Artificial and synthetic food. Artificial food: a new approach. How to feed everyone from the laboratory

Date of publication or update 08/14/2017

Since ancient times, man has been occupied by the problem of nutrition. Hunger has always been a frequent visitor to the inhabitants of our planet. And now the problem of nutrition has not yet found a complete solution. The United Nations, the World Health Organization, and the UN International Food Organization (FAO) note that currently 60-80 percent of the world's population (mostly in developing countries) suffers from food insecurity. In the FAO report "The State of Food and Agriculture Production 1966" It was pointed out that while the world population increased by 70 million people annually, there was no simultaneous increase in food production. On the contrary, in all developing countries, with the exception of the Middle East, it decreased by total volume by 2 percent, and per capita by 4 - 5 percent.

The situation is further aggravated by the fact that in the last two centuries, population growth on the planet has reached unprecedented proportions, acquiring, according to the definition of the UN and WHO, the character of a “demographic explosion.”

According to one UN estimate, in 2000 there will be 7.4 billion people living on earth: 1.4 billion in industrialized countries and 6 billion in all others. This means: in 2000, industrial areas will account for only 19-20 percent of the world's population, compared to 36 percent in 1900 and 33 percent in 1930. In 1970, this share decreased to 27 percent.

Already, residents of the countries of the South American continent, Africa and Asia are extremely insufficiently provided with animal protein - each resident on average receives 26.9 and 2 grams of protein, respectively (the norm is 50 grams). But in order to maintain at least the current level of nutrition by the year 2000, all world food supplies must be increased by 4-7 times, and animal products by 9 times.

Meanwhile, calculations show that it will become almost impossible to obtain such a quantity of products naturally by the beginning of the next century. Analyzing international statistics on the prospects for the production of basic food products, we can say that under the most favorable conditions, world grain production by 1985 will exceed the current level by barely one third. The production of dairy products will also increase slightly, and the production of meat, eggs, oilseeds, and fish production will only double. Such an increase in food production will obviously not be able to radically provide the population of developing countries with protein. Moreover, in the future it will make up at least 4/6 of the entire population of the planet.

Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences A. Pokrovsky and many foreign scientists consider providing future generations with nutritious food products among the most important strategic problems in the development of the productive forces of human society, one of the most pressing social and economic problems of our time. It is also reflected in the list of main directions for the development of science, which includes 10 points that future researchers should consider first. The task of finding effective ways to increase food production takes 3rd place, second only to the issues of improving education and methods of educating the younger generation and the problem of preserving peace.

Now it has attracted the attention of not only individual scientists, but also many international organizations that are trying to solve this important problem through comprehensive efforts. FAO specialists, for example, compiled the so-called Indicative Plan for the Development of World Agriculture. This plan allows us to hope for solving at least the energy deficit in people's nutrition. It is much more difficult to overcome protein deficiency, the global shortage of which today is about 40-60 million tons.

Scientific centers in many countries around the world have engaged in an active search for new, unusual sources of protein that would make it possible to quickly obtain cheap, biologically complete protein, which in its properties does not differ from proteins of animal origin. Such a source, for example, is various non-commercial fish containing high-value animal protein. But this path is limited by the “ceiling” of its catch - it cannot exceed 200 million tons per year, or - in terms of protein - 30 million tons of additional protein. In addition, in some areas of the World Ocean there is already “overfishing,” so to speak, of certain varieties of fish, which could lead to their complete disappearance.

Algae can also be an effective source of protein. But their protein lacks the most important essential amino acids, which cannot be synthesized in the body and come only from animal proteins. This greatly reduces its biological value. In addition, for algae it is necessary to organize special “greenhouse” reservoirs, which is also associated with significant material costs. Open reservoirs depend entirely on the weather. All this limits the widespread production of algae for food purposes.

The most popular sources of protein are oilseeds - soybeans, sunflower seeds, peanuts and others, which contain up to 30 percent high-quality protein. In terms of the content of some essential amino acids, it is close to fish protein and chicken eggs and covers the protein of wheat. Soy protein is already widely used in the USA, England and other countries as a valuable food material.

