Floor Philosophy and Love Berdyaev. Nikolay Berdyaev "Floor and Love Metaphysics. Self-knowledge (collection). Floor metaphysics and love1 Head from a book representing the "experience of religious philosophy of the public"

ON THE.Berdyaev

Metaphysics of Floor and Love

The issue of sex and love has central meaning For the whole of our religious and philosophical and religious and social world. The main disadvantage of all social theories is smooth, and often hypocritical ignoring the source of life, the perpetrator of the whole human history - sexual love. The secret of breaking in the world and the mystery of any compound is connected with the floor and love; The mystery of individuality and immortality is also connected with sex and love. This is a painful question for every creature, for all people it is also immensely important, as is the question of maintaining life and death. This is a damned, world question, and everyone is trying in privacy, thoroughly hiding, pulling and having exactly the shame, overcome the tragedy of sex and love, defeat the sexual separation of the world, this basis for all separation, the last of people is trying to love, at least in the animal. And the conspiracy of silence about this question is striking, they write so little about it, they say so little, so little detect their experiences in this area, hide what should have been able to get a general and world decision. (In modernist literary and artistic circles, the floor questions are now very fashionable, they talk a lot about Eros, but the fashion and conversations are more likely to prevent the Universal, religious solution to the issue.) This is an intimate question, the most intimate of all. But where did it become known that intimate does not have a worldwide value, should not float on the surface of the story, should be buried somewhere in underground? The disgusting lie of the culture, now becoming unbearable: about the most important, deeply affecting us, it is believed to be silent, it is not clear about everything too intimate; Open your soul, to discover what she lives, is considered indecent, almost scandalous. And in everyday life with people and in public activitiesAnd in the literature is ordered to speak only about the so-called commonly cube, generalized, legalized for everyone, adopted. The violation of these rules is now called decadency, they used to be called romanticism. But all the true great, ingenious, holy in human life was created by intimacy and sincerity, which won the convention, mystical exposure of the very depths of the soul. Indeed, in the intimate depth of the soul always lies with something universal, more universal than on the generally accepted surface. Any new religious teaching and new prophecy was first intimate, born in an intimate depth, in a mystical element, and then the world was discovered and won. What could be an intimate of the religion of Christ, as indecent and not necessarily it was for the pagan world, everything that Christ said, followed by a small handful of people, but this religion was made by the Center for World History. True, it is still considered not obligatory, too intimate what Christ spoke, and still considered to be incomprehensible and indecent to remember Christ and the words of him when it comes to life, practical issues. All creativity of culture is only objectification, the global generalization of the subjectively intimate, which has been in a hidden, mysterious depth. The issue of sex and love somehow was not particularly lucky, he was driven underground, and only fiction reflected what was accumulated in the human soul, found intimate experience. (Pornographic literature played a sad role in the fate of the Floor Problems.) It can be seen, there were deep reasons for which this question could still get universal solution . But the modern religious crisis requires the solution of this issue; The religious issue is now closely connected with Paul and Love. A mystical experience has accumulated around Paul and Love, which still remains chaotic and needs religious lighting. People of the new mystical experience and new religious consciousness require that the most intimate was from now rendered to the universal historical path, found in it and determined it. Over Rozanov, they laugh or indignant from a moral point of view, but the merits of this person are huge and will be assessed only later. He was the first with unprecedented courage violated the conditional, false silence, loudly, with an inimitable talent, said that all people were felt, but tali in themselves, discovered universal flour. They say, Rozanov - Sex Psychopath, Eotoman. The question is rather a medical, rather than literary, and I consider unworthy conversation on this topic, but the main thing is that all people are, all people without exception, in a certain sense, genital psychopaths and erootomans. Some literary moralist pushes Rosanov for the fact that he is so openly writes about the problem of sex, so much talks about the sexual matter, it is preserved on this issue. But it is very possible that this moralist in literature, in life himself is preserved on the same thing that the sexual question and for him the most painful and the main thing that he many times more Eotoman than Rosanov, but he considers indecent, to find it, prefers to write On the general detailed right, although this question is so commonly obligatory, internally uninteresting for him, a thousand times less important than the issue of sex. This I call the hypocrisy, a conditioned literary lie, over which Rozanov courageously managed to rise. Rozanov with brilliant frankness and sincerity stated in all that the sexual question is the most important thing in life, the main life question, no less important than the so-called social, legal, educational and other generally accepted issues that have been sanctioned that this question lies much deeper Family forms and radically connected with the religion that all religions around the floor were formed and developed, since the sexual question is the question of life and death. All people, I argue that, without exception, people in the depths of their being feel what Rosanov said loudly, everyone agrees with Rozanov in the formulation of the issue (I am not talking about his final decision) and everyone considers it to be a long-term . Only a stupid or crazy person can deny the central, religious importance of the Floor Problem; After all, everyone secretly tormented by this problem, he fought over her decision for himself, suffered from this flour of sex trample, dreamed of love, everyone knows that recognized truth that all almost tragedies in life are connected with Paul and Love. Everyone knows that all our vitality is connected with the floor that sexual excitement is ecstatic and creative. What is so ridiculous or immoral "obstruction" Rosanova on the problem of gender? True, he lacks the feelings of aesthetic measure, but most of our journal and newspaper accusers are not at all experts on aesthetic extent. It is necessary to defeat false species and hypocritical hypocris in the question of sex, otherwise mankind threatens death from underground secrets of the floor, from the inner anarchy of the floor, covered by external above it violence. The appearance of Rosanova is a serious warning. The chaotic floor has a lot of disasters caused humanity and prepares distress even big. Humanity should finally deliberately and seriously treat his floor, to the source of his life, stop dirty winks when it comes to the part of the floor. Christianity did not transforce the floor, did not know the sexual flesh, on the contrary, it finally made the floor chaotic, poisoned him. The demonism of the floor is like the reverse side of the Christian sex curse. Mighty sexual love was driven inside, as she was denied a blessing, turned into a painful tomression, not leaving us and so far. Ascetic Christian teaching admits sexual love only as a weakness of sinful human nature. So there remained sexual love weakness, shame, almost mud. The tragic Christian faith has long been dead in human hearts, ceased to determine european CultureAnd Christian superstitions relative to the floor still live, also poison the blood of our unbearable dualism. We almost reconciled that Paul sinwood, that the joy of sexual love is the unclean joy that creature is dirty, and we calmly continue to sin, indulge in unclean joys and dirty solvents, since we are de, weak people, do not achieve ideal . We shame sexual love, hiding with her, do not admit to your experiences. It is amazing that the anti-Christian and anti-religious consciousness of our time is close in other respects, in its splitness, in false asceticity, to medieval Christianity, although it is infinitely far from Christ and devoid of medieval tragedy. People of our time do not believe in the joy of heaven and do not even twist across the sky, but the joy of earthly, the joy of sexual love remains without blessing. The floor for people of our time is also demonic as the Middle Ages. Take for example, at least pshibyshevsky, poisoned by the demonism of the floor, the curse of the floor. Yes, and all the almost new literature writes about how the floor is demonic, as can not cope with him modern man . Truly, the tragedy of the floor is the worst in life, and sexual love cannot be left to the arbitrary of fate; She needs a religious sanctification and religious organization. The words of Christ about the field and love remained not understood, not accommodated, and the floor fell out of the dominant Christian consciousness, became the property of esoteric teachings, the dominant religious consciousness set the problem of the floor dependence on the vulgar dualism of the spirit and flesh, tied it with the sinfulness of the flesh, and it was Not only moral, software and metaphysical error. After all, the flesh is as metaphysical and transcendent, as well as the Spirit, and the carnal sexual love has transcendentally metaphysical roots. (See my article "On the new religious consciousness" in the collection: "SUB SPECIE AETERNITATIS".) The so-called Christian family is a hypocritical lie, a pagan compromise similar to the "Christian state". Chaos of the floor is as raging under the cover of the family, as he raged in the blood of medieval hermits. All Rozans have a reaction to the Christian poison of the floor, the restoration of the initial holiness of the floor. Outside of Christianity, out of the tireless struggle against Christian asceticism of Rozanov is unthinkable, it does not have Raison D "être. With the floor connected for Rosanov; Christianity, hostile sex, for him - synonymous for the religion of death, and therefore hateful. Rozanov wants to return to that religious state, which was before the phenomenon of Christ in the world, to the ancient pagan religions, to the religion of birth, to the religion of Babylon in the advantage. But he forgets that not Christianity was invented by the tragedy of the floor and the tragedy of death, that the phenomenon of Christ was that was inevitable that the global The stories lay this tragedy that the ancient world with the great culture was died so tragically, so it was aimed at him. The positive doctrine of Rosanov is buried by the Christian period of history as an evil misunderstanding and nonsense, and calls back, to the primitive Correction of the genus. Rosanov still mixes the floor with only sees the floor of the referring, does not understand the deep inner antagonism between the statement of sex and birth, does not notice two elements Paul - the elements of the personal and elements of the generic. That is why Rozanov can not find creative solutions to the floor. In the history of world philosophy, I only know two great teachings about the field and love: the teaching of Plato and Vl. Solovyov. "PIR" Plato and the "meaning of love" ll. Solovyov is the deepest, most heartfelt from everything that was written by people on this topic. Plato lived to the phenomenon of Christ into the world, but the post is already a tragedy of individuality, already felt longing for the transcendental and transcelled the power of the Divine Eros, an intermediary between the world with the world and the world. For the teachings of Plato, clothed in mythological form, the floor is the result of a break in the original, uniform and mighty human nature, the disintegration of individuality into two halves, Love is a teenage desire for reunification into a whole personality, the desire of each half, each floor to find its own half, its other Paul, mysterious attraction to what restores individuality. Plato comprehected with a brilliant, divine power. The difference between Aphrodite Heaven and Aphrodite is commonless, the love of the Divine, personal, leading to individual immortality, and the love of vulgar, impersonal, natural, natural. In the Aphrodite of the Heavenly Plato, the breath of the Christian Eros, the mysterious and for this, of the medieval romanticism and the deepest, possible only after Christ, the teachings of Vl. Solovyov about love as a path to individual immortality. Vl. Solovyov sets the opposite between individuality and native. Love is a generic, born, crushing personality there is a vulgar age for him, subordination of natural necessity. True love is always personal, conquers eternity, individual immortality; It does not shift individuality in birth, but leads to the completeness of the perfection of individuality. In all the creed of VL. Solovyov Central Place is occupied by the cult of eternal femininity, love for God in a concrete form of love for the "beautiful lady". Rejecting genus and birth, ll. Solovyov at the same time calls "impotent moralism" a preaching of an infrequent, ascetic love. In this ll. Solovyov belongs to a new religious consciousness, suitable for a new religious doctrine of love, but does not reach the end. He is our direct predecessor.

