peppers, bizarrely enough, due to their unusual shape, which, when fully ripe, is said to resemble the male anatomical part. As a result, the heirloom hot peppers are sometimes cultivated for ornamental purposes, although they generally are only found in private gardens.

Pepper in the form of manhood

Pepper in the form of manhood

Download file – Pepper in the form of manhood

All about country life. The beginning of winter is the time to think about seeds and the future harvest. And for the next season to be successful, you need to decide on the varieties of peppers that you would like to have on your site. This variety is quite rare and its seeds are expensive. Previously, it grew exclusively in the American states of Texas and Louisiana, where it found refuge in the rare homes of gardeners. Looking at its shape, the unpopularity of the pepper becomes clear, causing young girls to blush just by looking at the pepper pods. Their spiciness is at the same level as that of Tabasco peppers, but the basis of their popularity is not the taste, but the shape of the fruit. In addition to the red color of the fruit, there are varieties with yellow and orange color. This pepper is easy to grow, both in open ground and as an indoor crop - in pots all year round. You can eat it fresh, pickled, dried, salted, or add it to all culinary dishes. The walls are medium thick, really sweet, practically without the smell of bell pepper, and most importantly, very delicate in taste and consistency. Juicy but not runny, crispy but not hard, very pleasant. The fruits are red, up to 25 cm long, conical, triangular. Good in salads and great for stuffing. Everyone is very familiar with hot red peppers. This is the same red pepper, but not bitter, but... sweet. Chinese breeders brought out this wonder. The fruits of this variety are up to two tens of centimeters long and thin. The diameter at the base is about one and a half centimeters. They differ in shape from the Elephant Trunk hot pepper. Hot peppers are straight, and sweet peppers are twisted. Some serpentine pepper fruits even bend into rings. The bushes are quite tall - more than seventy centimeters. Flowering begins early, flowers grow in clusters of ten to twelve pieces. Fruit ripening begins in June and continues until frost. The fruits of the snake are sweet, with a strong aroma. Their color is usually red, like hot peppers, but can be yellow or green. This variety can be grown not only for food, but also for decorating the site. Multi-colored peppers will be more beautiful than other colors. There is nothing complicated in growing this variety. The bushes do not need shaping, agricultural technology is ordinary. A new variety of pepper surprises with its unexpected taste. It’s hard to believe the sweetness of this vegetable, it’s so similar to the hot pepper we’re used to. Its walls are not very tender, but this is not scary, since they are quite thin. This pepper is very aromatic. It can be used as a seasoning; it is also useful for canning and pickling. All these varieties give excellent large yields, all the bushes are bursting with an abundance of fruits, are unpretentious in cultivation and delight with a bountiful harvest every season. July is known to be the hottest month of the year. And plants cannot do without watering. But you need to do it correctly, otherwise you will waste water, energy and time. Why do trees look like they've been burned and how to fix it. Alas, in the middle zone it has become more difficult to grow cherries than cherries and grapes. Every summer in the village. Few people can afford a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun, but every summer resident can create a Japanese garden on his property.

How does hot red pepper affect male potency?