The amount of dietary protein can also be increased through microbiological synthesis, which last years attracts special attention. Microorganisms are extremely rich in protein - it makes up 70-80 percent of their weight. In addition, in the form of by-products they produce various difficult-to-synthesize conventional chemical methods biologically active hormones, antibiotics, vitamins and other substances. No less important is the question that largely determines the profitability of the new mass production protein - the rate of its synthesis.

Microorganisms synthesize protein approximately 10-100 thousand times faster than animals.

It is appropriate to cite here classic example: A 400-kilogram cow produces 400 grams of protein per day, and 400 kilograms of bacteria produces 40 thousand tons. Naturally, obtaining 1 kg of protein by microbiological synthesis using appropriate industrial technology will require less money than obtaining 1 kg of animal protein. Moreover, the technological process is much less labor-intensive than agricultural production, not to mention the exclusion of seasonal influences of weather - frosts, rains, hot winds, droughts, illumination, solar radiation, etc.

Microorganisms are constantly present in the human intestines and food products, and the body actively uses them.

Why not assume the possibility of full adaptation human body to this protein. Experimental studies by domestic and foreign scientists, as well as our own, confirm this idea. True, the experiments are still extremely few in number, they are exploratory in nature and therefore do not yet provide grounds for the practical implementation of their results.

The most promising microorganisms are yeasts. People have been using them as a food supplement for thousands of years. They were widely used in feeding armies in the first and second world wars. This once again confirms the correctness of the thought. One of the reasons that hindered the cultivation of yeast in the diet of the population was the high cost of their production. This important reason was eliminated by the possibility of growing yeast on paraffin hydrocarbons, discovered by the famous German scientist Felix Just in 1952. Protein from such yeast is quite cheap. By using just 2 percent of global oil production to grow microorganisms, it is possible to completely cover the protein deficit—providing enough protein to feed 2 billion people for a whole year.

It is now known that microorganisms can be grown on a wide variety of nutrient media: gases, paraffins, oil, waste from the coal, chemical, food, wine and vodka, and woodworking industries. The economic advantages of their use are obvious. So, a kilogram of oil processed by microorganisms gives a kilogram of protein, and, say, a kilogram of sugar gives only 500 grams of protein. The amino acid composition of yeast protein is practically no different from that obtained from microorganisms grown on conventional carbohydrate media, and the most important essential amino acid tryptophan, which is deficient in most foods, is twice as abundant in “gas” (methane-grown) yeast as in egg whites , milk, fish and meat. But it is amino acids, these primary building blocks from which any protein in living nature is built, that determine the biological value of protein for an animal organism.

Biological tests of preparations from yeast grown on hydrocarbons, which were carried out both in our country and abroad, revealed the complete absence of any harmful influence on the body of test animals. Experiments were carried out on many generations of tens of thousands of laboratory and farm animals.

It turned out, however, that animals return only 10-20 percent of the protein they consumed in the form of meat. The rest is irretrievably lost. Human protein absorption can reach 98 percent. Therefore, a study began on the possibility of using yeast protein directly in human nutrition. But from the position of a nutritionist (specialist in the field of nutrition), whole yeast is just a semi-finished product that requires further processing. It is possible that they may contain residual amounts of the nutrient medium that are harmful to health, as well as other, not yet isolated substances, the effect of which on the body may be unfavorable. In addition, in its unprocessed form, yeast contains nonspecific lipids and amino acids, biogenic amines, polysaccharides and nucleic acids, and their effect on the body is still poorly understood.

Therefore, it is proposed to isolate protein from yeast in a chemically pure form. Freeing it from nucleic acids has also become simple. Similar studies are underway in many countries. At the Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences, under the leadership of Academician A. Nesmeyanov and Professor S. Rogozhin, an original technology for obtaining protein isolated from yeast has been developed. The drug has high nutritional value, which is confirmed by a number of special studies, and most importantly, it is completely free of the impurities that we talked about.

At the Department of Food Hygiene of the 1st Moscow Order of Lenin and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor Medical Institute named after I.M. Sechenov, under the guidance of Professor K. Petrovsky and Doctor of Medical Sciences A. Ignatiev, the author of the article began in 1972 research into the protein value of this drug. And it was shown that chemical composition and balance of amino acids, digestibility in gastrointestinal tract it differs little from the best animal proteins.

