Hockey pencil drawings. How to draw a hockey player with a pencil step by step. How to draw a hockey player. The final stage

Drawings on the theme of Hockey

I'll be honest right away: in a pictorial sense, the theme of "Hockey" is super complicated. Even just to portray a single hockey player is difficult - to convey the movement, perspective, to correctly observe the proportions of a human figure in hockey ammunition - in general, this is a difficult task.

But you don’t play hockey alone - it’s a team game. And so many new aspects are added here! Not just movement, but player interaction! Hockey players usually do not skate on the ice alone, but just huddled together, they catch their chance - the mutual obstruction of the pieces. Moreover, if you look at photos on the Internet, then, as a rule, there are fights - some players attack, others fall. O! But all this is happening in the future! - The hockey field gives a lot of room for promising reductions.

Actually, Hockey is from the "Drawing Sports" series, but I would refer to battle genre... Why am I saying all this - and the fact that it is not worth insisting on children to draw on such intricate topics. If a child himself is so impressed by this game that he draws episodes of the fight for the puck from memory, I repeat, by himself, then the flag is in his hands, or rather a pencil. But if children draw hockey in class because we have drawing-sports according to the program or winter fun, then such a game is not worth the candle. This is what one of the typical versions of children's drawings on this topic looks like. Do you recognize?

Pupil Drawing Hockey

I myself a year ago, having written an article, promised that we would draw the game itself. And the year was slowed down - the topic is complex, it is generally unclear how to take it. Well, given word I have to keep it - I drew a few pictures from photographs.

Hockey-themed drawing

Human figures in motion are shown, sticks in their hands ... but there is no hockey - there are few of them here. Such themes are within the reach of the masters of monumental painting.

I remember how one second grader who enthusiastically took up drawing Football, drew two gates, plotted a field ... drew two players standing with a pillar and - that's it.

And where are the teams?

The boy answers with hope: maybe two people - WILL LEAVE?

I understand this boy, well, he lacks the skill and experience of drawing for the topic chosen in the heat of the moment.

So it goes. Well, at least I learned a lesson for myself - not to draw team games at the existing skill level.

If you want to learn How to draw a goalkeeper with a pencil step by step, take a few simple steps.

Step 1. It is good to start this step by stretching the guidelines and shape of the goalkeeper starting with a circle around the shape of the head. You will then add the person's guidelines. Then you will draw the shape of the upper body of the goalkeeper and then add in the rectangular shapes for the legs and then on the shapes for the leg padding. Add guidelines for hands.

Step 2. You will start by stretching the detailing lines onto the hockey mask and then detailing the jersey shirt as seen here. You will then draw a line for the shape. Start by refining the leg padding and then skate padding as you see here.

Step 3. In this third step, all you have to do is sketch in detail and clarity on the legs of the padding and then add lines in the wrinkles and folds on the sleeves and then draw out the shape of the goalkeeper of the hockey stick. Give it hand outlines and then move on to the next step.

Step 4. Finally you got to the final step of the drawing and what you will do now is add the detail of the bar lines on the grill in the hockey mask. Once it's ready, add more wrinkle lines to the shirt, and then the rest of the definition lines on the protective pad that the hockey goalkeeper wears. Erase all the guidelines and shapes that you drew in step one.

Step 5. Once done, your drawing should look like the one you see here. All you have to do now is his favorite hockey team's color and you're done. What finishes off in this tutorial shows how to draw a hockey goalkeeper, step by step.

Hockey is a kind of sport, the meaning of which is as simple as a pack of chips: to push a rubber disc with a diameter of 7.6 centimeters into the opponent's goal using a wooden (or plastic) stick by all legal and not very methods. This whole circus takes place in the ice arena. Athletes are also allowed for the fun of the audience to shove each other with clubs, beat the opponent in the belly with all their foolishness, or knock anyone down, including their comrades. As a punishment for this, the villain will receive two minutes of a fine, well, a maximum of ten. But the people will be pleased. There are also cheerleaders for the amusement of mere mortals. Who wants to draw a Cheerleader see a separate lesson (click here). Returning to the story about hockey, the equipment of athletes should also be noted. This is a specially designed armor to protect important parts of the body from damage caused by all sorts of ways, of which there are many in hockey. That's all of the above, we now have to draw. Be patient and get down to business!

How to draw a hockey player with a pencil step by step

Step one.
Step two.
Step three.
Step four.
Step five. Don't forget to send me new ideas for writing lessons. I did more drawing lessons for you in other sports, look.

Hockey is a game for real men. But if you still can't stand firmly on your feet and own a stick, then you can just draw a handsome hockey player. Who knows, maybe your kid will play for the national team of our country at one of the world championships in many years. Let's see how to draw a hockey player using the available pencil sketching techniques. We will be portraying an athlete with and with a hockey stick.