Two hostile metaphysical principles are struggling in the world - personal and generic. And the problem of sex and love should be delivered to the struggle of these two began, now exacerbated and revealed. The difficulty of all questions related to sexual love is that in the world history of sexual love, two opposing starts are closely intertwined - love personal and love is generic, strength over-natural, divine and power of natural, empirical connectedness. Too often mix the floor with a family, love with a generic instinct. But in kind and childbirth, there is nothing personal, individual, nothing even human, it is a natural element, the same in all people and the common human world with the world of animals. Love as an individual election, as a peculiar attraction of floors, distinguishing not only a person from animals, but also of each person from other people, the Divine Eros is not and can not be in the elements of the kind. The so-called generic love and generic statement of the floor is somewhat humiliate a person, which gives human's face to the power of impersonal natural poems, the personality is here in the possession of the destroying natural necessity. Biology establishes inverse proportionality between fertility and individuality. If the organic forces go to continue the genus, they naturally decrease to create perfect individuality. This biological truth has a deeper metaphysical basis. There is a dilemma: or the creation of completely eternal individuality, or crushing the individuality and the creation of many imperfect and mortal individualities. A person is unable to become a person, individuality, to achieve perfection and eternity, and therefore, as if he transmits to the offspring to its further improvement, in the birth, the flour of unfulfilled individuality, an irresistible break, unreasonable eternity. Generic sexual love shares individuality, strives for immortality of the genus, to the creation of many imperfect creatures, and not one perfect being, to bad infinity, to the eternal return. True love, overcoming the floor, must direct all human energy inside and deep into eternity, and not beast and forth in time. This false cult of the future was connected with the generic floor, this false progressiveness. Birth and death - one nature, have one source. Heraklit has already taught that Gades and Dionysis are the same God. Both birth and death are equally - world decay products, children of time, the kingdom of the world in the world. Genesis that fell from its source and makes sense, first of all temporary, stretches into a chronological row, in which the eternal shift of birth and death, poor infinity. No essential of the spoiled world is not forever, all parts of the world, all the states of the world are temporary, damn. When it was said to give birth in flour, it was said and dying, to produce imperfection and death in the world under the law of natural necessity. Birth is already the beginning of death: This truth is confirmed by the experience of all of nature and is too obvious. The birth according to the very essence of its own crushing of individuality, the semiconductor of it on the part, there is a sign that individuality cannot achieve perfection and eternity and how it would be proposed to continue the case of improvement, as if replaces the achievement of a single success in eternity to multiple time . Generic principle and love for the continuation of the kind are the products of mortality and spoilness of nature and, at the same time, strengthening and legalizing mortality, triumph of the law. Generic sexual love is apparent, illusory overcoming the break of the floors; Unified and complete, perfect and eternal individuality in it is not achieved. Paul avenue in the elements of the kind is made toy impersonal natural power , never resolving this tomation, and infinitely continuing in time, in new and new forms. There is a native, non-empirical only, and the metaphysical opposite, between the floor and love and birth and birth. To assert the floor in love is to assert the completeness and perfection of individuality, conquer eternity, good infinity; To approve the element of the genus in the genital instinct - it means to crush the individuality, conquer imperfect and mortal in time, bad infinity. Tomorrow Floor and the Mystery of Love - in the thirst to overcome the tragic breakdown of the sexes, mystical merger to achieve ever-perfect individuality. Perfect individuality does not give rise and does not die, does not create any subsequent mig. When they say: "Stop, a moment, you are fine!", That they want to say that the wonderful in his perfection should not give birth to something else, should remain forever that only the not enough and perfect moment should be replaced by others. The perfect world should not continue in something else, should not give birth to anything, it remains for eternity, remains himself. All the perfect and immense-beautiful is the doctrine of eternity, it does not crush, does not continue in the birth of imperfect parts. Generic sexual love is, applying Plato terminology, vulgar aphrodite, simple-folk, earthly Aphrodite. And alas! Only Vulgar Aphrodite is familiar to the huge part of humanity, since people are in power, natural necessity, natural slavery, and the dream of Aphrodite heavenly other seems almost immoral, unnatural, insanely romantic. Organize a good generic love, well to continue the human genus - here is the limit of the desires of the most radical people. People are very conservative in the issue of sex and love; Traditions, old feelings and instincts rule them, and the root of this conservatism is in power of the genus. The positivists do not know other love, except the generic, only the floor is born understand, only about changing the forms of the family cares. The theory of Love Schopenhauer, very close to the theory of Darwin, there is only an expression of the conservative power of the genus playing by people, an evil of ironizing over the individuality. The floor is something that should be overcome, the floor is a break. While this gap remains - there is still no individuality, there is no whole person. But the overcoming of the floor is the statement of gender, and not negation, there is a creative connection of the floors, and not turning from sexual volume. It is necessary to approve the floor to its final overcoming, before the disappearance of the floors, to the connection to the Unified Spirit and a single flesh. This, of course, can not be understood that every monad, male and female, ceases to exist independently; She is inherent independent being, and it reaches fullness of completeness. The floor has the nature of spiritual and carnal, it is hidden by the metaphysics of the spirit and metaphysics of the flesh. Floor is not physiological and not empirical nature, it is hidden mystical depths. After all, the mystical dialectics of the floor see even in the very nature of the Divine. The whole world process is rooted in the field; Therefore, the world has done and continues that it is based on the floor that the mystical element of the world is discharged, ripped, polar. Metaphysical, spiritual and carnation polarity drove the world by sexy, thirst for the connection. This polarity affected the teachings about the eternal femininity, femininity of the world soul, teaching, so close to Christian mysticism, felt already Solomon in the "songs of the song", mainly in the symbolism of the apocalypse. (At Vl. Solovyov is very interesting to the religious and philosophical concept of the world soul as eternal femininity. Against Solovyov, it would only be possible to argue that it is too men's philosophy and religion. In the "sense of love" he says: "The absolute norm is the restoration of the objectiveness of the human being, And whether this norm is disturbed in the one or the other side, as a result, in any case, the phenomenon is abnormal, unnatural. Mnimo spiritual love is a phenomenon not only abnormal, but also completely aimless, for the branch of the spiritual from the sensual, to which she seeks, and Without the best in death, the true spiritual love is not a weak imitation and the prevention of death, and the triumph of death, not the separation of the immortal from the mortal, eternal from the temporary, but the transformation of the mortal to the immortal, the perception of temporary in the eternal. False spirituality is the denial of the flesh , true spirituality is rebirth, salvation, resurrection. ") Very characteristic of feeling Venitary-erotic cult of the Virgin Mary with medieval men and the same cult of Christ among medieval women, although there was a big danger and temptation in this. Final overcoming floor, the connection of the floors is not only a merger of opposing human half, but also merging with eternal femininity and with the deity. Eros - there is a way to individuality and the path to the universe. But what is Eros? Love generic does not eat floor assertion, it continues only crushing. Only personal sex seeks to overcome the gap, to the approval of individuality, by eternity, to immortality. This is Aphrodite Heavenly. Only personal, out-of-birth love, love election of a shower, mystical love and there is love, there is a genuine Eros, Divine Aphrodite. Personal love, Aphrodite Heavenly - superfront, declares the war of death and necessity, she is hostile to the crop of individuality, does not give rise to his perfection, it is eager for individual mergers and eternity, the secret of individuality and immortality is connected with it. Vl. Solovyov teaches that mystical love in the highest rise will not lead to birth, crushing, but will lead to the immortality of individuality, he will hold there a biological transformation, a change in the "fatal" physiological laws. According to Solovyov, only love needs immortality, love is higher content Life, final fullness of being, validity of individuality. But Aphrodite is heavenly, personal, opposite to the family of love, is not an abstract-spiritual and obsolete, it is embodied, full, concrete-sensual to the same degree as spiritual. This recognized and ll. Solovyov. Love by nature is tragic, thirst for her empirically unatolim, it always takes a person from this world to the edge of infinity, reveals the existence of other worlds. Tragic love because the object of love is crushed in the empirical world, and the love itself is crushed into torn, temporary states. There is a disease that is called fetishism in love. Solovyov speaks about this phenomenon in his article "Meaning of Love." This disease is that the subject of love is not a solid person, not live, organic personality, and part of a person, fraction of personality, for example, hair, hands, legs, eyes, lips cause crazy love, separate, distracted from the entity part turns into fetish. With fetishism, the feeling of the person's love is lost, the individuality of a person is not visible. This disease of fetishism in love is sick, to a greater or lesser extent, all almost people of our time. Love in which the object of love is crushed and she herself decays to the transient Migi, there are always fetishism in love, the illness of our spirit and our flesh. Love is exclusively carnal, physiological, so common in our world, there are fetishism, since it has no feeling of full personality, all individuality. Love for individual sides of the spirit and flesh, to cut off parts, to beautiful eyes and sensual lips, to the spiritual aroma of individual traits or charm, also - fetishism, also loss of personality. Unified object of love, organic ideal, native soul, mystically intended polar half empirically splits: in the mass of women for men, in the mass of men - for women they see the broken features of an organic object - there eyes, here are hands, there is a soul, here is the mind, etc. ., etc. After all, you need to openly declare that men are in love with too many women, women in too many men, everything in almost all in almost a certain sense in love, the unattricible thirst to torment people and the love volume has no limit. There is nothing morally reprehensible in this, but the terrible tragedy is hidden in this disease of love fetishism, in this crushing of love and its object. Each soul has its own intended in the world, the only soul, an addition to whole individuality, and in the soul of the soul, the human shower is squandering his divine power of Erosa along a million reasons, it directs it to elusive fractional parts, practicing fetishism. Denuance and there is a loss of personality in love, the power of love without the meaning of love. After all, the meaning of love (not labor of love) in a mystical sense of personality, in a mysterious merger with another, as his native polar and at the same time identical personality. Love decides that the Germans call the DU-Frage, the problem of the transition of one being to another and the whole world, out of its limitations and cutoff. This great meaning of love is destroyed by love fetishism, crushing, loss of sensation of his personality and the feeling of another person. Overcoming fetishism is the path to individual immortality, to the actual-mystical feeling and approval of the person. It is tragically terrible this privacy of a person from a person, this empty abyss between loving and loved ones, it's "we are so strange and each of us is alone." Modern literature (with a special force - Maupassan) depicts this insane person's mad loneliness, this solipsism, breaking with "you", with the realities of the world. Only Eros Power can bring out of this loneliness, but Eros is not a detamental, sensitive personality, the Divine power of individual-mystical love. It is necessary to find and love your other "I", a living, solid person, and then cut-off from any reality of the world is already stopped. You need to love not to form a generic family, always egoisticly closed, the world is the opposite, the person absorbing, but for the mystical-love merger of all creatures of the world, of all things in the world.

Christ condemned the genus and generic love, family and generic life, condemned the prodigar, impersonal, natural. People should not be combined with a natural necessity, the relationship of impersonal, because that brother, and sister, and mother who performs the will of the Heavenly Father. Not in the lone of impersonal, meaningless and violent nature should occur the love merger of people, and in the village of the Father of Heaven, where everything is meaningful, and individually, and freely. Christ taught that the children of God should connect not in the image of the animal nature, in which the human face disappears, and in the image of the nature of God, in which the face and freedom are approved. Christ taught about the Divine Eros, about the Aphrodite of Heaven, who felt already Plato, but the teaching of Christ about love remains mysterious and incomprehensible, not "fitted." What do these strange words mean "can accommodate, let's fit"? It is too known as these words were interpreted by a limited consciousness of historical Christianity. They thought that Christ was talking about asceticism, about the denial of sex and love, about abstinence, a scope preached. This ascetic feat did not consider the lot of all people, not everyone could "accommodate", but only the chosen, devoting their lives to God. On the basis of this interpretation, black flowers of medieval monasses and all this painful struggle with the temptations of Aphrodite rose. But this interpretation of the words of Christ emerged from one-sided nature, which received Christianity in history, he had a mystical female to flesh and earth. Christian asceticism was an antithesis in mystical dialectics of being and therefore could not accommodate the teachings on the creative role of Eros in the transformation of the Earth and the world flesh, about the universal connection of people with new love. The mission of Christian asceticism was purely negative, the consciousness of the sinfulness of the genus, nature and humiliation of natural-generic instincts. But the times are when it is time to understand what the words of Christ mean. Did Christ say about the new love, about the Aphrodite of Heaven, about the Divine Eros, who is not everyone can "accommodate"? Milling new love Yes, it will hold it off. Eros, which was so mysteriously taught Christ, who wanted to connect people in God, is not a generic love, but a personal and cathedral, not natural love, but over-natural, not crushing individuality in time, but approving it in eternity. Divine Eros in the world entered slowly and invisibly, it is already monitored to the phenomenon of Christ, only in part in the religious sacraments of paganism, the mainly by Plato, but after Christ he did not conquer the world, people still connected to labor, natural necessity, Ascetic denied the floor and rejected all love. After all, Christian love is not altruism, invented in the XIX century, is not a Buddhist compassion, in which nothing has not yet been allegedly alleged, there is no simple moral duty towards neighbor. Christ is love - much more, incommensurable more positive. One undoubtedly: Christ Eros is a positive mystical attraction, mystical love, mystical joy. Christ is not Old Testament only the commandment approved, but also the new commandment of love gave, he taught a new connection. The initial Christian community was familiar to the joy of Christian Eros, and the joy of this familiar with any genuine love, which is always a positive connection, and not negative condolences. Buddhist and pessimistic doctrine of love as compassion and pity, in essence, is associated with atheism, with unbelief in the joyful meaning of the world. The love of Mary or the sinners to Christ was no pity and altruism, but mystical depiction and delight, with genuine Christ Eros. The same Eros - in the medieval cult of Madonna, in medieval love in Christ, so seemingly opposed to the ascetic background of life. And our love for God is a sample of any love, so you need to love people. God can not regret, it is impossible to treat it "altruistic", and perfect love for people is admiration, admiring, attraction. Love for people, every love is only the empirical image of a single love for God, a single divine delight and joy, love for the emanizing particle of the Divine. Love is harvested when admiration begins, admiring when the person pleases, leads to himself when the privacy is terminated, egoistic closure and complacency. Altruistic morality, which we are presented instead of Christ love, does not overcome the gap between people, the inner decay, it is cold and dead, it is a "glass" love (at an amazing expression Rosanova). The impersonal, ordered, only human love cannot be. Christ is love - it is primarily a sense of personality, mystical penetration into the personality of another, recognition of his brother, his sister on the Father Heaven. In Christ love, the relationship is equal, and the dignity does not diminish. At the same time, Eros is connected to the floor, this primary source of every break and all compound. Christ Eros is not annectable and not blunt, not "impotento-moral", as it is expressed by VL. Solovyov, he transforms the flesh and overcomes the floor, claiming it above-natural. The able to accommodate can accommodate a new flesh of love, but they have not come even time to accommodate it in the collective life of humanity. In history, we see a mixture of generic, impersonal love with infrequent asceticism. Eros pierced in the form of streams, not a big flood. New religious consciousness and religious creativity are currently connected with Eros, with a religious solution to the problem of sex and love. And remains the original truth that Christ came to the world to defeat death, therefore, and the birth, to approve individuality in eternity, and, therefore, reject the crushing of individuality in the continuation of the kind in time. But Christianity created not only the monastic asceticism, the denial of sex and love, not only the opposite spirit of Christ, the justification of the generic family, - from Christianity, romanticism and the knightly cult of the beautiful lady came out. Romanticism is unthinkable to Christ and out of Christ, although it is conditionally and talking about the romanticism of the fading ancient world. Romanticism is the keeper of the personal beginning in the field and love, this is a starting new personal love, tomorrow in immortal personality in love. The new doctrine of love associated with the new religious consciousness can look for its origins not in labor love and not in impersonal asceticism, but in romanticism. Romanticism has already denied the genus, family, reproduction and is looking for personal in love, it eager to approve individuality, languishing in immortality. In the Knight's cult of an excellent lady, in love for the Virgin Mary, the most beautiful, as if in the world of Aphrodite, heavenly and is rebelled by the person in its super-natural and out-of-education essence, the new, unprecedented, is also an unprecedented love. Only the Middle Ages created a cult of femininity, alien to the antique world, who entered the masculinity. And it was the cult of eternal femininity - the Divine began, it is a love for the Divine in a concrete-sensitive form, here the personal woven mystically with the universal. Romantic, knightly love in its potency there is love personal and universal, and she wins a generic principle, hostile to personal and universal. The Middle Ages who again became relatives and clear to us were the most ascetic and the most sensual epoch: the ascetic rejection of the earth flesh painted the sky into a sensually erotic color, attitude towards Christ, to the Mother of God, the divine relations themselves received sexual color. (Erotic attitude towards Christ was the temptation of medieval Catholicism, although there was a potency of something true. Catholicism did not take inside of Christ, and therefore it took him as an external object. The medieval man imagined Christ or fell in love with him, but did not hesitate his Nature inner merge with Christ. ) Too often forget that the medieval religious life was full of sensual beauty, impregnated with Eros. The medieval cult of Madonna, the image of eternal femininity, was the beginning of unprecedented in the world of love, this is a religious root, from which the love of a beautiful lady grew to a particular image of the Divine Force. Love Dante to Beatrice is a wonderful fact of global life, a prototype of a new love. In the XIX century, the love of Auguste Conte to Klotilde de-in is like her. The meaning of romanticism in the world history of Eros is and is huge that the generic, natural-impersonal statement of flesh in love was denied and, at the same time, rejected asceticism, denied all the flesh, all love. Romanticism is full of aspirations of the transformation of flesh, new spiritual and carnal love, approves the highest divine dignity of the person. In the love affinity of the souls: in the individual election that Goethe talks about, as it were, a merger with the feminine soul of the world is intimate, concrete, sensual communication with the deity. Romanticism is full of premonitions and an omen, but remains only a languor, there is no authentic mystical realism in it, since they did not come even times to implement a new, divine love in the world, not still opened. And we need now not to go back to romanticism, but go ahead from romanticism. But to the truth and beauty of romanticism in love constantly should be returned; In romanticism there is no this demon of the earthly continuation and the dispensation of the human race, there is no such slavery in time, there is a mighty aspiration for eternity, there is a sense of personal honor and dignity.