True, this requires knowledge. In the design of paths, platforms, trails with a heavy load of trampling, it is not at all necessary to limit yourself only to natural or artificial materials. Tomatoes are now, thanks to the presence of lycopene and other essential compounds for the human body, a vegetable without which we simply cannot live. When my eyes first fell on this flower, it was impossible to believe that it was real. It seemed that these were amazingly neatly sculpted from wax or plastic. At the end of July, things are mostly pleasant: And don’t forget to rest. Evaluating and planning. Harvesting, things to do. Zucchini, squash and pumpkins - you, dear reader, have probably already been growing them for more than one year. However, it is useful to remind even experienced gardeners of some nuances. Feed Recommended Popular Discussed Popular sites Market What is MirTesen? About the project Advertising Agreement Feedback Complain about spam Help Advertisements Sell Services Buy Accept as a gift Exchange Give a gift Cinema New releases Films TV series Collections Coming soon. Chkmeruli - chicken that just melts in your mouth Simple and incredibly tasty Jul 19, After mustard, the soil on my site looks like fluff Jul 19, We prepare a simple delicacy ourselves Jul 8, Your photos 0 0. Enter the characters from the picture. Chili Willie pepper looks downright indecent. Published by Olga Filippova, Larisa Smetanina on December 21, 15, in Nadya Oskolkova Zhigalova on December 21, 15, in I bought a black pepper there. Any social networks in OK and VK are full of groups and individual lovers who will sell you any seeds of exotic vegetables and fruits inexpensively. There are seeds on this site. The order is fulfilled very quickly. Arkady Beizerov December 22, 15, in Evgeniy Torochkov December 22, 15, in Tatyana Kryuchkova December 22, 15, in Growing on the window in a pot. Lyudmila Stepanenko December 22, 15, in Blog categories furniture useful tips strawberries pests dacha house cucumbers seedlings flowers preparations cabbage landscape design Tomatoes gardening recipes vegetable garden flower garden vegetables animals fertilizers cooking construction ideas for the dacha potatoes indoor plants tips soil garden. Mstislav Stepanyuk July 30, Seven golden rules of watering July, as you know, is the hottest month of the year. Olga Filippova Jul 30, Cherry, cherry, how did this happen? How to create a Japanese-style garden Few people can afford a trip to the Land of the Rising Sun, but every summer resident can create a Japanese garden on his property. Amazing ground covers and mosses are an excellent alternative to lawns. When designing paths, platforms, paths with a high trampling load, it is not at all necessary to limit yourself only to natural or artificial materials. Why do the ovaries on tomatoes crumble? Tomatoes - now, thanks to the presence of lycopene and other compounds that are essential for the human body, a vegetable without which we simply cannot live. Summer cottage work at the end of July At the end of July, things are mostly pleasant: Secrets of growing zucchini, squash and pumpkins Zucchini, squash and pumpkins - you, dear reader, have probably been growing them for more than one year Contents recipes garden strawberries cooking potatoes fertilizers vegetable garden vegetables furniture home landscape design ideas for a dacha animal preparations tips seedlings indoor plants cabbage flowers gardening pests soil Tomatoes useful tips construction dacha flower garden. Read Click the button and stay updated on the site Latest comments There is a single and radical option. No one has ever found honey sour. Strange berries in the garden: Dear Lyudmila Seven golden rules of watering. The flowers in the photo are petunia. Nadezhda Mikhailovskaya Seven golden rules of watering. What are these flowers in the picture? Svetlana Talalaevskaya Summer residents will pay dearly for transfer to gardeners. At first, junk buildings were turned into dachas. Workaholics have brought them to such a state that they are in cadres... Grigory Sobolevsky Summer residents will pay dearly for transfer to gardeners. You are experiencing suspicious activity.

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Chilly Willy peppers (“Penis Peppers”) have an indecent shape

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About the benefits of chili peppers for men

Red hot pepper (chili) is used in folk medicine to improve metabolism, increase potency and the level of sex hormones in the body. Regular use of the product helps enhance mental and physical performance, neutralizes the effects of stress and relieves fatigue.

Hot pepper stimulates the production of endorphins, normalizes the emotional background and improves mood.

Types and varieties of peppers, how different hot peppers are and what varieties of hot peppers exist

Frequent use of it causes a surge of strength and increases self-esteem. A certain amount of chili helps get rid of anxiety and constant stress, which often cause problems in the sexual sphere.

A number of studies were conducted at one of the universities in France, during which scientists proved the positive effect of red pepper on the production of sex hormones. Participants were asked to choose an appropriate chili sauce, after which their testosterone levels were measured. The highest rates were among men who preferred the hottest taste.

Habitat and harvesting

The island of Java and South America are considered the homeland of hot pepper. It grows in hot countries: Indonesia, Thailand, Guiana, Colombia, Brazil, Vietnam. Some plant species are cultivated in Russia and the CIS countries.

Only the sharp fruits are used for medicinal purposes. They are collected from July to September. The raw materials are dried in the sun, then freed from seeds and ground. It is recommended to wear rubber gloves when collecting and preparing especially hot varieties to avoid skin irritation.

Active Ingredients

Red pepper contains the following active substances:

  • the alkaloid capsacin, which gives the plant its pungency and pungency;
  • chavicin;
  • piperidine;
  • vitamins B, A and C;
  • carotenoids;
  • essential and fatty oils.

