Windows 7 hotkeys to flip the screen. How to rotate the screen on a laptop using the keyboard? How to flip the screen on a laptop using hotkeys

Accidental screen rotation is a very common problem. Agree that it is inconvenient to work when the screen is turned over, say, 90 degrees. In this article, you will learn how to flip the screen of a computer or laptop using a key combination on the keyboard.

Hotkeys for screen rotation

If the screen of your laptop or computer accidentally turns over, then the fastest and easiest way to return it to its original position is to use a special combination of buttons. For all devices this combination is the same - “CTRL”+”ALT”+”Up Arrow”.

Keyboard buttons to rotate the screen to its original position

In order to rotate the screen 90 degrees, you need to press the combination - “CTRL”+”ALT”+”Right arrow”.

Keyboard buttons to rotate the screen 90 degrees

To rotate 180 degrees - “CTRL”+”ALT”+”Down Arrow”.

Keyboard buttons to rotate the screen 180 degrees

And to rotate the screen 270 degrees - “CTRL”+”ALT”+”Left Arrow”.

Keyboard buttons to rotate the screen 270 degrees

The correct way to use this key combination is as follows: First, hold down “CTRL”+”ALT”, and then without releasing their arrow key.

It is worth noting that these screen rotation hotkeys may not work if the driver is missing.

Rotate the screen through its properties

In order to turn the screen over through properties, you need to right-click on any free space on the desktop and select “ Personalization“.

Screen properties

After that, in the upper left corner select “ Setting the screen resolution“.

Setting the screen resolution

Rotate the screen in its properties

In line " Orientation” select the desired option:

  • Landscape– without rotation, standard position;
  • Portrait– rotation 270 degrees;
  • Landscape(upside down)– turn 180 degrees;
  • Portrait(inverted)– turn 90 degrees.

The last thing to do is agree to the changes by clicking “ok” and “save” in the appropriate windows.

These are the ways you can easily flip the screen of your computer or laptop.

Yesterday one lady came running. "Guard" - the desktop screen turned over.

The lady is the owner of a small netbook, she never lets go of the netbook, and it does everything for her: she reads books, watches movies, communicates with friends. And then turn your head to see what is written there.
By the way, the layout of the keys on the keyboard of some netbooks, in my opinion, is not very convenient.
Sometimes the user presses and holds the so-called “hot keys”, as a result of which the video card flips the image by 90* or 180*.
You can fix this problem using the settings of the video card itself (depending on the type) - “select either NVIDIA Control Panel or ATI Catalist Center and there in the settings you look for Rotate Display and there you indicate how many degrees you need to rotate the screen so that everything is on place"

A you can use the keys (which is much easier and more convenient)

Ctrl(Strg) + Alt + Down Arrow
Ctrl(Strg) + Alt + Up Arrow - flip the screen to reverse side

Useful keyboard shortcuts Ctrl(Strg)

Ctrl + N - create new ( file, window, tab - depends on the application);
Ctrl+S - save;
Ctrl+O - open;
Ctrl+P - print;
Ctrl+Z - undo the last action, for example, deleting text;
Ctrl+A - select all ( all text, all files, etc.);
Ctrl+F - find ( for example, find a word in a text);
Ctrl+F4 - close a window, tab, etc.;

Ctrl + Alt + Delete - call the task manager or Windows security window;
Ctrl + Shift + Escape (only works on Windows XP) - call the task manager ( in the early Windows versions the combination Ctrl + Escape was used);
Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow - turn the screen 180 degrees;
Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow - turn the screen in the opposite direction;
Ctrl+Tab - switch between running applications or open windows;
Ctrl + Shift + Tab - switches between running applications or open windows in the opposite direction.

How to rotate the screen. Windows 7 (maybe useful)

In the new Windows 7 operating system, users, in addition to the usual Windows features, may encounter new features that they have not seen before, but which may in some cases prove useful. One of the new features provided new system- this is changing the orientation of the screen and rotating it 90 or 180 degrees.. If you work on a dual-monitor system or explore texts and sites that are too long for constant scrolling, then the skill of rotating the screen can greatly facilitate your work.

Right-click on your desktop and click "Screen Resolution" in the context menu. In the “Screen” line you will see the type of your monitor; in the “Resolution” line you can adjust the screen resolution by increasing or decreasing it according to your needs and the capabilities of the video card.