And after including the deficient amino acid methionine in it, it became closer in value to milk protein. Adding small amounts of the drug to low-nutrient foods (dry potatoes and pasta) increases their protein value. In addition, at the Department of Technology food products Institute of National Economy (Professor E. Kozmina) and the Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences (Director Academician A. Nesmeyanov) we prepared artificial pasta based on this preparation. Their protein value is 183 percent higher than that of commercial premium wheat pasta.

By appearance, their smell and taste were also practically no different from the product we are all familiar with.

Using conventional technological lines for the production of synthetic fibers, it is possible to obtain long threads from artificial proteins, which, after impregnation with formative substances, giving them the appropriate taste, color and smell, can imitate any protein product. Artificial meat (beef, pork, various types of poultry), milk, cheeses and other products have already been obtained in this way. They have already undergone extensive biological testing on animals and humans and have left laboratories on store shelves in the USA, England, India, Asia and Africa. In England alone, their production reaches approximately 1,500 tons per year. Interestingly, the protein portion of school lunches in the United States is already allowed to be replaced by 30 percent with artificial meat based on soy protein.

The artificial meat used in feeding patients at the Richmond Hospital (USA) was highly praised by the chief nutritionist. True, when patients were given entrecote made from artificial meat, they complained about its doughiness, although they did not know or even guess that they were not receiving a natural product. And when the meat was served in the form of finely chopped pieces, there were no complaints. The service staff also consumed artificial meat without realizing it was fake.

They perceived it as natural beef. Hospital doctors also noted the positive effect of the diet on the health of patients, especially those with atherosclerosis. The composition of such meat necessarily includes specially processed artificial protein, a small amount of egg albumin, fats, vitamins, mineral salts, natural dyes, flavors, etc., which makes it possible to “sculpt” a product with specified properties, taking into account physiological characteristics the organism for which the product is intended. This is especially important in the diet of children and the elderly, sick and convalescent, when it is necessary to limit nutrition for a number of food components, which is very difficult to do using traditional products.

Such meat can be cut, frozen, canned, dried, or directly used to prepare various dishes.

After conducting studies on adults and children, Riccardo Bressani and co-authors concluded that the nutritional value of artificial meat is approximately 80 percent of the nutritional value of milk. Children readily ate such meat, and it did not have any negative effect on them.

Artificial black caviar, created in the USSR (at the Institute of Organoelement Compounds of the USSR Academy of Sciences), is highly appreciated by experts, which in appearance and taste is almost impossible to distinguish from a natural product. Its biological value is quite high, since the chemical composition of caviar fully meets the requirements for products modern science about nutrition. Currently, industrial production of caviar is being established in Moscow. A workshop with a capacity of 500 kg has already been built artificial caviar per day.

Thus, a lot of theoretical and practical data have now accumulated - objective prerequisites for further expansion and deepening of these studies. UN and WHO experts predict that the consumption of meat and milk substitutes by the end of this century will amount to about 30 percent of all protein. And, if it’s too early to talk about artificial chops, then synthetic lysine and methionine - these most important, essential and often deficient amino acids in human and animal nutrition - are produced in tens of thousands of tons.

Industrial production of vitamins has also been established.

“All this means that humanity has already entered the age of non-agricultural production of food substances,” said Soviet scientist, academician I. Petryanov. In the near future, the production of artificial food abroad will become one of the leading industries.

This is evidenced by the fact that the range of these products there is constantly expanding. For example, annual revenue from the sale of all plant-based alternatives in the United States reaches $30 million. Economists Food Industry predict that total revenue from sales of artificial foods will increase by at least $2 billion per year by 1980. Already, about 35 percent of the cream that Americans add to their coffee is not natural. Recently, “egg” powder made from soy protein has appeared in stores. Such products cost four to five times less than natural ones. The issue of providing artificial food products to the population of our country in the near future is not relevant.

The nutritional structure of our people will improve mainly due to increased agricultural productivity and the development of new methods of preserving foods, the losses of which in the world are enormous and reach half of their total production.

Candidate of Medical Sciences B. Sukhanov.