With a generic, impersonal sexual start, and not love, not Eros, not heavenly Aphrodite, all forms of the family and form of ownership were connected, and all social forms of people connect. The issue of sex is because it has an immense meaning that around it, property has been formed around the family sex and developed. This unbearable ownership power has its root in the generic field. In the name of the family decorated in the family, in the name of continuing and strengthening the genus accumulated property and its instincts developed. It can be scientifically installed, although I use the concept of kind in a broader sense and give it a metaphysical character. Family and property, closely between their connected, always hostile personality, human face, always pay off the personality in the elements of natural and social necessity. The demon of the birth need is kidding evil jokes over the dignity and honor of the human face, subordinating a person by the ghost of childbirth. About the jokes of these many scientifically told Darwin, and Metaphysically Schopenhauer. It seems to me that scientific sociology has not yet understood the connection of all social forms of the hostel with the family. All this impersonal, the pressureing mechanism of the social system is invented in the name of the statement of the genus, the continuation of the kind, to the change of birth and death is adapted. Family cell, although not in the form of Patriarchate, as thought earlier, and in forms, very far from the modern monogamic family, there is the basis of the impersonal, the labor, the necessary public, the complex forms of social and state extent developed from it, as impersonal. The question of the growth of population is the main sociological and economic issue, and the growth of population is associated with gender and generic love. The resolution of population growth, so necessary for the economic well-being of humanity, is the resolution of the floor, there is a change in the elements of labor love. It is too undoubted that the social question is so painfully tormenting our era, it cannot be resolved otherwise, as in connection with the problems of sex and love. Personal start rises against the genus, against the growth of population, against property, against the family, and it is stopped by our generation in painful bewilderment before: can there be a combination of humanity in kind, it is not necessary, not an impersonal connection, but in mystical, over-natural The body is possible a new connecting love, is it possible to transform the human race in the God of God? We will follow the relationship of social problems with the floor and love on the so-called female question, to the same way and male. After all, the female question, which is now being considered in connection with social, and there is a sex question. The female question is solved by one or another floor metaphysics, and its socio-economic side of the derivative. Emancipational female movement, of course, concludes a great truth, like any movement, freed from slavery. It is not enough to argue that the restraint of a woman from the power of the husband, the destruction of opposing dependence on the family, the release of the person in a woman is benefit and justice. It is elementary, and such a negative formulation of this issue interests us. Let the woman be economically independent of the man, let her be given free access to all the benefits of culture, let the personal start in the woman will rise against the slavery of the family, let the rights of women are not limited to anything - the implementation of all these good freedoms does not affect the essence of the female question, not gives a positive solution. And in the female emancipation, as it is manifested in the modern era, there is also a reverse side: this world movement is inherent in a false tendency that destroys the most beautiful dreams, mystical dreams about the divine Eros, about Aphrodite Heaven. Women's movement, despite the fair side, in its main trend, is directed against the meaning of love, it passes by the depths of the floor, creates superficial, illusory being. The female emancipational movement rests on the assumption that the man has a normal person, the full personality that he is not the floor, not half of the individuality, which needs to be like a man, turn into a man to become a man. From here it follows that the purpose of the female movement and any progressive decision of the female question is only to make a man from a woman, a man shall be able to imitate a man, then only a woman will be a person full of individuality. This is resting not only to the feminist movement in the narrow sense of the word, but also any movement subordinating the female question to the social, according to this template, the Social Democrats also argue, because those who receive a man for the type of normal person. To monkey a man, to become a man of the second variety, to renounce the female start - this is what the honor of the woman's advanced wrestlers of female emancipation believes. In this sense, the female Emancipation is the addition of the dignity of the woman, the denial of the highest and special vocation of a woman in the world, recognition of femininity is only weakness, underdevelopment, impersonality and enslavement. Only masculine recognize the beginning of true-human and higher, for femininity, they do not recognize any rights, except for the right to imitate masculinity, to become a male brand. The liberation of femininity understands as a renunciation of femininity, as the final abolition of women's personality and female destination in the world. But liberation is too expensive, if it destroys what should be released - in this case Destroys a woman, femininity as a special power in the world. And the products of the second and third grades are created, the world is filled with poor copies of men, intimate creatures that have lost all individuality, imitatives in everything. The concrete image of eternal femininity is distorted more and more, loses its beauty, infects with all the male vices, adopted for human virtues. In the male sphere, the woman has nothing more created and will never create; All she makes male, wears mediocrity printing, average quality. The male activities of women are very condescendingly, surprised by the smallest; Created by a woman in politics, in science, in the literature they are trying to equate to what the man creates a man of medium-sized tissues, but such a condescension is very offensive for the dignity of a woman. Sophia Kovalevskaya was a male mathematician, as a medium-good mathematician man, but she is a woman, and therefore everyone is surprised by her mathematical talent: nothing like that could not be expected. But after all, a woman is not lower than a man, she, at least, is equal to him, and even above him, the vocation of a woman is great, but in female, in feminine, not in men's. In Russian revolutionary movement, the woman played a huge role, but because only that the movement was not a male policy, because the woman made a feminine start in this movement, something, and did not imitate a man. Now the nature of the movement has changed, male policy reigns and the political role of a woman is too often becoming funny and miserable. All these girls from dental courses, who have lost the appearance of a woman, with hysterical hysteritis running on all gatherings and rallies, produce a repulsive impression; These are creatures that have no "me", monkeys, the men of the third grade. Neesthetics, abuse of eternal femininity - this is what the condemnation of modern emancipated women who are painted with imitative heat for men. The eyes of these women who revealed from the beginning of eternal femininity are too fast become sundowed from the inappropriate appointment of occupations, and they wear glasses that turn into a symbol of monkey, distorting the nature of a woman. A woman no longer wants to be beautiful, cause admiration to himself, to be a subject of love, she loses charm, griste, infected with vulgarity. A woman does not want to be a wonderful creation of God, the work of art, she herself wants to create works of art. This is a deep crisis of not only female being, but also of the whole of human existence, and he is connected with the crash of the generic principle, with the exacerbation of the problem of personality. Generic life in all its species and forms saw the appointment of a woman in the birth of children. With the formation of a monogamic family on the basis of the generic vocation of a woman believed in the family, in children, in the education of the genus. A family and generic look at the woman recognizes the originality of a woman and the peculiarity of her destination, but always hostile to the personal start in a woman, always oppresses and enslaves the human face of a woman. A woman creates in flour and becomes a slave of an impersonal kind of element, giving it through the social institution of the family. The family cries the personality of not only women, but also a man, as it represents the interests of the kind and generic property. The generic family is the grave of the individual and personal love, in the middle of this chash, Eros. The personality was rebuilt, finally, against the kind and family, against natural slavery, fixed by slavery, the social, but the consciousness of the person remains unclear, the sense of person adopted a falsely ghostly direction. The woman rightly wished to become a person, a man, and not a tool of the birth element, not a slave of an impersonal family. But where to seek the allegations of the person, where is the person? There is no full human individuality until the floor is overcome; From solving the problem of sex, the fate of the personality depends on the combination of floors, halves. It is impossible to become a personality, to carry out individuality on the other side of the issue of sex and love. A man not only is not a normal type of man, but not a person in itself in itself, not a person, not an individual without love. The man is only gender, half, he is a product of world torn and disunity, a fragment of whole being. And the woman is the floor, half, also a fragment. Regarding the woman, this is rather recognized, but for some reason seeing the sexual, half of this, the broken state is to turn the woman in a man, like her man, i.e., also half, of people. The desire to like a man and there is a false sense of person in a woman. (The transformation, men in a woman are also associated with a false sensation of personality. And there is a crisis of the genus.) This false tendency sees a person's approval in intimacy, in the destruction of sexual polarity, in as much as possible between a man and a woman. The advanced consciousness of our time thinks that being personality means to be punishable, not to be neither a man nor a woman, lose a feeling of sexual torn and polarity. This consciousness is entirely in the old categories of the generic statement of the floor or the ascetic denial. In modern progressors, we encounter a strange mixture of an approved generic instinct with sex asceticism, but Eros is the Divine, but the Aphrodites do not see Heaven. What happened to Platonov's teaching about love, with a medieval cult of eternal femininity, with a knight worship of an excellent lady, with the Gresses of Romantics? Who solved Eros Christian? We see the old power of a generic family, under which the human face was buried, and the new force of female emancipation, distorting the idea of \u200b\u200bthe person and passing with the closed eyes by the issue of sex and love with closed eyes. Paul in a new way must be argued to overcome it to come to the compound in complete, whole individuality. In God, there is an eternal image of a human face, the individuality that occupies his place in a mystical hierarchy, and in the world who eased from God, everything is broken, separated, distracted and there is no personal personality. Floor polarity is the main form of separation, personality loss, and sexual merger is the main form of the compound, personality approval. But the mystical secret of the sexual connection is in order not to get into the slavery of the impersonal labor instinct, do not succumb to the tricks of sinful nature, and find an organic addition to his eternal image in God, to exercise in love with God's idea, that is, to become an individual, conquer immortality. This deeper all understood. Solovyov, but not all made conclusions from here. (Richard Wagner was close to this sight. . Half cannot become a whole, you can not make a woman a man, or vice versa, and thus realize the person. Cobility and denial of femininity as a special beginning to the beginning, there is a way to monitor, and on the path of this personality will never be found. A woman in the polar opposite is a man has its own individual calling, his high appointment. The vocation This I see not in the birth and feeding of children, (this is not at all, of course, the obligation of care for existing children is not denied.) And in approving the metaphysical start of femininity, which is intended to play a creative role in the world of culture, in implementing the meaning of world history. In the gulling of a peculiar force of femininity - the honor and dignity of a woman, equal to honor and dignity of a man. Equality of a man and a woman is equality proportional, equality of peculiar values, and not an equation and likelihood. After all, they can be equal to the magnitude of the philosophical book and statue, scientific discovery and picture. The appointment of a woman is to specifically implement eternal femininity into the world, that is, one of the parties of the Divine nature, and by this way to lead the world to love harmony, to beauty and freedom. It's no less and no worse than all male affairs. A woman should be a work of art, an example of God's creativity, by force, inspiring creativity courageous. Being Dante is a high vocation, but no less high vocation - to be Beatrice; Beatrice is equal to Dante in the greatness of his vocation in the world, it is needed at least Dante for the supreme goal of global life. The power of femininity played a huge, not always visible, often mysterious, role in world history. Without mystical attraction to femininity, without love in the eternal femininity, the man would not have created anything in the history of the world, there would be no world culture; Miscellaneous is always powerless and meditar. A man always worked in the name of a beautiful lady, she inspires him to the feat and connects with the soul of the world. But the wonderful lady, eternal femininity, can not remain an abstract idea, it inevitably takes a specific and sensual form. Without the beginning of femininity, life would turn into dry abstract, in the skeleton, in a soulless mechanism. A woman who exercises his feminine destination can make great discoveries that are not able to make a man. Only a woman can open some secrets of life, only a man can join them. Let the women are bad mathematics and logic, bad politicians and mediocre artists, the wisdom is lost in them than any - mathematics and politics. Without the beginning of femininity, without compliance with him, never to achieve the final intuitive knowledge and makes it difficult for the Church as a bride of Christ. Just like Mary's Virgin turned out to be susceptible to the Spirit of God, and the Women's World Soul will give up to the Divine Logos and become a church. Outside the connection with femininity, a man will never comprehend the secret of individuality and the global merger in love. In all areas of life, in all areas of creativity, the woman can and should make his life-giving, transforming its beginning, it changes being not mediocre male affairs, but first-class women's affairs. Let women be discovered in all areas of life, to all the benefits of culture, let it be formed as a man, let her political rights be given, if she achieves them, (I will give little importance to the issue of women's voting rights and do not love women's politics, But I think that it is impossible to absent women to achieve rights. ) But yes it will not understand his vocation as a monkey, as a simple imitation in the whole man, as the destruction of all the qualities of Paul, will make it in all areas of life, the divine power of femininity transforms weekdays of life, man's prosperity. Perhaps the free joining of a woman liberated from the generic slavery will free and us from the power of this self-sufficient, ghostly policy, bringing to the oppression, from the oppression of vital positivism. Female intervention in politics is a limitation of politics; Then only the beginning of femininity becomes original and creative. A man should expect from a larger woman than a simple imitation, he is waiting for her liberation from male abstract, one-scenes, cutoff. Not an amazon that matches the feminine began as a higher and competing with the beginning of male, there must be a woman in new world, not the useless mediocrity, devoid of its individuality, and not a female, which has the power of the genus, and a concrete manner of perpetual femininity, designed to combine courageous strength with the deity. There is nothing more disgusting for female demonism, male malice and male vague in a woman, the self-adequacy, which contributes to the world of discord and hostility. The evil struggle between a woman and a man for the predominance, an evil feud in love itself, poisoning the basis of the floor, can be discontinued only by the restoration of the religious meaning of love. Not in modern, progressive-emancipatorial attitude to a woman need to look for the sparks of God, but rather in relation to knightly, full of great premonitions. Social reforms and coups not only do not solve female and sexual matter, but also pass by the most essence of the question, affect only a purely external, neutral environment. Economic liberation of a woman is a beautiful thing, like the liberation of the family, but in the essence of his female question there is a sexual question, it is solved only in connection with the metaphysics of the floor.