Chili is an excellent tonic and nervous system stimulant. The unique composition of the plant increases blood circulation in the pelvic area, improving the functioning of the genital organs.

Methods of application

Red pepper is included in plasters and ointment preparations indicated for use in the complex treatment of radiculitis, joint diseases, osteochondrosis, lumbago and back pain.

To stimulate the production of testosterone and improve sexual function, dietary supplements based on chili are produced. Such drugs have an antioxidant effect, activate blood circulation, strengthen the immune system and stimulate metabolism.

You can purchase the product in pharmacies or special online stores, the average cost is 1,300 rubles. Take 2 capsules twice daily with meals. The duration of use is determined by the doctor individually. You should not self-medicate - it can be harmful to your health.

Some manufacturers offer patches that increase the size of the penis by 25% by increasing blood circulation. Its effectiveness has not been scientifically proven.

Effective recipes

Eating hot pepper in its pure form also stimulates the reproductive system. The Indians of South America considered chili to be a powerful aphrodisiac, and often added it to food to increase potency. And the best dinner before a romantic night was dark chocolate sprinkled with red pepper.

Also in ancient times, a drink was prepared that acted quickly and effectively on potency and general tone of the body. To increase male power, hot red pepper and sugar were mixed in a 1 to 1 ratio. Half a teaspoon was dissolved in a glass of milk and drunk at night. The course of therapy is a week.

Contraindications and reviews

Preparations based on hot pepper should not be taken by people with individual intolerance to the components of the product and hypersensitivity of the skin (if a patch is used). No other contraindications have been identified.

Which is also considered very rare. There are currently three types of Peter Pepper - Peter Pepper Red, Orange and Yellow - although it is not recognized as a separate variety. Thanks to the phallic shape of the pods, it has gained wide popularity and won several awards, including the title of the most pornographic pepper in the world from Organic Gardening magazine. Peter Pepper, especially the red-fruited variety, is often described as a miniature version of the uncircumcised male genital organ, which is why this pepper is also called Chili Willy, which translated means “chili-member”, or simply pepper-penis. Each Peter Pepper Red pod is covered with a folded, bumpy skin and has a rounded tip with a cleft.

Numerous sources also note the high spiciness of this chili, which reaches 10,000-23,000 units. With its bright, pronounced taste, it is very similar, but it is about nine times hotter and a little sweeter. Pepper Penis can be added to any dish that includes jalapeño in the recipe, and can even be used as a substitute for serrano, to which it is close in spiciness. It is quite difficult to work with in the kitchen. Chili Willy produces a hot oil and contact with its fresh fruit may cause burns. When grinding the dried fruits of this pepper, a fine, almost invisible powder is formed, which irritates the skin and can even cause suffocation. In general, Peter Pepper has not found widespread use in cooking and is mostly consumed only in pickled form. It is usually grown for decorative purposes, for its exotic fruits.

Distribution and ecology

Country of origin has not been established. Presumably it appeared as a result of directed selection, during which seeds were selected from fruits of a characteristic shape. It became known in the United States thanks to journalist, historian and chili lover Frank Tolbert, who saw this pepper only once in his life. Mainly cultivated in East Texas, Louisiana and Mexico. Studied by horticulturalists at the University of Texas and Louisiana State University. The seeds have also been introduced to Asia, including South Korea.


A perennial subshrub about 90 cm high. The fruits are 7.5-10 cm in length and 2.5-3.5 cm in diameter; when ripe, they change color from green to rich scarlet.


Undemanding to grow, able to adapt to a wide variety of conditions. Loves the sun, suitable for indoors in 10-20 liter pots. When propagating by seeds, it is recommended to use planting fertilizer for best germination.

Other names

Penis Pepper, Peter's Finger, Peter Pepper, Pepper Dick, Chili Willy, Chili Willy

To restore erectile function, it is not necessary to stuff yourself with medications. In some cases, simple nutritional adjustments will help. Let's consider whether it is possible to consume hot red pepper for potency and how to do it correctly.

Chemical composition

The vegetable in question has many varieties. However, red hot pepper is best suited to normalize the quality of sexual life. It is he who has a number of effects on the human body (due to its chemical composition).

This includes:

  • Alkaloids and flavonoids.
  • Organic acids.
  • Tannins.
  • Phytoncides.
  • C, E, A, K.
  • Excipients.

