What does the phraseological unit neither give nor take mean? As it is written “neither give nor take.” Index of words to the section “Spelling. Imitation as a necessary stage in personality formation

Neither give nor take Razg. Unism. Exactly the same as anyone or anything. With noun with meaning a person or an object: an artist, an artist, a mountain, a gorge, a steamboat...

Mikhailov met his inspector in the Kulikovo manner: he hugged, kissed... No matter what - Kulikov! (S. Zalygin.)

Road! Oh, the road... Deep wheel ruts, like gorges among the mud... (V. Tendryakov.)

You can’t see anything around, only the stars shimmer above - it’s like a ship sailing right across this starry sea. (V. Ardamatsky.)

Educational phraseological dictionary. - M.: AST. E. A. Bystrova, A. P. Okuneva, N. M. Shansky. 1997 .


See what “neither give nor take” is in other dictionaries:

    Whether to give or take - the thought takes over.- Whether to give or take, it takes time to think. See MEDITATION DETERMINATION... IN AND. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Neither give nor take- (foreign language) exactly, nothing needs to be added or subtracted. Wed. Places “on the Mountains” neither give nor take the fossilized waves of the stormy sea, hills, hillocks, mounds, hills... Melnikov. On the mountains. 1, 1. Wed. Always quiet and meek, humble, so menacing and...

    neither give nor take- (foreign language) exactly the same; there is no need to add or subtract anything Wed. Places on the Mountains are neither give nor take the petrified waves of a stormy sea, hills, hillocks, mounds, hills... Melnikov. On the mountains. 1, 1. Wed. Always a quiet and meek humble woman, so menacing and powerful... ... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    neither give nor take- 1. see take; in zn. adj. Exactly the same. He looks exactly like his mother. 2. see take; in zn. adv. Exactly the same. He will deceive, no matter what, like that time... Dictionary of many expressions

    neither give nor take- See the exact... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. neither give nor take, exact; copy, portrait, double, similar Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    Neither give nor take- Razg. Express 1. Exactly the same as anyone or anything. As soon as you put on a monisto, you will, truly, be like a holy icon in its frame! (A.K. Tolstoy. Prince Silver). 2. Exactly like anyone else. He stuck out his tongue, puffed out... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    Neither give nor take- GIVE, I'll give, you'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give; gave, gave, gave and gave, gave (didn’t give and didn’t give, didn’t give, didn’t give and didn’t give, didn’t give and didn’t give); give; given (given, given; not given, not given, not given and not given, not given and not given); owls Dictionary… … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    neither give nor take- (exactly the same). He was like a father in his youth... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    neither give nor take- adj., number of synonyms: 10 literally (26) double (33) copy (41) ... Synonym dictionary

    It's better to give than to take- It's better to give than to take. Wed. We must support the weak, for He said: it is more blessed to give than to receive. Acts of the Apostle. 20, 35… Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)


  • Frontier. Missing. Feather and rifle. A road for two. City in the steppe, Kalbazov Konstantin Georgievich. This ravine in the taiga, damn it, really turned out to be a portal! And most likely, it is also true that it will open again only in a hundred years. It is useless to bang your forehead against an invisible wall,...

1. The particle neither (always unstressed) is included in the negative pronouns neither who, nor that, nor what, etc. and pronominal adverbs neither where, nor where, nor when, etc.

Remember: pronouns and adverbs with the prefix particle neither are used in sentences where the predicate has the negation not: did not address anyone; I didn’t go there for anything; didn’t walk anywhere (cf.: didn’t Who to contact; Not why go there; no place to go for a walk).

Exceptions: stay neither what to end up with neither what does it have to do with, count for nothing, etc. Wed. also: there is no need to argue (‘there’s no reason, there’s no need’) - medicine is no longer needed (‘unnecessary’ - as a predicate).

The negative predicate may be absent from the sentence, but it is implied: There is no month or stars in the sky; Neither human habitation, neither living souls in the distance(Ch.).

There are different combinations:

None of us (‘no one’) did not chicken out in a moment of danger - Not one of us (‘many’) is ready for a feat;

Never (‘never’) I haven't met him.- More than once (‘often’) met him

2. With the exception of negative pronouns without a preposition (nobody, etc.) and negative adverbs (from nowhere, etc.), the particle is not always written separately: from no one; not a cloud; Neither me nor the dog will not touch you; Neither white threads nor I don't need red ones.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between the combined spelling of the particle neither in negative pronouns and adverbs (nobody, nowhere, etc.) and the separate spelling neither with relative pronominal words (neither who, nor where, etc.) in the subordinate parts of a complex sentence: I don’t know , neither who you are, nor who he is (T.); To whomever Rostov addressed, no one could say neither where was the sovereign, nor where was Kutuzov (L. T.).