The mystery of birth can be at least some comprehend, if you allow the prevention of human monads. Eternity, which we philosophically and religiously prophesy human individuality, can not have started in the current empirical life, eternal could not be created in time, could not start in the biological fact that we call birth here. Human creature, like every individuality in the world, there is boring monad emanating from the deity, not beginning and not ending. The image of each person born on the ground in time is boring in God, absolutely exists, the creative act of God is created in eternity, until time. Birth, like death, there is only empirical visibility, seeing the game of sinful, cut off from the God of Nature. Birth and death is not the beginning and not the end, as it wants to convince us the natural necessity, but - resettlement from other worlds and in other worlds. The time is the child of his hopeful fall, and in time, by virtue of the element of the genus, pulled out an eternal hierarchy of individual monad into the chronological row. Birth, like death - in the authority of time, originated from sinfulness. The goal of the global process is a series of creatures, born and dying, introduce into eternity, to overcome the birth and death, close the finally doors to the temporary, imperfect world, to the temptation of the devilish nature. There is no abyss between the world transcendent and the world, this is the same world, but in different states - the state of perfection and state of corruption. The floor is a window in a different world, love - a window in infinity. And whether there was a tomturing on other worlds in the poor worlds, thirst to break empirical facets? Only thirst for this often does not break the face, but fastens them even more. Sweistance not there is a simple physiological state which causes a negative attitude to people who configured spiritualist, and the attitude is positive in configured materialist. There are solvents of flesh and creature spirit, and it always lies deeper empirical phenomena, there is always a feeling in a certain sense, transcendental, withdrawing abroad. Sweistance is a tomorrow, the thirst for a compound that is not achieved in natural sexual life. There is only a touch point, and then reaction, refund back. The sexual compound turns out to be disappointing deception, and the flour of sexual solvent is rooted in separation, in the inability to take inside the aspiration object: one remains outside of the other, external. Ascetic moralization over the elements of the Sweet Title is truly pitifully impressions, you can not cope with the power of this element with any imperatives. If you recognize with sinful every creature, if you see only a fall in it, then you need to deny sexual love in the root, see solid dirt in the flesh of love. Then the ecstasy of love is impossible, a clean dream of love is impossible, since love is voluptuous to essentially to its own, without solvent, turns into dry abstract. The experience of the rejection of every creature as a sinful was already made by humanity, this experience was expensive, he polluted the sources of love, and did not clean them. We are still poisoned by this feeling of sinfulness and uncleanness of all the solvents of love and the muddy sensation of those who love. You can not connect the cleanliness and poetry of this thirst for mergers with your beloved with the feeling of sin and dirt. The worst resistance of this merger. The question of creatures otherwise should be delivered, it's time to stop seeing the concession of the weakness of sinful human flesh in the solvents, it's time to see the truth, holiness and purity of a voluptuous merger. Not only the ascetles of the medieval spirit, but the ascetakes are much less beautiful, the positive and bloodless spirit of our days is afraid of solvents as "feature", and indulge as a secret vice. From this conditional lie who have already lost all the highest meaning, we must, morally obliged to free yourself. It is necessary to rebel against the hypocrisy associated with sexual creature. It is too already becoming apparent for people of the new consciousness that the very coolness can be different, maybe there may be bad and ugly, but it may be good and beautiful. There may be solventure as slavery from the natural element, as a loss of personality, but may be creature as a liberation from natural shackles, as a person approval. In the first case, a person is a toy, a toy of the element of the kind, sinful nature, in the second - he is a person, the child of the Divine Eros of Eros. There are solventure personal, ecstasy merge into the highest personality, mystical penetration into "you", in the identity of another, your native, its intended. Ecstatic voluptuous experience does not always have a loss of his human "me", subordination of his impersonal animal nature, but there is also an introduction to the nature of the Divine, the final finding in her personality. There is a volunteer Aphrodite in common, but there is a creature and aphrodites of heavenly. Only with the assumption of righteous solvents may be talking about the meaning of love, they may be pure aspirations of love. Any ecstasy is voluptuary, and the element of solvents was in all religious sacraments. In the final merger of full and eternal individuality with space, there will be ecstatic bliss that is in the confluence of floors. But the terrible temptation to see the source of ecstasy in purely physical, mechanical arousal, as it often happened in paganism. Ecstasis is the influence of grace on the soul and the body of a person, the atonement of the body. (In the sacraments of Dionysis there was no longer real grace and much went on the bottom, and not on top.) Slow-resistant dirty, evil, sinful is the result of the crushing personality, turning the part of the human being into the whole, there is an absence of a person personal self-assumption and feeling of another person. In the natural elements of the kind, there is an eternal temptation of impersonal swelling, opposite to Eros; Development without blessing of love is sin, humiliation of her and someone else's personality. Dirty and sinfully make a person or part of a person with a simple gun of their natural pleasure, and not by the way to merge with the highest nature. The demonism of the sweetistance associated with the person's loss and self-adhesiveness, presses the modern generation, is detected by the new literature and art, and it is impossible to escape from this disease with old morality, asceticism or silence and ignoring the severity of the issue. Good creature and there is a bliss that is not achieved by evil creature. Heavenly Sweet Catholicism (Katerina Siena, etc.) was the terrible that Christ remained an external object, the subject of love, the suffering of Christ was solventful, and the bliss of the connection was not achieved. The eastern saints took Christ inside themselves, and therefore reached bliss, their attitude towards God was not voluptuous. Also in the love of two creatures there may be a solvent conclusion (evil sweetness) and the bliss of the compound (good swelling). The most acute, difficult question: how to approve not only spiritual, but also carnal love, not impersonal, generic, natural-animal merger, and also personal, individual, over-natural? We approach something hardworthy words, to the area of \u200b\u200bineuming, only in the mystical experience of comprehensible. This is due to the spiritualization and transformation of the flesh. Vl. Solovyov already understands that mystical love does not lead to birth, that the carnal side does not eat the natural process of generic instinct, which is something new ones in the matter of the world. The so-called unnatural forms of love and sexual compound leading to the indignation of limited moralists, from the highest point of view, at all no worse forms of the so-called natural compound. After all, from a religious point of view, and with the philosophical, the whole nature is unnatural, abnormal, is spoiled, and obedience to nature and its laws of necessity is not measured by Merylo. I do not know what a normal natural sexual merger is, and I think that no one knows. Hygiene very useful thingBut it is impossible to look for the criteria for good and beauty, it is impossible to look for these criteria and in the fiction of "naturalness", complicity with nature. "Natural" norms are not, the norms are always "supernatural". Mystical love will always seem to this world "unnatural." Love within the same sex is a symptom of a deep crisis of the genus, and it is possible to criticize it only from the point of view, whether this love is achieved with true being, is the "meaning" of love. I think that is not implemented. It is very difficult to moralize the rationally moralize over the secret floor and is not always morally beautiful, it is very easy to get into the paws of the evil and insidious element of the kind, it's not God, but to the nature hostile to him who took the case of a moral positiveness. Non-"Naturally" must be combined with floors, according to the laws of nature and rational morality, and "supernatural", according to the Divine laws of the transformation of the flesh. I don't use the word "supernatural", but I really think and believe that from the natural world there may be an exit to over-natural, and in this, I suppose - the essence of religious mysticism. All love and sexual love is already the sphere of religious mysticism. We rest in this area in secret and the sacrament. Marriage is a great sacrament connecting with God. So looked all religions. The preaching of natural morality or moral naturalness encroaches on the religious sacrament of marriage love. The flesh metaphysically equivalent to the spirit, and the carnal in love is equivalent to spiritual. This must first be installed. As I have already spoken, the flesh is not a physical phenomenon, there is no matter, exhaustive physical and chemical properties, flesh is also metaphysical, mystical, like the Spirit, flesh is not subject to nature, natural necessity, although the phenomena of the flesh may turn out to be such a submission, as well as the phenomena of the spirit. Transcendental, the otherworldly roots of the carnal life are visible to religious and philosophical consciousness. And the flesh of love is not physician and chemistry, is not exhausted by the physiological process, although it can get into slavery (and too often falls) to natural necessity. The carnal merger is in meaning to overcoming the empirical faces of the human being, thirst to defeat the obstacle, put by natural necessity, to defeat the naturalness of separation. A voluptuous tomression is, perhaps the root of thirst to defeat the world in the world, non-transcendence of the faces between people, there is a mystical premonition of the bliss of universal merge in God. But terrible delusion would build a mystical merge on the sample of the abstract-physical. The transformation of nature, victory over impersonal instincts is achieved by individualizing love attraction, efforts to find a face, feel the image in the confluence, drawn in God, prevent the transformation of your personality and the personality of another in a simple manual of the genus. Individualized love, which can only be called Eros, is the thinnest product of world culture, there is already an outcome of natural necessity. The history of Eros in the world has few points of contact with the history of the family. Already in Greece, love arose and developed outside the forms of family, that is, the generic connection of the floors. And in the Middle Ages, Knight's love, the only true love, existed outside the forms of the family, the "beautiful lady" never had a wife recognized by the Institute of Family. In a new time, the family is too often recognized by the grave of love, and Eros is settled in the romantics of free love, often, and deceased in vulgarity. Eros enters the world invisible, unofficial, illegal and as if unnatural ways; Individualized love, God specified election, with great difficulty wins nature and prepare its transformation. Only such love can be the basis of the sacrament of a marriage, which is not in the official family and in the establishments of the official church. Marriage is a sacrament, and therefore can no longer be a legal union.