Modern synthetic technology, in principle, makes it possible to synthesize any food from individual ones, however, the complexity of the synthesis, which includes food, especially (fiber), makes the production of SPP at modern stage economically unfeasible. Therefore, for now, low-molecular and low molecular weight foods are used in the diet. Synthetic and their mixtures are used as natural food products to increase their protein value, as well as in therapeutic nutrition(including for intravenous administration to patients whose normal nutrition is difficult or impossible).

The global shortage of complete food (containing all the essential, i.e. not synthesized), affecting 3/4 of the world's population, poses an urgent task for humanity to find rich, accessible and cheap sources of nutrition to enrich natural ones and create new, so-called. artificial protein products. Artificial food products (IFP) are products rich in complete nutrition, obtained on the basis of natural foods by preparing a mixture or dispersion of these with food gelling agents and giving them a certain structure (structuring) and shape of specific food products. Nowadays, for the production of IPPs, they are used from two main sources: isolated from non-traditional natural food raw materials, the reserves of which are quite large in the world - vegetable (soybeans, peanuts, sunflower seeds, cotton seeds, sesame, rapeseed, as well as cakes and meal from the seeds of these crops, peas, wheat gluten, green leaves and other green parts of plants) and animals (low-value fish, krill and other seas); synthesized, in particular various types yeast. The exceptional speed of yeast (see) and its ability to grow both on food (beer wort, cake) and non-food () media make yeast a promising and practically inexhaustible source for the production of IPP by factory methods. However, the widespread use of microbiological raw materials for food production requires the creation effective methods obtaining and processing highly purified and thorough biomedical research. In this regard, yeast grown on agricultural waste and is used mainly in the form of fertilizing agricultural crops. animals.

Ideas about obtaining SPP from individual and IPP from lower levels were expressed at the end of the 19th century. D. I. Mendeleev and one of the founders of synthetic P. E. M. Berthelot. However, their practical implementation became possible only at the beginning of the 2nd half of the 20th century. as a result of advances in physical and physics, as well as technology for processing fiber-forming and film-forming materials and the development of high-precision multicomponent mixtures (gas-liquid and other types, etc.).

In the USSR, extensive research on the problem of protein PPIs began in the 60-70s. on the initiative of Academician A. N. Nesmeyanov at the Institute (INEOS) of the USSR Academy of Sciences and developed in three main directions: the development of economically feasible methods for obtaining isolated, as well as individual and their mixtures from plant, animal and microbial raw materials; creation of structuring methods from and their complexes with PPIs, imitating the structure and appearance of traditional food products; research of natural food odors and artificial recreation of their compositions.

The developed methods for obtaining purified and mixtures turned out to be universal for all types of raw materials: mechanical or chemical destruction of the shell and extraction of all and other cellular components by fractional and appropriate precipitants (, together); splitting by enzymatic or acid and obtaining a mixture in the hydrolyzate, purified with the help of, etc. Research on structuring has made it possible to obtain artificially on the basis and their complexes with all the main structural elements of natural food products (fibers, and spatial swelling networks from) and to develop methods for obtaining many IPP (grained caviar, meat-like products, artificial potato products, pasta and cereal products). Thus, protein granular caviar is prepared on the basis of high-value milk, the water of which is introduced together with a structure-forming agent (for example,) into a cooled one, as a result of which “eggs” are formed. Having separated from the eggs, they are washed, tanned with an extract to obtain an elastic shell, painted, then processed in acidic to form a second shell, a composition is added that provides taste and smell, and a delicious protein product is obtained, almost indistinguishable from natural granular caviar. Artificial meat suitable for all types culinary processing, is obtained by extrusion (pressing through molding devices) and wet spinning to transform it into fibers, which are then collected into strands, washed, impregnated with an adhesive mass (gelling agent), pressed and cut into pieces. Fried potatoes, vermicelli, rice, kernels and other non-meat products are obtained from mixtures with natural food and gelling agents (alginates,). Not inferior in organoleptic properties to the corresponding natural products, these IPPs are 5-10 times higher in content and have improved technological qualities. With modern technology, odors are studied using gas-liquid methods and are recreated artificially from the same components as in natural food products.