3. The repeating particle does not have the meaning of a connecting conjunction: Neither day nor there was no news from him for a month; Along this road neither pass nor pass; Neither quiet nor the story flows loudly. In these cases, neither is equal in meaning to the combination and not, that is, it acts as a negation. Wed. among writers of the 19th century: Crows are neither fried nor boiled (Kr.); He himself is neither rich, nor noble, nor smart (T.); Elisha was an old man neither rich nor poor (L.T.).

Notes: 1. The construction with a conjunction not only before the last of the listed homogeneous members of the sentence is obsolete: No, really, there are seas, no high mountains, rocks and abysses, no dense forests (Gonch.).

2. The use of a repeated conjunction-particle neither in the meaning of ‘and not’ makes the presence of a conjunction in front of it and (usually before the last homogeneous member of the sentence) redundant. Combination and neither is found relatively rarely: IN in this case doesn't fit neither one nor the other other; And it became easy and simple for me, although neither simple nor easy (here it is adjacent to the union though) ; He cried sadly, soldier, about his girl, neither her husband, nor her brother, nor her godfather, nor her matchmaker, nor her lover (TV.).

4. A single or repeating particle is not included in the stable revolutions:

through thick and thin

as if nothing had happened

out of nowhere

neither fish nor fowl

neither alive nor dead

neither two nor one and a half

neither this nor that

neither give nor take

neither more nor less

no more, no less

5. In independent exclamations and interrogative sentences(often with the words only, really) the particle not is used, and in the subordinate parts of a complex sentence (with a concessive connotation of meaning) the particle nor. Wed:

Wherever he turned! (‘contacted many places’)

Wherever he goes I contacted him and was met with a sympathetic attitude everywhere.

What mother doesn't I made it for my sick son!

Whatever mother did for a sick son, like neither tried to help him, but could not save him.

Wed. Also: What kind of tricks Not a person starts in order not to perish, to achieve happiness, what kind of professions can he choose? Not comes up with ideas, but there is still no luck; Just what Not they give, but they don’t care- with the help of the conjunction a, independent sentences are connected; in the first part there is no subordinate clause with a concessive connotation of meaning, so it is written not.

Note. It is necessary to distinguish between the combinations used in the subordinate parts of complex sentences: whoever, whatever, wherever, etc., in which the particle is not adjacent to the relative word, and the combinations whoever, whatever, wherever, etc. . items in which the particle does not belong to the predicate. Wed:

He helped everyone with advice, no matter who came to him neither applied. — In our team, perhaps, there is no one who would approach him Not sought advice;

Wherever you are were, remember your responsibilities as a human being and a citizen. — In our country there are few families where Not there were casualties during the Great Patriotic War.

In exclamatory sentences with an affirmative meaning in combination with the meaning ‘it doesn’t matter who (what, which, etc.)’ it is possible to use the particle ni: Who told you this? - Who would I didn't say anything!