You need to install three types of love: 1) Eros in the proper sense of the word, sexual individual election, the merger of the beginning of a courageous woman with eternal femininity in God intended concrete, 2) a mystical attraction towards the neighbor and native, to a brother and sister in Christ, a joyful merger in the God-human Body, 3) Sensation of the personality of each being, far away, even the enemy, and love respect for the potency of the image of God, the appeal with every human face as a purpose in itself, and not a means. All three levels of love essentially concretization and individualization of a single love for God, to the common divine nature in people, in the name of which only perhaps the universal fraternity and the love merger of all creatures. And in the beloved woman, and in his brother in spirit, and in every creature, we love the image of a single, eternal, loved one. Christ is the Divine Eros, embodied in humanity, the source of all love, the divine relationship of all disparate and secluded particles of the world. Love and there is a free divine, over-natural connection force, which can only be opposed to natural necessity, the natural strength of connectedness and stiffness. Three stages of love - a staircase of climbing God, the path of merger with the world soul. The first form of love is an individual sexual election and merger - there is the highest form, the most complete love, in which all other forms enter as composite parts, is the love ecstatic and blissful in the true manifestations, the typical image of any attraction and compounds. This love is the mystery of two, the mystery is married. I say, of course, about the Aphrodite of Heaven, and not vulgar, in the world reigning. The Higher Form of Love is not love is an affordable, disembodied, there is no dried debt and moral abstraction, it is based on mystical sensuality, the immediate joy of touch and compound. The second form of love is what is called commonly Christian love, this is a love fraternity in Christ, there is also an element of election and individualization, there is a carnal in the broad sense of the word unity (in the body of the God of God); It is also based on the principle of personality. Christian fraternal love is not an abstract, impersonal feeling in the spirit of Altruism of the XIX century, and the same joyful attraction, like love, is most of all approaching the love of marriage, it has a carnal side, as it should combine humanity into a single body. This is an individualized inverement of the second stage, the transition from connecting two to the connection of all. At the hustles, despite the explicit branching slope, and sometimes the demonic subordination of the spirit of impersonal physical flesh, (demonism I see in an attempt to cause a fertious convergence of St. Spirit, with a natural way, dismissed chaotic elements.) There is a faithful desire, although distorted , more correctly, what is the drying of Christian love and turning it into moral duty, never confuses us with anything. Finally, the third, the most imperfect form of love aimed at all people without exception, the most distant, the smallest, is the recognition and in them the beloved, divine nature, attraction to the eternal image of every creature in God, recognition in every distant potency close. As the circle is expanded, Eros becomes more disturbed, impersonal and disembodied, but can never turn into dry, invented altruism, in fulfilling a painful prescription. Always everything remains alive, the specific object of love is absolute. Love for the distant, about which they talked a lot under the influence of Nietzsche, and there is love for God, to immensely valuable. You can not love all people without distinction, this requirement is not only impossible, but also unfair, there are many individual gradations and three main stages of love. But, loving God, you can love the whole world, all nature, any grass and epics, to see the deity and the highest meaning in all the reflections. Such an erotic attitude towards the world was partly in Francis of Assisi. The perfect world, what should he be on the thought of God, all worthy of love, everything is fine, everything causes an insurmountable attraction; And the mystical mystery of love is that love is the power penetrating this world that it is always aimed at the divine-wonderful world. It is impossible to love the corruption of the world, you can not admire the rot, and the Smad, it is impossible to go to the deformity, but it is possible and should be seen for the empirical corruption and the dispensing of the world of eternal, divine beauty and to love it immensely. The last court belongs only to God, the man can never condemn the creature of God as the dead finally, and therefore should love the potency of salvation. Love is power, the transforming world, freed from ghosts and ugliness. And the face covered with the face of a beloved creature can see the power of love in the light of the transfigured, a clear image of this creature in God is clear. From the face of the whole world, ledging from the strength of love . Cognitive love for God at Spinoza, Amor Dei Intellectuals, expressed only part of the truth, but this sage had already understood that only love deserved immortality that only in love for God the world was transformed. And we all offer to love the mindful and ugly, obeying the abdicted debt, to make a commitment from the commandment of love instead of bliss, and we don't love anything, everything for us has become ugly and smeared, we are looking for decent pieces of items and unable to see the Divine Beauty of the World, United Eros. And the novels of people of the modern era became ugly-vulgar, and altruistic exercises in love - miserable and busty. Eros is associated with every ecstasy and inspiration, any creative transformation of life. Individual sexual love is the implementation of the eternal individual image in God, the achievement of completeness for each half, but also any other love (not generic, of course, instinct) is an epiphany in this individual image. The complete implementation of the kingdom of love, the highest embodiment of Eros in global life is possible only in theocracy, in the kingdom of God and on Earth, as in heaven; The kingdom of God is the kingdom of love, the connection of world parts, based on mystically free imposition, and not on violence and coercion. All organic sprouts of true love lead to theocracy, every true love is already the cursing theocracy. The sacrament of marriage love and not only the marriage love of two floors, but also of all the creatures of the world, who join the body of the God-human, is committed in the mystical church of Christ, was committed in the history of the world, when it could not yet be done openly. And there is no secret of true love the mysterious entry into a mystical church that does not have more empirically visible outlines. We are craving for removal from the floor of the old curse, the consecration of the sanctification of love, i.e., introducing it into the sphere of theocracy. In theocracy only may be a new flesh of love, over-natural flesh. Only a religious can be overcome by the demonism of the floor, evil creature, destructive identity, demonic eroticism, only supported by limited asceticism of historical Christianity, can only be religiously transformed by nature, to free from the labor necessity and generic instincts that were supported by old Christianity. But it is terribly important to understand the path to theocratic love is not mechanically, but organically. The non-artificial cap of the church must cover the floor and love and to sanctify them and curse everything that does not fall under the cap, and the love of the mystical depths of nature should grow love, unite with religious consciousness and detective in the depths of the church. May organic sprouts of life will be blessed, free rustling into the mystical body of church! In all, first of all, the organicity must be free, and not violent and artificial mechanicality! I will talk about it yet. It is necessary to beat the genus, impersonal family of individual mystical love, to overcome the floor, breaking the mystical carnal and spiritual merger and penetration into an individual image, to approve the individuality of the immortal love - the basis of the connection of the world in God. Theocracy is the final exercise of love of all individuals, the final exemption from the impersonal authority of nature, the last celebration of Aphrodite Heavenly. Religious rejection of the genus and generic family, mystical overcoming of birth does not solve another complex sealing of fathers and children, so aggravated into the last era. The ancient commandment "Chti Father Your and Mother Your", as well as the obligation of parents to take care of children, remain forever in force. It is true outside of all kinds of family forms and beyond the approval or denial of the genus, since some mystical connection remains between parents and children. Especially ungolimally, the modern nihilistic attitude of children to the fathers, disrespect for old age. This inability to see a human face and in old age, this look at the old people as a simple agent, is rooted in the degrees of the era, in the denial of the transcendent sense of life and the unconditional identity value. The old have no less value than young, everything goes in life for them, and let them be embeded in the last days. Always considered a sign of knightly nobility of the protection of old people, as well as children and women. Only utilitarian shamelessness so now widespread, expelled old people from life behind unnecessaryness. As for love for children, it is nature itself. The words of Christ, condemned the generic relationship and proclaimed a new connection in spirit, were not the abolition of the old commandment, but only the opening of truth even more important and higher. We have already seen that the "social question" is associated with Paul and Love. All new and new statement of the social issue is rooted in the growth of population, i.e., in the birth, in the antagonism between the person and the birth, the need to overcome the chaotic separation. Harmonization of chaotic sexual life, the subordination of this element to the highest meaning will be of great importance for solving a social issue, relative, of course, solutions, since the absolute solution is empirically unthinkable. Not only the development of material culture is socially necessary, not only distribution fairness, but also regulation of population growth, t. e. fertility. Changing the birth rate is associated with a coup in the midst of the floor. From here you will also go and changes in the property formed around the genus and in the name of the genus. The question of love and gender lies within any public, making an intimate essence, as the issue of public is the question of personal and free, and not the birth and necessary combination of people. The mystery of public free connection is only in love, and the highest form of love is love sex, Eros is that Plato called Aphrodite Heavenly. "We will love each other, because love is from God, and every loving born from God and knows God. Who does not love, he did not know God, because God is love" (I last. John).

the sexual question is the most important in life, the main life question, no less important than the so-called question of social, legal, educational and other generally accepted, who received the sanction issues that this question lies a much deeper forms of the family and is fundamentally connected with the religion that All religions around the floor were formed and developed, since the sexual question is the question of life and death.

Berdyaev N.A. Metaphysics of Floor and Love // \u200b\u200bEros and Personality: Floor Philosophy and Love. - M., 1989. - P. 17-51.