The main stimulating property is due to the presence of alkaloids in the plant. They act as amplifiers for the transmission of nerve impulses along fibers, which contributes to the activation of the entire body and the reproductive system in particular.

Because of this property, many national cuisines use hot red pepper (CHILI) as a base or an important auxiliary ingredient in cooking. It is mainly popular in South American countries. According to local residents, it performs a powerful disinfecting function.

How does pepper affect potency?

Many men are often interested in how hot pepper affects potency. Given its rich and pungent taste, it is impossible to consume it in large quantities. To achieve the desired result, you need very little.

Effects that help increase potency and improve erection:

  • Stimulation. This hormone is responsible for the quality of functioning of the male reproductive system. , the more intensely it works.
  • Improving microcirculation. The alkaloids contained in red pepper “irritate” the circulatory system. As a result, the vessels dilate, and this in turn promotes the flow of new portions of blood into all organs, including and. As a result, and .
  • The secondary effect of hot pepper on potency is due to its immunostimulating capabilities. Phytoncides and vitamins enhance the body's natural defense mechanisms. This leads to an improvement in the general condition of the body and stabilization of reproductive function.

Based on the above, red pepper can be included in the group of natural stimulants of the body and sexual function. The main thing is to know how to use it.

Features of application

Knowing the answer to the question about whether hot pepper affects potency, you need to learn how to use it correctly. The fact is that with an overdose or too frequent use of this product, unpleasant symptoms may develop.

The best way to get your fill of a stimulating vegetable is to use it as a seasoning. French scientists conducted an experiment. They offered two groups of men the same breakfast for a month. In the first case, it was served without additional ingredients, and in the second, with hot CHILI pepper seasoning. At the end of the study, it was possible to establish that approximately 65% ​​of the subjects who ate spicy foods experienced an increase in the concentration of testosterone in the blood. As a result, their libido increased.

Of course, you shouldn't treat pepper like that. However, it can significantly enhance the effectiveness of normalizing the functioning of the sexual sphere.

Another way to use it is alcohol tincture. You need to take 10-15 drops per day, after dissolving them in water. The duration of such therapy is no more than a month. Then you need to take a break for at least 2 weeks.

Cautions for men

Due to improper consumption, red pepper can cause a number of pathologies:

  • Gastritis and gastric ulcer.
  • Emotional lability.
  • Excessive erection.
  • Inappropriate sexual desire.

All this can potentially develop only if you eat large amounts of pepper. The vegetable is contraindicated for people with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, kidney or liver failure, or individual intolerance to the components contained in hot pepper.

At the end of the above, we invite you to watch a video about the benefits of red CHILI pepper in general:

This pepper produces pods that resemble a "purely masculine feature" and is therefore commonly known in the United States as the "Chile Penis" or "penis pepper." This is a very extravagant gift for gardeners with a good sense of humor. But in the Russian Federation it is not correctly translated as “Peter’s Finger pepper.”

The bush grows good crops of peppers from 5 to 9 cm long and up to 2 cm wide, they themselves are twisted and crumpled in shape, most reminiscent of a finger or penis.

The pepper is moderately hot and changes color from grassy to orange when fully ripe. The plant of this variety has green leaves, green stems and white flowers.

Myself PETER PEPPER ORANGE hotter than the Jalapeño, its bitterness measurements have shown levels ranging from 10,000 to 23,000 Scoville units, and can replace the popular Serrano peppers in cooking.

How to successfully grow PETER PEPPER ORANGE peppers in the garden or at home?

Preparation, sowing, growing seedlings

There are a number of differences between growing hot peppers and other vegetables, and what works on cabbage or carrots will not necessarily work on hot peppers.

To begin with, plastic containers for seedlings must be provided with good drainage, but do not use peat pots, granules or agrogel products. Because this type of container will retain too much moisture, which is dangerous for this type of hot pepper.

Instead of soil, it is better to use a light starter soil mix, as it has the right mixture of “slow release fertilizer”, which is ideal for seed germination.

Store-bought seedling soil is intended for plants that have already completed the delicate seedling stage and have entered the seedling stage.

If you use clay pots, be sure to soak them for ten minutes in a 10% bleach solution, or in a pure peroxide solution, to kill mold and disease spores that may be on the pots.