By default, the screen is configured in landscape (portrait) orientation. In the list of orientations you can select various settings Screen rotation - you can rotate the screen 90, 270 and 180 degrees.

If you're using two monitors, you'll see two screens displayed at the top of the window, highlighted by numbers 1 and 2. If you don't have a second monitor installed, you'll see "No other screen detected."

In addition, you can rotate the desktop to its usual position using ordinary Windows hotkeys. Press the Ctrl and Alt keys simultaneously, and then press the up arrow or down arrow key on your keyboard. One press of the arrow rotates the screen 90 degrees.

How to turn the screen on a laptop using key combinations and more, we’ll tell you all the secrets! Modern laptops have built-in functionality that allows you to flip the image on the display. However, the vast majority of users do not need this. There are often cases when, contrary to the user’s wishes, the image is flipped 90 or 180 degrees, which makes working on the computer almost impossible. In such cases, users wonder what to do if the screen on the laptop is upside down? Returning the image to the classic position on the display is quite simple if you strictly follow the instructions.

In this article we will provide comprehensive information about all available ways Rotate images on the monitor on various laptops and operating systems.

Some modern laptops with Windows OS have a hotkey combination, but we’ll talk about how to flip the screen on a laptop using the keyboard a little later. If the screen rotates while moving or tilting the computer, then it may have a built-in accelerometer and the automatic picture rotation function is active. In this case, you need to rotate the laptop 180 degrees again, then return it to its normal position - the image should automatically take on the optimal orientation.

You can change the display orientation in the screen resolution settings menu, which can be accessed in the “All settings” - “System” - “Screen” window. You can get to this menu using the built-in search in the Start menu or through the context menu directly from the desktop. In the "Orientation" drop-down list, you must select "Landscape" - this will return the display to the classic view.

How to flip the screen in Windows 8

The Windows 8 operating system has a similar interface to Windows 10. You can change the image orientation in the screen settings window. If the interface is configured in desktop display mode, then you can get to the display parameter page by calling the context menu - right-clicking on a free area of ​​the desktop.

Flip screen on Windows 7 laptop

To get to the display settings page on the desktop, you need to select “Screen Resolution” in the context menu, and then change the “Orientation” parameter to “Landscape”.

Flip screen - key combinations (hot keys)

IN operating system Often there are hotkey combinations that can be used to quickly change the orientation of the image on the display. Let us immediately warn you that this method is not suitable for all laptops. If this method did not have any effect, then you need to try other methods described in the article.

To give the image the desired orientation, you need to press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + the arrow of the desired direction of rotation, in our case - down. There is no need to open settings windows.

Flip the screen on your computer using video card drivers

ATI and nVidia video cards have their own drivers from the manufacturer and a special utility for fine-tuning the video adapter operating mode settings. You can open the utility from the control panel or “Settings” (for Windows 8, 10). You can also open the settings window through the program’s context menu from hidden tray icons. But if the utility is not in startup, then its icon will not appear on the taskbar. In the nVidia or ATI control panel window, you need to go to the “Display” - “Display Rotation” section, where you can select the desired orientation of the picture on the screen (landscape).

Flip the screen using special programs

There are special utilities that allow you to quickly rotate images on the display, for example - iRotate. After installing this program, by calling the program's context menu from the tray, you can quickly change the orientation of the picture to the desired one. However, there are no such applications as standard in Windows, and you can rotate the display using the control panel, the video card settings window, or even using a key combination.

Such utilities will be useful for those who often change the screen orientation, for example, during presentations using a projector or for using a laptop as an e-book reader.

EEERotate- a simple utility with which you can quickly rotate the image on the display; there is also a component for changing the orientation of the touchpad to side control. Another convenient utility is the Pivot Pro program, which allows you to configure monitor parameters - picture orientation, color depth, resolution, etc. There is support for hot keys. The program is capable of rotating the image on several connected monitors and automatically adjusting the window size of launched applications.

We've covered everything possible ways, now you should not have any questions about how to turn the screen on your computer. First, try changing the display orientation using a hotkey combination; if this does not help, you will have to open the display settings or the video card settings program.