* The question about the field and love is central to the whole of our religious and philosophical and religious and public world. The main disadvantage of all social theories is shame, and often hypocritical ignoring the source of life, the perpetrator of the whole human history - sexual love. The secret of breaking in the world and the mystery of any compound is connected with the floor and love; The mystery of individuality and immortality is also connected with sex and love. This is a painful question for every creature, for all people it is also immensely important, as is the question of maintaining life and death. This is a damned, world question, and everyone is trying in privacy, thoroughly hiding, pulling and string, definitely shame, to overcome the tragedy of sex and love, defeat the sexual separation of the world, this basis for all separation, the last of people is trying to love, at least in the animal . And the conspiracy of silence about this question is striking, they write so little about it, they say so little, so little detect their experiences in this area, hide what should have been able to get a general and world decision. This is an intimate question, the most intimate of all. But where did it become known that intimate does not have a worldwide value, should not float on the surface of the story, should be buried somewhere in underground? The disgusting lie of the culture, now becoming unbearable: about the most important, deeply affecting us, it is believed to be silent, it is not clear about everything too intimate; Open your soul, to discover what she lives, is considered indecent, almost scandalous.
* And in everyday life with people and in social activities, and in the literature ordered only about the so-called commonly common, generalized, legalized for everyone, pleasant. The violation of these rules is now called decadency, they used to be called romanticism. But all the true great, ingenious, holy in human life was created by intimacy and sincerity, which won the convention, mystical exposure of the very depths of the soul. Indeed, in the intimate depth of the soul always lies with something universal, more universal than on the generally accepted surface. Any new religious teaching and new prophecy was first intimate, born in an intimate depth, in a mystical element, and then the world was discovered and won. What could be an intimate of the religion of Christ, as indecent and not necessarily it was for the pagan world, everything that Christ said, followed by a small handful of people, but this religion was made by the Center for World History. True, it is still considered not obligatory, too intimate what Christ spoke, and is still considered unpleasant and indecent to remember Christ and the words of him when it comes to life, practical issues. All creativity of culture is only objectification, the world generalization of the subjectively intimate, which has been accomplished in a hidden, mysterious depth. The question about the field and love is somehow not particularly lucky, he was drunk in the underground and only the fiction reflected what was accumulated in the human soul, found an intimate experience. It can be seen, there were deep reasons why this question could still receive a universal solution. But the modern religious crisis requires a solution to this issue, the religious issue is now closely related to the problem of gender and love. A mystical experience has accumulated around Paul and Love, which still remains chaotic and needs religious lighting. People of the new mystical experience and new religious consciousness require that the most intimate is from nowend, it is discovered on the universal historical path, found in it and determined it.
* Above Rozanov, they laugh or indignant from a moral point of view, but the merits of this person are huge and will be assessed only. He was the first with unprecedented courage broke the conditional, false silence, loudly with inimitable talent said that all people felt, but tali in themselves, discovered universal flour. They say Rozanov - Sex Psychiatrist, Eotoman. The question is rather medical than the literary, and I consider unworthy the most conversation on this topic, but the main thing is that all people are, all people without exception, in a certain sense, genital psychopaths and erootomans. Some literary moralist pushes Rosanov for the fact that he is so openly writes about the field, so much talks about the sexual matter. But, it is very possible that this moralist in the literature, in life itself is preserved on the field that the sexual question and for him the most painful and the main thing that he is many times more Eotoman than Rosanov, but considers it indecent, it is unpleasant to detect it, prefers to write About the general detailed right, although this question is so public, for him is internally not interesting, a thousand times less important than the question about the field. This I call the hypocrisy, a conditioned literary lie, over which Rozanov courageously managed to rise.
* Rozanov with genius frankness and sincerity stated in all the sexual matter - the most important thing in life, the main life question, no less important than the so-called social, legal, educational and other generally accepted issues that have been sanctioned that this question lies much Deeper the forms of the family and in the root of their own associated with the religion that all religions around the floor were formed and developed, since the sexual question is the question of life and death.
* All people, I argue that, without exception, people in the depths of their being feel that Rozanov said loudly, everyone agrees with Rozanov, according to the question (I am not talking about his final decision) and everyone considers it to be a long-term stone . Only a stupid or crazy person can deny the central, religious importance of the Floor Problem; After all, everyone secretly tormented by this problem, he fought over her decision for himself, suffered from this flour of sex trample, dreamed of love, everyone knows that recognized truth that all almost tragedies in life are connected with Paul and Love. Everyone knows that all our vitality is connected with the floor that sexual excitement is ecstatic and creative. What is so ridiculous or immoral "Israit" Rosanov on the field? True, he lacks the feelings of aesthetic measure, but most of our journal and newspaper accusers do not at all experts on aesthetic extent, otherwise mankind threatens death from the underground secrets of the floor, from the inner anarchy of the floor, covered with an external violence. The appearance of Rosanova is a serious warning. The chaotic floor has a lot of disasters caused humanity and prepares distress even big.
* Humanity should finally deliberately and seriously treat his floor, to a source of his life, stop dirty winks when it comes to the field.
* Christianity did not transforce the floor, did not know the sexual flesh, on the contrary, it finally made the floor chaotic, poisoned it. The demonism of the floor is only the reverse side of the Christian sex curse. Mighty sexual love was driven inside, as she was denied a blessing, turned into a painful tomression, not leaving us and so far.
* Ascetic Christian teaching admits sexual love, only as a weakness of sinful human nature. So there remained sexual love weakness, shame, almost mud. The tragic Christian faith has already died in human hearts, ceased to determine the course of European culture, and Christian superstitions relative to the floor still live, also poison the blood of our unbearable dualism. We almost reconciled that Paul sinwood, that the joy of sexual love is the unclean joy that wealthy is dirty, and we calmly continue to sin, indulge in unclean joys and dirty sweetness, since we de, weak people, do not achieve ideal . We shame sexual love, hiding with her, do not admit to your experiences. It is amazing that the anti-Christian and anti-religious consciousness of our time is close in other respects, in its splitness, in false asceticity, to medieval Christianity, although it is infinitely far from Christ and devoid of medieval tragedy. People of our time do not believe in the joy of heaven and do not even twist across the sky, but the joy of earthly, the joy of sexual love remains without blessing. The floor for people of our time is also demonic as the Middle Ages. Take for example, at least pshibyshevsky, poisoned by the demonism of the floor, the curse of the floor. Yes, and all the almost new literature writes about how the floor is demonic, as a modern person can cope with him.
* Truly, the tragedy of the floor is the worst in life, and sexual love cannot be left for a mercy of fate; She needs a religious sanctification and religious organization. The words of Christ about the field and love remained not understood, not accommodated, and the floor fell out of the dominant Christian consciousness, became the ease of esoteric teachings. The dominant religious consciousness delivered the problem of sex dependent on the vulgar dualism of the spirit and flesh, tied it with the sinfulness of the flesh, and it was not only a moral, but also a metaphysical error. After all, the flesh is as metaphysical and transcendent, as well as the Spirit, and the carnal sexual love has a transcendent-metaphysical root. The so-called Christian family is a hypocritical lie, a pagan compromise, similar to the Christian state. Chaos of the floor is as raging under the cover of the family, as he raged in the blood of medieval hermits. All Rozans have a reaction to the Christian poison of the floor, the restoration of the initial holiness of the floor. Outside of Christianity, outside the tireless struggle against Christian asceticism, Rozanov does not think, does not have Raison D "Etre.
* The floor is connected for Rosanov; Christianity, hostile sex, for him - synonymous for the religion of death and therefore hated. Rozanov wants to return to that religious state, which was to the phenomenon of Christ in the world, to the ancient language religions, to the religion of birth, to the religion of Babylon in the advantage. But he forgets that not Christianity was invented by the tragedy of the floor and the tragedy of death that the phenomenon of Christ was inevitably that this tragedy was at the heart of world history that the ancient world had died so tragically with his great culture, so it was determined.
* The positive doctrine Rosanov is overlooking the Christian period of history, like an evil misunderstanding and nonsense, and calls back, to the primitive convention of the genus. Rozanov still mixes the floor with a family, sees only the floor of the referring, does not understand the deep inner antagonism between the statement of sex and birth, does not notice two elements in the field - the elements of the personal and elements of the generic. That is why Rozanov can not find creative solutions to the floor.
* In the history of world philosophy, I know only two great teachings about the field and love: the teaching of Plato and Vl. Solovyov. "PIR" Plato and the "meaning of love" ll. Solovyov is the deepest, most heartfelt from everything that was written by people on this topic. Plato lived to the phenomenon of Christ into the world, but the tragedy of individuality was comprehended, he felt the long-term transcendent and prosecuting the power of the Divine Eros, an intermediary between the world with the world and peace. According to the teachings of Plato, clothed in mythological form, the floor is the result of a break in the original, uniform and mighty human nature, the disintegration of individuality into two halves, Love is a teenage desire for reunion into the whole personality.
* Plato Postig with a brilliant, divine power distinction between Aphrodite Heaven and Aphrodite by the Primary, Love of the Divine, personal, leading to individual immortality, and love of vulgar, impersonal, natural. In the Aphrodite of the Heavenly Plato, the breath of the Christian Eros, the mysterious and for this, of the medieval romanticism and the deepest, possible only after Christ, the teachings of Vl. Solovyov of love, as about the path to individual immortality. Vl. Solovyov sets the opposite between individuality and native. Love is a generic, born, crushing individuality, there is a vulgar age for him, subordination of natural necessity. True love is always personal, conquers eternity, individual immortality, it does not shift individuality in birth, but leads to the completeness of perfection of individuality. In all the creed of VL. Solovyov Central Place is occupied by the cult of eternal femininity, love for God in a concrete form of love for the "beautiful lady". Rejecting genus and birth, ll. Solovyov belongs to a new religious consciousness, suitable for a new religious doctrine of love, but does not reach the end. He is our direct predecessor.
* Two hostile metaphysical principles are struggling in the world - personal and generic. And the problem of sex and love should be delivered to the struggle of these two began, now exacerbated and revealed. The difficulty of all issues related to sexual love is that in the world history of sexual love, two confuse beginnings are closely intertwined - love personal and love, the power of super-aid, divine and power of natural, empirical connection. Too often mix the floor with a family, love with a generic instinct. But in kind and childbirth, there is nothing personal, individual, nothing even human, it is a natural element, the same in all people and the common human world with the world of animals. Love, as an individual election, as a peculiar attraction of floors, distinguishing not only a person from animals, but also every person from other people, the Divine Eros is not and can not be in the elements of the kind. The so-called generic love and generic statement of the floor is somewhat humiliate a person, which gives human face to the authority of the impersonal natural elements, the personality is here in the possession of the destroying natural necessity. Biology establishes inverse proportionality between fertility and individuality. If the organic forces go to continue the genus, they naturally decrease to create perfect individuality. This biological truth has a deeper metaphysical basis. There is a dilemma: or the creation of perfect, eternal individuality, or crushing the individuality and the creation of many imperfect and mortal individualities. A person is unable to become a personality, personality, reaching perfection and eternity and therefore, as if he transmits to the offspring to his further improvement, in the birth, the flour of unfulfilled individuality, irresistible break, unreasonable eternity. Generic sexual love shares individuality, strives for immortality of the genus, to the creation of many imperfect creatures, and not one perfect being, to bad infinity, to the eternal return. True love overcoming the floor should direct all the human energy inland and deep into eternity, and not outside and forth in time. This false cult of the future was connected with the generic floor, this false budrigression.
* Between Paul and Love and Birth and Birth, there is a native, not empirical only, and the metaphysical opposite. To assert the floor in love - to say the completeness and perfection of individuality, conquer eternity, good infinity; To approve the element of the genus in the genital instinte - to verify the individuality, conquer imperfect and mortal in time, bad infinity.
* Tomorrow of the floor and the mystery of love - in the thirst to overcome the tragic breakdown of floors, mystical merge to achieve eternal, perfect individuality. Perfect individuality does not give rise and does not die, does not create any subsequent mig. When they say: "Stop, a moment, you are fine!", They want to say that the wonderful in its perfection should not give birth to something else should remain forever that only not enough and the perfect and perfect instant must be replaced by another. The perfect world should not continue in something else, should not give birth to anything, it remains for eternity, remains himself.
* Organize a well-ordinary, sexual love, to make a good human genus - here is the limit of the desire of the most radical people. People are very conservative in the question of the field and love; Traditions, old feelings and instincts rule them and the root of this conservatism in the authority of the genus. The positivists do not know other love, except the generic, only the floor is born understand, only about changing the forms of the family cares. The theory of Love Schopenhauer, very close to the theory of Darwin, there is only an expression of the conservative power of the genus playing by people, an evil of ironizing over the individuality.
* Floor - this is what should be overcome, the floor is a gap. While this gap remains - there is no individuality, there is no whole person. But the overcoming of the floor is the statement of gender, and not negation, there is a creative connection of the floors, and not turning from sexual volume. It is necessary to approve the floor to its final overcoming, before the disappearance of the floors, to the compound into a single spirit, into a single flesh. This, of course, can not be understood that every monad, male and female, ceases to exist independently; She is inherent independent being, and it reaches fullness of completeness. The floor has the nature of spiritual and carnal, it is hidden by the metaphysics of the spirit and metaphysics of the flesh. Floor is not physiological and not empirical nature, it is hidden mystical depths. After all, the mystical dialectics of the floor see even in the very nature of the Divine. The whole world process is rooted in the field; Therefore, the world has done and continues that it is based on the floor that the mystical element of the world is discharged, ripped, polar. Metaphysical, spiritual and carnation polarity drove the world by sexy, thirst for the connection. This polarity affects the teachings about the eternal femininity, the femininity of the world soul, the teaching, such a close Christian mysticism, felt already Solomon in the "song song", based on the symbolism of the apocalypse. Very characteristic of the sensual erotic cult of the Virgin Mary's medieval men and the same cult of Christ among medieval women.
* Final overcoming floor, flooring is not only the merger of opposite human half, but also merging with eternal femininity and with the deity. Eros - there is a way to individuality and the path to the universe. But what is Eros? Love generic does not eat floor assertion, it continues only crushing. Only personal sex seeks to overcome the gap, to the approval of individuality, by eternity, to immortality. This is Aphrodite Heavenly. Only personal, out-of-birth love, love election of a shower, mystical love and there is love, there is a genuine Eros, Divine Aphrodite.
* Mimodukhovna love is a phenomenon not only abnormal, but also completely aimless, because the separation of the spiritual from the sensual, to which she strives, and without the best in the death of death. The true spiritual love is not weak imitation and the prevention of death, and the triumph of death, not separating the immortal from the mortal, eternal from the temporary, but the transformation of the mortal into the immortal, perception of temporary in the eternal.
* According to Solovyov, only love needs immortality, love is the highest content of life, the final fullness of being, the validity of individuality. But Aphrodite is heavenly, personal, opposite to the family of love, is not distracted spiritual and disembodied, it is embodied, full, concrete-sensual to the same degree as spiritual.
* But love by nature is tragic, thirst for her empirically unclear, it always takes a person from this world to the edge of infinity, reveals the existence of other worlds. Love is tragic because it is crushed in the empirical world of love objects, and the love itself is crushed into torn, temporary states. There is a disease that is called fetishism in love. Solovyov speaks about this phenomenon in his article "Meaning of Love." This disease is that the subject of love is not a solid person, not live, organic personality, and part of a person, fraction of personality, for example, hair, hands, legs, eyes, lips cause crazy love separate, distracted from the entity part turns into fetish . With fetishism, the feeling of the person's love is lost, the individuality of a person is not visible. This disease of fetishism in love is painful to a greater or lesser extent, all almost people of our time. Love in which the object of love is crushed and she herself decays to the transient Migi, there are always fetishism in love, the illness of our spirit and our flesh. Love is exclusively flat, physiological, so common in our world there are fetishism, since it has no feeling of full personality, all individuality.
* Uniform object of love, organic ideal, native soul, mystically intended polar half empirically splits: In the mass of women for men, in the mass of men - for women they see the broken features of an organic object - there eyes, here are hands, there is a soul, here is the mind, etc. etc. After all, you need to openly declare that men are in love with too many women, women - in too many men, everything in almost all in almost a certain sense in love, the unfortunate thirst to torment people and the love volume has no limit . There is nothing morally reprehensible in this, but the terrible tragedy is hidden in this disease of love fetishism, in this crushing of love and its object.
* After all, the meaning of love (not child love) in the mystical sense of personality, in a mysterious merger with another, as his native polar and at the same time identical personality. Love decides that the Germans call the DU-Frage, the problem of the transition of one being to another and the whole world, out of its limitations and cutoff.