Pepper seeds should be planted twice as deep as the size of the seeds, so pepper seeds are sown 1.5cm deep. Planting deeper than directed may interfere with germination and the seeds will rot rather than germinate.

When seeds are sown for seedlings, a tray is used, not a pot. But in order to prevent tangling of the roots of pepper seedlings growing together, and not cause problems when it is necessary to replant them, the seeds should be placed at a distance of at least 4 cm, seed from seed. If you are planting several varieties, make sure there are labels for each one to avoid confusion later.

After sowing the seeds, water everything with warm water to begin the growth process. Be careful not to overwater – the soil should feel damp to the touch and not waterlogged!

Keep in mind that germination may be irregular and slow, so be patient. As soon as the seeds PETER PEPPER ORANGE sprouted, you can reduce the temperature to +20ºС. Watering, for seedlings, without overwatering, the surface of the soil should dry out slightly between waterings!

As soon as the seeds germinate and the cotyledon leaves begin to grow upward, the seedlings are placed under lamps for 10-16 hours of light every day.

Growing and transplanting pepper seedlings PETER PEPPER ORANGE

When the seedlings have reached a height of 4-6cm, it is time to start feeding. Start with a weak solution of liquid seedling fertilizer or compost tea once a week until the plants reach 8-11cm in height, at which time you can switch to a full dose of liquid fertilizer or start feeding with Humisol.

Once the plants reach 8-12 cm in height, it is time to plant them in individual pots. And when the seedlings grow to 20-28cm, you should move them to the garden or permanent containers.

If planting outside, you should wait at least two weeks after the last frost date in the area to prevent loss of plants from sudden cold weather.

Seedlings should be planted from each other at a distance of half a meter to a meter if it is in the south and 45-67 cm if it is a greenhouse, in order to provide plenty of space for both the roots and the bush.

If you plant in a container and want to use the one you have on hand, it must have a capacity of at least 5-9 liters so that there is enough space for the root system.

When transplanting into the soil, be sure to add lime and bone meal, as the plants PETER PEPPER ORANGE require a lot of calcium during growth.

Fertilize with organic fertilizer when peppercorns begin to form.

Cover the ground around the bush with mulch to prevent weeds from appearing.

Typically, pepper plants consume a lot of calcium and phosphorus during the growing season, so add bone meal to the soil surface every four weeks and repeat this every two weeks if the plants begin to produce flowers and fruit.

If you can find a lot of it, you can add ash or ash to the topping to achieve the same results, but don’t forget to use only natural log ash for this!

In peppers that do not have enough calcium, rot usually develops at the end of the peppercorns, and the fruit becomes inedible.

Cleaning and storage

In matters of cleaning and storage, this variety does not stand out in any way. They are collected and stored in the same way as other varieties of hot peppers.

Pepper is especially popular. These are tender annual or perennial plants that belong to the Solanaceae family. Branched pepper bushes have an erect stem. Large leaves have an oval shape. Plants generally reach a height of up to 60 cm. Single flowers of this vegetable crop are star-shaped. The color of flowers varies among different varieties. They can be white, purple or gray. The value of this plant is its fruits - pods. They vary in color and taste. The vegetable crop includes two groups - sweet and hot peppers. The varieties are grouped according to their distinctive characteristics and characteristics.

Main types of hot pepper

The history of growing an amazing vegetable crop begins far in the past. It is believed that the birthplace of pepper is Central and South America. It is now quite popular and is grown all over the world.

Pepper surprises with its diversity. There are more than 3,000 varieties of this crop. Plants are grouped according to their characteristic characteristics. For hot peppers, this parameter is the quality of the fruit. When classifying, color, shape, aroma and taste are taken into account. The tests are based on determining the presence of capsaicin in fruits, the content of which affects the spiciness of the vegetable. This parameter is measured using the Scoville scale. All hot peppers are also called chili. They are grouped under the genus Capsicum. The plant that "bites" is the main characteristic of all the chiles included. The genus is a full member of the Solanaceae family. It consists of five domesticated species. The following can be distinguished:

  • Capsicum annuum.
  • Capsicum chinense.
  • Capsicum baccatum.
  • Capsicum frutescens.
  • Capsicum pubescense.