Research in the field of problems associated with the creation of SPP and IPP in the USSR is being conducted at the INEOS AS USSR together with the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, the Moscow Institute of National Economy. G. V. Plekhanov, Scientific Research Institute Catering Ministry of Trade of the USSR, All-Union Scientific Research and Experimental Design Institute of Food Engineering, All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography, etc. Factory IPP technology methods are being developed for the introduction of laboratory samples into industrial production.

Cheeses, sweets, berries, drinks, ice cream, etc.). In the USA, which accounts for almost 75% of world soybean production, the production of soybean-based IPPs reaches hundreds of thousands of tons. In Japan and the UK, mainly plant-based ones are used for the production of IPPs (in the UK, experiments have begun on the production of artificial and cheeses from green leaves of plants ). Industrial production of APIs is being mastered by other countries. According to foreign statistics, by 1980-90, the production of APIs in economically developed countries will amount to 10-25% of the production of traditional food products.

Lit.: Mendeleev D.I., Works on agriculture and forestry, M., 1954; Nesmeyanov A. N. [et al.], Artificial and synthetic food, “Bulletin of the USSR Academy of Sciences,” 1969, No. 1; Feeding the Increasing Population of the World: Recommendations Concerning International Action to Prevent the Threat of Shortage, New York, 1968 (UN Economic and Social Council E 4343); Food: readings from scientific American, S. F., 1973; World protein resources. Wash., 1966.

Man has long mastered the technology of isolating pure protein from soybeans, cotton, rapeseed, sunflowers, peanuts, rice, corn, peas, wheat, green leaves, potatoes, hemp and many other plants. However, these are incomplete plant proteins that do not contain some essential amino acids. And in nutrition a person needs sufficient quantity and complete animal protein. But where can I get it?

And man has learned, with the help of yeast, bacteria, unicellular algae and microorganisms, to convert carbohydrates, alcohols, paraffins, grass and even oil into cheap, complete food protein containing all the essential amino acids. Refining just 2% of the world's annual oil production can produce up to 25 million tons of protein - enough to feed 2 billion people for a year.

And this method of processing available cheap raw materials into scarce animal protein using microorganisms is called microbiological synthesis. The technology for producing microbial biomass as a source of valuable food proteins was developed back in the early 1960s. Then a number of European companies drew attention to the possibility of growing microbes on a substrate such as petroleum hydrocarbons to obtain the so-called. protein of unicellular organisms (SOO). A technological triumph was the production of a product consisting of dried microbial biomass grown in methanol. The process took place continuously in a fermenter with a working volume of 1.5 million liters.

However, due to rising prices for oil and its products, this project became economically unprofitable, temporarily giving way to the production of soybean and fishmeal. By the end of the 1980s, the BW production plants were dismantled, which put an end to the rapid but short period of development of this branch of the microbiological industry.

Biomass from waste

Another process turned out to be more promising - the production of mushroom biomass and complete mushroom protein mycoprotein using as a substrate a mixture of petroleum paraffins (very cheap waste from the oil refining industry), vegetable carbohydrates from food waste, mineral fertilizers and poultry waste.

The task of industrial microbiologists was to create mutant forms of microorganisms that are dramatically superior to their natural counterparts, i.e.

obtaining superproducers of complete protein from raw materials. Great progress has been made in this area: for example, it was possible to obtain microorganisms that synthesize proteins up to a concentration of 100 g/l (for comparison: wild-type organisms accumulate proteins in quantities calculated in milligrams). As microbial protein producers, the researchers chose two types of all-consuming microorganisms that can feed even on oil paraffins: the filamentous fungus Endomycopsis fibuligera and the yeast-like fungus Candida tropicalis (one of the causative agents of candidiasis and intestinal dysbiosis in humans). Each of these producers forms about 40% of the complete protein.

Scientists have selected the conditions pre-treatment waste added to oil paraffins for optimal growth of fungal microflora. Chicken manure is diluted and hydrolyzed under acidic conditions, and brewer's grains are also hydrolyzed with sulfuric acid. After such treatment, no foreign microorganisms that were in the waste survive and do not interfere with the growth of microscopic fungi sown on the substrate.