Laptops today have quite a lot of built-in capabilities, including flipping the picture on the monitor. ? Often sudden cases occur when the user, without his intervention, changes the angle of inclination by 180 or 90 degrees, people ask similar questions. In fact, returning the screen image to its original position is very simple. The main thing is to know the location of the hot buttons on the keyboard device.

To go to the required settings page, you need to right-click on the main screen. Next, a context menu will open in which you need to select one of the “screen resolution” options. Next you need to find and change “Orientation” to “Landscape”.

The next step is to change using a key combination. In the OS (operating system), special hotkeys always work. Thanks to them, you can instantly change the rotation of the image on the company’s laptop screen Asus (asus),Acer (acer) either another company or even a desktop computer. Attention! This method is not suitable for all laptops. If it does not give you results, pay attention to other methods in our article.

Windows7, keyboard shortcut? So, in order for the picture to acquire a standard position, you need to press the CTRL key and hold the ALT key together with the arrow. The choice of arrow depends on which direction the image will rotate, in in this case, you need to select the up arrow. In the same way you can rotate the image like 90 degrees, and 180. This method works without any settings or anything else.

Go ahead. Flip the screen by reconfiguring the driver characteristics for the video adapter. Since NVIDIA and ATI video cards develop different drivers for their own devices, they have their own programs for convenient use and configuration of video card parameters. You can open them from using the “control panel” or “settings” on Windows 8.1 and 10. Or you can open this window using the menu settings. Which is often hidden in the tray (a set of icons located in the lower right corner of the screen, to the left of the clock).

However, if the program does not start when the OS starts, then it will not be there. Next, in the driver control panel, you need to go to the “Display” section and find “display rotation” there. Choose landscape orientation and enjoy the result.

You can also flip the screen using certain programs that allow you to instantly rotate the image on the screen. One such program is iRorate. As soon as you complete its installation, the program should appear in the tray. And you can very quickly change the angle of the image as you please. Immediately after installing Windows OS, these programs will not be installed.

Such programs are simply necessary for people who need to frequently change the angle of the image. For example, for those who often give presentations and use a projector. Or use a laptop as a book and turn it 90 degrees.

EEERotate is a simple program, just for our purposes. Provides very fast and convenient image rotation; it contains an element that allows you to change the orientation of the touchpad to side control.

There is another interesting program– Pivot Pro. It performs all the same functions as the previous one, but without changing the touchpad. However, it is able to adjust the color depth and screen resolution. The program has a list of hot keys. And most importantly, it can flip the image on several monitors at once. You can also independently edit the size of application windows.

This OS is very similar to Windows 10 in interface. How to flip the screen on a laptopWindows 8 ? You can easily change the image angle in the screen settings. If the interface is selected in desktop display mode, then you can get to the settings by calling a special menu by right-clicking on an empty area of ​​the desktop.

Let's talk about a very common problem. For most users, the webcam image is upside down on Skype, or other programs after you have reinstalled the OS or reinstalled the drivers. Let's try to consider a solution to this problem.

In cases where the reason is upside down video This is a driver failure, which means that:

  • after installing the OS, the drivers were installed automatically;
  • you installed the driver not specifically for this device or laptop camera using a driver assembly (driver pack).

To determine the required driver for a specific webcam, you need to open the device manager, how do you go there? In the search menu located in Start, enter “device manager”. Next, look for your camera, it should be located in the “image processing devices” section, click on it and go to “properties”.

After this, you need to open the “driver” tab in the window and look at the installation source, as well as the development date. If the date indicated is old, and the supplier is Microsoft, most likely the source of your problems lies with them. Install a special driver created for your webcam.

How to set up a webcam? The most basic way for the average user is to go into its settings, but how? Open a Skype window. There is a panel at the top, select the “tools” section. Next is “settings”, even further “video settings”. Then select “webcam settings”. Finally, after so many steps taken, a window with settings will appear in front of you. There you can change the tilt angle and flip the image as you please.

How to flip the screen on a Windows 10 laptop keyboard shortcut

And so, if on your Acer, Asus, Lenovo, or other laptop on Windows 10, except for the MacBook, of course, it runs on Mac OS, there is mention of Intel, and a large number of laptops run on this particular chip, then you can do absolutely anything with the picture that the video adapter gives you.