In addition, twenty-six wild species are known.

The hottest peppers

Varieties belonging to the Capsicum chinense species are considered the most hot. The semantic meaning of this species is a plant “from China”. However, this definition is considered unsuccessful. Peppers of this type have nothing to do with China. The homeland of the plants is the territory located in the Amazon River basin. All varieties of this species are heat-loving and moisture-loving. They have the highest capsaicin levels on the Scoville scale. This group is quite large. The distinctive features of the plants are a strong pungent taste and a characteristic fruity aroma. These qualities determined its popularity among chefs. These hot peppers are used to prepare all kinds of sauces. Varieties of this species can be divided into several groups.

Popular Habaneros

Hot peppers were found in Mexico. The severity of varieties in this group varies from one hundred thousand to one million units on the Scoville scale. They are considered record holders for their burning qualities. In 2000, the Red Savina Habanero variety was included in the Guinness Book of Records. The peculiarity of the taste qualities of this group of plants is a citrus flavor. Over the years, as a result of breeding work, various varieties have been obtained that are successfully grown in many countries around the world. When caring, you should take into account that the plants are heat-loving and light-loving. Varieties of this family are grown in seedlings. The timing of sowing seeds to obtain planting material is February-March. Seedlings are planted in open ground in well-lit areas with sufficient soil fertility. When caring, regular watering and fertilization is necessary.

Habanero Chocolate (Congo Black) variety

A powerful, highly branched plant has large oval leaves and reaches a height of 120 cm.

Unripe fruits are dark green in color. Gradually, as it ripens, the color changes. The peppers take on a chocolate brown hue. Their dimensions are: width - 3 cm; length - 6 cm.

The period for fruits to reach technical maturity is 100 days. Ripe fruits are quite fleshy. They have a special fruity aroma and quite high pungency. It is 425 thousand units on the Scoville scale.

Habanero Orange variety

Large branched bushes reach a height of 90 centimeters. However, the orange fruits are quite small and thin-walled. They grow up to 4 centimeters in length and up to 3 cm in width.

The wrinkled pod has an oval shape. Differs in early ripening. It takes 85-95 days until the technical maturity of the fetus. It has a pungent taste. The severity on the Scoville scale is 325 thousand units.

Delicious aromatic chilies

Hot peppers, varieties of which belong to the Trinidad family, have a pleasant pungency and original appearance. All plants surprise with their unusual pod shape. Chilies of this family have a characteristic hot taste and persistent fruity aroma. Grown by seedlings. Peppers are very demanding on lighting. Some varieties of this series are suitable for growing indoors. In this case, artificial pollination of plants is used.

Trinidad Small Cherry

The variety is early ripening. It will take 70 to 80 days for the fruits to reach technical ripeness. Externally quite a beautiful plant. A powerful, highly branched bush reaches a height of 50 to 90 cm. It is strewn with many bright orange or red fruits.

Their dimensions do not exceed 2.5 cm in diameter. However, this feature does not detract from the advantages of the variety. The pod is quite juicy and soft. The highlight of the variety is its characteristic cherry aroma. The small fruits are similar in size and shape to cherries. The severity of this pepper on the Scoville scale is 160 thousand units.

The late-ripening varieties of this series, Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red and Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow, deserve attention.

7 Pot Family

This series includes mainly late-ripening chili varieties. The period for obtaining fruits of technical maturity is 120 days.

They are distinguished by the rather unusual shape of the fruit, as well as the high content of capsaicin. These hot peppers have a rather pungent taste. Varieties of this family are close relatives of Trinidad scorpions. The main similarities are the unusual shape of the fruit and the characteristic fruity aroma.

Like all plants of this species, chilies of this family are grown by seedlings. When planting in open ground, attention should be paid to soil fertility. For normal plant development, warmth, good lighting, regular soil moisture, and timely application of fertilizers are necessary.

Pepper 7 Pot Primo

This variety is nicknamed “fire demon”. The unusual shape of the fruit resembles a scorpion. Bright fruits are red.

At the end of each pod there is a process reminiscent of a scorpion's sting. Exotic appearance is combined with a pleasant fruity aroma. This variety is considered the record holder for pungency. The content of capsaicin on the Scoville scale ranges from eight hundred thousand to one million units. A tall, highly branched, powerful plant can reach a height of up to 1.3 meters.