Technologists also selected the conditions for filtering the multiplied biomass of microorganisms from the nutrient medium. All tests performed have shown that the resulting product is non-toxic, which means that complete microbial protein can be obtained from a mixture of petroleum paraffins, chicken manure and vegetable carbohydrate raw materials. Thus, at the same time, a way has been found to effectively dispose of manure, which is one of the main problems in the development of industrial poultry farming. The result is an artificial “cycle of nutrients in nature” - what comes out of the stomach will return to it.

The next task was that the proteins isolated from fungi grown on the substrate and supplied to food processing plants under the name “biomass” were purified and deodorized, i.e. They are tasteless and odorless, colorless and are a powder, paste or viscous solution.

Designing food

There are hardly any people who want to eat them in this form, despite all the advantages in terms of nutritional and biological value. Therefore, at the first stage, they tried to simply add isolated tasteless proteins to traditional meat, and not only meat, products to enrich their amino acid composition.

But this path did not allow us to radically solve the protein problem. And scientists decided to create and construct artificial food products that do not differ in appearance from the traditional products we are accustomed to, based on the use of existing protein resources. This approach made it possible to regulate the composition, properties and degree of digestibility of the resulting food analogues, which is of particular importance in the organization of children's, therapeutic and preventive nutrition. And the use of special technology and equipment makes it possible to recreate the structure, appearance, taste, smell, color and all other properties , imitating a familiar product. In short, food engineering involves isolating protein from raw materials of various natures and converting it mechanically into an analogue of a food product with a given composition and properties.

At the end of the USSR (in 1989), the annual production of artificial protein substances exceeded 1 million tons. In conditions modern Russia the high profitability of such productions has made it possible to sharply increase the production of protein surrogates and now replace almost all meat in industrial minced meat products. Artificial meat products are produced in several ways, allowing one to obtain products that imitate meat, chopped cutlets, steaks, lump semi-finished products, sausages, frankfurters, ham and much more. Of course, it is impossible to create an indistinguishable imitation of a piece of meat - its structure is too complex. Another thing is minced meat and products made from it - sausages, frankfurters, sausages, etc. The technique and technology for producing meat analogues varies depending on the type of product. We will only tell you about some of the most interesting ones. In accordance with one of the methods, a solution of the isolated protein is fed under high pressure through a spinneret into a bath with a special acid-salt solution, where the protein coagulates, hardens, strengthens and undergoes orientation stretching, resulting in a protein thread.

Fillers containing binders, food (amino acids, vitamins, fats, micro- and macroelements), flavoring, aromatic and coloring substances are added to the fiber. The resulting fibers are grouped into bundles, formed into plates, cubes, pieces, granules by pressing and sintering when heated.

According to the experience of the textile industry, the resulting protein threads can be converted into a fiber-like food material, which, after swelling in water and cutting into pieces, differs little from natural meat products, but still different... It is not yet possible to reliably fake the complex structure of a piece of meat.

But in the production of meat products for sausages and minced meat products, they use another technology that allows them to optimally hide the counterfeit: animal and hydrogenated vegetable fats, spices, synthetic flavorings, aromatic substances and artificial dyes are introduced into jellies obtained by heating concentrated protein solutions. Modern chemistry is capable of creating a taste and smell of any product that, even by experts, is indistinguishable from natural ones. The liquid mass is injected into the sausage casing, boiled, fried and cooled. An analogue of ready-made sausage mince is completely indistinguishable from the natural product in taste, smell, appearance, and structure.

To obtain artificial meat products with a porous structure, highly concentrated protein solutions are mixed with fillers and pumped under pressure at high temperatures into an environment with a lower temperature and pressure.

Due to the boiling of the liquid part, a product with a loose-porous structure is obtained. Some people are frightened by the very term “artificial” or “synthetic” meat, since this supposedly creates associations with something made of nylon or polyester. It should be noted that both the main components and all fillers used in the production of meat product analogs are harmless and balanced in the ratio of various essential nutritional components in accordance with physiological standards.