* Modern literature (with special power - Maupassant) depicts this insane loneliness of man, this solipsism, breaking with "you", with the realities of the world. Only Eros Power can bring out of this loneliness, but Eros is not a detailed, sensitive personality, the divine power of individual-mystical love. It is necessary to find and love your other "I", a living, solid person and then cut-off from any reality of the world is already stopped. You need to love not to form a generic family, always egoisticly closed, the world is the opposite, the person absorbing, but for the mystical-love merger of all creatures of the world, of all things in the world.
* Christ condemned the genus and generic love, family and generic life, condemned Aphrodite the common, impersonal, natural. People should not be combined with a natural necessity, the relationship of impersonal, because that brother, and sister, and mother who performs the will of the Heavenly Father. Not in the lone of impersonal, meaningless and violent nature should occur the love merger of people, and in the village of the Father of Heaven, where everything is meaningful, and individually, and freely. Christ taught that the children of God should connect not in the image of the animal nature, in which the human face disappears, and in the image of the nature of God, in which the face and freedom are approved. Christ taught about the divine. Eros, about the Aphrodite of Heaven, who felt already Plato, but the teaching of Christ about love remains mysterious and incomprehensible, did not "fit." What do these strange words mean "can accommodate, let's fit"? It is too known as these words were interpreted by a limited consciousness of historical Christianity. They thought that Christ was talking about asceticism, about denial, gender and love, about abstinence, a scope preached. This ascetic feat did not consider the lot of all people, not everyone could "accommodate", but only the chosen, devoting their lives to God. On the basis of this interpretation, black flowers of medieval monasses and all this painful struggle with the temptations of Aphrodite rose. But this interpretation of the words of Christ emerged from one-sided nature, which received Christianity in history, he had a mystical female to flesh and land. Christian asceticism was an antithesis in mystical dialectics of being and therefore could not accommodate the teachings on the creative role of Eros in the transformation of the Earth and the world flesh, about the universal connection of people with new love.
* But the times are coming when it is time to understand what the words of Christ mean. Does Christ talk about new love, about the Aphrodite of Heaven, about the Divine Eros, who not everyone can "accommodate." Coulder to accommodate new love, but accommodate it. Eros, which Christ was so mysteriously taught, whom he wanted to connect people in God, is not a birth love, but a personal and cathedral, not natural love, but an ultra-priority, non-crushing personality in time, but approving it in eternity.
* Buddhist and pessimistic doctrine of love, like compassion and pity, is essentially associated with atheism, with unbelief in the joyful meaning of the world. The love of Mary or sinners to Christ was no pity and altruism, and mystical attachment and joy, with a genuine Christ Eros. The same Eros - in the medieval cult Madonna, in medieval love in Christ, so seemingly opposite ascetic background of life. And our love for God is a sample of any love, so you need to love people. God can not regret, it is impossible to treat it "altruistic", and perfect love for people is admiration, admiring, attraction. Love for people, every love is only the empirical image of a single love for God, a single divine delight and joy, love for the emanizing particle of the Divine. Love is harvested when admiration begins, admiring when the person pleases, leads to himself when privacy ceases, cut away, egoistic closure and complacency. Altruistic morality, which we are presented instead of Christ love, does not overcome the gap between people, the inner decay, it is cold and dead, "glass" love, at an amazing expression Rosanova. The impersonal, ordered, only human love cannot be. Christ is love - it is primarily a sense of personality, mystical penetration into the personality of another, recognition of his brother, his sister, on the father of heaven. In Christ love, the relationship is equal, and the dignity does not diminish. At the same time, Eros is connected to the floor, this primary source of every break and all compound. Customizable, yes, it will contain a new flesh of love, but did not come even times to accommodate it in the collective life of humanity.
* Single life in all its species and forms saw the appointment of a woman in the birth of children. With the formation of a monogamic family on the basis of the generic vocation of a woman believed in the family, in children, in the education of the genus. A family and generic look at the woman recognizes the originality of a woman and the peculiarity of her destination, but always hostile to the personal start in a woman, always oppresses and enslaves the human face of a woman. A woman creates in flour and becomes a slave of an impersonal kind of element, giving it through the social institution of the family. The family cries the personality of not only women, but also a man, as it represents the interests of the kind and generic property. The generic family is the grave of the individual and personal love, in the middle of this chash, Eros. The personality was rebuilt, finally, against the kind and family, against the natural slavery, fixed by slavery, the social, but the consciousness of the person remains unclear, the sense of person adopted a false ghostly direction. The woman rightly wished to become a person, a man, and not a tool of the birth element, not a slave of an impersonal family. But where to look for a person's approval, where is a person? There is no full human individuality until the floor is overcome; From solving the problem of sex, the fate of the personality depends on the combination of floors, halves. It is impossible to become a person, to carry out individuality on the other side of the question about the field and love. A man not only is not a normal type of man, but not a person in itself in itself, not a person, not an individual without love. The man is only gender, half, he is a product of world torn and disunity, a fragment of whole being. And the woman is the floor, half, also a fragment.
* In God, the eternal image of the human face, the individuality, which occupies its place in a mystical hierarchy, and in the world who fell away from God, is broken, separated, is distracted and there is no personality. Floor polarity is the main form of separation, personality loss, and sexual merger is the main form of the compound, personality approval. But the mystical mystery of the sexual connection is that not to get into the slavery of the faceless tribal instinct, do not succumb to the tricks of sinful nature, and find an organic addition to his eternal image in God, to exercise in love with God's idea, that is, the individuality, to conquer immortality.
* A man always worked in the name of an excellent lady, she inspires him on the feat and connects with the soul of the world. But the wonderful lady, eternal femininity, can not remain an abstract idea, it inevitably takes a specific and sensual form. Without the beginning of femininity, life would turn into dry abstract, in the skeleton, in a soulless mechanism. A woman who exercises his feminine destination can make great discoveries that are not able to make a man. Only a woman can open some secrets of life, only a man can join them. Outside the connection with femininity, a man will never comprehend the secret of individuality and the global merger in love. In all areas of life, in all areas of creativity, the woman can and should make his life-giving, transforming its beginning, it changes being not mediocre male affairs, but first-class women's affairs. The evil struggle between a woman and a man for the predominance, an evil feud in love itself, poisoning the basis of the floor, can be discontinued only by the restoration of the religious meaning of love.
* Birth and death, this is not the beginning and not an end, as it wants to convince us a natural necessity, but a relocation from other worlds and in other worlds.
* Paul has a window in a different world, love - a window in infinity. And whether there was a tomturing on other worlds in the poor worlds, thirst to break empirical facets? Only thirst for this often does not break these faces, but fastens them even more. Sweistance is not at all a physiological state, which causes a negative attitude to people, tuned spiritualist, and the ratio of positive materialist. There are solvents of flesh and creature spirit, and it always lies deeper empirical phenomena, there is always a feeling in a certain sense, transcendental, withdrawing abroad. Ascetic moralization over the elements of the Sweet Title is truly pitifully impressions, you can not cope with the power of this element with any imperatives. If you recognize with sinful every creature, if you see only a fall in it, then you need to deny sexual love in the root, see solid dirt in the flesh of love. Then the ecstasy of love is impossible, a clean dream of love is impossible, since love is voluptuous to essentially to its own, without solvent, turns into dry abstract. The experience of the rejection of any voluptuary, as sinful, was already made by humanity, this experience was expensive, he polluted the sources of love, and did not clean them. We are still poisoned by this feeling of sinfulness and uncleanness of all the solvents of love and the muddy sensation of those who love. You can not connect the cleanliness and poetry of this thirst for mergers with your beloved with the feeling of sin and dirt. The worst resistance of this merger. The question of creatures otherwise should be delivered, it's time to stop seeing the concession of the weakness of sinful human flesh in the solvents, it's time to see the truth, holiness and purity of a voluptuous merger. Not only ascetics of the medieval spirit, but also the ascetics are much less beautiful, the positive and bloodless spirit of our days is afraid of solvents, like a "feat", and indulge as a secret vice. From this conditional lie who have already lost all the highest meaning, we must, morally obliged to free yourself. It is necessary to rebel against the hypocrisy associated with sexual creature. It is too already becoming apparent for people of the new consciousness that the very coolness can be different, maybe there may be bad and ugly, but it may be good and beautiful. There may be solventure, like slavery from the natural element, as a loss of personality, but may be creature, like liberation from natural shackles, as a person approval.
* There is a creature personal, ecstasy merge into higher personality, mystical penetration in "you", in the identity of another, your native, its intended. Ecstatic voluptuous experience does not always have a loss of his human "I", the subordination of his impersonal animal nature, but there is also an introduction to the nature of the Divine, the final finding in it of his personality. There is a volunteer Aphrodite in common, but there is a creature and aphrodites of heavenly. Only with the assumption of righteous solvents may be talking about the meaning of love, they may be pure aspirations of love. Any ecstasy is voluptuary, and the element of solvents was in all religious sacraments. In the final merger of full and eternal individuality with space, there will be ecstatic bliss that is in the confluence of floors.
* Suntension dirty, evil, sinful is the result of the fragmentation of the personality, turning the part of the human being into the whole, there is an accepted personality of human, as with a simple agent, there is a lack of personal self-sustaining and the feeling of another person. In the natural elements of the kind, there is an eternal temptation of impersonal swelling, opposite to Eros; Development without blessing of love is sin, humiliation of her and someone else's personality. Dirty and sinfully make a person a simple tool of their natural pleasure, and not by merging with the highest nature. The demonism of the sweetistance associated with the person's loss and self-adhesiveness, presses the modern generation, is detected by the new literature and art, and it is impossible to escape from this disease with old morality, asceticism or silence and ignoring the severity of the issue. The most acute, difficult question: how to approve not only spiritual, but also carnal love, not impersonal, generic, natural-animal merger, and also personal, individual, superfront. We approach something difficult to express my words, to the area of \u200b\u200bthe incredible, only in the mystical experience of the complicated. This is due to the spiritualization and transformation of the flesh.
* The so-called "unnatural" forms of love and sexual compound, leading to indignation of limited moralists, from a higher point of view no worse, sometimes even better forms of the so-called "natural" compound. After all, from a religious point of view, and with the philosophical, the whole nature is unnatural, abnormal, is spoiled, and obedience to nature and its laws of necessity is not measured by Merylo. I do not know what a normal natural sexual merger is, and argue that no one knows. It is very difficult to moralize rationally to moralize over the secret floor and is not always morally, it is very easy to get into the paws of the evil and insidious element of the genus, it's not God, but the nature hostile to it, who adopted a moral reversion. Non-"Naturally" must be combined with floors, according to the laws of nature and rational morality, and "supernatural", according to the Divine laws of the transformation of the flesh. I don't use the word "supernatural", but really think and I believe that from the natural world there may be an exit to the ultra-section, and in this, I suppose the essence of religious mysticism. Every love and sexual love is the sphere of religious mysticism by the advantage. We rest in this area in secret and the sacrament. Marriage is a great sacrament connecting with God. So looked all religions. The preaching of natural morality or moral naturalness encroaches on the religious sacrament of marriage love.
* Transcendental, extraneous roots of the carnal life are visible to religious and philosophical consciousness. And the flesh of love is not physician and chemistry, is not exhausted by the physiological process, although it can get into slavery (and too often falls) to natural necessity. The carnal merger is in meaning to overcoming the empirical faces of the human being, thirst to defeat the obstacle, put by natural necessity, to defeat the naturalness of separation. A voluptuous tomression is, perhaps the root of thirst to defeat the world in the world, non-transcendence of the faces between people, there is a mystical premonition of the bliss of universal merge in God. But a terrible mistake would build a mystical merger on a sample of abstract-physical. The transformation of nature, victory over impersonal instincts is achieved by individualizing love attraction, efforts to find a face, feel the image in the confluence, drawn in God, prevent the transformation of your personality and the personality of another in a simple manual of the genus. Individualized love, which can only be called Eros, is the thinnest product of world culture, there is already an outcome of natural necessity.
* The history of Eros in the world has few points of contact with the family history. Already in Greece, love arose and developed outside the forms of family, that is, the generic connection of the floors. And in the Middle Ages, Knight's love, the only true love, existed outside the forms of the family, the "beautiful lady" never had a wife recognized by the Institute of Family. In a new time, the family is too often acknowledged by the grave of love, and Eros is settled in the romance of free love, often, and deceased in vulgarity and an adulter. Eros enters the world invisible, not official, illegal and unnatural paths; Individualized love, God specified election, with great difficulty wins nature and prepare its transformation. Only such love can be the basis of the sacrament of marriage.
* The Higher Form of Love is not love is an affordable, disembodied, there is no dried duty and moral abstraction, it is based on mystical sensuality, the immediate joy of touch and compound.
* As the circle is expanded, the Eros becomes more and more distracted, impersonal and disembodied, but can never turn into dry, invented altruism, in fulfilling a painful prescription. Always, it remains a living specific object of love is the essence of an absolute. You can not love all people without distinction, this requirement is not only impossible, but also unfair, there are many individual gradations and three major degrees of love. But loving God, you can love the whole world, the whole nature, all the grass and epics, to see in everything the Deity gleam and the highest meaning. Such an erotic attitude to the world was partly in Francis Assius. The perfect world, how should it be by the thought of God, the whole worthy of love, everything is fine, everything causes an overwhelming attraction, and the mystical mystery of love is that love is the power penetrating this world that it is always directed on the divine-beautiful world. It is impossible to love the corruption of the world, you can not admire the rot and the Smad. It is possible and should be seen for the empirical corruption and disfiguration of the world of eternal, divine beauty and to love her immensely. The last court belongs only to God, a person can never condemn the creature of God, as the dead finally, and therefore should love the potency of salvation.
* Love is power, the transforming world, freed from ghosts and ugliness. And the face covered with the face of a beloved creature can see the power of love in the light of the transfigured, a clear image of this creature in God is clear. From the face of this world subsides leprosy from the strength of love. Cognitive love for God at Spinoza, Amor Dei Intellectualis, expressed only part of the truth, but this sage already understood that only love deserves immortality that only in love for God the world is transformed. And we all offer to love the mindless and ugly, obeying the abdicted debt, to make the commandment of love instead of bliss from the commandment, and we don't love anything, everything for us has become ugly and smeared, we are looking for in torn pieces of decent items of love and are not able to see the Divine Beauty of the World connected by Eros. And the novels of people of the modern era have become ugly vulgar, and altruistic exercises in love - miserable and groundless.
* Eros is associated with any ecstasy and inspiration, any creative transformation of life. Individual sexual love is the implementation of the eternal individual image in God, the achievement of completeness for each half, but also any other love (not generic, of course, instinct) is an epiphany in this individual image.
* The complete implementation of the kingdom of love, the highest embodiment of Eros in global life is possible only in theocracy, in the kingdom of God and on Earth, as in heaven; The kingdom of God is the kingdom of love, the connection of world parts based on mystical-free imposition, and not on violence and coercion. All organic sprouts of true love lead to theocracy, every true love is already the cursing theocracy. The sacrament of marriage love and not only the marriage love of two floors, but also of all the creatures of the world, who join the body of the God-human, is committed in the mystical church of Christ, was committed in the history of the world, when it could not yet be done openly. We are craving for removal from the floor of the old curse, the consecration of the sanctification of love, that is, the introduction of her in the sphere of theocracy. The non-artificial cap of the church must cover the floor and love and to sanctify them and curse everything that does not fall under the cap, and the love of the mystical depths of nature should grow love, unite with religious consciousness and detective in the depths of the church.
* We have seen already that the "social question" is associated with Paul and Love. All new and new statement of the social issue is rooted in the growth of population, that is, in the birth, in the antagonism between the person and comes, in the need to overcome the chaotic separation. Harmonization of chaotic sexual life, the subordination of this element to the highest meaning will be of great importance for solving a social issue, relative, of course, solutions, since the absolute solution is empirically unthinkable. Not only the development of material culture is socially necessary, not only distribution fairness, but also regulation of population growth, that is, fertility. Changing the birth rate is associated with a coup in the midst of the floor. From here you will also go and changes in the property formed around the genus and in the name of the genus. The question of love and the field lies within any public, making an intimate essence, as the issue of the public there is a question about personal and free, and not the birth and the necessary combination of people. The mystery of public, free connection is only in love, and the Higher Form of Love is love sex, Eros is that Plato called Aphrodite Heavenly. "We will love each other, because love is from God, and every loving born of God and knows God. Who does not love, he did not know God, because God is love" (1 post. John).