Variety 7 Pot Gigantic (Giant)

Pepper will pleasantly surprise you not only with its hot taste, but also with the large size of the fruit. The red pods are the same size as bell peppers. Moreover, in open ground conditions, the bushes reach a height of 15 to 30 cm. The severity on the Scoville scale ranges from eight hundred thousand to one million units.

Varieties of the species Capsicum annuum

Annual plants - the semantic meaning of this species. But this definition is not entirely correct. This type of chili is a perennial plant of the Solanaceae family. However, they are mainly grown as annuals or biennials. Chili is a tropical plant. Long-term cultivation is possible in suitable growing conditions or in closed ground conditions.

Vegetable capsicum annuum is a branched bush, reaching a height of 30 to 50 cm. The fruits of such chili are quite fleshy and have a pleasant taste. Unlike the previous type, they are less sharp and have different shapes and colors. Varieties of this species are distinguished by early ripening. The period for obtaining fruits of technical ripeness ranges from 70 to 80 days.

They are grown mainly by seedlings. The main requirements are soil fertility and looseness. Well-lit areas protected from drafts are suitable for growing. During the period of fruit growth and ripening, regular watering and fertilization are necessary. These are quite common, popular hot peppers. The species Capsicum annuum is represented by five domesticated groups, such as:

  • cherry pepper - Cerasiforme;
  • cone-shaped peppers - Conoides;
  • red cone-shaped peppers - Fasciculatum;
  • bell, or sweet peppers - Grossum;
  • chili or cayenne pepper - Longum.

Hot peppers are represented by a large group of plants. The varieties belong to families such as Jalapeño and Cayenne pepper.

Mexican chili Jalapeño

Warm-season plants are grown as a perennial crop in Mexico and the southern United States. In countries with cold climates, these plants are most often grown indoors. Greenhouses or orangeries are suitable for this. These chilies do well on the windows of city apartments. The fruits of varieties of this family are elongated pods.

They have a green color, which changes to red or yellow when ripe. The pungency of the fruit is not very hot. The flowering period lasts from spring until the end of summer. This promotes conveyor ripening of fruits. This characteristic feature makes the plants quite attractive when grown at home. Hot indoor peppers will delight you with their beautiful flowers and numerous hot fruits. Varieties suitable for growing at home can be found in the Jalapeño family.

Mexican pepper variety Jalapeno Yellow

An early-ripening beautiful plant has small yellow elongated fruits. They have a pleasant, slightly sour, spicy taste.

It is used fresh. This pepper is also used to prepare sauces and marinades.

Cayenne peppers

Unlike the Jalapeno group, these peppers are quite hot. The fruits of this family are characterized by a high content of capsaicin. Low-growing bushes have elongated pods, reaching a length of 8 to 15 cm. They are colored red or yellow. The varieties are characterized by high productivity. The best varieties of hot pepper will ensure the ripening of up to 40 fruits per season. Among them, such chilies as Cayenne yellow candle-shaped, Little Cayenne golden, and Cayenne red deserve attention.

Chili Capsicum baccatum

The tropical forests of Brazil are considered the birthplace of these unusual peppers. These are “berry-shaped”, quite powerful plants. They reach a height of up to 1.5 meters. A distinctive feature of this species is the unusual color of the flowers, the corollas of which have yellow or brown spots. The taste of unusually shaped fruits can be mildly spicy or hot.

There is a pleasant fruity aroma. Among the plants, hot peppers of the Aji Orchid variety deserve attention. Also no less popular are peppers called Bishop's Crown and Baccatum. They are suitable for growing at home.

Peppers of the species Capsicum frutescens

Shrub plants are the main meaning of the name of this group. It is less popular than the previous ones. This species is represented by the well-known varieties of Tabasco and Malaga. Peppers grow in compact bushes. The fruits are elongated and red in color. They are small in size. The length of the pod does not exceed 4 cm. The advantage of Tabasco is the juiciness of the fruit, which has a moderate pungency. On the Scoville scale, it ranges from 30 to 50 thousand units. The varieties are suitable for growing in containers.

Hairy peppers

Capsicum Pubescens is a type of chili that is not particularly popular. It is represented by the Rocoto and Manzano varieties.