Scientific contribution of the USSR

You might be interested to know that in addition to artificial meat products, artificial milk and dairy products (based on emulsions of cheap vegetable fats), cereals, pasta, “potato” chips, “berry” and “fruit” products, and “nut” butters are produced. for confectionery products, like oysters and even black granular caviar. (In particular, on cans of artificial condensed “milk” they write not “Condensed Milk”, but “Condensed Milk” - be careful when choosing; look on the labels for instructions about the presence of vegetable fats, which cannot be in real dairy products.). Although the volume of production of artificial food products is constantly increasing, this does not mean that analogues of meat products will soon replace natural products.

Obviously, there will be (and is already happening) the distribution of these types of meat products in the diets of rich and poor, primarily through more complete and more rational processing of protein waste from the meat industry into cheaper artificial meat products. The production of food analogues is a relatively young area, but it is already generating enormous profits and providing food to billions of consumers around the world, including Russia. Moreover, it was the USSR, which ruined its agriculture, that made a special scientific and technological contribution to the development of this new branch of the food industry in the second half of the twentieth century.

ARTIFICIAL FOOD PRODUCTS (artificial food), food products produced technically from natural food ingredients; the latter are obtained mainly from by-products of the processing of plant materials. Soy protein preparations (concentrates and isolates), as well as whey concentrates, are most often used as raw materials for the production of artificial food products. Soy protein concentrates are obtained by removing undesirable components by aqueous-alcoholic extraction soy flour(a by-product of soybean oil production), isolates - by alkaline extraction of defatted soybean flour followed by protein precipitation with acid. As a result, the protein concentration increases from 40-55% (by weight) to 70-72% and 90-95%, respectively. Whey concentrates are obtained by ultrafiltration. Artificial food products also include nutritional supplements: thickeners, gelling agents and other food hydrocolloids, flavorings, dyes and other components that make it possible to give the product the required technological and consumer properties. For increase nutritional value add vitamins, antioxidants, pre- and probiotics, dietary fiber and other ingredients. The main technological operations used in the manufacture of artificial food products are thermoplastic extrusion, emulsification, and gelation.

In the United States, research into the production of artificial foods has been carried out since the 1950s; The main objectives are to expand the scope of application and increase the market value of defatted soy flour. IN THE USSR similar works started in the 1960s on the initiative of academician A. N. Nesmeyanov with the goal of creating fundamentally new industrial technologies for food production, including those that make it possible to shorten the food chain. Partial replacement in the diet of meat products, plant-based and the use of proteins from green biomass, plankton, microbial biomass, etc. for human nutrition lead to a significant economic effect and allow a sharp increase in food resources, since a reduction in the food chain by one link causes a decrease in the consumption of nutrients and energy by approximately 10 times. Another important task is to obtain products with specified composition and properties, including for the prevention of chronic diseases (so-called functional foods), for dietary and therapeutic nutrition.

There are two types of artificial food products - combined products and analogues. The former are natural products containing artificially obtained ingredients. The most common minced meat products contain at least 20-25% (by weight) soy protein texture, obtained by thermoplastic extrusion of defatted soy flour, soy protein concentrates or mixtures thereof with isolates. Analogs imitate natural food products (for example, protein granular caviar is an analogue of sturgeon caviar). The most common analogues of dairy and meat products. The first, in particular, are intended for people with allergies to cow's milk(for example, in the USA, about 10% of children suffer from it). As analogues they are used as traditional soy milk, and emulsions, including dry ones, based on soy protein isolate.

Lit.: Tolstoguzov V.B. Artificial food products. M., 1978; aka. Economics of new forms of food production. M., 1986; aka. New forms of protein food. M., 1987; Messina M., Messina V., Setchell K. Ordinary soybeans and your health. Maikop, 1995; Plant protein: new perspectives / Edited by E. E. Braudo. M., 2000; Lishchenko V.F. World food problem: protein resources (1960-2005). M., 2006.

Hello, dear buyer!

We understand very well that most of our regular customers are busy, working people who, like us, are constantly short of time. Accordingly, you simply don’t have the strength to look for information (and for some reason in Russia today you really often need to look for it) which products that are sold today in our grocery stores are good for health and which are harmful, no time.

We do this professionally. Accordingly, it is not difficult for us to select the most authoritative sources and the most understandable presentation of information to the mass consumer, widely known and actively promoted today in the West, but (for obvious reasons) not particularly popular in the spontaneously commercialized modern Russia.