The question of the field and love is central to the whole of our religious and philosophical and religious and public world. The main disadvantage of all social theories is shame, and often hypocritical ignoring the source of life, the perpetrator of the whole human history - sexual love. The secret of breaking in the world and the mystery of any compound is connected with the floor and love; The mystery of individuality and immortality is also connected with sex and love.

This is a painful question for every creature, for all people it is also immensely important, as is the question of maintaining life and death. This is a damned, world question, and everyone is trying in privacy, thoroughly hiding, pulling and having exactly the shame, overcome the tragedy of sex and love, defeat the sexual separation of the world, this basis for all separation, the last of people is trying to love, at least in the animal. And the conspiracy of silence about this question is striking, they write so little about it, they say so little, so little detect their experiences in this area, hide what should have been able to get a general and world decision. This is an intimate question, the most intimate of all.

But where did it become known that intimate does not have a worldwide value, should not float on the surface of the story, should be buried somewhere in underground? The disgusting lie of the culture, now becoming unbearable: about the most important, deeply affecting us, it is believed to be silent, it is not clear about everything too intimate; Open your soul, to discover what she lives, is considered indecent, almost scandalous. And in everyday life with people, and in social activities, and in the literature is ordered to speak only about the so-called generally binding, generalized, legalized for all adopted.

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev - Paul and Love Metaphysics. Self-knowledge (collection)

Moscow: Beretelsmann Media Moskaau AO 2014g. - 400 s.

ISBN: 978-5-88353-616-7

Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev - Paul and Love Metaphysics. Self-knowledge (Collection) - Content

Believer Volnodumets

Metaphysics of Floor and Love



  • Chapter I origins and origin. I and the world environment. First engines. World aristocratic
  • Chapter II loneliness. Yearning. Freedom. Rebuilding. A pity. Doubts and fighting the Spirit. Reflection on Eros
  • Chapter III First Appeal. The search for the meaning of life
  • Chapter IV The world of philosophical knowledge. Philosophical sources
  • Chapter V Appeal to Revolution and Socialism. Marxism and idealism
  • Chapter VI Russian Cultural Renaissance of the beginning of the XX century. Meetings with people
  • Chapter VII Turn to Christianity. Religious drama. Spiritual meetings
  • Chapter VIII World of Creativity. "The meaning of creativity" and the experience of creative ecstasy
  • Chapter IX Russian Revolution and World Communist
  • Chapter X Russia and West World
  • Chapter XI My Final Philosophy. Confession of faith. The world of eschatology. Time and Eternity
  • Chapter XII about self-knowledge and its limits. Conclusion about yourself

Heavy years


Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev - Paul and Love Metaphysics. Self-knowledge (Collection) - Library of freezers

In short on historical standards, a segment of time - between the ninety years of the XIX century and the October coup of 1917 - the fame of the silver century of Russian poetry was entrenched. And not only poetry. It was time to take off of domestic culture in all its manifestations: painting, science and architecture, science and culture, social thought. And the Center for Philosophy, which traditionally was considered Germany - the birthplace of Kant and Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Marx, - moved to Russia.

One of the most striking thinkers of the 20th century, which began his creative way during the Russian Renaissance and had a significant impact on the development of philosophical thought in Europe, was Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev (1874-1948).

The future, as he called himself, "Believer Volnodomz" was born in Kiev. According to his origin, he belonged to Russian aristocracy. His parents, although they lived in the province, preserved extensive ties at the court. "All my ancestors were generals and St. George Cavalera. All started service in the cavalry regiment ... I have been credited with my childhood for the merits of the ancestors. " On the maternal line, he was closely related to the Polish magnates of Branitsky, who owned in Ukraine with unbarldly land. And Nikolai was able to serve in the most privileged, Life Guard Cavalgard Regiment, the court career. However, loving parents did not decide to send her sons to learn from St. Petersburg, to the Page Corps, but were determined to the local Cadet Corps. Friends in the building Nikolai was not. Odnoklassniki belonged to him with envy and alienation.

This slim young man owned several foreign languages, beautiful rider, arrows from the revolver, seemed to them by the aliel from another world. Externally, it was this that was the cause of the removal of Nicholas and even worships in relation to peers, future officers of ordinary infantry regiments. "In fact, I never loved the society of peer boys and avoided rotating in their society ... And now I think that there is nothing disgusting the conversations of boys in their environment," Berdyaev wrote. He has an extraordinarily awakened interest in philosophical literature. There were no interlocutors for distracted topics among cadets. At fourteen, Nikolai has already studied Kant and Hegel. But reading such serious books was not scholastic assimilation of someone's wise thoughts and ideas. "I continuously react to the book and remember well not so much the content of the book, how much thought that I was in mind about the book" - so described Berdyaev my method of reading philosophical literature. Sometimes this led to unpleasant consequences. For example, once on the exam according to God's law, he has so fascinated by the development of his own thoughts, which received a "unit" at a twelve-dollar rating system.

Nikolay Alexandrovich Berdyaev

Metaphysics floor and love. Self-knowledge

Printed by publication:

Berdyaev N. Self-knowledge: Favorites. - M.: World of Book; Literature, 2006. - (Series "Great Thinkers")

Entrance article S. V. Chumakov

Notes A. A. Khramkova

In the design of the cover used photo N. A. Berdyaev, 1912

Believer Volnodumets

In short on historical standards, a segment of time - between the ninety years of the XIX century and the October coup of 1917 - the fame of the silver century of Russian poetry was entrenched. And not only poetry. It was time to take off of domestic culture in all its manifestations: painting, science and architecture, science and culture, social thought. And the Center for Philosophy, which traditionally was considered Germany - the birthplace of Kant and Hegel, Schopenhauer, Nietzsche and Marx, - moved to Russia.

One of the most striking thinkers of the 20th century, which began his creative way during the Russian Renaissance and had a significant impact on the development of philosophical thought in Europe, was Nikolai Alexandrovich Berdyaev (1874-1948).

The future, as he called himself, "Believer Volnodomz" was born in Kiev. According to his origin, he belonged to Russian aristocracy. His parents, although they lived in the province, preserved extensive ties at the court. "All my ancestors were generals and St. George Cavalera. All started service in the cavalry regiment ... I have been credited with my childhood for the merits of the ancestors. " On the maternal line, he was closely related to the Polish magnates of Branitsky, who owned in Ukraine with unbarldly land. And Nikolai was able to serve in the most privileged, Life Guard Cavalgard Regiment, the court career. However, loving parents did not decide to send her sons to learn from St. Petersburg, to the Page Corps, but were determined to the local Cadet Corps. Friends in the building Nikolai was not. Odnoklassniki belonged to him with envy and alienation. This slim young man, who owned several foreign languages, a beautiful rider, arrows from the revolver, seemed to them the aliel from another world. Externally, it was this that was the cause of the removal of Nicholas and even worships in relation to peers, future officers of ordinary infantry regiments. "In fact, I never loved the society of peer boys and avoided rotating in their society ... And now I think that there is nothing disgusting the conversations of boys in their environment," Berdyaev wrote. He has an extraordinarily awakened interest in philosophical literature. There were no interlocutors for distracted topics among cadets. At fourteen, Nikolai has already studied Kant and Hegel. But reading such serious books was not scholastic assimilation of someone's wise thoughts and ideas. "I continuously react to the book and remember well not so much the content of the book, how much thought that I was in mind about the book" - so described Berdyaev my method of reading philosophical literature. Sometimes this led to unpleasant consequences. For example, once on the exam according to God's law, he has so fascinated by the development of his own thoughts, which received a "unit" at a twelve-dollar rating system.

Nikolay realized that military service was not for him. Contrary to the will of the parents in 1884 he entered the natural faculty of Kiev University of St. Vladimir, after a year he moved to the legal. However, the university did not finish. The young aristocrat was carried away by Marxism, joined the Kiev circle "Union of the struggle for the liberation of the working class", transported illegal literature across the border. One day, gendarmes were granted to him. Making a search, "walked on tiptoe" so as not to disturb the father, who was on "you" with the governor. The acquaintance of parents with the strong world of this world did not save the Son from the arrest, the prospect of prison, and then expulsion under the supervision of the police in Vologda, where he stayed until 1904.

In the environment, the exile influence of Marxism was dominant. The discussion "club" brightened future drugs A. Lunacharsky, Eser Terrorist B. Savinkov ... However, it was there that the departure of a young thinker from orthodox marxism began. Blowing out of the reference, Berdyaev for several years along with the "Legal Marxists" - P. Struve, M. Tugan-Baranovsky and others tried to rethink the theoretical principles of revolutionary teaching: materialism, dialectics and especially materialistic understanding of history. But already in 1906, Berdyaev wrote: "Idealism was good for the initial criticism of Marxism and positivism, but there is nothing creative in it, it is impossible to stop on it, it would be unreal and not religious." It becomes an active promoter of the ideology of the "new religious consciousness", one of the important postulates of which was the need for the spiritual reform of the Orthodox Church and the Christian religion, because they must correspond to a new historical era and a new culture. These ideas are reflected in his books "new religious consciousness and the public", the "spiritual crisis of the intelligentsia" and in a number of articles. He participates in the collection of "milestones", which caused violent discussions in the environment of the democratic intelligentsia, sharp criticism from the "right" Marxists. Lenin rated "milestones" as an "encyclopedia of bourgeois reneximity."

Berdyaev becomes one of the organizers and active authors of philosophical magazines "New Way" and "Questions of Life". He is an indispensable participant of all famous St. Petersburg philosophical meetings. It is adjacent to the circle of intellectuals who united in the philosophical cabin of the writer S. Merezhkovsky, one of the leaders of the Russian decadation, the author of a number of historical novels, imbued with the religious and mystical spirit. It is desirable guest on the so-called "media" of one of the brightest poets of the silver century Vyach. Ivanov, who was collected in his "tower" the intellectual elite of St. Petersburg. "IN. I. Ivanov not only a poet, but also a scientist, thinker, mystically tuned, a man of very wide and diverse interests ... There was always a desire at V. Ivanov to turn the communication of people to Platonovsky Symposium, he always called on Eros, "recalled these collections Berdyaev. Another center of attraction was "Sunday" from the writer, publicist, philosopher, the author of paradoxical essays, which were very unhappy orthodox Church, V. Rozanov. The owner of the "Sundays" was an opponent of Christian asceticism, sometimes the problems of the family and gender peculiarly interpreted. And at these meetings, Berdyaev has always been a welcome guest.

In 1908, he moved to Moscow. Here he communicates with the outstanding philosophers E. Trubetsky, P. Florensky and others. Together with them creates a religious and philosophical society of memory of Vladimir Solovyov. In Moscow, for Berdyaeva, the "time to collect stones" comes. He systematizes his views in the books "Philosophy of Freedom", "The meaning of creativity."

Metaphysics floor and love. Self-knowledge (collection)

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Title: Floor and Love Metaphysics. Self-knowledge (collection)

About the book Nikolay Berdyaev "Metaphysics of Floor and Love. Self-knowledge (collection) "

The collection includes two most famous works of Nikolai Berdyaev - an outstanding Russian thinker, follower of Kant, Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, one of the brightest representatives of idealistic philosophy. "Man", "Personality", "Individual", "Freedom", "God" - the most important categories of Philosophy Berdyaev.

Paul and Lyubov Berdyaev considered the major issues and devoted them to the work of "Metaphysics of Floor and Love". Sensuality, as well as a conservative desire to curb the floor, have nothing to do with love. The Institute of Marriage strengthens only love causes, and it is metaphysically lower than love personal. The highest form of love is not to continue the kind. Romeo and Juliet, Dante and Beatrice did not continue the genus. The highest manifestation of love is a renunciation from everyday, mystical mystery of two.

The work "self-knowledge" is written in a unique genre of philosophical autobiography. Berdyaev talks about the formation of his philosophical views, about contemporaries, about his bright life: he survived two revolutions, Russian communism, a crisis of world culture, two world wars; Four times sat in prison, was exiled to the north, expelled from Russia and finished life with an emigrant exile, but never broke the inner spiritual connection with the homeland.

Eternal questions, over which Berdyaev thought, - love, loneliness, freedom, rebellion, meaning of life and his search - today are relevant, more than ever, the ideas of the thinker are original and modern, his style is the greatest phenomenon of the Russian language.

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