How to flip the screen on a laptopWindows10, key combination This is exactly the most common one today:

  • CTRL key combined with ALT key plus up arrow - gives you a standard view of the image;
  • the same keys and the down arrow - the screen will flip 180 degrees, reading will be a little difficult, but you can do it;
  • the previous combination and the left arrow - the images, surprisingly, will rotate to the left by 90 degrees;
  • plus an arrow to the right - it’s very difficult to guess, that’s why we’ll say the picture will rotate 90 degrees to the right.

Laptops are different, and of course the sets of such “hot keys” may differ from each other, but not critically. In the previous section, we have already described the most used ones that you can find in any laptop if it is built with a chipset from Intel. But the problem is that they don't work on AMD chipsets.

So, if you have a laptop that mentions Intel Inside, use the keyboard shortcut from the previous section. Because it will be the easiest. But even such functions may not work if the OS is installed with a package of old drivers that were included in the assembly during installation.

How to use hotkeys on any computer? To do this, you need to go to driver management. Next, by clicking “options and support,” you can either disable hotkeys altogether, if they existed. Or enable and configure as you wish.

In the article, we reviewed the most popular ways to flip an image on a monitor; we hope no one has any additional questions. First of all, try to change the image using “hot keys” - it won’t work, use other methods.

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Very often, many laptop and netbook users encounter a problem when the image on the monitor screen is turned upside down by 90 or 180 degrees. At the same time, due to confusion, people begin to look for an answer to the question of how to turn the screen on a laptop to its initial state. As a rule, the image on the screen turns upside down, not due to a breakdown of the computer’s video card, as many users believe, but due to inaccurate pressing of hot keys on the keyboard. Perhaps a cat was walking on it, a child was playing and tapped on the keyboard, or the keyboard is faulty and the keys are triggering spontaneously. IN general solution The problem is quite simple and you and I will need to perform some actions to return the monitor image to its original form.

How to flip the screen on a laptop using system hotkeys?

In order to flip the image on the monitor, there are special hot keys. Let's look at what combinations you need to press.

As a rule, to solve the problem of how to flip the screen on a laptop, pressing a keyboard shortcut helps Ctrl+Alt+Space Up Arrow, if this action does not return the screen orientation to the desired state, then we try all combinations.

Note! In order to completely disable hot keys, when pressed, the screen will turn over, you need to right-click on the desktop, select “Graphics Options” - “Hot Keys” and set the operation status to “Disable”

Disable screen rotation in Intel Graphics settings.

Sometimes it happens that the method described above does not allow you to answer the question of how to flip the screen on a laptop, since the key combinations differ from the system ones. In this case, most likely, the Intel graphics settings contain other hotkey combinations to control the video adapter settings. Therefore, we will turn them off now, so as not to fall into the trap of an upside-down screen in the future. To disable the settings, perform the following steps:

Advice! In order not to disable this function, you can set the correct key combinations that will be used to rotate the screen. To do this, enter in the appropriate fields necessary names buttons, as indicated in the previous paragraph.

As you can see, all the settings in this paragraph come down to correctly setting up the hotkey combinations that are set in the Intel Graphics Control Panel or disabling this function.

Flip your monitor screen using Windows settings.

IN system settings operating room Windows systems, there is also a screen rotation function, so let's use these settings and try to solve our problem. In order to figure out how to flip the screen on a laptop using Windows. You and I need to do the following:

If the above methods do not help.

Sometimes there are cases when the above methods do not help or the user cannot understand how to perform them correctly, then you can try using the Windows System Restore function. Thus, we can roll back to those operating system settings when the monitor screen was not upside down.

In order to perform a system restore, you need to open “Start” - “Control Panel” - “Recovery” - “Run System Restore”.

After this, select the date to which you want to roll back the settings and start the recovery process. Once the system is restored, the screen position should return to the correct position.

The most extreme option, which will 100% solve the problem of how to flip the screen on a laptop, is to reinstall the operating system. But this is the very last option if others do not help.

Let's summarize.

As you can see, if you are faced with the problem of how to flip the screen on a laptop, then in many cases you can solve it yourself without resorting to the help of specialists. In most cases, the problem lies in incorrectly pressed hotkeys. But if the problem lies deeper, then reinstalling the operating system will help.