We offer you a small selection of articles about the so-called artificial products- surrogates for food products created artificially using the latest achievements of chemistry and high technology processing. In the West, such “food” is known as junk food or “junk food”.

National Nutrition Committees of the most economically developed Western countries
explanatory work is being carried out tirelessly that the biological value of such
products is zero, and use artificially created products in your
daily diet should not be, unless of course you want to have serious
health problems.

Every educated person in the West knows perfectly well that if milk is at room temperature
temperature has not turned into full-fledged yogurt within 24 hours, then this is not milk,
that real bread cannot be white, tender and airy, that natural juice is not
can be stored for more than three days, etc., etc.

There the state is forced to take care of the health of its citizens, because... he needs working hands and bright heads. What the chief state sanitary doctor of Russia does today and whose interests he defends, we all see and know perfectly well. Therefore, as usual, saving drowning people is
the work of the drowning people themselves!

Artificial food

In the coming years, food technologists (chemists and biologists) will please us artificially
created meat. Geneticists are confident that a piece of test tube pork will lead to food
revolution: people will begin to breed pigs and calves for aesthetic reasons, and meat
for cutlets, grow in layers in laboratory conditions from one single

More details:

Genetically modified Europe

Not long ago, the European Commission allowed the cultivation of genetically modified
potato. This means that artificial food has gained another bastion.
Will Russia also fall before its pressure? Or thanks to outdated but environmentally friendly
agricultural production methods, we will remain the only country with real milk,
meat and bread? Elena Sharoykina, director of the National
genetic safety associations.

More details:

Democratic catering

Delicious food today is most often an illusion. Food products created in laboratories
additives add taste and smell not only to popular soft drinks,
potato chips, cornflakes, ice cream, candy and toothpaste.
Chemists even deceive innocent dogs and cats into believing that
delicious meat pieces; artificial food really have
something to do with meat. In fact, their meat taste is the same
the very same thing as the frosty freshness of Tide or the pine aroma of some deodorant: the result of manipulation with chemical compounds. The process of making shaving cream is not much different from making strawberry ice cream. Yes, and they are made in the same

More details: 01.html

Who is junk food aimed at?

The main consumers of junk food are people who think little about their health,
always in a hurry and never on time. Children, sweet tooths, beer lovers, teenagers,
people with low socioeconomic status prefer fast food
cooking, junk food - chips, sweet carbonated drinks, noodles and
breakfasts instant cooking, cornflakes, cheeseburgers, hamburgers and
semi-finished products.

More details: page.php?id=100615

Fast food or artificial food

We gave restaurant visitors two dishes to try - with natural meat and
with food chemistry.

Only one visitor out of ten chose natural food. This happens because
Chemical food contains a flavor enhancer - monosodium glutamate.

More details:

Junk food makes kids stupid

British researchers believe that diets rich in fats, sugars and
processed foods leads to lower IQ levels in children.

According to a Bristol study involving hundreds of British children,
if the child's nutrition at the age of three was primarily based on
processed food, then when he turns 8.5 years old it will be reflected in the form
low IQ.

More details:


Maybe you shouldn’t continue these terrible experiments on your own body and
the health of loved ones and relatives, over the health and vitality of future
generations? After all, all these “epidemics of civilization” are direct
a consequence of humanity’s inadequate attitude towards what is eaten.

The body vitally needs complete grains and legumes, natural
milk, meat, fish, unpeeled vegetable oils, cabbage, beets, carrots,
apples, onions, garlic, etc., etc. Moreover, the less these products are processed
are exposed, the more understandable and beneficial they are for our digestion.

Natural products cannot (and should not) compete with industrial
surrogates for tenderness and brightness of tastes. They are completely uncompetitive as well
and according to shelf life and everyone else selling today any
"miracle product" qualities. But without them, alas, neither health nor
full functioning of the human body.

There is a solution: still spend time cooking! Already because the time spent on
treatment is usually longer, more expensive and much less interesting. Besides
However, it is already quite obvious that there is simply NO other way out.

Sincerely, Administration of the online store "Diamart".