I adv. quality-circumstances decomposition Exactly the same; exactly, exactly. II predic. decomposition About the complete resemblance of someone to...
  • NI in the Brief Church Slavonic Dictionary:
    - Not, …
  • NI in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , particle. 1. In combination with rod. n. means the complete absence of someone, the non-realization of something. Not a cloud. Not a soul around. Neither...
  • NI in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • NI
  • NI
    neither, the particle is intensifying and ...
  • NI
    neither, the particle is intensifying and ...
  • NI in the Spelling Dictionary:
    neither, the particle is intensifying and ...
  • NO...
    neither connects simple sentences in enumerative relations nor... Forms pronominal words with meaning. negations + no one, nothing, none, no one, nowhere, ...
  • NI in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Serves to strengthen denial. + I didn’t meet a single person. neither B affirmative sentence in combination with pronominal words "who", ...
  • NI in Dahl's Dictionary:
    with negation in general, meaning. denial, refusal, prohibition: lack, absence; without exclusivity; firm and general denial. Not a speck of dust. Not a penny...
  • NI
    (no impact.). The part of the pronouns “nobody” and “nothing” that is separated when combined with a preposition. I haven't heard anything. From no one...
  • NI in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    (without impact), particle. 1. amplifier in negative. proposals. used before a noun with the word “one”, which can be omitted in all cases, ...
  • NI
    1. Wed. several Name of a letter of the Greek alphabet. 2. conjunction Us. with increasing negation and connection of homogeneous members of a sentence or whole...
  • NI
    I uncl. Wed Name of a letter of the Greek alphabet. II conjunction Used to strengthen the negation and connection of homogeneous members of a sentence or whole...
  • NI in the Bolshoi Modern explanatory dictionary Russian language:
    I uncl. Wed Name of a letter of the Greek alphabet. II conjunction Used to strengthen negation when connecting homogeneous parts of a sentence or whole...
  • TAKE in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - 1) steal, 2) detain, ...
  • GIVE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , I will give, you will give, I will give, I will give, I will give, I will give; gave, gave, gave and gave, gave (did not give and did not give, did not give, ...
  • TAKE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , I'll take it, you'll take it; took, -a, -o; taken (taken, -a, -o); soy 1. see take. 2. Usage combined with the union...
  • GIVE
    yes, I will give, give, give, give, give, give, give, yes, l, give, yes, da, li, give, give, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, who, yes, yes, lice, yes, ...
  • TAKE in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    take, take, take, take, take, take, take, took, took, took, took, take, take, those, took, took, who took, who took, who took, who took, who took, ...
  • GIVE in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I'll give you, you'll give me, past. gave, gave "a, d"alo and gave"o, Sov.; give"at, nsv. 1) (what, what to whom/what) Extend sth. ...
  • TAKE in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language.
  • GIVE
    1. ‘to hand over from hand to hand’ Syn: to submit, to transfer, to hand over (raised), to give 2. ‘to give something for temporary or permanent use...
  • TAKE in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
  • GIVE in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    1. ‘to hand over from hand to hand’ Syn: to give, to transfer, to hand over (raised), to give 2. ‘to give something away temporarily or ...
  • TAKE in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: grab, seize, borrow, borrow, lend Ant: give, ...
  • GIVE
    || God forbid, God forbid, don’t give offense, don’t let someone step on your foot, don’t give in...
  • TAKE in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see take, marry, conquer || neither give nor take, the hunt took, taken separately, what did you take? - mushroom …
  • GIVE
    hand over from hand to hand Syn: hand over, hand over, hand over (raised), give away, give something for temporary or permanent use to someone Syn: ...
  • TAKE in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: grab, seize, borrow, borrow, lend Ant: give, ...
  • GIVE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    owls trans. and uninterrupted. cm. …
  • TAKE in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • GIVE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • TAKE in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • GIVE full spelling dictionary Russian language:
    give, give, give, give, give, give, give; past gave, gave...
  • TAKE in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    take, will take, will take; past took, took...
  • GIVE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    give, give, give, give, give, give, give; past gave, gave, ...
  • TAKE in the Spelling Dictionary:
    take, take, take; past took, took, ...
  • GIVE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    == ask N4 I'll give it to you! (threat). give == provide D. with premises. D. work. D. place. D. possibility of something. do. ...
  • TAKE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Colloq. Usage to highlight what will be the subject of further statement + Take (take) this case: it is typical. take Colloq. ...
  • GIVE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, I'll give, pov. give me, please gave, gave (gave wrong), gave, gave, with neg. didn't give, didn't...
  • TAKE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I'll take it, you'll take it, past. took, took, took, Sov. 1. Sov. to take 2. without additional Deduce from something. conclusion, decision, take into account...
  • GIVE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    owls trans. and uninterrupted. cm. …
  • TAKE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    owls trans. and uninterrupted. 1) a) Grab, grab with your hand, hands. b) Take it in your hands. c) transfer Grab it with your lips and teeth. G) …
  • GIVE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    owls trans. and uninterrupted. cm. …
  • TAKE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    owls trans. and uninterrupted. 1. Grab, grab with your hand, hands. Ott. Take it in your hands. Ott. trans. Grab it with your lips and teeth. Ott. nepereh. ...
  • GIVE in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I owls trans. see give I II owls. trans. see give II III owls. trans. see give III IV owls. ...
  • TAKE in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I owls trans. 1. Pick it up, grab it with your hand, hands, tongs, etc. Ott. decomposition Collect. Ott. trans. Do something...
  • XIII UNIMPACTED PARTICLES NOT AND NOR in the Russian Language Rules:
    § 48. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling of unimpacted particles not and neither. These particles differ in meaning and use. 1. Particle...