Draw the base

Of course, to understand how to draw a hockey player in motion, you need to be very patient. First you need to imagine how a person is rolling on skates. If you know how to do this, you can easily complete this simple exercise. Suppose that the supporting leg will be the left, then it will be necessary to depict it slightly bent, and the body of the body will need to be moved forward, to the left. The right leg will be straightened. Let's start by drawing three main details - the basic parts of the head, torso and legs. Draw an oval - this will be the basis of our future helmet. Next, draw a jagged, inverted triangle whose base starts at the middle of the oval. Round off the top of the triangle. This will be the base of the torso, more precisely, the hockey player's chest. It remains to outline the location of the legs. We will do this by drawing the athlete's shorts. Do not forget that the jogging leg is on the left, which means that it will be visually smaller, and therefore we draw the shorts, lengthening their right side.

Draw the outlines of the head and torso

This stage of the drawing is the most difficult. To understand how to draw a hockey player in stages, you need to observe all proportions. Start sketching out the details of the helmet. To do this, outline the grid by drawing an even lattice. Now start drawing the hands. Remember that you will have a golf club in your hands. Imagine a hockey player holding this sporting attribute. His left hand is holding the club at the bottom, it is straightened, and his right hand is bent and holding the club at the top. So, to draw the arms correctly, start at the top of the arms. We direct the right forearm to the side, and press the left forearm closer to the body. Now we draw the hockey gloves. Left hand will hold the club at the bottom, which means it is turned outward. It is necessary to draw a grip with a brush, that is, fingers should be visible. Draw the wrist part of the right hand at an angle in relation to the forearm. The grip of the hand is directed inward, that is, the hand is visible from the outside. We finish this stage by drawing a hockey stick.

Draw the contours of the legs

Now it becomes almost clear how to draw a hockey player with a pencil. Next, we begin to draw the legs. Our left leg is bent and directed slightly back. Therefore, we draw it a little smaller. The right leg is straightened, visually it is larger, so we lengthen its contours. It remains to draw the skates. To do this, draw an irregular oval at the base of each leg. We position it so that the socks of the feet look in different directions. Now we paint on the blade and laces. It has already become quite clear how to draw a hockey player. There is very little left.

Erasing the details

Now it remains to remove unnecessary details, erasing them with an eraser. Further, the contour of the hockey player can be drawn with great pressure, confidently drawing all the small details. If you explained everything correctly to your kid, then now he knows exactly how to draw a hockey player with a pencil. Finally, you can use felt-tip pens or paints to make the work look even more impressive. Use red and white shades to depict the defender of the Russian gate. This pattern can be hung in a prominent place to remind your little one of his dream.

Our site is called DrawingForAll for a reason, because here we publish drawing lessons for both beginners and those who are good at drawing. And today we decided to make a realistic drawing lesson for those who already know how to draw, and, as you might have guessed, today we will show how to draw a hockey player .

Step 1

We start drawing from a fairly standard step - by drawing the skeleton of our character. First of all, we sketch out the head and the line of the spine, on the sketch of the arms and legs. As you can see, we have attracted a hockey player who is slightly inclined to convey his dynamics of movement. By the way, don't forget that the first three steps should be drawn with very light lines.

Step 2

Now we need to make our character more voluminous. First sketch out the outlines of the neck and torso. After that, we draw the arms and legs using simple geometric shapes such as circles and cylinders. At the same stage, we will draw two lines on the head, with the help of which in the future we will draw the details of the face. As in the previous step, use very light lines.

Step 3

We continue to use very light lines. Here we will add the most basic details. Starting with the head, sketch out the outlines of the details of the face and helmet. Next, outline the outerwear with huge shoulders. Please note that a hockey player's clothing should be very voluminous and massive. In the same step, we will outline the hockey stick and skates.

Step 4

From this step on, we will use clear and dark lines to draw the details of the hockey player. Let's start with the head, gently drawing out the outline of the rounded helmet. Next, sketch out the outlines of the eyes, nose, eyebrows and mouth. At the end of this step, we draw out the outlines of the face and remove unnecessary guidelines from the head.

Step 5

So now let's move on to the hockey player's torso. This step will be pretty simple. Using clear and dark lines, carefully draw out the outlines of the outerwear, drawing all the lines and folds as shown in our example. Please note that the folds should be in the areas of compression and stretch of the fabric.

Step 6

We continue to draw upper part hockey player. Here we will need to draw the outlines of the weapon using clear and dark lines. Pull out your sleeves and oversized hockey gloves first. In the hands of the hockey player, gently pull the stick out. By the way, don't forget to remove all unnecessary guidelines from the upper body.

Step 7

The hockey player's upper body is ready, now it's time to work with bottom body. Here we will first draw out the outlines of the shorts and pants under the shorts. Next, we go down below and carefully draw out the outlines of massive skates. Finally remove all unnecessary guidelines from the drawing and proceed to the last step of the lesson about how to draw a hockey player .

Step 9

It's time to work with the shadows up. To draw the shadows correctly, first imagine where the light is coming from. Further, taking this into account, carefully draw out the outlines of the shadows and color them with hatching. For darker shading, you can add another layer of shading, and for lighter shadows, just use a lighter shading.

As you may have noticed, this tutorial was quite difficult, but at the end of the tutorial we got a realistic drawing of a hockey player. If you want more drawing lessons like this, then post our category under the name "People" and subscribe to us at social networks, so as not to miss any new DrawingForAll lesson.